Logos Fall 2014-Winter 2015

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Graduation Throug h the Years


Dear Friends, 50! Wow! This past June, Northwest Catholic celebrated its first 50th class reunion! The Class of 1965 converged on Wampanoag Country Club to be our first class to celebrate 50 years of graduation from our wonderful school. We honored them at our Commencement exercises on June 3rd, and then had a wonderful reunion evening on June 6th. The Class of 1965 had 268 graduates who have taken residence across the country and around the world. After several summers of significant construction, things will settle down at NWC this year. We have plans for some roof work and exterior lighting, but no major projects on the books. The past three summers have seen the construction of the atrium in front of the school, a new parking lot, all new windows and doors, additional air conditioning in parts of the building, and of course a complete conversion of our boiler room from oil to natural gas. If you haven’t been back in a while, please come by and see how good your school looks! At the time of printing of this magazine, we are on pace to meet our enrollment goals for next fall, tracking to meet our fundraising goals, and continue to maintain a strong financial position in the Archdiocese. Our performing arts students continue to win local and national accolades, and our athletes have had a remarkable year. Northwest Catholic is in great shape! We look forward to introducing one to one iPad learning for next fall as we begin to introduce much more modern technology in the building. We have also hired a Director of Leadership, Mary Roberts ’96, to develop a new curriculum of learning that turns out leaders upon graduation. We are so very excited to see where this new venture takes us! On behalf of everyone at Northwest Catholic, thank you for your continued support of your school.

David C. Eustis President & Chief Administrator



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@ Send us your e-mail address! Help us cut down on paper and postage, while still keeping you posted about NWC news. Send to JLeary@nwcath.org.

GRADUATION THROUGH THE YEARS 50 Years of Graduating Classes Then and Now!













Look Who Got Married!










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E D I TO R ' S N OT E Graduation – the day every high school student looks forward to, some from the first day of freshman year. On June 4, 2014, Northwest Catholic celebrated the Commencement of its 50th graduating class. This issue of Logos highlights the remarkable Class of 2014 and looks back to the 49 other classes of NWC graduates on their graduation day. Thank you to everyone who sent in their graduation photos and memories! This year also marks the 50th anniversary of the graduation of the Class of 1965 – NWC’s first graduating class! Watch for highlights from their 50th reunion and a look at what some members of the Class of 1965 have done over the past 50 years in a future issue of Logos.

LOGOS The Greek word or logos (pronounced lo-gaas) is defined as “word” or “meaning.” St. John’s Gospel opens: “In the beginning was Logos (the Word), and Logos was with God, and Logos was God.” The phrase “Word (Logos) of God,” found in John 1:1 and elsewhere, shows God’s desire and ability to “speak” to the human. The Dominican Sisters of St. Mary of the Springs (the founding Order of Northwest Catholic) have been noted for their effective ability to preach the word. The mission of the Dominicans is to provide intellectual formation, social communication, and service through word and action. Our publication, Logos, conveys our mission and values through this medium of the word. Logos is published twice a year by the Communications Department of Northwest Catholic High School. Please send comments or suggestions to: Kimberly Sanders Spera ’03 Northwest Catholic High School 29 Wampanoag Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117 860.236.4221 x133 kspera@nwcath.org Editor: Kimberly Sanders Spera ’03 President/Chief Administrator: David Eustis Design:


GO media

Photography: Art Rich Photography

Christopher Nista ’15

Tom Baumann ’03


Teresa Giegel Bournique ’84

Hannah Pelton ’08

August 24th

Beth Casey Boyle ’96

Brett Quinion

Lynnette Vera Cardone ’02

Lindsey Pelletier Ramsdell ’02


Carrie Draghi Photography

RDK Photography

October 25 from 1-4pm

Joy Coleman

Mary Turbert Roberts ’96

Ana Colliton ’14

Sarah Moore Rohrer ’92


Brandon Couloute ’10

Terri-Ann Trifari Sands ’81

Siobhan Danahey ’07

Chris Sheridan

Peter Egan ’71

Kimberly Sanders Spera ’03

Janae Frazier ’09

Ellyn Stosuy

G&B Photography

The Defining Photo

Christopher Gosselin ’14

The Writer

Sherine Blagrove Hargrove ’94

Alvinia Young

Philip F. Kelly

Mary Campise Zdrojowy ’66



November 13th and 14th at 7:30pm, November 15th at 2pm ENTRANCE EXAM

November 14th and December 5th at 8am SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE

Lauren Shukie McHugh ’91

November 21st from 6:30pm to midnight

Michelle Wade Photography Alicia Moran ’16


December 15th at 6:30pm and 7:30pm CHRISTMAS INSTRUMENTAL AND CHORAL CONCERT

December 17th at 7pm


Northwest Catholic High School! If you receive a copy of Logos for your son or daughter who has established a separate permanent address, please notify us at JLeary@nwcath.org or 860-236-4221, x131






Graduation Through the Years Over the past 50 years, thousands of young men and women have graduated from Northwest Catholic and for many of them, one of their fondest memories is their graduation. The following pages include a photographic sampling from NWC graduates on their graduation day.


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Half a Century of Excellence:

Northwest Catholic Bids Farewell to School’s 50th Graduating Class Northwest Catholic’s Class of 2014 graduated on June 4, 2014 in a beautiful ceremony inside the majestic Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. Most Rev. Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Hartford, presided over the school’s 50th commencement.

NWC Valedictorian Sarah Pranaitis ’14 addresses her classmates.

Dr. Ann McElaney-Johnson ’75, President of Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles, CA, delivered the inspirational and nostalgic Commencement address. “As you go, be open to the possibilities ahead. You are about to write the next chapter of your life. Make it spectacular,” she said. “Be the light we so desperately need in this world. Be great in all you do.” She also offered advice collected from students at Mount St. Mary’s College for the new graduates: “Get involved. Take risks. Be comfortable doing things outside your comfort zone. Embrace the unknown. Ask for help when you need it. Take classes on subjects you know little to nothing about. Stay on top of your finances. Be passionate about your goals and don’t give up. Take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to you. Develop new skills. Let go of anxiety and fear. Ask questions. Believe in yourself. Be you. And finally, my favorite, don’t be afraid of greatness.”

’14 offers argaret Rose M n ia or at ut tion. NWC Sal during gradua her reflections

Sarah Pranaitis ’14 of Windsor and Margaret Rose ’14 of West Hartford gave the valedictory and salutatory addresses, respectively. In her address, Pranaitis spoke on her classmates’ quest to determine the meaning of life and the lessons they learned, both from their teachers and each other. “We have taught each other so much over the years, about honesty, loyalty, love, faith, and friendship; and it is from these same lessons that we learn more about ourselves,” she said. “We learn that we are stronger than we think, smarter than we think, and braver than we think; not because of our own confidence, but because of the support and reassurance we gain from each other.”

Janae Frazier ’09

celebrates on her

graduation day.

She continued: “Whether we are in the classroom, on the field, or on the stage, we have the ability to be inspired by the encouragement and belief others have in us, and we become something greater than just our individual selves. We have become a true team, a true band, a true club, and ultimately, throughout our years together in high school, we have become a true class; one that is not concerned about the ‘I’ or the ‘me,’ but rather about the ‘we’ and the ‘you.’” Pranaitis noted that the years the members of the Class of 2014 spent at Northwest Catholic helped them begin to find the answer to the meaning of life. “The complete answer is far more complex than the simple sentence – the purpose of life is to live,” she said. “There is more to life than just living, breathing, and eating; there is learning, loving, and enjoying. The purpose of life is not solely based on one singular life, but rather on how one life can affect others. By journeying through life together with family, friends, and classmates, we are able to experience everything life has to offer, making our own lives truly unique, extraordinary, and full of purpose.”

7 and Siobhan Liam Cronin ’0


Danahey ’07

Rose, in her address, offered her fellow classmates what she called ‘five truths to Northwest Catholic’:


C OVER STORY 1. “In your time of need, red punch and cookies will always be there to save the day. 2. ‘Tuck in, button up’ is not just a saying, it is a way of life. 3. Parking spots are personal. 4. Northwest Catholic is the place where you know you belong. 5. Our class has truly excelled in every area possible.” She went on to comment on how her class had grown and changed together. “Our diverse community enabled us to see past the surface and accept each other for who we really are. Four years ago we awkwardly started to get to know one another during ice breakers in orientation, and ever since then we have grown together as a class,” Rose said. “With the help of presentations and retreats, our class was able to form bonds that will withstand the test of time. Every student, teacher, faculty and staff add to the tight knit community we know of as Northwest Catholic, a place we will always hold dear in our hearts.”

Abigaile San ds ’09 with m om Terri-Ann Trifari Sands ’81

She added, “Our time here has given us the foundation and skills that we need to enter the world, pursue our passions, and achieve our dreams. It is imperative we do not forget that we would not be sitting in these seats if it had not been for the people that have pushed us to do our best. Our teachers, friends, families, and our faith have all made it possible for us to raise our personal banners.” The 50th graduating class had 139 students, including 23 whose parents were also Northwest Catholic alums, and they came from 30 towns. West Hartford and Windsor were home to the largest number of graduates (28 each), followed by Bloomfield (13) and Hartford (9). A total of 79 students graduated with honors or highest honors. The vast majority – 98% – of the graduating class attends college, at such schools as the University of Notre Dame, Georgetown University, Amherst College, Williams College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the University of Connecticut, to name just a few. The 50th graduating class included one National Merit Finalist; seven other students honored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation; three students who were named “Summa Scholars” by the Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford; five Division I athletes; and eight students who plan to play Division II or III sports in college. “This graduating class has demonstrated leadership at all levels of achievement, whether it be in the classroom, athletic arena, or performing arts,” stated Northwest Catholic High School President / Chief Administrator David Eustis. “They have left an indelible mark on our school and community.”

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(left) Mary Campise Zdrojowy ’66 t ’66 net Ben oie Lav with Rosemarie


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(Left to right) Ci ndy Poirot Brei tenbach ’91, La Shukie McHug uren h ’91, Mary Elle n Young Loschi Elizabeth Shuk avo ’91, ie Borst ’91, Je nnifer Guertin Sh ’91 and Bridge ockley t Berry Dujardin ’91

Brian Bournique ’14 (center) with parents Glenn Bournique and Teresa Giegel Bournique ’84 at the 2014 graduation

Moore Rohrer kman ’92, Sarah Maria Bustria-Glic 2 ’9 no ra have Amet ’92 and Lauren Sc

Graduation Reflections of NWC Leaders “I’m very pleased that the school is still alive and flourishing,” said Rev. William O’Keefe, principal of Northwest Catholic from 1968 to 1977. “I’m proud of all the kids who came through the school. Their achievements are something Northwest Catholic can be very proud of.”


Rev. Henry C. Frascadore, NWC President from 1985 -1996, agrees. “I’m very proud of what the students and teachers are doing in the school,” he said. “The same spirit that was in the school at the beginning is the same spirit that is there now.”



Baccalaureate Mass: A Graduation Tradition Another long-standing graduation tradition at Northwest Catholic is the Baccalaureate Mass. This ceremony allows the graduates and their families to celebrate Mass as a community before the pomp and circumstance of Commencement. Held on June 3, 2014 in the Richard Rice Auditorium at Northwest Catholic, the Baccalaureate Mass for the Class of 2014 was a beautiful, heartfelt ceremony, presided over by NWC chaplain Rev. Emmanuel Ihemedu and priests from several of the graduates’ home parishes. Members of the Class of 2014 also received copies of the New Testament to serve as guides for them during college and beyond. The evening also featured reflections from Zara Lenihan ’14 and Christopher Gosselin ’14. Here are excerpts from their speeches. Zara Lenihan ’14: “What we’ve formed over the past 4 years is something we’re taking for granted right now. As hesitant as we are to admit it, deep down we do love Northwest and everything it has done for us… I came into this school just as nervous and three times as shy as any freshman. I was nervous to even talk to people and was afraid I wouldn’t fit in, and this year I was voted most outgoing in our class superlatives. That is a change only a school like Northwest could bring to someone.” “The most valuable thing Northwest has given me is the understanding of what being a community really is. Every school has the smart kids, the athletes, the popular kids, the drama kids, the kids who are super involved, and the kids who couldn’t seem to care less, but at NWC you find all these kids participating in a club or volunteer opportunity together, or cheering together in the Belly of the Beast, or even sitting around the same lunch table. Northwest is where you find star athletes tutoring underclassmen, and the kid who goes out with friends on Friday but gets up early on Saturday to volunteer. It is at this very school I learned to cherish differences and praise people for valuable accomplishments, something many people struggle with doing their whole lives and thanks to this school I am confident saying my class and I have mastered it as teenagers. Northwest has nurtured me in a way that I am now so content with who I am that I have the ability to love and accept others for exactly who they are.” Christopher Gosselin ’14: “Hold true to yourself. Remember to hold onto your value system, your work ethic, and most importantly, your faith. It is these qualities that will guide you further on your journey. In addition, today’s achievements may fade and your certificates and medals may gather dust on a shelf or in a drawer. But, you will always be remembered for caring enough, for helping someone, for making someone feel special and appreciated for being the kind of person that others enjoy spending time with.” “We now know where we belong. We belong in the ecstatic crowds cheering on our sports teams. We belong in rows of the Rice watching beautifully performed plays and recitals. We belong in the clubs that we have had so much fun in. We belong in the hearts and minds of all those we have touched. We belong in the Northwest Catholic graduating class of 2014, the place we know we belong.”


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N EW S FROM 2 9 WA MP NORTHWEST CATHOLIC LENDS A HELPING HAND TO FIGHT GLOBAL HUNGER More than 50 Northwest Catholic students and faculty volunteers turned out for the school’s Helping Hands meal packaging event on May 7, 2014. Helping Hands is a hands-on volunteer mealpackaging event developed by Catholic Relief Services and Stop Hunger Now.

More information on the Helping Hands project can be found at http://helpinghands.crs.org/.

During the event, Northwest Catholic students, parents, and faculty worked in teams to put together the packages of rice, soy flour, vitamins and dehydrated vegetables, weigh them, seal them, put them in boxes, and load the truck. The group packaged 10,000 meals during the two-hour event. The packages were sent to a village in the West African country of Burkina Faso. “There was so much energy on the part of the kids and there were so many ready to help,” said Director of Campus Ministry Kristina Gillespie. “We have a lot of students who really have a heart for service and this was a unique and fun way to serve and strengthen our school community.” Throughout the 2014 Lenten season, members of the Northwest Catholic community were asked to give up something each week, such as a cup of coffee, and donate the money they saved to the project. Over $5000 was raised for Helping Hands, which paid for the food and will also help fund programs and initiatives to enable the people of Burkina Faso learn to grow their own food and better their lives and their community.

NWC HOSTS 7TH ANNUAL JAZZ CABARET NIGHT The NWC Music Department held the seventh annual Jazz Cabaret Night on May 3, 2014. The event featured performances by NWC’s Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Singers, and

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Big Band. There were also gourmet desserts, coffee, and a silent auction, all helping to raise money for the Music Department.




The Summa Scholars and their honored teachers (from left): Ronald Swanson, Grace Deneen ’14, Margaret Rose ’14, Deborah Metzler, Sarah Pranaitis ’14 and Joan Keating-McKeon Three outstanding members of the NWC Class of 2014 – Grace Deneen, Sarah Pranaitis and Margaret Rose – were named “Summa Scholars” by Dr. Dale R. Hoyt, Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford, in recognition of superior academic achievement. To qualify for the award, which was given to 63 seniors from the eight Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford, students needed a grade point average of 4.3 or 98% through the first semester of grade 12. The students were honored during a ceremony and reception at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield on May 5. Each Summa Scholar was invited to name the teacher from a Catholic elementary or secondary school who had been the most influential in the student’s education. These teachers were also honored during the ceremony. The Summa Scholars received bronze medallions engraved with their names, the crest of the Archdiocese, and a prayer:

“May you find truth through faith, knowledge, and wisdom.” The students presented certificates of recognition to their mentor teacher. Northwest Catholic’s Summa Scholars, and the teachers they selected, are: •

Grace Deneen ’14 of Windsor – enrolled at Northeastern University; honored Ronald Swanson (Latin teacher)

Sarah Pranaitis ’14 of Windsor – enrolled at Seton Hall University; honored Joan Keating-McKeon (English teacher)

Margaret Rose ’14 of West Hartford – enrolled at the University of Notre Dame; honored Deborah Metzler (Mathematics teacher)

NORTHWEST CATHOLIC’S 2014 AP SCORES TOP STATE AVERAGE Northwest Catholic’s 2014 Advanced Placement scores are the highest in school history and surpass the Connecticut average. According to the College Board, 77% of Northwest Catholic students who took AP exams in 2014 earned a 3 or better on their exams, compared to 74% statewide. The College Board has also announced that 46 students from Northwest Catholic have been named AP Scholars for 2014, based on exceptional achievement on AP exams. This is the highest number of AP Scholars in school history. In total, 162 Northwest Catholic students took 284 AP exams in 2014. Seven students were named AP Scholars with Distinction, earning an average score of 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and a score of 3 or higher

on five or more of the tests. Twelve students were named AP Scholars with Honor, earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and a score of 3 or higher on four or more of the exams. Twentyseven students were named AP Scholars, earning scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. For a complete list of AP Scholars, visit http://www.northwestcatholic.org/uploaded/documents/Academics/ AP_Scholars_2014.pdf. “These scores are a credit to our hard working students and faculty,” said Northwest Catholic President / Chief Administrator David Eustis. “We are very proud of our academic achievement, and to consistently deliver high quality results is what we strive for at Northwest Catholic.”


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BAD AUDITIONS BY BAD ACTORS On May 23, 2014, the NWC Dramateurs presented the one-act play, Bad Auditions by Bad Actors. A casting director (Allyson Voelker ’17) has one day to find the leads for a community theater production of Romeo and Juliet. But what seems like a simple task proves impossible when the pool of actors includes extreme method actors, performers who just don’t know what to do with their hands, and one particular woman who may or may not think that she is a cat. The production was directed by Mary Buckley ’15 and also featured Charles Faselle ’15, Colleen McAnaney ’16, Jacquelyn Collas ’16, Ryan DeFranzo ’14, Mary Buckley ’15, Katharine Katrichis ’15, Matthew Mitchell ’16, Ryan Del Monaco ’14 and Shannon McMahon ’16.

BARNUM From April 4-6, 2014, the NWC Dramateurs presented the musical Barnum. The musical tells the story of showman and Connecticut native P.T. Barnum (Ryan DeFranzo ’14) and the famous personalities he showcased, including Tom Thumb (Matthew Marshall ’15) and Jenny Lind (Jacquelyn Collas ’16). The show also featured a variety of circus acts, including jugglers, tumblers and aerialists – skills learned by many of the students specifically for this show. A carnival, complete with games and prizes, was held before each performance. The show also featured Olivia Fenton ’15 as Charity Barnum, Emily Driscoll ’17 as Joice Heith, Gabriella Fenton ’17 as the Blues Singer, and Matthew Sottile ’16 as the Ringmaster. The production was directed by Sara Avery, with choreography by Kate Morran.

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NWC STUDENTS EXCEL ACADEMICALLY The National Merit Scholarship Program honored nine members of the Class of ’15 for outstanding performance on the PSAT/NMSQT exam they took when they were juniors in October 2013. One student was named a National Merit Finalist – Sarah McLaughlin ’15, the daughter of Daniel and Pam McLaughlin of Suffield. She is in the top 1% of scorers among the 1.5 million juniors who took the PSAT/NMSQT exam in October 2013. Seven students were named National Merit Commended Students: Anna Case ’15 of Glastonbury, Brendan Fahey ’15

of Enfield, James Jordano ’15 of Avon, David Kalamarides ’15 of West Simsbury, Sean Oleasz ’15 of West Simsbury, Ryan Sands ’15 of Avon and Abigail Visintainer ’15 of Burlington. These students are among the 5% highest-scoring of the 1.5 million students who took the exam. Amaia Fernandez-Zelaia ’15 of Windsor was named a Scholar in the National Hispanic Recognition program. The program recognizes about 5,000 of the highest-scoring students from over 250,000 Hispanic/Latino juniors who took the PSAT/NMSQT in October 2013.

National Merit Commended Students are (from left): Abigail Visintainer ’15, Ryan Sands ’15, Brendan Fahey ’15, David Kalamarides ’15, James Jordano ’15, Sean Oleasz ’15 and Anna Case ’15.

Sarah McLaughlin ’15 has been named a National Merit Finalist.

Amaia Fernandez-Zelaia ’15 has been recognized as a Scholar in the National Hispanic Recognition program.


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NORTHWEST CATHOLIC WELCOMES CLASS OF 2018 also benefits teachers who work in multiple classrooms, allowing them to use one device rather than logging into a different computer for each class. The iPad program is expected to be expanded to students for the 2015-2016 school year. Several new faculty members joined the Northwest Catholic community this year. Keith Blum is the new Assistant to the Athletic Director. Dr. Margaret Colvin is a new French teacher and William Lorusso will be teaching both English and Civics. Linda Crawford joined the school as a Mathematics teacher, while Chanisa Bottali joined Northwest Catholic as a Mathematics and Science teacher. Michael Catanese joined the Science Department as a part-time teacher. Northwest Catholic welcomed the members of the Class of 2018 on September 2, 2014. The students in the freshman class come from 27 towns across Connecticut, with the most coming from West Hartford (25), Hartford (17) and Bloomfield (11). One international student is part of the class, as well. Members of the Class of 2018 were helped on their first day by 100 Freshman Contacts, members of the Class of 2015 who volunteered their time to lead orientation activities for the freshmen and help them find their way around the school.

In addition, Beth Oates ’94 and Jennifer Montoney are serving as joint Deans of Students for the 2014-2015 school year. Mrs. Oates serves as the 9th and 10th grade Dean, and Mrs. Montoney serves as the 11th and 12th grade Dean. They oversee all the activities, discipline, and communication with these grades.

Nearly two dozen students transferred in to grades 10, 11 and 12, including eight international students. Northwest Catholic now has a total of 19 international students, coming from China, India, Germany and Spain. iPads were purchased for all teachers, as part of ongoing efforts to increase the use of technology in the classroom. The iPad program allows teachers to take advantage of the school’s wireless network and enables them to incorporate a variety of apps, websites and other multimedia sources into lessons. It

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SUMMER 2014 BRINGS CHANGES TO THE NWC BUILDING Last summer, the school converted its heating system from oil to natural gas, removing two large boilers and a massive oil tank from the back of the school. The school also finished replacing the exterior windows with new, more energy efficient windows. Both projects are expected to save the school on long-term energy costs. Air conditioning has been installed in the Richard Rice Auditorium and new lighting bollards were installed in the front parking lot to improve visibility. The bollards are a gift from the parents of the Class of 2014.

LEGACY OF FATHER FRASCADORE HONORED One of NWC’s summer projects also honored the legacy of one of its leaders. A section of hallways was renovated to become the Rev. Henry C. Frascadore Hall of Achievement, in honor of the former school president. The new area features flat screen televisions that highlight Northwest Catholic achievement in academics, athletics and the performing arts, as well as the achievement of Northwest Catholic alumni. The school’s trophy cases have been updated, as has the school’s Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame display area. There is also a display in tribute to South Catholic High School, where Father Frascadore was principal for many years. The hallway renovation project was made possible by gifts from members of the Northwest Catholic High School and the former South Catholic High School communities. The Hall of Achievement was blest and dedicated by Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Peter A. Rosazza on November 18, 2014. The dedication began with Mass led by Father Frascadore in the Richard Rice Auditorium, followed by a formal blessing in the Hall of Achievement. In his remarks during Mass, Father Frascadore called Northwest Catholic students the hope of the future, telling them,

“Do not be afraid. Do not let anyone stop you from doing what you were meant to do.” Bishop Rosazza, as he blessed the Hall of Achievement, said he hoped that many of the current Northwest Catholic students’ names would one day grace the Hall of Achievement for the work they had accomplished at Northwest Catholic and beyond.


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KUDOS TO... The 17 NWC Latin students who earned ratings of cum laude, magna cum laude, maxima cum laude or summa cum laude on the 2014 National Latin Exam. The 27 students inducted into NWC’s World Language Honor Societies on May 21, 2014. To qualify for membership, students had to be juniors or seniors carrying a 4.0 average in the language they study, as well as a minimum 3.0 average in all other classes. Of the 27 inductees, 16 were inducted into the Spanish Honor Society, six into the Latin Honor Society, and five into the French Honor Society.

by their music teacher, and demonstrate proficiency on their instrument or with their voice. Students should excel in music, and are required to give at least ten hours of service to the community each year. The staff and contributors of the 2014 edition of Northwest Catholic’s literary magazine, The Writer, which won a Silver Medal and, for the 2nd year in a row, a Certificate of Merit for Specialty Magazine Design and Layout from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Circle Awards!

of only five trumpet players nationwide to be accepted into the All-National Honor Jazz Band, while Jessen was accepted into the All-National Honor Concert Band. They joined more than 650 of the most musically talented and skilled high school students in the United States to perform at a gala concert on October 29, 2014 in Nashville, Tennessee. This was Drisdelle’s second year performing in the All-National Honor Ensembles.

The NWC Relay for Life team, which raised over $3100 for the West Hartford Relay for Life, held at NWC from May 31June 1, 2014. Kelsey Baker ’14 and Emma Christolini ’14, who were two of 294 top Connecticut seniors who excel in the arts that were honored at the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS) High School Outstanding Arts Awards Banquet.

The students and faculty of Northwest Catholic, who raised $1339 for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center during the school’s September Casual Dress Day for Charity. Kevin Eustis ’17, Anna Mirabello ’15 and Carlos Gomez ’15 presented the check to CCMC Donor Relations Coordinator Marci Lombardo.

The 90 NWC students who registered to vote during an on-campus voter registration drive in May 2014. The drive was organized by the Social Studies Department. The 22 students inducted into NWC’s chapter of the Tri-M Music Honor Society on October 2, 2014. To be invited into membership in Tri-M, students must maintain a 3.33 grade-point average, exhibit leadership skills, be nominated

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NWC trumpeters Justin Drisdelle ’15 and Sarah Jessen ’17, who were selected as members of the 2014 NAfME AllNational Honor Ensembles sponsored by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). Drisdelle was one


Owen Eagan ’14 and Rose O’Brien ’14, who were named two of eleven Terrific Teens to Watch in September/October edition of West Hartford Magazine.

Alicia Moran ’16, who was elected Vice Chair of the First Congressional Youth Cabinet, which was created by Congressman John Larson and consists of two students from each high school within Connecticut’s First Congressional District. She has been a member of the Cabinet for two years.




Statement of Operating Activities

An audited statement of revenues and expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 REVENUES


Operations: Operations: Tuition and Fees


Administration $1,659,937



Instruction $4,407,951

Subsidies from Archdiocese


Library/Media $134,611


Plant $699,150

Support Service Income


Athletics $741,239

Other Operating Income


Support Services




Other Operating Expenditures


Athletic Income

Sub-total $8,183,799

Advancement: Annual Fund


Internal Fundraising


Advancement: Development

Capital Project


Internal Fundraising



$457,107 $63,698


Revenue Revenue



Expenses Expenses

Tuition and Fees




Subsidies from Archdiocese


Athletic Income


Support Service Income


Other Operating Income

Support Services

Annual Fund

Other Operating Expenditures

Internal Fundraising


Capital Projects

Internal Fundraising

F O UN D E R S ’ C I R C L E The Founders’ Circle comprises donors who display exceptional interest in the advancement of Northwest Catholic and its mission by virtue of their gifts of $1,000 or more. It recognizes the role in financial stewardship that many members of our community play in support of the school’s operating and capital needs. Their generosity serves as an inspiration and is most appreciated. Anonymous

Philip Bieluch ’72 and Gayle Bieluch

Michael and Doreen Cenci (CP)

Laura Connelly Allen ’65 and Richard Allen

Philip M. Bonee '72 & Valerie Bonee (AP)

Franklyn Chang ’86 and Sandy Chang

American Endowment Foundation

Edward Boudreau '69 and Susan K. Boudreau

John Chapman and Lorri Marquez (CP, AP)

Danielle Schiffer Andruszkiewicz ’77 and Peter Andruszkiewicz (AP)

Ken and Judy Boudreau (FR)

Cherish the Children Foundation

Drew and Lisa Brazer (CP)

Michael T. Cobb ’77 and Susan Q. Cobb

Joe and Teresa Anquillare (CP, AP)

Dick and Pat Cobb (AP)

Ray and Gail Baker (CP, AP)

Marybeth Norko Buckley ’78 and Thomas M. Buckley ’78

Stan and Ania Baranski (CP, AP)

Richard and Patricia Carbray (FR)

Joan Sennett Compagna ’72 and Robert Compagna

Ana and Winston Barrett (AP, FS)

Gail Davis Cardwell ’73 and David Cardwell

Allan and Judy Connal (CP, AP)

Theresa Notte Becker ’76 and Clinton Becker (AP)

Bill and Karen Carew (CP, AP)

Michael J. Coursey ’72

Jerry and Laura Bellizzi (CP)

Philip and Anne Carpenter (AP)

John and Regina Cusson (FS)

Scott Bennett ’88 and Christine Bennett

Jon and Eileen Case (CP, AP)

Roger A. Cyr ’77

David E. Berges (AP)

Catholic Charities, Inc.

Morris and Kathleen Davenport (CP, AP)

18 • L O G O S



Bill and Joanne Davis (AP, GP)

Jay Kearns ’75 and Connie Roher-Kearns (CP)

Joseph F. Reilly Golf Tournament

Myles and Jane Dempsey (FR)

Joan Keating-McKeon and Michael McKeon (AP, FS)

Bernard T. Rooney, Jr. (AP)

Dexmet Corporation

Phil and Susan Kelly (AP, GP)

Katie and Jeff Rose (CP, FS)

Giuliano and Edith DiFrancesco (AP)

Michael and Cindy Klein (CP)

Ralph Roosevelt ’65 and Jill Roosevelt

A. James Dionizio ’65 and Terri L. Dionizio

Knights of Columbus

Michael and Mary Ruddat (CP, AP)

Bob and Margaret Dornfried (GP)

David and Cheryl Kozak (CP, AP)

Thomas Driscoll and Patricia Teufel-Driscoll (AP)

Bob and Michelle Kuhlberg (CP, AP)

Catherine Rusconi Sansbury ’85 and Charles Sansbury

Edward and Mary Jo Dunn (CP)

Thomas and Letha Kunkel (CP, AP)

Richard D. Santos, Sr. (AP)

Walter J. Dyber Fund

Cathleen Fox Laffin ’77 and Fran Laffin (CP, AP, FS)

Elizabeth Gies Schuck ’90 and J. Christopher Schuck

Owen and Joan Eagan (AP, GP)

Jean Lam (FR)

Sally Scully ’77

Jack and Mary Facey (AP)

William J. Scully ’80 and Jessica Scully

William R. Fenoglio and Stephanie Salter (FR)

Kara Cunningham Langan ’81 & Kevin Langan (CP, AP)

FIP Construction

Melinda S. Lefebvre ’76 (CP, AP)

John and Kimberly Shea (CP, AP)

John Flannery ’79 and Tracy Flannery

Terrence Lescoe ’72 and Norine Lescoe

Tchaka B. Shepherd ’90 and Latrice Shepherd

Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools

Eileen Lichtenfels (AP)

Dick and Denise Shima (AP) John C. and Mary Shukie (AP, FFS)

Brendan and Maureen Fox (AP, GP)

Gail Dionizio Lonczewski ’71 and Loren Lonczewski

L. Matthew Frank ’65 and Elizabeth Frank

Dennis and Mary Lubozynski (AP)

Daniel Sisk ’90 and Julie Sisk

Greg and Laura Garger (CP, AP)

Richard and Mercedes McCarthy (AP)

Jeffrey M. Slomski ’02

Theodore Gawlicki (FR)

Dennis McCormack (FFS)

Sports Technologies, LLC

Anthony and Laura Giannone (CP)

McKenna Orthodontics, P.C.

St. Ann’s Church, Avon

Scott and Kathleen Gill (CP)

Paul and Karen McKenna (AP)

Steve and Jackie Stites (CP, AP)

John and Barbara Ginnetti (AP, GP)

Dan and Pam McLaughlin (CP, AP)

Ellyn Stosuy (FR)

Eugene and Alicia Gleixner (GP)

William and Janet Miller (AP)

Dan and Maria Sullivan (AP)

Greater Hartford Catholic Education Association, Inc.

Modern School Supplies

Greg and Debbie Sullivan (CP, AP)

Ginny Grenham ’74 and Paul Zevnik

William & Alice Mortensen Foundation

Tim and Gerry Sullivan (AP)

Kevin Grenham ’78 and Elizabeth Grenham (AP)

Jeff and Maribeth Mortillaro (CP, AP)

Ron Swanson (FS)

Edward E. Guillet ’69

Bridget Walsh Moses ’76 and Cornelius Moses

Eileen Templeton (FR)

Scott Guilmartin ’74 (AP)

Michael Moustakakis and Emily Daponte (CP)

Patrick and Martha Terrion (AP)

Claudia A. Hart ’78 (FS)

Dan and Janet Nahorney (CP)

The Fund for Greater Hartford

Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Arthur and Elizabeth Namerow (FR)

Colby and Anita Thresher (AP, FS)

Doug and Anna Hasson (CP)

Chris and Monica Nicholas (CP)

James Turner ’74 and Janice Turner

Andreas and Caria Hoefer (CP)

Anthony Nwachukwu and Sonya Dockett (CP)

William and Barbara Veronesi (CP, AP)

Peter and Kristine Holland (CP)

Office for Black Catholic Ministries

Bill and Pat Walsh (AP, FS)

James L. Hudak ’82 and Maria Hudak

Robert and Rosanne O'Hara (CP, AP)

Maura Walsh-O’Brien ’77 and Andrew O’Brien (CP)

Mark L. Hudak ’71 and Bonnie Hudak

Liam and Jo O'Leary (AP)

Terry and Glynis Huffman (AP)

David and Laurene Oleasz (CP, AP)

Ralph E. Wentworth ’65 and Kathleen Collagan Wentworth ’65 (AP, GP)

Rich and Patty Hunter (AP)

Joe and Joyce O'Rourke (AP, FS)

Kevin Werle ’81 and Wendy Werle

Barbara Fanning Iorillo ’69 (AP, FS)

Tim and Verneen Paradise (CP)

Margaret and Brian Williamson (AP, FS)

Chris and Gail Johnson (AP)

Ron and Maureen Pepin (CP, AP)

George S. Ziewacz ’65

Rufus and Laraine Jones (AP)

Pete Peterson ’82 and Theresa Peterson

John and Diana Kalamarides (CP)

Pullman & Comley LLC

Mildred C. Kay (AP)

Richard and Ann Mary Puskarz (FS)

Thomas Kearney ’74 and Mary Jane Kearney

John and Betsy Quinn (AP, FS)

Kelly and Kathy Kearney (AP)

Jane Reardon (AP)

Michael Shangraw ’76 and Barbara Shangraw

Rich and Francine Sider (AP)

CONSTITUENT CODE KEY Alumni – indicated by year of graduation Alumni Parents – AP Current Parents – CP Friends – FR

Faculty and Staff – FS Former Faculty and Staff – FFS Friends – FR Grandparents – GP

Respecting Your Privacy – and Your Generosity Northwest Catholic never sells or shares its donor names and addresses. These lists reflect gifts made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists; please contact Advancement Director Patricia Walsh (PWalsh@nwcath.org) about errors or omissions.


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A LUM N I H O NO R RO L L O F D O NORS Alumni participation rates indicate the number of donors in relation to the number of “active” members, i.e., alumni with deliverable addresses.

CLASS OF 1965 13% Participation (28 of 209) Laura Connelly Allen Marilyn Bacon Carol Dalton Beach Gary L. Bockweg Kenneth Carpenter Peter Curran A. James Dionizio Charles Drury Clair McGuinness Drury Barbara Borawski Durkin Brendan Durkin William R. Eckert III L. Matthew Frank Donna Michaud Ganley Norma F. Ingram Jeanne Tonucci Kelly Neil Kelly Albert Lavoie Claire Monahan McNamara Robert J. Mulready William V. Shages Jr. Noreen Weaver Shawcross Dennis M. Spurr John P. Tuohy Geoff Walker Thomas J. Wall Kathleen Collagan Wentworth Ralph E. Wentworth George S. Ziewacz

CLASS OF 1966 10% Participation (17 of 163) John N. Bohannon III Mary Ellyn Sarrantonio DeLisle John Donnelly Peter E. Fay Vincent Ferlini Elizabeth Zabel Greif Robert Gurchin Mark Honiberg Joan Buckley Matson Susan Whalen McKeown Karen Lagan McNamara Margaret Burns Morrison Paula Tapogna Sadlon Elizabeth Mirkin Seifel Michael J. Steeves Mary Boucher Tuohy Mary Campise Zdrojowy

CLASS OF 1967 12% Participation (21 of 173) Kathryn Burk John A. Dowd Joanne Warner Fyfe Molly Rees Gavin Carroll Grant Patricia Hamilton Matthew B. Hogan Laura Franco Jeppesen Charles Keefe Sally Calafiore Keefe

20 • L O G O S

Thomas Landers James Lynch Martha Meaney Martha Smith Murphy Stephen Murphy Marie A. Osborn Judith Merritt Rowean Robert J. Slusarz Margaret McCormack Urban Stephen R. Urban Nicholas S. Walsh

CLASS OF 1968 8% Participation (15 of 178) Mary Ellen Sullivan Connors Terence Donovan Vincent Kraft Anne M. Lagan Joseph Meny David H. Miller, Jr. Joseph O'Brien Ellie Plukas-Smith Mary Jordan Sanford John Tully James Weaver Mamella Murphy Wontka Richard Wontka Thomas J. Zajac Diane Bachta Zalewski

CLASS OF 1969 12% Participation (25 of 205) Edward Boudreau Susan Carpenter Joanne Riordan Collins John Collins III Louise Lagueux Concodello Ann Marie Faucher Corona Anne Ryan Degnan Dennis Dobruck David A. Downes Nancy Tuohy Frobel Susan K. Gray Katherine Bowie Green Edward E. Guillet John Gurchin Barbara Fanning Iorillo William Keenan Linda Whalen Kocha Jay Luby Dan Montano Joseph Navin Terry O’Connell Janet Crowley Sackbauer Catherine Peck Tamburro John G. Tamburro Marguerite Lenge Weaver

CLASS OF 1970 14% Participation (23 of 166) Roberta Allison Ann Grzesiuk Bach Beth Collins Barton Patricia McHugh Brynga

Thomas Callahan Denise Crompton Lorrie D. Devine Maureen Meaney Dietze Jeffrey Facey Jeanne Roy Gurchin J. Michael Halloran Shannon Stock Herzfeld Barbara Parutka Maffett Mary Marcikonis Liza Dunlay Marecek Kathleen W. Meaney Jose A. Mendes Sandra Dittman Mendes Ann Molloy Patricia Hoar Moore Bud Poliquin William F. Scully III John Turley

CLASS OF 1971 11% Participation (20 of 177) Anonymous Montrose Christie Maureen Ellen Colman Thomas G. Dudeck Barry Emswiler Walter Ghent Christine A. Gibson Robert Griffin Mary Bellizzi Halloran Mark L. Hudak James B. Leeds Gail Dionizio Lonczewski Joan Andrew Luddy Terence J. McGuire, III Patricia Romano McMahon Mary G. Morley Tom O'Brien Jamie Dernbach Potkai Mrs. Kathleen Taylor-Brooks Joseph J. Tedone

CLASS OF 1972 12% Participation (20 of 171) Anonymous Mary Lou Angelastro Kate Donohue Barnhart Philip J. Bieluch Janet Lynch Black Philip M. Bonee Barbara Blanchfield Carpenter Joan Sennett Compagna Michael J. Coursey Elizabeth M. Curran Susan Devine Dick Kevin P. Gherard Joanne Rees Kaczor Terrence T. Lescoe John J. Montano Jerome V. Schierberl Jean M. Sennett Robert E. Shangraw Margaret Redden Sitarz Bruce J. Woolley


CLASS OF 1973 9% Participation (14 of 148) Gail Davis Cardwell Eugene P. Cronin Rosemary Navin Dowd Betsy Roemke Graves Michael Hughes Robert G. Leeds Russell Morrisett Kathleen M. O'Connor Patricia Hart Poole Joanne Scapellati Protasewich Christopher Saunders Roberta O'Brien Stimpson Michael F. Tyler Margaret McElaney Woolley

CLASS OF 1974 10% Participation (16 of 159) Catherine Steinmiller Cwilichoski Michele Freda Davis Ann Marie O’Neil Davoren Thomas F. Davoren III Cynthia Killian Dodd Elise Greenfield Furman Ginny Grenham Susan E. Grimes Scott Guilmartin Bruce R. Jachym Tom Kearney Robert Keefe Diane Nastri Michael A. O'Brien Victor Pileika James Turner

CLASS OF 1975 12% Participation (17 of 142) Lauretta Torromeo Bartoletti Richard J. Cobb Theresa Desjardins Cobb Sheri Williams Connelly Joseph J. Darman Cristina Creamer Downes Melanie Wentworth Dumont Catherine Gobes Jacqueline Johnson Vladimir Kalas John Kearns Maureen Keefe Michelle Maglaty Mostello Peggy O’Neil-Murphy John Roth Mary Quish Smullen Paul E. Tetreault Jr.

CLASS OF 1976 10% Participation (14 of 140) Theresa Notte Becker Gayle Apuzzo Dillman Paul Faulkner


Noreen Holmes Giannini Ellen Guillet Kelleher Melinda S. Lefebvre Bridget Walsh Moses Gerard P. Mullane Jean Lambertson Nowak Charline Melanson Poirier Michael Shangraw Maura Hennessy Shaw Mary Rice Sternberg Russel Youngblood

CLASS OF 1977 10% Participation (18 of 182) Danielle Schiffer Andruszkiewicz Elizabeth Hemond Cannone Michael T. Cobb Roger A. Cyr Michael P. Deneen William F. Dougherty Carl D. Frobel Roseann Pauroso Gomez Tracey Young Horner Kevin Hughes Cathleen Fox Laffin Mario Lopez Nancy Davis Mainelli Mark Molloy Neil F. Murray Sally Scully Maura Walsh-O'Brien Linda Sandberg Wilson

CLASS OF 1978 7% Participation (12 of 169) Kimberly Barrow Marybeth Norko Buckley Thomas M. Buckley Andrew Clarke Angela Coco Mark J. Fernandes Kevin Grenham Claudia A. Hart Patricia Shea Lovell Jean Donnelly Molloy Kathleen Lennon Newman Catherine Landers Shires

CLASS OF 1979 13% Participation (18 of 138) Antonietta Zullo Carreira Catherine A. Curis Christopher D. Deneen Susan Smith Dolan John L. Flannery, Jr. Richard Hemond Craig Hudak Cecil D. Hudson Drew Kearns Maura McNally Kearns Janet Keefe Leishman Robert J. Melanson Mary Dunn Miner Kathleen Ohlheiser Murray


Daniel O’Brien Martin M. Pitek Ann Flaherty Steinle Peter B. Vaphiades

Kathleen Shima O'Brien Catherine Rusconi Sansbury Michael Sisk Andrea Melanson Wlochowski



5% Participation (7 of 144)

4% Participation (4 of 110)


Donald Bisson Lisa Masse Bremmer Carol Dupuis Dwight Edwards Theresa Morse Hatzikostas Barbara Lennon Hooper William J. Scully

Lisa Guillet Abrams Franklyn Chang Katherine Schave Scott C. Thresher

5% Participation (7 of 75)

CLASS OF 1981 5% Participation (8 of 155) Eileen Brennan-Deneen Mary Clark Connell Robert Deneen Michael J. Griffin Walter Hussey Suzanne Wise King Kara Cunningham Langan Kevin Werle

CLASS OF 1982 6% Participation (10 of 164) Allison Reck Anneser Cheryl Weissenburger Blough David F. Blough Judith Chambers-Smith Susan Pastula D'Anna Margaret A. Eagan James Hudak Christopher Kearns Kerry Casey Kelley Pete Peterson

CLASS OF 1983 3% Participation (4 of 161) G. Thomas Marshall Tammy Mendes Snyder Carol Quinn Toomey Margo Gagliardi Tucker

CLASS OF 1987 4% Participation (4 of 102) Suzanne Liss Jon Stevenson Mark D. Stevenson Amy Van Bramer Yobst

CLASS OF 1988 9% Participation (9 of 103) Scott Bennett Daniel P. Cavanagh James P. Cullen Linda Krein Cullen Karen Whittel Lavoie Peter C. Lavoie Peter Pabich Jennifer Samolyk Michelle L. Thresher

CLASS OF 1989 4% Participation (3 of 75) Daniel F. Barrett Julie Schiffer Climer Susan Daly Hoffman

CLASS OF 1990 5% Participation (3 of 56) Elizabeth Gies Schuck Tchaka B. Shepherd Daniel Sisk



8% Participation (4 of 49)

5% Participation (6 of 122)

Anonymous Beth Anne Cooke-Cornell Lauren Shukie McHugh Jennifer Guertin Shockley

Terrie Giegel Bournique Maura Travers Douglas Robert Grimes Marlene Facey McGunigle Maribeth Brewer Morrissey Margaret Mulshine Timoney

CLASS OF 1992 No Gifts to List



5% Participation (7 of 147)

No Gifts to List

Lisa Sheehan Bragaia Ellen Rodgers Fox Eileen Walsh Neubert NOR THWES T CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

3% Participation (2 of 58) Elizabeth Lynch Oates Jeffrey Soto

Joseph A. Cote Jason Lambert Michael Leonida David P. Marceau Miriam O'Leary Maloney Zaira Santiago John B. Shukie

CLASS OF 1996 No Gifts to List

CLASS OF 1997 2% Participation (1 of 69) Daniel J. Avery

CLASS OF 1998 5% Participation (5 of 95) Derek Donnelly Kathleen M. Halloran Anne Mastronardi Miller John J. Quinn, Jr. RaeJean Spears Stokes

CLASS OF 1999 16% Participation (16 of 100) Meghan Mahoney Cancelliere Jill Carpenter Devor Michelle Dube Anita Durkin Jen Filer Joseph Fulliero Loren Griffin Kelly Carpenter Habif Jeanna Lubozynski Mary Beth Slavin Reiss Christen Rinaldi Karen Crozier Russell Heather Postle Smith Justin Smith Catherine Talarski Amanda L. Vacca-Bartley

CLASS OF 2000 No Gifts to List

CLASS OF 2001 5% Participation (5 of 92) Danielle Appel

FA L L / W I N T E R 2 014 - 2 01 5 • 21


Meggan Montano Baker Christine Willey LaGrassa Delroy A. Ross Jr. Jane Sitarz

CLASS OF 2002 1% Participation (1 of 108) Jeffrey M. Slomski

CLASS OF 2003 2% Participation (2 of 112)

CLASS OF 2010 2% Participation (3 of 158) Elizabeth Collier James Fellinger Kelsey Vega

CLASS OF 2011 2% Participation (3 of 123) Thomas Gollenberg Alex McKenzie Olivia Skalski

Matthew Martorelli Kim Sanders Spera



1% Participation (1 of 166)

1% Participation (1 of 108)

Nate McKenzie

Sean M. Halloran



3% Participation (5 of 168)

1% Participation (2 of 150)

Michelle Bach Austin McCarthy Colin McCarthy Ian McCarthy Christopher Thomas

Kaitlin Olson Timothy Rooney

CLASS OF 2006 No Gifts to List

CLASS OF 2007 1% Participation (1 of 123) Molly McCormack

CLASS OF 2008 1% Participation (2 of 172) Tim Richardson Kate Williamson

CLASS OF 2009 2% Participation (2 of 126) Molly Mullane John Whiting

CLASS OF 2014 96% Participation (136 of 142) Ryan Allberry Matthew Angelini Luisa A. Anquillare John Arel Alessandra M. Armetta Christopher M. Armetta Peter M. Armetta Marcus Bailey Marlon Bailey Kelsey Baker Tim Baranski Gabriella Beaulieu Lauren Bellizzi Rachel Bercowetz Annie Berning Gabrielle S. Bonk Brian Bournique Nicholas Bragaia Trae Brooks Amy H. Cao Shawn Carlson Emma Christolini Alisha Collazo

Ana Colliton Gillian C. Colman Jack Conlin Alex Connal Tia Conover Amanda Cooper Kenneth Cox Alice D'Arcangelo Ryan DeFranzo Ryan Del Monaco Emma Deneen Grace Deneen Molly Deneen Conor Devlin Tim Dodds Ryan P. Donohue Connor Dunn Owen Eagan Ben Elmore Evan Farrell Christian Flynn Luke Foran Sean Foster Julia Fountain John Fox Caroline Galeota Katherine A. Garger Kelly Geelan Mary Katherine Gilhooly Victoria Gleixner Jessica Gordon Christopher J. Gosselin Joscelyn Griffin Alanna Hall-Bumbray Nathaniel D. Heiden Jin Hang Huang Devyne Ingleton Shateria Jackson Isabelle Jacques Corey Jasper Madeline Johnson Allie Kaehrle Philip Karas Andrew Kearns Angela J. Kennedy Cooper Kerr Jacqueline A. Klingman Brian Kozak Emily Kuczma Tim Kuhlberg Anthony Laureno Louis Lawson Kevin D. LeBlanc Zara Lenihan Tad Link Taylor Luciani Christopher J. Mangine

Taylor Mangini Katherine M. Marti Kristen E. Marti Molly McDonald Aidan McDonnell Sean McDonough Jesse McLain Chris McLaughlin Michelle Medina Nikki Medina Patrick Midney Monique Miller Barre Mohamood John R. Moran Haley Morgan Megan Moriarty Madison Mortillaro Adriana S. Muniz James Naleski Melissa Nenninger Thienly Nguyen Oheneba Nti Liza Oakley Rose K. O'Brien Nicholas J. Ochs Brienna Parenti Bridget Pepin Nhung Thuy Pham Rachel C. Poirier Ryan Poole Sarah Pranaitis Xuan Rao Zac Rice Mary-Kate Rogers Maggie Rose William Schwartz Kelly Shannon Jack Shea Hyewon Shin Alexandra Signore Ayana Smith Simone Smith Will Smullen Michael Story Blair Thompson Rani Vance Victeria V. Vu Hannah Wade Tyler Waitt Victoria Walz Shannon Webber Stephanie West Amanda K. Whitehouse Xueni Yang Demitrios Yao Sasha Yazdzik

Respecting Your Privacy – and Your Generosity Northwest Catholic never sells or shares its donor names and addresses. These lists reflect gifts made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists; please contact Advancement Director Patricia Walsh (PWalsh@nwcath.org) about errors or omissions.

22 • L O G O S



Legacy Society - ($100,000.00 + ) Anonymous

President’s Circle - ($50,000.00 + ) Anonymous William & Alice Mortensen Foundation George S. Ziewacz ’65

Rev. Frascadore Society - ($25,000.00 + ) Laura Connelly Allen ’65 and Richard Allen Catholic Charities, Inc. FIP Construction Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools John Flannery ’79 and Tracy Flannery Ginny Grenham ’74 and Paul Zevnik The Fund for Greater Hartford

Rev. Colton Society - ($10,000.00 + ) The Berges Family Ken and Judy Boudreau, FR Myles and Jane Dempsey, FR Kevin Grenham ’78 and Elizabeth Grenham, AP Edward E. Guillet ’69 The Kearney Family Foundation Anthony Nwachukwu and Sonya Dockett, CP Bernard T. Rooney, Jr., AP Greg and Debbie Sullivan, CP, AP Ralph Wentworth ’65 and Kathleen Collagan Wentworth ’65 Margaret and Brian Williamson, AP, FS

1961 Society - ($5,000.00 + ) Anonymous Bill and Karen Carew, CP, AP Cherish the Children Foundation, Inc. Greg and Laura Garger, CP, AP John and Diana Kalamarides, CP Michael and Cindy Klein, CP Knights of Columbus Michael Moustakakis and Emily Daponte, CP Chris and Monica Nicholas, CP Office for Black Catholic Ministries Robert and Rosanne O’Hara, CP, AP Michael Shangraw ’76 and Barbara Shangraw Sports Technologies, LLC St. Ann’s Church, Avon James Turner ’74 and Janice Turner

Green & White Circle - ($2,500.00 + ) Anonymous Ray and Gail Baker, CP, AP Theresa Notte Becker ’76 and Clinton Becker, AP Jerry and Laura Bellizzi, CP Thomas Buckley ’78 and Marybeth Norko Buckley ’78 Richard and Patricia Carbray, FR Franklyn Chang ’86 and Sandy Chang John Chapman and Lorri Marquez, CP, AP Michael Cobb ’77 and Susan Cobb Morris and Kathleen Davenport, CP, AP Bob and Margaret Dornfried, GP Edward and Mary Jo Dunn, CP Walter J. Dyber Fund, AP

Theodore Gawlicki, FR Scott and Kathleen Gill, CP Scott Guilmartin ’74, AP Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Doug and Anna Hasson, CP Peter and Kristine Holland, CP James L. Hudak ’82 and Maria Hudak Rich and Patty Hunter, AP Joan Keating-McKeon and Michael McKeon, AP, FS Jean Lam, FR Terrence Lescoe ’72 and Norine Lescoe Gail Dionizio Lonczewski ’71 and Loren Lonczewski Richard and Mercedes McCarthy and Austin ’13, Colin ’13, and Ian ’13 McCarthy Dennis McCormack, FFS McKenna Orthodontics, P.C. Paul and Karen McKenna, AP William and Janet Miller, AP Modern School Supplies Bridget Walsh Moses ’76 and Cornelius Moses Arthur and Elizabeth Namerow, FR Joe and Joyce O’Rourke, AP, FS Tim and Verneen Paradise, CP Pullman & Comley LLC Joseph F. Reilly Golf Tournament Ralph Roosevelt ’65 and Jill Roosevelt Katie and Jeff Rose, CP, FS Michael and Mary Ruddat, CP, AP Sally Scully ’77 Tchaka B. Shepherd ’90 and Latrice Shepherd Dick and Denise Shima, AP Daniel Sisk ’90 and Julie Sisk Ron Swanson, FS

Dominican Society - ($1,000.00 + ) Anonymous Danielle Schiffer Andruszkiewicz ’77 and Peter Andruszkiewicz, AP Joe and Teresa Anquillare, CP, AP Stan and Ania Baranski, CP Ana and Winston Barrett, AP, FS Scott Bennett ’88 and Christine Bennett Philip Bieluch ’72 and Gayle Bieluch Philip M. Bonee ’72 & Valerie Bonee, AP Edward Boudreau ’69 and Susan Boudreau Drew and Lisa Brazer, CP Gail Davis Cardwell ’73 and David Cardwell Philip and Anne Carpenter, AP Jon and Eileen Case, CP, AP Michael and Doreen Cenci, CP Richard and Patricia Cobb, AP Joan Sennett Compagna ’72 and Robert Compagna Allan and Judy Connal, AP, CP Michael J. Coursey ’72 John and Regina Cusson, FS Roger A. Cyr ’77 Bill and Joanne Davis, AP Giuliano and Edith DiFrancesco, AP A. James Dionizio ’65 and Terri Dionizio Thomas Driscoll and Patricia Teufel-Driscoll, AP Owen and Joan Eagan, AP, GP Jack and Mary Facey, AP, GP William R. Fenoglio and Stephanie Salter, FR Brendan and Maureen Fox, AP, GP NOR THWES T CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

L. Matthew Frank ’65 and Elizabeth Frank Anthony and Laura Giannone, CP John and Barbara Ginnetti, AP, GP Eugene and Alicia Gleixner, GP Greater Hartford Catholic Education Association, Inc. Claudia A. Hart ’78 Andreas and Caria Hoefer, CP Mark L. Hudak ’71 and Bonnie Hudak Terry and Glynis Huffman, AP Barbara Fanning Iorillo ’69, AP Chris and Gail Johnson, AP Rufus and Laraine Jones, AP Mildred C. Kay, AP Kelly and Kathy Kearney, AP Phil and Susan Kelly, AP, GP Robert and Michelle Kuhlberg, CP, AP Thomas and Letha Kunkel, CP, AP Cathleen Fox Laffin ’77 and Francis Laffin, CP, AP, FS Kara Cunningham Langan ’81 & Kevin Langan, CP, AP The Landmann Family, AP Melinda S. Lefebvre ’76, CP, AP Eileen Lichtenfels, AP Dennis and Mary Lubozynski, AP Dan and Pam McLaughlin, CP Jeff and Maribeth Mortillaro, CP, AP Dan and Janet Nahorney, CP Liam and Jo O’Leary, AP David and Laurene Oleasz, CP, AP Ron and Maureen Pepin, CP, AP Pete Peterson ’82 and Theresa Peterson Richard and Ann Mary Puskarz, FS John and Betsy Quinn, AP, FS Jane Reardon, AP Catherine Rusconi Sansbury ’85 and Charles Sansbury Richard D. Santos, Sr., AP Elizabeth Gies Schuck ’90 and J. Christopher Schuck William J. Scully ’80 and Jessica Scully John and Kimberly Shea, CP, AP John C. and Mary Shukie, AP, FFS Rich and Francine Sider, AP Jeffrey M. Slomski ’02 Steve and Jackie Stites, CP, AP Ellyn Stosuy, FR Dan and Maria Sullivan, AP Timothy and Geraldine Sullivan, AP Eileen M. Templeton, FR Patrick and Martha Terrion, AP Colby and Anita Thresher, AP William and Barbara Veronesi, CP Maura Walsh-O’Brien ’77 and Andrew O’Brien, CP William and Patricia Walsh, AP, FS Kevin Werle ’81 and Wendy Werle

Benefactors - ($500.00 + ) Anonymous Beth Collins Barton ’70 & Michael Barton, AP Raymond and Roberta Bellock, GP Richard F. Berry Jr., AP Rev. Lawrence Bock, FFS David and Lisa Brooks, CP Susan Carpenter ’69

FA L L / W I N T E R 2 014 - 2 01 5 • 23


Richard Cobb ’75 and Theresa Desjardins Cobb ’75 John Collins ’69 and Joanne Riordan Collins ’69 Matthew and Kelly Conway, CP Kathy and Wes Cooper, AP John and Kathleen D’Arcangelo, CP Michael P. Deneen ’77 and Jennifer Deneen, CP, AP Don and Lynn Desiderato, AP Dane and Susan Dudley, CP Peter and Karen Donohue, AP, CP Brian and Vicki Ferrell, CP, AP Chris and Anita Flynn, CP John and Linda Glascock, CP Catherine Gobes ’75 and Alfred Masciocchi, CP, AP Keith and Sandra Gollenberg, AP The Griebel Family Fund, AP Beth and Carl Guerrette, FR Robert and Ann Hanks, AP Ray and Mary Higgins, AP Cecil Hudson ’79 and Toby Hudson Michael Hughes ’73 and Mary Ellen Hughes Walter Hussey ’81 and Jennifer Hussey Mark and Paula Jessen, CP Barbara and Tom Keenan, FFS Rev. Eugene M. Kilbride, FFS David and Noreen Knortz, AP Jason Lambert ’95 and Lisa Lambert Patricia Shea Lovell ’78 and Peter Lovell David Marti and Kathy Banas-Marti, CP Frank and Joann Martorelli, AP Matthew Martorelli ’03 and Kate Martorelli Robin L. McPhee, CP Robert M. Mittica, FR Russell Morrisett ’73 and Mary Morrisett Michelle Maglaty Mostello ’75 and Kenneth Mostello Gerard P. Mullane ’76 and Brenda Mullane Martha Smith Murphy ’67 and Donald Murphy Elizabeth Lynch Oates ’94 Daniel O’Brien ’79 and Andrea O’Brien Terry O’Connell ’69 and Cindy O’Connell John and Lynn Prendergast, FS Mark and Nancy Ricciardelli, AP John Roth ’75 and Sarah Roth Robert Rutstein and Toni Fatone, CP Zaira Santiago ’95 Almaas A. Shaikh, FR Michael Sisk ’85 and Patricia Sisk, CP Ray and Carol Sisk, AP, GP Terry Spak, CP John Tuohy ’65 and Mary Boucher Tuohy ’66 Mary Beth Walsh, AP, GP Doug and Maureen Waterston, CP Linda Sandberg Wilson ’77 and Nick Wilson Susan Wiskowski, AP Scott and Dawn Wolf, CP

Patrons - ($250.00 + ) Anonymous Philip and Mary Armetta, CP Lawrence and Mary Bissell, AP Terrie Giegel Bournique ’84 and Glenn Bournique, CP, AP Kenneth Carpenter ’65 and Barbara Blanchfield Carpenter ’72, AP John and Kate Christolini, CP Maureen Ellen Colman ’71 and Jonathan Colman, CP Sheri Williams Connelly ’75 and Kevin Connelly, AP

24 • L O G O S

Catherine and Tim Curran, AP, FS Glenn and Laura Decker, AP Robert and Michelle DeFranzo, CP Ernest and Carmen Del Monaco, CP Susan Devine Dick ’72 and Michael Dick John A. Dowd ’67 and Constance Dowd Charles Drury ’65 and Clare McGuinness Drury ’65 Thomas G. Dudeck ’71 and Roberta Dudeck Melanie Wentworth Dumont ’75 and Jim Dumont Thomas and Janet Elmore, CP Edward and Maria Fenton, CP Tom and Madelyn Filomeno, AP Mary Jo and Thomas Foran, FS Richard and Gretchen Fountain, CP Walter Ghent ’71 and Cathy Ghent Roberto and Paula Giansiracusa, AP Kristi and Jerry Gillespie, AP, FS Petro and Nadia Gluch, CP Susan K. Gray ’69 Michael and Linda Griffin, AP, FFS John Gurchin ’69 and Jeanne Roy Gurchin ’70 Robert Gurchin ’66 Paul and Shannon Harvill, AP James and Donna Hatch, CP, AP Pete and Carrie Herron, AP, CP Bob and Pat Hilliard, AP Barbara Lennon Hooper ’80 and John Hooper Craig Hudak ’79 and Judith Hudak Richard Hussey ’65 Michael and Martha Johnson, CP Robert Keefe ’74 Charles Keefe ’67 and Sally Calafiore Keefe ’67 Linda Whalen Kocha ’69 Albert and Christina Kozar, CP David and Nancy Lawton, AP David and Lynn LeBlanc, CP Rick and Fay Lenz, AP Chris and Joanna Link, CP Tom and Eileen MacCallum, CP Barbara Parutka Maffett ’70 G. Thomas Marshall ’83 and Barbara Marshall Craig and Ann McAdams, CP Thomas and Wendy McDonald, CP John and Isabella Mirabello, FS Daniel and Jacqueline Morgan, CP Robert J. Mulready ’65 and Susan Mulready Eileen Walsh Neubert ’85 and Daniel Neubert, CP Paul and Karen Nista, CP, AP Kathleen Shima O’Brien ’85 and James O’Brien Tom O’Brien ’71 Marie A. Osborn ’67 John Papandrea and Kathleen Kennedy, CP Bernadette Petti, GP Al and Helga Phillips, AP, FS Rick and Trish Poirier, CP, AP Paul and Shirley Pranaitis, CP, AP Mark and Lynette Scapellati, AP Jean M. Sennett ’72 Jack and Peggy Sitarz, AP Justin Smith ’99 Bill and Deanna Tressler, FS Margo Gagliardi Tucker ’83 and James Tucker Michael Tyler ’73 and Patricia Tyler, CP, AP, FS William W. Walsh, AP Richard Wontka ’68 and Mamella Murphy Wontka ’68 NOR THWES T CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

Henry and Evyonne Yazdzik, CP, AP Michael Young and Lisa M. Jordan-Young, CP, AP

Sponsors - ($100.00 + ) John and Tierney Alissi, CP Barbara K. Allen, GP Anonymous Danielle Appel ’01 Daniel Avery ’97 and Sara Demos Avery, FS Ann Grzesiuk Bach ’70 and Ken Bach Michelle C. Bach ’13 Marilyn Bacon ’65 and James Vaughan, AP Kate Donohue Barnhart ’72 and Gary Barnhart Daniel F. Barrett ’89 and Patti Barrett Kimberly Barrow ’78 Javier and Katherine Bello, CP Frank and Sheila Beneski, AP Robert F. Bessette, FR Donald Bisson ’80 and Anne Bisson Janet Lynch Black ’72 Gary L. Bockweg ’65 and Robyn Bockweg John N. Bohannon III ’66 and Erin J. Roth Peter and Ellen Bompane, CP, AP Christopher and Jeannine Borowiec, CP, AP Kathryn Burk ’67 KC and Debbie Burns, CP Tom and AnnMarie Butler, AP Thomas Callahan ’70 and Elizabeth Callahan Elizabeth Hemond Cannone ’77 and John Cannone, AP Alan and Faith Casey, AP Daniel P. Cavanagh ’88 and Kathryn Cavanagh Kevin and Deirdre Cavanagh, AP Judith Chambers-Smith ’82 and Mark Smith, CP, AP Allen and Janice Chin, AP Montrose Christie ’71 and Diane Christie, CP Lisa Cimino, FR Julie Schiffer Climer ’89 and Thomas Climer David and Paula Cloud, AP Angela Coco ’78, FFS Beth Anne Cooke-Cornell ’91 and Matthew Cornell Roosevelt and Yolanda Cooper, CP Joseph A. Cote ’95 Eugene P. Cronin ’73 James P. Cullen ’88 and Linda Krein Cullen ’88 Peter Curran ’65 and Dorothy Cooney Anna T. Cygler, CP Michele Freda Davis ’74 and Bruce Davis Joan Davoren, AP, GP Anne Ryan Degnan ’69 and Thomas Degnan Larry and Joan Delphia, AP Lucille DelVecchio, GP Nick and Adelaide DeNapoli, CP, AP Robert Deneen ’81 and Suzanne Lucas-Deneen, CP Lorrie D. Devine ’70 Maureen Meaney Dietze ’70 and John Dietze Cynthia Killian Dodd ’74 and Mark Dodd, FS Greg and Julie Dodds, CP, AP Susan Smith Dolan ’79 and Patrick Dolan Derek Donnelly ’98 and Michaela Donnelly John Donnelly ’66 Jeffrey and Sonal Dottor, AP Rosemary Navin Dowd ’73 and Cornelius Dowd William and Judith Dowden, AP Ronald and Vicky Drisdelle, CP Charles Drury ’65 and Clare McGuinness Drury ’65


Patrick and Joan Duffy, FR Brendan Durkin ’65 and Barbara Borawski Durkin ’65 Glenn and Beth Duzy, CP Margaret A. Eagan ’82 and Richard P. Waal William Eckert ’65 and Virginia Eckert Barry Emswiler ’71 and Joanne Emswiler Dave and Eileen Eustis, CP, FS Jeffrey Facey ’70 and Maite Renedo Lorrio Anita Fitzsimmons, GP Nancy Tuohy Frobel ’69 and Carl Frobel Joseph Fulliero ’99 Molly Rees Gavin ’67 Noreen Holmes Giannini ’76 and Robert Giannini Dan and Virginia Gilmour, AP Gregory and Rita Gosselin, CP Katherine Bowie Green ’69 and Gordon Green, AP Patrick and Diane Green, CP Robert Griffin ’71 and Roseann Russell Robert Grimes ’84 Steve and Kathy Hansen, AP Theresa Morse Hatzikostas ’80 and George Hatzikostas Bill and Nicole Heiden, CP Maura Hennessy Shaw ’76 and Stephen Shaw Shannon Stock Herzfeld ’70 and Charles Herzfeld Susan Daly Hoffman ’89 and Brent Hoffman William and JoAnn Hoffman, GP Lisa Huston, FS Jacqueline Johnson ’75 and Johnathan Butters Roseline Joseph, AP Joanne Rees Kaczor ’72 and Robert Kaczor William R. Kaehrle, GP John and Vanessa Kapral, AP Stanislaw and Anna Karas, CP Christopher Kearns ’82 Andrew Kearns ’79 and Maura McNally Kearns ’79, AP, CP Daniel and Susan Keating, CP Ellen Guillet Kelleher ’76 and William Kelleher Kenneth Kilgore and Camille Coribello-Kilgore, AP Suzanne Wise King ’81 and Ronald King Theresa C. Kuhlberg, GP Christine Willey LaGrassa ’01 Alan Lake and Anne E. Pidano, AP Todd and Lisa Lankton, CP Karen Whittel Lavoie ’88 and Peter Lavoie Janet Keefe Leishman ’79 and David Leishman Tom and Marilyn Lenihan, GP John and Diane Lipari, CP Suzanne Liss ’87 Kathleen Lord, AP Scott and Moira Lowe, CP, AP Jay Luby ’69 and Carolynn Luby Anthony and Tracey Luciani, CP James Lynch ’67 and Carolyn Lynch Maria Mackay, GP Tom and Bernie Malloy, AP Adam and Nicole Matson, CP Karen L. McDonough, CP Kevin McHugh ’78 and Nancy McHugh Lauren Shukie McHugh ’91 and Tom McHugh Marianne and Scott McKenzie, AP Michael and Celinda McKinney, GP Patricia Romano McMahon ’71 and Kevin McMahon Karen Lagan McNamara ’66 and Robert

McNamara Martha Meaney ’67 Len and Mary Melanson, AP Jose Mendes ’70 and Sandra Dittman Mendes ’70 Joseph Meny ’68 and Susan Meny, AP Perline Menyfield, AP Mark Molloy ’77 and Jean Donnelly Molloy ’78, AP Patricia Hoar Moore ’70 and Thomas Moore Joanne Moran, GP Margaret Burns Morrison ’66 and Thomas Morrison Thomas and Michelle Murphy, AP Kathleen Ohlheiser Murray ’79 and Paul Murray, AP Mary Nicholas, GP James Nolan, FR William and Joan Noll, CP, AP Jean Lambertson Nowak ’76 and Eugene Nowak Virginia O’Brien, AP, FFS Miriam A. O’Leary Maloney ’95 and Ted Maloney Anna J. Oleasz, GP Anthony and Debra Parenti, CP Albert and JeanEmily Penta, GP Martin M. Pitek ’79 and Donna Pitek Charline Melanson Poirier ’76 and Philip Poirier, AP Bill and Rosemary Powers, AP Joseph F. Regan, FR John and Marie Rixon, FR R. Craig and Yvonne Robinson, AP William and Christine Robinson, CP Delroy A. Ross Jr. ’01 and Jennifer Ross Janet Crowley Sackbauer ’69 and Frederick Sackbauer Loren and Carol Sheridan Schave, AP, FFS Katherine Schave ’86 Julian and Suzanne Senko, GP Robert E. Shangraw ’72 and Patricia Shangraw John and Marcia Shaughnessy, AP Catherine Landers Shires ’78 and Benjamin Shires Jennifer Guertin Shockley ’91 and Anthony Shockley John B. Shukie ’95 and Maricela Shukie Robert and Ann Siegel, AP Margaret Linehan Skahill ’66 and John Skahill, AP James and Brigitte Slavin, AP Robert J. Slusarz ’67 and Kay Slusarz Kenneth and JoAnn Smith, AP, GP Lloyd and Mavis Smith, GP Mary Quish Smullen ’75 and Harold Smullen, CP Jeffrey Soto ’94 and Jane Soto Brian and Kyle Spears, AP Flora M. Speer, GP Dennis M. Spurr ’65 and Ora Spurr Mark D. Stevenson ’87 RaeJean Spears Stokes ’98 and Nick Stokes Scott and Ann Strid, CP, AP Elizabeth P. Sweeney, FR John Tamburro ’69 and Catherine Peck Tamburro ’69 Mrs. Kathleen Taylor-Brooks ’71 and Rudolph Brooks Joseph J. Tedone ’71 Scott Thresher ’86 and Vikki Thresher Margaret Mulshine Timoney ’84 and Gavin Timoney Carol Quinn Toomey ’83 and Kevin Toomey NOR THWES T CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

Peter and Jennifer Travers, CP John Tully ’68 and Dorothy Tully Joe and Anne Tully, GP James and Dorothy Tuohy, AP, GP Georgoire and Susan Turgeon, FR John Turley ’70 and Ellen Turley Peter B. Vaphiades ’79 Geoff Walker ’65 Nicholas S. Walsh ’67 and Susan Walsh John and Cori-Lynn Webber, CP, AP Brian and Marie West, CP, AP Mark Wolf, AP Bruce Woolley ’72 and Margaret McElaney Woolley ’73 Russel Youngblood ’76 Gomidas and Ellen Zohrabian, CP

Anniversary - ($50.00 + ) Jo-Anne Alissi, GP Roberta Allison ’70 Mary Lou Angelastro ’72 Allison Reck Anneser ’82 and Douglas Anneser Sharon Barnes, AP, FFS Lauretta Torromeo Bartoletti ’75 and Vincent Bartoletti Helen Batayte, AP John and Shirley Beaulieu, GP Garrett and Jacqueline Benton, CP Richard and Amy Berning, CP, AP Lisa Sheehan Bragaia ’85 and Gianpaolo Bragaia, CP Alice L. Brennan, FR Patricia McHugh Brynga ’70 and Bruce Brynga Warren and Diane Cardone, AP Dennis and Joanne Cavanaugh, CP Mark and Maureen Cenci, AP Ren and Patty Cicero, AP Robert F. Cleary, AP Mary Clark Connell ’81 and Allen Connell Joanne Coursey, AP, GP Catherine A. Curis ’79 Msgr. Charles W. Daly and the Hartford High Class of 1939 Susan Pastula D’Anna ’82 And Lindsay D’Anna Joseph Darman ’75 and Debbie Darman Thomas Davoren ’74 and Ann Marie O’Neil Davoren ’74 Philomena M. DeLeon, GP Mary Ellyn Sarrantonio DeLisle ’66 and James DeLisle Tom and Roxanne Derlinga, AP Jill Carpenter Devor ’99 and Kevin Devor Gayle Apuzzo Dillman ’76 and Jeffrey Dillman Terence Donovan ’68 Bob and Louise Dornfried, CP, AP Cristina Creamer Downes ’75 and William Downes, AP Michelle Dube ’99 Anita Durkin ’99 Dwight Edwards ’80 Tim Egan ’77 and Deborah Egan Steven Farrell, CP, AP CONSTITUENT CODE KEY Alumni – indicated by year of graduation Alumni Parents – AP Current Parents – CP Friends – FR

Faculty and Staff – FS Former Faculty and Staff – FFS Friends – FR Grandparents – GP

FA L L / W I N T E R 2 014 - 2 01 5 • 25


Charlene Faselle, CP Paul Faulkner ’76 and Suzanne Faulkner Don and Joanne Fenton, AP Vincent Ferlini ’66 and Carol Ferlini Mark Fernandes ’78 and Lesley Fernandes, FFS Rui and Camille Ferreira, FR Robert J. Foster and Lisa-Anne Foster, CP Ellen Rodgers Fox ’85 and Brendan Fox, CP, AP Elise Greenfield Furman ’74 and Roy Furman Susan and Vincent Gagliardi, AP, FFS Brian and Laurie Gardner, CP Chris and Johanna Garr, FFS Martin and Brenda Geitz, AP Christine A. Gibson ’71 Thomas Gollenberg ’11 Roseann Pauroso Gomez ’77 and Ben Gomez Leonora Goroshko, AP, GP Clarence Gravely Elizabeth Zabel Greif ’66 and Charles Greif Loren Griffin ’99 Michael J. Griffin ’81 Clifford and April Guest, CP Kelly Carpenter Habif ’99 and Bryan Habif Kathleen Halloran ’98 J. Michael Halloran ’70 and Mary Bellizzi Halloran ’71 Sean Halloran ’04 Todd and Terry Hansen, CP, AP Kathleen W. Hart, AP Richard Hemond ’79 and Elizabeth Hemond Mary Fran Hennessy, AP, FFS Matthew B. Hogan ’67 Kevin Hughes ’77 and Ann Hughes Ken Hungerford, FFS Rolf and Kimberly Joerg, CP Vladimir Kalas ’75 and Eva Karas Krzysztof and Anna Karpiej, CP Kerry Casey Kelley ’82 and Kevin Kelley Neil Kelly ’65 and Jeanne Tonucci Kelly ’65 Anthony and Gloria Kolonich, GP Vincent Kraft ’68 and Julie Kraft Susan Kristofak, AP Paul and Christine Kuczma, CP Anthony LaPenta, AP James B. Leeds ’71 and Jane Leeds Robert G. Leeds ’73 Mario Lopez ’77 William and Carla Lorenz, CP Jeanna Lubozynski ’99 Nancy Davis Mainelli ’77 and Roy Mainelli David P. Marceau ’95 Mary Marcikonis ’70 Liza Dunlay Marecek ’70 and Paul Marecek Scott and Ellen Marshall, CP Benjamin and Edna Martin, GP Joan Buckley Matson ’66 and Robert Matson Molly McCormack ’07 Winnie McCormick, GP Terence J. McGuire, III ’71 and Kerry McGuire Marlene Facey McGunigle ’84 Douglas S. McIntosh and Mary Rose Verdile, CP Kathleen W. Meaney ’70 Ken and Gerry Mendoza, GP David H. Miller, Jr. ’68 and Susan Miller Mary Dunn Miner ’79 and Brian Miner Laurie Molinari, CP Ann Molloy ’70 and Kenneth Stillman Robert and Lorraine Molloy, FR

26 • L O G O S

Dan Montano ’69 and Claudia Montano, AP Marisa Montinieri, CP Maribeth Brewer Morrissey ’84 and Michael Morrissey Kevin and Julie Mullen, CP Ginny and Jack Murphy, FS Neil F. Murray ’77 and Kathleen Murray Kathleen Lennon Newman ’78 and Edward Newman Ed and Mary Pat Noonan, FFS Walter and Brenda Nuhfer, AP Joseph O’Brien ’68 and Eileen O’Brien, AP Michael O’Brien ’74 and Ann O’Brien Kaitlin Olson ’05 Frank and Marge Pane, GP Chuck and Colleen Peterson, FFS Suzanne Piacentini, AP Jamie Dernbach Potkai ’71 and Edward Potkai John J. Quinn, Jr. ’98 Mary Beth Slavin Reiss ’99 and John Reiss Tim Richardson ’08 Gordon and Virginia Robinson, FFS Michael and Mary-Ellen Rogers, CP, AP Timothy Rooney ’05 Judith Merritt Rowean ’67 and Paul Rowean Karen Crozier Russell ’99 and Nathan Russell Paula Tapogna Sadlon ’66 and Mark Sadlon Terri-Ann Trifari Sands ’81 and James Sands, CP, AP Mary Jordan Sanford ’68 and Collin Sanford Jerome V. Schierberl ’72 Mark and Julie Schwartz, CP William F. Scully III ’70 and Shelby Scully William Shages ’65 and Marlene McFadden Noreen Weaver Shawcross ’65 and Raymond Shawcross Margaret Redden Sitarz ’72 and Robert Sitarz, AP Steve and Beth Skolnick, FR Glenn and Tina Smith, CP Heather Postle Smith ’99 and Karl Smith Joseph and Patricia Smith, GP Richard and Phyllis Smith, AP Michael J. Steeves ’66 and Pamela Steeves Ann Flaherty Steinle ’79 and Thomas Steinle Mary Rice Sternberg ’76 Carol Stevenson, AP John B. Stiles, FR Roberta O’Brien Stimpson ’73 and Alfred Stimpson Janet Stone and Michael J. Selissen, AP Catherine Talarski ’99 Michelle L. Thresher ’88 and Scott Reischmann John D. Tully and Nancy Martel-Tully, CP Stephen Urban ’67 and Margaret McCormack Urban ’67 Mary L. Virtue, GP James Weaver ’68 and Marg Lenge Weaver ’69 John Whiting ’09 Andrea Melanson Wlochowski ’85 and Blair Wlochowski Amy Van Bramer Yobst ’87 and John Yobst Thomas J. Zajac ’68 Mary Campise Zdrojowy ’66 and Michael Zdrojowy

Donor – (up to $49) Lisa Guillet Abrams ’86 and Robert Abrams Paula Agnew, AP NOR THWES T CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

Ryan Allberry ’14 Matthew Angelini ’14 Anonymous Luisa A. Anquillare ’14 John Arel ’14 Alessandra M. Armetta ’14 Christopher M. Armetta ’14 Peter M. Armetta ’14 Marcus Bailey ’14 Marlon Bailey ’14 Kelsey Baker ’14 Meggan Montano Baker ’01 and William Baker Randy F. Ball, CP, AP Tim Baranski ’14 Joe and Cindy Bazzano, AP Carol Dalton Beach ’65 and John Beach Gabriella Beaulieu ’14 Pierre and Lucille Belhumeur, GP Lauren Bellizzi ’14 Donald and Kathleen Bercowetz, CP, AP Rachel Bercowetz ’14 Annie Berning ’14 Deborah Berry, AP Marcus Blackwell and Altressa Cox-Blackwell, AP Mildred Blaschinski, AP David Blough ’82 and Cheryl Weissenburger Blough ’82 Gabrielle S. Bonk ’14 Brian Bournique ’14 Nicholas Bragaia ’14 Christopher Deneen ’79 and Eileen Brennan Deneen ’81 Trae Brooks ’14 Madonna Burke, FS Meghan Mahoney Cancelliere ’99 Amy H. Cao ’14 M. Agnes Carey, GP Raymond and Patricia Carlson, CP, AP Shawn Carlson ’14 Emma Christolini ’14 Andrew Clarke ’78 and Mary Clarke Alisha Collazo ’14 Elizabeth Collier ’10 Ana Colliton ’14 Gillian C. Colman ’14 Louise Lagueux Concodello ’69 and Joseph Concodello Jack Conlin ’14 Alex Connal ’14 Jerard and Angela Connors, CP, AP Mary Ellen Sullivan Connors ’68 and Lawrence Connors Tia Conover ’14 Amanda Cooper ’14 Ann Marie Faucher Corona ’69 and Frank Corona Kenneth Cox ’14 Bob and Linda Crawford, AP Elizabeth M. Curran ’72 and Craig Wickenkamp Catherine Steinmiller Cwilichoski ’74 and Chester Cwilichoski Manuel DaCunha, AP Alice D’Arcangelo ’14 Ryan DeFranzo ’14 Ryan Del Monaco ’14 Emma Deneen ’14 Grace Deneen ’14 Molly Deneen ’14 Conor Devlin ’14


Dennis Dobruck ’69 and Mary Dobruck Tim Dodds ’14 John E. Donnelly ’83 and Patricia Donnelly Ryan P. Donohue ’14 William F. Dougherty ’77 Maura Travers Douglas ’84 and Scott Douglas David A. Downes ’69 and Deborah Downes Connor Dunn ’14 Owen Eagan ’14 Ben Elmore ’14 Evan Farrell ’14 Peter E. Fay ’66 and Lois Cahill James Fellinger ’10 Maria Ferreira, AP Jen Filer ’99 Paul Fitzpatrick, FS Christian Flynn ’14 Luke Foran ’14 Sean Foster ’14 Julia Fountain ’14 John Fox ’14 Victor and Jeanette Fraulo, FFS Jodi Warner Fyfe ’67 and Richard Fyfe Mitchell Gajek, GP Caroline Galeota ’14 Donna Michaud Ganley ’65 Katherine A. Garger ’14 Daniel and Bonnie Geelan, CP, AP Kelly Geelan ’14 Kevin P. Gherard ’72 and Noreen Gherard Mary Katherine Gilhooly ’14 Victoria Gleixner ’14 Louis and MaryAnn Godbout, AP Jessica Gordon ’14 Christopher J. Gosselin ’14 Carroll Grant ’67 and Randall Case Betsy Roemke Graves ’73 Joscelyn Griffin ’14 Susan E. Grimes ’74 Philip and Andrea Hagaman, FR Alanna Hall-Bumbray ’14 Patricia Hamilton ’67 Nathaniel D. Heiden ’14 Mark Honiberg ’66 and Marnie Honigberg Tracey Young Horner ’77 Jin Hang Huang ’14 Devyne Ingleton ’14 Norma F. Ingram ’65 and David Ingram Bruce R. Jachym ’74 Shateria Jackson ’14 Isabelle Jacques ’14 Corey Jasper ’14 Laura Franco Jeppesen ’67 and Alan Jeppesen Madeline Johnson ’14 Bill and Mary Lou Kachnowski, CP, AP Allie Kaehrle ’14 Philip Karas ’14 Kevin Kearney ’78 and Janet Kearney Andrew Kearns ’14 Maureen Keefe ’75 William Keenan ’69 and Elizabeth Keenan Angela J. Kennedy ’14 Cooper Kerr ’14 Jacqueline A. Klingman ’14 Glenn and Gloria Knierim, AP Brian Kozak ’14 Emily Kuczma ’14 Tim Kuhlberg ’14

Anne M. Lagan ’68 and Jean-Paul Poulin Ming Lam and Ching Yee Chan, CP Salvatore and Gloria Lanzarone, GP Anthony Laureno ’14 Albert Lavoie ’65 and Claudia Lavoie Louis Lawson ’14 Sasha and Penny Lazor, CP Kevin D. LeBlanc ’14 Zara Lenihan ’14 Michael Leonida ’95 Tad Link ’14 Taylor Luciani ’14 Joan Andrew Luddy ’71 and Richard Luddy, AP, FS Christopher J. Mangine ’14 Taylor Mangini ’14 Thomas Manning, FR Linda and Lou Manzione, CP Katherine M. Marti ’14 Kristen E. Marti ’14 Molly McDonald ’14 Aidan McDonnell ’14 Sean McDonough ’14 Peter and MaryAnn McHugh, CP Alex McKenzie ’11 Nate McKenzie ’12 Susan Whalen McKeown ’66 and Patrick McKeown Jesse McLain ’14 Chris McLaughlin ’14 Claire Monahan McNamara ’65 And Stephen McNamara Michelle Medina ’14 Nikki Medina ’14 Robert J. Melanson ’79 and Louise Melanson Patrick Midney ’14 Anne Mastronardi Miller ’98 Monique Miller ’14 Barre Mohamood ’14 Mark Molloy ’77 and Jean Donnelly Molloy ’78, AP John J. Montano ’72 and Marleen Montano John R. Moran ’14 Haley Morgan ’14 Megan Moriarty ’14 Mary G. Morley ’71 Madison Mortillaro ’14 Molly Mullane ’09 Adriana S. Muniz ’14 Stephen Murphy ’67 and Donna Murphy James Naleski ’14 Diane Nastri ’74 Melissa Nenninger ’14 Thienly Nguyen ’14 Oheneba Nti ’14 Liza Oakley ’14 Rose K. O’Brien ’14 Nicholas J. Ochs ’14 Kenneth and Rosemary Ochs, CP Kathleen M. O’Connor ’73 Peggy O’Neil-Murphy ’75 and Walter Murphy Brienna Parenti ’14 Luigi and Lisa Peluso, AP Bridget Pepin ’14 Lise M. Perody, AP Nhung Thuy Pham ’14 Victor Pileika ’74 and Deborah Pileika Ellie Plukas-Smith ’68 and Les Smith Rachel C. Poirier ’14 Bud Poliquin ’70 and Kathleen Poliquin NOR THWES T CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

Patricia Hart Poole ’73 and Malcolm Poole Ryan Poole ’14 Sarah Pranaitis ’14 Joanne Scapellati Protasewich ’73 and Ronald Protasewich Xuan Rao ’14 Zac Rice ’14 Christen Rinaldi ’99 Mary-Kate Rogers ’14 Maggie Rose ’14 Jennifer Samolyk ’88 and John Romney Christopher Saunders ’73 and Victoria Saunders Walter Schuppe, AP William Schwartz ’14 Elizabeth Mirkin Seifel ’66 and John Seifel Kelly Shannon ’14 Jack Shea ’14 Hyewon Shin ’14 Alexandra Signore ’14 Paul and Jeanine Simoneau, AP Jane Sitarz ’01 Olivia Skalski ’11 Ayana Smith ’14 Simone Smith ’14 Will Smullen ’14 Tammy Mendes Snyder ’83 and Jay Snyder Kim Sanders Spera ’03 and Kenneth Spera Jon Stevenson ’87 Michael Story ’14 Eugene and Shirley Sullivan, FR Michael and Karen Susi, CP, AP Paul and Pamela Sutkaitis, GP Fred and Barbara Tanguay, CP, AP Paul Tetreault ’75 and Kathleen Tetreault Christopher Thomas ’13 Bill Thompson, CP Blair Thompson ’14 Anthony and Frances Vacca, AP Amanda L. Vacca-Bartley ’99 William and Cheryl Valentine, CP Rani Vance ’14 Peter and Eleanor Vancisin, CP Kelsey Vega ’10 Victeria V. Vu ’14 Hannah Wade ’14 Tyler Waitt ’14 Thomas Wall ’65 and Rosemary Wall Victoria Walz ’14 Shannon Webber ’14 Stephanie West ’14 Amanda K. Whitehouse ’14 Charles and Karen Whitehouse, CP Kate Williamson ’08 Andrew Wizner and Sheila Houlihan, AP Xueni Yang ’14 Demitrios Yao ’14 Jeffrey and Deborah Yao, AP Sasha Yazdzik ’14 Diane Bachta Zalewski ’68 and Edwin Zalewski

CONSTITUENT CODE KEY Alumni – indicated by year of graduation Alumni Parents – AP Current Parents – CP Friends – FR

Faculty and Staff – FS Former Faculty and Staff – FFS Friends – FR Grandparents – GP

FA L L / W I N T E R 2 014 - 2 01 5 • 27


For more than 20 years, alumni, parents, friends, and organizations have chosen to honor an individual, a family, or a mission while helping students in financial need by funding an endowed or annual scholarship. A portion of the annual earnings of an endowed scholarship fund ensures that deserving students can take advantage of the educational opportunity available at Northwest Catholic. Endowed scholarship funds are essential to ensuring an economically diverse school community and are a critical component in Northwest Catholic’s tradition of supporting students with financial need. Endowed scholarships may be initiated with a gift of $25,000. Annual scholarships may be established with a gift of $5,000 or more, provided it is the donor’s intent to make a multi-year annual commitment. Endowed Scholarships

Annual Scholarships

Rev. Lawrence R. Bock Scholarship Boudreau Family Leadership Scholarship Bourret Family Scholarship Rev. Bradford Colton Memorial Scholarship Paige Ann Corrigan Memorial Scholarship Carol Cunningham Memorial Family Scholarship The Honorable & Mrs. John J. Daly Family Scholarship The Maurice and Phyllis Guillet Memorial Scholarship Regina Guilmartin Memorial Scholarship Stephen Lennox ’69 Memorial Scholarship McGuire Family Scholarship Patricia Mittica Memorial Scholarship Russell Morrisett ’73 Scholarship Nora E. O’Brien ’82 Memorial Scholarship Salvatore S. Piacente, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Catherine Malloy Pintavalle ’75 Memorial Scholarship Paul Reardon Memorial Scholarship Rooney Family Scholarship William M. Sanders, M.D. and Louise K. Sanders Scholarship Rev. John T. Shugrue and Mary G. Shugrue Memorial Scholarship Trina Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Bruce N. Torell Memorial Scholarship United Technologies Corporation STEM Scholarship John T. Ziewacz, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

50th Anniversary Scholarship Archbishop’s Scholarship Cancellarini Trust Scholarship Rev. John P. Cook Scholarship Covenant Preparatory School Scholarship Michele and Donald D’Amour Scholarship Damuth Music Scholarship Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools Scholarship Greater Hartford Catholic Education Association Scholarship Greenwood/Melanson/Gartland Memorial Scholarship Dr. William Hart Memorial Scholarship The Fund for Greater Hartford Scholarship Robert L. Kay Memorial Scholarship Adam M. Lawton ’99 Memorial Scholarship Matthew 25 Scholarship Erick Molden ’91 Memorial Scholarship NWC Faculty & Staff Financial Aid Scholarship Joseph F. Reilly Memorial Scholarship St. Ann’s Scholarship St. Brigid Council of the Knights of Columbus Scholarship Thomas and Anne Sarubbi Scholarship The Albert L. Spelas Scholarship

GIFTS TO ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS Rev. Lawrence R. Bock Scholarship

Patricia Mittica Memorial Scholarship

Ana and Winston Barrett Father Lawrence Bock The Griebel Family Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Rich and Francine Sider Henry and Evyonne Yazdzik

Robert M. Mittica

Russell Morrisett ’73 Scholarship Russell Morrisett ’73 and Mary Morrisett

Nora E. O’Brien ’82 Memorial Scholarship Daniel O’Brien ’79 and Andrea O’Brien Michael O’Brien ’74 and Ann O’Brien Virginia O’Brien

Boudreau Family Leadership Scholarship Ken and Judy Boudreau

Bourret Family Scholarship

Catherine Malloy Pintavalle ’75 Scholarship

Georgoire and Susan Turgeon

Kathleen W. Hart Tom and Bernie Malloy

Rev. Bradford Colton Memorial Scholarship Laura Connelly Allen ’65 and Richard Allen

Paul Reardon Memorial Scholarship Ana and Winston Barrett Andrew Clarke ’78 and Mary Clarke David P. Marceau ’95 Jane Reardon Ron Swanson

Paige Ann Corrigan Memorial Scholarship Daniel J. Avery ’97 and Sara D. Avery Ana and Winston Barrett Elizabeth Lynch Oates ’94 Loren and Carol Sheridan Schave Ron Swanson

Rev. Henry C. Frascadore Teaching Chair Award

Rev. John T. Shugrue and Mary G. Shugrue Memorial Scholarship Loren and Carol Sheridan Schave Ron Swanson

James Nolan

Regina Guilmartin Memorial Scholarship Scott Guilmartin ’74

John T. Ziewacz, Sr. Memorial Scholarship George S. Ziewacz ’65

28 • L O G O S



Those honored through these gifts will be remembered perpetually in our prayers, especially during Mass. May the light of their memory illuminate our paths every day. In Memory of Robert Bagnall ’66 Kathleen W. Hart

In Memory of Regina Guilmartin Scott Guilmartin ’74

In Memory of Rosemarie Whalen Balcezak Linda Whalen Kocha ’69

In Memory of Alan Gurchin John Gurchin ’69 and Jeanne Roy Gurchin ’70

In Memory of Sheila Barrett Daniel F. Barrett ’89

In Memory of Kathleen Whalen Hansen Linda Whalen Kocha ’69

In Memory of William Batayte ’79 Helen Batayte

In Memory of Joanne Hary ’65 Claire Monahan McNamara ’65

In Memory of Peter F. Beneski ’86 Frank and Sheila Beneski

In Memory of David W. Hasson Chris and Joanna Link

In Memory of Clarence and Irene Bourret Georgoire and Susan Turgeon

In Memory of Thomas Hill ’65 Kathleen W. Hart

In Memory of Mary M. Bowie Ronald D. Clark Meredith L. Henry Salvatore Miano Donna Valente

In Memory of Jennifer Ann Horn ’07 Paul and Shannon Harvill

In Memory of Regina Hudak

In Memory of Tom and Mary Bowie

Mark L. Hudak ’71

Katherine Bowie Green ’69 and Gordon Green

In Memory of Ruth Hudak ’74

In Memory of Jack Breen

Mark L. Hudak ’71

James Nolan

In Memory of Stephen B. Hudak, Jr.

In Memory of Marc A. Chambers ’75

Craig Hudak ’79 and Judith Hudak Mark L. Hudak ’71

Judith Chambers-Smith ’82 and Mark Smith

In Memory of Judy Collagan ’67

In Memory of Rita Kapral John and Vanessa Kapral

Kathryn Burk ’67

In Memory of Rev. Bradford Colton

In Memory of Robert L. Kay Mildred C. Kay

Laura Connelly Allen ’65 and Richard Allen

In Memory of Paige Corrigan Daniel J. Avery ’97 and Sara D. Avery Ana and Winston Barrett Elizabeth Lynch Oates ’94 Loren and Carol Sheridan Schave Ron Swanson

In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Curran Elizabeth M. Curran ’72

In Memory of Joe A. Ferreira Maria Ferreira

In Memory of Helen Dillon Gray Susan K. Gray ’69

In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kearns, Jr. Christopher Kearns ’82

In Memory of Alice LaPenta Anthony LaPenta

In Memory of Adam M. Lawton ’99 Danielle Appel ’01 Erica and Sean Brophy Meghan Mahoney Cancelliere ’99 Amber Chapman and Jeremy O’Keefe Kevin Cornell John K. Dankosky Michelle Dube ’99 Anita Durkin ’99 Lee and Luanne Echert Jen Filer ’99 NOR THWES T CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

Joseph Fulliero ’99 Kellee Galoppo Loren Griffin ’99 John Hoener Karen Late Michele Late David and Nancy Lawton Jeanna Lubozynski ’99 Alison Means Anne Mastronardi Miller ’98 David and Sandra Poirier Mary Beth Slavin Reiss ’99 Christen Rinaldi ’99 Karen Crozier Russell ’99 David Shiembob Jane Sitarz ’01 Margaret Linehan Skahill ’66 and John F. Skahill Heather Postle Smith ’99 Justin Smith ’99 Kyle Spears RaeJean Spears Stokes ’98 Catherine Talarski ’99 Dianne and Joe Treacy Bill and Pat Walsh John Whiting ’09 Margie and Brian Williamson

In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. William G. Leeds Robert G. Leeds ’73

In Memory of George Lescarbeau ’66 Kathleen W. Hart

In Memory of Geraldine A. Luksic ’69 Ken and Ann Grzesiuk Bach ’70 and Michelle Bach ’13 Joe and Louise Bouchard Manuel DaCunha Steven DaCunha Msgr. Charles W. Daly and the Hartford High Class of 1939 Mary Ellyn Sarrantonio DeLisle ’66 and James DeLisle Marie DiTaranto Mary Dougherty Joanne Warner Fyfe ’67 and Richard Fyfe Glastonbury Yacht Club, Inc. Suburban Woman’s Club of West Hartford Jo-Ann, Jim and Patrick Kelliher James and Patsy Kennedy Virginia Kiely Thomas and Margaret Lionetti Gail Dionizio Lonczewski ’71 and Loren Lonczewski Barbara Raymond Reginald and Rose May Richard Linda Sandberg Wilson ’77

In Memory of Daniel Lynch ’78 Mary Dunn Miner ’79

In Memory of John P. Lynch, Sr. Janet Lynch Black ’72

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In Memory of Liza Dunlay Marecek ’70

In Memory of Elynor O’Neill

Mary Marcikonis ’70

Michele A. Fox Tom and Carol Hamill Robert and Norma Hatch Eileen B. Hofmann Jerome and Charlotte Kennedy Stephen Murphy ’67 William and Nancy Sears

In Memory of Katherine M. McElaney Bruce Woolley ’72 and Margaret McElaney Woolley ’73

In Memory of Thomas J. McHugh ’75 Patricia McHugh Brynga ’70

In Memory of Elizabeth and William Steinmiller Catherine Steinmiller Cwilichoski ’74

In Memory of Barbara Beck Stiles ’71 John B. Stiles

In Memory of Catherine Malloy Pintavalle

In Memory of Walter Stosuy

Robert Mittica

Kathleen W. Hart Tom and Bernie Malloy

In Memory of Erick Molden ’91

In Memory of Richard T. Pitek ’84

Almaas A. Shaikh, M.D. Tchaka B. Shepherd, M.D. ’90

Martin M. Pitek

Ana and Winston Barrett Beth and Carl Guerrette Ellyn Stosuy Ron Swanson Geoff Walker ’65 Margie and Brian Williamson

In Memory of Mary and King Quish

In Memory of Henry K. Suski

Mary Quish Smullen ’75 and Harold Smullen

Chris and Joanna Link

In Memory of Paul Reardon

In Memory of Linda V. Taylor

Ana and Winston Barrett Andrew Clarke ’78 and Mary Clarke David P. Marceau ’95 Jane Reardon Ron Swanson

Kathleen Taylor-Brooks ’71

In Memory of John H. and Mary Q. Rees

In Memory of Brian Tierney ’65

Molly Rees Gavin ’67 Joanne Rees Kaczor ’72 and Robert Kaczor

Claire Monahan McNamara ’65

In Memory of James F. Moran

In Memory of Vera and John Ritoli

Catherine and Tim Curran Joanne Moran

Tim and Verneen Paradise

Bridget Walsh Moses ’76 and Cornelius Moses Mary Beth Walsh

In Memory of Joanne M. Rooney

In Memory of Barbara Wells ’69

Bernard T. Rooney, Jr.

Susan Carpenter ’69

In Memory of Margaret Kennedy Samolyk

In Memory of David J. Whalen, Jr.

Jennifer Samolyk ’88

Linda Whalen Kocha ’69

In Memory of Michelle Shank ’84

In Memory of Terrell A. Winston

Carol Quinn Toomey ’83

Kimberly Barrow ’78

In Memory of Deceased Members of the Shugrue Family

In Memory of John T. Ziewacz, Sr.

In Memory of Patricia Mittica

In Memory of William D. Molloy Ronald and Marjorie Abbott Access Financial Group, Inc. Nan Carmon Connecticut Funeral Directors Association Patricia C. Donnelly Philip and Andrea Hagaman Mary Fran Hennessy Edward G. Lawrence, Jr. Robert and Lorraine Molloy Bill and Rosemary Powers Steve and Beth Skolnick Eugene and Shirley Sullivan

In Memory of Brian T. Mulshine ’71 Margaret Mulshine Timoney ’84

In Memory of James Nicholas Mary Nicholas

In Memory of Patricia Cunningham Norko Thomas M. Buckley ’78

In Memory of Dr. Fred O’Brien Virginia O’Brien

In Memory of Robert J. Tedone ’66 Joseph J. Tedone ’71

In Memory of Judge Richard A. Walsh

George S. Ziewacz ’65

Loren and Carol Sheridan Schave Ron Swanson

In Memory of Nora E. O’Brien ’82 Daniel O’Brien ’79 and Andrea O’Brien Michael O’Brien ’74 and Ann O’Brien Virginia O’Brien

Respecting Your Privacy – and Your Generosity Northwest Catholic never sells or shares its donor names and addresses. These lists reflect gifts made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists; please contact Advancement Director Patricia Walsh (PWalsh@nwcath.org) about errors or omissions.

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Gifts in this category subsidize our financial aid program or fund specific programs or capital projects. We are very grateful for the support of these organizations for our mission. Anonymous

Follett Virtual Bookstore, Inc.

Severance Foods, Inc.

4D Private Wealth Strategies, LLC

Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools

Sports Technologies, LLC

Future Benefits, Inc.

St. Brigid School

Abbydabby Ice Cream & Treats Academic Insight, LLC Allston Supply Co., Inc. American Endowment Foundation Art Rich Photography Avery’s Music Store Aztec Equipment Back East Brewery Company, LLC Barrieau Oil Company, Inc. Big Y Foods, Inc. Blue Plate Kitchen Catholic Charities, Inc. Cherish The Children Foundation, Inc. Church of St. Peter Claver Church of the Holy Spirit Church of the Incarnation Concom, Inc. Conway Stoughton, LLC CT HVAC, Inc. Dexmet Corporation Diamond Mind Drisdelle Homes, LLC Duncaster Duralite, Inc. eScrip F.A. Hesketh & Associates, Inc. FIP Construction Fleet Feet Sports

Greater Hartford Catholic Education Association, Inc. Hartford Foundation for Public Giving House of Flora Flower Market, LLC Hulme & Sweeney Piano Service Italia & Lemp Inc Karelia, LLC Kearns & Kearns, PC Kingsbrook Development Corp. Klingman Law, LLC Link Mechanical Services Lorenzo’s Italian Ice LPL Financial Maximum Beverage McKenna Orthodontics, P.C. Metallurgical Processing, Inc. Mitchell Selig Ford Navin Bros. Food Services, Inc. Northeastern Chimney Office for Black Catholic Ministries Oohrah! Hydration, LLC Ovation Employee Benefits Paul’s Cleaning & Floor Refinishing LLC Rainbow Graphics Riley Lumber Company

St. Ann’s Church St. Mary’s Church St. Thomas the Apostle School St. Timothy Middle School Starwood Capital Group Super Cellar Warehouse Liquors Target The Coursey Financial Group The Fund for Greater Hartford The Harold and Phyllis Van Horn Foundation The Hartford Catholic Worker, Inc. The Horn Shop The Walker Group United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut United Way of Coastal Fairfield County, Inc. United Way of Pioneer Valley, Inc. V. Carbone Hospitality, LLC Venora Electric, Inc Viridian Energy, Inc. Wentworth-DeAngelis Insurance West Hartford Magic AAU West Hartford Police Officers Association William & Alice Mortensen Foundation

Road ID Sacred Heart Church of Bloomfield

MATC H I N G G I F T C O MPANI ES Many businesses and corporations will match the amount of a donation from one of their employees as a benefit of their employment, increasing the value of the donor’s gift dramatically. The companies listed here matched donations that Northwest Catholic received from our constituents – alumni, parents, friends, and alumni parents. Please check with your employer to see if they, like the companies identified below, will match your donations to Northwest Catholic. Aetna Foundation

Pfizer Foundation

The Crane Company

Bank of America Foundation

St. Paul Travelers Foundation

The GE Foundation

Fidelity Foundation

Stanley Works

The Walt Disney Company Foundation

IBM Corporation

Steelcase Foundation

United Technologies

Macy’s, Inc.

Stop & Shop Supermarket Co.

United Technologies Public Affairs Support Services

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation

Vanguard Group, Inc.


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The 30th annual Saturday Night Live, held on November 23, 2013, was another wonderful success, as the enormously popular event run by dedicated Northwest Catholic parents and alumni grossed over $76,000 and netted over $56,000, both of which are new record results. Room Sponsors Duralite, Inc. F.A. Hesketh & Associates, Inc. Link Mechanical Services LPL Financial Maximum Beverage Valbridge Property Advisors/Italia & Lemp Inc

Advertisers Academic Insight, LLC Church of St. Peter Claver Church of the Holy Spirit Church of the Incarnation Conway Stoughton, LLC Duncaster House of Flora Flower Market, LLC Kingsbrook Development Corp. Klingman Law, LLC McKenna Orthodontics, P.C. Metallurgical Processing, Inc. Northeastern Chimney Riley Lumber Company Sacred Heart Church of Bloomfield St. Ann’s Church St. Brigid School St. Catherine of Siena Church St. Mary’s Church St. Thomas the Apostle School St. Timothy Middle School Starwood Capital Group The Coursey Financial Group Venora Electric, Inc Wentworth-DeAngelis Insurance West Hartford Police Officers Association

Patrons Joe and Teresa Anquillare Stephen and Laurie Arel Ann Grzesiuk Bach ’70 and Kenneth Bach Nancy Scully Bannon ’73 and James Bannon Theresa Notte Becker ’76 and Clinton Becker Javier and Katherine Bello Garrett and Jacqueline Benton Marino and Nancy Boccuzzi Peter and Ellen Bompane Elias and Elaine Bouzakis

David and Lisa Brooks Joseph Buda and Linda Moran-Buda George and Ann Burnett KC and Debbie Burns Paul and Mary Butler William and Karen Carew Antonietta Zullo Carreira ’79 and Paul Carreira Jon and Eileen Case John Chapman and Lorri Marquez John and Kate Christolini Paul and Carol Ciotto Juan Collas and Susan Sereno Kenneth and Donna Colliton Maureen Ellen Colman ’71 and Jonathan Colman David and Karen Contenta Roosevelt and Yolanda Cooper Anna T. Cygler Morris and Kathleen Davenport Ernest and Carmen Del Monaco Eric and Debra Delane Maureen DeSena John and Amy Dillon Greg and Julie Dodds Tom and Pam Doran Bob and Louise Dornfried Brian and Kathy Driscoll Dane and Susan Dudley Edward and Mary Jo Dunn Glenn and Beth Duzy Michael O. Eagan ’74 and Geralyn Tuohy Eagan ’74 Cindy Farrell Charlene Faselle Paul Fitzpatrick Steven and Peg Flower Chris and Anita Flynn Brian and Laurie Gardner Christopher J. Gauthier ’82 and Kathleen Gauthier Anthony and Laura Giannone Myles and Tracy Gibbons Scott and Kathleen Gill Petro and Nadia Gluch Gregory and Rita Gosselin Patrick and Diane Green Steve and Maria Greenslade Kevin W. Grenham ’78 and Elizabeth Grenham Oz and Kirsten Griebel Clifford and April Guest Todd and Terry Hansen

Paul and Mary Ann Henzler Ray and Mary Higgins Mark and Diane Hoelzer Martin and Heather Hoffman Lou and Mary Iacobucci Jim and Linda Jordano Bill and Mary Lou Kachnowski John F. Kearns ’75 and Connie Roher-Kearns Michael McKeon and Joan KeatingMcKeon Michael and Cindy Klein David and Noreen Knortz David and Cheryl Kozak Robert and Michelle Kuhlberg Thomas and Letha Kunkel Cathleen Fox Laffin ’77 and Fran Laffin David and Sharon Lamb Kara Cunningham Langan ’81 and Kevin Langan Kevin and Zofia Lavoie James J. Leary III ’65 and Jane Leary David and Lynn LeBlanc Lucio and Jane Lefante John and Diane Lipari Gail Dionizio Lonczewski ’71 and Loren Lonczewski Robert Lorenzo ’77 Tom and Eileen MacCallum Mark and MaryBeth Manzi Al and Nicole Marena David Marti and Kathy Banas-Marti Kimberly May-Bailey ’88 Gail McCue Dan and Pam McLaughlin Mike and Nancy Mendoza Bill and Rosemary Meskill Cynthia Michaud Allen and Laura Molin Marisa Montinieri Anthony Morgan and Linda MacKay Jeff and Maribeth Mortillaro Michael Moustakakis and Emily Daponte Kevin and Julie Mullen Tom and Michelle Murphy Bill and Carolyn Murphy Dan and Janet Nahorney Chris and Patty Nenninger Eileen Walsh Neubert ’85 and Dan Neubert Chris and Monica Nicholas Paul and Karen Nista

Anthony Nwachukwu and Sonya Dockett Bob and Stephanie Oakley Liam and Jo O’Leary David and Laurene Oleasz Peter and Heather O’Meara John Papandrea and Kathleen Kennedy Michael and Maria Petropoulos Al and Helga Phillips Rick and Trish Poirier David and Corinne Renker Sharon Rispoli William and Christine Robinson Jeff and Katie Rose David and Sandra Roseth Michael and Mary Ruddat Robert Rutstein and Toni Fatone William Sanders Frank and Callie Sciavolino John and Kim Shea Rosie Craemer Shea ’82 and Bob Shea Margaret Linehan Skahill ’66 and John F. Skahill Sebastian and Lynn Sorrentino Michael and Bonnie Stephens Mike and Lisa Stewart Steve and Jackie Stites Scott and Ann Strid Greg and Deborah Sullivan Michael and Karen Susi Ron Swanson Patrick and Sherri Thompson Colby and Anita Thresher Peter and Jennifer Travers Chinh H. Truong ’90 and Maureen Truong John Tully and Nancy Martel-Tully Peter and Eleanor Vancisin John and Maureen Vaughn Michael and Patricia Visintainer Brent and Jackie Voelker Kevin and Suzanne Walsh Bill and Pat Walsh John and Cori-Lynn Webber John Wendorff ’85 and Krystyna Wendorff Meghan Wentworth ’87 and Frank Szilagyi Margie and Brian Williamson Susan Wiskowski Jeffrey and Deborah Yao Michael Young and Lisa M. JordanYoung

Respecting Your Privacy – and Your Generosity Northwest Catholic never sells or shares its donor names and addresses. These lists reflect gifts made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of these lists; please contact Advancement Director Patricia Walsh (PWalsh@nwcath.org) about errors or omissions.

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GIFTS IN KIND In addition to cash gifts, Northwest Catholic received generous contributions of useful goods and services that fulfill specific capital or operational needs. If a gift in kind is accepted by Northwest Catholic, it is the donor’s responsibility to determine value, and it must be a gift that brings clear budget relief to the school. Abbydabby Ice Cream & Treats

Joan Keating-McKeon and Michael McKeon

Severance Foods, Inc.

Advanced Lighting & Sound Solutions

Maximum Beverage

Super Cellar Warehouse Liquors

Avery’s Music Store

Mitchell Selig Ford

Bill and Pat Walsh

Back East Brewery Company, LLC

Modern School Supplies

Maura Walsh-O’Brien ’77 and Andrew O’Brien,

Big Y Foods, Inc.

Navin Bros. Food Service, Inc.

in honor of Mary Beth & Dick Walsh, Pat &

Blue Plate Kitchen

Oohrah! Hydration, LLC

Andy O’Brien, and Terry & Hank Neubert,

A. James Dionizio ’65

Paul’s Cleaning & Floor Refinishing LLC

grandparents of Rose O’Brien ’14 and

Brian and Vicki Ferrell

Pullman & Comley LLC

Sarah Neubert ’16

FIP Construction

Rainbow Graphics

Fleet Feet Sports

Road ID

GO L F TO UR N AMENT The 37th Annual Golf Tournament, held on June 9, 2014, was again well attended and a great day for all, successfully netting $15,000 to support scholarships, both academic- and need-based, for deserving Northwest Catholic students. SPONSORS

Ovation Employee Benefits

Hole in One Sponsor

White Sponsor ($150)

Mitchell Selig Ford

4D Private Wealth Strategies, LLC Lorenzo’s Italian Ice

Golfers’ Gift Sponsor

Cart Sponsor ($3,000) FIP Construction

Cocktail Reception ($2,500)

Rainbow Graphics

Aztec Equipment Barrieau Oil Company, Inc. Klingman Law, LLC Link Mechanical Services The McHugh Family


Future Benefits, Inc.

Gold Sponsors ($500)

Diamond Sponsors ($2,000) Concom, Inc.

CT HVAC, Inc. Super Cellars Warehouse Liquors Venora Electric

Platinum Sponsors ($1,000)

Green Sponsors ($300)

Drisdelle Homes, LLC Kearns & Kearns, PC

Joe and Teresa Anquillare

Michael Deneen ’77 Ken Doyle The Drisdelle Family Todd and Terry Hansen Kevin and Kara Cunningham Langan ’81 Jane Leary Stephen Merkel Mark Murnane ’88 Rainbow Graphics Tony and Alysson Ravosa Walter Schuppe Thomas Hooker Brewing Patricia Walsh

RAFFLE & AUCTION CONTRIBUTIONS Kevin Baker ’88 Ciaran Carr Joe Cordani

S C H O L A R S HI P SC AMPER 5K ROAD RACE Northwest Catholic’s second annual Scholarship Scamper 5k Road Race, held on June 14, 2014, brought over 160 participants and their families to the NWC campus to enjoy fitness, fellowship, and fun on a beautiful Saturday morning. We are deeply grateful to all who supported this important event, especially to our Sponsors and all our participants who helped net over $11,000 for scholarships, both academic- and need-based, for deserving Northwest Catholic students. SPONSORS

Volunteer Sponsor

Green Sponsors

Picnic Sponsor

Sports Technologies

Navin Bros. Food Services, Inc.

Beer Tent Sponsors

Hydration Sponsor

Maximum Beverage Back East Brewing

Blue Plate Kitchen Follett Pan de Oro All Natural Tortilla Chips Road ID The Walker Group The Williamson Family

Gold Sponsors

White Sponsors

Oohrah! Hydration Drink

Finish Line Sponsor The Boudreau Family Scholarship Fund

Runners’ Gift Sponsor

Karelia Health West Hartford Police Association The Grenham Family


A & A Pest Control Art Rich Photography Avery’s Music Big Y

Central CT Magic Boys and Girls AAU Basketball Fleet Feet Sports Lorenzo’s Italian Ice The Sanders Family K. Smith’s Quality Home Improvements

Friends Abbydabby Ice Cream & Treats The Driscoll Family The Kalamarides Family Noodles & Company

Metallurgical Processing, Inc. NOR THWES T CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL

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NWC HOSTS SECOND ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP SCAMPER 5K ROAD RACE On June 14, 2014, Northwest Catholic High School hosted the Second Annual Scholarship Scamper 5k Road Race, beginning and ending on the Northwest Catholic campus. Over 160 runners and walkers of all ages participated in the event, which raised over $20,000 for the Northwest Catholic Fund, providing scholarships for NWC students. The race was followed by a family picnic and children’s games.

Top female high school finisher Claire Hurtado ’16 (center) receives the Lawton Cup from Nancy and David Lawton, parents of the late Adam Lawton ’99.

Joseph Doyle ’13 was the overall race winner, while Aubrey Palmquist was the top female finisher. A special addition to the Scholarship Scamper 5k in 2014 was a new annual award: the Adam M. Lawton ’99 Memorial High School Division Championship. The top high school student finishers, male and female, were awarded the Adam M. Lawton ’99 Memorial Cup, a version of which will be on display permanently at NWC. The 2014 winners of the Lawton Cup were Claire Hurtado ‘16 and Kyle McLaughlin. Complete race results and more photos are available at www.NorthwestCatholic.org/5kScamper.

Nancy and David Lawton present the Lawton cup to top male high school finisher Kyle McLaughlin.

Race winner Joseph Doyle ’13 heads to the finish line.

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Aubrey Palmquist, the race’s top female finisher, extends her lead.



FIVE ALUMS INDUCTED DURING TENTH ALUMNI ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME CEREMONY NWC’s Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame welcomed its tenth class of outstanding alumni athletes on April 26, 2014 with a special ceremony attended by the inductees’ families, friends, and former coaches and teammates. The members of the tenth Hall of Fame class are:

Thomas Clark ’68 – Tom was a football captain and named AllConference in football in 1966 and 1967, as well as a member of the New Haven Register All-State Second Team in 1967 in football. At Northwest Catholic, he held the school rushing and scoring records into the 1970s and was a member of the first Northwest Catholic football team to be ranked in the top 10 in the state. On the track team, Tom was a sprinter and high jumper. Following Northwest Catholic, he played football at Harvard University. He currently owns, operates and invests in a number of small businesses and also serves on several for-profit and non-profit boards. Thomas lives in Avon, CT with his wife Margy.

Peter Egan ’71 – A talented basketball and baseball player, Pete was named All-Conference and a member of the Hartford Times All-Suburban team for basketball his senior year. Following Northwest Catholic, Peter played basketball and baseball for the University of Hartford, playing in four NCAA Division II basketball tournaments. In basketball, he was named All-American twice and All-New England three times. Pete was also named the University of Hartford Athlete of the Year in 1972, 1974 and 1975. He is the

all-time career rebounding leader and third all-time scorer at the University of Hartford and was inducted into their Hall of Fame in 1992. Pete went on to play basketball for the Venezuelan Pro League and the East Hartford Explorers Semi-Pro Basketball team. He has been inducted into both the East Hartford Explorers and the New England Basketball Halls of Fame. Peter currently lives in Rocky Hill, CT with his wife Trish.

William Egan ’76 – A basketball captain and MVP, Bill excelled on the court. He received All-Conference recognition in 1976 and was named to the New Haven Register All-State team and the Hartford Times All-Suburban team that same year. He is also one of the few Northwest Catholic basketball players to have scored 1000 points over the course of their high school career. Bill took his talents to the University of Hartford. He is currently a Technical Communication Analyst for Hewlett-Packard and lives in East Hartford, CT with his wife Cindy.

Ellen Gloekler Murphy ’78 – A basketball and softball player, Ellen was team captain in both sports her senior year. In basketball, she was named MVP for the Hartford County Conference Tournament in 1978. At Northwest Catholic, she was named Athlete of the Year in 1978 and Most Improved Player in Basketball in 1977. Ellen was also named to the Hartford County Conference All-Conference Basketball Team as a junior and was a member of the All-State Basketball team, second team, her senior year. In softball, she was selected to play in the West Hartford Girls’ Softball league


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All-Star Game. Ellen went on to attend the State University of New York at Cortland, where she played basketball and earned a degree in Physical Education. She is now retired and lives in North Carolina with her husband Russell. Brooks Sales ’98 – The 1998 CT Gatorade Player of the Year in basketball, Brooks was a basketball captain and MVP for multiple seasons, as well as a three-time All-Conference player. He is a member of Northwest Catholic’s 1,000-point club and holds the school records for most points in a season (654) and most rebounds in a season (338). Brooks was named to the New Haven Register AllState team multiple times, was named a Big Apple Classic All-Star in 1998 and was an ABCD/Nike Camp invitee in 1998. He went on to play for Villanova University, where he was team captain, recorded 1,015 points and 858 rebounds, received the Philadelphia Big Five Sportsmanship Award and received The Villanova Basketball Award – the University’s highest honor. Brooks later played in both the NBA and European basketball leagues. He is the owner of Brooks Sales Basketball Academy.

The 11th Alumni Athletic Hall of Ceremony was held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at Wampanoag Country Club. This year’s inductees are Matthew Hogan ’67, Larry Hogan ’68, Carolyn Hughes LaMonaca ’75, Franklyn Chang ’86 and former NWC coach Dennis McCormack, who was named an honorary member. Look for more on this event in the next issue of Logos.

NWC SCHOOL BOARD WELCOMES SIX NEW MEMBERS Elias Bouzakis, father of Constantine Bouzakis ’16, has a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Connecticut and is a Senior Vice President, Director for CapitalSource Bank. He has over 22 years of lending and finance experience. He lives with his wife Eleni in Farmington, CT. Vicki Ferrell, mother of Jack Ferrell ’12, Kieran Ferrell ’16 and Declan Ferrell, brings a wealth of advancement and development experience to the School Board. She earned a B.S. in Business Administration from Rochester Institute of Technology and currently is a grant writer for WETA TV and radio in Arlington, VA. She lives with her husband Brian and family in Avon, CT. Doug Hasson brings 25 years of public relations, marketing and fundraising experience to the School Board. He has a B.A. in English and History from the University of Rhode Island and is the founder and owner of Orion Research and Bridge Communications Inc. He lives in Newington, CT with his wife Anna and children, Oliver Hasson ’16, Madeleine Hasson ’17 and Aiden Hasson.

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Carrie Herron, mother of Evan Herron ’11 and Abigail Herron ’16, has a B.S. in Biochemistry from the State University of New York at Geneseo and a Master of Health Professions as a Physician Assistant from Northeastern University. She is a Physician Assistant at Middlesex Hospital and an active leader in her church community. She lives with her husband Peter and family in West Simsbury, CT. Edward Spinella ’01 returns to NWC as a School Board member. He earned a B.A. in History from the College of the Holy Cross and his J.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Law. He is currently an attorney with Reid and Riege, P.C., working in the areas of non-profit and business law. He lives in Glastonbury, CT with his wife Tiffany and daughter Felicity. Doug Waterston has a B.A. from McGill University, a Bachelor of Laws from the University of New Brunswick and an M.B.A. from the University of Hartford. He has previously worked in both finance and law and lives in West Hartford, CT with his wife Maureen and children Douglas Waterston, Kathleen Waterston ’15 and Brian Waterston ’17.



A RAINY DAY FOR THE 37TH ANNUAL NWC GOLF TOURNAMENT A wet day for the 37th Annual NWC Golf Tournament could not dampen the spirits of its enthusiastic participants and volunteers, who enjoyed another great day at Wampanoag Country Club on June 9, 2014. While the afternoon started out with a little bit of sun, the clouds soon rolled in, bringing in rain and wind that would challenge the golfers on and off for the rest of the afternoon. The foursome of Dominic Lopreato, Guy Miano, Mike Sapere and Richard Arnold took first gross honors among the golfers, with the team of Brendan Canny ’86, Dave Eustis, Jeff Roman and Bill Hardy taking second gross honors. The team of Jed Hayes ’73, Mike Klimas ’73, Robert Gigliotti ’73 and Anthony Mascolo ’73 took first net honors, with the foursome of Matthew Hennessy ’88, Robert Chamerda ’88, Mark Murnane ’88 and Kevin Baker ’88 taking second net honors.

The day’s second gross winners take a break from their game.

Nineteen sponsors, over 100 registered golfers, and many live and silent auction donors helped raise over $43,000 for the Northwest Catholic Fund to provide tuition assistance for NWC students.

The first gross winners enjoy their afternoon on the golf course.

The first net winners line up the perfect shot. The tournament’s second net winners relax on the course.


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GRANDPARENTS’ DAY ’14 Members of the Class of 2017 showed off their school to their grandparents during NWC’s annual Grandparents’ Day, held on May 15, 2014. The grandparents enjoyed a presentation from President/Chief Administrator David Eustis as well as performances by NWC student musicians. They also toured the school and had lunch with their grandchildren.

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S PO RT S NEW S FROM THE DESK OF ATHLETIC DIRECTOR MATTHEW MARTORELLI ’03 At the end of every season, I always ask myself, “How are we going to top this one?” This past fall season was very special for many reasons – one of which was the number of participants in fall sports. I am continually amazed by the participation levels that Northwest Catholic continues to put out each and every season. Last year, we had just over 82% participation in athletics from our student body. This year, I feel it is safe to say that we are going to be looking at an even higher number. With increased participation, we have an opportunity to see more competition and this fall clearly proved that as Football, Field Hockey, Girls’ Soccer, Girls’ Volleyball and Cross Country each made runs at State Championships.


As you will see below, each team had its own special moments this fall, but I wanted to touch on one moment in particular. This season, we had a chance to witness a special moment – the last time that we would see Mike Tyler ’73 walk (or drive) off of Neil J. Brewer Field as Head Football Coach, as he retired at the end of the season. During his time at Northwest Catholic, Coach Tyler led his teams to an overall record of 105-61-1, coached 34 of the school’s 50 All-State football players, brought Northwest Catholic to a very impressive nine State Playoff appearances (including one trip to the State Finals), and was named Coach of the Year in 2005. He eclipsed the 100 win mark during a 26-7 victory at home against Tolland. We have certainly been lucky to have him over the past 15 seasons, but for selfish reasons are even luckier to continue to have him in the school as Northwest Catholic’s Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

Coaches Award), Mary Lichacz ’15, Fiona Shea ’15 (Captain) and Alicia Susi ’15. In the fall, the team will look for leadership in Mackenzie Tibball ’16 and Rachel Elliot ’16, who return after earning AllConference honors.


Kelsey Dornfried ’16 (#4) heads down the field, as Michaela Noelle Casey ’16 (#2) keeps an eye on an opposing player. The Northwest Catholic Girls’ Soccer team had a great overall season. Head Coach Todd Sadler really prepared his team for crucial games down the stretch, which was evident as the team made it to the CIAC Quarterfinals, losing during penalty kicks to the eventual Class L Champion. They finished with a regular season record of 105-1 and improved upon that to a 12-6-1 overall record. The team was led by a strong senior class including Madison Borowiec ’15 (Captain, MVP, All-Conference, AllState), Charlotte Carew ’15 (Captain,

Under the direction of Head Coach Terry Phillip, the Northwest Catholic Boys’ Soccer team finished the season with a 3-11-2 record. They played extremely hard in every game, with 10 out of their 11 losses decided by only one or two goals. A few

more wins and the team could have made a deep run into the CIAC Class S playoffs. The team was led by its senior class, which included Christopher Allen ’15, Marino Boccuzzi ’15 (Captain, MVP), Nicholas Boccuzzi ’15, Liam Cavanaugh ’15 (AllConference), Preston Lorenz ’15 (Coaches Award), Matthew Marshall ’15, Robert Place ’15 (All-Conference, All-State), Nicholas Ravosa ’15, Liam Walsh ’15 and Logan Wolf ’15. Head Coach Terry Phillip is looking forward to next season as he returns a very talented group, including six rising seniors.

Robert Place ’15 (#8) looks to get the ball past an opponent, with Oliver Hasson ’16 (#6) ready to defend the goal. THE MAG AZINE OF NOR THWES T CATHOLIC

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S P ORT S NEWS the tournament. The team was led by a huge senior class that included Errol Alexander ’15 (All-Conference), Leon Babcock ’15 (AllConference), Christopher DeNapoli ’15 (All-Conference), Carlos Gomez ’15, Daniel Keating ’15 (Coaches Award), Trenton Kowalec ’15 (All-Conference), Patrick McCormack ’15, Brandon Mejias Wasyl ’15, Zachary Niziolek ’15, Elijah Riley ’15 (Captain, All-Conference, All-State), Delano Robinson ’15 (Captain, All-Conference), Desmond Sierra ’15, Devin Sukhram ’15, Christian Thomas ’15, Kauron Thomas ’15, Marco Torelli ’15 and Owen Tyler ’15 (Captain, All-Conference, All-State). Lauren Cenci ’15 reaches for the ball, while Jessica Jordano ’15 and Caitlin Nicholas ’15 (#14) are ready to assist.

FIELD HOCKEY The NWC Field Hockey team had another tremendous season! Head Coach Bill Mullady ’66 helped lead the team that made another impressive run through the season, finishing with a regular season record of 10 wins, 5 losses and 1 overtime loss. One of the team’s best games of the year came on a 2-0 victory over Farmington High School, a team they had lost to in the year prior by a score of 1-0. In this year’s CIAC Class S Tournament, Northwest Catholic lost in the early rounds of the tournament on a last second goal by Thomaston High School. Jessica Jordano ’15 (Captain, MVP, AllConference, All-State) led the senior class, along with Caitlin Nicholas ’15 (Captain, Coaches Award) and goalie Christina Wilson ’15

(Captain, All-Conference, All-State). Lauren Cenci ’15, Kathryn Doyle ’15, Abigail Gardner ’15, Sarah McLaughlin ’15, Hope Vaughn ’15, Lillian Vincens ’15 and Abigail Visintainer ’15 all provided great leadership to the underclassmen and were an integral part of the team’s success this past season. Coach Mullady’s team returns five juniors and six sophomores next year, and is hoping to make another postseason run!

Under the direction of Head Coach Scott Fletcher, the Northwest Catholic Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country teams hit the road running in late August in preparation for their upcoming season. Both the boys’ and the girls’ teams had great seasons with regular season highlights

FOOTBALL The NWC Football team had one of the best seasons in the program’s history! Coach Michael Tyler ’73 did an amazing job in his 15th and final season as head coach. At the beginning of the season, Coach Tyler knew that he had a special group to work with, as evidenced

Delano Robinson ’15 (#1) powers down the field.

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by the fact that the team finished with an outstanding 10-1 record during the regular season and was named Central Connecticut Conference Division III West Champions for the first time since Northwest Catholic joined the Central Connecticut Conference. After being ranked #1 in the CIAC Class S (Small) Division, Northwest Catholic lost to North Branford 6-10 in the semifinal, in what was one of the closest football games of THE MAG AZINE OF NOR THWES T CATHOLIC

Megan Grandell ’16 races towards the finish line, with Kathryn Shea ’18 close behind.

coming from invitational meets, including Going to the Sun, Camp Sloper Relays and the Wickham Invitational as well as regular season meets versus Newington, Southington and Conard. The boys’ team was led by seniors David Kalamarides ’15 (Captain, Coaches Award), Taylor Roth ’15, William Stanwick ’15, and Adam Vancisin ’15 (Captain, MVP).

S PORT S NE W S DiGiacomo is looking forward to next season and the continued success of her program.

CHEERLEADING The Northwest Catholic Cheerleading could be heard at fields all across the state of Connecticut this past fall. Northwest Catholic Cheerleading alumna Mischa Hadaway ’03 entered her third season as Head Coach, and directed her group in true Northwest Catholic fashion to be one of the better programs in the state! Senior Ariana Caruso ’15 (Coaches Award) finished out a fantastic career as a Northwest Catholic Cheerleader as junior Christal Riley ’16 (MVP) also stepped up the spirit throughout the season. The team is looking to continue its successes under Coaches Hadaway and Courtney Ramos. Adam Vancisin ’15 takes the lead.

The team will also be graduating manager Sean Kearns ’15. The girls’ team had one senior, Shannon Greene ’15, and had strong seasons from juniors Caroline Gill ’16 (Captain), Megan Grandell ’16 (Captain) and Claire Hurtado ’16 (Captain, Coaches Award). Freshman Kathryn Shea ’18 (MVP, AllConference, All-State) was a key point scorer the entire season and finished her season in the State Open as Northwest Catholic’s only runner.

the team’s success throughout the season were junior Erin Feeney ’16 and sophomores Claire Nicholas ’17 and Lauren Murphy ’17. Coach

VOLLEYBALL The Northwest Catholic Volleyball team had a terrific season under fourth year Head Coach Jeanne DiGiacomo. It was the fourth time in as many years that the Northwest Catholic Volleyball team has made the CIAC Class S tournament, this year posting a regular season record of eight wins and eleven losses. The team had strong leadership from seniors Allison Coffey ’15, Meredith Davenport ’15 (Captain), Angelina Gadziala ’15 (Captain), Colleen Goroshko ’15 (Coaches Award) and Jillian Marena ’15 (Captain, MVP, AllConference, All-State). Also contributing to

Margaret Bello ’18 and Filamena Vukaj ’17 show their NWC spirit.

Jillian Marena ’15 is ready to serve the ball.


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NORTHWEST CATHOLIC NAMES NEW HEAD FOOTBALL COACH Northwest Catholic High School President / Chief Administrator Dave Eustis has announced that Brett Quinion has been named the new Head Football Coach at the school. Brett replaces long-time coach, Mike Tyler ’73, who retired from coaching at the end of the 2014 football season. Brett served as the Defensive Coordinator at Bristol Eastern High School from 1999-2002. In 2002, he was named Head Coach at Avon High School, achieving an overall record of 6837. In Brett’s last five years as coach at Avon, he accumulated a record of 46-5 with five consecutive Pequot League Championships and three trips to the CIAC State Tournament. He stepped down as Head Coach in Avon at the end of the 2012 season. From 1976-2012, Brett Quinion was the owner and founder of Quinoco, Inc, a retail fuel oil company based out of Bristol, CT. “I consider it a great honor and privilege to be coaching football at Northwest Catholic High School,” said Quinion. “Coach Tyler and his program have been a model of excellence and consistency. We will strive to represent our school well and continue to keep the Northwest Catholic tradition going.” Northwest Catholic President / Chief Administrator Dave Eustis states, “Brett is a welcome addition to the Northwest

athletic department and community. I believe his style and experience will be wonderful for current and future student-athletes at Northwest Catholic. We look forward to Brett’s leadership in the years to come.”

FORMER NWC ATHLETIC DIRECTOR INDUCTED INTO SEYMOUR HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS HALL OF FAME The late Walter Stosuy, former Northwest Catholic Athletic Director and coach, was inducted posthumously into the Seymour High School Sports Hall of Fame on Nov. 1, 2014. Stosuy, a 1955 graduate of Seymour High School, was honored for his athletic performance on the Seymour High School football field and basketball court. He came to NWC in 1962, establishing the football program in 1964 and teaching and coaching several NWC teams over the next 40 years. Stosuy was part of the first class of Northwest Catholic’s Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame in 2005. He died in 2010. His daughter, Ellyn Stosuy, accepted the honor on his behalf, saying that while “he earned this award through his excellent athletic statistics… it wasn’t the statistics that we loved about Walter Stosuy but the person, his eccentricities, his charm and his big heart. He loved being a part of this community and he would be pleased and moved that you remembered him and embraced and included him in your celebration.”

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NINE NWC ATHLETES NAMED TO ALL-COURANT TEAMS FOR FALL 2014 SPORTS At the end of each season, The Hartford Courant names the best athletes from throughout its circulation area to its “All-Courant” teams for each sport. Northwest Catholic was well-represented on these teams for the Fall 2014 sports season.

The All-Courant student-athletes from NWC are: •

Madison Borowiec ’15 – Girls’ Soccer

Jessica Jordano ’15 – Field Hockey

Robert Place ’15 – Boys’ Soccer

Elijah Riley ’15 – Football

Delano Robinson ’15 – Football

Owen Tyler ’15 – Football

The students who were named Honorable Mention are: •

Liam Cavanaugh ’15 – Boys’ Soccer

Rachel Elliott ’16 – Girls’ Soccer

Mackenzie Tibball ’16 – Girls’ Soccer

NWC ALUMNI IN COLLEGE Michael Crispino ’13

Kristen Young ’13

College: Fairfield University Sport: Baseball Year: Sophomore Position: Outfield/Pitcher Hometown: Avon, CT Appeared in 27 games with 12 starts. Hit .265 with 13 hits and 8 RBIs and 7 walks. Went 2 for 4 in MAAC Championship contest against Canisius.

College: Suffolk University Sport: Softball Year: Sophomore Position: Infield Hometown: Windsor, CT In her first season, she played in 43 games, recorded 42 hits, 14 RBI, 23 walk, and batted .389.

Jared Delane ’13

Sadie Martinez ’13 College: University of the Cumberlands Sport: Golf Year: Sophomore Hometown: Hartford, CT In 2014 finished T-15th at the MSC Fall Invitational with a two day total of 169 (+25). Finished 66th in the Murray State Invite.

College: University of Connecticut Sport: Track and Field Year: Sophomore Position: Sprints Hometown: Windsor, CT Finished fifth in the 60m dash at the URI Coaches Tribute Invitational (7.08) and fourth in the 200m dash (22.50). Also helped the 4x400m team finish second in 3:25.25.

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AL U M N I N EW S As in every school, some people who enroll at NWC as freshmen do not remain here for four years, for a variety of reasons. However, we still consider them part of the NWC family. For record-keeping purposes, NWC has followed the lead of many other schools in defining “when an alum is an alum.” The policy is that if a student completes one year at NWC, we consider them to be part of the class with which they entered, and they will be identified as “a member of the Class of ’xx.” A person in this category who wishes to be removed from or added to our database should contact Director of Constituent Relations Jane Leary at JLeary@nwcath.org.

1960’S George Ziewacz ’65 continues to enjoy his retirement. He graduated from UConn in 1969 and served in the US Army Reserve from 1969-1972, serving in Vietnam from 1970-1971. He worked for the State of Connecticut from 1972-2003 and has been volunteering at UConn Medical Center since 2009. Tom Clark ’68 and his wife, Margy, are living in Avon, CT. They have three grown children and are enjoying work, play and spending time with their five grandchildren. In 2014, Tom joined forces with his son, Dan, to co-found Clark Insurance, a property / casualty insurance agency in Hartford. David Downes ’69 retired in 2014 from the West Hartford, CT school system and moved to Groton, CT. He is looking forward to new opportunities.

1970’S Rob Leeds ’73 is starting his tenth season as a part-time Major League Baseball scout. He currently is in his second season with the San Diego Padres, scouting high school and college players in Virginia for the June MLB draft. Rob also works for the Smithsonian Institute at the National Air and Space Museum as a Docent. Joanne Scapellati Protasewich ’73 has three grandchildren, with one more due in May 2015.

1980’S Andy Hart ’80 took photographs for Hartford Through Time, a book on Hartford published by the Hartford History Center – a part of the Hartford Public Library. The book features never-beforepublished images of early 20th-century Hartford, juxtaposed with matching color photographs of the city in present day.

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David Blough ’82 and Cheryl Weissenburger Blough ’82 celebrated their 30th anniversary in the summer of 2014. They have seven children – two girls and five boys. Their oldest daughter is married and has two boys. Their second daughter is teaching choir and drama at the Master’s School. Their oldest son is studying photography at the Hallmark School of Photography in Massachusetts. Cheryl continues to homeschool the four boys at home, while David is an executive pastor at Wintonbury Church in Bloomfield, CT. Kimberly O’Brien Green ’85 has joined Connecticut’s Operation Fuel as Director of Development. Her responsibilities include managing all of Operation Fuel’s development, fund-raising and marketing functions. Operation Fuel is a private, nonprofit program that provides emergency energy assistance through its statewide network of fuel banks.

1990’S Cindy Poirot Breitenbach ’91, Lauren Shukie McHugh ’91, Mary Ellen Young Loschiavo ’91, Elizabeth Shukie Borst ’91, Jennifer Guertin Shockley ’91 and Bridget Berry Dujardin ’91 celebrated their 5th annual girls’ weekend in Atlantic City, NJ. Amanda Vacca-Bartley ’98 has been married for seven years and is the proud mother of a two year old son.

2000’S Aaron Meadows ’01 is serving in the US Army at Fort Benning, GA. Meggan Montano Baker ’01 gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Gianna Montano Baker, on April 13, 2014. Jourdan Smith ’01 left his position as Sears/Kmart’s Art Director in September 2014 to accept the role of Director of Digital UX Design for Tribune Publishing’s entire portfolio of 50+ magazines and news-


papers, including the Connecticut-based Hartford Courant, The Advocate, and Greenwich Time, as well as the LA Times and Chicago Tribune. Nicholas Ashford ’04 relocated to Phoenix, AZ at the end of July 2014. He is currently employed with MassMutual. Kerry Bannon Garofano ’04 was named a 2014 recipient of the Southeastern Connecticut 40 Under Forty Awards. She is the Assistant Director of Development for Mystic Aquarium, a division of Sea Research Foundation. Kaitlin Olson ’05 spent a week and a half in Australia in 2014 as part of her practicum in the Masters in Science in Nursing program at the University of Hartford. She met with healthcare professionals there and learned about the cultural similarities and differences in healthcare between parts of Australia and the United States. In Connecticut, she also worked with the Farmington Valley Medication Reconciliation Team to devise a health policy proposal on Medication Therapy Management for Connecticut’s Medicaid population and propose it to local legislators. She recently began working in the cardiac intensive care unit this year at Hartford Hospital. Travis Lynch ’08 is finishing his master’s degree in Greek and Latin at the University of Vermont. He will be graduating in May of 2015. Hannah Pelton ’08 graduated with her M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education from the Boston University School of Education in January 2015. She will also be earning her initial licensure as an early childhood teacher in Massachusetts. She is excited to start teaching in a Kindergarten or 1st grade classroom.

2010’S Molly Berning ’11, a student at Providence College, has been named to the 2015


edition of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. She was also named to the Dean’s List at Providence College for the Fall 2014 semester. Rachel Bournique ’11 and Francis Butler ’11 have been named to the Siena College President’s List for the Fall 2014 semester.

Abigail Johnson ’11 was named to the Dean’s List at Susquehanna University for the fall of 2014. She will also be serving an internship in the spring of 2015 at Susquehanna University’s Office of Cross-Cultural Programs. Johnson’s responsibilities include assisting with advising, conducting student information sessions and producing at least

one special event, and assisting with study abroad promotions and open houses, as well as assisting with the pre-departure and reentry of students going abroad. Adrianna Soldevila ’12 has achieved Dean’s High Honors for the Fall 2014 term at Nichols College.

As part of a business course at Quinnipiac University, Christopher Gosselin ’14 and a team of fellow Quinnipiac students finished third in a program called MikesBikes – a business simulation in which a team of students manages a business and responds to the obstacles the program gives. The successful teams have the largest shareholder amount at the end. On a national level, Gosselin’s group at Quinnipiac was recognized as one of the top 40 across the United States.

Rich Lamb ’67 had a busy December 2014. He played the role of the narrator in Tim and Scrooge, an update of A Christmas Carol, with a cast of Broadway actors in a fundraiser for St. Joseph’s Regional High School in Montvale, NJ. He also was one of the readers at Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s Christmas Midnight Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. New York Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal Edward Egan was also in attendance.

Brandon Couloute ’10 is the only American to make the top 10 in the Rich Boyz Project – an international project/ competition for breakdance and hip hop. The winner is flown to Los Angeles to train with the best dancers in the world and then go on tour with famous pop artists and choreograph for television and videos. Brandon danced at NWC for four years, has taught three workshops for NWC dance students, and was part of the trio from NWC that won 1st place in a National Competition in Las Vegas for the former NWC dance team.


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Clare Condon ’07 married Aaron Grade on August 1, 2014 at Saint Patrick-Saint Anthony Church in Hartford. Members of the bridal party included Daniel Martinelli ’07 and Calie Niedzwiecki ’07, with a musical performance by Erika Gwynn ’07 and reading by Kate Flaherty ’07. Elizabeth Manly ’07, Erica Stewart ’07, Lorin Leblanc DeLucia ’07, and Keegan French ’07 were in attendance. The couple resides in Gainesville, Florida.

John Scurlock ’06 and Katharine Masciocchi ’06 were married on August 23, 2014 at The Church of St. Timothy in West Hartford, CT.The beautiful ceremony was officiated by family friend, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Peter A. Rosazza. The celebration continued with a reception at The Society Room in Hartford. The wedding party included Rebecca Masciocchi ’09 (Maid of Honor), Hilary Scurlock Cocalis ’03, Alaina Tosatti ’06, Ashley Huffman ’06, Molly Grew ’06, Tyler Gualtieri ’06 (Best Man), Matthew Masciocchi ’15, Anthony L. Mascolo ’06, Jonathan LaRocque ’06, Thomas Heslin ’06, Peter Andruszkiewicz ’06 and Catherine Gobes ’75 (Mother of Bride). Many other NWC alumni were also in attendance.

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On August 10, 2013, Tom Baumann ’03 married Megan Connolly of Ellington, CT. The couple resides in South Boston, MA. Tom recently finished his M.B.A. at Suffolk University and works as a Performance Analyst at Fidelity Investments.

John Cardone ’02 and Lynette Vera ’02 were married on October 11, 2013 in San Juan, Puerto Rico at Catedral San Juan Bautista. In attendance from NWC were Cathal Sheelan ’02, Brandon Caderette ’02, John DaSilva ’02, Jamaal Providence ’02, Tyrell Wellington ’02, David Gaston ’03, Ariel Brignole ’07, Ronan Sheelan ’07 and Janet Cardone ’97.The couple lives in Windsor, CT.

Meghan Williamson ’03, daughter of NWC Principal Margaret Williamson, and Nick Lawson were married at St.Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford on July 12, 2014. Former NWC religion teacher Rev. Edward Moran and the bride’s great uncle, Rev. Francis X. Reese, S.J. performed the sacrament of marriage. Fr. Reese also married Meghan’s parents 36 years ago. The reception was held at The Belle Terrace at Avon Old Farms in Avon, CT, with many NWC alumni and staff in attendance, including Patrick Williamson ’99, Marianne DeConti LaSala ’03, Taryn Gervais ’03, Alison Devine ’03, Katie Thorner ’03, Jennie Quinn ’03, Stephanie Salvatore ’03, Kate Williamson ’08, NWC teacher Sara Avery and NWC teacher Kate Morran.The couple lives in Philadelphia, PA, where Meghan is a second grade teacher and Nick is a Senior Accountant at Comcast.

Recently Married? We’d love to include a photo in a future issue of Logos. E-mail KSpera@nwcath.org a photo and some details about the wedding and your family. THE MAG AZINE OF NOR THWES T CATHOLIC


Bib Babies

Jaxon Ryan Citino Egan, grandson of Peter Egan ’71, was born on April 30, 2014 and came in at 9lbs 8oz and 22 inches long.

Sherine Blagrove Hargrove ’94 and J. Khalid Hargrove welcomed Stone Christopher Hargrove into their family on February 22, 2014. Stone is best buds with his dog, Thurgood, and having recently perfected crawling, is now learning to walk. The family resides in Maryland.

Claudius Young III ’96 and his wife Alvinia are celebrating 15 years of marriage this year with their three daughters – (left to right) six-year-old Caridyn, eight-year-old Camille, and three-year-old Claudia-Rose – and new son Claudius R. Young IV.

John Cardone ’02 and Lynnette Vera Cardone ’02 welcomed twins Aaron Michael Cardone and Maya Noelle Cardone on August 22, 2014. The twins join big sister Ava Sophia Cardone. John is a West Hartford police officer. Lynn graduated from Albertus Magnus College with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and has been accepted into the RN Nursing program at the University of Saint Joseph.

Had a baby? Get a bib!

Matthew John Coleman ’97 and his wife Joy welcomed their daughter Lucy Harper on September 26, 2014. The family lives in McKinney, Texas.

NWC Director of Leadership Mary Turbert Roberts ’96 and husband Nigel Roberts ’98 welcomed son Anthony Joseph on April 28, 2014. AJ joins big sister Olivia, who loves having a younger brother!


We’d love to include a photo of your baby in a future issue of Logos. Please request your bib from Jane Leary at JLeary@nwcath. org. Send a photo and some details about the baby and your family afterwards to KSpera@nwcath.org. FA L L / W I N T E R 2 014 - 2 01 5 • 47


IN MEMORIAM Northwest Catholic extends its prayers and sympathies to the families of those in our community who passed away April 1, 2014 - September, 30 2014. To ensure accuracy, we require that In Memoriam notices be accompanied by a newspaper obituary. Please notify KSpera@nwcath.org of any errors or omissions.

“Madame, I can still remember being in your class,” wrote C. Tina Spagna-Czaczkes ’66. “Thank you so much for introducing me to the love of languages.” “She was such an awesome French teacher and inspired me to pursue my own degree en Français,” said Jacki Cyr Kendall ’68. “I will always remember her as my special mentor with an incredible smile and genuine interest in me as her student!” “Mrs. Weldon instilled in me a lifelong love of the French language and inspired me to become a true Francophile,” recalled Judy Young Burt ’74. “I will always remember her fondly and I can still hear her lilting ‘Bonjour!’ in my head.” “We will miss you,” wrote Renee Roberts Santos ’81. “I will always remember you and ‘en Français, s’il vous plaît.’ You challenged us and we were better for it.” That sentiment was echoed by those who worked with Claire.


laire Weldon, a French teacher at Northwest Catholic from 1963 to 1981, passed away on July 7, 2014 at age 96.

“Claire Weldon was a giant of a woman, who towered just under five feet in height,” said NWC Spanish teacher Barbara Fanning Iorillo ’69. “Her bubbly personality filled the halls of Northwest Catholic High School and the hearts of her students and colleagues alike. She was a powerhouse of energy who inspired those who knew her to give their all and to give their best.”

Claire was born in Brooklyn, NY, to the late Frank and Mary D’Amico. She was a graduate of Brooklyn College, and earned her master’s degree in French from New York University at the age of 20. She is survived by her daughters; Patricia Weldon McAlary-Losee ’65 and her husband Gridley Losee of Boxford, MA, Kathleen Weldon Tyler ’71 and her husband Robert of Norwich, CT, her grandchildren; Ryan McAlary, Todd Steigman and his wife Sandy, Jeffery Steigman and his wife Christine, and her three great grandchildren; Madison, Taylor and Connor Steigman. As a French teacher at NWC, Claire was known for her love of the language and her cheerful personality – a sentiment reflected by her students in tributes posted online following her death. “She believed in me and I became so good at writing and speaking in French because she gave me the confidence I lacked. I can still hear her voice in my mind calling out, ‘La cloche a sonné!’ to be certain we were on time for class!” recalled Denise Salone Zalaski ’81. “But beyond all she taught me, I so treasured her sweet and kind personality. She taught me so much and I try to follow her example as I teach my students today. What a beautiful woman!”

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“She joyfully helped the student in need,” Iorillo added. “She was very calming to a new teacher, worried about her first formal observation. She said, ‘Don’t worry, Barb. You won’t even know that I am in the room.’ Then, when she came in, she sat in the back, behind a student that hid her from view. When our eyes did happen to meet as I walked around the room teaching, she would smile and nod… She knew and practiced her profession well.”



IN MEMORIAM (CONTINUED) ALUMNI James M. Egan ’73, 58, of West Hartford, passed away on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at Hartford Hospital, surrounded by his loving family. He fought a very brave battle against cancer that came to an end much too soon. Born in Hartford, son of the late James E. Egan and Kathleen (Murphy) Egan, he graduated from Northwest Catholic High School in 1973 and lived in West Hartford for most of his life where he raised his family before recently moving to Newington. James served his country honorably in the U.S. Navy aboard the U.S.S. Forrestal (CV-59) from 1973-1978 before becoming a boiler engineer for the past 20 years at Trinity College. Brother of Patricia Egan Fordyce ’66 and Timothy Egan ’77 Ann-Marie Lynch ’82 died unexpectedly on September 5, 2014 at the age of 49 at Hartford Hospital. She was the former Staff Director of the Health Subcommittee, House Committee on Ways and Means; former Acting Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Planning and Evaluation; former head of policy for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and the Advanced Medical Technology Association; and former employee of the Health Care Financing Administration and the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission. Sister of Maureen Lynch Manzo ’78 Liza Dunlay Marecek ’70 of Medfield, Massachusetts, died on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at the age of 62. She was born in West Hartford, Connecticut, the daughter of the late Charles D. Dunlay and Joan Berry Dunlay. Raised in West Hartford, she attended Bay Path College and graduated from Northeastern University. At the beginning of her career Liza was a Social Worker with the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. She later joined Kathleen Greer Associates, an Employee Assistance provider. Over her 20+ years as a Counselor at KGA, she advised and helped countless clients resolve personal problems ranging from drug abuse to credit and money problems. Sister of Cary Dunlay ’68 Jeannine Patricia Salone ’80 passed away on July 6, 2014 at Agape Hospice House in Columbia, SC after a long struggle with multiple sclerosis. Formerly of Manchester and

Simsbury, CT, she resided most of her life in Columbia, SC. Born on March 2, 1962, Jeannine was a daughter of Fran Salone-Pelletier and the late Ignazio Paul Salone. She completed her studies at The College of New Rochelle, graduating cum laude. She continued her education in social work and received her MSW from the University of South Carolina. She worked for the South Carolina Department of Environmental Control and then for the Health Department of USC, where she was hired as the first full-time social worker for those afflicted with the HIV virus. There, she took on the position as research associate and was highly acclaimed for the articles she had published. Sister of Denise Salone Zalaski ’81 and Donna Salone Ames ’81

CURRENT FAMILIES Marilyn (Collar, Lamb) Grenier, grandmother of Marissa Lamb ’17 Daniel James Post, father of Isabella Post ’13, Kamryn Post-Desrosiers ’17 and Lillian Post, member of the Class of ’17

ALUMNI FAMILIES L. Louis “Lou” Bellefleur, grandfather of Noelle Bellefleur ’08; father-in-law of Tara Bellefleur, Principal of St. Timothy Middle School Helen M. Carey, mother of John Carey ’75, Brian Carey ’77 and William Carey ’81 Rose A. (Lattarulo) Crispino, mother-inlaw of Jean Matarazzo ’77 and grandmother of Michael Crispino ’13 Ann (Duggan) Daly, mother of Rev. Shawn Daly ’79 Anne Daly, grandmother of Maeve Daly ’07 and Bridget Daly ’10 Edward Charles Dombek, grandfather of Andrea Dombek ’09 and Jack Dombek ’13 Josephine (Zocco) D’Orsi, grandmother of Matthew D’Orsi ’11 Earlene Hurdle Draines, mother of Holli Draines ’93 William “Bill” Fischetti, father of Ma-


rie Fischetti Landin, former NWC faculty member; uncle of Mary Bellizzi Halloran ’71, Jane Bellizzi Brockway ’73, Margaret Bellizzi Prato ’74, Ann Bellizzi Ragazzi ’78 and Catherine Bellizzi McGuinness ’81 Sr. Mary Gallagher, R.S.M., great-aunt of Katherine Murphy ’07, John Murphy ’10 and Thomas Murphy ’12; aunt of Michelle Murphy, former staff member Dr. John Robert Graham, father of John Graham ’67, Jo-Anne Graham ’71, and Susan Graham-Handley ’73; father-in-law of Patricia Hamilton ’67 Ann (Johnson) Griffin, mother of Mark Griffin ’70, Timothy Griffin ’76 and Maura Griffin Yerger ’78 Maurice J. Griffin, father of Kathryn Griffin Wilkinson ’72 Catherine (Fitzgibbon) Grzesiuk, mother of Ann Grzesiuk Bach ’70; grandmother of Michelle Bach ’13; aunt of Daniel Breen ’66, Mark Breen ’68 and Peter Breen ’69 Mark L. Hart, husband of Christine Saunders Hart ’76; brother-in-law of Kathryn Saunders Fitzgerald ’69 and Judith Saunders ’72 Attorney James T. Healey, grandfather of Emily Mowel ’12 Joseph Thomas Hughes, father of Joseph Hughes ’69, Amy Hughes ’71 and Lisa Hughes Schaller ’72; grandfather of Raya Koch, member of the Class of ’14 Anna C. Jefski, grandmother of James Jefski ’95 and Kristina Jefski ’00; aunt of Stephen Urban ’67 and Ronald Urban ’71 -Theresa C. Kuhlberg, grandmother of Christopher Kuhlberg ’11 and Timothy Kuhlberg ’14 Dixie Louise (Burns) Mastrandrea, mother of Karen Mastrandrea DeBari ’73 James M. McCormick, grandfather of Katherine Butler ’11, Brian Butler ’12 and Christopher Butler, member of the Class of ’16 John





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A LUMNI N EWS O’Brien ’77 Dominic M. Mobilio, father of Frank Mobilio ’77, Nieves Mobilio Sauerbrunn ’80 and Teresa Mobilio Toomey ’82 Agnes Nastri, mother of Diane Nastri ’74 and Carol Nastri Wojtkowiak ’81 Marguerite “Joanne” Pauroso, mother of Roseann Pauroso Gomez ’77, Meg Pauroso Blair ’79, Dr. Marie Pauroso Vitale ’81, Cathy Pauroso Partridge ’85 and Beth Pauroso Marcioch ’87 Rosemary Prignano, sister-in-law of Julie Prignano ’74; aunt of Paul Prignano ’99, James Prignano ’01, Thomas Prignano ’06 and Robert Prignano ’08 William (Bill) T. Pruitt, father of Jennifer Pruitt ’94 and William R. Pruitt ’98 Marie M. Reilly, grandmother of Tim Reilly ’02, James Reilly ’05, and Kristen Reilly ’12

Frank M. Sarpu, grandfather of Kathleen Sarpu ’13

Sydelle Vitale, mother of the late Thomas Vitale ’68 and Ann Vitale ’72

Helen Marie (Scully) Sitarz, mother-inlaw of Margaret Redden Sitarz ’72; grandmother of Julia Sitarz Lasek ’97, Mary Kate Sitarz ’99, Jane Sitarz ’01 and Ryan Sitarz ’03; aunt of Jan Scully Gaunt ’67, Marilyn Scully Walsh ’68, Bill Scully ’70, John Scully ’72, NWC Admissions Director Nancy Scully Bannon ’73, Jack Scully ’75, Sally Scully ’77, Jim Scully ’79 and Bill Scully ’80

Raymond L. Williams, father of Kathleen Williams King ’84; husband of Catherine Williams, former NWC staff member

Richard Donald Tanner, father of David Tanner ’83 and Craig Tanner, former NWC basketball coach; grandfather of Richard Tanner ’02 John Toner, father-in-law of Bill Collins ’68; grandfather of Matthew Collins ’09 and Cathleen Collins ’12 Lucille Flanigan Urban, mother of Stephen Urban ’67 and Ronald Urban ’71; father-inlaw of Maggie McCormack Urban ’67

William M. Yokow, father of John Yokow ’06

FRIENDS Dennis Barry, husband of Rita Barry, member of the Archdiocesan School Board Kathleen “Kay” T. (Finn) Corrigan, mother-in-law of the late Paige Corrigan, former NWC faculty member Sharon Marie (Hannon) Mielcarz, former administrator at St. Paul Catholic High School Donald Whitty, father of Colleen DiSanto, principal of St. Thomas the Apostle School


If you graduated from NWC in a year ending in 6 or 1, your reunion year is 2016!

We know that each class likes to celebrate in its own way. In the past, NWC alums have held reunions with a variety of events: •Lunch or dinner at a restaurant •A cocktail party or BBQ held at a classmate’s home •Happy hours at local venues in Hartford. Class reunions are planned by the members of each class. If you would like more information or would like to plan your reunion, contact Jane Leary, Director of Constituent Relations, at 860-236-4221 x131 or JLeary@nwcath.org

Help us find lost alums! Visit NorthwestCatholic.org/Alumni Update your e-mail address so you are kept in the loop. Contact Jane Leary, JLeary@nwcath.org.

50 • L O G O S


For Planned Giving Northwest Catholic High School “ENDOWING OUR FUTURE”


Northwest Catholic faces our second half century with justified enthusiasm. The history of its first 50 years of accomplishments is exceptional. Graduates of our school have achieved notable success and leadership in education, religious life, business, military service, law, medicine, and other fields.

Theresa Notte Becker ’76 and Clint Becker Drs. Catherine Foley Bodak-Gyovai ’65 and Levente Bodak-Gyovai Phil Bonee ’72 and Valerie Bonee +Clarence Bourret (AP) Timothy F. Bourret ’73 +Maureen Dennehy (Former Faculty) Rev. Henry C. Frascadore (Former President) Karen L. Fritsche (Friend) Frank Genovese ’65 and Susan Genovese John and Barbara Ginnetti (AP) (GP) Kevin Grenham ’78 and Beth Grenham +Martha Johnson (Friend) Philip F. and Susan Kelly (AP) (GP) Jean Lam (Friend) William Murphy ’67 and Katherine Murphy Jane Z. Reardon (AP) (Former Faculty Spouse) +Anne F. Satriano (Friend) Dennis P. Sullivan (AP) Ronald E. Swanson (Faculty) +Elizabeth P. Sweeney (Friend)

They have also given back generously to support their school’s mission. The 1961 Society is established to encourage future support of Northwest Catholic through planned gifts to increase endowment. This effort assures a continued strong financial future and allows us to provide financial aid to deserving students, as well as keeping future costs of a Northwest Catholic education as manageable as possible. To the right is a listing of current members of the society. We would be pleased to learn of others who may have made this provision, or are considering it. Please contact Colby Thresher, Planned Giving Officer, at 860-236-4221, ext 156, or CThresher@nwcath.org or Pat Walsh, Director of Advancement, at 860-236-4221, ext 138 or PWalsh@ nwcath.org. You can also inform us directly at www. NorthwestCatholic.org/The1961SocietyEnrollment.

Colby and Anita Thresher (AP) + Denotes Deceased

Phil and Susan Kelly Phil and Susan Kelly believe in the mission of Catholic school education and have decided to support Northwest Catholic through a planned gift. Phil’s daughter, Laura Kelly ’77, and granddaughter, Jacqueline Tanzella ’01, are both NWC graduates, as is Susan’s daughter, Elizabeth Forand Morrisroe ’83. Phil served on the NWC School Board from 1999-2005 and owns his own business, The P.F. Kelly Company – a manufacturer’s representative agency business. Susan was a teacher, a director of volunteers and, for the last 17 years of her career, has taught financial education throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Both Phil and Sue value Northwest Catholic for its academic strength as well as its commitment to developing the whole student – intellectually, physically and spiritually.

“A visit t o Nort hwest Cat holic is t o see excellence in act ion .” THE MAG AZINE OF NOR THWES T CATHOLIC

FA L L / W I N T E R 2 014 - 2 01 5 • 51

Northwest Catholic High School 29 Wampanoag Drive West Hartford, CT 06117





If you receive a copy of Logos for your son or daughter who has established a separate permanent address, please notify us at jleary@nwcath.org or 860-236-4221, x131

Northwest Catholic Alumni Can Connect Through NWC Alumni App Northwest Catholic High School alums can now connect through EverTrue, an alumni mobile app! You can connect with graduates from your hometown or around the world – search for alums by name, class year, and more – and get updates on news from NWC.

With the app, you can... • Find and contact other NWC alumni nearby, wherever you are • Search the directory for classmates and friends • Filter searches by industry, company, school, range of class years, etc. • Keep up with NWC news and events in one aggregated stream • Make your annual gift to NWC through the quick, easy, and secure mobile giving page.

It’s free, secure, and easy to download to your iPhone, iPad, or Android. Scan to download now! Learn more at www.NorthwestCatholic.org/AlumniApp

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