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Grandparent Honor Roll of Donors
Michael Tyler ’73 and Patricia
Tyler AP ’08 ’10 ’12 ’15 Anthony and Darla Vaughns AP ’19 Tracie Vicki AP ’09 Paul and Nora Villani AP ’19 Anonymous AP ’13 ’15 ’16 Donald and Cheryl Walker AP ’19 William and Patricia Walsh AP ’06 ’08 William W. Walsh AP ’82 Mary Beth Walsh AP ’76 ’77 ’80 ’81 ’85 ’91 Patricia and William Walsh AP ’08 Maura Walsh-O’Brien ’77 and
Andrew O’Brien AP ’14 Michael and Colleen Waterbury AP ’19 Douglas and Maureen Waterston AP ’15 ’17 Kathleen Collagan Wentworth ’65 and
Ralph Wentworth ’65 AP ’00 ’87 ’02 William and Elizabeth Wilcox AP ’18 ’20 Donald and Glenda Wilkerson AP ’06 Margaret and Brian Williamson AP ’99 ’03 ’08 Robert and Denise Winland AP ’09 Susan Wiskowski AP ’05 ’08 ’10 Andrea Melanson Wlochowski ’85 and
Blair Wlochowski AP ’18 ’20
Grandparents of alumni and current students realize the importance of investing in an excellent education. The support of a grandparent is special — their generosity provides a solid foundation for what we do at Northwest Catholic. We are thankful for their support of our mission.
Jo-Anne Alissi GP ’17 ’19 ’23 Ted and Alice GP ’22 Thomas and Kate Armstrong GP ’19 ’22 Kathleen Bannon GP ’24 Roberta Hack Bellock GP ’13 ’15 Colette Bouvier+ GP ’08 ’12 William and Emilie Bradley GP ’22 ’24 Alice Branigan GP ’20 ’23 Mary Burgeson GP ’23 ’24 Stephen and Sue Burlingame GP ’20 ’23 Joseph and Angela Chopyak GP ’24 Robert and Nancy Chudzik GP ’24 Attilio and Emma Cianfaglione GP ’18 ’19 ’24 Ellen Connery GP ’10 John and Betty Critchley GP ’20 ’22 Donald and Murva Deneen
GP ’07 ’08 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’14 ’16 ’17 ’17 ’21 ’21 Barbara Dixon GP ’19 ’22 Robert and Judith Farina GP ’21 ’23 Brendan M. Fox
GP ’06 ’08 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’13 ’14 ’16 ’18 Keith and Catherine Gage GP ’21 Robert and Jacqueline Gfeller GP ’20 ’18 John and Janice Gies GP ’21 Timothy and Maureen Harrington GP ’23 Rosemary Hart GP ’22 Franklin Heffelfinger GP ’22 ’24 Luis Ferney Hernandez GP ’23 William and JoAnn Hoffman GP ’17 Joseph and Mary Hogan GP ’24 Varney and Berdia Honaker GP ’19 ’21 James and Mary Ann Hubert GP ’18 ’20 ’23 Ann Johnson-Bly GP ’21 ’24 Rosalind Kaliden GP ’24 Mary Lou Kane GP ’21 ’23 Karl and Anne Kuhn GP ’22 ’24 Brian Ladouceur, Sr. GP ’23 L.James and Jane Lamberty GP ’21 ’23 Thomas and Marilyn Lenihan GP ’13 ’15 Peter and Rita Lenox GP ’05 ’07 ’20 ’21 ’24 Sally Leonard GP ’22 William and Margarita Liu GP ’20 ’22 John and Sandra McDermott GP ’20 ’22 Joanne McGoldrick GP ’11 ’13 Don and Barbara McKay GP ’19 ’22 Michael and Celinda McKinney GP ’17 Diana Micari GP ’20 ’23 Anna Mitchell GP ’21 William Molloy ’65 and Eileen Molloy GP ’24 Duncan Montgomery GP ’22 Joanne Moran GP ’13 Edward and Mary Mullarkey GP ’22 Mary Murphy GP ’17 ’18 ’20 ’22 Henry Neubert GP ’16 ’20 James O’Boyle GP ’09 ’14 ’19 ’22 Maxwell and Dorothy
O’Meara GP ’16 ’18 ’24 J.Ward and Susan O’Neill GP ’19 William and Barbara Ormsby GP ’21 ’23 Francis and Margaret Pane GP ’14 ’17 David and Barbara Quaglini GP ’18 Kevin and Mary Ann Reed GP ’20 ’21 Philip Rensen GP ’22 ’24 Rev. Richard T. Ruffin and Rev. Clara V.
Ruffin GP ’11 James and Ida Shea GP ’19 ’19 ’22 Elva Smith GP ’21 Dianne Sprinthall GP ’13 ’21 Les and Ann Steele GP ’20 Oliver Stewart GP ’15 Estate of Dennis Sullivan GP ’19 David and Karen Tessman GP ’20 ’23 Chung Truong + GP ’17 ’24 Reginald and Rose Tucker GP ’24 Mary Beth Walsh GP ’14 ’16 ’20 Harrison and Geraldine Waterbury
GP ’19 ’21 ’23 Kathleen Collagan Wentworth ’65 and
Ralph Wentworth ’65 GP ’16 ’19 ’20 Lincoln and Janet Williams GP ’17 Susan Zordan GP ’19 ’21