1 minute read
What market offers
15 $
It was detected that usually, people are carrying three types of cup-holder: simple plastic bag, a plastic carrier with handles suitable for a cup, specific capbag. Therefore, some popular shopping malls and online stores were researched to find any market proposals for this type of product.
It could be stated that there were not many exciting offerings. First, most of the items are just fabric bags, usually poor quality. Second, only one option was made of cork (as an alternative sustainable material), but still with not good quality. Third, the cheapest options (made in neoprene) are rarely presented offline, but online delivery (from China) takes a significant amount of time.
Overall, although plastic packaging is not welcomed these days in Bangkok, at the same time the well-established habit to carry cups from one place to another is seen, the niche of cup-holders is widely open.