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Current Parent Honor Roll of Donors
Northwest Catholic is fortunate to receive considerable financial support each year from the parents of our students. Recognizing that tuition alone does not cover the cost of a child’s education, many parents choose to make a gift to the Northwest Catholic Fund that helps to subsidize the difference between the actual cost and the tuition. These important gifts make it possible for us to maintain a reasonable tuition relative to other private schools. Parents also support Northwest Catholic through gifts to endowment and capital projects. We are grateful to these parents for the investment they have made to enhance the educational experience for our students.
John and Tierney Alissi P ’23 Thomas and Julie Armstrong P ’22 Andrea Austin-Thompson P ’20 Natasha Alexander Baldwin ’90 P ’20 Christopher and Stephanie Barnes P ’20 Jason and Sara Beaudin P ’23 Javier and Katherine Bello P ’20 ’22 Scott Bennett ’88 and
Christine Bennett P ’20 Michael and Rosemary Bluestein P ’22 Peter and Ellen Bompane P ’20 David and Kelly Boudreaux P ’20 Doug and Cory Bowie P ’20 Christine Rensen Bradley ’91 and
Patrick Bradley P ’22 William Brosmith P ’20 Terrie Brosmith P ’20 Michael and Leslie Burgeson P ’23 Peter and Cheri Burke P ’22 Catherine and Anthony Calendrillo P ’22 John and Kirsten Carew P ’22 Ralph and Kathleen Carucci P ’20 Christopher and Carrie Casciani P ’20 ’22 Christian and Janet Cashman P ’20 ’23 Wayne Chen and Sharon Tan P ’21 Allan and Katie Chipps P ’23 Seth and Patricia Cioffi P ’23 Kenneth and Donna Colliton P ’20 Frank Conde and Dawn Conde P ’22 Matthew and Kelly Conway P ’20 Bryan and Janine Cote P ’23 Douglas and Jennifer Coté P ’23 Angel and Lilian Cuevas P ’21 Michael W. Culligan and
Deidre Galbo P ’22 ’23 Andrew and Mary Kay Curtiss P ’23 Patricia Keightley Dabney ’84 and
John Dabney P ’21 Thomas and Susan Daily P ’21 Bernie and Sandra Davis P ’22 Maurice and Robin DeFina P ’20 ’22 Laurie Deneen P ’21 Kevin Deneen ’78 P ’21 Martin and Melissa Deschamps P ’23 Frank and Peggy Discenza P ’21 Thomas W. Donohue ’76 and
Kristin Triff P ’22 Todd and Eileen Doyle P ’22 Daniel and Mandy Drain P ’21 ’23 Mark Drusedum and Molly Knorr P ’20 Gene Duarte and Karen Smith P ’21 Dane and Susan Dudley P ’20 Donald and Valerie Dugan P ’22 Robert and Diane Earley P ’20 ’22 John and Karen Eckert P ’22 John and Janet Esposito P ’22 Brian and Vicki Ferrell P ’21 Matt and Sarah Fitzsimons P ’20 Ron and Patricia Forster P ’20 Douglas and Maureen Frink P ’21 David Froman and Agnes Curry P ’20 Randall and Sarah Gage P ’21 ’23 William and Laurie Ganem P ’23 Paw Gay and Pi Mu P ’21 Charles and Alena Gfeller P ’20 ’22 Petro and Nadia Gluch P ’20 Charles and Claudia Good P ’20 Scott and Alaine Griffin P ’21 John Griffith ’89 and Kristine Griffith P ’20 Matthew and Elizabeth Gunslalus P ’20 ’23 John and Mary Beth Gustavsen P ’21 William and Nicole Heiden P ’20 Greg and Laurie Hicks P ’21 ’23 Niall and Erinne Houton P ’22 Keith and Natalie Hubert P ’20 ’23 John and Christina Hurley P ’20 Theodore and Lynn Johnson P ’22 Bruce Jones and Debora Sokolski P ’20 Lawrence and Christine Juhasz P ’23 Jamie and Diana Kalamarides P ’22 Jacek and Renata Kalinowski P ’22 Donald and Kellyanne Kasheta P ’21 Robert and Kathryn Keefrider P ’21 ’23 Jennifer Kotowitz P ’22 Maria Romaniak-Kumik and
Richard Kumik P ’23 Richard and Noreen Kuziak P ’23 Maryann and Michael Lacouture P ’21 Brian and Kerry Ladouceur P ’23 Marc and Alison Lamberty P ’21 ’23 Karyn Lancaster P ’21 Michael and Sarah Landi P ’20 ’21 Lee LeBlanc and Maureen O’Connor P ’22 Christopher and Lisa Lee P ’20 William and Theresa Lindberg P ’20 Christopher and Joanna Link P ’21
John and Diane Lipari P ’23 Steven and Cindy Liu P ’20 ’22 Matthew and Maria Loitz P ’20 Timothy Machon and
Virginia Ferlan P ’21 ’23 Jeffrey and Heather Maguire P ’22 Scott and Ellen Marshall P ’20 Scott and Megan Mayo P ’21 John and Melissa McDermott P ’20 ’22 Thomas and Wendy McDonald P ’20 David and Kerry McElroy P ’22 Paul and Karen McKenna P ’21 Walter and Jill McNally P ’23 Timothy and Marie McNamara P ’20 ’22 William and Sandy Micari P ’20 ’23 James and Susan Millerick P ’22 Brian and Nancy Mitchell P ’23 Jennifer and Matthew Montoney P ’23 Victor Morganthaler and
Kelly Cusson P ’20 ’22 Jeff and Maribeth Mortillaro P ’20 Michael and Katherine Mugno P ’22 Kevin and Julie Mullen P ’21 Eileen Walsh Neubert ’85 and
Daniel Neubert P ’20 James and Jennifer Newman P ’20 ’22 Christopher and Monica Nicholas P ’21 ’23 Gary and Elizabeth Olin P ’22 Maurice and Laura O’Shea P ’21 Christopher and Paula Ostop P ’20 ’23 Timothy and Verneen Paradise P ’22 Patrick Polking and
Dawn Ruhland Polking P ’22 ’23 Heather Attianese Popella ’89 and
Damon Popella P ’21 ’23 James and Tricia Porter P ’20 ’23 Eric and Denise Przystawski P ’20 Diane Berube Purcell ’77 and
John Purcell P ’20 Paul and Kathleen Querfeld P ’20 Normand Rainville and Leslie Soler P ’23 Peter and Elisabeth Robinson P ’21 Timothy and Danielle Roy P ’22 Steve and Rebecca Rushin P ’22 Gregory and Karen Russo P ’21 ’23 Terry Cullen Rutenberg ’87 and
Jonathan Rutenberg P ’20 Randall Sabia and Margaret O’Neil P ’23 Bryan and Kathy Sautters P ’21 Richard and Irene Sawka P ’20 Elizabeth Gies Schuck ’90 and
J. Christopher Schuck P ’21 Michael and Karen Schulitz P ’21 James and Bridget Shanley P ’21 Michael Sisk ’85 and Patricia Sisk P ’20 Nicolas and Melissa Skottegaard P ’23 Michael and Tiffany Smolenski P ’20 Eric and Lyssa Soderberg P ’23 Michael Sponzo ’73 and Sandra Sponzo P ’23 John and Molly Staunton P ’20 William and Molly Stiles P ’20 Charlie and Margaret Sullivan P ’23 Gregory and Deborah Sullivan P ’22 David and Judith Susanin P ’20 Robert and Rachel Taylor P ’20 James and Karen Tessman P ’20 ’23 Michael and Catherine Thomas P ’21 Jodi Ticchio P ’23 Pamela and Timothy Tofil P ’21 Efrain and Wendy Torres P ’21 Paul and Judy Travers P ’21 Manoj and Tejal Vallam P ’23 Aldo Vallera P ’20 Eric and Christina Verner P ’20 Heather Warren P ’22 Michael and Colleen Waterbury P ’21 ’23 Michele Winer P ’21 Mark and Kate Whitsitt P ’22 William and Elizabeth Wilcox P ’20 Kenneth and Lynn Wilkos P ’21 ’23 David and Aileen Wilson P ’21 Beata Wolanski P ’20 Michael and Susan Zordan P ’21