Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 26

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Volume 1 | Issue 26

Know & Go @your Library

Nancy’s NOOK 

Spend, spend, spend! All money needs to be spent! Library Services final PO date for 2013‐2014 will be Friday, April 18th. The earlier you order, the higher the percentage of DNE fill rate.

Other Reminders 

End of the Year Procedures—Core Data worksheet, reflec ve narra ve, and e‐por olio sharing need to be complete by May 9th.


MASL Conference Information– Next week For those of you attending the conference check out the conference brochure, speaker information, and conference logistics.  The Know & Go newsletter will be on hiatus next week due attending MASL and being a short week.

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4 Advanced Search Operators to Help Find Elusive Google Drive Files A lot of the value of Google Drive comes from how quickly we can iden fy and access exactly what we're looking for. While crea ng a folder structure can serve as a great founda on to Drive, we've found that many people fail to maintain these folders, making search a much more efficient op on. Some of those operators are:  tle: – search by the file’s tle (group phrases in quota on marks)  owner: – search according to who owns the item (works best with owner:email address)  type: – search by the file type (this covers: document, spreadsheet, presenta on, drawing, image, video, image_or_video, pdf, and textdoc)  is:starred – search items that you’ve marked with a star Watch the YouTube video to get started today! 5 Tips to Turn Yourself into a Google Drive Gooru As we jump into Google Apps you are hopefully excited about Google Drive. Many of us are already very happy with it from the perspec ve of accessing important informa on and collabora ng with others, but there are probably many ques ons that you s ll need answered. The videos on this page will help you with transi oning from Microso Office (which was a newsle er feature a couple of weeks ago), Accessing Google Drive Offline, Customize Google Drive with Drive Apps, Adding your Shared Files to MY Drive in Google Drive (this one is really good), and Keep Track of all the Changes in Google Drive with the New Ac vity Stream ( What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources RSA Animate is a You Tube channel from that contains a series of thought provoking videos about educa on, economics and a variety of other important topics such as this one about human behavior and what mo vates us. One of my personal favorites is this one that describes the changing paradigm shi in educa on by Sir Ken Robinson. RSA Animate currently has 18 videos check out their collec on of videos at h p:// CK‐ is a non‐profit organiza on dedicated to educa on. Their website offers a large collec on of resources for students and teachers like Brain Genie. The bulk of their resources are math and science centered where students can learn about chemistry, physics, algebra, and geometry just to name four. They also offer resources for other content areas as well including history, English, and SAT prep. Their website is free to join and offers a wealth of learning resources and ac vi es. Their site offers ar cles, quizzes, interac ve lessons, videos and students can keep track of their learning as they complete lessons and ac vi es and members can upload their own resources to the site as well. What Should I Read Next? Thoughtplay Ltd. has created a website to give sugges ons for books you might like to read. Simply put in the tle of a book you recently read and find other tles that you might like to read. To search their database go 20,000 Hi‐Res Maps Online Open Culture, the cultural and educa onal media website posted last week that the New York Public Library now has 20,000 Hi‐res maps online and they made them free to download and use. No copy right restricts, all are ready to use under the create commons license. Read the ar cle through Open Culture and visit the NYPL to get started. Comics in Educa on is a website run by Dr. Glen Downey for the purpose of sharing ac vi es and ideas for using comics and graphic novels in literacy educa on. Head to the classroom sec on of the site to find five literacy skills development ac vi es that can be completed online or offline. Those ac vi es include wordless narra ves, graphic poetry, cave art, visual note‐taking, and symbolic language in words and images. In the classroom sec on you will also find curriculum connec ons and explana ons of the ra onale for using comics with all students. h p://www.comicsineduca 5 Top Educa onal Apps for Middle School Teachers The blog, Lesson From the Middle (Krystal Mills), has some sugges ons for integra ng technology in the classroom. These sugges ons are great for the CTA ini a ve and most are free! Apps discussed are Science Glossary (comprehensive glossary of scien fic terms), GoSkyWatch Planetarium ($3.99—200 hi‐res images of planets and deep sky objects), Mental Maths by Maths Doctor (offers mul ple methods through which students can expand their mathema cal knowledge), History: Maps of the World (historical & geographical knowledge), Grammar Girl: English Grammar Podcasts on your iPhone (gramma cal accuracy and impart helpful wri ng ps). What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library School Library Month @your Library For those that like to look ahead, April is school library month. Every year AASL celebrates school librarians and their programs. AASL encourages everyone to create ac vi es to help their school and communi es celebrate the essen al role that school library programs plan in a student’s educa on career. There is a nice SLM event Almanac for the April 2013 with many interes ng ideas and resources to help with ideas for April. h p:// Library Snapshot Day (April 1‐20): A Day in the Life of Your Library Put those digital cameras to good use and invite everyone to take photos in the library depic ng learning. Post those photos for everyone to see what’s going on in the school library. Don’t forget to include your social media sites too. Na onal Poetry Month @your Library Edutopia compiled a list of 16 resources to support Na onal Poetry Month. The ideas is that these resources will bring student engagement and the joy of poetry to all that par cipate.

eBook & Communications Toolkit @your Library Since January 2012, the ALA Digital Content & Libraries Working Group has focused on e‐book library lending – par cularly around major publishers that refuse to offer their tles through our na on’s libraries, have drama cally raised prices, or have introduced new restric ons. And we have made some progress. As of April 2013, all of the “Big Six” publishers are now engaged in library e‐lending pilots or provide some/all of their tles for purchase by libraries. See more at h p://

“In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.” ~ Mark Twain Contact Information

Earth Day @your Library Earth day is coming and Horn Book has made some recommendations to sprout some ideas for student reading materials.

Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3

Learning Opportunities

Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog

Parkway Library Media Webinar Series Archived Links to Google Collabora ve Tools, Elements of Digital Ci zenship, the AASL Conference Wrap‐up, and Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes can be found on the Library Services webpage. Upcoming events will include the METC and MASL conference roundup.

Student Opportunities Epic Yearbook Photo Contest Get your photography class to enter! Digital Wish is running a yearbook photo contest and entries are due May 5, 2014, on Cinco de Mayo. They will give away three Olympus digital yearbook cameras, as well as an iPad. Just simply enter the contest by uploading your photo to our photo contest website h p://

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

Camera Uploads

Top four pictures: St. Louis County Library, Sachs Branch in Chesterfield— The teen spaces contain booths, puzzles, and many graphic art pieces.

When thinking about space many of the libraries around the area are also incorpora ng art installa ons as a part of the visual aesthe cs. Above is a interes ng and thought provoking example at West High.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Above: This product is great way to preview and store magazines. I have not found where to purchase them yet however! The front of the holder contains the current issue (great for display) and the back side houses back issues. Center: St. Charles County Library—Spencer Road Branch—the computer center has three‐person modular sta ons. Great for saving space but providing privacy. Because the library is becoming such a collabora ve and community space the Spencer Road Branch now offers silent reading rooms. That might be a great thought for those people that need quiet to read.

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