Know & Go Volume 5 | Issue 9

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VR Tour - Inside of Cells @ NEM

Parkway School District

Know & Go Updates @your Library

Library Services

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Volume 5 | Issue 9

Notes & Reminders Last Day to Purchase Using Library Services Budget

Answers to FAQs

In order to have all orders delivered, checked in, and paid by year end dates set by finance, the last day to purchase with LMS Budget funds is Friday, April 6th. If you need assistance, please contact Nancy

Library Services Site

#Future Ready Resources

District Surplus Property Procedure

Library Services Policies

Last year the BOE started requiring schools to track Parkway property removed from our schools. This of course includes weeded books and media. Basically, this means you will need to send Jim Hepler a brief email summary of the amount and type weeded when you want it removed, and he will update the district surplus property sheet to reflect this. Instructions and schedule for surplus property pick up can be found here. Great detail is not required, the number of boxes and a brief description of the media in each is enough. For example: 1 box of books, 1 box DVDs, 1 box mostly books with some VHS tapes. As a quick reminder, please use medium boxes, keep them under 50 pounds, and do not send them to Library Services.

Growth Measure Assessments It's that time of year again... Just as last year, we will be completing the 4th grade Growth Measure Assessment using the tool that we have used the last few years. The goal here is for 90% of your students to show growth over the course of the year. All material on this assessment are things that you cover throughout the course of the year so the goal is not to "teach to the test" but to be sure that students have a deep understanding of those topics so that they will do well and show growth in the post assessment. Please revisit these skills regularly with your students as they bridge most curricular topics since they are mostly about evaluating resources, research and other skills that we value. The Growth Measure Assessment window will be open from March 1st- April 20th. During that time period, EVERY 4th grader in your building needs to have taken the assessment. This includes students who are absent the day that you give it to a specific class so be sure that you keep track and get those who have missed the assessment at another time. Point your students to the following short URL and have them complete the assessment by April 20th. One more thing, it’s extremely important that your students get their student number correct.

(Schoolwires login required)

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Lib Prog Guiding Docs Folder Librarians List 2017-2018

Who To Call

Makerspace Ordering Sheet

Ordering procedures

Follett ordering w/screenshots

Follett Acct #'s

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Follett req Instructions Building budget

Sub librarian list

Sub Training Videos

Ordering/renewing databases HS only

Destiny FAQ

Free Lib Books @ Lib Serv

District Surplus Property Procedures

Record a PD event

Travel & Reimbursement (BOE) Guidelines

Personalized Professional Learning

#ParkwayReads Brightly... A Super Cool Site That Helps Us Raise Kids Who Love To Read! Do you follow Brightly? You can follow Brightly on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and a few other social places. Brightly looks to bring a dedicated resource for librarians, educators, and families. They focus on celebrating and embracing different kinds of readers, kids, and interests. On the site, users can find age-specific content; news about books and authors from across the children’s publishing world; articles on broader topics like reading aloud to big kids, why parents of teens should read YA, and even book recommendations for grown-ups.

The Turquoise Wedge Future Ready Library Framework The framework’s turquoise wedge is “Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.” To support curriculum and instruction, a Future Ready librarian work to build instructional partnerships and curate resources—two skills at the core of librarianship. There are many ways to partner with teachers at all levels, but one built in way is through Follett’s Collections by Destiny. To curate resources and support curricular objectives the Collections feature allows librarians to curate print and digital content in the library, databases the school owns, and free resources on the web, putting everything a student needs to find on a particular topic in one place. Collections has changed the way librarians and teachers partner on research projects. Rather than stumbling on questionable, biased, or inaccurate resources on the web, students use Collections built by the librarian and teacher to focus attention on specific learning goals. By continually creating Collections, librarians are instilling the use of the library management system as a trusted resource and driving students to other features within Destiny. As librarians embrace their roles as master curators, principals, instructional coaches, and teachers better understand how librarians can a be critical resource and model for students what makes a relevant and trusted resource. Read the entire blog post from Brittin Follett at

Are You a Curator or Dumper? . So we have talked about Collections, now let's focus on the information you want to share with other people, and develop our curation skills—both in terms of how much is offered and how it will be delivered. These two factors are going to make that sharing most effective. Why is dumping bad? When we dump a lot of information on a person at once, we are working against their brain. Cognitive load theory suggests that the brain can only take in so much at once. When we’re presented with a whole bunch of information, our brains have to ignore some in order to process the rest. Eventually, if too much keeps coming at us, we reach the point of cognitive overload, where we get more than we can handle. At that point, a lot of people just shut down, and even simple information can’t get in. Delivering our curated information needs to be completed with care and thought about what is presented. Our brains learn by grouping lots of pieces of information into groups and patterns—cognitive scientists call these patterns schemas—and connecting it to knowledge already have in long-term memory. Good curation takes piles and piles of information and selects only a few to represent an idea, a moment, or event. Then carefully arranges that information by starting with an introduction and providing users with meaningful context. Want to know what makes the difference in good curation? Read about scenarios that make curation meaningful for users at

Use of Space Professional & Time Personalized Learning 5 Ways to Boost Usage of Your Digital Collection ●

Add QR code to a posters, a bookmarks, a postcards, or a table toppers for your students to scan and easily access the content Create a symbaloo of digital options and share on your homepage, through a QR code, or in Google Classroom Create a YouTube playlist of resources and book trailers to include on your blog, website, Google Classroom, or to an online newsletter tool like Smore Point students to the Destiny Collections of genrefied book lists that represent your unique collections Change things up and make your book club digital

Adapted from

Empowers Students as Creators Truss Me Design and Test Weight-bearing Structures Truss Me is an app that students can use to design and test simple weight-bearing structures. Truss Me can be used in “challenge” mode or in “free play” mode. The challenge mode contains fifteen activities in which students are awarded points for strength and efficiency of their structures. For example, if a structure holds the weight but uses too many parts it doesn’t receive as many points as a structure using fewer parts while supporting the same weight. Structures that won’t work at all fall apart. Taken from

Free Teleprompter Is your school doing video projects or morning video announcements? Check out this free online teleprompter tool called CuePrompter. CuePrompter is a free teleprompter/autocue service. Your browser works like a teleprompter -no extra software needed. Free to use, just bookmark the site and come back whenever you need teleprompter services. Quick start Write or cut and paste your script into the browser friendly form . Press the button to start the prompter. If text needs editing, just close the prompter window and restart with the new script.


Empowers Students as Creators Makerspace Tune-Up In order to allow makerspaces to grow and evolve it is important to reflect on what is working, what needs attention, and what next steps might be. Reflecting on the library makespace is good any time of year depending on what you are looking to find out. Are you thinking about next year’s budget? Will your mission change next year? Have any materials worn out or lost their luster with students? Complete the checklist to help drive where it is that you would like to take your makerspace.

Builds Instructional Partnerships

Digital Citizenship Action Poster

Want to Engage Students With Digital Tools?

Based on the book Digital Citizenship in Action by Kristen Mattson, Ed.D., this fun, colorful poster ($5.22 member/$6.95 non member) highlights best practices for students to have productive conversations online. A great addition to any grade 6-12 classroom!

Media Mentor Month is for you! It is an initiative to help librarians/teachers/parents develop a positive relationship with students around digital technologies.

As conversations about digital citizenship evolve, it is currently about being in digital community with others. As citizens, we have a responsibility to give back to the community and to work toward social justice and equity. Digital citizenship curricula should strive to show students possibilities over problems, opportunities over risks and community successes over personal gain. In the book Digital Citizenship in Action, you’ll find practical ways for taking digital citizenship lessons beyond a conversation about personal responsibility so that you can create opportunities for students to become participatory citizens, actively engaging in multiple levels of community and developing relationships based on mutual trust and understanding with others in these spaces. Description from ISTE.

Just as we want to be mentors for our students in reading or having a healthy lifestyle, we also want to mentor them in their digital world too (see more details about being a Media Mentor here). The trouble is, sometimes we don’t know exactly how to go about that. Media Mentor Month provides educators/parents with some ideas and strategies to help foster and develop that relationship. Check out this calendar of activities at

METC Virtual Conference

Recorded session links: ● ●

METC 2018 Roundup

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Do You HyperDoc? Breakout EDU: What’s Inside the Box Doesn’t Matter Winning the Cell Phone Battle Blending Project Based Learning, STEM and Service Learning Future Ready Your Classroom with Chrome Extensions

Reaching & Engaging Gen Z through Technology It’s STEAM-y in the Library Many, many more

Creative Concoction Google, STEM, and Makerspace Gathering Evidence of Student Thinking Using Chrome Promoting Your Library in (Theta) 360 Degrees Mobile Photowalk: Bring Images into the Classroom

See Presentation links here

Personalized Professional Learning Google Certification Levels 1 & 2 Are you Googly? Do you want to be? Did you know that Google has an entire training program where you can get certified as a Google Educator? This course is online, self-paced, and is meant to get you to earn your Google Educator Level 1 Certification. In order to receive salary credit, you must pass the Google certification test and submit certificate to Amy Johnson. For level 2 there is a prerequisite: You must complete Level 1 Certification before you are able to complete the Level 2 Certification class.

Affton Google Show & Tell Affton School District will be hosting the Affton Google Show & Tell on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at Affton High School. The Affton Google Show & Tell is a free half-day event that focuses on all things Google in K12. This event will feature sessions by area educators using GSuite to promote student learning. There will even be open sessions for attendees to create their own sessions similar to Edcamp. Attendees may include teachers, administrators, district leaders, and library media specialists. Seating is limited Click Here to Register

Want to connect with other educators and transform learning? See upcoming spring learning opportunities offered through ConnectED Learning at

Parkway Credit One option for earning Parkway credits is to participate in webinars and events, such as Edcamps, SLAA events, makerspace open houses etc. In order to earn participation credits watch the webinar or go to an event, then record your participation at Remember that district credit is based on the number of clock hours that you participate. Credit is issued as follows: six clock hours will get you .5 credit and 12 clock hours will get you 1 credit.

Program Evaluation Guidelines Topic 1: Advocacy Parkway libraries will strive for clear communication of the role of school librarians. Topic 2: Responsiveness to Community Parkway libraries will be responsive to the community and have a finger on the pulse of each individual building. Topic 3: Instructional & Programming Parkway libraries will support classroom instruction and provide relevant, timely programming to meet the needs and interests of each individual community. Topic 4: Educational Leadership & PD Parkway librarians will strive to be seen as leaders in buildings and will have access to just in time, targeted professional learning for librarians. Topic 5: Library Physical Spaces Parkway libraries are multi-use spaces that are inviting and available for learners of all ages.

Contact Information Bill Bass Innovation Coordinator: Instructional Technology & Library Media Twitter: billbass Kim Lindskog Library Support Specialist Twitter: klindskog

Vendor Contacts:

Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code or

Undelivered Post Dispatch: Russell Ham Ebsco Host Misty Fields

Amy Johnson Digital Learning Specialist Twitter: ajohnson106 Back Issues of Know & Go: Current & Previous Years

Nancy Ikemeyer Administrative Assistant Twitter: NancyIkemeyer What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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