Know & Go Volume 4 | Issue 15

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Parkway School District Library Services

Volume 4 | Issue 15

Know & Go Updates @your Library

Friendly Reminder - EOY Meeting Thursday! The end of the year meeting will be Thursday, May 11th at 4:30pm in the SPARK classroom at Chesterfield Mall. SPARK is located at the north end of the mall. Use the mall entrance near California Pizza Kitchen. Also, be sure to please send the link to your end-of-the-year narrative to Bill and Kim. This reflection provides a great deal of insight to your individual school program and helps make connections across schools and other programs. Program Evaluation Update - Working Through the Data We are coming into the final stretch of program evaluation, the librarians group that has been working on this has devoted a lot of time, attention, and stamina to work through the data. The group met and recorded their predictions and observations of the data collected. Once the facts were observed, patterns, trends, and possibilities were documented as key findings. The next phase was to identify what items needed to be addressed based on what emerged and didn’t emerge for the the key findings. Those items were drafted into recommendations that are currently being looked at by the program evaluation librarian group. Timeline 2nd Draft Recommendations - May 10 - Presented for feedback on May 11 at end of year meeting Final Recommendations Completed - May 12 Board Report Writing - Week of May 15 Board Presentation - June 14 - Central High 7 pm Destiny Final Due Dates Set Jim set the final due dates in Destiny, which means that these dates will be the last possible day a book will be due, depending on patron type.For faculty members, the final day is May 25th. For students, May 11th. If you would like to move up these dates to an earlier time, you have the ability to do this. It's under Back Office --> Library Policies. Under Patron Type, change the Final Due Date for the ones you'd like. Contact Jim for help.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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Librarians List 2016-17 Who To Call Ordering procedures Follett ordering w/screenshots Follett Acct #'s Follett req Instructions Building budget Sub librarian list Sub Training Videos Ordering/renewing databases HS only Destiny FAQ Free Lib Book District Surplus Property Procedures

#ParkwayMakes Community Coloring… It’s the Rage! See the blog post Coloring tables/stations are a big hit among makerspaces. Libraries are making giant mural type coloring sheets that everyone can color and create on as a community. Many librarians are using the ColorMe! Murals site where they have over 70 mural choices. Other similar sites of interests are Pirasta...Really Big Coloring Posters,,, and many more on the vanmeterlibraryvoice blog . To take it a step further, students could create their own line drawings that could be then printed as a mural at Custom Wall Mural.

#FutureReady Empowers Students as Creators Makerspaces Encourage Students to Innovate and Build Critical Thinking Skills In this article, schools offer tips on setting up hands-on learning in all kinds of spaces.So far, most schools are seeing big benefits from their makerspaces. Students are learning how to think entrepreneurially and develop skills that are going to be invaluable. It’s like training today for jobs that don’t exist yet. Letting a student work in a makerspace is the best thing librarians can do to teach them some of the skills that are going to help him/her be successful wherever they end up. Makerspaces are changing the way students learn today and potentially how they live and work in the future, See all the tips and examples at

A Twist on the I Spy Game What if students were able to use all kinds of consumables and old magazines to create I Spy boards? Once created, other students could then try out their observations skills to location everything on the I Spy list. See more I Spy display ideas at

Makerspace Links ● ● ● ● ●

Library Services Makerspace Order Form Vendors List: Mobile Makerspace Kit Request Mobile Makerspace Site Mobile Makerspace Stories & Quotes What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

5 Ways to Use the Google Classroom About Tab

#FutureReady - Curates Resources & Tools Create free animated simulations with Loopy! Loopy is a free tool for creating your own animated simulations or illustrations of a concept. This free animation tool is designed to showing relationships between two or more parts of a system. It's perfect for showing cause and effect or for showing a workflow system. See the entire article at SLCL Know Your News Reference librarians at SLCL have presentations to share. The presentations are a nice complement to the information literacy lessons that we do as a library program. One of the main points is to teach students how to find/use the SLCL databases. They also provide handouts. Check them out at Thank you Amy Harness for sharing. Google Earth Lit Trips Lit Trips on Chromebooks with the New Google Earth Google Lit Trips have been a popular learning activity for many years. With the new version of Google Earth, they are now available for Chromebooks! Read more about Lit Trips at and then check out more about the update in the Google column to the right. ClassHook - Find Popular Movie & TV Media Clips It’s fun to use media clips with students and in presentations and this tool is sure to teach, engage and inspire. It is a way to engage learners and draw them into something special they recognize and find inspiring. What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

The About tab is where you add the details of your class including course description, syllabus, materials, invite co-teachers and more. The About tab also makes a great hub for year-round classroom resources, like schedules, important links and more. See the easy to read infographic at The new Google Earth is here and it's web-based! Recently introduced, a brand-new version of Google Earth—on the web and Android. With the new Earth, the idea is to open up different lenses for you to see the world and learn a bit about how it all fits together; to open your mind with new stories while giving you a new perspective on the locations and experiences you cherish. It’s has new ways for you to explore, learn and share. Zoom in and see what adventures await you in the new Google Earth. Read more at Google Sites Update Google has announced that they will eventually be discontinuing Classic Google Sites. There will be a process released to help migrate Sites created in the Classic version to new Sites which is accessible in Google Drive. Knowing that Classic Sites will be going away, it will be best to create any Sites from here on out in New Sites.

#FutureReady Build Instructional Partnerships Something to Share with Teachers 32 Educational Websites for Teachers

Collaboration & PD Stats Number of newsletter articles and tips based on professional learning of Future Ready and Project Connect topics: Leading Beyond the library ● Conference opportunities 4 ● Program Evaluation - 5 Partnerships ● SLCL -5, ISTE -5, Follett -5 Professional Development (events or conference sharing) ● Opportunities - Edcamps, conference resources social media groups, PIN,Google summit, ConnectEd events etc - 50 ● Google column - 75 ● Makerspace articles 9 ● Webinars 10 ● Innovation - 3 ● Future Ready - 3 Curates Resources & Tools - 75 Makerspace 8 Students as Creators - 15 Reading & Literacy Advocacy - 15 Learning Spaces - 5 Budget & Resources - 3 Digital Citizenship - 5 Average Librarian Visits and Collaboration over the last four years: 294 visits per year with 20533 minutes of collaboration.

Here is a handy infographic with 32 educational websites based on the Ultimate EdTech Chart published a few months ago. The infographic is arranged websites into 8 different categories and for each of these categories four websites were selected that best represent the selected content area. The categories we have included are : websites for language arts teachers, websites for math teachers, websites for science teachers, websites for physics teachers, websites for history teachers, websites for social studies teachers, websites for arts teachers, and websites for music teachers.

You can find all the links to the websites in the above chart. Enjoy!

Events @your Library May ● ●

May 1- 7 Children’s Book Week May is National Pet Month so celebrate being a participatory library by hosting a pet’s reading photo contest. Summer Reading Ideas What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

#FutureReady - Professional Learning Tips for Learning from Webinars Active participation makes a big difference… When registering for a webinar there are two thoughts that come to mind are you going to participate in the webinar or watch the webinar? When listening to a webinar you may get a few take aways but the value to the webinar changes when you participate. What does that mean? Be an active listener when you join a live webinar. Use the chat function to ask questions or add comments. As we tell our students, there are no dumb questions. A lot of times we can’t make it to a live webinar, but do still try to be an active listener and viewer of the recording. This means that there is a focus on the topic and our attention is not on emails or phone notifications. Generally notes are take and questions are crafted to send to the webinar presenter. The bonus of watching the recording is that it can be paused to think more deeply about the content being presented. Once the webinar is over try to act on the ideas that caught your attention as quickly as possible. Just like in a traditional classroom setting, it’s important to try for yourself what was just demonstrated for you. Once you have participated in a webinar, the participation isn’t over until you actually act on what I was just taught. Taken from the blog. Yes, Differentiation is Hard. So Let's Get Right. In this Education Week article, differentiation is addressed in terms of clarifying five of the most common misinterpretations of this teaching strategy. What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

#ParkwayReads Ideas for Kicking Off Summer Reading

With the end of the school year here, we are all thinking of ways to engage students and families in reading and stay academically active throughout the summer months. See the list of ideas to kick off summer reading from Shannon McClintock Miller.

Parkway Summer Reading Lists The Parkway summer reading brochures are under construction and will be available some time mid-May. We are waiting to include the the official lists from AASL.

#FutureReady - Personalized Professional Learning Parkway Credit One option for earning Parkway credits is to participate in webinars and events, such as Edcamps, SLAA events, makerspace open houses etc. In order to earn participation credits watch the webinar or go to an event, then record your participation at Remember that district credit is based on the number of clock hours that you participate. Credit is issued as follows: six clock hours will get you .5 credit and 12 clock hours will get you 1 credit.

EdWeb Webinars offer many free, relevant webinars. Check out their monthly calendar and register through They also have access to archived webinars that are also applicable.

Library 2.017 mini-conferences The topic for the second of three mini-conferences will be "Digital Literacy + Fake News," which will be held online (and for free) on Thursday, June 1st, from 12:00 - 3:00 pm US-Pacific Daylight Time . This event is being organized in partnership with futurist Bryan Alexander, who will serve as moderator for the opening panel and as the closing keynote speaker. Invited panelists and presenters will look deeply at the foundational relationship of libraries and librarians to media, information, and digital literacy. This is a free event, being held online. REGISTER HERE to attend live or to receive the recording links afterwards.Please also join the Library 2.0 network to be kept updated on this and future events. Parkway Summer Learning 2017 Professional Learning Course Guide for Summer 2017. To view courses, click on the tabs across the bottom of the spreadsheet after opening. Registration Closes: May 11, 2017 in Peers Access: 2017 Summer Learning Catalog Parkway Summer Learning Highlights 2017 Digital Learning Summer Development Opportunities ● Digital Learning Institute (SWM 8-3) on July 18th transformation and lesson design ● Google Academy (July 11 8- pm SWM) - How to

EdTech Update See additional webinars on Future Ready and Library topics through

MASL Summer Workshop This workshop focuses on “Primary Sources in the School Library: Using Library of Congress Resources and Strategies to Extend Missouri Student Learning. June 14-15, 2017 at Clayton High School from 9:00- 4:00 with lunch provided. The event is limited to 25 participants. Additional information, including registration for these events may be found on the 2017 TPS Summer Workshops page. What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Snapshots ●

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Augmented Reality sandbox at Craig Skype author visit at Highcroft New soft seating at Wren Librarians representing at IAT

Well said: A librarian’s purpose is not to create students in his/her own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~unknown

Contact Information Bill Bass Innovation Coordinator: Instructional Technology & Library Media Twitter: billbass Kim Lindskog Library Support Specialist Twitter: klindskog Amy Johnson Digital Learning Specialist Twitter: ajohnson106

Vendor Contacts: Undelivered Post Dispatch: Russell Ham

Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code or

Undelivered USA Today & New York Times: Wesley Trammell Back Issues of Know & Go: Volume 4 Volume 3 Volume 2 Volume 1

Nancy Ikemeyer Administrative Assistant Twitter: NancyIkemeyer What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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