Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 11

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Volume 1 | Issue 11

Know & Go Highlighted & Underlined

@your Library

Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Missed an Issue of Know & Go No worries if you missed a copy of Know & Go or you can remember which issue had the resource you are looking for. All of the updates can be found on the Library Services webpage under Personalized Learning h"p:// When you click on the link it will take you to Issuu where they are published in a searchable format and the links are all live directly from the newsle"er. Digital Ci zenship Resource Round Up—Edutopia Oct. 23, 2013 Last week, Edutopia put together a collec/on of freshly curated resources on internet safety, cyber bullying, digital responsibility and more. h"p:// Last week one of our elementary librarians shared with me how she differen/ates the digital ci/zenship resources in grades three to five. 3rd Grade—Netsmartz—h"p:// 4th Grade—Brain Pop— 5th Grade—Common Sense Media (Digital Passport)—h"ps:// Just for Fun—A Day Made of Glass (h"p:// It's a vision of what the future might look like, according to Owens-Corning. The video is about five minutes long, but it’s fun to see what the next big ideas might be, enjoy! Oh and there is an updated version of the vision h"p://

6 Free Online Resources for Primary Source Documents Got primary sources? Edutopia posted a list of six free sites for what the CCSS folks call "informa/onal text." You might peruse this if you're having students work from primary documents. h"p:// (Next Vista Learning) Google Docs for Learning Susan Oxnevad created an interac/ve chart on Glogster h"p:// allows you view samples and learn more about using Google Docs to publish student work, integrate wri/ng and reference tools, use templates, and much more. She also has a blog h"p:// that contains addi/onal resources.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series 10/10/13—Google Collabora/ve Tools - Bill Bass -

Archived—h"p:// 11/12/13—Digital Ci/zenship—Tom Swoboda—4 PM 12/3/13—TBD 1/16/14— Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes Ka/e Stafford - 4 PM 3/4/14—TBD 4/8/4—TBD

Each webinar will be held using Google Hangouts (h"p:// and will be archived on a Parkway Library YouTube Channel which we will set up soon. If you want to par/cipate in the webinar and ask ques/ons, you are free to do. You can also just watch as it's happening, or you can watch it aQer the fact as it will be archived on the YouTube channel and a link put on our website.

Parkway Edcamp Nov 6th | 4:30—6:00PM | ISC Join us at ISC (Room A) to munch on some snacks, learn from your fellow peers, and collaborate with librarians, the professional learning team, technology facilita/on commi"ee members, instruc/onal coaches, progress monitoring coaches and math facilitators. No sign up required. What is Edcamp you ask? An Edcamp is a user-generated conference - commonly referred to as an unconference. Edcamps are designed to provide par/cipant-driven professional development for K-12 educators. Edcamps are free par/cipant-driven conferences with a primary focus on technology and computers. Educa/onal technology is a common topic area for Edcamps, as are pedagogy, prac/cal examples in instruc/onal use of modern tools, and solving the problems technology can introduce into the classroom environment. Edcamps explained at h"p:// (2:05 min)

Final Days of Connected Educator Month! What is Connected Educators about? It’s an online professional network supported by the Department of Educa/on. The mission is to help educators like yourself thrive in a connected world. Connected Educators combines research, development, and outreach all year long, but invites you to celebrate and par/cipate the whole month of October. Visit the official Connected Educator Month site at h"p:/

Last few days of K-12 Online Conference This online conference h"p:// is organized by educators for educators around the world interested in integra/ng emerging technologies into classroom prac/ce. The goal is to help educators make sense of and meet the needs of a con/nually changing learning landscape The conference is organized into four strands and each strand has an invited keynote speaker. Strands for this week include: Leading & Building Learning

E-Books in Schools: Lessons Learned from A-Z—Tues., November 5th, 1:00 PM In this hour-long webinar sponsored by OverDrive, a panel of school librarians will discuss their successes with implemen/ng an e-book plaPorm and using e-books in the classroom and school library. Register at h"p:// (video archive available if you register) Coming Soon...Gateway Media Literacy Week It’s that /me of year when the Gateway Media Literacy Partners (GMLP) of St. Louis conducts their Annual Media Literacy Week, which begins on November 10th-17th. It is designed to engage the community in a great media literacy conversa/on. Check out the calendar of events at h"p://

Par cipa on Credits—AQer you have par/cipated in the webinar, in order to get credit, you will need to go to h"p:/// and record your par/cipa/on. Remember that district credit is based on the number of hours that you par/cipate. Six clock hours will get you .5 credit and 12 clock hours will get you 1 credit.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Student Opportunity Show-Me a Movie is a digital storytelling contest for students grades 2-12 in Missouri and its Border States. These students are invited to demonstrate their crea/vity and digital moviemaking skills in one of five categories. Cash prizes go to the school of the winning movies in each category. See last year's winners and winners from past years.

All winning movies are show-cased at a recep/on on February 11, 2014, during the Midwest Educa/on Technology Conference (METC). The students from the winnings movie are invited to a"end along with their teachers and families. Informa on, Contest Timeline & Submission Guidelines can be found at h"p://

@Your Library Fun @Your Library Inspire teens to read Ender’s Game before it hits theaters November 1. It might also be fun to pull those other books off the shelf that have also been made into a movie. Red Hot Crime during the coldest months @ Your Library—As the fall pushes forward into winter what be"er /me to pick up a good mystery. Generally, mysteries tend to be the most circulated genre. Register at h"p://

Thoughts @Your Library Around the District there has been many author visits and I have had the opportunity to learn from each one. It’s beyond the great student interac/on and the message that they bring. It’s an opportunity to grow, learn, and take one thing away that can be used to benefit all of us a department. Examples include: •

The importance of music in the sequence of presenta/on—this brings a rhythm to what you have to say and if it happens to be a sing-a-long then it creates a par/cipatory experience for the audience.

Research indicates that if fact-based lessons aren’t connected to previous materials, they fill a student's cogni/ve dump truck that /ps and emp/es every 20 minutes. ~ Jane Healey

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer •

When wri/ng—do read it aloud—preferably to another person. This allows you to hear whether the story or presenta/on has a good ending or message.

Want to engage an audience? Let the audience create the en/re story based on a set of ques/ons. If the ques/ons are well thought out and en/ce students to use their senses, they will create the journey that contains a reason for the story, a problem, and a resolu/on.

Playing is essen/al to curiosity (especially for the wri/ng process). The trick is to let the wri/ng happen. The rules for the story to make sense can come later. Think about this, “if you survive kindergarten you have enough material to write about for the rest of your life.” - Jaqueline Woodson

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

PLN From the people at the Teaching Channel The Teaching Channel features a weekly selec/on of videos that support CCSS, strategies, and advice for the classroom. They can be found on Twi"er (@TeachingChannel), Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube. It is free to register for an account. 3 Videos with Close Reading Strategies Organize Your Thinking to Cri/cally Analyze Text 15 minutes |Grade 5 | Social Studies | Reading | CCSS Help students not only determine important concepts in a text, but also how to empower learners by trying these two strategies: Keep It or Junk It and Jump in and Read. h"p:// Selec/ve Highligh/ng: Reading with Purpose 2 Minutes | All Grades | ELA | Evidence One way to start good habits of close reading is to be sure that students have a clear purpose for their reading. Student need an anchor, which can come from guided ques/ons. This video offers assistance with wri/ng guided ques/ons. h"p:// Literary Analysis through Interac/ve Sta/ons 5 Minutes | Grades 9-12 ELA | Engagement | CCSS Three different exercises: Wall of Silence, Power Tableau, and Circle Discussion may help students read closely to construct summaries. h p://

Nancy’s Nook Conference Approval’s • Complete the Pre-Approval of Professional Learning Expenses applica/on. • Discuss your days of absence from Parkway with your supervisor. If you need •

• • •

a sub, discuss that as well. Subs for a endance at conferences/workshops are paid for with building sub alloca ons. If your supervisor approves your request(s), send the signed form(s) to the content area coordinator (Bill), for approval. The coordinator of professional learning (Liz Morrison), and the superintendent associated with your role in Parkway (Lisa Merideth), will also have to approve your request. Once your Pre-Approval is approved, Laura Warren, in Professional Learning, will email the approved form. When all of the above is complete, you will then need to complete a form 303, and submit for approval. You may now register, BUT, some conference registra/ons, especially when a group is going, may be paid for with a PO. Please consult with Nancy, before paying for registra/on.

As always, if you have ques/ons or concerns, please feel free to contact me @ 58453 or

Want to Contribute or Have an Event to Share? Got an idea, tip, event, or suggestion that you would like to share for the newsletter? Submit it here:

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Picts October 21st-25th

Rosemary T—Hanna Woods Eve & Chris—North High Melissa B—Bellerive with author Jaqueline Woodson

Space ideas for the Library a.k.a. Learning Commons • Reading booths—soQ sea/ng • Self-Check out—even at 1st grade • Media Rooms • iPad catalog search kiosk

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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