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Polytechnic Institute "Santiago Mariño" Extension Barinas School of Architecture Subject: English II Teacher: Yesy Franco Directors: Katerine Stanovich Yerineth Díaz María Sarmiento Eylin Estacio




PROFESSIONALISM character, spirit, or methods...

…the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. “Professionalism” as defined like The competence or skill expected of a professional. And a “Professional” means: Relating to or belonging to a profession. In order for an individual to do his job well, he should have the - Passion, Persistence, and Professionalism. "Professionalism", it is a behavior and good attitude towards his work. One should know on all aspects of what to do?, when to do?, why to do?, how to do?, and then really doing it with Quality 3

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” This was a famous quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Professionalism distinguishes the best...

Professionalism is earned, rather than being called. A real "Professional" is a brand, which is tagged with respects that one gains. It takes lot of practice for an individual to perfect himself, and a path to perfection is professionalism. The path to perfection involves holding high personal standards, competing with oneself, constant learning, dedication, and commitment to excellence. ---There is no major definition to measure professionalism but one can analyze through asking questions to self‌

As you can see from these characteristics, professionals are the kind of people that others respect and value. They are a genuine credit to their organizations! This is why it's so important that we work to earn a professional reputation in the workplace. True professionals are the first to be considered for promotions, they are awarded valuable projects or clients, and they are routinely successful in their careers. By Katerine Stanovich 4




be defined as the activity staff, put in a stable manner and honored the service of others and for their own benefit, to impulses of one's vocation and the dignity inherent in the human person. Strictly speaking this word refers only university. In a broad sense, it also covers trades and permanent jobs and paid, but not requiring a university degree. By virtue of their profession, the subject occupies a position that gives special rights and obligations, as discussed: • Vocation_ The choice of the profession should be completely free. The vocation to be understood as the provision that makes the subject, particulary suitable for a given occupation.


Whoever chooses according to his own vocation is guaranteed and half of your success in your work. • Purpose of the Job. The purpose of professional work is the common good. The training required to perform this work, is always oriented to better performance in specialized activities for the benefit of society. Without this perspective and purpose, a job becomes a means of profit or honor, or simply the instrument of the moral degradation of the subject. • The Proper benefit. The ideal is to take into account the pleasure and usefulness of the profession, and if not so much emphasis on this aspect, it is because everybody is inclined by nature to the consideration of personal gain, thanks to their profession.

their profession. It is worth mentioning the sacrifice involving almost all professions: doctor, getting up at midnight to attend a seriously ill patient, the engineer, with heavy responsibilities to work, etc.. The profession also thanks to those same papers, leaves, in the end, one of the deepest satisfactions. • Professional capacity. A professional should provide special training in two ways: intellectual and moral capacity. Brainpower is the body of knowledge within their profession, make it suitable to carry out their work. These skills are acquired primarily for university studies, but should be updated through journals, conferences and consultations libraries. It is the responsibility of professional skills stay current. The moral capacity is the professional value as a person, which gives a dignity,

seriousness and nobility to his work, worthy of appreciation of all that is, It covers not only honesty in dealing, not only in the sense of responsibility in the fulfillment of the agreement, but also the ability to embrace and pass on their own professional sphere on a much wider horizon, toward finding and building a society more fair and balanced. The practitioner must exercise its function from the strictest honesty and fidelity to principle. Along with the knowledge and skills for the good performance, practitioners should be characterized by ethical and moral principles, for his honesty foolproof, for his incorruptibility, for their discipline, their collective spirit, for its austerity, modesty and lifestyle simple. The practice requires a wide field of autonomy, both personal and the collective as a whole, whose correlate is the assumption of the responsibilities inherent in the development of the activity.





It is considered unethical and incompatible with the exercise of the profession worth for a member Engineers Association of Venezuela:


1st. (Virtues): Act in any

way tend to impair the honor, responsibility and the virtues of honesty, integrity and truthfulness that should form the basis of full exercise of their profession. 2do. (I llegal) Violate or permit violate the laws, ordinances and regulations relating to the proper practice. 3ro. (Knowledge): Neglecting the maintenance and improvement of their skills, thereby detracting confidence that society attaches practice. 4to. (Seriously): Volunteering for the performance of specialties and functions for which they have the capacity, preparation and fair experiences. 5to. (Waiver): Dispense, for friendship, convenience or coercion, compliance with mandatory provisions, when the mission of his office is to respect and obey them.


6to. (Compensation): Offering, soliciting or providing professional services for remuneration than thos established as a minimum, by the College of Engineering of Venezuela. 7th. (Compensation): Develop projects and prepare reports with gross negligence or lightness, or criterion unduly optimistic. 8vo. (Signature): Signing drawings prepared by others without consultation and take responsibility for projects or jobs that do not under their immediate direction, review or supervision. 9th. (Works): take charge of works have been done without all the technical studies necessary for proper execution, or when to perform the same time those listed incompatible with good professional practice. 10th. (Bids): Attending deliberately or invite bidding for study and / or work projects. 11th. (Influence) Offer, give or receive commissions or undue compensation, solicit or use them influences for obtaining or granting of professional work, or to create situations of privilege in his performance.

By MarĂ­a Paula Sarmiento


ZUELA 12th (advantages): Use of the advantages inherent in a paid position to compete with independent practice other professionals. 13th. (Reputation): Attempting the reputation or the legitimate interests of other professionals, or attempt to attribute commission errors unreasonably professional colleagues. 14th. (Interest): Acquire interest, directly or indirectly adjacent to the company or client that employs encargases services or no knowledge of stakeholders to work where there interests antagonistic. 15th. (Justice) deliberately contravene the principles of justice and fairness in their dealings with customers, junior staff and workers, in particular, with regard to the latter, in relation to the maintenance equitable working conditions and their fair share of the profits. 16th (the environment) directly or indirectly intervene in the destruction of natural resources or omit the action corresponding to prevent the production of events that contribute to environmental degradation.

17th. (Foreign) Act in any way allow or facilitate the hiring professionals or companies foreign studies or projects, construction, inspection and supervision of works, when in the judgment of the College Engineers, in Venezuela there is the ability to perform them. 18th. (Authorship): Use studies, projects, plans, reports or other documents, other than the public domain, without the authorization of the authors and / or owners. 19th. (Secret) data reserved in nature Reveal technical, financial or professional and disclose without proper authorization procedures, processes or equipment characteristics protected by patents or contracts down the obligations of professional secrecy guards. And use programs, disks, tapes or other media, which is not public domain, without permission of the authors and / or owners, or unauthorized use of access codes of other people, to their advantage. 20th. (Experimentation and services needed): Submit your client or employer to the implementation of materials or methods in experimentation, without previous full knowledge and approval or recommend unneeded services.

By Estacio Eylin


21st. (Undue publicity) Make or permit any institutional advertising which aims to attract the public to the professional action, personal or participate in television, radio or other means not having an professional informative, or in any way ateten the dignity and seriousness of their profession. And, fend position to proffer statements in the media or propaganda materials, equipment and technologies. 22nd. (Action recognition): Breaching the provisions of "Performance Standards VIC Guild".

You decide…

…Respect and honesty are the two main components of professional ethics… 9




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