Initiating a Project
Prepare the Quality Management Strategy
Prepare the outline Business Case
Prepare the Communication Management Strategy
Plan the initiation stage
Set up the project controls
Create the Project Plan
Refine the Business Case
Prepare planned closure Report stage end
Assemble the Project Initiation Documentation
Update the Business Case Prepare premature closure
Prepare the Configuration Management Strategy
Select the project approach and assemble the Project Brief
Plan the next stage
Controlling a Stage
Update the Project Plan
Exception Report
Escalate issues and risks
Report highlights
Evaluate the project
Take corrective action
Review the stage status
Capture and examine issues and risks
Authorise Work Packages
Review Work Package status
Receive completed Work Packages
Cont in justi ued b fica usi tio ne n ss Busin e Case ss om rn fr Lea erience e xp
Work Package
the suit ent r to vironm o l i n a e T ect oj pr e ang Ch
anisation Org
Completed Work Package
New issue P: 1300 774 623
Execute a Work Package
Managing Product Delivery
Deliver a Work Package
k Ris
The swirl logoTM is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce.
Highlight Reports
y eb nag on Ma cepti ex
PRINCE2速 is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries.
Hand over products
Recommend project closure
Accept a Work Package Based on OGC PRINCE2速 material. Reproduced under licence from OGC.
Produce an Exception Plan
Managing a Stage Boundary
Checkpoint Reports
Closing a Project
Premature closure
Closure recommendation
Design and Appoint the project management team
Exception Plan requested
Authorise project closure
Prepare the Risk Management Strategy
Request to approve Exception Plan
Give ad-hoc direction
a Pl Progress
D ef es ined po ns roles i bi liti & es
Capture previous lessons
Request to approve next Stage Plan
Directing a Project
Appoint the Executive and the Project Manager
Authorise a Stage or Exception Plan
Closure notification
Project end approaching
Authorise the project
Project Board request for advice
Focus on produc ts
Authorise initiation
Corporate advice and decisions
Request for advice
Project authorisation notification
Stage boundary approaching
Starting Up a Project
Initiation notification
Request to deliver a project
Project mandate
Request to initiate a project
Manage by stages
TJ Process map method v2.0 2809