RVHS Home Learning and Digital Study Guide 2022

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WeARE Home Learners Aspire to produce the best work you are capable of by applying your knowledge, skills, and creativity Respect the work and deadlines carefully selected by your teacher to help you succeed on your learning journey Endeavour to complete all your assignments to the best of your ability, every week and for every subject – you will achieve Mastery

We use ‘Google Classroom’ to assign, record and provide feedback on home learning. All of our home learning pieces are set as an ‘assignment’ by our subject teachers with a clear due date and any relevant success criteria Unless instructed not to, students then submit their home learning back to their teachers who will provide feedback on the pieces that require it.

Lastly, don’t forget to check out our SCHOOL YOUTUBE CHANNEL! This channel also contains subject specific channels created by our excellent teachers!

As you’re all aware, here at RVHS we value good quality home learning Our home learning provision has evolved over the last few years and we truly believe that it is an extremely important contributor to students making progress and becoming independent learners

Welcome Page


Hello all Parents & Carers,

Google classroom is a fantastic tool Each learner at RVHS will have their own profile that contains their subject virtual classrooms, containing their home learning assignments, any further enrichment activities, communication with their subject teachers and their own personalised feedback This tool also allows teachers to monitor progress effectively and share good work with parents

All home learning is set to support the teaching of the curriculum in the classroom There will also be assessments set in some subject areas that can be done via Google Classroom, allowing teachers to provide good quality feedback on the work submitted.

Thank you for continuing to support RVHS with its home learning provision Our aim is to encourage our students to be as independent as possible, adopt good study routines and be ready to take on revision You can find out more about the RVHS revision & study techniques within this booklet Your son/daughter will become very familiar with them as they progress through our school

We also have a number of excellent REVISION MICROSITES that we strongly encourage our students to use whilst revising Check them out here

If you need any support with home learning, please contact plarkin@rodingvalley.net

Parents will be automatically linked to their son/daughters Google Classroom Home Learning assignments via the Edulink app Parents can view these assignments and check the completion of their child’s home learning by clicking on the ‘Homework’ icon via the Edulink dashboard More Edulink information and support can be found in this booklet If parents/ students wish to see any feedback on home learning assignments, then you need to do so via your son/daughter’s Google Classroom account

Benefits & Rewards of

Home Learning Our students receive these benefits from completing regular HL: We just love celebrating your work! This is especially when it is: • High-quality work that you can be proud of • Work that inspires and motivates others • Always turned in/submitted on-time Here are just some of the many ways we will celebrate your HL: • Showcase your work around the school community • Award you ARE points • Enter you into the leaderboard for highest submissions • Be granted privileges (subject specific or whole school) • Win badges and prizes • Receive congratulatory postcards at home • Earn a smile from your teacher! 2

Contents Page: Please see the table below to locate the page that you may need: numberPage Page description 1 Welcome Page 2 Benefits & Rewards of Home Learning 3 Contents Page 4 English Department 5 Maths Department 6 Science Department 7 Humanities Department (History, Geography, Social Sciences, Religious Studies) 8 Modern Foreign Languages 9 PE, Sports Studies & Food/ Nutrition 10 Creative Arts: Music, Drama, Art & Photography 11 Business, Computer Science, Media & Economics 12 Home Learning Centre, Clubs & Clinics Timetable 13 How-To Guides 14 Other Helpful Home Learning Materials 15 Bedrock 16 Digital Learning 17 Edulink - How to Set Up 18 Edulink - How to Check Your Child’s Work 3

All students will be using Bedrock during their academic mentor time- and will be spending 20 minutes a week in school learning new vocabulary and testing themselves using the interactive platform

To log in to Bedrock, visit the webpage and click ‘sign in with Google’(For student access).

This academic year, RVHS are using an amazing platform called BEDROCK to improve our student’s vocabulary across the school





You will automatically already be in your class teacher’s Google Classroom. However,The EnglishTeam also uses wholeYear group ones. Please join the whole cohort classrooms below to stay up to date!

English Home Learning

Year Group

Google Classroom Code kjcpynf 2gdnclv xzb4iy3 6vpwvqf xyjuupe iipmeik an4eelp


We advise that on top of their home learning assignments, students complete one extra session of Bedrock per week (20 minutes) to see as much progress as possible

English Reading Lists



Please see our website for English reading lists for all year groups:https://rodingvalleynet/high school/reading lists/


How can I see what they are doing?

It also comes with some fantastic revision features to support them in doing some independent revision

If your child is struggling to log in, please let their maths teacher know so they can check they are logging in with the correct details

We are delighted to tell you about a new maths homework system we have recently put in place to support your child HegartyMaths is an amazing website which gives video support for every question they attempt, to make sure that homework can be completed independently

We would like to encourage you to log in with your child to see what they are doing You can watch the videos with them to see what methods they should be using, and you can also view all of their past scores to see which areas they are struggling on.

Your son/daughter has automatically been added to their Maths Google Classroom. If not, then please email Mr Edeko at oedeko@rodingvalley.net

How do they log in?

This homework can be completed on any device with an internet connection They will need to write notes on the video and all their working out, so they will need some paper to do this.


How can I find out more?

Go to help hegartymaths com to find out more

Logging in is really easy follow this link, hegartymaths.com/login/learner, then choose the school name, then use their name and date of birth to log in On the first login, your child will be asked to create a password

What does my child need to complete this homework?

All home learning will be posted on Google Classroom with the due date Make sure to complete the work before this date and to “hand in” tasks on Google Classroom Pictures of any written tasks must be uploaded when you “hand in” your work

Maths Home Learning

● https://wwwglasgowsciencecentre org/gsc-at-home for lots of online science videos


Students can also use the following on resources:

● https://gcseguide.co.uk/papers/ for available Past papers from Exam boards such as Pearson EdExcel,AQA, OCR and more

Please see our website for Science reading lists for all year groups: https://rodingvalley.net/high-school/reading-lists/

Your son/daughter will automatically already be in their Science Google Classroom. If not, then please npoovilingham@rodingvalleyemail:.net

Science Reading Lists

Science Home Learning

For further KS3 Resources to support your child’s learning at home, please click on this link

The following GCSE Revision Cheat sheets are available on the school website and contain a wealth of useful links to online resources to aid with revision and online learning

Humanities Home Learning You will automatically already be in your class teacher’s Google Classroom. However,The HumanitiesTeam also uses wholeYear group ones. Please join the whole cohort classrooms below to stay up to date! Subject Code: Code: Code: History Year 10 Cold War: o52r4wg ASE: qsaupww Crime: lk5ob6t Year 11 Crime: a2j7emu Weimar: 5kjcwzs superpowers:dlyvszl Anglo-Saxons: izpnscu Year 12 USSR: GDR: Year 13 Empire: ix62qfk Revision: xxr3hz4 coursework: ac4zjik Politics Year 12 UK: eiobp2y Govt:ye5wxq2 Year 13 Revision: 7cikbpo Ideologies: iw6yjyh UK/USA: t6r5nxg Geography Religious Studies Year 10 pmhj5ck Year 10 x34o5wi Year 11 q3rzewb Year 11 xuinx4u Year 12 Human 4nutxyr Physical k4ioxb p6cycri Year 12 7hpmusy Year 13 Year 13 3jpedtk Click here to access the HistoryYouTube channel It’s full of exam question walk throughs and context clips that may help you with your home learning assignments Humanities Reading Lists Please see our website for Science reading lists for all year groups: https://rodingvalleynet/high school/reading lists/ 7




● KS3 Languages: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z2nygk7

● You can open a free account here: https://www.duolingo.com/learn

You will automatically already be in your class teacher’s Google Classrooms. If you’re not, please contact pmelvin@rodingvalley.net

● You can open a free account here: https://quizlet.com/

The KS3 and KS4 websites have been continuously improved and updated with a range of reading and listening resources, including helpful videos. These all follow the national curriculum.

Reading lists & Microsites

This website / app contains teachers’own topic vocabulary lists, linked to the curriculum. Your son/daughter should already be familiar with using Quizlet for your fortnightly vocabulary tests. These are posted on their Google Classroom sites and are saved on the MFLMicrosites. (Memrise is another online vocabulary site your son/daughter may know, but it is not currently used by the Dept.)

● AQAGCSE French: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zr8bmfr

Modern Foreign Languages Home Learning


This website contains the digital, interactive versions of the curriculum textbook. Your son/daughter is already a member of their specific class group. Their login details are posted on their Google Classroom. It is used for additional Reading and Listening exercises.

● You can access it here: https://www.pearsonactivelearn.com/app/home


Please see our website for MFL reading lists for all year groups: https://rodingvalley.net/high school/reading lists/ Please also ask your son/daughter to check their year relevant school languages microsite.

BBC Bitesize

Just 5-10 minutes a day can really boost your school based learning. (Drops is another online vocabulary site your son/daughter may know, but it is not currently used by the Dept.)


Duolingo can be used on your phone or on a computer as an app or website. It is a bit different to Quizlet in that it does not just focus on vocabulary. Some students may find it useful to boost their language skills. It can also be useful to look at specific grammar points (e.g. the past / future tenses).

Your son/daughter will automatically already be in their PE, Sports & Nutrition Google Classroom If not, then please email: ljones@rodingvalley.net

Click here to access the Food & CateringYouTube channel It’s full of recipe and food demonstrations that may help you with your home learning assignments.

Recipes can be found on our food micro site at https://sites google com/rodingvalleynet/food and nutrition/home

Please see our website for Science reading lists for all year groups: https://rodingvalleynet/high school/reading lists/

PE, Sports & Nutrition Reading Lists


Click here to access the Food & CateringYouTube channel. It’s full of recipe and food demonstrations that may help you with your home learning assignments

PE, Sports & Nutrition Home Learning

Click here to access the Food & Catering YouTube channel. It’s full of recipe and food demonstrations that may help you with your home learning assignments.

Music, Drama,Art & Photography Reading Lists

KS3 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zmsvr82

Music Extra Home Learning Resources:

Your son/daughter will automatically already be in their Music, Drama,Art & Photography Google Classroom. If not, then please email : dtisdale@rodingvalleynet

KS4 https://rodingvalley.musicfirstclassroom.co.uk/login musictheory.net


Music, Drama,Art & Photography Home Learning

Please see our website for Science reading lists for all year groups: https://rodingvalley.net/high school/reading lists/

Click here to access theTeam DramaYouTube channel. It’s full of excellent examples of student performances that may help you with your home learning assignments.


The log in details for both students and their parents/carers are:


Business, Computer Science, Media & Economics Home Learning

All theory notes written by computer specialists and tasks by qualified teachers.All resources are available 24/7.

Our BTEC students can all log on to this online service and can complete the available courses, our teachers are also able to track their progress.

Business, Computing, Economics & Media Reading Lists

Username: IG10 3JA Password: register9

If your child has forgotten their log in details, please contact Mr Hussain ohussain@rodingvalley.net

Please see our website for Science reading lists for all year groups: https://rodingvalley.net/high school/reading lists/

Your son/daughter will automatically already be in their subjectsGoogle Classroom. If not, then please ohussain@rodingvalleyemail:.net

Our Parents and students can get high quality resources and engaging tasks and resources for the new GCSE,AS andALevel Computer Science specification.They can also access lots of editable materials for KS3, KS4 and KS5.

Teach - ICT is an online website that has the very best KS3, GCSE andALevel Computer Science Resources.


What is available? You will get specialist help from a Science teacher.

Where and when? Wednesdays at lunchtime in S2

Home Learning Centre

Who is it for? AnyY7 Y11 student

What is available? Chromebooks are available for you to use this room will be supervised.This is a quiet space for independent work only.

What is available? You will get specialist help from a Maths teacher.

Who is it for? Any student of Science

Maths Homework Clinic

Afterschool Homework Club

Home Learning Centre, Clubs & Clinics Timetable:

What is available? You will get specialist help with your work fromThe Zone.

What is available? Computers are available for you to use this room will be supervised.This is a quiet space for work only.

Where and when? Tuesdays andThursdays 3-3 45PM in IT5

Who is it for? Any student of Maths

Who is it for? Any student

Science Homework Clinic

Lunchtime in The Zone

Where and when? Everyday at break and lunchtimes inThe Zone

Where and when? Everyday at lunchtime in S2

Where and when? Tuesdays from 3-4PM in M2

Who is it for? By invite only please contact MrTaylor if you think you’d like this

EllaToone started inYear 9 at RVHS (would have been aYear 7 student in theYear 2020), her email address would therefore be 20etoone@rodingvalley.net

How do I see all my upcoming assignments and deadlines? Link

To receive your password you will need to speak to yourAcademic Mentor, who can reset your password and show you how to use Google Classroom for the first time

How can I get subject-specific help about Home Learning?

How do I turn in/submit completed assignments? Link

Is there someplace quiet at school where I could do my HL?

Your email address will contain the year you joined us as aYear 7 student or if you joined us later, the year you would have joined if you had started inYear 7, followed by your first name’s initial, followed by your surname, followed by @rodingvalleynet

Absolutely! Check pg 12 above for the opening times of our HLCentre this is a quiet space open every day at lunchtime staffed by teachers and with chromebooks to allow you to complete your HLindependently We also have other clubs and clinics available

e g

I am a new student, how do I get my school email address and password?

How-To Guides:

John Smith started inYear 7 at RVHS, his email address would therefore be 22jsmith@rodingvalley.net

Speak to your subject teachers or email them we are all here to help!

Is there a guide for how to use Google Classroom? Link


Where can I find more general information about Home Learning? Link


● Goconqrcom allows pupils or teachers to create mind maps and flashcards using key terms.

● Mind Mapping Looking for visual thinking?Try bubbl us, to help students better understand, remember and generate new ideas

● BBC Bitesize resources and videos

● Curriculum Overview: If you would like more information on the subjects your child is studying, you can see our curriculum maps for eachYear group and subject

● Gojimo com has GCSE quizzes that relate to different specifications and are set up and ready to go

● Brainpop has a great set of videos, freely available for pupils

● Revisionbuddies com can provide short bursts of revision for many GCSE topics and tracks progress too. It even allows the pupils to access past papers and mark schemes.

Our school website contains a wealth of resources for our Parents/carers to use to support home learning We have included all of the links below:

● Exam Board Information: Details of all of our subject exam boards can be found here

You may also find it useful to use our GCSE & A level Revision Launch microsite, that contains all revision materials needed for each subject It also includes templates to our RVHS Revision Resources such as Cornell Notes, Knowledge Organisers & the Revision clock! Click here to access.

● Wordflex.com app uses a dictionary with a focus on key terms and a content-rich curriculum

● Recommended Reading Lists: Support your child’s literacy and progress by encouraging them to read some of the titles on reading lists.

Free Online Resources

GCSE &ALevel Students & Parents

● Memrise.com is a useful app for all languages and uses videos to help learners.

● Personalised Learning Checklists :

Other Helpful Home Learning Materials:

● How to HelpYour child at home: Please visit this page for lots of extra resources that you can use to support your child home learning

● Safer Internet Day is all-year-round in my opinion and there are loads of online resources pupils and parents can use on

Bedrock Bedrock Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Y10 Y9 Y7 andY12 Y8 andY13 Y11 Please bring your chromebooks to school on Bedrock Days and Digital Weeks! Benefits of Bedrock Roding Valley High School has teamed up with Bedrock Learning to help students improve theirTier 2 vocabulary from years 7 13 All students have access to free online lessons that scaffold and build vocabulary through their secondary school journey To get the most out of this fantastic resource, we encourage our students to complete a minimum of two Bedrock lessons every week Click for more information on how to set up/monitor Bedrock 15

Digital Learning We A.R.E. a ‘Digital School!’ Our aims are to: ● Embed technology as an integral part ofTeaching & Learning ● Enhance the learning journey and develop digitally confident students We use a variety of digital solutions to enhance the learning for every student, all under theACED framework. Here are just a few of the digital tools our students experience: Digital Weeks in 2022-2023 Year group Term 1 Dates Term 2 Dates Term 3 Dates 7 (twice every term) WB 26 Sep 2022 WB 14 Nov 2022 WB 09 Jan 2023 WB 20 Feb 2023 WB 01 May 2023 WB 05 Jun 2023 8 WB 28 Nov 2022 WB 13 Mar 2023 WB 22 May 2023 9 WB 03 Oct 2022 WB 30 Jan 2023 WB 03 Jul 2023 10 WB 21 Nov 2022 NA WB 17Apr 2023 WB 12 Jun 2023 11 WB 10 Oct 2022 WB 05 Dec 2022 WB 06 Feb 2023 NA 12 & 13 WB 17 Oct 2022 WB 27 Mar 2023 WB 15 May 2023 16


Edulink - How to Set Up


Edulink - How to Check Your Child’s Work

WeARE Home Learners Aspire to produce the best work you are capable of by applying your knowledge, skills, and creativity Respect the work and deadlines carefully selected by your teacher to help you succeed on your learning journey Endeavour to complete all your assignments to the best of your ability, every week and for every subject – you will achieve Mastery 19

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