Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 19

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Volume 1 | Issue 19

Know & Go @your Library

Nancy’s NOOK   

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MASL Registra on Reminder— Early registra on ends January 31st (a week from Friday). Please register yourself, and submit for reimbursement Library Services final PO date for 2013‐2014 will be Friday, April 18th. The earlier you order, the higher the percentage of DNE fill rate. It seems some request lists are not being pulled and filled. PLEASE check your list daily. If you do not want to honor a request, you can "Keep List" which will then send the request back into the queue to be filled by another library. If you need assistance contact Jim or Nancy. Folle Shelf —if you change the admin password, please let Nancy know. If you buy eBooks—Folle is now offering 12 month access eBooks. At this me, PLEASE DO NOT ORDER THEM. While they will disappear a er a year from your Folle Shelf, they will not disappear from the catalog.

Other Reminders Conference Sharing— Many of you are ge ng ready to a end Peggy Sharp and METC in the very near future. A er returning from a conference, please take some me to reflect on your learning and share with your colleagues your insights from the experience. In the Google form, h p://‐sharing please give a brief synopsis of what you personally took away from the conference and how you might apply it to your library. Be sure to include links or resources that might be helpful. Google Drive Cer fica on Update At the end of last week Google made a change to their cer fica on and tes ng system that has a few small implica ons for us. The only thing you really need to know is how to navigate the new site and find both the tests and the study materials for Drive. Google Drive now has level 1 and level 2 training and you'll want to complete both of them. The good news is level 1 is really short and is more of just an overview. Level 2 is more comprehensive and will provide most of the answers that you will need for to pass the test. This is where you should spend most of your me. In this level, there are many videos that help to illustrate the topics and concepts covered. In Lesson 8 you'll find a link that will be important for the cer fica on test as well. Here are the per nent links Drive Level 1 (basic overview) ‐ h p:// Drive Level 2 ‐ h p:// Google Tes ng Center ‐ h ps:// If you've already taken the test, there is nothing else that you have to do. If you have studied the materials from before, the informa on is s ll the same and the tests have not been changed. It's just their delivery of the training program materials.

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources

Are eBooks eComplicated? (Part 2)

What are students

Are you thinking about moving your school forward? Here are few pointers to saying about eBooks? consider when planning the best approach to implementa on of eBooks.  Students don’t want the print    

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Successful migra on to eBooks occurs when people have a plan, start small and pilot. Email me if you would Think about in a two to three year transi on. like to get started or Weed heavily and con nually. need help with your Create an Apple store style help desk—a trend towards more open, unclu ered, and spacious feel. It’s a more mul ‐sensory experience where items can actually be turned on and played with. It also includes a Genius Bar, a tech support sta on located inside stores, the purpose of which is to offer help and support. Try elimina ng the bulky computer labs. Start your eCollec on by looking at your top 10 circulated items If you are going to purchase devices for the library, then try them all before purchasing any. That way you know what is right for your building. Helpful Resource: A new 20 ques ons document created by AASL volunteers has been added to AASL’s Essen al Links: Resources for School Library Program. Development: allinks/

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tles to disappear – but they do want to explore more They want choice – pixel vs. print The dis nct advantage to eBooks: lighter backpacks Remote access to reading 24/7, 365 days a year Because of the number of smart phones, they are seeing the library as more relevant students like that they don’t have to think about the due dates – its automa c students like anonymity – of ge ng topics they don’t want anyone to know about Electronic reference books – prefer to do the online research – most of them are in digital format

Thinking about

Many of us are in different places when it comes to using Google Drive. So we will be star ng at the beginning and offering resources to get everyone started. What can Google Drive do for you? Use Google Drive to store and access your files, folders, and Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides anywhere. Change a file on the web, your computer, tablet, or your mobile device, and it updates on every device (when connected to the internet) where you’ve installed Google Drive. You’ll always have the latest version of your files and Google Docs at your finger ps. Read, edit, share, and collaborate wherever you are! Check out h p:// drive to get an interac ve tour, download guides, and access the Drive Help Center. What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library School Library Month @your Library For those that like to look ahead, April is school library month. Every year AASL celebrates school librarians and their programs. AASL encourages everyone to create ac vi es to help their school and communi es celebrate the essen al role that school library programs plan in a student’s educa on career. In 2010 the theme was Communi es thrive @your library and 30 days of fun ac vi es and resources were put together. The list was definitely a great spring board for ideas and a fun way to promote par cipa on @your library. The list can be found at

Knowledge is free at the library.

Library Lovers' Month @your Library February is Library Lovers' Month is a month‐long celebra on of school, public, and private libraries of all types. This is a me for everyone, especially library support groups, to recognize the value of libraries and to work to assure that the Na on's libraries will con nue to serve.

Digital Learning Day@your Library ‐ Digital Learning Day (February 5th), presented by the Alliance for Excellent Educa on and other na onal educa onal associa ons and organiza ons, with ALA's American Associa on of School Librarians (AASL) as a core partner, calls on teachers, schools, principals, community leaders, parents and students. The event celebrates innova ve teaching prac ces that make learning more personalized and engaging and encourage explora on of how digital learning can provide more students with more opportuni es to get the skills they need to succeed in college, career and life.

Playful Spaces @your Library

Just bring your own Container. ~unknown

Contact Information

Thought you might enjoy this light‐hearted look at the most playful libraries in the world. These are amazing places for book lovers to go. They emphasize imagina on, fun, and adventure. Take a peek at Flavorwire. I found this on Michael Porter’s Twi er page @libraryman. His is a librarian and presenter out of Sea le and is followed by Shannon Miller, Joyce Valenza, and The Daring Librarian.

Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3

Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer

Bonus App YALSA's Teen Book Finder is a free app to help teens, parents, librarians and library staff, educators, and anyone who loves YA literature access to the past three years' of YALSA's awards and lists on their smartphone. Have an iPod Touch, an iPhone or an iPad? App features include:  A homepage featuring three tles from the database, refreshed daily  The ability to search for books by author, tle, award/list year, genre, by award, and by booklist  The Find It Bu on that will show users where to find the book in a nearby library  A Favorites bu on, to create an individualized booklist  The ability to share books on Twi er and Facebook An Android version of the app is planned for later in 2014. Download it here.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series 10/10/13—Google Collabora ve Tools Archived Link 11/12/13—Elements of Digital Ci zenship Archived Link 12/10/13—AASL Conference Wrap‐up ‐ Archived Link 1/16/14— Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes ‐ Archived Link 3/4/14—TBD 4/8/4—TBD

Each webinar will be held using Google Hangouts ( and will be archived on a Parkway Library YouTube Channel which we will set up soon. If you want to par cipate in the webinar and ask ques ons, you are free to do. You can also just watch as it's happening, or you can watch it a er the fact as it will be archived on the YouTube channel and a link put on our website.

Make it Yourself: Students as eBook Creators Thursday, January 30th 4:00PM This webinar will provide ideas and examples of how you and your students can create your own eBooks. Crea ng your own eBooks is a great way to align with Common Core standards for collabora on, cri cal thinking, and crea vity. Topics covered in the webinar include:

 How to get students to create their own content and eBooks  Different pla orms available to create eBooks  Why crea ng eBooks promotes literacy Register here

Developing Library Collec ons for Today’s Young Adults February 4th at 1:00pm Young adults form a constantly changing popula on in today’s libraries, and what was hot can turn ice‐cold fast. Whether your current collec on needs refreshing or you’re working to create a new separate collec on for teens, Simmons College associate professor Amy Pa ee will have some useful ps for you. Join us for this free, hour‐ long webinar based on Pa ee’s book Developing Library Collec ons for Today's Young Adults for Scarecrow Press’s new library science line. Moderated by Rebecca Vnuk, Reference and Collec on Management Editor at Booklist. Can't make the date? Register anyway so a link to the video archive of this webinar can be e‐mailed to you a er the event. h p:// h3ZqTq

Par cipa on Credits A er you have par cipated in the webinar, in order to get credit, you will need to click here or go to and record your par cipa on. Remember that district credit is based on the number of hours that you par cipate. Six hours will get you .5 credit and 12 hours will get you 1 credit.

Discover Education Help As a follow up to the updates that Bill sent out this week on Discovery Education, I wanted to give you a Help site and some instructions to manually add a student. 1. Login with your own name at 2. After logging in, click My Admin at the top right. 3. Under Users: click >Add User 4. Make sure the site is your school (Parkway South Middle) 5. Click Go 6. Set their Role as Student 7. Then just fill out the Profile information as appropriate (First and last name, username, password, and grade). I believe username is normally first initial and then last name, and the password is normally their student number? 8. Click submit 9. Click here for additional help

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Camera Uploads Lately there has been a lot of talk about the digital library and what it means in terms of space. Fortunately I’ve had the opportunity to explore and hear what is coming. Many ideas revolve around the library being a learning commons, mean‐ ing that it is a full service space that func ons as a lab, lounge, gathering place, and research room with adaptable space configura ons. The St Louis City Public Library has been recognized for their efforts to renovate with this mind. They have such spaces as a Center for the Reader (a comfortable fic on room with a lot of books on display), Children’s Library (large wall mural, comfortable furniture and designated technology), Teen Lounge (complete with gaming and high impact wall graphics), Crea ve Experience (mul media project area), and The Studio: Movies & Music (catering to media literacy). Oth‐ er great features include shelves with ligh ng to accentuate books, self‐check kiosk, portable catalog search sta ons, and a lot of compact carts.

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