Know & Go @Your Library
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Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog
@your Library •
The library space is coming along! Becky, Paul and I had great conversa on on Friday as to what the vision is for the library space. The conversa on was based on what we want to see moving into the digital age of library. Design of the library space is key, because the library should be more than just a place to check out books. Libraries today have virtual, study, and collabora ve spaces coupled with a variety of services.
Preview Books Coming Soon to a Lunch Shi& Near YOU! At Library Services we get many brand new books that are not yet offered by the publisher. I have been collec ng those beau ful, new, shiny books. They are being cataloged and boxed up as you read this. I will be offering those books up for check out at lunch in the near future.
It seems that most of our collec on so far is fic on, which is great but I want to offer support for the academic areas with nonfic on. One solu on would be Gale Virtual Reference Library eBooks. The students could access them from any type of device and they would be the most up-to-date resources available. The site offers over 100 publishers and thousands of tles, so I am confident that we could find something to compliment your curriculum. Also, if you are wondering what other high schools in the district have ordered from Gale you can check out those subscrip ons from any high school library webpage. Gale will be listed under the database link. To preview what Gale has to offer check out h5p://
As always, if you need resources for an upcoming unit of study, let me know and I will be more than happy to assist! libserv
No amount of promo on is going to make you relevant. Your vision for how the library can contribute makes you relevant.” ~ Paul Gandel
Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Social Bookmarking The concept of social bookmarking is not necessarily new, but with the emergence of bookmarking services, such as Pinterest, Diigo, and Educlipper, allow you to curate, collaborate, and share your content on any internet connected device. So, there is no need to really save those bookmarks to your desktop any longer. Pinterest—is a hybrid of both content cura on and social bookmarking. It is a pla?orm that enables users to visually bookmark digital content and share it with others. Through crea ng and sharing boards with others, users get to discuss, access, and collaborate on cura ng resources relevant to their interest. Cau on: You can easily loose hours of your day looking through all the boards:) Diigo—This is another great social bookmarking web tool for teachers. It is probably the quintessence of the concept social bookmarking. using Diigo, you get to bookmark content into lists that can be accessed by others. You can also access bookmarks of others and tag them into different categories. Educlipper—This more focused on content cura on, Educlipper allows you to bookmark sites, share files, and discuss them with others. You can create an Educlipper board and invite others to visit it and share comments on the content curated in it. Educlipper is ideal for classroom usage. (Educator Weekly)
Concept Mapping—The idea of having students show rela onships between concepts through a diagram has become a meaningful learning experience, especially since there are great graphic making tools, such as Lucid Chart (which comes highly recommend), Mind Meister and All of these tools have been are highly useable and fairly intui ve. Teachers and students have the ability to organize and communicate ideas through these solid products.
Two Online Forensic Science Games—CSI the Experience (h5p:// )and Catching Killers (h5p://! • The CSI web adventures are designed to teach students the process of forensic inves ga on and problems solving. There are five cases. • Catching Killers is a Smithsonian Channel Produc on that examines, in gruesome detail, how science can be used to solve crime mysteries. Check to see if the videos that go along with Catching Killers is appropriate for your (Tch4teachers) students before assigning this game.
Learning Opportunities Can you feel it? October is Connected Educator Month! What is Connected Educators about? It’s an online professional network supported by the Department of Educa on. The mission is to help educators like yourself thrive in a connected world. Connected Educators combines research, development, and outreach all year long, but invites you to celebrate and par cipate the whole month of October.
There are more than 130 educa onal organiza ons, companies, and communi es that have signed up to par cipate in CEM 2013! Sessions include topics like flipped classroom, 21st Century Tweetup, MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) for Educators, Using Pinterest in Educa on, Interna onal Cyberfair and come in a variety of formats, such as, webinars, book clubs, classes, collabora ve projects, contests, and games.
You will need to create an account or login to join the events. To get you going, Connected Educator has created a Starter Kit for you to peruse in order to get the best experience. The kit is a5ached to this weeks updates. Visit the official Connected Educator Month site at h5p:// or check out
DENapalooza Oct. 26! Brought you by Discovery Educa on On Saturday, October 26th Discovery Educa on will present a full day event with formal presenta ons in the morning on topics like Digital Storytelling, Project-Based Learning, and Building Your PLN with the DEN. Then, the a&ernoon will be spent unconference style. A5endees will choose the topics and lead the conversa ons. More ques ons about DENapalooza check out the wiki at h5p:// The event will be held at Ritenour Middle School, 2500 Marshall Ave., St Louis, MO 63114. Register at h5p://