Know & Go - Volume 1 | Issue 21

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Volume 1 | Issue 20

Know & Go Nancy’s NOOK 

@your Library

Folle Shelf —if you change the admin password, please let Nancy know.

Other Reminders  

Coming Soon—End of the year reflec ons and core data submission informa on. Conference Sharing— A er returning from a conference or workshop, please take some me to reflect on your learning and share with your colleagues your insights from the experience. In the Google form, h p://‐ sharing please give a brief synopsis of what you personally took away from the conference and how you might apply it to your library. Be sure to include links or resources that might be helpful.

Google Drive Cer fica on Informa on At the end of last week Google made a change to their cer fica on and tes ng system that has a few small implica ons for us. The only thing you really need to know is how to navigate the new site and find both the tests and the study materials for Drive. Google Drive now has level 1 and level 2 training and you'll want to complete both of them. The good news is level 1 is really short and is more of just an overview. Level 2 is more comprehensive and will provide most of the answers that you will need for to pass the test. This is where you should spend most of your me. In this level, there are many videos that help to illustrate the topics and concepts covered. In Lesson 8 you'll find a link that will be important for the cer fica on test as well. Here are the per nent links: Drive Level 1 (basic overview) ‐ h p:// Drive Level 2 ‐ h p:// Google Tes ng Center ‐ h ps:// If you've already taken the test, there is nothing else that you have to do. If you have studied the materials from before, the informa on is s ll the same and the tests have not been changed. It's just their delivery of the training program materials.

Thinking about


Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources

Are eBooks eComplicated? (Part 4 Final Installment) This week I will finish with some ideas on how to promote those eBooks and some final thoughts as you delve into the idea of bring eBooks to your school library. Marke ng, Marke ng, Marke ng 

Raffle an Amazon gi card to those who checked out the most eBooks


Wherever you have book that also has an eBook, create a shelf marker that adver ses that it’s offered in digital form too


Get parents interested by checking out an eBook at a open house or parent conference night


Provide special mes during the week to get students and staff interested in eBooks – like a book talk


Make it a part of orienta on

Resources 

Booklist Webinar—E‐Books in Schools: Lessons Learned from A to Z


Updates on this informa on can be found at h p:// www.thedigitalshi .com/ category/ebooks  eBooks and the School Library Program Recharge Your Library Programs


Have students or groups of students rank their top 10 books and start a collec on based on reader demand  Folle website ‐ h p://www.abou olle on Final Thoughts...  You are the face that goes with the selling of the eBooks and devices to students faculty, and parents.  Be truly flexible...this will take me and it will keep evolving.  Know the culture of your school and think about what is it they need and want.  Think about the future, five to ten years out...what will the digital age library offer.  It doesn’t ma er the plate that it’s served on – whether it’s a paper plate or fine china, the point is what’s being served. ~ SLJ Ar cle – September 2013

Explore More! Edutopia—Books of the Future ‐‐ Kindles, Nooks and other E‐Readers Swipe, Tap, Flick and . . . Read? Research on Children and E‐Books, by Sarah Vaala (2012) As more and more schools strive to put devices in students' hands, we're s ll studying how e‐books affect learners. Here's a look at some current research on the subject. How My School Is Transi oning to Digital Textbooks, by Andrew Marcinek (2011) Blogger and instruc onal technology specialist Andrew Marcinek summarizes his school's transi on to e‐books in this five‐part series. A Primer on Interac ve Books, by Laura Fleming (2010) Edutopia guest blogger and school librarian Laura Fleming touches on the basics of interac ve e‐books.

Enlight Informa on—Your eReading App from Folle On this website you will find a four minute video overview of Enlight, and a downloadable reference guide that might be nice to add to your library Edline page.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Highlighted & Underlined from METC 2014 Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Learn Egg—The Global Educa on Guide— Their mo o is Learn Something New...They are a trusted source for opinions, features, guides, and incredibly useful resources on global educa on. One of the topics I found par cularly interes ng was the ar cle on 15 Powerful Educa on App (and how to use them). It directed me to the Global Educa on Database, a space that contains curated tools and gadgets in an easy to use database. h p://

Many of you already use Common Sense Media, the organiza on that advocates for digital ci zenship and safe technology use, but did you know that they have some great new posters for the classroom. h p:// Libraries of the Future Great infographic on the future of the library. According to the staff at TeachThought, more media = job security for the media specialist. The infographic focuses on the inser on of mobile devices and the impact of the Internet being at our finger ps. It’s a visual representa on of changes that might be on the very near horizon h p://

Read & Download 250 + Art Books from the Ge y Museum The Ge y Museum has put more than 250 art books online for anyone to read online and or download. You can find all of these books in the Ge y Publica ons Virtual Library. You can search through the collec on by author, keyword, or tle. Alterna vely, you can simply browse the collec ons. All of the free books are also available on Google Books. This is ideal for students who are researching ar sts or art movements and need to consult a collec on to find reference materials. Another place offering free online books is the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, they have nearly 400 free art history books.

AirPano is a non‐commercial project focused on high resolu on 3D aerial panoramas. The AirPano team is a group of Russian photographers and panorama enthusiasts. Come back to this site o en, because they intend on shoo ng a variety of aerial panoramas and create virtual 3D tours of the most interes ng places of the planet. Note the files are very large and may take me to load. h p:// PLN Starter Kit from Librarian, Jennifer Lagarde This crowd sourced resource is meant to help those who are just beginning to start their journey as a "connected educator." It is not exhaus ve. In fact, if all goes to plan, it will be a perpetual work in progress ‐ just like the PLNs it will hopefully help build—Jennifer Lagarde. Check out the Livebinder resource. h p:// What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library DIY @your Library YALSA’s Teen Tech Week (March 9‐15) is a great opportunity for libraries to make the me to showcase the great non‐print resources and services available to teens and their families. This year, celebrate with the theme “DIY @ your library.” Use the week to demonstrate the value of your library in the community by offering teens a space to extend learning beyond the classroom, where they can explore, create, and share content. From makerspaces, to coding classes, to online kni ng clubs, you can leverage the do‐it‐yourself theme to show how libraries can connect in meaningful ways with the teens in your community. For more information about Teen Tech Week, please visit

School Library Month @your Library For those that like to look ahead, April is school library month. Every year AASL celebrates school librarians and their programs. AASL encourages everyone to create ac vi es to help their school and communi es celebrate the essen al role that school library programs plan in a student’s educa on career. In 2010 the theme was Communi es thrive @your library and 30 days of fun ac vi es and resources were put together. The list was definitely a great spring board for ideas and a fun way to promote par cipa on @your library. The list can be found at

To read a book for the first time is to make an acquaintance with a new friend; to read it for a second time is to meet an old one. ~Anonymous, Chinese saying

PLN Tiffany Whitehead, the mighty librarian, presented several sessions at METC and one of her sugges ons was ge ng on Twi er and following some of her favorite Librarians. Take a look and see who you may want to add to your PLN. She can also be found on her blog at h p:www.mightyli and her presenta ons from the conference are located on a convenient wiki at h p://librarian

Student Opportuni es

Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

In honor of School Library Month a student video contest will be held. Check out the details as they become available from AASL. h p://

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Contact Information

Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series Archived Links to Google Collabora ve Tools, Elements of Digital Ci zenship, the AASL Conference Wrap‐up, and Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes can be found on the Library Services webpage. Upcoming events will include the METC and MASL conference roundup. Using Nonfic on in the Library , the Classroom and at Home Wednesday, February 26th Compelling nonfic on can have a profound impact on young readers, from helping develop personal interests to suppor ng academic research needs. Find out about new and upcoming nonfic on tles from Gale (part of Cengage Learning), Scholas c, and ReferencePoint Press, for beginning readers and elementary children up through high school students, all with strong applica ons for both school and public libraries. This free webcast will include ideas for connec ng many of these new tles to Common Core Standards and educa onal curriculums as well as public library programming. From persuasive wri ng connec ons and debate topics to programs about sports science and designing ta oos, new nonfic on tles have plenty to offer to librarians serving youth. REGISTER HERE Func on Follows Form: How Google Apps Can Transform 21st Century Learning—Feb. 26th—4:00PM Schools across the country pledge to teach 21st century skills, but building a culture of collaborators can prove difficult. Luckily, Google Apps for educa on provides tools to transform an insular learning community into a collabora ve one. In this session, the presenter will introduce Google applica ons that will empower teachers and students to learn together outside of the boundaries imposed by geography and me. Sponsored by Folle —REGISTER HERE

Par cipa on Credits A er you have par cipated in the webinar, in order to get credit, you will need to click here or go to and record your par cipa on. Remember that district credit is based on the number of hours that you par cipate. Six hours will get you .5 credit and 12 hours will get you 1 credit.

Educator Field Trip—Big History Project The director of educa on, Bob Regan, and the lead curriculum writer, Bob Bain, will be the lead presenters for this FREE event. This is an exci ng effort to integrate technology with history teaching. The a ached brochure gives you a number of links to get an overview of Big History prior to the recep on and introduc on on March 12 from 4:00‐7:00 at the Forest Park Visitor’s Center. Lessons are integrated with Common Core, the work of Sam Wineburg on reading and thinking like a historian, the importance of science in the shaping of historical development and much more. There is no cost for the recep on or for implemen ng Big History, however you need to register. Visit the Educa onPlus website h p:// and click on the Calendar and Registra on icon to register! Learn More: Read the course guide HERE. Check out our TED talk at h p:// an_big_history.html Visit us on Facebook at h ps:// The Big History Project – website h p://

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Camera Uploads

Glimpse of METC 2014

Re‐shelving and inventory completed at Shenandoah

Collec on Development for Fern— Collec ng, sor ng, re‐packing, and a lot of weeding is happening in the back room at Library Services.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Thinking About Library Spaces

 

Preview of what a self checkout sta on may look like. A media center that doesn't need to be a huge produc on...a great star ng place, complete with headphones and a couple of assigned media computers with produc on so ware.  So sea ng arrangements along with available power for charging those devices.  An acous c mee ng space (green benches) that keeps the conversa on inside the designated area.  Crea ve use of ordinary fluorescent ligh ng...just hang them differently to create interest.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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