Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 24

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Volume 1 | Issue 24

Know & Go @your Library

Nancy’s NOOK 

Periodical and Standing Order Renewals need to be returned by Friday, April 4th. Clarifica on can be found in the email dated March 17th from Nancy.  Spend, spend, spend! All money needs to be spent! Library Services final PO date for 2013‐2014 will be Friday, April 18th. The earlier you order, the higher the percentage of DNE fill rate.  Folle Shelf —if you change the admin password, please let Nancy know.

Other Reminders 

End of the Year Procedures—Core Data worksheet, reflec ve narra ve, and e‐por olio sharing need to be complete by May 9th  Google Drive Cer fica on Informa on.—Get all the links you need on the Library Services webpage.


30 Ways to Use Chromebooks in School As we continue to test drive the Chromebooks as an engaging, and educational tool, take a peek at this Google presentation which contains suggestions for using the devices in schools. Curricular Activities, lesson planning, data collection, researching, and classroom organization are just a few of the tips shared. If you like the presentation you can always make a copy to modify and keep in your Drive by going to File and selecting Make a Copy.

Inside Search—Google Tips and Tricks If you can’t beat them, join them...Yes the students are going to continue to use Google, so why not show them the correct way to use it. With this handy site students will believe (because Google said so) and learn the tips and tricks necessary to navigate those informational searches. I know some of you already use this page, but if you haven’t seen it, you will enjoy it. basics.html

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Local Libraries offer up much more than books— Kansas City Star The Kansas City Public Library has moved into a wide menu of public programming. This ar cle is a great spring board for thinking about where our libraries are as a district and where we want to go as we think about it in terms of a learning commons. A flexible, student‐centric space that allows our free‐agent learners the freedom to learn without constraints. The Pew Research Center (@pewinternet) has also iden fied what patrons want from libraries, such as, more ac vi es, special events, separate spaces (quiet and collabora ve), print and eBooks, “genius bar” www.famous‐ assistance kiosks, and closer rela onships with librarians. The Kansas City Public Library is making that happen! Read on here! Game Classroom offers lessons, videos, games, and worksheets for students up to grade 6. Their website states their goal is to provide students, parents, and teachers with the best interac ve homework help the web has to offer. Students will enjoy the sites huge collec on of math and language arts games while parents and teachers will find the site's library of lessons to be helpful. Teachers and parents will also enjoy their library of videos as well as their large selec on of both printable and online worksheets. h p://

365 Things to Make You Go Hmmm It is a resource from a site called Sparky Teaching that challenges students to think and respond to a ques on. 365 Things is a good warm up ac vity or wri ng prompt. Students can leave their response on the website or teachers can display the ques on and have students respond at their desks on paper. Either way, 365 Things to Make You go Hmm is an good resource for any teacher to spark think, wri ng, or conversa ons within the classroom. h p://

The Federal Registry for Educa onal Excellence (FREE) website contains a massive collec on of educa on resources. Anima ons, primary documents, photograph collec ons, videos, maps, ar cles, and the lists goes on and on. If you have never visited this incredible collec on of educa onal resources for all subjects and grade levels, then you really have been missing out. The collec on of FREE educa onal tools and materials is quite extensive and very useful. h p:// Resources from

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library School Library Month @your Library For those that like to look ahead, April is school library month. Every year AASL celebrates school librarians and their programs. AASL encourages everyone to create ac vi es to help their school and communi es celebrate the essen al role that school library programs plan in a student’s educa on career. There is a nice SLM event Almanac for the April 2013 with many interes ng ideas and resources to help with ideas for April. h p://

PLN Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project— A great place to learn about the technology revolution in regards to library, how internet libraries will change the engagement of patrons, and mobile technology’s role in program offerings. They can be found on Twitter at @pewinternet

Learning Opportunities

In order to be really good as a librarian, everything counts towards your work, every play you go see, every concert you hear, every trip you take, everything you read, everything you know. I don’t know of antother occupation like that. The more you know the better you’re going to be. ~ Allen Smith Statesboro Regional Public Library System

Parkway Library Media Webinar Series Archived Links to Google Collabora ve Tools, Elements of Digital Ci zenship, the AASL Conference Wrap‐up, and Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes can be found on the Library Services webpage. Upcoming events will include the METC and MASL conference roundup. Strategies for Teaching Students How to Write a Summary Thursday, March 27th at 4pm ET REGISTER HERE

Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3

One of the cri cal Common Core skills is to summarize the main ideas contained in a text. Wri ng a crisp summary depends upon dis nguishing key ideas from details.

Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer

In our community's next webinar, Dr. Susan Hall will share ideas for helping students learn to summarize both literary and informa onal text. She'll model the use of several instruc onal strategies, including the use of a graphic organizer for helping students learn to tease apart the details from the main ideas, and then transla ng that into a summary. Join Susan on March 27th to learn strategies for teaching students how to write a summary. A endees will be given access to instruc onal tools used during the presenta on.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Contact Information

Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

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