Know & Go @Your Library
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Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog
@your Library •
Making the Display for those Preview Books which are coming soon to a Lunch Shi Near YOU!
It seems that most of our collec#on so far is fic#on, which is great but I want to offer support for the academic areas with nonfic#on. One solu#on would be Gale Virtual Reference Library eBooks. The students could access them from any type of device and they would be the most up-to-date resources available. The site offers over 100 publishers and thousands of #tles, so I am confident that we could find something to compliment your curriculum. Also, if you are wondering what other high schools in the district have ordered from Gale you can check out those subscrip#ons from any high school library webpage. Gale will be listed under the database link. To preview what Gale has to offer check out h2p://
As always, if you need resources for an upcoming unit of study, let me know and I will be more than happy to assist!
Teen Read Week @Your Library! Seek the Unknown is October 13th –19th To celebrate there is a video contest sponsored by St. Louis County Library Details can be found at h2p://
Movie Titles @Your Library Inspire teens to read Ender’s Game before it hits theaters November 1
October @Your Library is Bully Preven#on Month —Edutopia Resources h2p:// libserv
Tis the night—the night Of the grave's delight, And the warlocks are at their play; Ye think that without, The wild winds shout, But no, it is they—it is they!
~Arthur Cleveland Coxe
Newsletter Contribution! Got an idea, tip, or suggestion that you would like to share for the newsletter? Submit it here:
Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources From the People at Teq for Learning The Teq website provides a full range of classroom technology and professional development services including informa#on on Google and SMART notebook lessons. Recently, they published an eBook, All Things Google, that includes #ps and tricks on I-search, Drive, Forms and Earth. The I-search sec#on may be of par#cular interest based on the conversa#ons that were happening at our MSPLCS mee#ng last Wednesday. Download the free eBook from at h2p:// Addi#onal topics of interest: • Refining Google Searches, "Google a Day," image searching, geKng more recent results • How to use Google Drive, Docs, providing voice feedback, references • Google Forms for assessments, adding images, new features • Using Google Earth, virtual tours
5 Interes ng Virtual Museums and Ac vi es for Students Looking for some virtual field trips and ac#vi#es for students? Here are five museums that offer excellent virtual tours: ♦ The Va can Museum h2p:// - which includes tours of the Sis#ne Chapel, Gregorian Etruscan Raphael’s Rooms, Pinacoteca and the Ethnological Missionary Museum. ♦ The European virtual Museum h2p://—a collabora#on of twenty-seven European museums. Students can browse European history collec#ons by chronology, geographic area, object type, contribu#ng museum, and tour i#neraries (be sure your QuickTime player is up-todate for this one). ♦ Tenement Museum h2p:// —Here students learn about the process of immigra#on through a journey from Europe to Ellis Island. ♦ John F Kennedy Presiden al Library & Museum h2p://— This site contains four interac#ve exhibits: We Choose the Moon, The White Hour Diary, The JFK Timeline, and Virtual JFK Museum Tour. ♦ The Museum of Obsolete Objects h2p:// —this is a YouTube Channel that features items that use to be cuKng edge technology but are now obsolete. (
NBC Learn, in partnership with the Na#onal Science Founda#on and Na#onal Football League, unravels the science behind professional football and many other topics: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Sinking of the Titanic Changing Planet—The Impact of Climate Change Chemistry Now—Func#on of Chemistry in Everyday Life Finishing the Dream—Learning from the Civil Rights Era Science of Football, Hockey, Golf, Summer & Winter Olympic Games Sustainability: Water—Our Most Vital Resource Science of Innova#on—Explore the Process of Innova#on Writers Speak—Bring Award Winning Authors into the Classroom Science Behind the News
Go to h2p:// to get all the free resources! In addi#on to the lessons they also have digi#zed more than 12,000 stories from the NBC News archives, da#ng back to the 1920s. And last but not least their collec#ons are updated with current events every day, Monday through Friday.
Learning Opportunities Can you feel it? October is Connected Educator Month! What is Connected Educators about? It’s an online professional network supported by the Department of Educa#on. The mission is to help educators like yourself thrive in a connected world. Connected Educators combines research, development, and outreach all year long, but invites you to celebrate and par#cipate the whole month of October. There are more than 130 educa#onal organiza#ons, companies, and communi#es that have signed up to par#cipate in CEM 2013! Sessions include topics like flipped classroom, 21st Century Tweetup, MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) for Educators, Using Pinterest in Educa#on, Interna#onal Cyberfair and come in a variety of formats, such as, webinars, book clubs, classes, collabora#ve projects, contests, and games. You will need to create an account or login to join the events. To get you going, Connected Educator has created a Starter Kit for you to peruse in order to get the best experience. The kit is a2ached to this weeks updates. Visit the official Connected Educator Month site at h2p://
DENapalooza Oct. 26! Brought you by Discovery Educa#on On Saturday, October 26th Discovery Educa#on will present a full day event with formal presenta#ons in the morning on topics like Digital Storytelling, Project-Based Learning, and Building Your PLN with the DEN. Then, the a ernoon will be spent unconference style. A2endees will choose the topics and lead the conversa#ons. More ques#ons about DENapalooza check out the wiki at h2p:// The event will be held at Ritenour Middle School, 2500 Marshall Ave., St Louis, MO 63114. Register at h2p://
K-12 Online Conference is coming soon! This online conference is organized by educators for educators around the world interested in integra#ng emerging technologies into classroom prac#ce. The goal is to help educators make sense of and meet the needs of a con#nually changing learning landscape The conference is organized into four strands and each strand has an invited keynote speaker. The opening keynote speaker is Shannon Miller! Strands for 2013 are: Week of Oct 21 – 25: Open Learning and Outside Learning Week of Oct 28 – Nov. 1: Leading Learning and Building Learning