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Law by the Numbers
10 Reasons to Choose a Career in Law
https://www.thebalancecareers.com/why-choose-legal-career-2164310 From the BalanceCareers website, this site provides concise information on the legal profession using ten different categories spanning career options, finances, practice areas, and other perspectives.
ABA Profile of the Legal Profession
https://www.americanbar.org/news/reporter_resources/profile-of-profession/ This site contains a downloadable profile of the legal profession in 2020 as well as other resources for anyone interested in the legal profession.
Brief Demographic History of the Legal Profession
http://www2.law.columbia.edu/donnelly/lda/techprof3.html More of an academic approach to the legal profession from Columbia Law School. A great resource for those desiring a more comprehensive understanding of the history of the legal profession.
Center on the Legal Profession
https://clp.law.harvard.edu/ Sponsored by Harvard Law School, this site serves as a clearinghouse on various aspects of the legal profession. It includes sections devoted to Events, News, Research, and other features.
Exploring the Law Profession
https://www.bu.edu/prelaw/preparing-for-law-school/exploring-the-law-profession/ This site sponsored by Boston University is designed for students who are interested in applying to law school and on the legal profession.
A History of Law Schools
https://newintrigue.com/2018/02/21/a-history-of-law-schools-a-battle-between-law-as-a-science-andlaw-as-a-liberal-art/ An accessible and comprehensive website from New Intrigue which covers the history of legal education globally, but with a focus on the UK, the United States and other Commonwealth nations like Australia and Canada.
Inside the Legal Profession in 2019
https://www.abajournal.com/magazine/article/inside-the-legal-profession Though written in 2019, this article from the ABA Journal provides a useful snapshot of the legal profession.
https://www.bls.gov/ooh/legal/lawyers.htm A site developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as part of their Occupational Outlook Handbook. It includes information on jobs, salary, and information on the work environment for lawyers.
Legal Education
https://www.americanbar.org/topics/legaled/ A comprehensive website maintained by the American Bar Association for every aspect of pursuing legal studies in the United States with information on accreditation, admissions, education, and statistics.
The Nature of the Legal Profession
https://www.lawcrossing.com/article/900014477/The-Nature-of-the-Legal-Profession/ A short, but informative site produced by the Law Crossing, a job site for legal professionals.