RVHS Bulletin Weekending 19 March 2021

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“Our vision is to be the school of choice for our local community, developing successful young people with high aspirations, who show respect for all and endeavour to become the very best that they can be.”

RVHS Bulletin Weekending Friday 19th March 2021


Message from the Headteacher It has been wonderful to have the school fully reopen this week; and the corridors and classrooms feel full and alive! Most of our students are delighted to be back in lessons and socialising with their friends. Obviously, there are some who aren't and have found the whole experience quite overwhelming. We are offering them full our support and please do make it known to us if your child is struggling, but has not come forward or been identified. I am delighted to inform you all that Roding Valley High School, our Science department and four members of staff have been nominated in this year’s Essex Teaching Awards. Science Teacher (Challenge and Enrichment) Shetal Patel, English teacher (Ed Tech) Charlotte Bleakley, Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) Paige Larkin and Science Teacher Mohamed Ibrahim are nominated in the West Essex Secondary School Teaching Staff category. The Science department is in the running for the Essex Whole Teams (West Essex) award with its nomination highlighting the efforts of the department for going "above and beyond during the autumn term, providing exceptional home learning resources to support our students isolating at home". The Entire School nomination highlights the support given to students and parents "throughout these challenging times". The nomination adds: "The school has worked tirelessly to keep parents informed every step of the way and support students in their learning. They quickly adapted to online learning with an incredible amount of support for students and parents and continually checked in on students' welfare and mental health by providing regular phone calls home. The teachers and staff have not only excelled at continuing with the students' education but have also provided a huge amount of support and care to the students."




I am incredibly proud and grateful for these nominations which came from the parent body, fellow colleagues and students. My staff are greatly appreciative of the recognition of their efforts. The students have been brilliant whilst in school at following all of the required COVID safety routines and have been excellent with the wearing of face coverings inside the school buildings. I must, however, remind parents that we are still operating in a COVID secure way and our procedures include the adherence to staggered start and finish times. This is to reduce close contacts and the flow of students into the community.


Follow us: @RodingValleyHS




Please do note the updated Parent Guide GOV UK- Schools during COVID-19 March 2021. I have been contacted by EFDC COVID Compliance about our students congregating both before and after school so please ensure that your child plans their travel to arrive just before their start time. At the end of the day they should be leaving the school site and travelling directly home. Please see below the arrival times for each Year group: Year Group

Arrival time and Zone

Year 7

8.20am @ Zone 3

Year 8

8.30am @ Zone 1

Year 9

8.30am @ Zone 2

Year 10

8.50am @ Zone 1

Year 11

8.50 @ Zone 2

Year 12/13

9.00am @ Front entrance (car park)

I also wanted to thank all of our volunteers for their fantastic support with the on-site testing. From Monday, all students will be testing at home twice a week. Please refer to Mr Mammen’s detailed instruction letters and school process for reporting results. The DfE has confirmed that when secondary-aged pupils begin to test themselves from home, a positive LFD result should then be followed by a confirmatory PCR test. Students must then self-isolate at home for 10 days. It is only if the pupil then tests negative on the PCR test, which will override the LFT test they took at home, that they will be able to return to school earlier. This is confirmed in government guidance link When to Take a Lateral Flow Test and When to Take A PCR Test? Lateral flow tests are important in identifying asymptomatic cases of COVID19 infection. They are not designed or suitable for those who have coronavirus symptoms. It is very important that children, young people or adults who do have any symptoms of COVID19, undertake a PCR test and NOT a lateral flow test. PCR tests can be booked online to take place via a testing site, or a test delivered to your home at https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test. The rules of self-isolation if you are symptomatic still apply. They are an essential contribution to infection control measures and risk assessments that schools are required to implement to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus. The availability of rapid lateral flow testing had not changed this requirement. Anyone not isolating and seeking a PCR test if they have symptoms, even if they have a negative lateral flow test, is knowingly putting other people at risk. It is essential at this critical stage of the national roadmap that we all comply with these requirements. The symptoms of covid-19 are all or any of the following:  A high temperature  A new, continuous cough  A loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste We appreciate that your concern is to return your children to school as soon as possible and that lateral flow tests are the quickest type of test, but they are the not the right test to be used if your child has symptoms. We must ensure the right processes are followed, for the safety of our whole school community. To reiterate, Students who display COVID symptoms MUST NOT attend the school site and MUST take a PCR test. On Monday, both Year 11 and Year 13 commence their planned assessments - full details and instructions are included in this bulletin. You will also see a ‘Revision & Study support’ section from Ms Larkin, which outlines where you can find all of our revision resources, templates, personalised checklists and much more. Please also click on links to recent letters for support with this. Please do note that next weeks’ bulletin will be a special edition focussed on Key Stage 3 Celebration of Achievement, something I very much look forward to. Kind regards Sharon Jenner - Headteacher

Year 11 & Year 13: As you all know, you will be completing a series of assessments over the next coming weeks. We know that you are going to do fantastically well and we will support you every step of the way! If you would like to access some RVHS revision resource materials to support your revision & study process. Please click on the links below: 1.

Revision Resource page on our school website


Our most recent Parent forum recording on top tips for revision at RVHS


Our updated PLCs (Personalised Learning checklists) for Year 11 and Year 13


Templates & guidance on RVHS revision strategies


Year 11 English, Maths & Science Guides - Don't forget that ALL Year 11 students were given comprehensive revision packs containing guides for ENGLISH, MATHS, SCIENCE & MFL. Please do encourage your son/daughter to engage with these incredibly helpful resources!

Lastly, if you need any further guidance or support, do not hesitate to contact subject teachers directly or you can contact me on plarkin@rodingvalley.net I am always happy to help!

Return of Revision Guides to RVHS (Year 11) We would be extremely grateful if students could donate their revision guide pack back to RVHS to use with future GCSE students. The guide pack was handed out before February half term and will hopefully support our Year 11s throughout their assessment process. Before their last day, boxes will be left out on the back playground for students to drop guides into for us to then distribute to our Year 10 students. On top of this, if your son/daughter has any subject course guides that may be of help to future GCSE students, then please donate these too! This would help enormously- Thank you.

Message from KS3 Progress Leaders The new normal has started at about the same time as the one-year anniversary of the first lockdown, but this week it has felt as if we have never been away from the school. There have been a few changes such as the predominance of the 1970’s Bay City Roller haircuts and many of the boys looking like they have been manually stretched during lockdown; but I have to admit that it's been tiring to have them back, but a real privilege. They have been organised and focused and have been a real credit to themselves and the school. I am fully aware that the return to school for some children has been hard and I must reiterate that we are here to help and make that transition as smooth as we can. Please get in contact with your YPL or your child's academic mentor if you would like support or guidance during this difficult time. Next week, we will be doing the traditional end-of-term celebration assembly and we have been inundated with comments and commendations regarding the students in Year 7,8 and 9. You will be able to see the recipients of these awards in next week's bulletin so please make sure you check your inboxes for the email and attachment.

Good to have you all Back!

Miss Reed – Year 7 Progress Leader, Miss Edwards – Year 8 Progress Leader and Mr Dobson - Year 9 Progress Leader

Year 10 It has been a huge pleasure to have welcomed students back on the school site. It is great to see them back learning in our classrooms and interacting with their peers. It has been great to see the maturity that year 10 has shown towards getting stuck back into studying for their GCSEs. While I recognise that this time is exciting to some, it is also a very anxious and worrying time for others. As in my last message, it is important that our young people know how they can reach support when needed. Year progress leaders, Mr Price, Mrs Dyson and the rest of the pastoral support team are here to support, students can also speak to any teacher they feel confident enough to talk to. I would like to also remind parents of the iamnotok@rodingvalley.net email address, this is for any students who need to reach out so someone when they are not feeling ok. The team at RVHS want to ensure that all students are supported in their return to school and normality. While studying at home also suited some, there will be some students who feel behind or that they have not had the 'normal' support from their teachers. It is important that students use these first two weeks to enter into conversations with their teachers about their progress and how they can move forward in their studies. We will also be communicating with parents with regards to supportive interventions we are running as a school to support the progress of students. I want to congratulate all students on their amazing efforts over the last two weeks, we have an amazing set of young people in this Year group and I am proud of each and every one of them. I look forward to being back in school myself shortly

Mr Warry – Year 10 Progress Leader

Year 11 It has been an absolutely incredible two weeks for the Year group. They have come back to school and have really focussed on the preparation for the assessments. I really need to emphasise that we will do everything we can to award the best grade possible for the students. Going through this is incredibly stressful for both students and parents. I would recommend that over the weekend the students take some time to relax and try to feel calm. I would recommend an early night on Sunday and to eat a decent breakfast on Monday morning. Our Year 11 PPEs will begin on Monday 22nd March and run to the 27th April. The Easter holidays fall in this period. I have included below some important Information that students will need to be aware of for these exams, please do ensure that you read these. If you have any questions regarding the upcoming PPEs, please do come and speak with me.

Mr Ryan – Year 11 Progress Leader

Year 11 PE Lessons From Monday 22nd March, students will either be in exams during their PE Lesson or if they are not in an exam, they will leave at the end of lunch (2pm)

Interventions There will be no Period 7 during the PPEs. Year 11 Students will leave at 3pm or at the end of their afternoon exam.

Easter Revision There will be some revision session offered during the first week of the Easter Holiday. These sessions will be predominantly online with a limited number being invited on some days for a targeted session

Year 11 Revision Sessions Monday 29 Mar

Tuesday 30 Mar

Wednesday 31 Mar

Thursday 1 Apr

9am 10:30am



French H Spanish H Computer Science


11am 12:30pm



French F Spanish F


1pm to 2:30pm




Exam Arrangements     

Exams will start at 9am promptly Students will enter the site via the Sports Centre Gate in the morning Students need to ensure that they are at the gate at 8:40am at the latest to ensure a prompt start Students will return to their lessons at the end of the morning session Students doing the afternoon exams will be dismissed at the end of the exam and will leave via the Sports Hall Gate

Year 11 Exam Timetable Date

AM Session Start (9:00am)

Monday 22 March

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

PM Session End Go to Break

Exam: English Language (1hr 45mins) –Sports Hall & the Gym Tuesday 23 March

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Exam: Biology Paper 2 Combined (1hr 15 mins) - Sports Hall and Gym Exam: Biology Paper 2 Triple Science (1hr 45mins) - Sports Hall & the Gym Wednesday 24 March

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

 Double science go to Period 2 lesson  Triple Science students go to Break

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing Business

Go to Break

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing Geography

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Exam: English Literature 2 ACC and An Insp Calls (1hr 45mins) – Sports Hall and the Gym

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: Business Paper 1 (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: Geography 1 (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall Go to Break

Exam: Media Studies (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall Friday 26 March

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing history


Exam: History Paper 3 (1hr 20 mins) – Sports Hall

Exam: Maths Paper 1 Noncalculator (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall and the Gym Thursday 25 March

Start (13:30pm)

 Only Sociology students go to lunch at 13:00

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: Sociology 1 (1hr 45mins) – Sports Hall Go to Break

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing French/Spanish Exam: French/Spanish Reading Foundation (45 mins) – Sports Hall Exam: French/Spanish Reading Higher (1hr) – Sports Hall

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Year 11 Exam Timetable Continued Date

AM Session Start (9:00am)

Wednesday 14 April

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

PM Session End Go to Break

Exam: History – Anglo Saxons (50mins) –Sports Hall Thursday15 April

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Go to Break

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Tuesday 20 April

Go to Break

Go to Break

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Exam: Music (1hr 15mins) – CA2 Exam: Computer Science 1 (1hr 40mins) – Sports Hall

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing Business

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

 All students go to lunch at 13:00

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: Maths Paper 3 Calculator (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall and the Gym Go to Break

Exam: Physical Education 1 (1hr – Sports hall Exam: Drama (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall Exam: Religious Studies 1 (1hr 45mins – Sports Hall

Wednesday 21 April

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: Business 2 (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall

Exam: English Literature 1 Macbeth Unseen (1hr 45mins) – Sports Hall and the Gym Enter at Sports Hall Gate

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing Geography


Exam: Geography 2 (1hr) – Sports Hall

Exam: Physics 2 Combined (1hr 15mins) – Sports Hall and the Gym Exam: Physics 2 Triple Science (1hr 45mins) – Sports Hall and the Gym

Monday 19 April

 All go to Lunch at 13:00 Exam: Maths Paper 2 Calculator (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall and the Gym

Exam: English Language 2 (1hr 45mins)- Sports Hall and Gym

Friday 16 April

Start (13:30pm)

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing French

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: French Listening

Foundation (35mins) – Drama Hut Exam: French Listening Higher (45mins) – the Gym Go to Break

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing Spanish Exam: Spanish Listening Foundation (35mins) – Drama Hut Exam: Spanish Listening Higher (45mins) – Sports Hall

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Year 11 Exam Timetable Continued Date

AM Session Start (9:00am) Enter at Sports Hall Gate

PM Session End Go to Break

Thursday 22 April

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Go to Break

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Go to Break

Enter at Sports Hall Gate

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

 All students go to lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing History

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: History Superpowers/Cold War (50mins) - Sports Hall

Go to Break

Exam: Physical Education 2 (1hr) – Sports Hall Exam: Religious Studies 2 (1hr 45mins) – Sports Hall Exam: CAMNAT Sport

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing Sociology


Exam: Chemistry 2 Combined (1hr 15mins) – Sports Hall and the Gym Exam: Chemistry 2 Triple (1hr 45mins) – Sports hall and the Gym Tuesday 27 April

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: Sociology 2 (1hr) – Sports

Exam: French/Spanish Writing Foundation (1hr) – Sports Hall Exam: French/Spanish Writing Higher (1hr 15mins) – Sports Hall Monday 26 April

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing Geography 


Exam: Geography 3 (1hr 30mins) – Sports Hall

Exam: Computer Science 2 (1hr 40mins) – Sports Hall Exam: Hospitality & Catering (1hr 30mins) - Sports Hall Friday 23 April

Start (13:30pm)

 All go to Lunch at 13:00  Preference for students doing BTEC IT

Leave via Sports Hall Gate

Exam: BTEC IT (1hr 30mins) – Sports


Return of Revision Guides to RVHS (Year 11) We would be extremely grateful if students could donate their revision guide pack back to RVHS to use with future GCSE students. The guide pack was handed out before February half term and will hopefully support our Year 11s throughout their assessment process. Before their last day, boxes will be left out on the back playground for students to drop guides into for us to then distribute to our Year 10 students. On top of this, if your son/daughter has any subject course guides that may be of help to future GCSE students, then please donate these too! This would help enormously- Thank you.

Sixth Form Year 13 PPE's Year 13 students start their PPE's next week and continue beyond Easter and I wanted to wish them all the best of luck! I am really confident that they will revise well and smash them! I have included the timetable below.

University Applicants Please see Mr Fletcher if you have any queries regarding making your firm and insurance offers over the next few weeks as once this is done you can begin to organise your accommodation.

Late Applications Please note any students who may have changed their mind are able to make 'late' university applications.

Apprenticeships Any students who have not applied to university and are considering degree apprenticeships or alternative apprenticeships, please see Mr Fletcher or Mrs Mason for a chat about 'next steps'. Mr Fletcher – Director of Sixth Form

Year 13 Exam Timetable Date


Monday 22 March

BTEC IT – Creating Systems Part A


Tuesday 23 March

BTEC IT – Creating Systems Part B


Wednesday 24 March

Further Maths – Stats 1 History 1 - Ussr

1hr 30 2hrs 15

Thursday 25 March

English Literature 1 Further Maths – Mechs 1 Spanish Listen, Read, Write

Friday 26 March Wednesday 14 April Thursday 15 April

Roo m





Business 1 Biology 1




3hrs 1hr 30 2hrs 30



BTec IT – ITY Systems




CTech Sport Unit 1 Physics 2

1hr 30 2hrs



2hrs 15 1hr 30



Geography 1 History 2 – Gdr


IT3/4 IT3/4



2hrs 2hrs



Psychology 2




Physics 1 Religious Studies1 – Philosophy Politics 1 - Politics

2hrs 2hrs 2hrs






Maths 1 Media 1

2hrs 2hr



Further Maths – Pure 1 Computer Science 1 Sociology 2

1hr 30 2hrs 30 2hrs



Economics 1

Year 13 Exam Timetable continued Date





Friday 16 April

Monday 19 April

Wednesday 21 April

Politics 2 Government Media 2 English Literature 2 Computer Science 2

Thursday 22 April

Sociology 3 Chemistry 2

Friday 23 April

Economics 2

Tuesday 20 April




Politics 3 – USA CTech Sport Unit 3 Chemistry 1 Maths 2 Religious Studies 2 Ethics CTech Sport Unit 4

2hrs 1hr 2hrs



2hrs 2hrs 1hr 30



2hrs 2hrs



Psychology 3




2hrs 30 2hrs 30



Geography 2 Spanish Writing

2hr 15 2hrs



2hrs 2hrs



Maths 3 Drama Religious Studies 3

2hrs 1hr 40 2hrs






Geography 3 History 3 Empire

2hrs 15 2hrs 15



Business 2 Biology 2 Further Maths – Pure 2

2hrs 2hrs 1hr 30



Monday 26 April

RVHS Careers I hope you all enjoyed participating in National Careers Week. Year 11 and Year 13 it is not too late to apply for College/ University. If you are unsure of what educational place you want to apply for then please get in touch for some support. Students and Parents, if you want any information about Post 16 or Post 18 options then please email me dmason@rodingvalley. net. Students remember to check out your Google Careers Classrooms and follow the department on twitter @RVHS_careers


Guidance on Coronavirus Related Absences in School Please see the guidance below, which gives you advice on the actions you will need to take for any Covid-19 related circumstances.

What to do if…

Action Needed

Return to school when…

Attendance Code

 The test comes


My child has coronavirus symptoms  High Temperature: This means your child feels hot to touch on the chest or back  New, Continuous Cough: This means coughing a lot for more than an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours  Loss or Change To Your Childs Sense Of Smell Or Taste: This means your child cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal My child tests positive for coronavirus

   

   

Somebody in my household has coronavirus symptoms

DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL CONTACT SCHOOL DAILY AT covid@rodingvalley.net Self-isolate Get a test Inform school immediately about test result

DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL CONTACT THE SCHOOL DAILY AT covid@rodingvalley.net Self-isolate for at least 10 days Inform school immediately about test result at covid@rodingvalley.net DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL

CONTACT THE SCHOOL DAILY AT covid@rodingvalley.net

 

Self-isolate Household member to get a test Inform the school immediately about test result at covid@rodingvalley.net


 They feel better.


They can return to school after 10 days even if they have a cough or loss of smell/taste. These symptoms can last for several weeks once the infection is gone.

 The household member test is Negative


Guidance on Coronavirus Related Absences in School Continued What to do if…

Action Needed

 

Somebody in my household has tested positive for coronavirus

NHS test and trace have identified my child as a ‘Close Contact’ of somebody with symptoms or confirmed coronavirus We/my child has travelled and has to self-isolate as part of a period of quarantine

  

 

DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL CONTACT THE SCHOOL DAILY AT covid@rodingvalley.net Self-isolate for 10 days DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL CONTACT THE SCHOOL DAILY AT covid@rodingvalley.net Self-isolate for 10 days DO NOT TAKE UNAUTHORISED LEAVE IN TERM TIME Consider quarantine requirements and FCO advice when booking travel

Return to school Attendance Code when…

 The child has completed 10 days of selfisolation

 The child has completed 10 days of selfisolation



 The quarantine X period of 10 days has been completed

Provide information to school as per attendance policy Returning from A Destination Where Quarantine Is Needed:

  

CONTACT SCHOOL DAILY AT covid@rodingvalley.net Self-isolate for 10 days

DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL  The school will X inform you  Contact school as required by the that Pastoral Team restrictions  Shield until you are informed that have been restrictions are lifted and shielding lifted and you is paused again child can  Copy of medical letter advising return to shielding MUST be supplied to the school again school If your child is absent from school with something that does not initially have any of the Covid-19 symptoms but this then changes, and you get them tested, you MUST inform the school of this as a matter of urgency if you have not already done so. We have received medical advice that my child must resume shielding


Guidance on Coronavirus Related Absences in School Continued In the event of a student or staff member in our school testing positive, we will follow the Government Guidelines as set out by Public Health England and will inform you immediately of the measures we have been advised to take. The latest government guidance can be found here. This is the specific part of the guidance related to our approach to the action we need to take in case of a local lockdown. This can involve a rota system and not all students attending school all of the time. You can read the guidelines here. All other absences not related to Covid-19 will be recorded in the normal way (Please refer to our Attendance Policy here for further information on attendance codes etc.).


Explore together: Ask your child to show you their favourite websites and apps and what they do on them. Listen, show interest and encourage them to teach you the basics of the site or app.


Chat about online safety little and often: Young people are likely to want to explore new apps and websites this month, whether that is for learning or for fun. Take this opportunity to talk to them about how to stay safe on these new services, and in general. Ask if anything ever worries them while they are online. Make sure they know that if they ever feel worried, they can get help by talking to you or another adult they trust.


Help your child identify trusted adults who can help them if they are worried: This includes you and other adults at home, as well as adults from wider family, school or other support services who they are able to contact at this time. Encourage them to draw a picture or write a list of their trusted adults.

4 5

Be non-judgemental: Explain that you would never blame them for anything that might happen online, and you will always give them calm, loving support. Talk about how their online actions can affect others: If your child is engaging with others online, remind them to consider how someone else might feel before they post or share something. If they are considering sharing a photo/video of somebody else, they should always ask permission first.


Parental controls: Make use of the parental controls available on your home broadband and any internet enabled device in your home. You can find out more about how to use parental controls by visiting your broadband provider’s website.


Direct your child to age appropriate information about relationships and sex: It’s natural for young people to start exploring their sexual feelings online and adolescents are more inclined to take risks. It’s important to understand this and to talk to your child in a positive way. Thinkuknow, Brook, The Mix and Childline all provide age appropriate information about relationships and sex that you can signpost your child to.


Make sure they know about CEOP: Young people can report a concern about grooming or sexual abuse to CEOP at www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ and get support from a specialist Child Protection Advisor.

Support your child with Thinkuknow websites The age appropriate Thinkuknow websites are a great way to start and continue chats about online safety.

 11-13yrs Thinkuknow website: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/11_13/  14yrs + Thinkuknow website – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/14_plus/ Our websites provide open and honest guidance for young people on friends, relationships and the internet, covering topics like dealing with pressure; consent; and getting support when you are worried. You will find lots more advice on keeping your child safe online at www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents. If you are worried that a child or young person is at risk of harm online, you should call the police. Young people can make a report to CEOP at https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Other Recommended Resources Parent Info: Expert information for parents about building their child’s resilience both online and off. Produced by NCA-CEOP and Parent Zone. This free service can be embedded on to your child’s school website. www.parentinfo.org Brook: Information and advice for young people on sexual health and wellbeing, including staying safe online. https://www.brook.org.uk The Mix: Support service for young people with information and advice on sex and relationships. https://www.themix.org.uk Internet Matters: A useful tool showing how to set parental controls across a range of devices and websites. http://www.internetmatters.org/parentalcontrols/interactive-guide/ NSPCC Net Aware: Provides reviews and guidance on the most popular social networks, apps and games that children use. https://www.net-aware.org.uk/ Childnet – Information and advice for parents and carers on supporting people online. https://www.childnet.com/resources/supporting-youngpeople-online

We are very proud to announce that a selection of our student’s work is now available to view at The Lopping Hall as part of the EFDC Festival of Culture 2021. To view our students amazing Art work, please visit: https://www.loppinghall.org.uk/lopping-hall-art

With Miss Fazakerley Miss Fazakerley will now be running a Yoga session, every Tuesday at 4pm to 5pm remotely. All students that would like to participate, please speak to Miss Fazakerley or alternatively you can register your interest by emailing jfazakeley@rodingvalley.net .

Congratulations to all of the students that participated in our Around the World House Challenge, the results are as follows;

 1st - Hawking = 50 points: 1285.36km  2nd - Murray = 40 points: 1216.99km  3rd - Pankhurst = 30 points: 808.32km  4th - Churchill = 20 points: 493.55km  5th - Rendell = 10 points: 296.19km The following students are students who entered the most times per Year group, alongside the distance they achieved, which went towards their overall House totals:

Year 7  Mia Prentice: Pankhurst - 24 entries = 204.8km  Tom Carter: Hawking - 21 entries = 149.78km  James Pound: Hawking - 21 entries = 96km Year 8  Ruby Mace: Murray - 15 entries = 201.14km  Jayan Hard: Rendell - 10 entries = 65.1km  Melody Anderson-Sceats: Murray - 10 entries = 62.29km Year 9

 Daniel Carter: Hawking - 18 entries = 135.59km  Safa Malik: Murray - 9 entries = 44km  Freddie Bayless: Murray - 8 entries = 46.92km We have measured the distance each House travelled on the map below:

Congratulations to all of the KS3 students that have written Back to School Poetry this week, which has been inspired by our return to school from lockdown, we decided to spread positivity and happiness by sharing all the things we’ve missed and enjoyed during our first week back!


Thank you to Miss Woods for sharing their work with us and we hope you enjoy reading their creative work!

A Lonely School

Positivity A long-awaited moment We will be socialising again Exciting events are arising We are all hoping, Hoping for better times Slowly becoming more positive Positivity is key We will finally be free Lockdown was tiring, But we are back now Times are unpredictable, But we have learned to make life more liveable Bianca Nedelcu, Year 9

A New Adventure The first day of school Not sure what’s in store A brand new subject A whole lot more Making new friends Seeing old ones too. What will we learn? I haven’t a clue. I have so many questions About how this year will be A brand new adventure We’ll have to wait and see! Melody Anderson-Sceats, Year 8

I’m alone. My playing fields are lush and green, My halls clean and freshly painted, The playground is ready, It's Easter soon. Why aren't they rehearsing for the upcoming show? Where are they? I’ve been alone for three months now, A few teachers are around and a smattering of children. But it's not right, it's all wrong! The buzz in the corridors, the lively banter has gone, My bricks are as strong as ever, But where are my children? I’m not alone, not anymore Shhh, can you hear that? I can hear shouting, I can see children, I can smell the sanitiser, I can see the masks, I can tell that behind the masks, muffling their chatter, The Spring has brought my children back. I am a school once more! Anthony Dean, Year 8

A Sublime Return to School!

Supremely ecstatic and exhilarated to return,

Cheerfully sitting in my classroom, Hearing the classroom come alive, Overjoyed to meet everyone, Once again, contentment – I can’t wait to escape my prison on monotonous boredom, Leaving home and returning to school is truly a miracle! Roma Desai, Year 7

Day One


Waking up at 7 is something I had forgotten. And even though my energy was at rock bottom, I knew I’d make it through the day. And then at the end I’d smile and say, What a line of luck I’ve gotten.

Such excitement, brewing and bubbling You really can't blame me, home schooling was troubling But now we are back and I can see Being at school is how it should be

As I finally got to school, I tried to keep my cool. I finally saw my friends, It felt like we hadn’t spoken in years, Despite all the messages we sent.

Such excitement, seeing my friends Especially after these turns and bends We never knew what would happen But there is no time to upset or sadden

I got to see my favourite teachers again, I felt so tired but I tried to pretend That I was full of energy. I worked hard, and put in 100 percent, And I went back through my memories. Our time to get tested finally came, I was so nervous that I stuttered when I said my name. Luckily, it wasn’t too bad. And I didn’t test positive, I would have freaked out if I had! And luckily, my classmates tested the same. As more classes went by, I did my best to try To get as much work down as I could, And I knew that soon we would Be sent back home again.

Such excitement, because we're back at school Don't be sad, don't be a fool We should be happy This has all been wacky At least we’re not the Covid baddie Martyn Leonard, Year 7


As the last lesson ended, We all packed up and headed Back to our prisons of homes. As the virus still roams About on this earth. My mom asked me how my day was And I told her that it was good because Even though it was back to work We could still put on a smirk And make it through the day. As nightfall came, I started to wonder What the next day would bring But I had no time to ponder And got back to bed, thinking about anything. Time to do it all over again tomorrow... Tiffany Hansen, Year 8

Going back to school Even looking in the halls May make us feel scared But we are all prepared Seeing your friend Because we get the time to spend We got off to a bad start But all taking proud in our heart We will achieve Only if we can believe Opening the door And stepping onto the floor Makes you feel like there is more Like ever before We all know that covid It has been and exploded But there is still hope Only is we all adjust and cope Isabelle Davenport, Year 7

What I Have Missed

T-was the night before school…

Back at school once again, To learn, have fun and see my friends, I have missed...

It was time to go to bed My routine was back again All the noise and all the laughs I remembered in the halls

History, English, Maths and Art, But that’s not enough, that’s just the start! I have Geography, History and Music too, But most of all I have missed seeing you... The new pandemic has made everything wrong, But hopefully soon, we can celebrate its extinction,

It was scary the first night But the next it was alright Then the homework given back But at least my friends were back Some things positive, some not For example, hurting thoughts But if you relax they’re gone Like a cloud good thoughts appear

By singing a song, We have been at Home for long enough, Surely, we survived, but it was tough, But now that everything is getting better now we’re at school, Everything will be fun and really cool!

In the morning walk to school Scared like elephants of movements We all come into our classrooms Sit, and laugh then joy outcomes...

Hannah Seres, Year 7

Amanda Bucinskaite, Year 7

Calling all budding KS3 Writers, if you would like to join our Creative Writing Club, please use the following Google Classroom code:

kjciqlp Year 10:

 Aston Weaver  Coby Mizzi  Jack Thurgood  Tugwal Turp  Nathan Blake for an excellent start to Biology and Chemistry lessons.

Congratulations to the following students for their excellent participation and effort in Science and have been nominated by Mrs Patel as her Star Students this week.

Year 11

       

Eliie Dennis Libby Cole Lili Warden Harry Harrison Wall Jamie McSweeney George Horsfall Sienna Harding

Megan Passmore For their dedication in producing extra science work and having a positive attitude.

With Ms Preston

Volunteering and Charitable Work: This is a great opportunity to put something back, support other people and join a huge number of others in learning new skills, meeting people and building on experiences. Government Volunteering LINK

What is it? A free text message line operating 24/7 for people in mental health crisis that could be anything from grief and anxiety to suicidal thoughts. Launched by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in May 2019, Shout works by someone in need texting SHOUT to 85258, that person will then be put in touch with a trained Crisis Volunteer who will text back and forth until the person experiencing problems is feeling more calm.

How Can I Volunteer? Crisis Volunteers undergo 25 hours of online training over a six-week period before they’re up and running. After that they just need a laptop and a secure internet connection. All volunteers are asked to commit to 2-4 hours per week. Giveusashout

Trussell Trust Network What is it? With an aim to end hunger and poverty in the UK, Trussell Trust is a nationwide network of food banks that provides emergency food and support for people locked in poverty.

How can I volunteer? With over 62 food banks in the Greater London region alone, there are plenty of opportunities to join the 28,000 volunteers across the UK who are already doing great work with Trussell Trust. Whether you can commit to a few hours a month or a few days a week, the trust is always on the lookout for office, shop, warehouse and food bank centre volunteers. trusselltrust.org/volunteer.

What is it? Being a Samaritan means being there for people who need someone to listen. Last year over 20,000 people volunteered their time with us.

How can I volunteer? Anyone has it in them to be a Samaritan. You won’t need to have previous experience or qualifications, but you will need to be non-judgemental and accepting of others. Every seven seconds someone contacts us. Every seven seconds we can help someone turn their life around. As a listening volunteer you get the chance to make a real difference to someone’s future.

Samaritans Listening Volunteer

Congratulations to the winners of the House Pancake competition.

1st Place: Erick Szocs

2nd Place: Stacey Jones

RVHS Careers I hope you all enjoyed participating in National Careers Week. Year 11 it is not too late to apply for College. If you are unsure of what college place you want to apply for then please get in touch for some support. Students and Parents, if you want any information about Post 16 or Post 18 options then please email me dmason@rodingvall ey.net. Students remember to check out your Google Careers Classrooms and follow the department on twitter @RVHS_careers

3rd Place: Melisa Turkoglu

From Our Food & Nutrition Department Easter Egg Cookies Method 1. Heat oven to 190c/170c fan/gas  175g softened butter 5 and line 2 baking sheets with  200g light brown sugar baking parchment.  100g golden caster sugar 2. Lightly crush the mini  1tbls vanilla extract chocolate eggs, leaving some  1 large egg larger pieces to decorate.  250g plain flour 3. Tip the butter, sugars and vanilla into a bowl and beat with an  ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda electric hand whisk or a wooden spoon until pale and fluffy.  50g white chocolate chunks 4. Add the egg and beat again, then tip in the flour, bicarb, pinch of  100g dark chocolate chunks salt, then use a spatula or wooden spoon to mix together before adding the chocolate chunks and crushed mini eggs.  100g mini chocolate eggs 5. Scoop golf ball size mounds of cookie dough onto the baking Equipment Needed sheets, leaving plenty of space between each one. (You may need to bake in batches).  Mixing bowl  Wooden spoon or electric whisk 6. Push remaining mini egg pieces into the tops. 7. Bake for 15-18 minutes - for soft and chewy cookies, they should  Spatula be golden around the edges but paler in the middle. For a crisper  Baking trays finish, leave to bake for another couple of minutes.  Greaseproof paper 8. Remove from the oven and leave to cool for 10 mins before  Rolling pin cooling further on a wire rack. Ingredients

 Cooling rack

Easter Cornflake Nests

Method 1. Put the butter, chocolate Ingredients and syrup into a saucepan  50g butter and melt slowly over a low  100g milk chocolate broken into heat, then leave to cool chunks* slightly.  3tbls golden syrup* 2. Put the cornflakes in the  100g cornflakes mixing bowl, then pour over the slightly cooled  2 x packs mini eggs chocolate mix. 3. Stir the ingredients together using a wooden spoon. Equipment Needed 4. Spoon the mixture into 12 cupcake cases arranged in a muffin  12 cupcake cases tray (or baking sheet if you don’t have one). Pop 3 mini eggs  Saucepan on to each chocolate nest.  Mixing bowl 5. Put in the fridge to set. 

Wooden spoon

Muffin tin/baking tray

* You can use the chocolate/syrup weight equivalent in Mars bars.

Easy Hot Cross Buns Ingredients              

7g fast action yeast 110g caster sugar 375ml milk, warm 640g strong or plain flour 2tsp cinnamon 2tsp Mixed spice ½ tsp salt 210g sultanas 1-2 oranges, zest only 50g unsalted butter, melted 1 egg Extra flour for dough 75g flour + 5tbls water (for cross) 1tbls apricot jam (glaze)

Equipment Needed     

Large mixing bowl Measuring jug Palette knife Cling film Baking tray 31.5 x 23.5cm

 Piping bag or plastic bag

Method 6.

Place flour, yeast, sugar, mixed spice, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl. Lightly mix with a palette knife.


Add cooled butter, milk, egg, sultanas and zest and bring together to form a dough, then empty on to a floured surface and knead by hand for 10 minutes.


When the dough is smooth, leave dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and place in a warm place until doubled in size, approximately for an hour.


Line a 31.5 x 23.5 (approx.) baking tray with parchment paper.

10. Dust work surface with flour, and knead lightly then shape into a log. Cut into 12 equal pieces. 11. Roll each piece of dough to form a ball and place, smooth side up, on the baking tray. Repeat with the remaining dough onto the baking tray. 12. Spray a piece of cling film lightly with oil and cover the dough on the baking tray. 13. Return tray to warm place and leave for approximately 45 mins until the dough has risen once again. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. 14. Mix flour and water for the crosses until a thick runny paste forms and spoon into a piping bag or small bag with the corner snipped off. 15.

Remove cling film from the dough and pipe crosses on to the buns.


Bake in the oven for 22 minutes, or until the buns are a deep golden brown.


Meanwhile, place jam and water in a bowl, microwave for 30 seconds and mix to combine.


Remove buns from the oven and brush the jam mixture over each bun while warm.

Happy Baking xx


Read the question carefully and read the question twice.


Highlight the command word, what does this mean?


Highlight the focus of the question, what do you need to talk about?


Re - read your answers. Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar and edit where appropriate

RVHS YouTube Channel You can now visit our YouTube Channel where Video Teaching & instruction are available for you to watch. If you subscribe to our channel, you will be notified when new content is uploaded.

Congratulations to

Henry Twyford for being named as the Year 10 Star Student this week.

Today is Comic Relief 2021 and promises to be an entertaining evening in! One of the elements of our Character and Ethos at Roding Valley, is being involved in the community and supporting charities. This is something that our House System does particularly well. Involvement in the community, volunteering and charity work have been shown to support and promote positive mental health through focusing outside of ourselves in a helpful and constructive way. (Please see Wellbeing section of this bulletin for some further ideas) This year’s Houses have raised funds and supported the following charities:

To visit the Comic Relief 2021 Website, please click here.

How Can I Access Edulink? EduLink can be accessed on any device – PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device – via the web browser or via the EduLink app. The link to access the EduLink login page on a web browser is www.edulinkone.com Alternatively, you can download the EduLink App which is available to download for free on Apple or on Android. Both the App and the web browser will display this log-in screen.

Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

The School ID is ‘Roding’. Requires Android 4.4 and up.

Parents/Carers will need to enter the Username and Password they have been provided with and click ‘Log in’.

The displayed is dependant of the platform you are logged in to:  Via Web Browser  Via the EduLink App

Navigating Edulink You are able to navigate each of the following areas in EduLink: 

Achievement: You van view all positive achievements that have been awarded to your child

Behaviour: You will be able to see all behaviour points given to you child and any sanctions given to your child including detentions.

Medical Information: In this section you can see all of the medical information that we have on file for your child

Account Information: In this section you can view the current address we have for your child on file, your child’s Year group and the name of their Form tutor

Timetable: In this section you can view your child’s daily timetable

Absence Reporting: This feature will allow you to send a direct message to our Attendance Officer, to notify us of any absence for your child

Linked Resources: This section contains links to all the schools learning resources available to your child both at school and at home

Update Information: This section shows all of the contact information we hold for yourself and your child. You can review and update this information with any changes that may occur

Exams: You can see all of your child upcoming exams; your child can also access this information so they can manage their own exam schedule

Documents: In this section you can view your child’s reports

Parents can access information on all their children currently admitted to Roding Valley High School. If you require any assistance, please contact Mr Vermaak or Miss Stewart (mvermaak@rodingvalley.net or lstewart@rodingvalley.net )

Classroom How to Log on to Google Classroom? Students can log into their Gmail using their school email address and their password. Their school email will be the year they started at RVHS started plus their first initial and surname @rodingvalley.net (example- 19plarkin@rodingvalley.net). Once your child has have logged in, they will need to click on the google apps button and then select ‘Google Classroom’ Your child will then be able to see all of the classes they belong to. They will then need to click on the class they want to use resources for and take a look at everything that their class teacher has posted for them to work on. They will be able to download items and make comments on them. Teachers will be regularly posting new work on their Google Classrooms.

What to Do if your child is a Missing a Subject their Google Classroom? If your child is missing a Google Classroom for one of their subjects, they will need to click on the addition symbol, followed by ‘Join Class’ and then enter the Class Code for their missing subject. Class Codes are available from their subject teacher.

Top Tips for Our Students  Students must keep up to date with their lessons by using Google Classroom every day.  Use their workbooks to complete the work shown on their Google Classroom.  Don’t slack on presentation! Keep their notes in order of the lessons on the Google Classroom.  Year 11 and 13 Students: There will be revision materials available on Google Classroom. Please use them.

What is DODDLE? Doddle provides students with access to thousands of engaging, formative resources and guides students through the curriculum. Doddle Progress automatically tracks student attainment in key curriculum skills. Parents can see student attainment and progress through our easy-to-use Doddle Parent feature. Skills within Doddle are rated as red, amber or green. These ratings give a clear indication of how much progress a child has made and highlight the weaker areas to be targeted with revision.

Each student has a personal Doddle account where they can access their homework to-do lists and families can view the work their child has been assigned. These accounts enable parents to view their child's results and encourage them to better their scores by using Doddle's revision resources.

Find out how to create a Doddle Parent account and then link that account to your child with this short video:

Find out how our school uses Doddle Progress by watching our short video to find out how Progress works.

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on how to view your child's due and submitted homework:

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on how Progress works and how you can use it to help your child's learning.

This is a valuable resource that will assist parents in supporting their child’s progression. Please use the following link to the log in:

Find out how to view and track your child's homework with this short video.

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on Troubleshooting.

What is Seneca? Seneca is a free home learning & revision platform that is very popular with our students. It is based on cognitive science, has adaptive learning and can be accessed by our students via their phones!

What Content is available to our Students through Seneca? Seneca has resources available for KS3, KS4 and KS5 students that has been supplied to them from AQA, OCR, EdExcel Pearson and IGCSE. Our students will be able to access content designed for each of their subjects and also for their specific courses. There is so much to choose from. Some areas are even linked to the Exam Boards Course Specifications.

How to Access Seneca? Students will need to go to https://www.senecalearning.com/, click try for free and create a log in with their school email address.

Once Logged in Once they are logged in, students are able to search for different subject areas and learn about their chosen topic. At the end of each subject presentation there will be a quiz on the presentation This Online tool will enable our students to stay on top of their home learning.

Year Progress Leaders  Year 7: Miss Reed – hreed@rodingvalley.net  Year 8: Miss Edwards – cedwards@rodingvalley.net  Year 9: Mr Dobson – cdobson@rodingvalley.net  Year 10: Mr Warry – bwarry@rodingvalley.net  Year 11: Mr Ryan – fryan@rodingvalley.net


 Sixth Form: Mr Fletcher - mfletcher@rodingvalley.net

Heads of Faculty  Creative Arts: Mr Tisdale – dtisdale@rodingvalley.net  English: Mrs Routledge – lroutledge@rodingvalley.net  Humanities: Ms Preston – tpreston@rodingvalley.net  IT/Business: Mr Hussain – ohussain@rodingvalley.net  Maths: Mr Edeko – oedeko@rodingvalley.net  MFL: Mr P Melvin – pmelvin@rodingvalley.net  Science: Mr Poovillingham - npoovillingham@rodingvalley.net  Sports & Nutrition: Mr Jones – ljones@rodingvalley.net  SENDco: Mrs Tarantini-Amor – ltarantini-amor@rodingvalley.net

General Enquiries  office@rodingvalley.net

Finance  finance@rodingvalley.net

Safeguarding:  safeguarding@rodingvalley.net

How to contact any member of staff at Roding Valley High School: Initial + surname+@rodingvalley.net

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