Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 27

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Volume 1 | Issue 27

Know & Go Nancy’s NOOK 

@your Library

Ordering Database Procedures Updated. Please see the attached .pdf in the Updates @your Library email. If you have any questions or need assistance please don’t hesitate to call or email Nancy.

Other Reminders 

End of the Year Procedures—Core Data worksheet, reflec ve narra ve, e‐por olio sharing need to be complete by May 9th.  Final due dates for students that checked out books is also May 9th.  Webinars—As the year is drawing to a close don’t forget to record all the webinars that you par cipated in this year. The number of hours need to be calculated and put into PEERS so please have all webinars viewed and the data inpu ed by May 9th. If you have special circumstances, please let Kim know so that we can make arrangements if necessary. h ps://‐JQ4Y_fv_kUj‐l_VH6PyomfvZvvXNwUfSk/viewform  Inventory—Many of you have been asking about inventory procedures. A ached in the Updates @your Library email there is a .pdf that explains the procedure in Horizon. If you have further ques ons or need assistance, email or contact Jim at ext. 58456. Thinking about

Google Spread Sheet Conversion Since Google released the new version of Spread Sheets there are many new tools, the downside is if you have a lot of exis ng sheets how do you convert them. There is no automa c conversion to exis ng sheets at the moment but there is a way to make to happen so that you can enjoy the all the new features. To convert your Spreadsheets: 1. Open the spreadsheet you would like to convert 2. Select ‘Download as’ from the File tab 3. Chose the Microso Excel file type (doesn’t ma er if you have an Excel account) 4. Find the downloaded file and upload it back into Google Drive 5. Make sure the Excel file is conver ng to the Google Sheets format 6. Don’t forget to share with all your collaborators from the last file! 7. Need to see it done go to the video at h ps:// watch?v=6ZF_rBlmYQE New Last Week—Randomize Answers Op on in Google Forms Last week Google announced a great update to Google Forms, that allows answers to be randomized for a number of different ques on types, such as mul ple choice, check boxes, choose from a list , and grid. In order to enable this feature, click on the Advanced Se ngs link inside the ques on field and select Shuffle Op on Order. h p://

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

MASL 2014 Conference Resources Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Booktrack—Create and Listen to Soundtrack for Books The Booktrack site allows you to add a soundtrack to a text or listen to a book that contains an ambient soundtrack. This type of digital storytelling entertainment is thought to create a be er reading environment which leads to improved reading comprehension. Students can read the available books through a web browser and on either iPad orAndroid pla orm. Students and teachers can also create and share their own booktracks through Booktrack Classroom. Registra on is required in order to use all of features offered by Booktrack Classroom. h p:// educa on‐studio/index.html#!/ ( PowerPoint Alterna ves Online  Powtoon—online presenta on so ware that allows you create free, animated video explainers with an intui ve user interface. h p:// edu‐home/  Toondoo ‐ online comic strip crea on tools that uses drag and drop features. There is also a helpful wiki to get you started. h p://  Everyslide—share slides and run polls at the same me. It is free to educators and students and allows you to share slides with iPad and android devices while al gathering feedback from your audience. Take your preexis ng slides and make them interac ve! h ps:// Free online Jigsaw Puzzles Great for those mes when students have a few extra minutes. Try out the online jigsaw puzzles that have several different collec ons in many different genres. There are several websites that contain puzzles:,, and Tween Tribune Online newspaper for students from kindergarten to grade 12. It is updated daily with stories from the Associated Press and are chosen based on relevancy to this age group. Tweens can also post comments that can be moderated by their teachers. Ar cles range from animals to entertainment. Registra on is required but over all a great site. h p:// 123 Cer ficates It’s that me of year when you may be looking for free printable cer ficates and awards. They have over a 1,000 templates for school, awards, gradua on ad many other topics. Love their mo o—Reward Someone Today! h p://www.123cer Shmoop Study Guides Homework help, teacher resources and test prep can be found at Shmoop. The site contains videos, learning guides, and online courses. h p://

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library 

Be Kind to Animals & Na onal Pet Week @your Library The week of May 4th is a celebra on of our wild and domes c friends. Begin choosing animal friendly books for summer reading. Don’t forget about pet week they too are an excellent choice for summer reading. Go to where you can find items for the classroom, fun and games, veterinary career informa on, and ac vi es . Na onal Teacher Day @your Library Celebrate yourself as well as the teachers in your building. On NEA’s site you can find posters, web art, hashtag informa on (#ThankaTeacher), ac vi es, quotes and more. teacherday.html  Reading is Fun Week @you Library Have fun with Reading Week and take a look at the RIF (Reading is Fundamental) site to find resources and programs for students 0‐15 years of age. h p://  Summer Reading @your Library This is for you Parkway Librarians! Summer reading, viewing and more from School Library Monthly. The ar cle, by Kathy Fredrick contains blogs to read, tweets to follow, tech talk, things to listen to, and videos to view. All the resources can be found at h p://

Learning Opportunities 


Parkway Library Media Webinar Series Archived Links to Google Collabora ve Tools, Elements of Digital Ci zenship, the AASL Conference Wrap‐up, Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes, and METC Wrap‐ Up can be found on the Library Services webpage.

SLRLN Spring Speakers Series The St Louis Regional Library Network is hos ng a dinner and guest speaker on Tuesday, April 29th . The speaker is from Digital Public Library of America and the presenta on will be an introduc on to DPLA and its work to enable open and greater access to millions of books, ar cles, photographs, historical documents, objects and ar facts and more. More informa on can be found at

Student Opportunities St Louis County Library’s Summer Reading Club The Kid Reading Club (ages 3 to entering grade 5) and the Teen Reading Club (Entering grades 6‐12) starts on May 12th! There are two promo onal videos showcasing how the club works and this year’s prizes are now available on the library’s YouTube channel. The direct links are: Kid Club Promo onal Video Teen Club Promo onal Video The videos can be use to promote the club to your students and parents. Other ideas for sharing include: showing the videos during library or assembly mes, pos ng them on your website, or sending the link in your newsle er.

A house without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up children without surrounding them with books.... Children learn to read being in the presence of books. — Horace Mann Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

More MASL 2014 Conference Sharing Check out the MASL Website for Spring Conference—workshop handouts. The list is being updated daily as presenters continue to share.‐ Here are just a few of the workshops (and descriptions) that I attended. Break Into Learning Commons Without Breaking the Bank The lives of our students are changing. The Learning Commons concept outlines a way libraries can become more relevant to today’s students. We will introduce the basics of a Learning Commons; share the journey of Springfield Public Schools and ideas about crea ng a Learning Commons without spending much money. You’ll leave with cheap and free ways to make the change, see some examples, and have the chance to discuss your own ideas. h ps:// Be the Hub of information— Have you ever wished you knew more websites to recommend to your teachers or use in your library, computer lab, or website? We have compiled a list of neat websites that we and our teachers frequently use. Come see what we do with some of our favorites and be ready to share neat websites you use as well. h p:// Socially Academic— A variety of Internet programs will be demonstrated and linked to research and use of technology as stated in the requirements of the Common Core. Programs include those that help with organiza on during research, presenta ons beyond the PowerPoint, study aides, and much more. This will be presented in a manner to give a quick introduc on to the most number of programs possible. You will not have me to log in to create your own accounts, but you will leave with many that you will want to check out later!‐2014.html Learning Express Library—MOREnet Learning Express Library provides users with access to hundreds of texts, ebooks and elearning courses for FREE! Se ng up an account is easy and once you are in you can take tests, save them This is not just great for teachers for later, score them and even follow references to books or but also the CTE department and courses to help you understand the material be er. Learning counselors. Parkway has a full Express has also added a completely new sec on called the Job membership so all features are and Career Accelerator that is loaded with informa on on how to included in the paid service. write resumes and cover le ers, search for jobs and build job This is a huge resource! skills. Soon there will be an updated version 3.0 of Learning Express Library! Get the latest informa on on this powerful resource for your students and staff. Congratula ons to Eve Diel, Chris Johnston and Amy Grich They were honored as the recipients of the Teacher Librarian Collabora on Award! The Honor recognizes a teacher and library media specialist who have exhibited excellence in working collabora vely to integrate informa on skills into the classroom and to use the resources and services of the library media center to enhance student learning!

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Camera Uploads Ideas from St Louis County Library!

TAG—Teen Advisory Group

Maybe when we go to a new library management system we too can think about holds as a self‐service option.

Zinio 130 eMagazines for free a SLCPL! Happy Reading! Teen Spaces… Viewing many areas around the area one begins to notice that there is a lot of art work from local schools being put on display at public libraries.

Thank you to everyone that was able to attend the vendor presentation from Follett. We hope that your questions were answered and that you enjoyed the provided dinner. Thanks again for all that you do! Library Signage Idea for Elementary Mark the Dewey decimals on the shelf with pictures that represent the categories. Nice touch for those little guys and gals that are just learning about the system. What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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