FR Know & Go Vol 5|Issue 6

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Parkway School District - The Ridge Library Updates SLCL Winter Reading Club St. Louis County Library is pleased to offer our popular Winter Reading Club again this year to all ages. Winter Reading Club runs from December 1-February 28th.

Know & Go Updates @your Library

Teachers will be able to sign up and participate as a class. Contact the Youth Specialist at your branch for more information to get started. Teachers may request either group log sheets, for ages 0-11, or individual log sheets depending on which will work best for their classroom. Each classroom that completes as a class will be entered into a raffle to win a classroom set of books. If participating as a class does not work for you, please encourage your students to participate individually. Don't forget, teachers and staff can participate as well! For individuals, joining is easy: 1. Go to your local library branch starting December 1st and pick up your log sheet. 2. Kids (ages 0-11) color in a circle for every 15 minutes you read. Teens/adults (ages 12 and up) log titles of books you read. 3. Bring the completed log sheet back to your branch to pick up your coupon and be entered into a drawing for fabulous prizes. Kids' raffle prizes include board game pack, $20 movie theater gift cards, and family memberships to the Magic House. Teen/adult raffle prizes include Kindle Fires, $20 movie theater gift cards, and $50 Amazon gift cards. Visit for more details.

Library Services Volume 5 | Issue 6 Access audio & eBooks from any desktop, Chromebook, Tablet, or Smartphone.

Hour of Code The Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. The 2017 Computer Science Education Week will be December 4-10 or all year long if you choose. A Gearing Up for Hour of Code podcast by Casey Bell and Matt Miller shared various types of resources for this annual event.. Some of the featured content shared in the Google Teacher Tribe: ● Hour of Code – Dec 4-10, 2017 Hour of Code Tutorials ● CS EdWeek ● CS First: The CS First curriculum is free and easy to use — no computer science experience required! ● CS First is a free program that increases student access and exposure to computer science (CS) education through after-school, in-school, and summer programs. All clubs are run by teachers and/or community volunteers. ● Made with Code ● A Beginner’s Guide to Coding in the K12 Classroom ● Coding resources from Shake Up Learning ● Other coding resource curated by Shannon at SWM Ways to tie coding into your curriculum: ● Math and science: natural connections ● Social studies and English: logic/order in writing code is similar to making a case for writing an essay ● World languages: learning coding like a language ● Primary: fits in math and science, teamwork, problem-solving, etc.

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Open : Missouri Enter the School: Fern Ridge High School Click Login in the upper right hand corner Click on the Google SSO button, which is your Login using your Google username and password Scroll down the page to see what is available in print or digital

Curates Digital Resources & Tools Curates Digital Resources & Tools Spice Up Projects with Digital Sign Generators Looking to add a little flair to student words and presentations? Try a digital sign generator. It will make your titles and headings pop! Digital sign generators are just plain fun. And with a little creativity, you can turn these little oddball web tools into something useful. I know what you’re thinking: that is a pretty big stretch. But so untrue! Without much effort, you can easily spice up the following with a self-made title or inscription. Use these tools in Google Slides, HyperDocs, Student or staff congratulations, name tags, bulletin boards, blogs, websites, virtual courses, book reports, newsletters, green screen backgrounds or props, story starters, puzzles for a Breakout EDU or digital breakout game, and library advocacy and promotion. Digital Sign Generators Here are a few fun resources for digital sign generators to get you started: ● Inspired by the Netflix series, Stranger Things, Nelson Cash created a Strangify Title Generator ● Einstein Writing on the Blackboard ● Custom Medal Maker and Road Sign Bronze Colored Medal or Blue Road Sign ● Make an Eye Chart ● Two websites for designing your own “Breaking News!” or ● Atom Smasher Sign Maker has 12 signs that you can make. Caution, the Las Vegas Strip sign is probably not age-appropriate for students. My favorite three from this website include:Highway Sign Generator, Road Construction Sign Generator and Bar-B-Q Sign Generator

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Wigflip has a dozen different designs. My favorites here are the speech bubbles, motivational poster, green street signs, and the sticky notes. Addletters has Harry Potter, Disneyland, and the Wrigley Field Marquee generators. Caution! When I checked out this site, inappropriate ads were visible. With Image Chef, you have 45 options for creating digital signs. Classic choices available at RedKid.You can’t help but love Scooby Doo, Pink Panther, and the iPod Billboards of yesteryear. One more caution age advisory caution: on this site, you can make a sign with an Absolut vodka bottle.

To see more fun and creativity digital sign generators see the TechNotes Blog.

This Chrome Extension That Helps You Find Books to Borrow Library Extension is a free Chrome extension that will show you local library listings for the books that you viewing on Amazon, Google Books, Barnes & Noble, and other popular book retailer websites. Library Extension currently shows listings from more than 4,000 public library databases in the United States, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Australia.

Applications for Education Library Extension could be a useful extension for students who are using Google Books as a part of their research processes. The extension will quickly let students know if a book that they have found in Google Books is available to borrow at a local library. One drawback to the extension is that you can only view results from one local library at a time.

Instructional Partnership Resources #ParkwyReads Thinking Differently: Engagement vs. Empowerment In a recent blog post, The Principal of Change by George Couros, he shares Three Myths About Empowering Students in Schools Today. The idea is to push the idea of how important an “empowered environment” is to create, going beyond compliance and past engagement. As with any new narrative that comes into education, “empowering learners” has pushback in what it means for education, George dispels the myths around empowerment. Why empowerment over engagement? Empowered environments allow our connections and impact to move beyond the classroom walls and continue to be powerful, long after our students are out of sight. There is no better time to be in education than right now. Education is the bridge to so many opportunities for our learners. We must step aside as the gatekeepers and instead move next to our learners to take the journey together.

Best Book to Movie Adaptations for Every Grade Level As we know, the book is almost always better than the movie—but book-movie adaptations can be great for talking about how stories get translated into different forms Here are some favorite book-movie adaptations to use at every grade level.

Personalized Professional Learning

EdCampSTL February 10, 2018 8:00 - 3:00 Ritenour High School 9100 Saint Charles Rock Rd St. Louis, MO 63114 Click here for registration

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Compliance does not foster innovation. George Couros, The Innovator's Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity

Contact Information Bill Bass Innovation Coordinator: Instructional Technology & Library Media Twitter: billbass

Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code or

Kim Lindskog Library Support Specialist Twitter: klindskog Amy Johnson Digital Learning Specialist Twitter: ajohnson106

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