RVHS Exposed Summer 2023

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Andsotheendofaschoolyearstaresusrightintheface,waitingfor ourreaction.Wehaveanumberofchoicesonhowwedecideto approachthistransitionperiod.Wecanlookbackonthethingswe regretandthemomentswenitpicktoconvinceourselveswecould havedonebetter.Orwecouldreectbackinamoreoptimisticlight andgiveourselvescreditfordoingourbest.

Includedinthiseditionwebringyouallthingssummerrelated.With articlessuchassummertodolists,outdoorsportsandasummer wordsearchtokeepyoubusyonthatcloudydayindoors.Wehave alsoincorporatedanarticlefocusingonchange.Afreshstartisan opportunitytoevaluateyourmindsetgoingintoanewyear.

Changecanbedaunting,thereforeit’scrucialtokeepanopenmind andmakeaconsciouseorttorelaxthissummer.


Sum Tim

Sum is he! Are yo re fo te ni ho wer ?

If no, ge yo po an oto ga ot. Yo're pob go to si at ho bo bu he ar so tig yo ca do to ma te mo of ti beil wer:

★ Go ot wi fid

★ Hav a tere hu

★ Han ot wi fay

★ Tr ne bo ga

★ Hav a pic

I be yo ’ re tik “Whe am I go wi m fid? We wa to exr so ne pas.” Yo ca go to te zo or pa wi te an sic up yo us loon. It wi be te be ti ev, so ge yo go mo on an go ha fu!


Thisisthetransitiontimeforwhenweallmovefromyeartoyear.Wegrowolder liketheworldwelivein.Changeispartoflifeandit’scrucialthatwedevelopand adapttonewbeginnings,becausethat’showwegrowaspeople.

Thisisthechancetohaveafreshstart,acleanslateassomemaycallit.Thisis yourchanceforchange.Thissummeritwillbehotasyoumightbeabletotellit alreadyis.Sogetoutofyourhouseandgotothebeachandplayinthewateror sunbathe.

Don'tspendyoursummerindoors,getoutandlivefreely.Goforawalkwithyour familyandhelpsomeonebycuttingtheirgrass.Don'tsitindoorsandbebored. Findsomethingtodo.

“Andsowiththesunshine AndThegreatburstsofleaves Growingonthetrees, Justasthingsgrowinfastmovies, Ihadthatfamiliarconviction Thatlifewasbeginningoveragain WiththeSummer.”

Summer Sports

First off, let’s clearly distinguish between canoeing and kayaking. A canoe has a single bladed paddle whereas a kayak has a double bladed paddle. Another difference is that a canoe is an open-deck boat that requires a seated rowing position and a kayak is a single seated boat.

This sport is great for those who love going on water and enjoy the outdoors. It is very popular during the summer days as it’s a way to relax, adventure or maybe go for a swim at the same time. There are many places to canoe in Essex, whether it's by a river or by an organisation such as Lee Valley White Water Center, where you’re able to do multiple sports. You don’t need much to start just a lifejacket, canoe, oars and off you go.

Another alternative to canoeing or kayaking is paddle boarding. However, a paddle board can be quite daunting to try at first. Due to the fact that you have to stand on the board and paddle simultaneously whilst keeping our balance. Nevertheless practice makes perfect!

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