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, No. 132
• Friday , March
11, 2016
The Top eka Cap with the ital-Jou merger rnal, pub of lished and The The Topeka Da daily, wa Topeka ily s formed State Jou Capital, whi in 1981 ch was rnal, whi founde (COPYR ch dates d in 187 IGH T, back to THE TOP 9, 1873. EKA CAP
Friday, Ma March 31, 20 17 rch 31, 201 7
Supreme deserves Court thanks Justices pu
INSIDE: 2017
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with sessio t their work on disp la n at Topek a High Sch y ool
ContraCco t fotr r act for appraisern appis r a iser is not ren neow t ed COU SIO N NTY
The wo COMMISSION rk of the tered Ka
nsas Su behind preme a haze As the Court of secrec is, by de only ap y. olitical sign, clo robed Soon justices branch isdon’t ma of Tides” afte are no becam t guide ke all of government, movie d the sev their de by publi in tive bra en put the 199 cisions c opini nches on in publi are as the . Nolte, film’s For tha c. They executi on its t reaso Ma ve n Alive. c n, we ap and leg ing do By JUDITH ZACCA cket to islaplaud the This cou ” so that the To CourierTraveler RIA peka Hi ing To court for ldn work of the I thoug pekans gh Scho office can bringing ht (and continue. an op ol on W Nolte, By JUDI its tra As Ch The Cowley Coun THcomm wh ZACCission ednesd ief Justic portunity to Tom Wi o play a press relea ARIA will issue sioners voted ty commis- Couri ay night, velso that the see the e page Su erTraveler se with that work of the grantjustices actor whngo, wa announce morning not Thursday nday, arg Lawton Nuss ment next office can to renew the at work. pointed week , uments continue. open to Wilt said. contract of But wh o did w county appra out on at made before the pu The commiss Cowley Cou Lance Leis thi the bli the h nty ion er of s tim c. and to place isersion A numb ch com op will co citizensmisBut tho ara e a press relea issue inion hand on on administr him ers vote to hear author cter cre se argum urt have alw se with that when most d the comm ative leave Visiting Kans sdayisPat Co announce people ays be until the end morning not Thur as Supreme ents week. nroy ment next On Wedne and props en Court Justi tosione reners’ to a group which expir of his contract,cont week , w deciWilt said. the sday, the are at work or are in the mo ract of counsion thank of Arkansas ce Carol Bier, cente es June 30. the Conro rning, evening City High in schoo r, court bro ty ed In a special Lance Leis aiser School senio and District Cour a A number themappr meeting est ma y, I wrote, , a tim l. Photo by JOHN for their t judge Nick ug and rs for the of held dr ht citiz n to e at ed plac ali wh arg ens SHELM the St. re-enactm e him s ch Cowley Coun hand to hear on on administ work and en mo AN uments ent of a cour Peter, far left, assig It was ve. ty Courthous re Tope rativ the commis- ose to do Visiting Kan n roles to the e leave t case Thur Conro e, commission gave so. them In his had kans co sday at ACHS public y, ers until the end of went into execu and props sas Supreme Court invitatio sioners’ deci . a his in ou crafted sentenaft uld att rouncont tive session which d of ract, to a group Just n on thi end. Hu sly lus Kansas Supr for 30 minu expires June ce d its wo of Arkansas ice Carol Bier, cent appla30. sion an tes. use. s page nthan begged h and true t er, Court Justi eme City High ked rk are mission chair Then comIn a special , Nuss ce School seni and District Court sometim ply By REBECCA McCU remarks Wayne Wilt them meeIn Leis said, “th ting Photosaid forwa wrote to be read alo judgCaleb ors for the Stegall, their nt to be by JOHN held at the e Nick no action es defin later in the that “... SHEL e Supre re-enactmenleft, had their jobs CourierTraveler TCHEON Peter, farin the MAN nefit the work and been taken day, discuSt. WiltCow ed for mo entail befor salmon Coun remiley sses W left, me t un nded of execu ty e Cour a assi ir perso tai you by resitive sessio e takCourt his job cour ing questions. thouthat gn dents se, all and t case Thursda gave them agree and com Comymissi roles n. faces of n passes an those wh nal agen miss dead ione lines underst role of the the such mi oner Alan at ACH wenfiling d The Kansas forrs Students from gri t into appe cour da S. o Groo zzl exec a round of sinfor alsutive t simand wh s.” court syste m then made clear rap of appra ies hovert Dexter system with “is in the sessi isals and Central m mation. on a motionfor rema y Nuss Kan in in place busin 30 minu not sas of Burden to renew Suprem It wa applause students from , as do all dream ids. Copperh tes. Then would ing and deliv ess of ensurthe contr schools got e appeals meet . s a not-s ed of pla Cou e andrt ering justic a lesson in like to to Just ings. comCentral of put Leis o-subtle ice on admiact mission in the chair Way said Stega e,” cing the In anrem the U.S.By Burden refute d co court REBEsyste ll. He arks ne Wilt shi trativ Cale nis-said The CourierTr Leis CCAmMcCU and Dexter nservati beSteg referenc leaveall, avele ThurTCHE , and comm no le r was Ospreys nbones of hu sdayON that Kansas has explained from Kans unab actio n had ves in to conta e to Go sionedisc isschools Thur the as Supreme CourierTra left, day, Wilt rem later leningth three enta r Bob nt slept wi ct been jobs Leis astake levelsil Voeg the veler Court to its courttheir usse in sday Justice Caleb press v. the ere ele n of s s inde secon Sam Br exec Legislat time. before takth the d, plu afternoon system — thejob d resi- to defin utive session. ded motio his dents that district n. The at the courts, theing ques ownbac e the co and ure wh Cowley Coun Stegall and tion impo Leis scream mmeting dre ir all dead school in s. court of appe wasione passed 3-0. themotion was Com miss hired by the ty District k o have linessin role urt as Dexter. ing thr and the supre filing appe of the cour The forg their r Alan Students Court judge county comm Kansasalscour a parti gone to motion Groo ough deeam me court als of appr agenda t Leis will no Chrisfrom m then mad ission in June t system syst . SmithDex Buaisal san bo div em Dextand longer be gre 2013 t at ter District “is rem Photo p, in with a on es e s er High court . the Cent ain a Thou at rec by mot work tow REBECCA dy of lib s are the citizens business of in plac as not to rene gh not a Cowl ion ralol. Scho It was ing in the ent po of Burden “front lines ard her students McCUTCHE ensurdo all w the cont ey The ing Co ll show eral jus who ne scho ” the deliv appeals mee e, wi visit office but fromappraiser’s andCounty nativ ON olswas e, Leis is ract system, gotpart Stegall said, ofand ering justi a lesso s Kans tices South Carol nroy who desr of tings. th the Kans ver ele towith Cen familactivities surro be receiving iar putthe tral ofwill Leis andSteg said ce,” his salar U.S. courtunding n in the as Supre ans are most c onhavin cted the ina’s sed area, The CourierT bra Lowcou admginisall.ofHe y, a Burd en the total of theThur law’s impact on system Kansas Supr nches grow and ve leave far mo uct me Co raveler n up on Dexter $17,760trati for three a local com- explained that Kan , and eme Court’s a dairy sday was of state unable to munity origi breath ntry as someth ive re impre m. months. His comfarm urt tha sas has thre Kan visitfrom missouth sas scho contact Leis to westVoeg e: er Bob govern yearlysion salarols Theas n they of Wich e levels here. Thu ey CounSupr ssed y was to nates rsda its cour JustCowl The $76,9 poofll, co of the “the bold, fec ing y ty. eme Cou ment. rt secon iceteam seconded press time. are wi Justic 60.y He had more ele ita. t Cale afte d level, the mot es tid rnoo Wilt nducted the system — district th other edbupSteg n said ion. The than also all and Kansas Cour at the cour 10 with sensua al marsh, exqund a localCow an interim pass motion Leis was hire only 21 pe theals, ley judge t ofts, scho by cour appra Appe s toCou was ol l, t Fo nty iser visit of in ed the rce exist See appe d Dex Dist will beter. rt Hays 3-0. AISE county rict by the s to give andpeop APPR nt of Ka schoo smell of uisite als in heat, appointed thelesupr Cou county com ls durin rt judg R State Un g the eme court. a secty-one the So nsans e Chri a smell Leis Page 14A missSix day. sA Smit ond chance to will night ion u sem no Dist in court pe are ive have h lik Dex June long 2013. Thou ricttheir at Photo by REBE rcent of en, ter sessio e new rsity, fou courts dissatisfi HighnScho was held case gh Le a Cow OW CCA OLLworking in the apprer be Thursday , as nt Kansan ol. tled heard“fro fumed and spilled wi milk they are enti- are the latur nd at Southweste ed with McCUTCHE LEY County nati notgis ley e and 69 aiser’s ” of the syste visit was part to. The court lines with EGE s are dis ne, all CollegeThe rn offic ON ve, ac the co e but will in Winf ield, RUSTE Leis Stegall of m, p appeals is fami Ever aft seawater cord percent satisfied activ ur be rece iar with the said ESiving where of hears every case lities surround justic , and mos ing to his salar y, es heard are dis area, having that come t of the with the t. point in er, there wo.” arguments ing the the po before it. law’s impa a total of $17, grown up two Kan satisfied ct ons a loca Perhap casessas ll. Kansas . Supreme on for three mon 760 on a dair describe anyone else uld be no l community orig with the Court’s People who y farms the Stega ths. His year visitll and southwest trying have theirinates here to Cow uphita. Smith salar y was govern of Wic ley County. ly marsh animal dre their ow Legislature . explained The second $76,960. or, . Forev ams or to an Justtoices See He stude n d had DEXT level bra go nts teamwhat mor“fi ermore ER Wilt also said would Kans the , theas Supr vernor nches e than ed up with xes”10 Page 14A Kansas Court experi , the wo eme local judges Photo ’s office an interim of gove By JOHN SHELM for the judg of App appraiser enc try e Scott McQ Court Justice Eric by TESSA CASTOR rld to visit coun eals, e AN rn thr sh exist jud the Lo See APPRAISthe po will be appo ment be ould cle ough Co uin speak s to give Rosen, left, iciary schools duri dents Thur ty CourierTraveler College presi wcounto a group inted ER ll is co fore mo nroy’s an Severa ng the day. of about 20 and ond chance people a sec- sday afternoon at Sout Page 14A Dennis Rittle dent Dr. rrect, Ka such as impe night cour A ving on stuto have their umn, I l years after eyes. hwestern Kansan t session achmen nsans College. to lege has sever said the colcase heard, me The Cowley By JOHN s ThurSHELM t legisl would al critic sdayANat Sout was held as they are LEY Fla., ho t Conroy at that colCollege Board main OW of victim for Justice, a ation. prefer of Trustees tenance proje al OLLEG entitled hwestern tel where a Na Courie Coll recen rTrave If group E RUST that. we hap ege cts, whic brief to. The court of s of vio ler in Win have been , serend ples, property taxes tly raised tional overv appeals of frien pened deferred becau h hearopera EE lent cri bring s ever ipitou iew of the justices hear field, where legal rooms of funding to ds and system se ingSthe case that Kansas ing improvem for buildmes, ac ,y expla concerns. d argu . We dis have adjoin sly, ining thecom family Kans before When confr ir es ents levels cu ses Supreme Cour ments on three twoascase to “We it. spe and sed ing its covere Arkansas City sion to need make court the appeal memb But the aking s. justices t Justice one girl confe onted by the principal, Carol Bier, process. improvecampus. ers ments to the Topeka To Peop ir evide givelestude of Topeka, phone, to each oth d this while ssed, while of politi The tax incre Stegall whontshave known as High. a bette and andhNick St. the other, nce for travelin Peter, chief er a controls and environmental standing of ase is 1.25 their cking T.L.O mills. One judge of Smit simult conversation on the the workings r underthe all g dock by Cowley Coun the accusation ., continued to deny aine mill is $1 for the Brow HVAC system 19thexpl an d to stud court See ,DEX of each egation et sessio Judicial Distr per eightTER $1,000 dolla . Conside ents whaty’s n Center,” senior stude the ho eously hearin that I was Kansas ict in Winf is that When t rs of asses Rittle ns occu chose with a group nts were tel wall. Sup therem ring ele ield, met n to act out Page 14A g throu princ sed By JOHN said in a writt value Photo half of eipal , whic Cou of seniors by TESS rre confi judg searc a en rt famo h cti gh state ment d scate woul ev hed SHEL Just e A “The us Thur Scot ons are CASTOR in gene the Arkansas City . d mean dice the idence court MAN andEric an incre State of New sday at t McQ girl’s purse Rosen,ase High Scho was ral ele , evide Jersey v. T.L.O case,dent held ev of politi spea of $14.38 found that uin CourierTra The veler College pres ncea grou for left, k to s Thu In the 1985 ol. funds woul Bier and St. ction ye .” ery oth C cking. iden p of a home appraand d also be afted she n sellin Peter gave marijuanarsdayprove t Dr. used to beau itic students were case, two high schoo Dennis Rittl Cr ars. ised at er year, students a t 20 stuSubmitt at school. rnoowas at Sout g hwe $100abou tify the caml e said thes of the cour stern,000. that is pus and impr the restroom. discovered smoking ing lette Coll college has sevetun ege. t are dr ately for The By JOHN SHEL The mill Signed hardly ove campus in See SENIORS levy increase rs to th signaCowley letters iven by MAN Kansan ege maintenance ral critical expected to is of Trus ge, makiColl Boar ng wit and it Page 14A e d easie ag h edito CourierTraveler s, tees raise $316 the wri a day for students r enda an projects, whic the jus recently raise brief operation ,507 prop annually, ter’s full have been tices are d ideolo publica time telepho h producing rs tod erty taxesand visito al defe nam over rred ne tion view $1,58 e, gy num because legal system, for buildnot. . Becaus ad of the Kans 2,535 over of funding . Forber wil can be ing See COL five impr expl as e
Kansas ju visit area stices Kansasschools
ju visit area stices schools
KORA: A Primer on the Kansas Open Records Act
Mary Feighny P34
ACHS senior s re-enact real court ca se
On the Road with...The Supremes! Doug Weller P28 r 10, 20
Invitatio n to the communit y Kansas Special Supreme Co urt Session Octob er Garden 13, 2015 City Hi gh Scho ol Octob er
A ‘historic ’ visit RDEN CIT
5, 201 5, My fam ily stil my gre l ow at-g ed in sou randparen ns the land ts hom thwest 1870s, so I am Kansas in esteadthe late invite especi other hom ally ple dants, ase and eve esteader des d to ryone else fro cenarea, to m the the Ka join nsa Suprem s justice e Court s for a specia l session court Octobe 13. r The will heacourt argum r oral ent two Wic s on es and hita casChief Jus one fro tice “w m est Lawton of Nuss way 81” Highat 6:30 starting p.m. in of the the Ga at 2720 rden City Hig auditorium Bu h Sch after thi ffalo Way Blvd. Rigool justice s special ses ht s sio inform will greet eve n, the seven al area out reception in ryone in an side the the This auditor commons first-ev is the Suprem ium. er visit e Cou to our knowle to Garden Citrt’s The Kan second dge, it y . And, sas Sup is justice hearin time in histor only the s (front reme Court, g cases y consist row fro argued the court is The ing of m left) always Supreme Cou at night. justice Marla J. s (back Lucker Kansa been open to rt’s work has row fro t, Chief s. m left) during But to observthe people of Justice Dan the firs Lawton hood, peo t 150 yeae our work Nuss and Biles, Eric Ro ple rs sen, Lee of had to courtr Carol Bei stateoom in tra Courtesy Johnso er. the cou Topeka vel to our photo n and By rt MIC . Caleb Ste HAEL MA ty visits started ma Then in 201 gall; and mmares RESH is our to hear cas king commu 1, h@gctele es. nin time and th destinatio Garden Cit um, 272 y 0 n cer Bu dur isto tain we hav ing tha ric is ly the The line ffalo Way Blv e tra t far up of cas court offi the word loca d. be hea The yea veled so far. thest west l rd cia es hours r after ls and ney nity vis the Cou has change that will to discus attorour the Kan s are using d heard tream its, we also sta first commu to describ sas Sup nounce rt’s visit was since the pre s the cases all to Gar they d firs e vious den Cit reme Court the Int Topeka cou rted to live Before up inc six weeks ago t anis a goo sern visit headin night. lud For the y next wee ka late anyone et. This ser rt sessions on d g bac case tha es a Sedgw . The linek. r cases the turnout for 154-year first time ick Cou will hav Wednesday, k to Topeargum anywhere to vice allows the in owner t seeks to res nty the jus ents wh hear Tu Supreme Cou three watch the jus history of the the shi olv tices breakf e a by-invitat oral ile the tices wil esd Live rt will owned p interest in e ast wit ion-on Garde l be comCourt, “This ay night. busine h ly a cou step towInternet stre y are made. fam n rt Cit is the me ss ily ing to person local officia after mber in our ls and Wende y. more accard making aming is a big state, andhighest court The jus nel. wheth died, and an one family l Wurst, our wo wit essible jud tice er they are h app ge Ga it still s the chief ma rk will arr for rden eal of to the Cou erred in lac fac ive in people even all the king difficul trict, sai the 25th Jud district person ks the opp Tuesd City Monda holdin rt of Appeals . But t decisioed time,” icia d cou y ay ortuni thi g al intera and l tha ld wil Dis s Wurst to the visit wa ns be t l hav on ty for A lot nity vis with me ction sai for was par searched beca vehicle mbers e a luncheon Biles and efront by Jus s brought posure of residents d. for add its provide. that commu ked aus Cou of e in get nty the on it tice premis And the the dri Chief itional their exthe cou Fin Bar Ass Nuss, TV sho es is also Justice Dan veway rts fro ociatio ney wh After ws, and to search police had what ledpersonal int chance Lawton of com o proposed bers wa a warra of a eractio Garde Wurst m court justice the luncheon, n. . us to the ide ing n tching remem n nt s, The jus a other jus to Finney shows night. City oral arg schedule the the Per local jud accompanied the tices als Cou wh We app app tice ry um ile nty Mason eal of s. ents gro the atto argum to reciate “It’s four to ges, will fan by some a first-de o will hear ent convic rney wo wing up wh that hol at five sch out to gree mu an adding historic,” Wu day end s after Kansa tion the ere vis uld For din ool per fro it g always rst securi s the Ka rde son to and det m s should ns’ ty reason in the area. Appea nsas Cou said, get break confess ermine Reno County r school allow eve workls down was suf s, rt of on s to be See Ses n more a few timhas visited ficient whether the visited times and being pub sion, Pag “I hop the witness sta and Garde re vict the evi es, but are not e E2 n licl Court nd. and get e they will defend dence to con The jus y released. has not the Suprem City com court imp ant, wh a tice . e court sys good feeling e out The jus April, jury and roperly ins ether the and Fin s visited Hays tices at 6:30 tru there is tem,” he sai of the be the ney Cou in p.m. Tu will be in ses mitted whether the cted the d. fur den Cit esday popula a good percen “I think visited thest west nty will at the sion motion an error wh court com y High the tion to tag Ga y hea e of en it den that School have for r cases. seeing “I thi auditor ried a them wo is intereste the The jus a mistrial. id in our hat nk it is a nic rk.” tices Wurst Wedne e feels peo sday mo will meet see the and an opport feather in attend rning m will com ple who for a few to go to work withouunity to much e away bet Top t having of how ter understan with a Wurst eka,” Wurst the Sup said he ding said. functio reme Cou hopes ns. there rt See His toric, Pag e E2
Supreme Court m aking fir st-ever tr H ip to GC
Special s ess opportu ion a rare nity for s tudents B By AUSTI
afisher@ N FISHER gctelegr GCHS auditor efore Mo “I’m ver ium. y hon Acosta nday, David have an the GC knew not opport ored to HS stu abo this,” Aco uni presid dent cou Suprem ut the Kan hing ent of sta sai ty like sas e Court. interv the Tra ncil as d in an Health City Hig iew on Next des Aca h of its com demy and and old Ga week, the 18-y Each of Wednesda istory cla School teache rden Cit y. ear the justice commit munity ser head senior ss about r Da y High s will be seven wil the Kan vid Duran, left Suprem tee, said the vice Court’s l get to me School one stu ass ign Brad sas Sup Ka dent am ed et Nading/T Garde e Court’s vis nsas act as seven justice the reme Co , talks Wedn selecte elegram n City a studen it to d from bassador, esday wit s and urt. nex for opp eac hig t ambas t week one ortuni h of h sch h studen get a tas ty for studen is an ts in three casof them as the sador mies, ool’s upper the wh aca te y es ts hea o of deand to will ans public the rea r questio “The in specia meet the wer any l ns they at 6:30 studen high school world. about might p.m. Tu l session ts Ga have to graduawho are goi esday surrou rden City or at the ng nding the I believ te next spr area. ing, Acosta e they know , who ser how big don’t really ves on and sca See Sch ry the ools, Pag e E2
e WelcWelcome ome
The Fin ne lcome the y County Bar Asso Kansas Suprem ciation is pr oud to e Cour t to Ga rden Ci ty.
Kansas Supre SupreC moeuCrtouJusti me r c DEAN t Justeicses A
ACHS senio rs re-enact real court
Need for T m increase ill levy detailed
case Ark City un veils mas ter plan fo r pa
LEGE years. aining the ovem Kansas Supr When conf ents levels and Page 14A three court ronted by eme Court Arka the appeal nsas City cam to its one girl conf the principa Carol Bier Justice proc To giveBystud pus. , of Topeka, CODYents l, essed, whil GRIESaEL ess. The tax incr and Nick St. known as e the othe Peter, chie bette ease is 1.25 standing Courie T.L.O., r, f judge of rTrave mills. One of the ler ings r underwork Cowley Cou theMedi Center. continued to deny mill is $1 accucal 19th Judicial court, eigh satio per nty’s $1,000 “Now t senior stud of each District in thatn. the hospital Whe group of cham dollars of assessed Winfield, chosen to After nearl ents were with a grou n the solid is y prin on two footin valu met more act city years of planber mem p of e, whic g it’s cipa out offici ning, l conf iscat sear a famo a good and bers,ldthe publi h wou chedd,”the starte “The State us cour Arkansas City seniors Thursday at aincr als have mean c were on hand girl’s purs time to geted and videomedi he said. an t case the of made futur New , ease publi e, evidence High Scho e visio Jerse of to watch c was foun depicting Hernd n for y v.Arka In the Wilso ande 38 the ol. T.L.O Bier and St. that what the$14. z said nsas.”City’s 1985ncase provedproje variousfor a hom Park. Peter gave shectwas mareffor and its e apprpark amen , two high t toa preserve the is anselli ijuan ities will students were students a Ark City mana school ng complete. at lookaised the exper $100,000 like when in the Arkat scho ol. . Nick Hern vereger said thedisco City area have ience many the restroom d smo ande time The king Wilso z mast had with The n park and er plan millislevy See SEN work .on the was right to beginin made pass that on eral phase incr up ease park, whic gener IOR of sevexpe s and is to future Wednesday h commenced Page 14A ations. S to raise onents, which are ctedcomp , when the Arkansas all of $316 “We all love indep ,507 well-know train engin endent City man ally, and canannu Photo by CODY n e began to each other ager Nick Wilson Park them to have our children and want ucin be comp prodof unde GRIESEL tions to remo Hernande as fundging allows.$1,582,5leted of Commerc master plan durin z ve lead-based rgo renova- growing up,” those same experience 35 over g the Ark discusses the five years. Hernande s paint. he said. ground is e Coffee on Thur The south City Cham z said The
Could Con doleezza R ice save th e day
concerns. of l be pub “We need on topics lished. Preferthe volume rec con make impr eiv ments to the oveare sub of general inte ence will be giv ed, ject to edi res en controls and environmental ting for t in Topeka and to length Ka for the Brow HVAC system and cla n rity. er,” Rittle said ThCent e in a writ GO P isn’t ten a deb ment. facing ate ove state r polic rather The fund Opinion s woualdho stilebetak y, but also a per used to beau eover ious for MICHA tifynic the tiona pus and impr - ce. Tradi-by l Repucam EL GE will fin ove RSON d presen cambli cans pus signage, mak to suppo it very diffi with a are now ingted cu deeply it easie for students r series of criticize rt Cruz, wh lt into the wed op and fla o servin visit ors totions. An g the too sof d Trump for has strong convention t with a plu y eventu party’s ideals d See COLma tion. Cr on illegal im being nied the rality but LEG all E migralea y requir is ving the city sday morn an aerial rend final visio Page 14A east candid uz would be ber on releasing easy to nomination deing. In n for the park near the train corner of the park, ition of the ate aga a weak season it, at least for e the plan or held back presented , was future park the back- work becau and Clinto during an beginning inst Hi . a current playg can con imagine a Re it is is expected se ofBy Arkansas City . n. Area Cham lla theCODY round, Donald finanGRIE pu to be comp ventio SEL lems with ber of Com cial prob conser His 100-proo ry leted year. un SouthCouri n with bliTr merc mic later event ity an ump is vat CenterTra winning e Coffee haelger this Thursday ral Kans veleras eryone’s ism isn’t to f son@w ical Center. tumult d decorum all the mission cham morningMed in the ashpos nominat the Republi evcomtas of uo bers at City “No te. And, the us 196 South can cratic Hall. w WILSON that theSee Ca SPORTS as A large ing to ion but not conven 8 DemoAfter near hosp group of cham Optio it. Acros sw told me rolina Repu one solid footing Page 14A ital is on mor ly two year tion. Op ber tha bli s the sta eep- candid n 1: Support e ning, city it’s a good mem t hav 8-10A and media bers in a thi , he seems “co can ter-rigtion 3: Supp e ,vo officials have s of planstarted,” he time to get the the ate in sec were on ort a cen ck hahand ic tes so far ht, thi s gotten tedpubl the future said. in the made publ ond pla repellan layer of pe vered did video depi ’WAHern , he ho vision for GOande about h the l ate for rd-party can cting wha N HO ople of tthe to watc t.” • Thunder Arkansas Cityic Trump’s pe of beatin ce, Wilson Park z ! 35 percen presid thevopark roar various ame Optio te anand would g effort to pres said the project is an ’s . 3A ent wh w • Lady Vikes back d is its nitiestra repres cklook barely t more vo plurality with erve the expe will o to get Trump’sn 2: Even if tripped Ark City man complete. ent rig on tes like in the • WSU tabs hts se a the rien ager 1,2 whe and del civ Ark City area reqnuis ce many Re 37 del “We ma Nick Hern Oxfordsaid beaten plurality can ega gradthe time was andez • Faith hold the publicanism il have had with • South Have The master Wils&on of win ou egates in ord ite by Family right to says Seny be in a positi tes. n work date, den a single can ’t be and pass triegh • Etzanoa park er ps on the 2A that • KU’s Maso swee the pa core messa and eral phases plan upt at try Night park , whic begin generatio lanisdmad of the on to futu n AP’sWed rty in tru ge of sev-Cle to “where . Lindsey Gr on,” and com conven ns. bestnesd • Obituaries h commen of delega y him a ma di3A • Kennedy re pone veday ah we whic ay, st tio nts, am ced • wo jor s. Th when the unscored for h are inde have to Arkansas alln.of “We all love , around Refle on engi 4A well-known train • tion an tes at the con ity pendSo City man ctions ral depend is approach better pol entwh our child and can be Photo by Johnson eyes Augu ofat are othe ne began to d Repu ager Nick Wilson Park them only wa Ted Cruz as ly • Com would ti-T sta • Sche bli each an complete Y GRIE r rump ics to have thos 5A ren and want undergo reno After all stop him the vention Hernandez COD dule SEL the candid on finding a s to remove s— e 6A she allows. licands as can same expe of Commer master plan duri va- • Opin grow disc Trump.”y to stop Do strong ate • Scor lead-based usse ioning up,” terrain , the electoralre. whfundingRepubriences eboa ng s rd na Hernande to engag who is wi paint. he said tion ground is ce Coffee on Thursda the Ark City Cha the BurdThe 7A. The southeas nomine o want their z said the llin in this Marco Rubio ld ett Loom to Trumgets less favora an aerial rend finais mber on relea e to sou y morning but (gi e in an impo g argum l vision for corn , woul Doug er of 7A the sing the plan city held back p near the train tlik . In nd mo ble ition of the ven the e Ab ent hasn’t rta presBlex park was ented duri rahthe park , re The im from here on or beginnin risen to , simply such eff future park the back- work beca and history nt • Classified the m ng an7AArka lesscurr Lin ent am is expected . media g use of the An ort the . col play lik of Area d lem nsas s) grou e n mo at Cha Ge 11-13 te los fina to beMa A Mitt City least Cr is tha mber of Com ment. lems with pro orge Wa nd,and A com Opt legitim year. Romney ing effort. rinplete South Cent ncial probuz is a merce Coff event Thur e Le dPelater llace or win Oh t Trump ma bwould ate ral Kansas candid ee sday out th n — this sm to do? But any Republican is pollinio or Florida y mission cham morning in the com of an est ack too mu acy . one Trump (he bers at City about ch on Ma g ahead in bo See WILSON Trump’sconcerned Hall. A large on rev ablishment siderab rch 15, en ben nativism which th) probab Page 14A Mitch ge. In contra t would in most ly Da egy. An doom this govern niels, the forst, particip stratd if Tr or me of Indian ump go r would reconstr es a, car • Thunder disciplin ry a winso The pr roar back me ed, con • Lady Vike servat , Clinto s tripped ive n • WSU tabs candid is Oxford grad ate • Faith & Fam • South Hav ily en sweeps • Etzanoa 2A • KU’s Mas Night on AP’s best • Obituarie 3A • Kennedy s unscored • Reflectio on 4A • Johnson ns eyes Augusta • Comics 5A • Schedule • Opinion 6A • Scorebo ard Burdett Loom 7A is Doug Blex 7A • Classifie 7A d 11-13A
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