FR Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 26

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Know & Go @Your Library

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog




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Updates @your Library • •

I’m of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian who crosses my path on behalf of the souls they never know they saved. ~Barbara Kingsolver


All Library books are due back by May 9th! The Parkway Summer Reading List is available at and on the St. Louis County Library webpage. Students should also apply for a St. Louis County Library card because they will have access to hundreds of eBooks, databases, and magazine subscrip&ons all online. h'p:// NEW from ST Louis County Library—Hoopla is a brand new eMedia service available free to St. Louis County Library cardholders. If you have a St. Louis County Library card you can use Hoopla. • Hoopla is similar to Ne lix • Instantly stream movies, television shows, music & audiobooks to tablets, phones and computers • All items are available immediately • Check out periods are: audiobooks—21days, TV and movies—2 or 3 days, and music—7 days • To get started, sign up for an account using your library card number, PIN, and email address. • Once your account is created, you can borrow &tles for complete direc&ons, see: h'p:// • FREE! Thank you to all the people involved in pu6ng on the May Day Celebra&on!

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources 7 Best STEM Resources Looking for online STEM resources to share with students and staff, use with Maker Spaces, or Google’s 80/20 innova&on model. The New England STEM ini&a&ve has a many viable op&ons (some have been shared in previous newsle'er, but are worth men&oning again)! Resources include Makersate, MinecraA Edu, MakerBot Replicator 2, Enterprise City, Hour of Code, Design Squad Na&on (in partnership with PBS), and Northeastern University Center for STEM Educa&on (if you want to stay in the loop about STEM—this is your site).

Not New But S(ll a Great Awareness Site— The place to get real world sta&cs on popula&on, economics, media, food, water, energy, and health. They also have other stat sites like Internet Live Stats, USA Live Stats, and 7Billion World. h'p://

Wellcome Images releases 100,000 images under crea(ve commons license. "The Wellcome Library recently made more than 100,000 drawings, photographs, pain&ngs, and adver&sements available to the world under Crea&ve Commons licensing. The images available through the Wellcome Images library are primarily of a historic nature. You can browse the galleries or search for images by keyword." Posted on h'p://

Lesson Plan Map—Teaching Students Effec(ve Search Skills The Educa&on Technology & Mobile Learning site has 15 lesson plans mapped out to teach students who to navigate Google search more effec&vely. The ar&cle has search &ps, lesson plans, and planning map with the Common Core Standards spelled out. h'p://

Close Reading Site to Meet CCSS ThinkCERCA - Provides leveled informa&on texts connected by grade and themes. A unique tool to support problem-based learning. Themes include technology, culture, and social responsibility. Includes wri&ng prompts and rubrics. This is not a free site, Currently free to use texts for grades 4 - 12. Posted on h'p://

Thinking about

4 Advanced Search Operators to Help Find Elusive Google Drive Files Organizing Google Drive can be a li'le tricky, but luckily you can quickly iden&fy and access what you need by searching Drive more efficiently. The video will cover how to best search Drive by using the following operators: Title—search by the files’ &tle (group phrases in quota&on marks) Owner—search according to who owns the item (works best with owner’s email address) Type—search by the file type (document, spreadsheet, presenta&on, drawing, image, video, .pdf, and textdoc). Is:starred—search items that are marked with a star

Create and Edit Docs and Sheets with New Mobile Apps Today it’s a lot easier for you to quickly find, edit, and create documents, spreadsheets, and presenta&ons on the go. Introducing mobile apps for Docs and Sheets, with Slides on the way. Learn more: h'p:// or get the apps now: Docs Android: h'p:// Docs iOS: h'p:// Sheets Android: h'p:// Sheets iOS: h'p:// h'ps://

Student Opportunities St Louis County Library’s Summer Reading Club The Kid Reading Club (ages 3 to entering grade 5) and the Teen Reading Club (Entering grades 6-12) starts on May 12th! There are two promo&onal videos showcasing how the club works and this year’s prizes are now available on the library’s YouTube channel. The direct link: Teen Club Promo&onal Video. The videos can be use to promote the club to your students and parents. Other ideas for sharing include: showing the videos during assembly &mes, pos&ng them on your website, or sending the link in a newsle'er.

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