Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 10

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Collected the Week of October 14th

Know & Go Highlighted & Underlined

@your Library

Technology, Research, and Learning Resources

Folle Enlight App—eContent anywhere, any me! Folle has released their latest reading environment focused on universal access, which is great for our District CTA/BYOD ini a ve. A ached is the quick reference guide.

7 Simple Google Tips to Search Like a Boss The ar cle put out by TeachThought presented a great infographic on effec vely maximizing Google search in seven steps that students (or yourself) might remember. The larger version can be found at h p://

Mashpedia h

p:// - is an interes ng service that matches reference ar cles from Wikipedia to materials from YouTube and news websites. The purpose of drawing materials from mul ple sources is to provide users with a comprehensive view of news stories and reference topics. Mashpedia also presents Amazon lists of books related to your chosen topic. It could be a great resource for a current events class. Taken from

Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs (For Free) The list contained on this webpage h p:// offers free 15-20 minutes Q & A sessions with classes or book clubs that have finished reading one of their books. The age range is from elementary up to adult. More in-depth virtual visits are offered for a fee. Also note that you should make contact with the author to be sure he/she s ll offer the Skype sessions before planning lessons and purchasing books.

Illustra(ve Mathema(cs is a free resource for K-12 mathema cs. They offer correct, educa onally sound, Common Core aligned lesson ac vi es and illustra ons. They are accessible to all and if you register you can rate and share ac vi es. h p://

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series 10/10/13—Google Collabora ve Tools - Bill Bass Archived—h p:// 11/12/13—Digital Ci zenship—Tom Swoboda—4 PM 12/3/13—TBD 1/16/14— Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes Ka e Stafford - 4 PM 3/4/14—TBD 4/8/4 TBD

Each webinar will be held using Google Hangouts (h p:// and will be archived on a Parkway Library YouTube Channel which we will set up soon. If you want to par cipate in the webinar and ask ques ons, you are free to do. You can also just watch as it's happening, or you can watch it aLer the fact as it will be archived on the YouTube channel and a link put on our website.

Yep, it is s(ll going on...Connected Educator Month! What is Connected Educators about? It’s an online professional network supported by the Department of Educa on. The mission is to help educators like yourself thrive in a connected world. Connected Educators combines research, development, and outreach all year long, but invites you to celebrate and par cipate the whole month of October. To get you going, Connected Educator has created a Starter Kit for you to peruse in order to get the best experience. The kit is a ached to this weeks updates. Visit the official Connected Educator Month site at h p://

DENapalooza Oct. 26! Brought you by Discovery Educa on On Saturday, October 26th Discovery Educa on will present a full day event with formal presenta ons in the morning on topics like Digital Storytelling, Project-Based Learning, and Building Your PLN with the DEN. Then, the aLernoon will be spent unconference style. A endees will choose the topics and lead the conversa ons. More ques ons about DENapalooza check out the wiki at h p:// The event will be held at Ritenour Middle School, 2500 Marshall Ave., St Louis, MO 63114. Register at h p://

K-12 Online Conference Please join the organizers of the 2013 K-12 Online Conference in congratula ng our selected presenters for this year’s conference! As in past years, our conference is organized into four strands. Each strand has an invited keynote speaker and (at least) nine addi onal selected speakers. Our conference begins October 14th with a pre-conference keynote presenta on. Strands for 2013 are: Week of Oct 21 – 25: Open Learning and Outside Learning Week of Oct 28 – Nov. 1: Leading Learning and Building Learning

Struggling Readers & Common core—October 22nd, 1:00 PM Central— The goal of the Common Core is to accelerate students’ reading achievement to grade level by the end of 2014, but educators can’t begin to make an impact on young adults who are reading below grade level without rich resources to aid them. In this hour-long, free webinar, an expert panel will offer ps about how to implement the Common Core State Standards with struggling and striving readers in the middle- and high-school classroom. Register at h p:// Q (video archive available if you register) E-Books in Schools: Lessons Learned from A-Z—Tuesday, November 5th, 1:00 PM— In this hour-long webinar sponsored by OverDrive, a panel of school librarians will discuss their successes with implemen ng an e-book plaPorm and using e-books in the classroom and school library. Register at h p:// (video archive available if you register)

Par(cipa(on Credits—ALer you have par cipated in the webinar, in order to get credit, you will need to go to h p:// LibWebinars and record your par cipa on. Remember that district credit is based on the number of hours that you par cipate. Six hours will get you .5 credit and 12 hours will get you 1 credit.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@Your Library Grins @ Your Library—by Doug Johnson - If you are looking for the edgy side of the library and would like a Friday giggle check out Doug Johnson’s Not Recommended @Your Library (sense of humor needed) h p:// Fun @Your Library Inspire teens to read Ender’s Game before it hits theaters November 1. It might also be fun to pull those other books off the shelf that have also been made into a movie. How fun would that display be! Red Hot Crime during the coldest months @ Your Library— As the fall pushes forward into winter what be er me to pick up a good mystery. Generally, mysteries tend to be the most circulated genre. Webinar available. Register at h p://


We need to stop thinking of the library as a grocery store— a place to “get stuff” and start thinking of it as a kitchen— a place to “make stuff.” ~Doug Johnson

Jose Picardo - An assistant principal and modern foreign language teacher, who is in charge of developing the school’s digital strategy, which can be summarized as follows: ensuring the integra(on of technologies that enable and facilitate teaching and learning into the life of the school and its wider community. He is on Twi er @josepicardo and has a blog h p://

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3

Research—Articles Worth Reading Power Up! The New School Library— by Doug Johnson ( This article in Educational Leadership, September, 2013, is all about making it happen in the library. What is it you ask? Making good technology choices! Topics include adap ng current needs, social learning spaces, produc on and presenta on spaces, teaching spaces, and create a place where kids want to be. “The emphasis has shiLed from teaching learners how to find and organize to teaching them how to evaluate and use informa on. But students and teachers need guidance and instruc on more than ever.”

Want to Contribute or Have an Event to Share? Got an idea, tip, or suggestion that you would like to share for the newsletter? Submit it here:

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

Nancy’s Nook Conference Approval’s •

Complete the Pre-Approval of Professional Learning Expenses applica on.

Discuss your days of absence from Parkway with your supervisor. If you need a sub, discuss that as well. Subs for a endance at conferences/ workshops are paid for with building sub alloca ons.

If your supervisor approves your request(s), send the signed form(s) to the content area coordinator (Bill), for approval. The coordinator of professional learning (Liz Morrison), and the superintendent associated with your role in Parkway (Lisa Merideth), will also have to approve your request.

Once your Pre-Approval is approved, Laura Warren, in Professional Learning, will email the approved form.

When all of the above is complete, you will then need to complete a form 303, and submit for approval.

You may now register, BUT, some conference registra ons, especially when a group is going, may be paid for with a PO. Please consult with Nancy, before paying for registra on.

As always, if you have ques ons or concerns, please feel free to contact me @ 58453 or

Ac(vi(es & Poems @Your Library

Poem is from Amy Ludwig VanDerwater. Follow her on Twi er @amylvpoemfarm or check out her poetry website at h p://

Picts Around Pkwy •

Author visits at Barretts and Henry this week

Rosemary Z. at Ross

Preview book day at Fern

And who knew there was a Diary of Wimpy Kid car

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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