Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 13

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Volume 1 | Issue 13

Know & Go Highlighted & Underlined

@your Library

Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Boolify an Educa onal Boolean Web Search Tool If you haven’t already heard of Boolify you will like that it provides learners with a mental model for Boolean search construc on. This web2.0 tool develops informa on literacy and cri cal thinking in an interes ng way. h p://

Wall of Films! Films for Ac on This site contains over 500 of the best social change documentaries free to watch online, all via one massive wall of films on a single page. The landing page itself is visually exci ng to look at and it is also searchable! h p://www.filmsforac

The Holidays Are Coming Are you ge*ng asked about apps for devices ? Check out this apps for elementary educa on iPad and Android: iPad: h p:// or h p:// Android: h p:// A ached is also an infographic that parents may appreciate on the six ps for choosing digital tools.

AASL Lesson Plan Database This tool supports school librarians and other educators in teaching the essen al learning skills defined in the AASL Standards for the 21stCentury Learner. To register and begin using the Lesson Plan Database, visit h p://

11 Virtual Tools for the Math Classroom Monica Burns created a list that supports the implementa on of 1:1 math integra ons tools. Great for modeling a lesson, crea ng sta ons, or assis ng with student engagement . h p:// (Edutopia)

Why Google Apps for Educa on? Maybe it’s because it is free, efficient, convenient, and enhances collabora on. Watch the five minute explana on! h p:// What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series 10/10/13—Google Collabora ve Tools - Bill Bass -

Archived—h p:// 11/12/13—Digital Ci zenship—Tom Swoboda—4 PM 12/3/13—TBD 1/16/14— Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes Ka e Stafford - 4 PM 3/4/14—TBD 4/8/4—TBD

Each webinar will be held using Google Hangouts (h p:// and will be archived on a Parkway Library YouTube Channel which we will set up soon. If you want to par cipate in the webinar and ask ques ons, you are free to do. You can also just watch as it's happening, or you can watch it aOer the fact as it will be archived on the YouTube channel and a link put on our website.

Gateway Media Literacy Week— It’s that me of year when the Gateway Media Literacy Partners (GMLP) of St. Louis conducts their Annual Media Literacy Week, which begins on November 10th-17th. It is designed to engage the community in a great media literacy conversa on. Check out the calendar of events at h p://

Using the BIG6/Super3—Pu2ng Common Core to Work—Tuesday, November 12th at 4pm ET I know many of you use BIG6 or Super3 or a combina on of both— In this webinar, the next steps for designing, crea ng, and managing Big6/Super3 within the Common Core K-12 informa on & technology skills are shared. Register: h p:// Q6yo5H

Teaching Copyright & Fair Use to the Remix Genera on—Wed., November 13th at 3:00pm The goal of this webinar is to reduce copyright confusion, to examine fair use as a reasoning process, and to explore the possibili es of remix in teaching. You will also be introduced to curriculum resources from Digital ID and Common Sense Media to teach students essen al skills around rights and responsibili es for the remix genera on. Join us to learn how to help students harness their rights and responsibili es as creators!

Addi onal EdWeb Webinars What is Text Complexity? Steps to Implement Common Core Expecta!ons How to Develop Your School Library Advocacy Program Live from AASL! It’s Emerging Tech! Classroom Tools to Teach Point of View and Purpose—CCSS Standard 6 Take a peek at h p://

Archived Webinars of Interest "Reading Informa onal Text: Focus on Integra on of Knowledge and Ideas" You will be asked to for your name and email to view the recording. h p:// Presented by Suzanne Zimbler, Assistant Managing Editor, TIME For Kids, and Jaime Joyce, Assistant Managing Editor, Educa on, TIME For Kids Par cipa on Credits—AOer you have par cipated in the webinar, in order to get credit, you will need to go to h p:// and record your par cipa on. Remember that district credit is based on the number of hours that you par cipate. Six hours will get you .5 credit and 12 hours will get you 1 credit.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Student Opportunity Show-Me a Movie is a digital storytelling contest for students grades 2-12 in Missouri and its Border States. These students are invited to demonstrate their crea vity and digital moviemaking skills in one of five categories. Cash prizes go to the school of the winning movies in each category. See last year's winners and winners from past years.

All winning movies are show-cased at a recep on on February 11, 2014 during the Midwest Educa on Technology Conference (METC). The students from the winnings movie are invited to a end along with their teachers and families. Informa on, Contest Timeline & Submission Guidelines can be found at h p://

StudentCam is C-SPAN’s annual na onal video documentary compe on that encourages students to think cri cally about issues that affect our communi es and our na on. StudentCam’s theme for 2014 is “A Message to the U.S. Congress: What’s the most important issue the U.S. Congress should consider in 2014?” Maximum award includes $5,000, plus $750 to spend on digital video equipment for his/her school. Students grades 6-12, individually or in teams, are eligible. Deadline is January 20, 2014. h p:// (from AASL )

Librarian Input Needed @Your Library In order to provide a refreshing and inspiring image of school librarians and school library programs, AASL has launched two na onal surveys to examine the brands of the profession. The surveys will determine what the brands “school librarian,” “L4L” and “@your library” mean to current and future school library professionals and educa onal stakeholders. School librarians are not only encouraged to complete the professionfocused survey, but to ask members of their educa onal communi es to take the stakeholder survey as well. The comparison between the data collected from each survey will help AASL determine how it can best address gaps and meet the needs of both groups. School librarians survey: h ps:// Stakeholders survey: h ps://

@your Library • •

Interna onal Games Day @ your library Game on November 16, 2013 Make it@your Library—Check out the Maker Space Project Website

Want to Contribute or Have an Event to Share? Got an idea, tip, or suggestion that you would like to share for the newsletter? Submit it here:

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?


is its own

reason. ~ Albert Einstein

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

Weekly Camera Uploads! Edcamp provided the opportunity to munch on some snacks, learn from our fellow peers, and collaborate with each other.

Friend, Cindy L. shows o an arch way of books...Who wants to make one of these for their library?

Ka e & Becky at South High hosted a Tech Fair. They showcased dierent edTech tools as well as a technology pe*ng zoo. Snack were included and catered by ProStart students.

Reminders Message from Folle@ As the needs of our customers con nue to evolve, we’re working diligently to be er meet those needs by reloca ng our servers to a new facility. This reloca on will require us to shut down some of our websites, online products and services. The impacted websites, online products and services will be unavailable from Thursday, November 28th through Saturday, November 30th (coinciding with the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday weekend). Outage mes vary per website, so please visit folle for informa on. Once the move is complete, your products and services will be back online. For suggested workarounds to help you mi gate any inconveniences this reloca on may create, draO messages you can share with your patrons, students, faculty and parents on this reloca on, as well as detailed informa on during the actual reloca on, please visit folle

Budget Mee ngs & Other Required Mee ngs During the course of the year all librarians will be required to a end two all librarian mee ngs. • December - Budget Mee ngs - two mee ngs on different days— Choose your date: December 4th or 11th • May - End of the Year Mee ng Q & A session for procedures, celebra on of the year, reflec on and goal se*ng for the summer and upcoming year: May 8th

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