The Book of JC

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B O O K M A N ,


M Y T H ,





You’re a wonder continues to inspire miles of amazing ad positive impact you heart for y

Over the years JC to everyone who m amazing runners for

the book of jc JC,

rful husband, father and friend. Your energy and love of running e. May your enthusiasm never waver and may you have many more dventures. It is our sincerest wish that this book is a reminder of the u have on all the lives you touch, and the fondness you have in your your friends is only equal to that which they have for you.

C has become increasingly more difficult to shop for, so thank you made “The Book of JC� possible. Much love and gratitude to all you your time and contribution in sharing your favorite memories of JC. Love, Jeanette

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elaine acosta

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January 2012. First time I met JC @ Mobile Marathon in Alabama. We stole the “medals” from our pillows at the Holiday Inn (Soft or Firm?). JC tricked us. He told us he got charged $60 for the “pillow medals”. We believed him & were soooo upset, haha! He didn’t tell us it was a joke till we reached the airport! And then we laughed, nonstop :D March 2016 we team paced the NYC Half Marathon. He told our group we were twins & made up all sorts of stories about our life as brother/sister. Haha! Always a good time with JC! (Glad I am not on the Asian & Alien 2:10 team)

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vickey baker

I met JC at Dust Bowl 2013, he ran up behind Deb Greene and myself giving us a big hug. My first thoughts was how nice and he was young enough to be my grandson. Sophia was so kind to tell me his age, but I still think of JC as my grandson.

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danielle cemprola

I have a lot of favorite memories of J.C. because he has been an INCREDIBLE friend to me over the years, but probably the funniest one is the time I found out how old he actually is. J.C. and I had run probably 10 races together by this point, and we were running the Myrtle Beach Marathon (the race in the picture) with my friend Amanda back in 2013. Each of our bibs had our ages on them, and I noticed that J.C.’s said something like 49 (I forget now, but it was something close to 50). Anyway, I had NO IDEA he was anywhere close to 50 - I thought he was in his 30s! I was so shell-shocked that I couldn’t even speak! I then asked him “Wait, what else don’t I know about you?” and he mentioned that he was married and had 3 adult children, one of whom was almost as old as I was! I don’t think I’ve ever been more shocked by anything in my life. J.C. is an ageless wonder!

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This was before the Indianapolis marathon. The 3 of us shared a room and holy cow it was cold!! It actually snowed!!

After the Big Cottonwood marathon. The other woman is my cousin! S there. She joined us for dinner. She was actually moving back to o

She used to live omaha. So fun!

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laura ceraolo

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His 200th marathon!! I’m behind Dan. Lol

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Remember this?? Rehoboth Beach marathon!! Man I loved this marathon. Was so great to see you guys!!

I met JC at the Missoula Marathon. It was my birthday marathon!! 7/13/2014

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I met JC at Kentucky Derby marathon in 2012. We probably had run several others, but never met. In Kentucky Derby we kept passing one another, so ended up hanging out together with other Maniacs at the end. Since then we were together for many marathons including Honolulu when he stayed with me, his 100th and his 200th.

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lisa davis

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un soooooooo many races with JC and there are a bunch of nice things that I can say about him. I am n that any and everything that I type about JC will be echoed by all of his running friends. But there is ng that I would like to point out in particular about JC. HE IS SUCH A SELFLESS RUNNER!!! It is never all him. He truly supports everyone on every race. I remember running a mainly marathon race with him would actually run additional laps just so that he could encourage and motivate not just me but ALL rs to continue pressing to finish all the loops that we had to run. JC would even walk with you if you were too tired to run. He never complained and was always a HAPPY RUNNER!!!

e people run as an outlet to relieve stress or stay in shape but JC runs to SOCIALIZE!!!! LOL!! He could bly Boston Qualify 20 times over if he didn’t socialize during his races. But now his friends somewhat nd on him to get them through the race. He could pace anybody and they would have the best race ever!!!

his positive attitude and it is always a pleasure to see him at a race. With is always A PARTY ON THE PAVEMENT!!!!!!!

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phillippe day

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diego I met JC for the first time in Phoenix this year at the Phoenix Marathon, but didn’t really get to know each other til a month later at the Two Rivers Half in Lackawaxen, PA, when he helped to get me an impromptu national anthem at the start of the race on Easter Sunday. He and his wife Jeanette were so nice, giving me a bag of homemade siopao and hopia to take back home. Since then, we’ve ran into each other at several other races, and I even got a chance to run with him for a few miles while he paced a 4:25 pace group at the Rehoboth Seashore Marathon, which helped me to a second-best race time for the year! Us Filipino marathoners are a special brand of crazy, and I’m glad to know someone on the same wavelength as me!

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natalie dyrli

I had the good fortune of meeting JC on North Shore Road around mile 9 or 10 in the Bermuda Marathon in January 2016. ( I was doing the half and he was doing the full with his buddy Ken Tomming) I had pink KT tape on one of my legs and I believe his opening line as we were running alongside the water was, ‘Hey, my friend has the same initials as the tape on your leg….. KT’ ! It took a second for me to register what he meant when he told me his friend’s name. (I’m not only a slow runner—slow in general!) He then introduced himself as JC from NY. I could tell this guy had some energy! He was chatting away and running with what seemed like minimal effort, while I was huffing and puffing and ready for the event to be over with. We continued on towards Spanish Point where my daughter happened to be standing on the side of the road to cheer. (I live in Bermuda.) JC whipped out his phone and got a picture of myself and my daughter. This pic meant the world to me as she comes out to cheer in the same spot each year and getting the pic put me on such a high! JC and I finished the last couple miles fairly near to each other and being a local, I knew a lot of people on the sidelines and called out to them all introducing my new friends JC and KT. It was pretty fun! I crossed the finish line, and my new friends JC and KT took off for their 2nd lap of the course.

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Later that night, my boyfriend Tim and I met up at the Southampton Princess with JC and his wife Jeanette and others from their group who were visiting the island and had a ton of fun just chatting and getting to know everyone. I must say I was Blown away when I heard stories of JC and Jeanette’s marathon accomplishments, Guinness Records and even more so was astonished at their AGES! These two were the poster children for the fountain of youth.

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When I ran the Boston Marathon three months later in April 2016, I was at mile 16 when I heard someone call my name. It was JC!!! He ran next to me, and I gave him the biggest hug and even threw him a kiss out of excitement. He was the First person and familiar face I had seen on the course that day, so seeing him gave me that boost of energy I desperately needed to keep going. I’ll never forget it. Thank you, JC! JC and Jeanette are truly an inspirational couple, and I really enjoy following their remarkable running adventures on Facebook. Wishing JC, Jeanette and the rest of the family the most wonderful safe and happy holiday season! Hoping we all get the chance to meet again one day! Lots of Mad Running Love, Natalie

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I met JC on November 9th, 2013 at the finish line of the Savannah Marathon. He approached me because he recognized me but I had no idea who he was. Hahaha! He said “I’m JC, man!”. When I saw KJ, a few minutes later, I told her that I met this kid named JC. From his looks and behavior I really thought that he was just a kid. :D Years later it became clear that he is actually Thing 3!

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I first met JC when he was pacing Jeanette on a rail trail marathon in Maryland in 2005, and enjoyed running with them for many miles. Before meeting them, I had never considered doubles (or more) and didn’t know much about the Marathon Maniacs. After - well, after being encouraged to think big - I ran a double later that year in early October, followed by another double 2 weeks later... then went crazier - normal people can do this! And Maniacs are extended family...

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His gre


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JC, thanks f

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One of his memorable quotes: altitude “is not my friend”.

eat 4-legged companion might be only second - to my running buddy (pictured).

ow’d I get in that Atlantic City picture? I certainly didn’t run with THAT pacer!

prove that I run on more than pavement, I’ve included one from Holiday Lake 50K this st February. Yes, it was cold - and the stream crossings are without bridges :-(

for all your encouragement to me and the rest of the running community - and you do it with a grin!

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I met JC in Texas during Parvanah’s runs, we started talking about aging. I did not believe how old he was, I thought at least 10-15 years younger. So I stopped walking and told him to show me his license. He said, “What you really want proof?” So during this event we now are stopped to check out his license. And boy was I wrong!

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troy & cathie


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teresa kenny

In Puerto Rico, running the San Blas Ha were staying in a hotel (a real dump th through her friends in the Bronx) and t that was making a screeching noise du my mom, JoAnn and myself were stayi this bug was making horrible noises. W wall, etc. to quiet it but it kept making n up like a mad man moving furniture, e finally found it and killed it - and we all after.

alf marathon - we hat Myrna booked there was a cricket uring the night. JC, ing in the room and We kept hitting the noise. Finally, JC got etc. with a shoe. He l slept happily ever

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hideki kinoshita 2016 Abebe Bikila Day International Peace Marathon (2016/09/10) in Washington, DC.

Just when I thought I could not do any worse than my marathon PW set a month earlier, JC suckered me into running this low key marathon along the C&O Canal towpath in Georgetown as my 199th marathon. JC proved his “JC The Saint” moniker for all its worth, by sticking with me for the entirety of the race and not letting me quit by dropping down to a half marathon. For those that know me, when is comes to running, know that humidity and I do not mix. This race was a soggy wet 95 degrees in our nation’s capital, which was built right on top of a swamp. We ran the double out and back sections progressively worse and worse. JC could have easily finished two hours faster than my trudgingly slow self. We finished in 6+ hours, setting a new PW for ourselves, but were not even close to being DFL. It was a miserably hot day for others too. Here we are after the race with my pup, Mei Mei. What blew my mind is that JC & Jeanette took off immediately after this race to run the Lehigh Valley Marathon the next day in PA! Two consecutive oven burner hot marathoning days in a row! Whenever anyone calls me crazy, I say no there are others way crazier. JC and a couple others are the ones I think about when I mention this. I do not know anyone with a harder more sleep deprived work plus race schedule than JC. He pulls double shifts at his job then runs marathon doubles and goes right back to his double shifts like it’s nothing and never complains about how tired he is. When our friends ask JC what his secret to his ageless looks are, he says “not sleeping”. Whatever it is, he is doing something right. I look up to JC for having successfully raised three children, having a great family with dogs, and being a great and enthusiastic ambassador of the sport. If Bart Yasso is the “Mayor of Running”, then JC is the “Mayor of Marathoning”!

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2014 Hatfield McCoy Marathon (2014/06/14) between South Williamson, KY and Williamson, WV. Maggie Guterl of Philly drove JC and me a countless amount of hours to and from West Virginia. It felt like we were traveling back in time to the 1800’s by visiting this once thriving coal mining community. At our hotel, JC even had a paranormal experience when a long dead spirit said hello to him a couple of times in our room at the Mountaineer Hotel (built in 1925). After this hot and hilly race, we randomly came across this Back To The Future car, the DeLorean DMC12, the only car produced by John DeLorean’s DeLorean Motor Company. Since JC has his trademark pose of carrying people off the ground in his arms (he’s carried legendary runners such as Haile and Meb), we marked this special occasion of spotting this rare vehicle by his one and only time of carrying me. Our trip to West Virginia truly felt like a trip back in time in Doc Brown’s DeLorean time machine.

Revel, new m thon s launch

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2011 Georgia Marathon (2011/03/20) in Atlanta, Georgia. JC, Princess Monica Nop of Virginia, & I suffered in this marathon. It was all hills, no flat parts, and had hills on top of hills. When you thought you were done with a hill and make a turn expecting to go down, lo and behold, you had another hill to run up! During the race we met an a entertaining shirtless runner who was serving in the Air Force, stationed in Delaware. The guy marakept leapfrogging us and falling behind. Since it was a miserable race, we had a lot of time to series, chit chat with him. He was planning to run a good number of marathons, and asked if he was a hed Marathon Maniac. He had no clue about the club that JC, Monica, & I were enthusiastic members of. Soon after he ended up joining. That boisterous shirtless guy turned out to be a good friend, and he was none other than Sam Louie! Suffering through the hills of Atlanta, cracking jokes while complaining about them hills, and pushing each other to break 5 hours, which we succeeded in doing by finishing in 4:53:25, was my favorite running memory with JC “The Ageless Wonder� Santa Teresa.

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2014 Self-Transcendence Marathon (2014/08/25) in Nyack, NY. JC at one of his typical post-race rituals, on the massage table receiving a rub down from a random male stranger.

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2014 Self-Transcendence Marathon (2014/08/25) in Nyack, NY. It took me until 2014, my 7th year of marathon running, to finally run JC’s “hometown” race. From what I remember, it was his first time, as well! It was hot and humid and we suffered. As you can see from our finish time, we did not hit our goal of running a sub-4, but it was still a memorable race, finishing it together hands in the air, for my 175th marathon and JC’s who knows how many because he’s run so many!

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2016 Self-Transcendence Marathon (2016/08/25) in Nyack, NY. Why did Sri Chinmoy have to be born in August when it is so darn hot? I joined JC for a second time in his hometown marathon. We ran together again and finished in 5+ hours this time, almost a full hour slower than two years prior. JC was a trooper and accommodated me from start to finish in what was my marathon PW (personal worst).

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2014 Big Cottonwood Marathon (2014/09/13) in Cottonwood Heights, UT. Revel, a new marathon series, launched its inaugural race which was advertised as a fast downhill almost-PR guaranteed race. It turned out to be a let down because no one in our group ran a PR (the altitude and a flattened out portion of the course adversely affected us), however the fresh Bavarian beer atop Snowbird ski resort for Oktoberfest did not disappoint! Here is proof that JC & I manhandled our liter mugs.

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KREBSBACH I first met JC at the Missoula Marathon in 2012. I’d seen him all over Facebook before that and thought “JC? Who does this guy think he is? Jesus Christ?!?” When I met him, I instantly liked him! My two favorite stories are the time we were running the Atlantic City Marathon. JC was pacing. One of his daughters saw us together and thought “Why is mom running with dad?” The other is when he and Jeanette flew across the country to help me celebrate my 100th marathon.

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otto lam

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peter lantin

JC, JC, JC. What can I say about this guy. LOL. I should rephrase that to, what can’t I say about him? I met JC during our trip to Sioux Falls, South Dakota with our mutual friends Hideki Kinoshita and Alicia Eno on September 8, 2012. After that, it was all hell. I’m Just Kidding. It became the start of an awesome friendship. Though that day, I didn’t realize he was an old fart yet. Looks can be deceiving. What I learned from JC is that he is very dedicated to his immediate family / his running family. I didn’t use the term “running friends” because he considers everyone his family. (Don’t screw him over or else you’ll be out of the group.) I’ve been very fortunate to have travelled around the US with him and even ran a marathon in the Philippines. JC has been such a great friend the past 4 years. I can’t even count how many states we’ve travelled to together. It’s just way too many.

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As our friendship goes: We have a very interesting relationship. I sleep in the car, while he drives entire way. Not sure why he does it but maybe because of this one drive back to airport from Las Cruces, New Mexico. LOL. Me: JC, you see those lights ahead of us JC: Yes Me: They look Blurry JC: Pull over. Me: Pulled over. (LOL) (After Bataan Death March @ Las Cruces New Mexico 2013) -----------------------------JC: Can u drive stick? (Manual shift vehicle) Me: No (JC drives all the way back from Montreal. I went to sleep, September 2014)

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He also sends me love notes December 2016 Me: Stank Face! (Picture of him at Millinocket, Maine) JC: Jelly Smelly Peter! Lol Me: Sun Rype Taste really good when not frozen JC: Savor them because that’s the last time you’ll have them. Lol (JC Drove entire way to and from Maine, December 2016)

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(JC’s back and legs aching) Me: Let me look for a wheel chair Me: JC, Hurry up. I got one. Let’s go. I probably have more conversations somewhere. I just can’t seem to find them all. Lucky JC! I would just like to tell him to continue being you. Enjoy life. Have fun and especially continue running!

Revel, new m thon s launch

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jack lee

I just like this photo because I think it’s funny that all the men crossed their legs the same way in sync. This is our third International trip together as a group, with Bahamas in 2015, Bermuda in beginning of 2016 and Cuba near the end of 2016. It was an amazing week well spent in Havana. To cap it off with a cigar at the end is an example of what makes us great. We know when to run and when to have fun. Hope we’ll be able to keep this trend going for years to come.

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Here is a story about crazy JC I don’t remember when I met JC but I would guess it was around 2010. Since then, we have run many races together. He has a great sense of humor, very well liked and a dedicated runner. He enjoys helping other runners, and he often paces in the many races. When he is not running, he is working hard to support his family.

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thunder steven lee

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kenneth lucio

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The 3s Amigos! Eddie’s Wedding. About the only time you us in a non-running outfit! We jacked Eddie’s Johnnie Walker after a long run! How is that for hydration?

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This was taken in 2013 at the New Hampshire Marathon. We did a back to bac that weekend. The fondest memories we have of JC is at the time we ran the Uta Valley Marathon in Provo 2012. We met him there for the first time. We were no Maniacs yet. He approached us and we hit it off really well. He started talking about the MM club and we were just amazed by it. After that weekend it got u thinking of maybe perhaps we can sign up since we already met the criteria. I was not until later on that we bumped into JC again. And we are both glad tha we met him and honored to be in his circle of friends! Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!! Cheers, Raymond and Fran Macavinta

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bill & laura milak

JC and Bill at Two Rivers in PA, my 50th marathon, JC stayed with me the entire race. It was a long race, LOL.

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Ha ha that was a lot of rain. After running the marathon, feasting on fresh lobsters, and camping out we all woke up too heavy. Rain...tons of rain... JC snagged us a ride to the ferry, in the back of a pickup. Everything turns into an adventure when JC is there!!!!

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mORELAND WALKER Not only is JC an exceptional runner, he makes the marathons a fun, party like atmosphere for so many of us. I have been fortunate enough to have shared running adventures on four different continents with JC. Here we are at Tokyo Marathon. I was so excited to see his smiling face in the crowd of foreign runners. I felt like I had found a family member!

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JC is one of my favorite Maniacs. My memories of JC are how nice he is and how he remembers everyone. He makes sure to say hi and encourages everyone. One of my favorite memories is hanging out with all of you (his family) at revel Rockies, his 200th Marathon and after route 66 in 2015, which was my 50th half. I’ve included pictures from both those races. I can’t think of a better person to have their own issue of a magazine! Can’t wait to see it. Happy Holidays Santa Teresa’s!

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JC is the man he is a great friend and has been a wonderful inspiration not only to running but to putting the important things in life first like family before our needs and desires. He also likes to talk a lot which is great because I like to talk a lot too lol so there’s never a dull moment. I’m Grateful that we’ve met and I cherish our friendship. Thank you JC for being a true friend.

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andrew napoleon

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I first met JC in Ethiopia on one of his many running tours, his stories of adventures kept me entertained, JC is with out doubt a man that makes the most insane runner look normal !! , race after race is there not a part of the world he has not been or is not known and top of that a World Record holder as well. Keep it going my friend and I have no doubt when the moon finally stages a marathon JC will be first there ;)

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NOVELLI I met JC and a few other Maniacs in Oct 2011 at the RnR St. Louis Marathon. Having just joined the MMs, I wasn’t sure how well I would get to know its members given that we were all geographically disbursed. Naturally, as a fellow Pinoy, JC and I hit it off right away. Soon, I was seeing him all the time at races both domestically and internationally. I can always count on JC for a funny story and a good laugh. In this picture, JC was doing a double this weekend beginning in Wisconsin. I was happy to host him in Chicago while he was still in “double digits” as his bib shows. Hard to believe that JC and I have been running into each other for more than 5 years now. I expect he’ll be running long after I retire. Happy running, JC!

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I first met JC on the set of “The mysteries of Laura” when we co-starred with Debra Messing in an episode of the show. (slight exaggeration) We were cast along with our partner in crime Elaine Acosta as...well you guessed it..runners! Our shared nic name for each other is “Hollywood” and while we haven’t made it big there yet you can often find us all over social media doing what we love most...and yes you guessed it again...running and hopefully inspiring others to develop the same passion for the sport we love! I always look forward to the races that we get to pace together because I know that JC will always make me laugh!

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My favorite, but embarrassing time with JC was at Mike’s and my 50th state marathon finish. JC was SO thoughtful to bring a 5 and a 0 balloon and present it to us after we finished! Someone had told me that JcCcompleted the marathon and went inside the hotel to blow up the balloons. They said he was really out of breath blowing them up. I thought they were joking and said “I always knew you were full of hot air JC.” He gave me a puzzled look. I said you had the balloons blown up, right? He said “no, I really did blow them up myself”. Oops!! My bad. I felt horrible. Thank you for always being so kind and considerate and a good friend JC. You are the best!

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This photo is not the first time I met JC, the first time I met JC was at the ultra fest in March, 2012. The first time I met JC, i said “this guy has always has a charm when he smiles�. Later, I found that he is the average person just love to run. If some wants to race, JC is the guy that does not look at his watch.

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“JC is my running idol� he makes me laugh, run faster than I normally would and makes everyone around him feel special!

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It was almost five years ago on January 7th, 2012, when I first met JC at the Mississippi Blues Marathon just as I crossed the finish line to complete my 19th marathon. After introducing ourselves it wasn’t long before we realized how much we had in common except for the fact that he runs faster than me. We each have three kids, all girls as a matter of fact, and all are about the same ages. We both love to run marathons and travel the world. JC recommended that I join the Marathon Maniacs Club and so I applied for membership soon thereafter. That same year we both started on a mission to achieve the highest possible Marathon Maniac level, a 10-Star Titanium. On October 14th, 2012, which happened to be my 53rd birthday, JC became one of only 110 maniacs to reach Titanium after completing the Amica Marathon

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in Newport, Rhode Island. I followed suit one week later on October 21 and became a Titanium after finishing at the Columbus Marathon in Columbus, Ohio. Becoming a 10-Star Titanium in the same month began a trend where we both started to achieve other running goals at about the same time. On June 22nd, 2013, at the Mayor’s Marathon in Anchorage, Alaska, we both completed our goal of running a marathon in all 50 States. Later that year in 2013, JC and I completed our goal of running a marathon in all 7 Continents. JC completed his on October 20th at the Haile Gebrselassie Marathon in Hawasa, Ethiopia, and I completed mine three weeks later on November 10th at the Athens Classic Marathon in Athens, Greece. In 2014 the following year, JC and I both set new world records. JC was awarded a Guinness World Record for “Most consecutive days running an official ultra marathon (male)” by completing 21 ultra marathons, a distance of 50 kilometers or greater. In 2014, I also earned Guinness World Records in two (2) categories, “Most consecutive days running an official marathon barefoot (male)” with 10 and “Most barefoot marathons run in one year” with 101 official marathons completed.

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One of the only things that we didn’t have in common was that JC was happily married and I was still a bachelor after having been divorced twice. Well, that was about to change when I proposed to Nilda after crossing the finish line at the Bahamas Marathon on January 18, 2015. Who do you suppose I asked to be my Best Man? That same year, Nilda and I got married on August 20th in the Philippines. JC and his lovely wife, Jeannette, traveled from New York City to attend the ceremony. Right after the wedding the four of us flew to Danang, Vietnam, where Nilda and I would spend our honeymoon and, of course, JC and Jeannette would have a honeymoon of their own albeit in the same hotel. But honeymooning wasn’t the only reason for going to Vietnam, we obviously had to run a marathon as part of our itinerary. My friendship with JC is only about 5 years old and, yet we have accomplished so much together more so than I have with any of my other friends that I’ve had for many more years. I can only imagine how much stronger our friendship will be and how much more we will accomplish if we continue to support each other and work as a team. This kind of friendship only comes once in a lifetime and so it must be treasured.

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So one night I get a telephone call from JC. He proceeds to tell me that him and two of our friends, Sophia and Melinda are running the Dust Bowl series. He did not ask me if I wanted to go, he told me I had to go! I told him I was not interested and would not be able to do this trip with him. After about 10 minutes I finally agreed that I would do the Dust Bowl With them. Then, brother JC tells me that the weekend before the Dust Bowl Series we are going to run a marathon in Washington DC on Saturday and the Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday! I told him there was no way I was going to do that with them. So after about another 10 minutes I finally agreed I would do those two races before the Dust Bowl Series. Then, he proceeds to tell me that we were running two marathons after the Dust Bowl making a total of nine marathons in nine states in nine days! Of course I told him there was know way I was going to do those marathons. Anyway, to make a short story long, we ran nine marathons in nine state in nine days.

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One pic is at the start of the 2016 Wineglass Marathon. The other at the Rockland Road Runners Club meeting in 2009.

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JC’S titanium marathon Hartford, CT & Newport, RI - 10/13/2012 & 10/14/2012

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JC’S 100th marathon Tacoma City Marathon - 05/05/2013

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JC’S 200th marathon Revel Rockies - 07/19/2015

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And he keeps running...

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