Annual report 2014 v 2

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2014 started once again with the County coming together for the County ball, some 330 people from right across the county for a great night of fun and friendship. This years County Commissioner’s charity, Ben’s Den, benefitted by an amazing £828. It was a pleasure to be able to invite Ben’s parents, Darren & Tracy, to share the night with us. The money raised has enabled a third “Den” to be purchased. Whilst not the aim at all it is certainly in line with Vision 2018 and Community Impact. As indeed are the incredible amounts raised by Derby Area Stamp & Deliver. The beginning of the year again saw a now firm favourite, The Chilly Challenge, take place with some 1500 Scouts camping out for at least one night in January. Once again the County team rose to the challenge and camped - strangely not the ACC activities! Perhaps next year… January also saw the County at the forefront in the selection process for International Service Team (IST) members from the East Midlands to support the Jamboree in Japan this year with ACC International Simon Growcott playing a key role. We have 11 Derbyshire Scouters supporting the Jamboree as IST members. The fact that a Derbyshire Scouter was the highest scoring candidate on the day is just a co-incidence. February was a real pleasure as we welcomed some 127 Queens Scouts and 11 Kings Scouts to the cathedral in Derby for a service of celebration and the presentation of Queen Scout Awards. The 17 recipients who could make the day received their certificates and awards from Wayne Bulpitt, UK Chief Commissioner and Colonel John Wilson OBE, DL, Vice Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire. The year continued in this vein, success on success led by hard working volunteers. The Youth Council continues to thrive and grow to

the point where all districts now have representation and several districts have a version. It is no coincidence that the recent HQ announcements re youth commissioners at district and county level bear a strong resemblance to the model we have in the County - Kiron having been involved with various youth led initiatives nationally. Our prestigious Four Inns competition trialled a shorter route aimed specifically at the Explorer Scout age range, 35k instead of 65k, which was a brilliant success with just what we hoped for - a mix of very serious competition for some and a real sense of achievement for others. This pilot resulted in 22 team entries in 2015. Heather and myself had the pleasure of supporting Shambles ESU, one of the teams invited to the pilot, as they conquered the 3 Peaks Challenge later in the year. The County also held its second Activation weekend at Carsington, again a credit to Debbie Steeples (MAP) & Nick Coward ACC Activities. 350 young people out in our own County testing themselves in lots of different ways with our own Active Support Units making it all happen. (Look at Nicks report for some amazing figures) The middle of the year saw the Beaver Scout section take centre stage with their Bonanza, 1200+ turned Drum Hill blue with a terrific amount of interesting, creative and testing activities on offer. Wayne Bulpitt, UK Chief Commissioner, requested to visit this event, such is its fame. Wayne also took all the District Commissioners out for a meal the previous night. Though it was not a free meal as Wayne had a small Scouting agenda to discuss and gain views upon. You very rarely see me write about myself but it would be remiss not to mention that I had the privilege of being invited as a representative of Derbyshire Scouts to meet Her Majesty the

Queen by the Lord Lieutenant, taking with me sadly only one Scouter who is very active locally. Georgina Halford from the 10th Ilkeston accompanied me on what I am certain will be a memorable day for both of us. Her Majesty did ask about Scouting in Derbyshire and it was with pleasure and pride that I was able to tell her we were very strong, growing and offering a lot of opportunity to young people.

training at no cost was one of the things I said I would like to achieve. 2014 saw that happen, except for one course, training is now free within the County. This has been driven by Sue Harris and Stephen Parker. Very nearly 100 wood beads have been achieved, our first Facilitating course has taken place, led by ex Regional Commissioner Dean Smith, more LTM’s and more people taking up training another brilliant picture.

July also saw the first County led Explorer Belt take place, 33 young people from Derbyshire and 1 from Denmark, supported by 6 adults, spent three weeks in Denmark covering 160k over a 10-day period. A brilliant achievement for all, especially Ben Lee and his team who not only used 3 weeks of their holiday but spent the previous 18 months putting the event together. This involved reconnoitring the area, making contact with some local Scouts and the hundred and one other things involved in the responsibility of other peoples children. The Explorer Belt expedition was a 100% success, with 11 brilliant follow up presentations as the final part. Already I have some volunteers to lead further expeditions. Two for differing age ranges are being talked about for 2017.

The County Camp Site at Drum Hill continues to receive praise for all it is doing, both in its own development and is gaining a reputation for friendliness and hospitality. The new toilet and shower facilities have been much welcomed and appreciated.

Other memorable events throughout the rest of the year included an ever-growing Scouting for You day. 150 leaders attended this year to learn more about practical skills and what the County has to offer. Sam Marks, HQ safeguarding advisor, came to the region specifically to meet Liz Walton & Jess Wood re safeguarding at large scale events (a few others were invited on the day.) Liz & Jess are continuing to have input with Sam and Peak is providing a chance to pilot ideas that I know will lead into national guidelines - something sadly lacking now. Training continued at a great pace. At my interview, very nearly 6 years ago, providing

I cannot finish without mention of those people a bit in the background in all groups and districts - the Executive. Carole leads the County Executive, who in this area are piloting the setting of national standards in those areas of risk, with members sitting on other committees to ensure the Exec is represented. For example, Gary Spendlove is driving forward the new building at Drum Hill. The Executive continues to support the various requests for finance. So please do not forget those who beaver away in the background, remembering to say thank you as I now do. Finally, thanks to Carole Grew, Stephen Parker, Sue Harris, Dave Mitchell, the County Team, and everyone working on behalf of Scouting in Derbyshire. You have all contributed to putting Derbyshire Scouting on the national stage in many areas, something that we should all be proud of. This report is about 2014 but I will finish by wishing you all a brilliant 2015 especially with another national flagship Peak Camp just around the corner. Tom

Taking the risk that I am going to be accused of repeating myself I am very pleased and proud to report that Scouting in Derbyshire continues to develop on all fronts provide amazing opportunities for young and not so young across the county. The County Team, the Scout Active Support Units, the County Camp Site, Leader Training, Governance all continue to develop due to the enthusiasm, dedication and commitment of everyone involved. Add to this all the adults involved in Scouting the teams who provide the weekly meetings, the executives and of course the parents who support in many ways it is easy to see where all this continuing development is coming from.

Well, this is the last report I shall write for an AGM for a while. The last year, and indeed the last three years, has been manic. A varied year full of highs and lows (but mainly highs) with, what should be, the biggest high within touching distance – Peak 2015.

We are especially proud of the way our young people are getting engaged through the youth councils, in the decisions made at group, district and county levels. They are the future of Scouting and it is important that they feel empowered to shape their future.

One of the greatest achievements this year is that we are full. We have managed to secure the full 7000 residential camping allocation that we were allowed. With the power of Twitter, Facebook and Richard Ward’s fantastic database bookings for Peak have flown in along with payments left right and centre from groups and staff. We were also able to offer a £5 refund for every participant who was paying the full amount. Many groups have put this towards some camp wear for the young people which is great.

Communication is still an issue despite all the best efforts: K.Scout our regular newsletter, K.Scout plus is a bi-weekly update, we are on Facebook and Twitter and yet still some of our information and invites are not getting through. We need everyone to help and spread information, better to get it twice than not at all. The AGM is our opportunity to thank you to everyone involved in Scouting, every little job, makes a difference and improves the life of a young person somewhere. My special thanks to Tom and county team who have done amazing work across all areas of the county. Activities and International are coming on in leaps and bounds and hopefully you are all benefiting from this. The Explorer Belt Expedition was hugely successful and of course preparations for Peak 2015 are in full swing. Please do make an effort to read all the reports they will give you are real flavour of Scouting across Derbyshire. Finally, thank you to all the numerous and wonderful people who make Scouting possible giving selflessly of their time to provide so many young people with fantastic opportunities and wonderful memories. Here’s to an even more successful 2015.

It really has been an honour to have been working with Angela Kettlewell to organise one of Derbyshire’s finest events. I think I speak for both of us when I say that although there are i’s to dot and t’s to cross we are both ready for Peak to arrive. It is hard to describe how much it becomes a part of your life and I think it will be with mixed emotions when August 2nd arrives and the emails stop and the big decisions don’t have to be taken anymore – but that is a bridge yet to cross.

It is hard to believe that this time three years ago there was only two of us ‘involved’ in Peak 2015 as staff – that has now swelled to a massive 1200 volunteers on the central staff team, not to mention the adult volunteers bringing groups. However, as I write this report we are still some 100 staff short, in particular on the site services and catering teams – by the time you read this report it won’t be too late to apply – if you think you might be able to help then I am positive we could fit you into a role. In last year’s report I wrote about being 64 weeks away from Peak. Having just looked at the database we are 95 days away and by the time this report is published it will be something frightening like 30 days – yikes!! This event could not run without the support and dedication of so many, but I do feel that I would like to put out a special public thank you to the managers and their deputies who have been on board this journey for circa two and a half years with us and without whom we wouldn’t be able to offer such a fantastic experience for the young people. There have been tears along the way (from a few) and laughs (from many). We only hope that in the end we will do you as a county proud and put on the best ever Peak (again)!

2014 was another good year with support being offer throughout the County to the Leader Training Team, Drum Hill and the Media Team along with support for Districts who are without a District Commissioner. Sue has continued to develop Training across the County and this has seen both Leadership and on-going training flourish resulting in high numbers of Wood Badges being awarded. Training has continued to be offered locally where there is the demand giving adults options on how to access training courses. The on-learning training has seen the team deliver safeguarding, safety and first aid courses throughout the year. 2014 also saw updates for Training Advisors and a day where we looked at what the County wanted from the training team with these ideas being put in place during 2015. Liz and Jess have continued to visit Districts to both deliver training and to offer guidance on safeguarding matters. For 2014, the County extended the provision of free training to include County first aid courses. This means that all training, with the exception of the residential weekend, is free - just the added incentive for you to complete your Leader training! As you will all be aware, our County Training Manager has been appointed Regional Commissioner and we thank Sue for all her hard work in driving training forward over the last few years. Derbyshire's loss is most definitely Regions gain. Our County Camp Site at Drum Hill has once again seen an increase in the number of camper nights and activity sessions. Thousands of camper and day visitors benefit each year from the excellent facilities on offer at the campsite. The annual Spring Bank Camp was once again well attended with the campers taking part in many varied activities over the weekend. Under Lesley's management, the Drum Hill Staff and Service Teams work very hard and it is easy to forget that the whole team are volunteers. They give up most weekends and some evenings to ensure all the visitors have a great time. We continue to support our County Campsite and a new Drum Hill Management Team who meet

under the Chairmanship of Gary has been put into place. A rolling five year development plan has been agreed and during the year new toilet blocks were installed at the top of the training field. Plans are now at an advanced stage for a replacement for the Birch Hall building and it is hoped work can start during 2015. The Media Team, now headed up by Jeanette, have worked very hard in raising the profile of Scouting throughout the County. The links that have been established by the team have seen articles in the Derby Telegraph being published most weeks along with articles in the publications of Johnston Press. Matlock Mercury and the Ashbourne newspapers. A number of interviews have featured on BBC Radio Derby highlighting Scouting throughout the County. Jeanette has also assembled local teams of reporters and photographers who are available to attend events and activities to ensure these receive the publicity they deserve. If your District has not yet been in touch with the team to nominate representatives, can I please encourage you to do so as the results of the teams hard work is certainly raising the profile of Scouting with the local media. During the year we have continued to support Districts who have been without a permanent DC and also to complement the support from the region to new DC's by offering them a "mentor". The aim of this is to ensure they feel supported in the first few months of taking on their new appointment. This seems to be working well and we certainly have some very competent and enthusiastic Leaders throughout the County. As you will know, throughout the County, great Scouting takes place with Derbyshire leading the way nationally in a number of areas and this is only possible with the dedicated work of our team of volunteers - my thanks go to you all.

I would like to start my annual report with a big thank you to everyone for the help and support I have received over the last year in continuing to improve the training for our adult volunteers. The local training managers continue to support leaders and despite the problems with Compass have managed to keep accurate information about which training leaders have completed. The training advisors are also key in providing support to leaders and managers going through training. In February 2014 we held a training advisor updatefor those already doing the job and we also held a two module 25 sessions for those who were interested in taking on the role. Finally a big thank you to everyone who has helped with the training as a trainer or facilitator. Last December we were delighted to welcome back into the county Dean Smith, the former regional commissioner to run a one day course on facilitation skills. Having trained trainers will continue to improve the quality of the training sessions. Attendance at Wood Badge modules continues to increase with free training making a big difference, as we have seen leaders coming along to modules just for a refresher. Attendance on the day has really improved and we only had one leader who didn’t attend and didn’t let us know they weren’t coming. Thank you to the groups who have made their headquarters available so that we can run courses across the County and thank you to Drum Hill Campsite staff for looking after us when we go there, particularly during the residential training. The residential weekend continues to be popular, this year after many years Liz Walton and Mark Stafford stood down as Course Directors and Denise Booth who has kept many leaders fed over many years will have a break from the cooking. We also increased the practical training sessions in the Wood Badge programme, introducing crafts and games and map and compass work again these


have been well received. But attending the module is not the end of the story and all these modules have to be validated by a training advisor. Thanks to our hard working training advisors and the local training managers the levels of modules being validated has also increased so much so that107Wood Badges were awarded in 2014, yet another increase on the year before. In September 2014 we also held an update session for Nights Away advisors this was a great opportunity for networking and improving consistency of assessing. Also in September 2014 we changed the style of the managers training so that for the first time our managers had sessions on the Queen’s Scout Award, Young leaders and the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. This will all help to improve the quality of Scouting opportunities that our young people receive locally. Leaders are now required to update their knowledge on safety as well as safeguarding and first response and most districts have now had at least one session. Liz Walton and Jess Wood have also run lots of safeguarding sessions with good attendance. For the first time the training team attended Scouting for you in October 2014 and offered general advice about training, validation and a safety session. The team were kept busy all day and hopefully that was not just because there were chocolates and pens available. So as most of you know I am now standing down as County Training Manager and I would to thank everyone for helping Derbyshire to provide leader training to be proud of. A particular thanks go to Tom Stoddart and Stephen Parker for their constant support, encouragement and commitment and Margaret Hooley our training treasurer who always pays our expenses really quickly. So now as my last job I wish the very best of luck to Rita Hickin who takes over as CTM and Paul Adcock who will be the Deputy, I am sure they will do a fantastic job.

What an amazing year for Beaver Scouts!

Council and the Peak Safety team.

Furry Fred, our County mascot, had set us all a Global Challenge in September 2013 and Colonies all over Derbyshire spent 2014 fulfilling the missions he had suggested. Six missions (one from each of the 5 main continents and a Furry Fred special) were completed by over 50 colonies. I am sure you will have spotted the “ Furry Fred goes Global” badges on lots of little turquoise topped bodies. We suspect that even more than 50 actually reached this first target but were too busy having fun to tell Fred!

We were delighted that Wayne Bulpitt could join us for the morning and I know he enjoyed meeting lots of you. The Beaver Scouts clearly had a fantastic time, judging by the noise they generated! I have already written about each of the activity lands Asia, America, Africa and Australia - in K.scout. Each colony that attended now has a DVD of the event with a mixture of still pictures and 2 videos. My thanks to the Leicestershire media team for their contribution and a really big thank you to Derbyshire County Scout Media team who used Bonanza as their launch event taking over 3,000 photos! Here is a very cheerful chap who really sums up a fantastic day!.

Nearly 40 colonies went on to complete 12 missions (Midi Challenge) and received a visit and a treat from one of the Challenge team. The Mega Challenge ( completing 21 missions) was successfully completed by an amazing 27 globe-trotting colonies. Many received a visit from Tom and I so we could congratulate the leadership teams and colonies in person. Fred appeared at some presentation too! We all loved seeing the pictures and hearing about the activities that went into completing the missions. I understand that the bubble rocket which Fred had decided was the reward for all this hard work has proved very popular. My thanks to the team who put the challenge together – Anne, Frankie, and Karen with help from Amanda and Sally too. We hope that colonies will find the resource useful in future years as there was a wide selection of activities and ideas to help us explore countries and cultures around the world. Of course the main feature for 2014 was our Beaver Scout Bonanza (No. 6) held in July at Drumhill. Tom has frequently commented that this campsite really comes alive when 1200 Beaver Scouts (with their leaders and supporters) take over! A really big thank you to the ADCs and District leaders who worked so hard to create four amazing continents fully of activities and also to members of various County teams who helped with the central services, not least, the Drumhill service team, the Youth

So, what are Derbyshire Beaver Scouts up to now? Still keeping busy by all accounts! The new activity badges - Disability Awareness, Photographer, Gardener, Communicator, Collector, Space, Sports and Camp Craft - have been successfully added into the colony programmes and our County Additional Needs team is in great demand! 2015 is proving a challenging year, especially with the launch of the refreshed programme, but with Junior Peak to look forward to and a selection of District based activities to enjoy, I am confident that Beaver Scouts in Derbyshire will continue to make new friends and have loads of fun. This is possible because in Derbyshire we have some amazing, enthusiastic and very creative leadership teams – thank you to you all!

2014 has been a difficult year for Cub Scouting at a County level with no ACC in place for much of the year. However that does not mean that Cub Scouting has not been happening. All districts have been busy putting on great programmes and activities. I would like to thank all the ADC’s / district representatives who have made this happen. It is much appreciated. Since September they have met regularly and have already put some great events in place for 2015. I look forward to 2016 celebrating a great 100 years with our new ACC Ricky Harrison leading the way. Tom I’d like to start by saying a big Thank You to everyone who has welcomed and supported me into my new role for ACC Cub Scouts. This is the first ever county AGM report that I’ve written and being new to the role Its going to be short and sweet!.... But I ‘m told that 2014 has been once again a busy year for Cub Scouts across the county! There have been some fantastic activities run by packs and districts across Derbyshire! Some very traditional and some not so traditional, nevertheless we have continued to provide a brilliant experience to Cub Scouting in Derbyshire and whatever role you have played in that Thank you! Cub Scouting in Derbyshire has remained the same on the growth side, but we have seen an increase in the Chief Scouts silver award being achieved. Well done to all those Cubs that have achieved their award! As it suggests 2015 is shaping up to be the ‘Year of Adventure’ individual Cub packs & districts are busy planning how they are going to complete there 10 themed months to gain the limited edition, Derbyshire Cub Scout ‘ Year of Adventure’ Challenge!

Scout Active Support in the county continues to give support to Scouting both in Districts and in our very successful County SASU activity teams.Districts have been busy with events, catering etc. and thanks to the activity members for giving up their time to instruct all ages from Beavers to Explorers and to give the young people a great experience. Active Support members along with the Trefoil Guild have an invitation to visit Peak 2015 on the Monday hosted by the hospitality team. Units have signed up for this which a good opportunity for members not camping to see what is happening at the camp. I know that there are lots of Active Support members on the staff in various staff roles. Our annual quiz was held again this year, thanks to Derby East SASU who hosted the quiz at the Vernon Arms in Spondon. A fish and chip supper was enjoyed by quizzers from several Units. Well done to the winning team from Chesterfield who now hold the trophy for the year. I look forward to another successful year ahead for us in support of Derbyshire Scouting in our Scout Active Support Units.

During the year the Drum Hill County Camp Site, was very busy with increased camper nights from Groups inside Derbyshire and an increased use of the on-site activities. The usual events and competitions that take place at the hill continued and this was supplemented by bookings from schools and other community groups. In addition to the general maintenance to the site the major project that was undertaken during the year was the replacement of the training field toilet block. This has provided the site with more showers and additional needs facilities. The activity teams have continued to provide a wide variety of activities for both campers and evening visitors. Lesley and her staff teams put in many hours of work to ensure that the site is ready to welcome our visitors.

Ready Steady Cook March 2015 saw our third Ready Cook competition with 9 Districts entering the competition. The standard was once again incredibly high with teams of 3 Scouts cooking up amazing meals on the theme of “Derbyshire”. Whilst some of us thought that the theme chosen would be difficult, the Scouts came up with some ingenious concoctions and showed a real flair and imagination. The four judges certainly had a hard job in deciding the winners. Winners Derby East

86th Derby

265 points

Runners Up Derby South

118th Derby

257 points

Third Place High Peak


1 Chapel

253 points

Now in its fourth year, the Chilly Challenge has earned its place as the winter challenge – not to be undertaken by the faint hearted. 2015 proved to be not quite as cold as last year but still a few camping in the snow! We had Troops camping out right across the County – including the County Team at Drum Hill who joined in a campfire with our young ambassadors who were on a training weekend.

Rampage 2014 Scouts from across Derbyshire took part in Rampage at the County Campsite at Drum Hill on Sunday 28th September. We had a full complement of 24 teams entered from right across the County. Teams of six Scouts in each team competed in activities at the eight bases.  Abseiling & climbing  Space Hopper relay  Rifle Shooting  Fire Lighting and boiling water  Mountain Biking  Cannons – like the military Edinburgh Tattoo!  Circus Skills – including diablos & unicycles  Bridge building pioneering We were honoured to have our County Commissioner Tom Stoddart to present the trophy and certificates; he was particularly pleased to see so many volunteers, nearly 50 on the day, helping run the activities which were so well appreciated. Team Placings: Winners 1st Chapel-en-le-Frith

611 points

Runners Up Hathersage

593 points

Third Place 10th Matlock

589 points

Chief Scout’s Gold Awards The Winding Wheel at Chesterfield saw the largest number yet of Chief Scouts Gold Award holders assembled. The first glimpse of nearly 500 Scouts, parents and Leaders assembled in the hall was a real wow factor! Certificates were presented this year by Mr David Coleman, Derbyshire’s High Sheriff. He spoke of the importance of this achievement in gaining the award and how highly this is recognised in the world of future employment. The values learned in Scouting make a real difference to life in the community.

We had a fascinating presentation by Explorer Scouts who had taken part in last year’s “Explorer Belt” – this could not have failed to inspire those thinking about this for the future. It was really good to see so many of our Scouts from right across the County gain their awards – well done to all – they are a credit to their Troops. My thanks are extended to Chesterfield SASu who provided a super buffet after the presentations. We are planning the next presentation of awards at Peak 2015. We had an increased entry again in 2014 with a total of 73 teams entered in the event – 38 in the Extreme and 35 in the Challenge. Fastest time for the Extreme was 3 hours 43 minutes and fastest for the Challenge was 1 hour 48 minutes by 12th Halifax Sea Scout Explorers – knocking 25 minutes off the record. We seem to get faster times year on year! We did wonder last year would we ever beat the 2 hour time and indeed we have – with a vengeance! Records were also broken for the Scout & Leader team with 1st Chapel knocking 8 minutes off last year’s record time. LOOKING AHEAD My thanks go to all ADCs and those within the County Team for their help and support over the year. Attendance at our regular ADCs meetings has been good and we continue to share best practice and work together to help encourage participation in the many opportunities available to support the successful running of our Troops. The new look awards scheme is gradually being implemented and it is hoped will attract even better programmes which in turn will attract even more members to swell our ranks. This will be my last report as ACC Scouts and I just know Colin Newton who will take up the reins in September will do a cracking job as your new ACC.

The Young Leaders' Scheme is just one of the exciting programme elements in the Explorer Scout section. The Young Leaders’ Scheme is now actively and regularly supporting Young Leaders in nine Districts to provide even more fun, challenge and adventure to so many young people in Derbyshire Scouts! There have been some great success stories throughout the year all across the county. In 2014 my first and final visits during the year were to High Peak to kick start the Young Leaders’ Scheme and then on my return in December it was great that two Young Leaders had completed the award and I was able to present them with their YLS Belt Buckles. The Young Leaders Scheme continues to go from strength to strength in Belper, Chesterfield and Derby East. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have continued to support the Young Leaders’ Scheme and those who support Young Leaders’ working in section around the county. Training for Young Leaders continues to develop and most recently has started running in Derby South, East Scarsdale, Ilkeston, Long Eaton and Peak Districts. I hope it is on the agenda in the other districts to develop in the near future. I hope that in the next year the successes of 2014 can be built up on, being developed further and wider across the county. I am looking forward to more adult leaders gaining an understanding for the Young Leaders Scheme is all about and how much of a fantastic opportunity it is to have a Young Leader working in younger sections in line with the renewed programme and allow more young leaders to gain external recognition for their voluntary work with Beavers, Cubs and Scout by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

Hi there Explorer Land & yes its here again, the time to reflect on the previous 12 months & what the future has instore for the section.

I have to start again with EXFEST & yet again a resounding success, seeing the numbers increase year on year. We also had a group attend from Birmingham, after completing a search for activities. Talking to leaders during over the weekend about their thoughts on the event, almost everyone stated that it was great to have an event just for the Explorer section & not tagged onto other events for the other sections. We again took on the feed back from last year & made alterations to the programme & will again this year. I’m not going to go into the event as in the past, as I believe we all know within reason, what we are putting on, so look out for the booking forms & check out the web site for pictures etc from last year.

At the end of the year, we launched the section 10 pin bowling competition for the whole county to take part in. This was done not by having 5-600 people in a bowling alley at once but as part of the inevitable winter programme item & at the end of the night, forward the scores onto the admin for it to be logged. There are a few rules involved but not many, so watch out for it

starting again in November & register your teams. As this was the first time this was run, we only had about 10% of the counties Explorers taking part but a good start nether the less. In total then, we had 13 teams entered from just 6 units & managed to record 62 strikes & 105 spares (thats bowling lingo for knocking all the pins down) & the winning team was Draco from Chesterfield, achieving a combined score of 1519 points. The highest individual score for the male was Barrie from Draco with 319 points & female was Izzy from Titan scoring 187 points, well done to you all. The bar has now been set & the challenge is on for this year, well done all those who took part. We have only one trophy at the moment for the winning team but by next year, we will have two more, one for the highest scores for a male & one for a female. It has been a topic at several Desc meeting in the past and that is should we have a presentation evening for just Explorers? Recently it was decided, that YES we should & plans are being made, for the first one to take place in March 2016. The idea of the occasion primarily, is to present Chief Scout Award certificates but can be increased to accommodate anything. I will be presenting the above trophy to the winners at group level this year only but will be at our presentation event in future. Most recently, we asked Stephanie Sanderson to attend the last Desc meeting. Stephanie is the Regional Development Officer for the East Midlands & it was on the back of some comments raised at previous Desc meetings in relation to adult recruitment. She gave out some very useful information on how to go about recruiting adults into the movement & more importantly, how to retain them, plus identified some of the pit falls, when approaching adults, so thank you Steph. So, thats it for another year & I would just like to add, thank you for all those who continue to support our activities but of course, there is always room for more & the biggest thank you, to those who continue to support myself & assist with the organising of the events. I’ll close with a reminder to book onto Exfest (Oct. 23rd-25th), register to take part in the bowling competition & to watch out for the info coming out towards the end of the year, for the presentation day/evening next March time.

Another amazing year for Derbyshire Network! Bigger Numbers, More Networks, More Queens Scouts and More Gold Duke of Edinburgh awards. This year has seen so many great achievements for so many members of Derbyshire Network. January saw Network members from around the County attend another fantastic County Ball at the Derby Conference Centre In April Windsor Castle was awash with a sea of red neckers when Derbyshire attended the Queens Scout Review. 19 members were part of the parade which nearly took over an entire section and more than any other county in the country something that was highlighted by a number of people. One word described that day in my mind and that was Proud. Proud of each and every one of them for what they have done in order to achieve the highest honour as a member of the youth movement. Since April there has been several more signed off most recently in Dronfield. As well as there being the queens scout awards there has also been an increase in the amount of Gold Duke of Edinburgh awards presented (most prominently within Derby East) So what does the next year hold for Derbyshire Network? As I’m sure you are all aware from recent posts, emails and information that has been sent Network are going through the biggest changes since its conception 12 years ago. By the end of November every District should have or have access to a Network Unit. More information is coming out every week so please watch this space and feel free to

contact me if you have any questions or queries and I will try and answer them. In all Network has had a fabulous year and can only continue to get bigger, better and stronger. It is down to the members, leaders and districts that have helped us get this far and with your continued support I’m sure that Network will continue to be the flagship of the region and one of the strongest in the country.

2014 has yet again been another exciting year with lots going on and many new people joining the activities team. We have had a number of new assessors appointed in Hill Walking, Climbing, and Caving and there are also a number of others who are currently working on their NGB’s to become County Assessors in other disciplines including Mountain Biking and Archery.Andrew Fritter is the new Snorkelling and Diving Adviser for the county and Paddy Riley has taken over as Team Leader for Pioneering SASU. We also now have a County SNAPS person, Mark Rushworth has taken on the role of Supporter of Nights Away Permit Scheme, Mark will help support, co-ordinate and point people in the right direction.

If anyone has any ideas for new ideas Adventurous Activity Teams or would like to join a team then please let me know at Figs for 2014 Number of young people taken on respective Activities: Archery –Circa 2000 (The Archery Team is Currently Based at Drumhill) Shooting – 1648 (The Shooting Team is Currently Based at Drumhill) Bike SASU – 923

The Bike, Climbing, Hillwalking, Sailing, Archery, Shooting, Pioneering and Creative Teams are all doing very well. The Caving Team lead by Alex Shaw, however, has doubled in size we now have a Team based out of Alderley Edge Mines, Phil Lilley leads this and has joined the Derbyshire Caving Team along with a small team of “volunteers”, this probably makes Derbyshire the largest scout caving team in the UK with about a 25 member strong team. The Hill walking team are still running the very popular courses for t1 and t2 training and are also now running Geo Caching courses.

Creative - 40 young people and 50 adults Caving SASU – 462 Young People plus 3 Adult Cave/ Mine permits Climbing SASU –278 Hill Walking –400 (This figure does not include DofE assessments or training) Pioneering -80 (Paddy only took this role on late in 2014)

The County Activities Teammeets on a six monthly basis, this is made up of the County Advisers & Assessors, SASU Team Leaders, District and County Activity Centres, SASU Manager, headed up by ACC Activities. The Team meets to discuss common issues, promotion of activities and the development of activities in Derbyshire Scouting.


Activation took place in June and was a great success we saw over 300 young people from across the county from Scout and Explorer sections doing 3-4 Activities in one day, this year the event was run over two days. The event in 2015 will be a two day event and we aim to have 400 plus young people take part, including cubs this time too.

6 Explores achieved the RYA Assistant Dinghy Instructor Award

Debbie Steeples our MAPS manager having sorted the back log of Activity Permits, ended up with twice as much work when compass went down. Debbie in liaison with HQ has sorted many of the permit issues caused by compass going down and implemented a system approved by HQ so our activity permits could still be covered by insurance even though the online system was down. The second Derbyshire Scout Activity Directory was completed in September, by now I hope you have all seen a copy. The booklet was put together by Karen Templer and has been a great success so far at promoting our activity teams, centres and campsites.

190 x 2.5 hour sessions for Young People (including RYA Training and Activation taster sessions) 72 Young People were awarded a National Governing Body certificate

D of E Number of welcome packs sold Jan 2014 – Dec 2014: 174 Number of ongoing DofE during the year of Jan 2014 – Dec 2014:240 Number of completions: Bronze – 41, Silver –8, Gold –7 Trent Lock -837 weekend campers and 633 evening users (Trent Lock is a District run Site)

nificant proportion of the national total. Thanks go to Ben and his team: Julie, Nigel, James, Nicola, David and Danny.

It is now just over two months until the Derbyshire Unit sets off to Japan for an unbelievable 3 weeks which includes participating in the 23rd World Scout Jamboree. It is good to see that amongst the 36 Unit members that all our districts are represented and we also have members who are part of a joint unit with Leicestershire, Coventry and Jersey as well as 10 intrepid adult leaders who are part of the International Service Team (IST). Our Unit has had a number of successful training camps and now that they have their kit they are certainly looking the part. Thanks go to the Unit Leaders: Catherine, Sian, James and Vicky for the time they have already given up. The join in jamboree activity this time is Japan in a Box. This has been so successful across the County that a number of additional boxes have been made. If you haven’t had a chance to use it there will be plenty of time to get them after the Jamboree and the participants will be able to share their stories to go with the activities. Last year saw the first ever Derbyshire Explorer Belt taking place in Denmark. This comprised of a 10 day expedition, one major project and 10 minor (although rather fiendish) projects. Needless to say all groups did extremely well and once they had completed their presentations back in the UK a grand total of 33 Explorer Belts have been awarded which is a sig-

226 young people and leaders travelled overseas in 2014 which is our largest number in the 5 years during which I have been ACC (International). As well as the Explorer Belt to Denmark other groups travelled to Norway, Czech Republic, Croatia, Switzerland, France and Holland. One Derbyshire group also hosted some Danish Scouts. I was privileged to attend presentations for some of these trips and they were truly inspirational. There are now just 3 Districts who have not travelled overseas in the last four years with an amazing 30 trips to 14 different countries. As well as Groups travelling overseas this year we look forward to welcoming almost 400 international campers and staff to Peak 2015. Applications to the Peak International Fund have continued with support being given to many Global programme ideas as well as to trips abroad. The Fund has now closed just in time for Peak 2015. The final activities have included:  District camps and fundays  international sleepovers  international food nights (quite a few of these!) themed meetings based around a specific country The renewed programme has created some great opportunities for Global Scouting with each section now having a World Challenge Badge, the Global Issues Activity Badge and the International Activity Badge. Lots of opportunities to create International experiences without having to travel far at all. It has been another great year of International Scouting and as ever Derbyshire Scouts have had an impact far beyond our county borders. I look forward to hearing more about your programmes and trips as Derbyshire Scouting continues to go Global this year. Helen Crampton

County Safety Advisor

Introduction Safety is everyone’s business but it isn’t there to stop fun. It isn’t an excuse to stop activities going ahead, it is simply a set of rules and advice to make sure activities can be carried out without unnecessary risk and therefore minimizing injury or damage. What are we doing?

What has been happening? We have been looking at what we need to do in Derbyshire to promote an awareness of safety. This is what we have done in the past year: 1. The County Training Manager has rolled out safety training across the County. 2. We looked at accidents that have occurred to see what can be learned from them. Nationally, the Scout age group have the most accidents. It is also the same within Derbyshire, with 19 accidents being reported to HQ last year. Quite a few were recorded as ‘unknown’, but a few were in free time and also some occurred in organised games. Thankfully, they were all minor injures, but serious enough to need reporting. District Commissioners have been encouraged to bring details of any injuries reported to them to County meetings so that accidents can be discussed. This means that we can try and work out what went wrong and decide if this information needs passing on to other Districts and Groups in an attempt to stop the same thing happening again.

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Anthony Elfyn Adam Mark Paul William Glenn Richard Stephen James James Robert Joshua William Jennifer Lynne Trevor Mark Matt Edward Ernest Joanne Clare Keith Rachel Leasa Sarah Louise Evelyn Elizabeth Jon Jenny Joanna Richard James Stanley Ian Grenville Glenda Thomas James Bruce John Karen Sammanthia Lesley Jennifer Jane Helen Michelle Joanne Marie Clare Stephanie Jane David Ellis Daniel Thomas Anthony George Ronald Philip Dorothy Ann Ann Dorothy Kieran Andrew Michael Dorothy Margaret Sylvia Jean Amanda Jayne Carol Jean Ian Luke Allen Sam Frederick Christopher William James Nicholas Peter Donna Marie Steven Andrew Anna Dawn David Cyril Kevin John Derek Anthony Janet Lesley Bethany Leigh Penelope Kathryn Christopher Roy Louise Mary Dorothy Elaine Tracy John Richard Matt Lisa Marie Geoffrey Michael Andrew James Paul Blake Michelle Alan Darren Matthew John Daniel Paul Stephen Roderick Crispin Tammy Iain Edward James Harland Martin David

Abbott Aclandmartin Adams Adcock Adderley Ager Aggett Aguilar-Friend Ainsworth Ainsworth Aldgate Alflat Alflat Alldread Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen-Riley Allison Allsop Almond Alton Ambrose Anderson Andrew Annable Anning Antonova Appleton Arch Argyle Armitt Ashall Ashley Ashton Asquith Athey Atkins Austen Austen Back Bacon Bagley Bagley Bagshaw Bagshaw Bagworth Bailey Bailey Bailey Baillie Baker Baker Baldwin Bale Bale Ball Bamber Bannister Barber Barbour Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barlow Barlow Barlow Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnett Barnett Barradell

Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Scouts County Local Training Manager Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Scout Network Group Secretary Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Group Chairman Group Scout Leader Group Scout Leader Assistant Group Scout Leader Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Group Scout Leader (Acting) District Appointments Secretary Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Group Administrator Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer Group Chairman District Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts District Assistant Commissioner Group Scout Leader Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts District Scout Network Manager

Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Dr Dr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Ms Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr

John Leonard Elizabeth Robert George Lucy Jayne Duncan John Jean John Thomas Peter Debbie Anne Simon James Susan Michael Roy Victoria Jane Tracy Ann Janet Brown Victoria Jane Edward Morris Gary Dennis Roy Alfred Clare Marie Gillian Mary Jonathan Christopher Andrew Graham Scott Stuart John Carey Thomas Alexander Michelle Paul Mary Alice Neil Andrew Glyn Anthony Andrew Vernon Maria Lila Frank Paul Andrew Robin Matthew James Lisa Marjorie Scott Stephen Thomas Anthony Adam David Keith Joanne Michelle Alison Philip Alexander James Jamie Louise Martin Peter Nicholas Duncan Mark Joanna Carol Andrew Brenda Marjorie Jennifer Tina Andrew Paul Graham Charles Michael John Edward James Sarah James Alexander Linda Doreen Ashley William Thomas Barbara Maria Rebecca Louise Lisa Helen Ashley Alison John Lindsay Lynsey Helen Nigel James Simon Peter Alison Margaret Rachel Hannah Ruth William Anthony Timothy Christopher Terence Grenville Patricia Ann James Peter Dean James

Barratt Barratt Barrett Barrington Barrow Barry Barry Bartle Barton Bassett Baston Batchelor Bate Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Battelle Beasley Beasley Beasley Beaton Beckerson Bee Beecroft Beecroft Beeson Beeson Beeson Beeston Begum Bell Bell Bell Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bentley Bentley Bentley Benton Berriman Berry Berry Betts-Graves Bevan Bickerton Bickley Biddle Biggs Biggs Biggs Bilton Bingham Bingham Birch Birch Birch Birch Birkinshaw Birkinshaw Birkinshaw Birks Birnie Bishop Black Black Blagg Blanksby Bloor Blurton Boddy Boler Boler Bolger Bolton

County Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Scouts County Occasional Helper Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Supporter District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Executive Committee Member District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Chairman County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Section Leader - Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Assessor - Climbing and Abseiling - Natural Lead Climbing Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Scout Leader County Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scouter - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Group Scout Leader County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Secretary Assistant Group Scout Leader County Assessor - Power Boating Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Appointments Advisery Committee Member District Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Network District Executive Committee Member

Miss Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Miss Ms Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Ms Mr Mrs Mr Ms Mr Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr

Stephanie Laura Andrew Edward Carol Elaine Mary Matthew John Peter Anthony Richard Denise Margaret Anne Gillian Elizabeth Jacqueline Beverley Michelle Lance Richard Alan Liam Rachel Ann Pauline Grace Kendal Patrick Michael Mark Andrew David Simon Mark Anthony Alexander James Stephen Clive Frances Elizabeth Penelope Jane Andrew Joseph Mary Joan Alexander Robert John Geoffrey Christopher James Alexander Thomas Nathaniel Michael James Andrew William Elaine Anne Janet Michael David Martyn Lawrence John Edward Arthur James Alexander Caroline Richard Ian Debra Elizabeth Mary Elizabeth Roger David Joseph Louise Elizabeth Katie Louise Sandra Steven David Andrew John Thomas James Edward Everett Paul David Alison Lyndsay Jonathan Mark Mark Robert Robyn Patricia Derek Annette Lesley Ian Karen Lindsey Ian Adam Emma Jane Ben Robert Shelley Maria Anne Caroline Sean Michael Gavin Mathew Charles Richard Edward Christopher Jeremy Stuart Mark Duncan Claire Louise Ian Rachael Jane Andrew David Alan David Loui Saul

Bolton Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bonner Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Bovill Bowler Bowler Bowles Bowley Bowling Bowmer Bowmer Bowmer Boyland Bradbury Bradbury Bradford Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradwell Brailsford Braines Braithwaite Braithwaite Bramley Bramley Brammer Bramwell Bramwell Bramwell Bratby Brearley Breider Brett Brewster Bridge Bridges Bridges Bridgewood Bridgewood Briggs Briggs Brigham Brightmore Brightmore Bristow Britton Britton Broadhurst Brocklehurst Brockley Brockwell Bromley Brookes Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Broome Brown Brown Brown Brown

District Communications Manager - Media Development Manager Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Chairman Group Scout Leader District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Secretary Group Chairman Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Supporter Group Executive Committee Member Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Group Chairman Group Chairman Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Skills Instructor Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Supporter Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Chairman Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Explorer Scout Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Network County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Administrator (Acting) Group Scout Leader District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts

Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Dr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr

Laura Marie Christopher Christopher Adam James Paula Maxi Celine Antoinette James Alastair Agnes Robertson Peter Roy Amanda John Michael Lynne Beverley Jayne Charlie Hamish Christina Wendy Jane Philip Moira Theresa Katharine Jane George William Christopher David Timothy Gerard Linda Maureen Jane Alistair Kimberley Crerar Ian Verity Leigh Zena Jonathan David Lindsay Robert William John Charles Patricia Alastair James Alex James David Anne May Carol Linda James Graham Deborah Jane Peter Brian William Andrew William David Newton Marilyn Joan Katie Elizabeth David Alexander James Malcolm Alan Roger Jillian Edward Grant Michelle Jeanette Martin Thomas Benjamin David Gary Charles Sallyann Kevin Peter Susan Irene Mavis Maxine Isobel Tracey Allissa Rosse David Leonard Iain Kay Marie Thomas David Dawn Elizabeth Kathleen Theresa Jane Melanie John Alwyn Mary Harriett Rajinder Kaur Elizabeth Mary Kathryn Peter Edward Peter Philip Jemima S Angela Jane Brian Arthur Mia-Sara John Arthur Stephen John James

Brown Brown Brown Brown Browne Brunt Bryan Buckingham Buckle Buffey Bull Bull Bull Bungay Bungay Bunka Bunn Bunting Bunton Burgess Burgess Burgoyne Burgoyne Burgoyne Burley Burn Burridge Burridge Bush Bush Bush Bush Butler Butterworth Buttler Bygrave Bygrave Bywater Bywater Caine Callow Calvert Cam Cameron Capel Carbines-Evans Cardill Carr Carr Cartwright Carver Cavill Chalkley Chalklin Chalklin Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Chance Charlesworth Charlton Charlton Charlton Chater Chater Chatterley Checkley Checkley Cheema Cheney Chester Childs Christian Churchhouse Clark Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke

Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts County Occasional Helper Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Assessor - Caving - No Vertical Pitches District Scout Active Support Member Group Supporter Section Assistant - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Appointments Chairman Group Secretary District Appointments Secretary Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Scout Network District Skills Instructor Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Chairman County Scout Network Commissioner County Local Training Administrator Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scouter - Beaver Scouts District Appointments Advisery Committee Member District Appointments Advisery Committee Member County Scout Active Support Member District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Assistant Commissioner - Development District Commissioner District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Scout Active Support Member Group Chairman Group Executive Committee Member Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Chairman Group Treasurer District Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Treasurer Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Appointments Advisory Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Network District Appointments Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Network Group Scout Leader Assistant Group Scout Leader County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Explorer Scout Commissioner

Miss Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Ms Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Dr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Ms Miss Mr Ms Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr

Alexandra Jade Kurt Elizabeth May Michael Lindsay Victoria George Howard Alec Boyd Jean Margaret Tommi Daniel David Alan Michael David Tracey Joanne Chris Richard Alan Sarah Barbara Simon John Johanna Ericka Jaymala Yogendra Sophina Bequm Matthew Dean Emma Victoria Martin Mathew John Linda Elizabeth Christine Ann Christopher Lee Carolyn Ann John Michael Susan Karen Shaun John Julie Samuel Christopher Stuart Nicholas Sharon Rebecca Ann Thomas Issac Ian Colin Alan Gillian Vincent Louise Robert James Amanda Jane Zoe Jane Lee Francis Diane Samantha Leigh Peter Nigel Anthony Jacob Dylan Katie Louise Nicholas Charles Richard Ryan John Howard Richard Linda Ann Anna Corinne Karen Rowland George Caroline Mary Kristyn Mostyn Paul Albert Charlotte Elizabeth Abigail Laura James Michael Helen Clare Bernice Nicola Ann O''shaughnessy David Ian David Victoria Jane Andrew James Frances Lorraine Jonathan Ashley Robert David Daniel Mark Sam

Clarke Clarke-Roome Claxton Clay Clay Cliffe Clough Clough Cluley Coates Coates Cobb Cobb Cobb Cobham Cobham Cockett Colbeck Cole Coleing Collier Colling Collins Collinson Collison Commons Commons Constable Constable Conway Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooke Coope Coope Coope Coope Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cope Copeland Corden Corfield Corsham Cotter Couldwell Coulson Cousins Covell Coward Cowell Cowell Cowley Cowlishaw Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Crampton Crate Cree Cressey Cresswell Cresswell Cresswell Cresswell Cripwell Crisp Critchley Crocker

Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Leader Explorer Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts District Scout Active Support Member County Adviser County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Deputy Chairman Group Section Assistant County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Vice President Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Network County Assistant Commissioner - Activities Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter District Chairman District Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts District Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader District Scout Active Support Member County Safety Adviser Section Assistant - Cub Scouts County Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Assistant Commissioner - International District Appointments Secretary Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Network

Ms Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Miss Miss Mr Mr Mr Dr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Miss Ms Mr Mr Miss Mr Ms Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mrs Miss Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr

Janice Elaine Thomas James Victoria Louise Anthony David Christina Anne Cheryl Joy Chambers Emma Andrew Edward James Gail Elizabeth Simon Leslie Jamie Patrick Alistair James Joanne Marie Joanne Ellen Lauren Helena Neil Murray Bruce Ramon Ramsey Donna Jill Michael Robert Steven Ross Sarah Louise John Matthew Sally Nicola Dawn Simon Simon Katie Marie Gordon Sheila Andrew Simon Craig Grace Bethan Jane Mary Rachel Bethany Sarah Lance Simon Duncan John Andrew James James Keith Joanna Rob Jonathon Peter Katie Louise Tony Jacqueline Joanne Sarah Adrian William Joanne Margaret Eric William Michael Alan Colin Katy Ellen Simon Pauline Elizabeth Lydia Connie Samantha Bridie Ian Andrew Rosemary Barbara Toby George Irene Denise Lynne Roger Peter James Patricia Ann Karen Elizabeth Andrew Paul Abigail Elizabeth Ashley Tristan Anthony Edward Christopher Alexander Emma Louise Susan Margaret Michael Patrick Jeremy Peter David John

Crockford Crooks Crooks Crooks Crooks Cross Cross Cross Crossley Crossley Crowe Cruise Cudworth Cudworth Curtis Cuttriss Cutts Dall Dallas Dallas-Skerry Dalton Danby Daniels Darwent Davenport Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davison Davison Dawes Dawn Dawson Dawson Dawson Day Day Daykin Dean Dean Dean Deaville Deaville Dempster Dendle Devall Devaney Devaney Diamond Dias Dickens Dickinson Dickinson Dillon Dixon Dixon Dobson Dobson Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolby Donald Donaldson Donoher Donoher Douglas Dowling

Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Network District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Section Assistant Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Assistant - Scouts Group Supporter Group Executive Committee Member District Scout Network Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Assessor - Bell Boating Group Supporter Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Occasional Helper County Occasional Helper Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Section Assistant Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts County Training Adviser District Executive Committee Member District Appointments Advisery Committee Member County Assessor - Canoeing - Open Inland B2 Waters County Assessor - Power Boating - A Waters Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Appointments Chairman District Executive Committee Member Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Scouts District Appointments Advisery Committee Member County Scout Active Support Member Group Treasurer District Scout Active Support Member Group Chairman Assistant Group Scout Leader Section Leader Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts County Asst Commiss (Section) - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader

Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mr Ms Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Unknown Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Miss Miss Mrs Ms Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Sir Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

Sheralynne Susan Richard Francis Sophie Louise Mandy Karen Ryan Michael Jill Isobel Joanne Elizabeth Matthew James Nigel Mark Paul Andrew Diane Gary Walter Megan Iona Claire Louise Giles Nicholas James Melvyn Frank Christine Marie William John Alison Margaret Debra Kate Louise Gareth Kevin Mark John Phillip Brett Iain John James Craig Edwina Jon Antony Nicola Pamela Carolyne Rose Samantha Joanne Gillian Wendy Mark David Carol Vivienne Dorothy Helen John Lawson Sophie Louise Maureen Peter John Paul Sarah Gillian Mary Rosemary Ann David Michael Christopher Simon Darren Michael Mark James Eleanor Edna Mary Jack Michael Cathy Louise Stephen Grenville Sarah Louise Meredith Lindsay Michael Trevor Susan Brandon Guy Emma Marie Ewan Peter Spence Julie Jill Nathan Peter Su Peter Vanessa David Sean Martin Patrick John Andrew Benjamin John Gerald Arthur Rosemary Michael Raymond Annette Sarah Richard Randolph John Ellis Harold Ian John Matthew John Nicholas Keith

Dowling Dowling Downes Doyle Doyle Draycott Dronfield Drummond-Child Duckworth Dumelow Dumelow Dundas Dundas Dunlop Dyson Dyson Dyson Dyson Eakins East Eatch Eaton Eaton Eden Edenborough Edgar Edson Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Egerton Eley Eley Elliott Elliott Elliott Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Elm Elsey Elston Emmens Emmens Everington Eyre Ezard Fairey Fairhurst Fairweather Farrier Favell Fawkes Fearn Fearn Fel Fessey Fessey Field Field Fielding Fierman Fisher Fisher Fitchett Fitchett Fitzherbert Fletcher Fletcher Flower Flower Flux

County Trainer County Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Chairman District Adviser - Duke of Edinburgh's Award Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Treasurer District Chaplain Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Local Training Manager District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Assistant - Scouts Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader County Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Adviser - Special Needs Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Appointments Secretary County Supporter County Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Assistant Section Assistant Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Co-ordinator District Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts County Assessor - Power Boating - B2 Waters Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Group President Group Supporter Section Leader - Scouts District Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Co-ordinator District Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Scouts County President Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Training Adviser

Miss Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr

Honor Elizabeth Sally Leigh Lesley Gail Joanne Ian William Rachel Isobel Louise Andrew Robert Grant Toni Denise Dominic Ian Thomas Steven Paul Steven Callum Anthony Roy Lucia Catherine Robert John Alex Anne Kathleen Peter John Richard John Susanne Andrew John Louise Jane Teresa Dawn Estella Jayne Elizabeth Amanda Tracey Helen Margaret Richard Celred Charlotte Mary Debbie Paul Michael Helen William Steven Ellena Pauline Anne Paul Wendy Susan Malcolm George Philip David Angela Dorothy Mary Robin Jeremy Barrie Victoria Louise Mark Marie-Therese Helena Catherine Mary Alison Martin Peter Graham Margaret Jacqueline Ann Simon Virginia Dawn Tracy Amanda Hannah Mae Jane Ian David Peter Nicola Jayne Emma Louise Ian George Sian Sarah Ellen Peter Anthony James Darryl Rob David Henry Thelma Ann Ian Charles Maria Anne Sophie Anthony Robert Steven Thomas Matthew James Simon Claire Louise Nigel Matthew Simon

Fogarty Fogell Fogerty Ford Ford Forster Foster Foster Foster Foulds Foulds Foulds Fox Fox Francis Franklin Fraser Freeman French Frenzel Fretter Fretter Frost Fuller Fuller Furniss Gale Gallagher Gant Gant Garner Garratt Garratt Gascoyne Gascoyne Gaskin Gee Gee Gee Gent Gent Ghent Gibbs Gibson Gibson Gilbert Giles Giles Gill Giller Gladwin Gleghorn Glossop Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Godley Godwin Godwin Goldsack Goodall Goodeve Goodman Goodman Goodwin Goodwin Goodyer Goodyer Goodyer Goold Goold Gordon Goring Gotheridge Goucher Gough-Rundle Gould Gould Govan

Section Assistant - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Executive Committee Member Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader District Scout Network Section Assistant - Scouts Group Administrator Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Administrator Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member County Adviser District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Group Section Assistant Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Supporter Group Section Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Co-ordinator District Commissioner Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Scout Network Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Treasurer District Appointments Advisery Committee Member District Appointments Chairman County Appointments Secretary Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scouter - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Executive Committee Member Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Network County Trainer Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Scout Leader District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Network District Treasurer Group Scout Leader (Acting) Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member

Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mrs

Adam David Angela Geraldine Wendy Patricia Rachel Julie Keith Adrian Jon Debra Susan Diane Alison Peter Jane Christine Claire Susan Margaret Brian William Jill Gary Greasley Stella Jeremy Mark Christopher David Stella Pauline Blodwen Philip Sidney Helen Ann Nathan Daniel Carole Kiron Joseph Diana Jane Nicky Amanda Kim Eric Stuart Edwin Benjamin Daniel Paul Mark Tony Dawn Elizabeth Simon John Anthony James Joyce Margaret Roger Hastings Bethany Eloise Nicola Marie Mark Geoffrey Adam Thomas Harry Ian Michael Georgina Catherine David Colin Lisa Jayne Peter Sandra Ann Steven Michael Josephine Mary David Lewis Steven Catherine Jane Christine Ann Ian James Jack Samuel Sam Helen Sarah Andrew David David Thomas Carol Evaline Phillip Edward Matthew James Melanie Sandra Alice Mary Sidney John Jacqueline Mary River Dawn Michelle Paul Martin Thomas Kirsty Marie Christopher Paul Sue Violet Paul Diane

Govan Graham Gratton Greatorex Greatorex Greatorex Greaves Green Green Green Green Green Greengrass Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Greville Grew Griffin Griffith Griffiths Griffiths Grimshaw Groom Groom Grounsell Groves Growcott Growcott Guest Guite Guite Hackford Hadley Hadley Hagin Hague Hainsworth Halford Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Halliwell Halls-Jukes Hallsworth Hallsworth Hallsworth Hallsworth Hamilton Hampson Hampson Hancock Hancock Hanks Hanks Hannak Harbey Harbey Harding Hardwick Hardy Hardy Hardy Hare Hargreaves Harper Harris Harris

Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Treasurer District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member County Assistant Commissioner Group Executive Committee Member Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Skills Instructor Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant Group Chairman Group Section Assistant Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Local Training Manager District Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Assistant Commissioner - Special Needs Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Chairman County TSA Council - Nominated Youth Representative Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Late Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member County Trainer Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Chairman Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Assistant Commissioner International Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Badge Secretary District Treasurer Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Assistant Commissioner - Activities Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts Group Executive Committee Member County Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Treasurer Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts County Training Adviser District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Secretary Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Executive Committee Member Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Secretary Group Treasurer Group Treasurer Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Administrator Section Assistant - Cub Scouts County Trainer

Ms Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mr Dr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Ms Mr Ms Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr

Susan Caroline Ricky John Roger Brian Leslie Lynne Margaret Sam Derek Chloe Francine Kevin Ross Delia Ann Susan Andrew David Charles Denise Antony David George David Jonathan Christopher Charles Elizabeth Anne David Samuel Frank George Natalie Michael Frederick Kelly Nicole David Michael Paul Katherine Ann Anthony Mark Bernadette Andrew David Kirby Steven Kevin Michelle Louise Christopher Kathleen Ann Philip John Philippa Tom Jasper Peter Edwin James Howard Joanna Evan Lugh Clive Ellis Lisa Michele Richard David Cheryl John Karen Margaret Kevin James Stephen Norman Felicity Jane Paul Henry Rosalind Joan Evelyn Rita Kevin Michael Lisa Michelle Neil Heather Angharad Stephen Tracey Ann Matthew Samuel Anthony Philip Liam Joseph Nicholas Peter Brinsley Anne Marie Gordon Robertson Ellis May Jordan Hannah Terry Jonathan Wayne Darren Christopher Peter William Barbara Toni Beverley Denise Robert Edward Adrian Kenneth Felicity Claire Peter James David John Christopher Michael

Harris Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Hart Hart Goodman Hartshorne Harvey Harvey Harvey Haslett Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkridge Hawkridge Hawley Hawley Hawley Hayden Hayden Hayes Hayes Haynes Haywood Hazelhurst Healey Heath Heath Heath Heathcote Heeley Heeley Henchliffe Henderson Henshaw Henshaw Herbert Herbert Hesketh Hesketh Hewitt Hexter Hexter Heydon Hickin Hickinbotham Hicking Hicking Hierons Hilditch Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hilton Hilton Hilton Hind Hind Hinde Hitchcock Hithersay Hobson Hobson Hockram Hodges Hodgkinson Hodgson Hoe Hogg Hogg Holdsworth Holling

County Training Manager Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts District Explorer Scout Administrator Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member County Secretary Section Leader - Scouts District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts (Yng Leader) Group Executive Committee Member Group Chairman County Treasurer Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Section Assistant - Scouts Section Assistant - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Treasurer Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts (Yng Leader) County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Chairman Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scouter County Deputy Commissioner District Camp Warden Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Assessor - Climbing and Abseiling - Natural Lead Climbing Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Occasional Helper County Occasional Helper District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Treasurer District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Network District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Executive Committee Member Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer District Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Section Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Section Assistant Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Executive Committee Member County Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts

Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Dr Miss Miss Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Miss Ms Mr Mrs Mr Mr Ms Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr

Claire Stuart John Carol Jane Lesley Jane Pete Lesley Ann Edward John Sydney Gareth Peter Mark Christopher Keith Margaret Edna Michael Carole Elaine Ellie Mae William Carey Gemma Elizabeth David Anthony Sarah Louise Katharine Michael James Richard Robert James Aaron James Jessica Ellen David Richard John Jeremy Noel Lesley Therese David Robert Jodie Marie Marie Scott John Robert Jean Gillian Mary Andrew Jonathan Wendy Ann Ashleigh Jade Karen Elizabeth Paul Fiona Margaret Stephen Mark Emma Louise Paul Spencer Kirsty Anna Wendy Patricia Margaret Frank Alan Travis Edward Megan Rose David Paul Kay Stuart Anthony Kevin Paul John Joseph Reading Gillian Elizabeth Philip Kenneth James Peter Thomas David Jennifer Irene Ian Robert Scott Robert Herbert Arthur David Beryl Lesley William Benjamin Grant Dorothy Ellie Ian William Thomas Dawn Theresa Deanna Ian Michael John Stephen Paul Susan Mary Emma Victoria David Steven Raymond Karen Thomas Edward

Hollings Hollingworth Holmes Holmes Holmes Holt Holwell Hone Honey Hooley Hooley Hooper Hopewell Hopkins Hopkinson Horne Horner Horobin Horrod Horrod Horsley Horsley Horton Horton Horton Hoskins Hough Hough How Howard Howard Howarth Howarth Howarth Howe Howe Howe Hoyes Hoyes Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hufton Hufton Hufton Hufton Hughes Hughes Hughes Hume Humpage Humpage Humphrey Humphrey Hunt Huntington Hurst Hurst Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutton Hyde Hyde Innocent-Cresswell Inskip Insley Irlam-Carter Irons Irwin Ives Smith Jackson

County Training Adviser Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Group Secretary Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Vice President District Appointments Secretary Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Supporter District Supporter Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Training Adviser District Scout Active Support Member District Explorer Scout Commissioner District Scout Network Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group President District Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Scout Leader Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Administrator Group Chairman Group Supporter Group Supporter Group Scout Leader Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts County Trainer District Supporter District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member County Training Adviser County Assessor - Dinghy Sailing - B2 Waters District Appointments Advisery Committee Member District Scout Active Support Manager District Secretary District Scout Active Support Member Section Assistant - Cub Scouts District Vice President Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Appointments Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Assistant - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Assistant Camp Warden Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Secretary Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts

Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Miss Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Dr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

Penny Irana Adam Reginald Philip Reginald Robert Paul Allan William Kathryn Ann Margaret Irene Roland John Marilyn Susan Jane Colin Richard Nicholas Peter Emily Louise Lesley Lyn Thomas Huw Robert Alan Terence Malcolm Nicolas Keith Matthew Sharon Erica Stuart Michael Stuart Carole Ann Peter Christopher Ian Samantha Kate Jacqueline Wendy Elizabeth Paul Richard Rebecca Louise Michael Richard David Rachel Louise Dulcie Anne Alison Jane Ashley David Donald Hugh George Edward John Benjamin Daniel Glyn Yvonne Grahame Morris Andrew Lloyd Gareth Peter Dafydd Steven Alan John Charles Ian Mark Michael Alexander Emma Leanne Justine Carrie Nathan Daniel David James Elaine Mary David Robert Jake Thomas Philip Haydn Thomas Sarah Ellen Jacqueline Rhonda Kay Andrew Miles Jeanette Frazer James Patrick Deborah Anne Michael Anthony Stephen John Christopher John Oliver Samuel Donald Anthony Gordon Susan Mary Robin Stephen Paul Michael Dennis Adrian Mark

Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jacobs Jacques Jacques Jacques Jakes Jakes Jakins James Janes Januszewski Jarvis Jeacock Jenkins Jenney Jennings Jephson Jerram Jervis Jinks Joel Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Judge Judson Judson Jury Karagkevrekis Kaye Kean Keane Kearney Keegan Keighley Keirl Kemish Kemp Kendall Kent Kent Kent Kent Kerry Kerry Key Key Key Kibble King Kirkbride Kirkham Knott Knowles Knowles Koe Kohrs

Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Network District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader Section Leader Group Chairman Group Scout Leader Group Scout Leader Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Skills Instructor Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Group Supporter Group Treasurer Group Supporter Group Section Assistant - Group Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Commissioner District Asst Commiss (Section) - Beaver Scouts District Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Beaver Scouts Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Assistant Camp Warden Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Executive Committee Member Group Chairman County Media Development Manager Section Assistant - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Group Scout Leader District President Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Scout Leader

Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Dr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

Sarah Jane Samuel James Rebecca Frances Willa Ashleigh Jonathan William David Alexander Shane Geoffrey Peter Andrea Leigh Paul Lee Alan Gillian Elizabeth Rachael Ann James Robert Marilyn Margaret Jane Katherine Anne Matthew Kevin Barry David John Patricia Ann Lynne Irene Carl Bridget Rachel Jane Bryan Leigh Jacob Lisa Sian Benjamin Thomas Ashley Gary Weston Bernard Steven Paul Alan John Jane David John Karl John Vivienne Freda Alison Philip Edward Brian Walter Wendy Philip Jeffrey Philip Simon Sarah Louise Lesley Ann Aidan Paul Suzanne Vera Rebecca Louise Robert Anne Margaret Clare Phillip Bryan Deborah Ann Anne Elizabeth Vincent John Matthew Richard Carol Laura Imelda Mark Stephen Antony Mark Peter Ben Eldon Alison May Christine Dunbar Michael John Emma Louise Jo-Anne Patricia Christine Stephen Tracy Marie Tish Des Michael Oswald Helen Vicky Andrew Mark Stephen David David Roderick Scott Andrew Mark Christopher Edward

Kohrs Kohrs Krassowski Laidler Laird Lale Lamb Lambkin Lambourne Land Land Land Lane Lane Lane Lane Langham Langley Langley Langley Langley Langton-Leivers Lansley Lapworth Last Latham Laver Lawrence Laywood Le Blond Leatherland Lee Lee Lee Lee Leeke Lees Lees Legood Leiter Leivers Leivers Leivers Lenaghan Lenaghan Lester Lever Lewin Leyland Lilley Lilley Lindsay Linsdell Littlewood Livings Lloyd Lloyd Lodde Loftus Loftus Loftus Lomas Loney Long Lowe Lowe Lugg Lugg Lugg Luxton Luxton Lynch Lyndon Lyon MacAlister MacAlister MacAlister MacIejewski Mackervoy Mackey

Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Network Section Leader Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Group Scout Leader Group Section Assistant District Executive Committee Member Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Section Assistant Group Supporter Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Chairman Section Assistant - Cub Scouts District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Secretary Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Scouter - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Assessor - Hillwalking - Terrain 2 Summer Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer District Commissioner District Camp Warden Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Group Chairman County Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Deputy Commissioner - Programme District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Manager County Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts District Commissioner (Acting) Group Administrator Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Appointments Advisery Committee Member District Scouter - Cub Scouts District Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts. Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter Group Executive Committee Member Section Leader County Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member County Asst Commissioner (Section) - Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts

Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Miss Miss Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Dr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Unknown Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Mrs

James Rachael Paul Adam Nicholas Arthur James John Robert Claire Neil John Margaret Joan Richard James Hilary Anne Christopher John Michelle Justin Avril Dawn Ian Norman Christopher Leslie Andrew Peter Helen Robin Stephen John Adrian Benjamin Howard Bernard Peter Melanie Jane Gillian Stephen James Craig Nathan Katherine Elizabeth Dawn Jake Luca Susan Mary Adam Neil Sophie Alicia Joan Lyndsey Michael David Nicholas Anthony Philip James Diane Shaun Andrew Brian Coomer Paul Francis Elizabeth May Patricia Lois Joanna Marie Reginald Trevor Wilfred Teresa Nicola Dawn Sean Darcy Lorraine Susan Andrew David Bethany Charlotte Ashley James David Francis Gary Mary Patricia Peter John Barney John Randall Mary Darren Richard Patricia Linda Andrea Keith Edward William Ian Richard Dawn Paul Michael Harvey Carl Patrick Robin Christine Hazel Rachel Susannah Frederick John Jane Elizabeth Ruth

Macro Maddison Maddison Maddox Maiden Maine Malam Malam Mallender Mallender Mallender Maltby Maltby Mann Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Margett Marples Marriott Marriott Marriott Marriott Marriott Marriott Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marshall Marshall Martin Martin Martin Marvin Marvin Marwood Marwood Maskrey Maskrey Mason Mason Massey-Beeston Matthews Matthews Maydew McCabe McCarthy McGing McGing McGoldrick McKinlay McLocklin McManamon McMylor McNamee McNaught Medcalf Meek Meggitt Megson Melling Mellor Mellor Mellor Mellor Mellor Mellors Mellors Mellors Mendonca Merrifield Meyers Middleton Miles Miles Mill

District Scout Network Group Executive Committee Member District Explorer Scout Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scouter - Cub Scouts District Executive Committee Member Group Section Assistant Group Treasurer Group Secretary Group Scout Leader District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Scout Active Support Member County Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Administrator Assistant Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Scout Network District Scout Network Member Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Secretary County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Network Member County Scout Active Support Member County Training Adviser Group Chairman Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Appointments Chairman Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Administrator Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Skills Instructor District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Network County Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Group Scout Leader District Appointments Advisery Committee Member District Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scouter - Beaver Scouts Group Section Assistant District Scout Active Support Manager District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member

Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Dr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Ms Ms Miss Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Ms Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Ms Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs

Amy Leanne Sarah Joy Patricia Ann Paul Mathew Paul John Christine Evelyn Michael Paul Adam Clare David Paul Gareth James Ned Joseph Raymond Megan Rose Susan Andrew John Timothy Charles David Ronald Christopher James Paul Andrew Robert Kevin Eric Richard Emile Kevin Donald Richard Stuart Joshua Thomas Suzanne Janine Elaine Rebecca Katherine Diane Matthew Keith Rebecca Elizabeth Matthew Robert Nicola Frances Thomas Michael Rebecca Lesley Veronica Karen Fiona Tracy Helen Anne Nigel John Megan Ian Duncan Miles Andrew Donald Henry Violet Marion Amelia Paul George Colin Edward Paula Thomas Colin Andrew Marie Anne Sandra Ann Emily Jaine Sarah Jayne Rosalyn Stephen James Joseph Peter Martin Penelope Louise Richard Elizabeth Sarah Diana Rosemary Matthew Edward Mary Linda Chris Trevor John Charles Sarah Louise Richard Kenneth Juanne Mary Jay Charles William Abigail Joan Joseph Thomas Wendy Deborah Sarah Wayne Neil Sam Simon Peter Joy Dawn

Millhouse Millican Millington Millington Millman Milner Milnes Milsom Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Molloy Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moran Morley Morley Morton Mosedale Moseley Mosley Mossford Mould Mountney Mousley Muir Muir Mullen Mullen Murfin Murphy Musgrove Mustafa Muxlow Needham Needham Nelson Newburn Newham Newing Newman Newsham Newton Newton Newton Nimmo Nimmo Nix North Noy Nunn Nunn Nuttall Oakland O'Brien Ogan Ogle O'Halloran O'Halloran-Brown O'Halloran-Brown Oldale Olinski Oliver Oliver Oliver-Jones Oram O'Reilly O'Reilly Orwin Osman Oxley Palmer Pank Parfitt

Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District President Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer County Assessor - Climbing and Abseiling - Natural Lead Climbing County Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts County Deputy Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Section Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Explorer Scout Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts District Appointments Chairman Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Section Assistant - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Network Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Administrator District Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Supporter District Scout Active Support Member County Training Adviser District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts District Appointments Secretary Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scouter - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Scout Leader Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Badge Secretary Group Treasurer Group Section Assistant Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Section Assistant - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter

Mr Mr Ms Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Ms Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Miss Mrs Miss Mrs Mr

Murray Neil James Elizabeth Joy Sharon David Alan Susan Elizabeth Barry Graham Stephen Dennis David John Arthur Brian James Brett Diane Lee Tracey Craig John Arthur Natalie Suzanne Terence John Paul Louise Margaret Emma Jane Olivia Ellen Andrew John Wendy Hazel Jane Deborah Louise Jake Ashley Leslie Sam Richard Justine Vickie Louise Adrian Albert Ian John Edward Samantha Emma Edward Thomas Susan Christopher James Jeanette Sonnie Albert Brian Anthony Catherine Lucy Rodney David William Catherine Ann Mary Josephine Martin Denis David Simon Joan Lesley Richard Alexander Laura Elizabeth Sharon Brian Ronald David Charles Ian David Joseph Edward Alan Charles Vicky Anne-Marie Callum Charles Richard John James Michael Jamie Darren Sophie Elizabeth Rachel Margaret Elizabeth Shirley Gail Victoria Louise James Marilyn Avis Kenneth Neil John Paul Andrew John Alan Rachael Claire John Donald Laura Marie Jane Louise Tina Louise Rita Michael Alan

Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parkin Parkin Parmley Partington Patrick Patterson Paxton Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Peake Pearce Pearce Pearson Pearson Pearson Pegg Perkins Perkins Perkins Perks Perry Petcher-Ellison Phillips Phillips Phoenix Pickers Pickford Pilling Pilling Pinney Pitts Platts Platts Plummer Pollard Pollard Pope Porteous Porter Potter Potts Poulsom Poulter Powers Poyser Poyser Press Preston Preston Preston Price Price Priest Priestley Priestley Prince Pritchard Proudlock Pye Pye Queening Quinby Radcliffe Rains Raisin Raisin

Assistant Group Scout Leader Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Co-ordinator District Scouter - Scouts County Deputy Commissioner District Commissioner Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Scouts Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Group Administrator Assistant Group Scout Leader Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Training Adviser District Scout Active Support Member Group Scout Leader Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Supporter Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Skills Instructor District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Appointments Secretary Section Leader - Scouts District Scouter - Beaver Scouts County Trainer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Secretary County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Executive Committee Member County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Explorer Scout Administrator Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Nights Away Adviser - Nights Away - Greenfield Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer Group Supporter Group Supporter Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Asst Commiss (Section) - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Group Secretary Assistant Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Scout Leader County Occasional Helper Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Section Leader - Scouts

Mr Mrs Mr Mr Ms Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Ms Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Dr Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Dr Major Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Ms Mrs

Daniel Donna Andrew Keith Teresa Mary William James Jennifer Brenda Paul Ian Rebecca Louise Suzanne Victoria Charles Anthony John Samuel William Paul Christopher Michael Alan Zak Nigel Emily Jayne Paul Philip Susan Louise Royce David Allan William Brian Timothy David John Irene Pearl Rebecca Ann Joshua Charles Jonathan Charles Valerie Gareth Lee Mark Ian Peter Stanley Karen Rachel Claire Catherine Alan Paul Paul Jeremy Joy Valerie Karen Dawn Stephen David Carole Patrick Alvan Stewart Patrick Simon Roger Frances Alice Jacqueline James Edmund Donna Joanne Robert Ian Timothy Robert Neil David Rachel Elizabeth David Anna Peter George Graham Victor Sarah Louise John Neville Marion Nicholas Rex Trevor Robert John Jeremy Arthur Brenda Joyce Elizabeth Claire Robert Bradbury Alan John Harry George Andrew John Susan Elizabeth John Wilfred Chris Anna Louise Thomas Peter Luke Andrew Anthony Elizabeth Ann Gwendoline Ann Robert Andrew Ruth Suzanne Margaret

Ramsbottom Ramsell Ramwell Randall Randon Ratcliff Ratcliff Rawlings Ray Rayson Rayson Read Read Read Reade Redfern Redfern Redmond Redmond Reeve Reid Reuss Reynolds Reynolds Rhodes Rice Rice Rice Richards Richards Richardson Richmond Ride Rigby Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Rimmington Roast Roast Roast Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Robertshaw Robertshaw Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robotham Robson Rodgers Roe Roebotham Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogerson Ronksley Roome

County Scout Network Administrator Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Group Section Assistant Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Section Assistant County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Group Scout Leader District Explorer Scout Commissioner District Scout Active Support Member District Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Chairman District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts District Badge Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Scout Leader Group Treasurer Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader Group Scout Leader Group Section Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Secretary District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts District Scout Network Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Executive Committee Member District Commissioner Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member District Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Vice President District Skills Instructor Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Appointment Certificate Recipient Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Executive Committee Member County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Section Assistant

Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Ms Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Ms Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Miss Miss Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs Miss Mr

Mark Andrew Gareth Scott Fiona Christable Andrew Trevor Gordon John Jean Frances Anthony Keith Claire Elizabeth Peter David Hayley Louise Christopher David Judith Emma Adrian Andrew Simon Pamela Leanne Linda Christopher Ian Anthony Carl Deborah Margaret Mark Stephen Stephen John Joyce Anne Sandra Tracey Darren Lowell Richard Michael Gareth David David John Alan Neil Amanda Gary Edward Thomas Neil Richard Andrew Vivienne Laurence Stephen David Michael Andrew Thomas Nicole Marie Pauline Ann Andrew Ian Paul Stephen Janet Mark David Nigel Charles Neville Joseph Alan Emma Jayne Tracy Amanda John Peter Kirsty Patricia Simon Nicholas Christopher Keith Douglas Brian Jonathan Mark Alison Georgina Allan Craig George Nigel Charis Rebecca Alexander Henry Matthew Alexander Andrew Trevor Andrew James Zee Hayley Paul Anthony Daniel Timothy Michael Robert Ralph Eric Robert Neil Maria Annette Elaine Richard Paul Charlotte Victoria Jeffrey Edward Beverley Caroline Kathy Simon Thomas

Roome Ropinski Rose Rothwell Roulinson Roulinson Roulstone Rouse Rouse Rouse Rowland Rowson-Jones Rudd Rudge Rumbell Rundle Rushworth Rushworth Rushworth Rushworth Rushworth Ryan Sadler Sainty Salt Salt Sandbach Sandbrook Sandbrook Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Saunders Saunders Saunders Savill Savill Saville Saville Saville Saxton Scarbrough Scarbrough Schofield Scholes Scurrah Seagrave Sealey Seaton Seeney Self Sellars Sellars Sellers Senior Sewell Sharlot Sharp Sharpe Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Sheldon Sheldon Shephard Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Sheppard Shipman Shipman Shore Short Short Shorthouse Shrewsury

Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Co-ordinator County Scout Active Support Manager Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Supporter Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Treasurer Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Secretary County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Adviser District Camp Warden Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Administrator County Training Adviser Section Assistant - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member County Young Spokesperson Group Scout Leader Assistant Group Scout Leader Assistant Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member County Training Adviser Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Local Training Administrator District Assistant Commissioner (Section) - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Supporter Group Skills Instructor Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Camp Warden Group Supporter County Training Adviser Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer County Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts County Trainer Section Leader - Scouts Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts Group Scout Leader District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts Group Secretary Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts

Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr

Richard Alan Monica Jane Stephen John Kevin Terence Angela Marie Anthony Kale Craig Nicholas Mark Robert Marcus James Mark Steven John Julie Amanda Karen Scott Louis Colin Lucy Ann Graeme Zoe Anne Heather Naomi Harold Bernard John Brian Pamela Mary Amanda Tony Angela Steven Warner Cheryl Ann David Christine Margaret Karen Michelle Donna Marie Michael Janet Barbara Eleanor Kate Sydney Arthur Lee Michael Neil Grant Peter Norma Richard Alistair Suzanne Steven Paul Andrew Charlotte Daisy Robert John Penelope Alan Frederick Katie Jane Tracie Margaret Laura Gary John Helen Louise David Richard James Adam Mark Kate Heather Louise Linda Michael Andrew Cheryl May Deborah Elaine Anne Robert Derek Geoffrey Eric Michael Emily Claire Sharon Marie Amy Maria Richard Ernest Roy Yvonne Jean Sandra June John Henry James Jennifer Rebecca Janet Shona Suzanne Thomas Joseph William William Allan Leslie Allan Tom Joseph

Siddall Siddall Sidebotham Silvers Simkins Simkins Simpkins Simpson Simpson Simpson Sinclair Skivington Slaney Slater Slater Slater Slater Smallman Smallman Smissen Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Sowter Sowter Spelman Spencer Spencer Spendlove Stafford Stafford Stafford Stafford Staniforth Staple Starr Starr Steeples Stenton Stephenson Stephenson Stevens Stevens Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stew Stewart Stewart Stirling Stock Stockton Stockton Stockton Stockton

Group Section Assistant Section Assistant - Scouts Group Scout Leader Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Chairman Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scouter - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader Group Scout Leader Group Supporter Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Assistant Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Training Adviser District Assistant Camp Warden Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Appointments Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Appointments Chairman Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Supporter District Scout Network Member County Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader County Assistant Commissioner County Trainer Group Supporter Section Leader - Explorer Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts County Manager of the Activity Permit Scheme District Scouter - Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader - Acting County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Commissioner Group Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts

Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Mr Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Baron Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Dr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Ms Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Ms Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr

Thomas Michael William Anthony Edmund Marjorie Linda Michelle Andrew Alex Sarah Rebecca Richard Hughes Andrew Wendy Jane Fiona Patricia Matthew Robert Walker Helen Louise Gary David Ian Mark Robert William Edward Kenneth James Alexander Joanna Elizabeth Katy Belinda Robert Patrick Sean Matthew Sarah Nigel Philip Julie Dawn Shaun Stephen Avryl Joan Helen Ruth Peter John Shirley Ann Denise Garry Mark Sarah-Jane Jozephina Irma Paul Colin Francis Steven David Thomas Gary Sarah Elizabeth Simon John Simon Philip Richard Simon Emily Philip Jonathan Karen Michelle Andrew Stephen Stephen Peter Joy Helen Joanne Martin Edwin Patricia Ann Kathryn Elizabeth Ian Musgrave Marilyn Diane David John Adam Paul Sally David Robert Marjorie John Edward Julie-Ann Callum David William Ann Elizabeth Denise Hazel Ann Moira Jean Anne Susan Stephen Harry Kenneth Alan Amanda Jane Sarah Katherine Raymond Michael Catherine Daniel Derek Arthur Janet Claire Louise John Frederick Christopher Thomas

Stoddart Stoker Stone Stone Stone Stone Stopford Storer Storm Stuart Styles Swain Swain Swain Swain Swain Swan Sweet Sweet Swift Swift Tallis Tann Tann Tanser Tanser Tattersall Tattersall Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Tebbutt Telford Temperton Temperton Temple Temple Templeman-Foster Templer Templer Templer Templer Templer Tennett Thacker Thomas Thomas Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thorne Thorne Thornley Thornley Thornton Thorpe Thorpe Tildsley Till Till Tilley Timby Timmons Tipping Tipping Tipping Tomkinson Tomkinson Tomlinson Toone

County Commissioner County Scout Active Support Member Group Scout Leader Group Section Assistant Group Treasurer County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader Group Secretary County Young Spokesperson County Local Training Manager Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Asst Commissioner (Section) - Cub Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Chairman District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Unit Assistant - Explorer Scouts Group Secretary Group Scout Leader Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Executive Committee Member County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Asst Commissioner (Section) - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Chairman Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Chairman District Scout Active Support Co-ordinator County Training Adviser County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Manager District Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Scouts County Training Administrator District Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Group Secretary Group Treasurer District Scout Active Support Member Section Leader Group Executive Committee Member Group President Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts County Scout Active Support Co-ordinator County Scout Active Support Member

Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Ms Mr Mrs Miss Miss Mr Mr Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Dr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Miss Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Ms Miss Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs

Sarah Ellen Martin Robert Richard Frank Jo Matthew Joseph Kelvin Sam Luke Lucy Joanna Mary Michael Alan Cheryl Clare Lucy Ann Edwin Stephen Marius Richard Lesley Ann Mark Gerard Claude Pierre Kathleen Elizabeth Anne Ruth Louise Miriam Michael Gordon Lauren Emma Sarah Martyn Dennis Matthew Nigel Jane Alison Julian Keith Holly Clare Mark Raymond David Andrew Craig Amanda Patricia Stephanie Dawn Barry Ann Christopher John Emily Louisa Christopher James Karen Michelle Zachary Nicholas Fraser Edward Frank Leslie Derek Brian Joan Elizabeth Jane Richard Ann Tara Jayne Heidi Lisa John Ronald Charles Matthew Steven Joanne Mary Claire Emily Keith Stephen Phillip James Kit Emma Jayne Lesley Jean Nicola Jean Nigel Ashcroft Peter John Stanbridge Peter Trevor Theresa Anne Paul Anthony Bernjamin Michael Andrew Gail Marie Amy Diane Mark Philip Michael John Shirley Treasurer Sandra Jane Cooper Paul Douglas William Michael Susan Frances David Peter Margaret

Tooze Treece Trevena Troth Troth Truman Tucker Tuckwood Tuckwood Turner Turton Turton Twigg Twite Upton Vale Varin Veale Vernon Vernon Vick Vickers Vince Waddington Wainwright Walden Walden Walden Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walsh Walsh Walters Walton Walton Walton Walton Warbrick Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Wasley Waterfall Watkin Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Weald Wearden Weatherhead Webb Webb Webb Webster Welden Welden wells West West Wetton

Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Treasurer District Scout Active Support Member Group Supporter Section Leader District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Group Chairman Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Network District Scout Network Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Scout Leader County Camp Warden Section Leader - Scouts Group Chairman County Assistant Commissioner Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Skills Instructor Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Assessor - Hillwalking - Terrain 2 Summer Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Scout Leader District Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Member County Safeguarding Awareness Co-ordinator Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader - Acting Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts District Scout Network Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Section Assistant Group Section Assistant Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Group Chairman Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member County Supporter District Scout Active Support Member County Assessor - Kayaking - Open Inland B1 Waters District Assistant Commissioner Group Executive Committee Member Group Scout Leader Assistant Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts

Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Mr Dr Mrs Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Dr

Ryan Leigh Dawn Patricia Rose Lyn Charlotte Jane David Michael Timothy John Rebecca Vincent John Vicky David Geoffrey Neil Peter Mark Allan Roger John Neil Douglas Joel Alfred Graham Ben Simone Emily Katherine Sheyanka Maryanne Perera Paul Brian Andrew Paul Jane Lilian Stuart Michael Christopher Charles Richard Paul Richard Spencer Michael Leslie Karen Alison Joan Paul David Christopher Andrew Christine Ann Wendy Ann Kevin Richard Arthur Carole Darren James Alan Patrick Colette Louise Keith David Hannah Elsie Margaret Andrew David Richard Amanda Robert Hazel Thomas Philip Wendy Jillian Nigel John Paul Anthony Angela Jane Gregory John Charlotte Hannah Marie Louise Louise Anna Timothy Hinch Suzanne Margaret Eileen Elizabeth Jessica Christopher David John David Brian Arthur David William Roger Bramwell Thomas Robert Neil Ashley James Maralyn Georgina Aaron Glynn Neale Marcus Neale Robert Paul Norman Mark Nicolas Gyles Phillip Alexander Samantha Jane

Wheatley Wheeldon Wheelhouse Whelan Whelan Wherly Whibberley White White White Whitehall Whitehead Whiteman Whittle Whitton Whitworth Widdowson Wiggins Wiggins Wijegoonewardene Wildey Wildey Wilkes Wilkin Wilkins Wilkins Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Williams Williams Williams Williamson Williamson Wills Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Winder Winebloom Winfield Winrow Winrow Winson Winstanley Winter Winter Withey Withnall Withnall Wolverson Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Woodhouse Woodhouse Woods Woods Woods Woodward Woodward Woollands Woollands Woollands Woollands Woollands Worrall Wren Wright

Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Training Adviser Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Scout Active Support Member Group Executive Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Communications Manager - Media Development Manager Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Chairman Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Supporter District Appointments Secretary County Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Occasional Helper Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Group Scout Leader District Scout Active Support Member County Scout Active Support Member Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Scout Leader Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts County Scout Active Support Member District Scout Active Support Co-ordinator Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Vice President Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts District Badge Secretary Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Group Scout Leader Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Member Group Treasurer Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Appointments Advisery Committee Member Assistant Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Network Group Secretary Group Treasurer Group Section Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts District Assistant Commissioner - Development Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Active Support Manager District Camp Warden Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Assistant - Cub Scouts District Executive Committee Member District Scout Active Support Member Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Section Leader - Scouts County Assessor - Hillwalking - Terrain 2 Summer Group Executive Committee Member

Mrs Mrs Mr Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mrs Mr Mr Mr

Sheila Ruth Mary Andrew Mark Anthony David Joseph Kerryn Anne Joanne Matthew James Colin Charles Katrina Frances Ian James Richard Michael Jennifer John Richard Alexander Iain Andrew

Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wyatt Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yeomans Young Young Young Zwolinski

Group Supporter Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Scouts District Scout Network Group Supporter Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts Section Leader - Explorer Scouts Section Leader - Scouts Assistant Section Leader - Beaver Scouts County Local Training Administrator District Assistant Commissioner - Activities Assistant Section Leader - Cub Scouts

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