Week 23 (2013 14) parent bulletin 7 3 14

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Yesterday was World Book Day and we held a number of events to celebrate this event. A large number of staff took part in the day by dressing up as characters from literature, including the Maths Faculty who all arrived as Wally out of the 'Where's Wally' books. We allowed students to tweet in their English lessons in the morning and the hashtag #RVHSbookday is well worth looking up for those parents who use Twitter. I would like to thank Mrs Martin and the English Faculty for organising the day and to all the staff who got into the spirit of the day by dressing up. Finally, I would like to thank the students for the manner in which they approached World Book Day - it is days like yesterday that make RVHS such a great school. Yesterday was also our final Year 11 Parents’ Evening and the event was incredibly well attended. It is not long until the main exam season starts and, to help students prepare, we will be running our annual Easter revision sessions for students. Details of the programme will be coming out to parents soon but we have a packed timetable over the holidays for our students to help them in their ‘final push’ before the examinations. Our Year 11 group and friendship photographs take place next Wednesday (12th March). Can I remind parents that the normal rules regarding uniform, make up and jewellery apply on this day and that anyone not following our rules will not be included in the photograph. I’d like to highlight 2 forthcoming events organised by the Friends of Roding Valley. Tonight is the Year 7 Disco and ticket sales have been incredibly high in what should be a great event. On Friday 28th March the FRVHS have organised a Quiz Night for adults. More details can be found further on in this bulletin, but tickets are £7.50 (including food) and every penny raised will go back into the school to help purchase equipment that is used to support the teaching and learning in the school. 6 of our students have put themselves forward for election to the Epping Forest Youth Council. The Youth Council is a very important part of the Epping Forest District Council and the elections take place next Thursday (13th March). The students have been campaigning in assemblies this week and every student will have the opportunity to vote for their preferred candidate next Thursday. I would like to congratulate Carina Sander (10V) and Olivia Tinker (10S) who have been EYFDC representatives over the last year - they have been fantastic ambassadors for the school. We are also hosting our Parents’ Forum next Thursday (13th March) at 6pm in the Hall and the topics we are looking at are ‘Target Setting’ and the use of targets and data in helping students progress and achieve their full potential. I would encourage parents to attend this meeting (please enter by the Brook Road entrance). Parents may have heard about one of the main teaching unions taking part in industrial action on the 26th March 2014. I am awaiting confirmation regarding this action and, once I have this information, I will be in a position to let parents know of the arrangements for the day. I would like to wish everyone a good weekend. Paul Banks Headteacher You can follow us at www.rodingvalley.net , on Facebook at the ‘Roding Valley High School Official’ page or on Twitter (@RodingValleyHS). You can also sign up to our free electronic media release service at rodingvalleymedia@gmail.com

Roding Valley High School Alumni ‘Calling all former Roding Valley students! We have recently launched our alumni network in partnership with the education charity Future First. If you used to come to Roding Valley High School and would like to get back in touch/get involved in school life we would love to hear from you! Sign up to our former student network by completing the form on our web page under the contact us, alumni heading. We can let you know whats happening at the school and of opportunities to get involved.’ For further details and to join up you can log onto: http://www.rodingvalley.net/contact/alumni/ Past students have visited Roding Valley and have offered advice and support to students who are making decisions regarding A level and College course choices. If you know any former students who would like to get involved, please pass this information on. Thank you Kind regards Mrs Mason Careers Development Manager dmason@rodingvalley.net

Dear Parent/Guardian, We would like to congratulate your son/daughter on successfully completing their Task 2 Practical Assessment. All students worked extremely hard and the standard of food was excellent. Thank you to all Parents/Carers who helped with the provision and organisation of ingredients & equipment needed, also Thank You for your continued support and we wish all the students well for the future. Just a reminder: All Task 2 evaluation to be completed by Monday 17 March 2014. Well Done and Thank You, Mrs Goosen & Mrs Abbott

School Trips - Payment Reminders Year 7 - Shorefield - 9th to 13th June The final payment for the residential trip to Shorefield was due on 3rd March Year 8 - Skern Lodge - 2nd to 6th June The final payment for the residential trip to Skern Lodge is due on 14th March If your child is due to go on one of these trips, please ensure that payments are received by the school. Thank you Ms Preston & Ms Ogunbiyi

Maths Year 10 Maths Mock Exam Monday 10 and Wednesday 12 March There will be a breakfast session on these days in the Canteen from 8.00am to answer any questions. Refreshments provided. Year 7 Maths Term Tests 18 March Year 9 Maths Term Tests 18 and 20 March Year 11 Maths Mock Exam 19 and 21 March. There will be a breakfast session on these days in the Canteen from 8.00 to answer any questions. Refreshments provided.

Hello, As you may know, we operate children’s holiday camps in the Sports Hall at Roding Valley every school holiday. For the past year, we have run a successful training scheme for young people aged 14-17 years, giving them the opportunity to work alongside our staff coaching children aged 3-11 years in a number of different activities ranging from football, netball, tennis and gymnastics, to rock climbing and quad biking. Our training scheme allows young people to gain experience in a working environment, as well as the opportunity to work towards coaching qualifications in their chosen sport, child protection and safeguarding certificates, and first aid qualifications. Our training scheme employees are paid a small wage, but the main benefits are the experience and qualifications that can be gained, as well as the opportunity for future holiday employment. A typical shift for a young person on our training scheme would be 4 hours. They would assist our qualified staff with 2 different activities, as well as supervise children during free play, snack or lunch times. Part of the shift will involve working towards various qualifications and preparing for coaching exams which we fund after they have achieved a certain number of hours. There is no minimum/maximum numbers of shifts, it is down to the applicant how many shifts they would like to have. This scheme obviously is great for putting on CV’s and applications for sixth forms/colleges/universities, and also puts them in good standing for holiday jobs with Casablanca once old enough and have the necessary qualifications our scheme provides. If any student would be interested in applying for a place on our training scheme for the Easter holidays, we will be holding a Training Scheme selection day on Friday 21st March at Roding Valley Sports Hall. Applicants will come in in groups of up to 8 and will find out more about our holiday camps, the training scheme and the opportunities for development. Applicants will need to complete a short application form on the day. To book a space at our selection day, applicants can contact us via e-mail, or telephone, or come to speak to one of us on a Thursday after school whilst we run the school cheerleading squad. Many Thanks, Carli Casablanca www.casablancacheer.co.uk www.campcasablanca.co.uk www.casablancagymnastics.co.uk T: @CasablancaCheer F: Casablanca Cheerleading M: 07834 484 257

Year 7 District Football Competition RVHS 14 –v– Epping St John 0 A convincing victory played in good spirits on a lovely 3G Astro, in the sunshine! What more could you ask for… Year 8 District League - 4 March West Hatch 2 –v– RVHS 6 Full match report to follow from Harry Johnson (8X) on the PE Blog

Year 11 Geography Revision Monday or Thursday Lunchtime

Week ending 28 February 2014 Year 7 Highest Attendance


Pupil with Highest Honours

Kaya Ali 7V

Form with Highest Honours


Year 8 Highest Attendance


Class of the Week

8qt/Sc2 nominated by Mr Bedi for their excellent attitude and progress in Science

Pupil with Highest Honours

Oliver Allen 8S

Form with Highest Honours


Year 9 Highest Attendance


Pupil with the Highest Honours

Millie Bennett 9S

Form with Highest Honours


Year 10 Highest Attendance


Pupil with the Highest Honours

Christianah Amuwa 10T

Form with Highest Honours


Year 11 Highest Attendance


Form with Highest Honours


Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason then please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence.

020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter explaining the reason for the absence for our records.

Medical Appointments When possible please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/ or after their appointment.

Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. If you put in a request a ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception). Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy which can be found in the ‘Parents’ section on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low our Attendance Officer on the school number 020 8508 1173.

February/March GCSE (Mock) Examinations Please find below a generic copy the February/March GCSE (Mock) Examination Timetable. Students have received their individual timetables via their form tutors, these have been printed on bright green paper. Breakfast Revision Sessions will be taking place in the Canteen from 8am for students sitting exams scheduled to start at 9am. These sessions are hugely beneficial and we would urge you to encourage your son/daughter to attend. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Jenny Draper Examinations Officer Roding Valley High School

GCSE ICT Coursework Catch-Up for Year 11 Every Tuesday Lunchtime With Miss Wilson in ICT4 Please encourage your child to attend to help improve their grade

Supported Homework Club Learning Zone Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 3.05pm - 3.40pm Everyone welcome

GCSE Examinations May/June 2014 Please find below a copy of the FINAL GCSE Examination Timetable for May/June 2014. Students will receive their Statements of Entry and their individual timetables shortly. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me. Jenny Draper Examinations Officer

In aid of TEAM ZAMBIA 2014

258 High Road, Loughton

Monday 31 March 7pm 3 course meal Live entertainment Pupils and guest Andre ‘SAXMAN’ Brown £35 per person

Drum Lessons One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons available. Learn with your friends! Learn to play the drums from as little as £5 per week Contact: jameswelsted@hotmail.co.uk

Guitar Lessons Lessons slots are available on Mondays with lessons priced at £12 per half hour. Please contact Steve van Niekerk on vn.steve.vn@gmail.com if you are interested.


School Shop Opening Times Before School: 8.30am - 9.00am Break: 11.00am - 11.20am

LIBRARY OPENING TIMES The library is open to all students for homework , G.C.S.E. work and private study / reading at the following times : Monday - Friday (excluding Tuesday): Before school 7.15 am – 8.30 am , break time , lunch times and after school for homework club 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm.

Lunch: 1.20pm - 2.05pm

Tuesday: Before school 7.15 am - 8.10 am , break time and lunch times. Access for early opening is via the door by resources.

After School: 3.05pm - 4.00pm

Julia Martin / Stephen Murray


Singing Lessons Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Gemma Kirk for more details and to book your slot.

email: g.kirk_88@hotmail.com

Science Revision for Year 11 and Year 10 every Wednesday a er school


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