RVHS Bulletin 29-04-2022

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“Our vision is to be the school of choice for our local community, developing successful young people with high aspirations, who show respect for all and endeavour to become the very best that they can be.”

RVHS Bulletin Weekending Friday 29th April 2022


Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a really good start to the summer term here in school and very busy in terms of revision and study. Our Year 11 and 13 students have been superstars in their pre-public exams (PPEs). The teachers are working hard marking and assessing, to ensure that our students can have some vital feedback & close the gap on any knowledge/skills to support their final preparations for their upcoming exams. This week, Ms Preston and Ms Larkin, led a 'Revision Technique' workshop. This was an interactive session that reminded students of our 'Tried & Tested' revision techniques. You can access this session, alongside all of our other excellent revision resources & subject pages on our GCSE microsite. We also took the opportunity to re-launch our bespoke revision microsite, please click here to access the GCSE one.



As you're aware, we also have a fantastic, bespoke, A-Level revision microsite click here to access it. The site contains subject specific pages, revision templates and more. We have plans to repeat these workshops for both Years 10 and 12 to support them in their upcoming PPEs. I am always so proud of our students and often blown away by their drive, care and passion for their school and their environment. This week we were quite overwhelmed with the sheer number of students who volunteered for our ‘Just Pick It Up’ campaign! This was a student-led initiative, organised by our Student Voice Team, to clear litter from the school site, supported by our Sixth Form House Leaders who made it into a House Competition. By the end of the week, I don’t know where they were finding the litter- but their competitive drive has pushed them on! Our school has never looked so clean. We can’t wait to see which House won!



We have written to parents this week with some important information regarding travel and conduct on the way to school. If you missed the letter - please click here.

Follow us: @RodingValleyHS




The letter also provides information on topics to be studied by all students in Personal Development lessons over this forthcoming term. All previous letters can be found on our website - Recent letters I was very proud to be a judge in the Challenge and Enrichment Independent project - winners will be announced in their Year 7 assembly next week. Details can be found further on in this bulletin. We are delighted to have relaunched our media service, which is provided by Everything Local News (part of the local news and information service Everything Epping Forest). We will be issuing media releases highlighting the achievements of our students, with the updates emailed to the local media as well as anyone who subscribes to receive them. To receive the updates please register your details HERE It is so pleasing to have many enrichment activities planned for the summer term and we are all looking forward to the term with renewed vigour and excitement. We are oversubscribed with student numbers for Year 7 in September 2022. We look forward to welcoming the many siblings and extended family into our community. We will also be running a 2-day summer school and many of our Year 10 students will be volunteering to support us. Thank you for taking the time to read this bulletin & please enjoy the celebrations & achievements within this edition. Enjoy the Bank Holiday Weekend. Best wishes Sharon Jenner Headteacher

Summer Exam Timetable Please click here to view. We would like to wish all of our Year 11 and Year 13 students Good Luck in their upcoming exams.

Our team is proud to be your child’s Year Progress Leader and very much looking forward to supporting your child and with such a great cohort of students, we are sure it will be a great half term. To ensure that you are aware of who your child’s Year Progress Leader is and who to contact, please refer to their details below:

Year 7: Mr Ryan To contact Mr Ryan, please email fryan@rodingvalley.net

Year 8: Miss Fazakerley To contact Miss Fazakerley, please email J Fazakerley@rodingvalley.net

Year 9: Miss Edwards To contact Miss Edwards, please email cedwards@rodingvalley.net

Year 10: Mr Fletcher and To contact Mr Fletcher, please email mfletcher@rodingvalley.net

Year 11: Ms Preston To contact Ms Preston, please email tpreston@rodingvalley.net

Year 7 We have now entered the final term of year 7 and it really is strange to think how quickly the year has gone by. Just before the Easter holidays we said goodbye to Mr. Member who was a very valued member of the year 7 team and we would like to welcome Ms. Stringer to the team who has made an incredible start. Over the Easter holidays, I had the privilege to take 45 students to Manchester to see Man. City vs Liverpool. The trip was incredible with the students representing the school well and really demonstrating how mature they now are. Even the coach driver liked the children so much that he joined in the impromptu football match that we had after pizza and used his coat as a goal. We aim to invite students to participate in as many school trips as possible. There is another trip where selected students have been invited to visit London Zoo and Ms Pinches is arranging another trip to The Museum of London. Last week we had the year 7 Challenge and Enrichment presentation. I was blown away with the quality of work on show and the variety of different people of note. The whole year was able to view these presentations and vote for their favourite. Mrs. Jenner and I can't wait to hand out the certificates in our assembly on Tuesday. I would like to take this opportunity to speak about behaviour on the Astro. As you are aware year 7 and 8 have the opportunity to spend their lunch break on the Astro, playing football. I would like to remind every student that no food or drink is allowed within the Astro enclosure. All students are required to wear Astro boots, to ensure the quality of the surface of the pitches. Students are on the Astro to play football, therefore there should be no groups of students standing in the way of play. Any misbehaviour on the Astro will result in a ban. On a lighter note the weather is now improving and it will (fingers crossed) begin to get warmer. All students should have a bottle of water to hand to ensure that they remain well hydrated throughout the day. I would also recommend that they take antihistamines (if they need to) before coming to school as the pollen count is getting quite high at the moment. I am so proud of the students who are participating in the school's litter campaign and would like to draw your attention to the many inter house and faculty competitions that year 7 can get involved in. I look forward to awarding as many if not more certificates at the end of the year to those students who have represented their house/year group or school in as many activities as possible.

Mr Ryan – Year 7 Progress Leader

New Timetables Does your child need a new copy of their timetable? You can now email timetables@rodingvalley.net to request a new timetable. Please state your child’s name and Academic Mentor group and a new timetable will be emailed back to you.

Congratulations to 7b/EN3 for achieving 3million words on Accelerated Reader. Please keep up the amazing work!!

Year 8 Welcome back after what I hope was a restful Easter holiday. We are back into the summer term with some beautiful weather, hopefully it will stay lovely and warm. Just a quick reminder about uniform, please ensure Blazers are always worn when not in the classrooms. Please be aware the weather is set to get warmer, so please ensure we have water bottles and they are filled at the water filling stations dotted around the school. As always we have lots of opportunities coming up so please ensure we are taking advantage of these. We have a few trips going out this term, one to Greenwich, which will be incredible. We have had lots of year 8's involved in the litter picking house competition, super excited to see the results! While we appreciate the days being longer and warmer please ensure that the students are going straight home. Additional reminder that water guns are not permitted in school and will be confiscated if seen. As always please do not hesitate to contact me (jfazakerley@rodingvalley.net) if you have any questions or concerns.

Miss Fazakerley – Year 8 Progress Leader Miss Fazakerley – Year 8 Progress Leader

On Thursday 28th April, 60 Year 7's and 60 Year 8's took part in the UK Mathematics Trust Junior Maths Challenge. The Junior Mathematical Challenge is a 60-minute, multiple-choice Challenge. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. The students found the Challenge very engaging and are really looking forward to receiving the results in the coming weeks.

In England, a Free School Meal (FSM) is a statutory benefit available to school aged children from families who receive other qualifying benefits and who have been through the relevant registration process. Recently, the process of applying for Free School Meals at Roding Valley High School has changed to an online application in order to improve speed and reduce the burden of paperwork for parents. For more information on the qualifying benefits and for more information, please visit our Free School Meals page on our school website. It is important that parents register their children for free school meals if they are entitled as the school receives additional funding known as the Pupil Premium to support the children’s learning. The use of the pupil premium is personalised to meet the needs of the children who are entitled to support, such as 1-1 tuition, additional LSA support and intervention groups, access to school visits, Learning Mentor, speech and language assistants, Family Support and counselling. If you believe that your child is eligible for Free School Meals, please click here to use our Free School Meals Checker. Your Certificate of Eligibility will then need to be emailed to Miss Hollis at ahollis@rodingvalley.net

Year 9 I would like to welcome everyone into our Summer term, our final one of Year 9, With three shortened weeks this half term, it is going to absolutely fly. Today, many of our eager scientists went on a STEM trip, visiting the L’Oréal Young Scientist Centre in London. I trust that they had a wonderful time and that they were able to see some relatable Science in action. Thanks to Mrs Harris for organising such a wonderful and enriching opportunity for those students. We have several other exciting trips going out this term. Ms Pinches, our Challenge and Enrichment co-ordinator will be taking groups to the London Dungeon and the British museum. We also have our Bronze Duke of Edinburgh students going out to complete their assessment expeditions. We also have some tennis fixtures organised for some of our tennis stars. I trust that all the students will be representing Roding Valley to the highest of standards. I am starting to receive many queries about our late policy. If a student arrives late to school (via the 'late' gate) or signing in through front reception, they will receive an automatic 20-minute lunch time detention that same day. They won't receive a slip or an email, it is an expectation that they simply just attend. Similarly, if a child arrives late to their period 1 lesson (form time), they will also receive the same 20-minute late detention. Unfortunately, we are starting to see more and more students who actually arrive to school on time, but then fail to line up with their form and attend period 1 on time. If they fail to attend their 20-minute lunch time detention, this will escalate to 60 minutes after school on a Friday. If they miss two lunch detentions in that same week, it will escalate to 100 minutes after school on a Friday. Please do reiterate to your child the importance of arriving to school on time and starting the day out correctly. I also wanted to remind parents about some of our uniform policy specifics. Students should not have painted nails, nor should they have long false nails. The only exception to this is nude colouring or French tip. Similarly, students shouldn't have any unnatural hair colours in their hair. We do really appreciate your support in further reinforcing these expectations with your child to ensure all students are adhering to our school uniform policy and maintaining our very high standards. In our Personal Development sessions this half term we are exploring relationships. The overarching question that we will be working towards is 'Can relationships ever be equal?' Some of the topics that we will be covering this half term touch on some fairly sensitive and confronting issues, so please do regularly check in with your child to ensure they are understanding of everything discussed and answer any questions they may be left thinking about. As always, I am only ever an email away. Please don't hesitate to get in touch should you have any queries at all. Miss Edwards – Year 9 Progress Leader

Congratulations to

Thomas Chilvers for claiming the spot of Star Student this week for his excellent History home learning and for displaying a deeper understanding in lessons. Nominated by Miss Larkin

LOST PROPERTY To report any property lost, please email: lostproperty@rodingvalley.net We ask if you could provide a detailed description of the item you have lost so that we can reunite you with your missing property.

Year 10 Year 10 has enjoyed another really positive 2 weeks since the Easter break. A huge congratulations to the students below, who have topped the 'Achievement' and 'Bedrock' charts. Well done to the Yr10 Football team who won the West Essex league and qualified for the district final this week against St.Marks (Winners of the Harlow league). Unfortunately, on the night RVHS lost the game 3-2 but it is a fantastic achievement to make the final so well done to the following players;  Spencer Craig  Freddie Bayless    

Albie Oliver Teddy Bender Jack Lock Sonny Mead

   

Alfie Padington Thomas Taylor Daniel Carter Harry Clifton

 William Donaghue  Luca Mckie

 Jack Marjason  Ollie Randall  Ciaran McLoughlin

YEAR 10 EXAMS: Mon 20th June - Fri 1st July (inclusive) Students have been asking when Year 10 Exams will take place and I can confirm they will begin on the 20th June. I appreciate this may be over a month away but feel it is important for parents as well as students to be aware that they are on the horizon and revision plans can therefore be put in place. Exam timetables will be distributed nearer the time. Have a great weekend! Mr Fletcher – Year 10 Progress Leader

Attention All Year 10 Students!!! Applications for the position of Yes Prefects will be available for submission soon!!!

Top ARE Students Sam Atkinson Diana Douhlinska Lily Griffin Louis James Levy Santiago Josh Martin Sam Shakespeare Aleyna Tekbasti

Form ARE Points Y7 Argon Y7 Lithium


 Eliza Kelly

 Sacha Perrott

 Sophia Shipillis

 Louis James

 Jemima Purser

 Lily Mae Keen  Sheikh Jarif Reshad  Diana Douhlinska  Welaa Lahreche

Year 11 Dear Parents/ Carers and Year 11 students, Another excellent week with year 11 who, on the whole, have handled their exams extremely well. On Thursday morning we completed an online revision techniques session, led by Ms Larkin - details of which can be seen here. students worked hard to complete the following three additional revision techniques to support the work that they will be continuing over the next few weeks: 

Flip and Fold

Knowledge Organisers

Tell Me Five

These are excellent methods for collecting revision notes and using to add further and refer back to. Thank you for this Ms Larkin. Last week we were proud to watch the Year 11 football team play Southend School for boys - despite a 90-minute battle we lost 2-1. As ever, attendance, punctuality and appropriate behaviour are especially important and this is just a reminder that students should continue to behave in a respectful and diligent manner and ensure that their uniform is as required. Photographs of students and the year group are ready and you should have received an emailed link for them. Please note that the Year 11 Prom is booked and tickets can be purchased on Parent Pay - I am really looking forward to celebrating with Year 11's at what is always such a lovely event.

Ms Preston – Year 11 Progress Leader

I do hope that you have a lovely, long weekend.

Please click here to keep up to date on the timetable for the Summer Exams

29th June 2022 at

Woolston Manor 7-11pm Tickets £30 via ParentPay

Hello Parents & Carers, It's been a busy start back to this term regarding revision & study! Please see the messages below: Year 11 This week, Mrs Preston & I led a 'Revision Technique' workshop with the whole of year 11. This was an interactive session that reminded students of our 'Tried & Tested' Techniques & gave our students an opportunity to do a Biology knowledge organiser, an English Literature 'Tell me five' & a Maths 'Flip & Fold. You can access this session, alongside all of our other excellent revision resources & subject pages on our GCSE microsite: We also took the opportunity to re-launch our bespoke revision microsite, please click here to access the GCSE one Year 13 Our Year 13s are also now on the home stretch! They have been working really hard on their PPEs over the past fortnight. Subject teachers have been marking & assessing these papers to make sure that our students can have some vital feedback & close the gap on any knowledge/skills before the exams. As you're aware, we also have a fantastic, bespoke, A-Level revision microsite click here to access it. The site contains subject specific pages, revision templates and more. Year 12 Ms Wheaton and I are really looking forward to doing a revision & study session with Year 12 next week. We are going to be launching the A-Level revision microsite with them and re-introducing them to our tried & tested revision techniques. We are hoping that this will support them during the run up to their end of year PPEs. Year 10 Mr Fletcher and I are planning to hold two revision workshops during this half term to prepare our Year 10 cohort for their end of year PPEs. These PPEs will be a real opportunity for our students to show how much they have learnt this year & experience GCSE style papers. We will be launching our revision microsite with this year group and re-introduce them to our tried & tested revision techniques. Miss Larkin Assistant Headteacher

Bedrock Update!! As many of you may know, at RVHS we now use an online, interactive literacy tool called 'Bedrock'. Bedrock is a tool that helps to improve our students Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary and improve their application of these new words. This week, our students have had a virtual assembly based on the importance of this tool. If you want to look at the assembly, please click here. During Term 1, Ms Bleakley and I also did a live-streamed parent's workshop on Bedrock. If you missed this, and want to watch the recording, please click on the links below:

1. To watch the live stream, please click here. 2. To access the free Bedrock resources on our website, please click here. If you would like to be re-sent your parent access code (so that you can monitor your child's progress on Bedrock via email, please email me on plarkin@rodingvalley.net Thank you for supporting this excellent literacy tool!

3 On Thursday 21st April 2022, nine Year 7 students partook in the Challenge and Enrichment Spring Showcase. The theme for this showcase was 'Influential People of Society'. The students selected their own individual to create some truly engaging and informative presentations. Each member of the Year 7 cohort was given the opportunity to view the presentations and vote for the People's Choice Award. It was a truly inspirational afternoon attended by the Head Teacher Sharon Jenner, Governor Frank Solarz and Year Progress Leader Fintan Ryan. Keep an eye out as winners will be announced next week!

Last Friday, Year 12 visited the University of Kent for the day. They had the opportunity to see a university campus in action and heard from student representatives and university life, the opportunities studying provides and to consider the pro and cons of university accommodation. It was a great day for them to think about what is important for them in a university and if it is the right pathway for them.

This week students in Year 12 had the opportunity to visit Capgemini Head Office in London. They heard first hand from two of our alumni students Jay and Raaj about what an apprenticeship and degree apprenticeship programme entails. We had a fantastic visit and delighted they have invited us back to visit again in the future. Amelia commented: "Such a brilliant and insightful trip for a really great company. I strongly recommend going on trips to companies to gain more information about the working world and how you can achieve your goals. It is also a great opportunity to network with people in industries your interested in." Haris commented: "Visiting the Capgemini head office was really useful as I got to know what it is like in an office environment. Speaking to previous Roding Valley students who are currently apprentices at Capgemini, helped me to understand the benefits of doing various apprenticeship programs. The environment of the offices seemed welcoming and independent. Thanks to this visit, I have broadened my idea of different possible opportunities for the future."

Week ending 29/04/22 Year 7

Year 8

Year 9 Year 10



Kwaku Koduah

Sonja Blondal

Austin Grey

Evie Twyford

Oliver Devereux

Abigail Burger

Oscar Eaton

Indie Langston

Brandon Dadson

Nina Nosa-Omede

Jack Balbes

Macie Garwood

Jacob McCanna

Hannah Clemen

Congratulations to the following students for their fantastic work in Literacy and during Drop Everything and Write (DEAW)

Ralph Boudakian


Zac Gregory

Jessica Biagioni

Sabriya Larke

Billy Muggleton

Natalia Tzima

Amelia Dee

Roxy Chinnery

The theme this year is loneliness. This is not just a problem for older single people. It can feel lonely for any of us at any time. There are lots of ways to try and combat this and remembering that we can reach out is really important.

To empower yourself if you are experiencing loneliness, please click here to visit the Mental Health Foundation, who have tips and advice to help young people cope with feelings of loneliness and isolation .


Explore together: Ask your child to show you their favourite websites and apps and what they do on them. Listen, show interest and encourage them to teach you the basics of the site or app.


Chat about online safety little and often: Young people are likely to want to explore new apps and websites this month, whether that is for learning or for fun. Take this opportunity to talk to them about how to stay safe on these new services, and in general. Ask if anything ever worries them while they are online. Make sure they know that if they ever feel worried, they can get help by talking to you or another adult they trust.


Help your child identify trusted adults who can help them if they are worried: This includes you and other adults at home, as well as adults from wider family, school or other support services who they are able to contact at this time. Encourage them to draw a picture or write a list of their trusted adults.

4 5

Be non-judgemental: Explain that you would never blame them for anything that might happen online, and you will always give them calm, loving support. Talk about how their online actions can affect others: If your child is engaging with others online, remind them to consider how someone else might feel before they post or share something. If they are considering sharing a photo/video of somebody else, they should always ask permission first.


Parental controls: Make use of the parental controls available on your home broadband and any internet enabled device in your home. You can find out more about how to use parental controls by visiting your broadband provider’s website.


Direct your child to age appropriate information about relationships and sex: It’s natural for young people to start exploring their sexual feelings online and adolescents are more inclined to take risks. It’s important to understand this and to talk to your child in a positive way. Thinkuknow, Brook, The Mix and Childline all provide age appropriate information about relationships and sex that you can signpost your child to.


Make sure they know about CEOP: Young people can report a concern about grooming or sexual abuse to CEOP at www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ and get support from a specialist Child Protection Advisor.

Support your child with Thinkuknow websites The age appropriate Thinkuknow websites are a great way to start and continue chats about online safety.

 11-13yrs Thinkuknow website: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/11_13/  14yrs + Thinkuknow website – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/14_plus/ Our websites provide open and honest guidance for young people on friends, relationships and the internet, covering topics like dealing with pressure; consent; and getting support when you are worried. You will find lots more advice on keeping your child safe online at www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents. If you are worried that a child or young person is at risk of harm online, you should call the police. Young people can make a report to CEOP at https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Other Recommended Resources Parent Info: Expert information for parents about building their child’s resilience both online and off. Produced by NCA-CEOP and Parent Zone. This free service can be embedded on to your child’s school website. www.parentinfo.org Brook: Information and advice for young people on sexual health and wellbeing, including staying safe online. https://www.brook.org.uk The Mix: Support service for young people with information and advice on sex and relationships. https://www.themix.org.uk Internet Matters: A useful tool showing how to set parental controls across a range of devices and websites. http://www.internetmatters.org/parentalcontrols/interactive-guide/ NSPCC Net Aware: Provides reviews and guidance on the most popular social networks, apps and games that children use. https://www.net-aware.org.uk/ Childnet – Information and advice for parents and carers on supporting people online. https://www.childnet.com/resources/supporting-youngpeople-online

How Can I Access Edulink? EduLink can be accessed on any device – PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device – via the web browser or via the EduLink app. The link to access the EduLink login page on a web browser is www.edulinkone.com Alternatively, you can download the EduLink App which is available to download for free on Apple or on Android. Both the App and the web browser will display this log-in screen.

Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

The School ID is ‘Roding’. Requires Android 4.4 and up.

Parents/Carers will need to enter the Username and Password they have been provided with and click ‘Log in’.

The displayed is dependant of the platform you are logged in to:  Via Web Browser  Via the EduLink App

Navigating Edulink You are able to navigate each of the following areas in EduLink: 

Achievement: You van view all positive achievements that have been awarded to your child

Behaviour: You will be able to see all behaviour points given to you child and any sanctions given to your child including detentions.

Medical Information: In this section you can see all of the medical information that we have on file for your child

Account Information: In this section you can view the current address we have for your child on file, your child’s Year group and the name of their Form tutor

Timetable: In this section you can view your child’s daily timetable

Absence Reporting: This feature will allow you to send a direct message to our Attendance Officer, to notify us of any absence for your child

Linked Resources: This section contains links to all the schools learning resources available to your child both at school and at home

Update Information: This section shows all of the contact information we hold for yourself and your child. You can review and update this information with any changes that may occur

Exams: You can see all of your child upcoming exams; your child can also access this information so they can manage their own exam schedule

Documents: In this section you can view your child’s reports

Parents can access information on all their children currently admitted to Roding Valley High School. If you require any assistance, please contact Mr Vermaak or Miss Stewart (mvermaak@rodingvalley.net or lstewart@rodingvalley.net )

Classroom How to Log on to Google Classroom? Students can log into their Gmail using their school email address and their password. Their school email will be the year they started at RVHS started plus their first initial and surname @rodingvalley.net (example- 19plarkin@rodingvalley.net). Once your child has have logged in, they will need to click on the google apps button and then select ‘Google Classroom’ Your child will then be able to see all of the classes they belong to. They will then need to click on the class they want to use resources for and take a look at everything that their class teacher has posted for them to work on. They will be able to download items and make comments on them. Teachers will be regularly posting new work on their Google Classrooms.

What to Do if your child is a Missing a Subject their Google Classroom? If your child is missing a Google Classroom for one of their subjects, they will need to click on the addition symbol, followed by ‘Join Class’ and then enter the Class Code for their missing subject. Class Codes are available from their subject teacher.

Top Tips for Our Students  Students must keep up to date with their lessons by using Google Classroom every day.  Use their workbooks to complete the work shown on their Google Classroom.  Don’t slack on presentation! Keep their notes in order of the lessons on the Google Classroom.  Year 11 and 13 Students: There will be revision materials available on Google Classroom. Please use them.

What is DODDLE? Doddle provides students with access to thousands of engaging, formative resources and guides students through the curriculum. Doddle Progress automatically tracks student attainment in key curriculum skills. Parents can see student attainment and progress through our easy-to-use Doddle Parent feature. Skills within Doddle are rated as red, amber or green. These ratings give a clear indication of how much progress a child has made and highlight the weaker areas to be targeted with revision.

Each student has a personal Doddle account where they can access their homework to-do lists and families can view the work their child has been assigned. These accounts enable parents to view their child's results and encourage them to better their scores by using Doddle's revision resources.

Find out how to create a Doddle Parent account and then link that account to your child with this short video:

Find out how our school uses Doddle Progress by watching our short video to find out how Progress works.

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on how to view your child's due and submitted homework:

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on how Progress works and how you can use it to help your child's learning.

This is a valuable resource that will assist parents in supporting their child’s progression. Please use the following link to the log in:

Find out how to view and track your child's homework with this short video.

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on Troubleshooting.

What is Seneca? Seneca is a free home learning & revision platform that is very popular with our students. It is based on cognitive science, has adaptive learning and can be accessed by our students via their phones!

What Content is available to our Students through Seneca? Seneca has resources available for KS3, KS4 and KS5 students that has been supplied to them from AQA, OCR, EdExcel Pearson and IGCSE. Our students will be able to access content designed for each of their subjects and also for their specific courses. There is so much to choose from. Some areas are even linked to the Exam Boards Course Specifications.

How to Access Seneca? Students will need to go to https://www.senecalearning.com/, click try for free and create a log in with their school email address.

Once Logged in Once they are logged in, students are able to search for different subject areas and learn about their chosen topic. At the end of each subject presentation there will be a quiz on the presentation This Online tool will enable our students to stay on top of their home learning.

Year Progress Leaders  Year 7: Mr Ryan -fryan@rodingvalley.net  Year 8: Miss Fazakerley – jfazakerley@rodingvalley.net  Year 9: Miss Edwards – cedwards@rodingvalley.net  Year 10: Mr Fletcher– mfletcher@rodingvalley.net  Year 11: Ms Preston– tpreston@rodingvalley.net


 Sixth Form: Miss Wheaton – awheaton@rodingvalley.net

Heads of Faculty  Creative Arts: Mr Tisdale – dtisdale@rodingvalley.net  English: Mrs Routledge – lroutledge@rodingvalley.net  Humanities: Mr Cocker – mcocker@rodingvalley.net  IT/Business: Mr Hussain – ohussain@rodingvalley.net  Maths: Mr Edeko – oedeko@rodingvalley.net  MFL: Mr P Melvin – pmelvin@rodingvalley.net  Science: Mr Poovillingham - npoovillingham@rodingvalley.net  Sports & Nutrition: Mr Jones – ljones@rodingvalley.net  SENDco: Mrs Sharon Jenner – sjenner@rodingvalley.net

General Enquiries  office@rodingvalley.net

Sixth Form Enquiries  sixthformoffice@rodingvalley.net

Finance  finance@rodingvalley.net

Safeguarding:  safeguarding@rodingvalley.net

How to contact any member of staff at Roding Valley High School: Initial + surname+@rodingvalley.net

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