Know & Go - Volume 1 | Issue 23

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Volume 1 | Issue 23

Know & Go @your Library

Nancy’s NOOK   

Periodical and standing order renewals are in the mail. Watch for them. Please complete by Friday, April 4th. Folle Shelf —if you change the admin password, please let Nancy know. Spend, spend, spend! All money needs to be spent! Library Services final PO date for 2013‐2014 will be Friday, April 18th. The earlier you order, the higher the percentage of DNE fill rate.

Other Reminders  

Coming Soon—End of the year reflec ons and core data submission informa on. METC Conference a endees—Don't forget that we will be crea ng a collabora ve webinar in which each of you iden fy and share a Most Important Point that you took away from the conference. This may be an understanding, a website, an app, or an idea. Click on the following link and find the slide in the Google Presenta on with your name on it. This is your slide in which you will share your Most Important Point. h ps:// on/ d/19xWoD1J2habkpia_XeA1izyofyM‐4kuq3NmBt9RtoOQ/edit#slide=id.p Create an audio or video recording explaining your slide and send that file to either Bill or Kim by Wednesday, March 12th. Do be sure to also complete the Conference Sharing Form h ps://‐ hzlW4/viewform.

Google Drive Cer fica on Informa on At the end of last week Google made a change to their cer fica on and tes ng system that has a few small implica ons for us. The only thing you really need to know is how to navigate the new site and find both the tests and the study materials for Drive. Google Drive now has level 1 and level 2 training and you'll want to complete both of them. The good news is level 1 is really short and is more of just an overview. Level 2 is more comprehensive and will provide most of the answers that you will need for to pass the test. This is where you should spend most of your me. In this level, there are many videos that help to illustrate the topics and concepts covered. In Lesson 8 you'll find a link that will be important for the cer fica on test as well. Get all the links you need on the Library Services webpage. If you've already taken the test, there is nothing else that you have to do. If you have studied the materials from before, the informa on is s ll the same and the tests have not been changed. It's just their delivery of the training program materials.


How use Microso Office within Google Drive Have you recently made the move to (or you’re s ll considering) Google, but you’re reluctant to give up Microso Office? Google Drive actually integrates really well with Office, especially when you make use of the desktop version of Drive.

Installing the desktop version of Google Drive allows you to save Microso Office files directly to Drive, just like you would any other folder. Since your desktop version can automa cally sync with the browser when you have an internet connec on, these files are accessible from anywhere.

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Copyright Toolkit A true digital ci zen understands how to ethically use the works of others to build his or her own crea ve products—music, art, video, stories, presenta ons‐‐and share them with the world. In order to talk with students and teachers, Joyce Valenza has provided a website that contains A Copyright Friendly Toolkit. h ps://‐a‐copyright‐friendly‐toolkit It contains guidelines, categories, and tools to consider when your students are going to be producers of informa on.

Google Doodle Google is asking students to create doodles based on the theme “If I Could Invent One Thing to Make the World a Be er Place.” One talented young ar st will see his or her artwork on the Google homepage and receive a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 Google for Educa on technology grant for his or her school. Applica ons can be submi ed by parents, guardians, teachers, and a er‐school programs. Deadline for submissions is March 20.

IDEA: Try a Book Tas ng! Stack books to be “tasted” in 5 minute chunks… place 5‐6 tles on each table and have students rotate from table to table. Offer your readers older tles (higher level than they normally read) at one table, at a second table offer high interest nonfic on – narra ve nonfic on. Anything that doesn't scream “report resource.” Think about a different theme for how ever many tables you plan on using during the tas ng. Encourage students to explore and chat about what they saw and read in the five minutes. Submi ed by AASL Advocacy Commi ee

Engineering is Elementary EiE— h p://‐adventures This is a free curriculum created especially for elementary students. Students will be able to follow the adventurous duo India and Jacob around the world and solve real‐life problems though the engineering design process.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library School Library Month @your Library For those that like to look ahead, April is school library month. Every year AASL celebrates school librarians and their programs. AASL encourages everyone to create ac vi es to help their school and communi es celebrate the essen al role that school library programs plan in a student’s educa on career. There is a nice SLM event Almanac for the April 2013 with many interes ng ideas and resources to help with ideas for April. h p://

Advoca ng for Teens @your Library YALSA has an @your Library campaign as well as ALA. YALSA has been advoca ng and ac ve in the this program since 2012. In their strategic plan, they want to be the voice of teens and ensure that libraries have the appropriate resources to serve the na on’s 42 million teens. In 2013 they provided a toolbox on library advocacy h p:// yalsa/sites/ 20Toolkit.pdf. Other resources include a wiki— h p:// Advoca ng_for_Teen_Services_in_Libraries and YALSA advocacy page h p://

Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series Archived Links to Google Collabora ve Tools, Elements of Digital Ci zenship, the AASL Conference Wrap‐up, and Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes can be found on the Library Services webpage. Upcoming events will include the METC and MASL conference roundup. Weeding Tips: Tackling Fic on—Tuesday, March 25th 1:00PM Fic on is one of the more daun ng weeding projects. A er all, it can be difficult to remain objec ve when it comes to fic on, and the helpful rules for weeding nonfic on, based on outdated or superseded informa on, don’t apply here. Join us for this free, hour‐long webinar with Booklist Reference and Collec on Management editor Rebecca Vnuk, who will talk about the many variables of weeding adult fic on, and Simmons College associate professor Amy Pa ee, who will cover youth and YA fic on. Representa ves from our sponsor, collec on HQ, will showcase how their transfer tool can iden fy tles that can be transferred between collec ons to maximize weeding efforts. —REGISTER HERE Student Opportuni es In honor of School Library Month, AASL is encouraging students to submit videos that connect to this year’s theme: Lives Change @your Library.. Check out the contest eligibility and rules at h p:// aasl/slm/2014/video

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

"Libraries are the bedrock of our society." ~Yvonne S Thornton

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

Camera Uploads

West Middle—Media Center Grand Opening

Author, Judy Young visits Highcro Ridge

Library Humor from h p://

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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