Volume 1 | Issue 25
Know & Go @your Library
Nancy’s NOOK
Periodical and Standing Order Renewals need to be returned by Friday, April 4th. Clarifica on can be found in the email dated March 17th from Nancy. Spend, spend, spend! All money needs to be spent! Library Services final PO date for 2013‐2014 will be Friday, April 18th. The earlier you order, the higher the percentage of DNE fill rate. Folle Shelf —if you change the admin password, please let Nancy know.
Other Reminders
End of the Year Procedures—Core Data worksheet, reflec ve narra ve, and e‐por olio sharing need to be complete by May 9th.
One of the nice things about Google Calendar is that you can add links and a achments to your calendar events. This can be a great way to distribute materials to students and their parents. A demonstra on can be found in the video from Prac ce Ed Tech. h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=‐hz8PRqlIAA New Add‐ons for Docs Recently Google unveiled new add‐ons for Docs and Sheets. Many of the add‐ons are from thirty‐party app creators to make features more robust like Microso . Most of them are installed from Google Play and can be found in the add‐on menu directly in Docs or Sheets. To read the full ar cle and see a quick video check on the Verge website. h p:// www.theverge.com/2014/3/11/5496662/google‐launches‐ add‐on‐store‐for‐docs‐and‐sheets What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?
Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources FREE Manga Reader Manga is the Japanese comics with a unique story line and style. In Japan people of all ages read manga, it does not target younger audiences like American comics. The genre includes a broad range of subjects. Here you will find 1000s of free English translated manga scans to read online. www.mangareader.net Engaging Virtual Field Trip Apps & Resources Some of the resources you have seen before, but others are a great addi on to your repertoire. These resources allow schools to explore na onal interna onal landmarks, see all the links and descrip ons at E School News. The list includes: Field Trip Zoom, The Center for Interac ve Learning & Collabora on, The Life of Art (iPad), Smithsonian Mobile (IOS and Android), The Lascaux Cave, Sphere (IOS and Android), Museum of Science & Industry, and The White House Shahi Visual Dic onary A visual dic onary that combines Wiki onary content with Flickr, Google, and Yahoo images. h p://blachan.com/shahi/ Primary & Secondary Sources Explained by Common Cra Common cra videos are short, animated explanatory videos used by many teachers. They have created over 30 videos and can be followed on Twi er at @CommonCra . This short video explains why sources ma er, what represents a primary source, how to use them, what represents a secondary source, and how both may contribute to the best understanding. h p://www.commoncra .com/video/primary‐and‐secondary‐sources Fun with Newspaper Ar cle Generator Use the free online newspaper generator to create your own ar cle. Just upload your photo and add your text. The le er size ar cle can be downloaded as a pdf. h p:// www.homemade‐gi s‐made‐easy.com/newspaper‐generator.html Google Cheat Sheet for Student Research This sheet is a visual representa on of the eight search skills Dr. Russell, search anthropologist, recommends for 21st century students. The page also includes links to four other Google products, Dropbox, and Edmodo cheat sheets. h p:// www.educatorstechnology.com/2014/03/a‐wonderful‐new‐google‐cheat‐sheet‐ to.html What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?
@your Library School Library Month @your Library For those that like to look ahead, April is school library month. Every year AASL celebrates school librarians and their programs. AASL encourages everyone to create ac vi es to help their school and communi es celebrate the essen al role that school library programs plan in a student’s educa on career. There is a nice SLM event Almanac for the April 2013 with many interes ng ideas and resources to help with ideas for April. h p://www.schoollibrarymonthly.com/almanacs/pdf/actalmApr.pdf Library Snapshot Day (April 1‐20): A Day in the Life of Your Library Put those digital cameras to good use and invite everyone to take photos in the library depic ng learning. Post those photos for everyone to see what’s going on in the school library. Don’t forget to include your social media sites too. (see pg 58 school lib monthly) Na onal Poetry Month @your Library Explore the poets.org page to find 30 ways to celebrate the month.
We are not makers of history. We are made by history. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Learning Opportunities MASL Conference Information For those of you attending the conference check out http://www.maslonline.org/? page=SC2014 for the conference brochure, speaker information, and conference logistics. Parkway Library Media Webinar Series Archived Links to Google Collabora ve Tools, Elements of Digital Ci zenship, the AASL Conference Wrap‐up, and Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes can be found on the Library Services webpage. Upcoming events will include the METC and MASL conference roundup.
METC Conference Wrap‐Up on YouTube— A number of Parkway librarians a ended METC (h p://www.metcconfernce.org) in St. Charles, MO this year. This video is a compila on of their most important learning points from the conference. h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGmMJN6dsII All links to videos and tools can be found on the Google Presenta on slides at h p:// goo.gl/3Shg51.
Student Opportunities Epic Yearbook Photo Contest Get your photography class to enter! Digital Wish is running a yearbook photo contest and entries are due May 5, 2014, on Cinco de Mayo. They will give away three Olympus digital yearbook cameras, as well as an iPad. Just simply enter the contest by uploading your photo to our photo contest website h p://www.digitalwish.org/contest. Contest Prizes All prize winners will receive: Grand Prize: An iPad and an Olympus TOUGH TG‐830 Digital Camera 2nd Place: Free printed yearbooks for all yearbook club members 3rd Place: An Olympus TOUGH TG‐830 Digital Camera Top Honorable Men on photos: A Digital Camera Basics book. What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?
Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer
tinyurl.com/libserv Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.
Camera Uploads Middle School Readers
BYOD—4th Grade! Thinking about space at Shenandoah. The lit library has been moved which created a space for working on independent projects. The traffic in this area is up three‐fold.
What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?