Year 6 Transition Book

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Welcome to Roding Valley High School We would like to welcome you to your Year 6 Roding Valley High School work booklet. The purpose of this booklet is to provide you with knowledge, information AND chance to LEARN about individual subjects and the school overall. So that when your first day at RVHS in September comes around (and it will come around quickly!) you are as best prepared as possible! We hope that you have the aspiration to complete this booklet to the highest standards and to show all your of new teachers in September all the hard work you have put in over the summer. This booklet will help students build some fundamental subject specific skills that will enable them to become good Mathematicians, Scientists, Historians, whilst strengthening their skills in the subjects they will be taking in September. We expect you to respect booklet and bring it with you on your first day in September, as your teachers will want to see it! We are sure that you will endeavour to complete this work booklet and be resilient with all the challenges, tasks and questions that it possesses. When you have finished the booklet, you will have; 

Some understanding of a typical day at RVHS

Some knowledge of the subjects you will be understanding

Some of the (many) important staff who are there to help you achieve and progress.

We hope you enjoy completing the booklet and we look forward to seeing it in September!

At RVHS, we have many students who speak different languages. Below is how you say 'welcome' in many different languages. How many do you know?

My name is:

My Primary School was:

My birthday is:

My Favourite Food Is: Draw a picture of yourself in the frame above.

My hobbies are:    

My favourite subjects at school are:  

Something that you would like your new teachers to know about you:

 

The thing I am most looking forward to about joining RVHS is:

Please use the space below to write a poem about a child’s first day at a new school:

To answer the following questions you will have to read the ‘Year 6 Welcome Booklet’ that has been sent to you or search the Roding Valley High School website

What are RVHS’s three core values?

What is the name of the Headteacher?

1. 2. 3.

What is the name of my Year Progress Leader?

Name two extra-curricular clubs you would like to attend: 1.

If you were looking for lost property, where would you go?


Name the five House groups and their colour? House Name


What day is your official first day at RVHS?

What time does school start?

What time does the school day finish?

Name two ways that you could be rewarded at RVHS: 1. 2.

You are at the start of your ‘7 Year Journey’, what part of the school will you be in during your 6th and 7th year:

Getting Organised – Journey to School

Travelling to and from your new school will probably be different from you journey to and from your Primary school. Discuss with your parents the following points:  How will I get to and from school?

Your safety is very important and will be one of the things your family will worry about. Agree together what your rules will be to make sure you are safe and healthy Keeping Safe: Think about and discuss with your parents the following things:

 Crossing roads  Cars seeing you easily  If you will be travelling by public transport – do you have an Oyster card?  When you’ll get home, who’ll be at home  Texting or ringing your family so they know you’re OK – do you have their phone numbers?

 Going to other people’s houses after school  Going to the park  If you’re late  Buying sweets or fizzy drinks  What time will you need to get up each day, so that you have time to eat breakfast, prepare my school bag for the day and get to school on time? Setting an alarm each day will help you get up on time Start to plan the route you will take to and from Roding Valley High school and you could do a few trial runs before your start in September.

My Journey Plan: Once you have decided the safest and quickest way to and from your new school, set a date to practice the journey. Now write down your plan for how you might get to school  Date:  Time:  Who is going?  How long did the journey take you?  What time do I need to leave the house to arrive at school on time? Having done the journey once with a parent or helper, organise to do it on your own with a friend. Remember to let your Parents know that you are doing this.

Getting Organised – Uniform

Schools have different uniforms for lots of different reasons. It shows other people which school you go to, and it saves having to decide what to wear each school day!

My Uniform List

Look together with your parents at the information in our Welcome Booklet and make a list together of what you need to buy. Tick it off when you have it.

Getting Organised – Equipment

What equipment you need to take to Secondary will be different from Primary school – you may well also need a bigger bag as you will be carrying lots of things around with you as you move to different classrooms. Make a list of the different equipment you think you may need in secondary school, think about what equipment you may need for specialist subjects such as Science, Maths and Food and Nutrition.

My Equipment List

Getting Organised – My Timeline Journey from Year 6 to Year 7 What has been happening most recently to you and your family and what are your hopes? On the timeline below, write down specific events or things that have happened since March when you found out about which school you were going to. What’s happened at school or at home and how have you felt about it? Now think about anything you know will happen in the summer holidays and next term at home or at secondary school.

Year 7


Year 6

Research the different Flags, write the Country underneath each flag and then see if you can identify the capital city of that country.

Country Capital

Country Capital

Country Capital

Country Capital

Country Capital

Country Capital

Mental Maths Strategies

Mental Maths Skills 1

Mental Maths Skills 2

Don’t Forget to Set Your Timer!

Don’t Forget to Set Your Timer!

Mental Maths Skills 3

Don’t Forget to Set Your Timer!

Number: Highest Common Factor (HCF)

Find the highest common factor for each pair of numbers below

Colour in all of the factors of 72 to reveal a hidden number

Number: Lowest Common Factor (LCF)

Find the lowest common factor for each pair of numbers below

Find your way through the maze by shading in multiples of 4. You can travel horizontally  or vertically but not diagonally 

Number: Square Numbers

Identify the Square Numbers. The first one is done for you.

What topics will you study in Year 7 English?  Animal Farm  School Poetry

At Roding, we value reading! Why is reading so important?

 Gothic Writing  Newspaper Writing  Introduction to Shakespeare  Pre-1900s Dickens

Shakespeare Word Search You will study Shakespeare! Can you find all of his plays?

What websites can I access to help prepare me for Year 7 English?  Animal Farm: ge.shtml

 School Poetry:

 Gothic Writing:

 Newspaper Writing: 2gk9qt

 Introduction to Shakespeare:

 Pre-1900s Dickens:

Lab Safety 1. What dangerous things can you see about this picture?

1. Why are they dangerous?

2. What would you do differently

Biology 1. How many different parts of the body do you know the name of?

2. What do those parts of the body do?

3. What do you know about plants?

Chemistry Research what will happen when chemicals are added to these test tubes and colour them in. 1. Water + Universal Indicator 2. Hydrogen Peroxide + Potassium Iodide 3. Silver Nitrate + Copper

Chemistry 1. How many different ways could you balance this see-saw?

2. What does it mean if something is ‘balanced’?

3. Why is this Seesaw unbalanced?

What are the three things you are most excited about doing in Science in year 7? 1. 2. 3.

Family Tree.

Question Time Have a go at answering these questions:

Can you find a photo or document for all or any of these people?

1. What is the purpose of teaching and

       

2. What is your favourite history topic?

Mum Dad Brother Sister Uncle Aunt Nan Grandad

Can you make your own family Tree?

 The Titanic cost the equivalent of £400million to build.  When Columbus arrived at an island near Florida, he thought he had found the Indies by going west - he had, in fact found the New World.  Richard Nixon, 37th US president could play five instruments, piano, saxophone, clarinet, accordion and violin.

learning history?

3. Which history topics have you studied?

4. What history topics would you like to study?

Research Can you find three important historical dates and events? A. Put them in chronological order B. Explain what happened on that date C. Give your opinion about these events

What do you think these history artefacts (historical objects) are?

What can we tell about the people who used, made, were around at the time of these artefacts?

Where in the World! 1. Find as many of these countries as you can on Google Earth:






United Kingdom



Research 

What is the richest country?

What country has the biggest population?

What does it mean when a country is ‘landlocked’?

What is the Taiga biome?

What is a composite volcano?

Draw a line from the country to the correct flag.

Write a description on how you think each landform below was created:

Australia is wider than the moon!

Fact or Belief: Decide which of the following sentences are fact or belief:



The US is made up of 50 states Caterpillars turn into butterflies. God made the world.

Can you identify the different religions in the picture above?

The Loch Ness monster is alive and well. King Henry the Eighth had six wives Jesus was the Son of God An Octopus has three hearts. Hinduism is the oldest religion After we die, we go to Heaven or Hell. What do you believe to be true no matter what? Explain your answer!

Have a go at answering these questions: 1. What is the purpose of teaching and learning Religious Studies?

2. Which RS topics have you studied?

3. What religion do you know most about?

4. What RS topics would you like to study?

How many words can you make from: ‘Welcome to Religious Studies at Roding Valley High School’

Colour in your own stained glass window

Things to Look Out For!

Cut Hive Puzzles

Welcome to the computer science page. We have a few activities you might like to try. If you can get online, you could try Googling ‘Hour of Code’ and complete one or more of the activities they have – a great start to programming.

Develop skills for programming.

Also, using BBC Bitesize KS3 Computer Science pages read about the Computational Thinking redraw this diagram with notes on each section.

Computer Science Word Search

Know the words Once you’ve found the words, check you know what they mean. Add definitions below: Database: Syntax: Psuedocode: Array: Variables: Integer:

Look up your five favourite words and translate them into French. Use to help you. Write them in both languages below: English


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

On YouTube, find three songs in French. Write down the name of the song and the artist below:

Which famous French monument is this cartoon based on? Do you know any others?

1. Find the French words below in the Word Search! 2. 3.

Can you guess what these words are in English?

1. Calculatrice 2. Kilomètre 3. Musique

Hello = bonjour Goodbye = au revoir What is your name? = comment tu t’appelles? My name is = je m’appelle one = un two = deux three = trois four = quatre five = cinq six = six seven = sept

eight = huit nine = neuf ten = dix Hi = salut How are you? = ça va? I’m feeling good = ça va bien very good = trés bien I’m feeling bad/ill = ça va mal Thank you = merci Yes = oui No = non

Busca las parejas Uno - Find the pairs one Draw a line from the Spanish phrase to the matching English definition. For example; Me llamo… = My name is…

- Find the pairs two.

Me llamo …………

I am

Tengo ………… años

I live in …………

Vivo en …………

My name is …………

Soy …………

My birthday is the … of ….

Mi cumpleaños es el … de …

I’m … years old

Use a dictionary to find the words listed below in Spanish, and then find them in the Word Search above. English

























Good Looking


Busca las parejas dos Research online for the numbers in Spanish up to 31 and draw a line to match them to the English definition. For example; Dos = two. catorce


















treinta y uno








Completa la frase con tus datos personales Complete the sentence from for yourself.


You need to find the month for your birthday! For example; Tengo once años = I am 11 years old

Facial Proportion When drawing a face, it is vital that we consider Proportion. These are the rules that we follow to avoid making basic errors.

Did you know:  Your eyes are in the centre of your head - 90% of students draw eyes too high.  Also, Your head is five eyes wide  Your nose is halfway between your eyes and your chin.  Your mouth is two eyes wide

Our faces ALL follow these rules, so when you are drawing yourself wearing a RVHS uniform, make sure that you are following these important rules of facial proportion.

Task Watch the linked 18-minute YouTube video: https://www.youtub mDbiGEsKlc or research: ‘How to Draw Faces for Beginners’ Use these tips to draw a picture of yourself wearing the Roding Valley High uniform.

Identify the cooking skills below by labelling each picture; use the keywords to help you.

 Slice  Peel  Mix  Knead  Whisk  Grate

Food & Nutrition Challenges Challenge One: Research a recipe that has at least ONE of the cooking skills above.

Challenge Two: Prepare this dish with your parent or carer at home.

#TeamDrama at Roding Valley High School, where drama is serious fun. Here’s Poppy, playing the role of Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

At Roding Valley High School you will have one hour of drama every week! You might also want to come to drama club and also join in with our numerous school productions. Some of the answers to these questions will be found on the internet, and some of the research might include looking at the things we share on: Twitter:@RodingDrama Instagram: @Roding_Drama

Q: In this play, what does Oberon turn Bottom into?

and the RodingDrama YouTube channel!


Q: Which one of these shows has NOT been staged by RVHS in the last two years? 1. Matilda 2. A Christmas Carol 3. Legally Blonde 4. Cats 5. A Midsummer Night’s Dream


Acting Challenge Learn a short speech, maybe a poem or a speech from a play, film or TV show; then perform your speech to your family. If you feel brave, maybe you could perform your speech in your first drama lesson!

does Oberon Bottom Here is a plan of a stage. We have divided it intoIn a this, Usewhat the terms belowturn to label theinto? grid to _______________________ show what each part of the stage is called. We’ve done the first one for you. CS Audience

Q: Have you been to a theatre, seen a pantomime, a school play or a musical? Describe the best thing about what you watched. What skills did the actors use to keep you engaged?

Draw or stick in a picture of your favourite actor. Tell us three reasons you think they are the best.

Can you find the answers to these questions?  Who was the best-selling artist of 2016?  Who are the best-selling artists of all time?

Music Suduko Can you solve these musical sudoku? Solve the puzzle so that each Piano P, Natural #, Triplet, Forte f, Accent ^, Staccato’ appear only once on each line and each box?

 Which artist has had the most Christmas No 1s?  Who was Number One in the Classic FM Hall of Fame 2020?  Who is the best-selling boy band of all time?  Who is the best-selling girl band of all time?

Fun Facts:  None of The Beatles could read or write music.  Brian May of Queen has a PhD in astrophysics.  The most expensive instrument in the world is the ‘Lady Blunt’ Stradivarius violin, which sold in 2011 for 15.9 million US dollars.  The only band to have played on all seven continents is Metallica.  In 1952 John Cage wrote a piece called 4.33 which is 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence.  There are more people in Monaco’s orchestra than its army.

Can you name these Disney songs using the emojis?

Try the three challenges below over a 6-week period, 2 to 3 times a week and see if you can beat your score each time: Week

Keepy Ups

Two Handed Juggle

Press Ups or Sit Ups in 30 seconds

1 2 3 4 5 6 Best Create a Roding Valley High School Sports kit for one of the following sports:  Football,  Rugby,  Netball,  Basketball

Complete the FIFA player card about you. It does not have to be just if you are a footballer. Relate it to your chosen sport. Must include: Your Name, Overall rating out of 100, ratings for the individual characteristics, National flag, picture of you and what sport you have chosen. This must be handed into your PE Teacher on your first lesson

Remember the school colours are navy and silver

87 PAC 76 SHO 80 PAS

88 DRI 96 DEF 92 PHY

Roding Valley High School

Well done on finishing the Roding Valley High School work booklet.

Do not forget to bring this booklet with you on your first day, as your teachers would love to see it!

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