Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 3

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Volume 1 | Issue 3

Know & Go @your Library

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Study Like a Scholar, Scholar h p:// This is a short, great video that could be embedded into your library website! It sings the praises of databases…how fun to add a li le humor to your library orienta)on (maybe a li le late this year, but store it away for next year) 48 Common Core Standards-aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf h p:// A matrix of common Core aligned online tools for teachers .

SweetSearch is a search Engine for Students. It searches only credible Web sites approved by Internet research experts. SweetSearch helps students find outstanding informa)on, faster. It enables them to determine the most relevant results from a list of credible resources, and makes it much easier for them to find primary sources. To see a short video demonstra)ng SweetSearch, go to h p:// Many of you are ge9ng ready or have already started using Edmodo in your library this year. This Link can get you from ge9ng started to running your library classroom, these interac)ve quick-start guides provide all the resources you need to enhance your classroom with Edmodo. You’ll be sure to find a guide that fits your grade level and needs!

For Fun Share this site with your social studies teachers h p:// Presidents of the United States morphed in sequence.

Reminders •

METC Proposals—Deadline September 15th! This includes all 50 minute and 1 hour and 50 minute BYOD sessions. Check out the 2013 searchable program (h p:// to see what was offered last year. All general session presenters receive up to a 75 percent discount on the registra)on fee for the day they are presen)ng. More informa)on on presenter discounts can be found at h p:// All informa)on on the proposal process can be found at h p://

Requests for Travel and Conferences Participation—Deadline Sept 15th—complete forms and request funds at h p:// Look under the conferences sec)on.

If you are new to library and don’t have a copy of the Standards for the 21st Century Learner In Action, please let me know so that we may get you a copy.

Co n Trav ference el Dea & MET dl i n C e Wee this k!

Don’t forget MSPLC at the CHS library on Oct. 2nd

Remember to use or check and see if your school has already collected the Consent for Publica)on of Student Informa)on (a ached) when pos)ng or using student pictures, names, or student-authored work online.

Many of you will be Skyping or video conferencing with authors and others soon, so included this week is a copy of video conferencing sheet to help prepare students for getting the most out of the experience.

Do you use Twitter for your own PLN? If so, here is a great suggestion I received this week. I started following Christopher Lehman on Twi er h ps://twi . He is a research guru, blogger, and is currently hos)ng a blogathon focused on Close Reading. His blog can be found at h p://

Discovery Education—Let me know if you are new to the district or need information about your account, such as being shuffled or added to a new school or need assistance with some administrative duties within DE.

Learning Opportunities Discovery Education Back-to-School Webinar There is still time (through September) to participate Register at and get Parkway credit at

Booklist Webinar— Sept 17th—Don’t miss the latest titles from three top youth nonfiction publishers in this free, hour-long webinar! Join representatives from Boyds Mills Press, DK, and Simon & Schuster to learn about new nonfiction titles, plus ways to incorporate these titles in the library and classroom. Moderated by Booklist senior editor Ilene Cooper.

Digging into Databases— Sept 12th—Next up on American Libraries Live—Marshall Breeding will lead our expert panel in a discussion of how databases are changing and shaping the present and future of libraries. This interactive discussion will incorporate live audience questions and comments and cover a variety of topics. Participation Credits—After you have participated in the webinar, in order to get credit, you will need to go to and record your participation. This link will also be found on the Library Services website at under the "Personalized Learning" button. Remember that district credit is based on the number of hours that you participate. 6 hours will get you .5 credit and 12 hours will get you 1 credit.

@your Library September is all about the celebra)on of the smartest card in your wallet...your library card! Library Card Sign-up Month • Theme: You belong @Your Library • 60 ways to use your card! h p:// • Free promo)ons tools for libraries h p://

Picts Around Pkwy Sorrento’s Question Wall, North High 9th Grade Orientation, Oak Brook a.m. Checkout, South High Scheduling@ your Library, Green Trails Readbox & QR codes, Hannah Woods Lesson Time

When I got my library card, that was when my life began.

~Rita Mae Brown

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: wbass3 Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer

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