FR Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 1

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Know & Go @Your Library


“Whatever the cost of


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our libraries,

@ Your Library Campaign

the price is cheap compared

The @your library campaign that is being promoted around Parkway is an awareness and advocacy movement that promotes the value of libraries in relation to the our 21st century learners. It is a framework for academic and personal learning in today’s information-powered world. The focus is on the learner and to provide guidance so that they can:

to that of an ignorant nation.”

~Walter Cronkite

Contact Information

 

Bill Bass

Twitter: wbass3 Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer libserv

Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create



new knowledge Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.

Today’s libraries go beyond the accumulation of information for class assignments to in-depth academic learning, collaboration, and personal learning.

So plan now for Teen Read Week! Encourage teens to Seek the Unknown during Teen Read week, October 13-19th. A celebration of reading for fun this year’s theme can be used to highlight a variety of genres science fiction, mysteries, nonfiction and more! Promoting the importance of pleasure reading in all its forms.

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Professional Learning Resources A Digital Citizenship Toolkit In an article from SLJ, Richard Byrne shares resources to help kids and adults become solid cyber citizens. A few of those resources are:  a site that contains webs safety videos and tutorials for three audiences, parents, teachers, and students.

 This site helps educate pre-teens about forms and methods of advertising. It is set up in a game format where students analyze the various types of ads.

 Want a five lesson plans on teaching copyright? Then this is your site. School Library Journal, August 2013

In-Practice Curriculum Connections, Strategies, Literacy, & Best Practices Graphic Novels & Common Core Graphic novels are ideal for differentiated teaching and are especially useful for point of view and visual literacy. Check out this Pinterest boards:  Graphic Novels for the Common Core: Middle School  Graphic Novels for the Common Core: High School

SMART Notebook The SMART Exchange site helps you to find, preview, and download over 40,000 classroom ready resources that can be used with a variety of classroom technology. It is searchable down to the standard. Most items are free while others are considered “premium” and cost a little. You will also need to create an account to download the files that you would like, but that is free! You can also search for lessons in Google by using the SMART Notebook extension in the search (Example: algrebra .notebook or algebra.xbk or algebra.nbk . SMART Notebook Express —is the online, lite version where students and teachers can open SMART Notebook files! No login required!

Learning Opportunities Discovery Education Back-to-School Webinars through the month of September. Register at professionalDevelopment/

Planning Updates @Your Library! 

On the next page you will find the databases that you and your students have access to from the Fern Library page. Some of them require a user name and password, which I’m still working on.


Attached is a list of preview books that we receive at the Library Media Center and are available to all libraries...let me know if you like any of these and I will get them cataloged for Fern Ridge.


I would also like to meet with staff members about what print resources would complement your curriculum. This would be a great start to building the Fern Ridge library collection.


Something else to ponder...In regards to students, what is the vision for the library space at Fern Ridge?

Business Insights: Essen als Find informa on on companies, industries and more in the context of mely news, sta s cal data, and in‐depth reports

Credo Reference Full‐text ar cles from over 80 of the leading reference publishers

Discovering Collec on Provides selec ons of reference, primary sources, crea ve works, and mul media, including hours of video and audio clips in the areas of history, literature, science, social studies, and more Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia Over 25,000 full‐text records, covering an array of topics. The database contains various images and offers brief biographies as well as informa on in a variety of subject areas

Global Issues in Context

Interna onal viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events Heritage Quest Online

A collec on of American genealogical sources. Includes Federal Census data, Revolu‐ onary War records, Freedman's Bank Records and more. Newsbank Electronic edi ons of the St. Louis Post‐Dispatch back to 1988, the Kansas City Star back to 1991, and other local, regional, and na onal US newspapers and magazines

Proquest Historical Newspapers Archival, full‐text ar cles from the New York Times, Washington Post, Chris an Science Monitor and Los Angeles Times, from 1851 – 2009 (Primary Source)

Science Reference Center Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, and periodi‐ cals. Topics covered: biology, chemistry, health & medicine, physics, technology, and more

Student Research Center

Students can research topics in a variety of subject areas by source type: maga‐ zines, newspapers, reference books, primary sources, biographies, photos, and more. World Book

Online access to the World Book Encyclopedia. Includes addi onal content such as primary sources, images, maps, and more

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