Parkway School District - The Ridge Library
Know & Go Updates @your Library
Library Services Volume 5 | Issue 7
Updates Recently I had the opportunity to present Hyperdocs, which is a method of delivering instruction, adding innovation, and inserting inquiry based learning through exploration in a topic within a shareable Google Doc. The presentation describes how to package it in various Google Suite tools, what the planning process looks like, and provides a wealth of resources to get started. It can be used in class, as a flipped class or as a way to organize student work flow among individuals, partners, or group work. Access audio & eBooks from any desktop, Chromebook, Tablet, or Smartphone. ● ● ● ●
Open : Missouri Enter the School: Fern Ridge High School Click Login in the upper right hand corner Click on the Google SSO button, which is your Login using your Google username and password Scroll down the page to see what is available in print or digital
Curates Digital Resources & Tools Curates Digital Resources & Tools
Direct from Richard Byrne - Five Favorites to Start 2018 1.
The beginning of the new year is when many of us set goals for ourselves. Flippity’s Progress Indicator template for Google Sheets provides an easy way to keep track of progress toward a goal. The template makes it easy to create a progress chart that will update whenever you update the data in your spreadsheet. In this video an overview of how to use Flippity’s Progress Indicator template is shown.
Toontastic 3D is a free app for creating animations on Android devices, iOS devices, and on some Chromebooks. In this video a tutorial on how to create an animated movie with Toontastic 3D.
Flipgrid is a great service for collecting video responses to prompts that you pose to your students. The basic idea behind Flipgrid is that it enables you to post a video prompt and then have your students respond through video by using the webcams in their laptops or through the cameras on their smartphones or tablets. All responses are collected and displayed in a grid format. Watch an overview of Flipgrid in this video.
Plum’s Creaturizer from PBS Kids is a free iOS and Android app that lets students create fun cartoon creatures then place them into outdoor settings through the use of augmented reality. The purpose of the app is to have students learn and show how the characteristics of an animal help it thrive in its environment. See the demonstration in this video.
Metaverse is a free platform that lets anyone create an augmented reality app. Metaverse’s programming platform is based on the premise of using a storyboard to outline the actions that you want your app to perform. You then connect each frame of the storyboard with action commands that you pick from a menu of action commands. The more scenes you add to your storyboard, the more options you can add to your app. Essentially, creating an augmented reality app through Metaverse is the same process as designed a good choose-your-own-adventure story. A video introduction to programming in Metaverse can be seen here.
Caption This! A fun, deep-thinking Google Drawings Activity In this ditchthattextbook blog post Laura Steinbrink and Matt Miller share four activities that are similar, involve different levels of thinking, and will keep students engaged all while using Google Drawing. Note that the Google Drawings tool is like a digital poster board or paper. Made for just one image. If everything you plan to do goes on one image then Google Drawings is perfect. The four activities are: Annotate, Caption This!, Caption This & Comment, and Picture This and Take a Stand. See how to do these activities, tips, and tricks at ditchthattextbook.
Instructional Partnership Resources #ParkwyReads Too Much Sitting? Five Movement Strategies That Get Students Thinking Each day more research confirms the link between movement and learning. However, many teachers struggle to integrate movement into the classroom. In this blog post from there are five strategies that teachers of any content area can use to integrate movement into lessons. When you have a lesson that looks “sedentary,” integrating one of these strategies will surely increase students’ learning and engagement.
A reading challenge can be simple, silly, serious, genre-based, or any combination of these and many other attributes.
Read more about gallery walks/chalk talks, whiteboard meetings, north pole-south pole/continuum, musical mingle, and stationsat
How To Scaffold Learning Through Station Teaching One movement strategy is stations, so what might that look like? Think about it in terms of the gradual release of responsibility (GRR) model where students move through four strategies: show me, watch me, help me, let me.
This approach requires unique classroom management strategies, precise time management, and a clear relationship between the design of each station and the learning objective itself. If you can meet these demands, station teaching can allow you to differentiate and personalize learning for students, meeting their needs while reducing your workload. In the blog the GRR model is explained, used at any grade level, and with a little tweaking, for any content area.
Go beyond the 2018 reading challenge (free printable pdf on site) and try out the 50 DIY reading challenges to make 2018 the best year of your reading life. Ideas include: Read 52 comics—one comic per week, pick ten countries you have always wanted to visit. Read one book that takes place in each of those countries, read a book for every letter of the alphabet. You can use the author’s first name, last name, or the title, and so many more.
Personalized Professional Learning
EdCampSTL February 10, 2018 8:00 - 3:00 Ritenour High School 9100 Saint Charles Rock Rd St. Louis, MO 63114 Click here for registration
Not going to METC? Follow the 35th annual METC conference on February 12-14, 2018 on Twitter at #METC18
For Fun @your Library 105 Oddball Holidays to Celebrate with Students. Click here to see the picture.
Visit the edWeb Calendar for upcoming free webinars. Now you can also easily search and view over 1300 recorded edWebinars.
Contact Information Bill Bass Innovation Coordinator: Instructional Technology & Library Media Twitter: billbass
Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code or
Kim Lindskog Library Support Specialist Twitter: klindskog Amy Johnson Digital Learning Specialist Twitter: ajohnson106
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