“Our vision is to be the school of choice for our local community, developing successful young people with high aspirations, who show respect for all and endeavour to become the very best that they can be.”
Welcome to Year 7 Students Message from our Headteacher Mrs Jenner I would like to welcome all of our new Year 7 students to the Roding Valley Community and very much hope that they have enjoyed their first two induction days. I must say that I have been really impressed with the behaviour and maturity they have all shown and they all seem to have settled in and adapted to their new school environment. I have also been impressed with how smart all of them look in their new uniform; we understand that there have been some issues with uniform suppliers, so hopefully this will be resolved soon. I am really looking forward to getting to know them better and see them embark on their Roding Valley seven year journey.
Message from Mrs Reed – Progress Leader for Year 7 A very warm welcome to our new Year 7 cohort who have spent the past two days familiarising themselves with the school and routines; as well as experiencing a range of subjects they will be studying here at RVHS. I would like to express how impressed I have been with each and every student; they have adapted amazingly to our routines and 'new normal' and have shown great effort and resilience over the two days. I am really looking forward to seeing them develop, progress and achieve throughout their journey here with us.
I would like to remind parents and students that Monday 7th September is a Home Learning Day for all Year 7 students and we look forward to seeing them back Tuesday 8th September at 8.20am in Zone 3 (Sports Facilities entrance)
ďƒź Lesson Equipment: All Year 7 students must bring in their lesson pack every ďƒź
day. This pack includes: whiteboard, whiteboard pen, whiteboard rubber, green pen, learning booklet and reading book. Google Classroom & Home Learning: ALL Year 7 students took part in a 'How to' session on Google Classroom. A booklet will be shared by Ms Larkin with all parents this afternoon to help parents and students when using this brilliant home learning platform. Students will need to log into Google Classroom using their school email address on Monday to access their work. If students have forgotten their password, they need to email soni@rodingvalley.net
The Year 7 School Day
If students lose their timetables, they will need to email timetable@rodingvalley.net and state their Name and Form Group
Name and Role Mr Price: Assistant Headteacher Miss Reed: Year Progress Leader for Year 7
7Q 7R 7S 7T 7U 7V 7W 7X
Miss Kalair Mr Savage Miss Fazakerley Mr Wilson Miss Harbutt Mr Dyke Mr Bedi Miss McInerney
Key Contacts Email tprice@rodingvalley.net hreed@rodingvalley.net Year 7 Form Tutors skalair@rodingvalley.net jsavage@rodingvalley.net jfazakerley@rodingvalley.net rwilson@rodingvalley.net eharbutt@rodingvalley.net adyke@rodingvalley.net vbedi@rodingvalley.net rmcinerney@rodingvalley.net
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