K.Scout December 2014

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Derbyshire County Scout Council Newsletter December 2014

Inside This Issue…

• Denmark Explorer Belt Report

• Jamboree Update

• Tom’s Turn

• Sectional Branding & Badges

• Beaver Bonanza Report

• 2015 Meeting Dates

N TOM’S TUR Well here we are at the back end of yet another amazing year for Derbyshire Scouting. As I hope everyone knows by now K. Scout is more about celebrating those brilliant successes Derbyshire Scouting has had in the recent past and perhaps a few dates about what is coming up. K.Plus is the near weekly E mailed publication for what is happening in the near future. Since the last K. Scout in May boy have we had something to shout about! The BIG shoot, a great week-end for loads of Scouts, brilliantly pulled together by Gill, Chris, Tim and many others. Spring Bank Camp again a massive team effort at Drum Hill to give a brilliant time to some 1300 Scouts. The County AGM with Steve Judge telling us of his remarkable journey (he is in Mexico currently telling his story). Shambles ESU with their DC Andy Brewster completing the three peaks challenge and have the blisters to prove it. I could go on and on with what YOU have been doing by way of offering exciting Scouting to our

young people. New Explorer units in East Scarsdale, Ripley & Heanor, Derby South, Belper, new Beaver colonies as well oops just did! Within all that has been going on there are a few even more stand out events, none bigger than Beaver Bonanza, an event that I personally think brings the County camp site alive. All those hundreds of Beaver Scouts running around laughing and shouting, what a day! A great credit to Joy and her team. It had the added bonus of the UK Chief Commissioner, Wayne Bullpit attending and having a rare chance to enjoy a Beaver Scout only event. The previous evening he met with the County’s DCs to hear first hand about Derbyshire Scouting, its joys and its issues. I just have to mention the Explorer belt expedition to Denmark, with a truly remarkable 33 belts achieved + 1 Danish achiever. 34 young people experiencing some difficult days and some brilliant days in hot weather but overcoming all to have a very memorable time. Great thanks

to the leadership team under Nigel and Julie Tattersall, James Stafford, Nicola & David Godwin under Ben Lee’s leadership who, like so many of you , gave up their holidays to make it happen, in this case some 3 weeks. We will be repeating this in 2017 as Peak makes 2016 a little difficult. Then I would hope it becomes a bi-annual event. As to the future, Sue and team are working on next years conference where we will be looking to the County development plan from 2016. Vision 2018 will form the

backbone of this plan. I hope it is on district agendas as to how we start to achieve some of the aims. Ask your DC for more information. Key starting point on the growth element is to ensure all sections have a minimum of 12 members. Do you? Just enough space to wish you all a very enjoyable Christmas and New year with your families, I am certainly looking forward to catching up with mine. Tom

st 2015

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Online bookings are now open, visit the website for more detials Join us at Chatsworth Park, Derbyshire for the adventure of a lifetime! Find out the latest news by following Peak2015 on twitter and facebook.






Derbyshire’s FIRST Explorer Belt Expedition During the summer of 2014, 33 Scouts from Derbyshire along with one Danish Scout took on the challenge and completed their Explorer Belt expedition as part of Derbyshire’s first Explorer Belt Award. This challenge of a lifetime took place over a 10 day expedition. The 11 teams moved around central and southern Jutland, Denmark. The teams were each given a starting point across the country and from there they all had to hike to Blavand on the west coast. It is a challenge that brings a real understanding of a different country, its people and way of life. The participants have developed an understanding by travelling through Denmark, working as part of a small team to complete a major project and 10 minor challenges and most importantly by meeting local people. It is an experience and an achievement that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Collectively they clocked up around 3500 miles over 10 days. Along with the 10 day expedition the Scouts also took part in various other activities and visited numerous other places including canoeing on the River Varde, a trip to Legoland Billund, a visit to Bork Viking centre and meeting up with Horne-Tistrup Scouts to finish off the Explorer Belt experience in Denmark. We believe in helping young people fulfil their potential by working in teams, learning and thinking for themselves. We give people of every background the chance to stretch themselves, learn new skills and make life long friends.

Interested? Join our Facebook group to be the first to hear about any future events: www.facebook.com/groups/ DerbyshireExplorerBelt2014


l l en a h c d e r f furry I am very pleased to report that nearly 50 colonies have completed the Mini Challenge to visit 5 Countries (one from each Continent) and to order and wear their Furry Fred Badge (hope you have spotted them on the uniforms of Beaver Scouts and their leaders). I am also delighted that nearly 30 colonies have gone on to complete the Midi Challenge – that’s 12 of Furry Fred’s missions!. Most of these Colonies will have been visited by myself or a member of the Bonanza Core Team before Christmas with a second certificate and a tasty treat. The final part of the Challenge was a Mega undertaking to achieve 21 of the 25 Missions. Amazingly, nearly 20 Colonies have succeeded. Tom and I (sometimes with Furry Fred too!). have been able to visit most of these supreme globetrotters to present their 3rd certificate and gift. Fred, Tom and I have enjoyed reading about all the different activities that Colonies have fitted in to their programmes. We have especially liked seeing the photographs and talking to the Beaver Scouts who have taken part. We have another 5 visits planned before Christmas. A reminder that the County Challenge ends on 31st December 2014. If passports showing completion of the MEGA Challenge

are sent to Furry Fred by the end of January, we will try and fit in a few final visits before Easter. Well done to all the leaders who took up the Challenge and congratulations to those who achieved the Mega level. We hope you will keep the Challenge book (and passports) as a resource for meetings in the future. My thanks to the Challenge Team – Mossy, Frankie, Anne and Sally who help to put the ideas and material together. Every colony visited has said how much they have enjoyed the varied selection of activities on offer. We should be very proud of the quality of resources that Derbyshire produces and the enthusiasm with which Beaver Scout leaders have carried out the missions. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with a chance to recharge the batteries ready to get back to having fun and making friends in 2015 which of course, is what Beaver Scouts (and their leaders) do best! Joy Templer – Acc Beaver Scouts

nza a n o b r e v bea On the 6th of July, over 1200 Beaver Scouts travelled to Drum Hill Campsite in Little Eaton to “Go Global” with Furry Fred. Members from 100 (of our 133) Colonies attended – a truly fantastic turn out!

The day started off with a short opening ceremony featuring Furry Fred (our Beaver Scout Mascot), Wayne Bulpitt (UK Chief Commissioner) and Tom Stoddart (County Commissioner). The Beaver Scouts then scattered to start exploring the four activity continents - Africa, Asia, Australasia and The Americas. In Africa, they were greeted by the beat of drums and had lots of fun tunnelling for diamonds, throwing spears, sliding down the river, camel racing and making masks and bead

bracelets . There was a “witch doctor potion” to try, the contents of feeley boxes to discover (if you dared!), a fireman’s pole to slide down and more! Over in the neighbouring continent (The Americas) Beaver Scouts limbo danced their way to the Bucking Bronco, braved the aerial runway, bear hunt and rope bridge before spending time panning for gold and shooting arrows. There was, of course, a lot more to do here but space does not allow me to add ALL of the fantastic activities. Lunch on the “European Cub field” was busy as Furry Fred fitted in as many visits as he could to Colonies who had achieved the Midi goal for Furry Fred's Global County Challenge. He handed out 15 certificates!! As you arrived on Drum Hill’s Scout field, you were greeted by a wonderful

nza a n o b r e v bea pioneered interpretation of Sydney Opera House which was the Gateway to Australasia. Here there was an opportunity to “cook on the barbie”, explore the Great Barrier Reef, play the didgeridoo and have a go at sheep shearing (don’t panic – they were chipboard sheep!) . You could try the jungle adventure course and dabble in aboriginal art, along with loads more activities including launching rockets and yet another black hole to explore. Finally, we get to tell you about Asia! You couldn’t miss the team who helped to create this Continent, they were dressed in beautiful red saris. Here, most Beaver Scouts couldn’t resist the chance to be a sumo wrestler! Some visited the “snow-dome” for a snowball

battle, others hunted yetis in the woods, played crazy crocodiles, went noodle and dragon racing, worked hard to build the Great Wall of China, floated boats down the river or just chilled out on the beach! The Closing Ceremony completed a fantastic day with lots of weary Beaver Scouts (and their leaders!) saying a big thank you and most asking if they could do it all again tomorrow! A really big THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this day so special for the Beaver Scouts. We hope that each colony will soon be receiving a DVD of photos from the day – our new media team took over3,000 so it’s taking a while to get them sorted! Joy Templer - ACC Beaver Scouts


updat n o i t c e s scout Chief Scout’s Gold Awards Our next presentation of awards is to be held again at the Winding Wheel, Chesterfield on Sunday 1st February. As I write this, we have 81 names thus far. Closing date for this will be 31st December. Invitations will go out the first week in January.

• • • •

managing to light without matches. Mountain Biking Cannons – like the military Edinburgh Tattoo! Circus Skills – Diablos, unicycles Bridge building pioneering

We were honoured to have our County Commissioner Tom Stoddart to present the trophy and certificates; he was particularly pleased to see so many volunteers, nearly 50 on the day, helping run the activities which were so well appreciated. Rampage 2014 Scouts from across Derbyshire took part in Rampage at the County Campsite at Drum Hill on Sunday 28th September. We had a full complement of 24 teams entered from right across the County. Teams of six Scouts in each team competed in activities at the eight bases.

• • • •

Abseiling & climbing Space Hopper relay Rifle Shooting Fire Lighting and boiling water – most even

Team Placings WINNERS 1st Chapel-en-le-Frith

611 pts

RUNNERS UP 1st Hathersage

593 pts

THIRD PLACE 10th Matlock

589 pts


updat n o i t c e s scout

vengeance! Records were also broke for the Scout & Leader team with 1st Chapel knocking 8 minutes off last year’s record time.

The 2014 Event We had an increased entry again this year with a total of 73 teams entered in the event – 38 in the Extreme and 35 in the Challenge. As I go around the County, it is good to see the Kinder purple T shirts in evidence at lots of events. Fastest time for the Extreme was 3 hours 43 minutes and fastest for the Challenge was 1 hour 48 minutes by 12th Halifax Sea Scout Explorers – knocking 25 minutes off the record. We seem to get faster times year on year! I did wonder last year would we ever beat the 2 hour time and indeed we have – with a

Please go to our website www.derbyshirescouts.org/ kinder for a complete breakdown of the results. My thanks are extended to all the many helpers on the event – Kinder Committee, Derby Mountain Rescue Team, County Team and fellow Scouters without whom we could not run the event. We do of course hope them all back for the 2015 event! Wishing you and your families a joyous and happy Christmas. Good Scouting Dave Dave MacAlister ACC (Scouts) E-mail: acc-scouts@derbyshirescouts.org

Saturday 21st March 2015


A challenging competitive event established in 1957 and organised by the Derbyshire Scout Association. The event is for teams of 3 or 4 over a distance of approximately 65 km over some of the roughest moorland terrain in Britain – the Peak District. Times for completion of the walk can vary from under 8 hours to over 20! We regularly field an entry of up to a 100 teams of 3 or 4 members. New for 2015 is the 35k event. This starts at the Snake Pass Inn and follows the same route as the 65k, finishing at Buxton. Open to members of the Scout and Guide Associations. THE ROUTE: Holmbridge (near Holmfirth), Black Hill, Bleaklow, Snake Pass, Kinder, Edale, Chapel, Cat & Fiddle, Buxton.

THE TROPHIES & ELIGIBILITIES: 65k EVENT ! Four Inns Cup Fastest team ! President’s Trophy* Fastest Scout team ! Eric Thompson Fastest Mixed team (open) ! Kim Gale Trophy* Fastest Novice Scout team ! George Keeling Fastest Novice team (non Scout) ! The Innsman Fastest team with all members over 50 years (open) ! Freda Thompson* Fastest Scout team – members under 25 years ! Derbyshire Plate * Fastest Scout team from outside Derbyshire ! Falcon Trophy Fastest all female team (open) 35k EVENT ! Four Inns Shield Fastest team of Scouts or Guides 14 to 17 with a Leader *Membership of the Scout Association is a prerequisite for these trophies.

HANDBOOK & BOOKING FORM: Available from www.derbyshirescouts.org/fourinns or e-mail fourinns@derbyshirescouts.org


ndin a r b l a n o w secti


The new sectional branding will be launched at the same time as the revised Programme and accompanying materials in early 2015.

There will be full artwork and templates at www.scouts.org.uk/brand In addition to the logo’s the Beaver Section welcomes some new characters: Harry (hippo) Harry is smart – he prefers quiet activities to physical ones. Kyla (kangaroo) Kyla is fun-loving, outgoing and makes friends easily – she’s up for anything. Tareq (turtle)

There is no fixed date for the current section brands to be phased out; materials should only be updated when they naturally come up for renewal, but it is hoped you will be inspired by the revised brands and want to use them.

Tareq is laid-back. He loves asking questions and is funny. Erin (emu) Erin is shy and unsure of herself in new situations but she’s also sporty and strong. They are accompanied by their leader, Bobbi

ates d y r a i d y 2015 count CC’s meetings – all at Alfreton FS Wed 7th Jan Wed 25th Feb Thurs 19th March Wed 29th Apr Wed 24th June Tues 15th Sept Thurs 8th Oct Wed 2nd Dec

Team Meetings Mon Sat Thurs

12th Jan Alfreton FS 9th May Swanwick 1st Oct Alfreton FS

County Executive meetings Tues Wed Tues Wed Tues Tues

27th Jan Alfreton 25th MarAlfreton 12th May Drum Hill 17th June AGM Sth Norm 22nd Sep Alfreton 17th Nov Alfreton

4 Inns Mon 19th Jan Alfreton Mon 9th Mar big meeting venue Mon 30th Mar Alfreton Mon 13th July Alfreton Mon 12th Oct Alfreton Details in italics to be confirmed

Finance Sub-Group meetings – all at Alfreton FS Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues

17th Feb – Full meeting 5th May 14th July 8th Sept 3rd Nov

District Commissioners meetings Sun Wed Sat

1st Mar Swanwick 1st Jul Alfreton FS 10th Oct Swanwick

Other Dates 17th –18th April – Conference 26th July-1st Aug – Peak Camp Tues 8th Dec – Xmas Soc & Awards

ADC Cubs Wed Thurs Thurs Wed Thurs

14th Jan Alfreton 30th Ap Alfreton 9th July Alfreton 23rd Sep Alfreton 26th Nov Alfreton





To make a positive difference in our local communities

To develop the active citizens of the future

Provide fun and adventure to young people

Q2. What do you think Scouting’s role is today?






To some degree


Q3. Do you think that Scouting is well understood by the general public?





Q4. Do you use the Scout logo and visual identity?

Brand survey conducted July/August 2014 Copyright 2014 The Scout Association Registered Charity number 306101/SC038437




outdoors challenging active community EDUCATIONAL Family Youth inspiring active Development rewarding Friendship Exciting Friends SKILLS exciting work challenge inclusive Outdoors Life learning empowering

Q1. What’s the one word you would use to describe Scouting?

In summer 2014 we asked 800 of our adult volunteers for their thoughts on who we are and what we do. Thank you to all those who responded (69% Leaders, 27% volunteer managers, 4% other, for example parents or professional staff).

Member brand survey results 2014


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