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Year 7 News
Message from Miss Reed
I would like to welcome back all students and Parents/Carers to our Summer Term. I cannot believe that we are now into the final term before Year 7 become the new Year 8!
Last week, students were part of an assembly lead by Mr Price and Miss Dyer around our expectations of them in order to maintain the high standards that we have of our students. Students are expected to wear the uniform and PE kit perfectly and should bring a note if they are unable to wear it correctly. Having the correct equipment is also extremely important which includes a reading book to support our DEAR time programme that happens each day.
Y7 Parents Evening Thursday 4th May
Parents evening takes place next week and is virtual. You should now have received a letter explaining the process, you can find a copy of this letter here. All appointments should be made via Edulink. If there are teachers you do not manage to speak with, please feel free to email them directly. All email addresses can be found on our school website here. This is a great opportunity for you to gain an update on your son/daughters progress and attitude to learning within all subject areas.
The PE summer extra-curricular timetable is now out and started this week, you can see the timetable further on in the Sports Super Stars section of this bulletin. I would encourage students to have a look and decide which club they would like to attend. There are also clubs that run in other subject areas for students to be a part of.
Congratulations to the following three students who have received the most ARE points since the Easter Break.