Know & Go Volume 2 | Issue 27

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Volume 2 | Issue 27

Parkway School District

Know & Go

Contact Information

@your Library Nancy’s Nook & Other Reminders 12/24 Month eBook Access Expiration

If you purchased eBooks with 12/24 month access be on the look out for an expiration email coming soon. In the email there will be a direct link to order again. An example of the email and the link to Titlewave can be seen here.

Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog ISSUU Newsletter Stacks: 2014-2015 2013-2014

Year end PO’s for Follett The final day for Library Services PO's to be entered is Friday, April 17th, 2015. There will be no more orders processed for fiscal year 2014-2015 after this date. SPEND YOUR BUDGET! All Follett orders will be closed and shipped on Friday, May 22nd, 2015. As always, let Nancy know if you have any questions.

End of the Year Meeting and Retirement Dinner The retirement dinner will be held after the May 7th meeting . We'll be honoring Michelle McGary Cavanaugh at Spiro's. Please take a look at the emailed invitation and let Chris Johnston know if you will be able to make it.

Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code or

End of the Year Core Data & Narratives In order to comply with district and state reporting as well as have record of the programs that libraries in the district are participating in, there are a few end of the year items we need. The Core Data (which Jim is working on the reporting in Destiny for those numbers) and narrative should be completed and in to Library Services by May 8th.

Library Services Answers to FAQs

Google Academy Information Right now we are really low in terms of the number of people registered for Google Academy. So, please consider telling your friends about the event and post the Academy and Camp flyers in strategic places in your buildings. Google Academy will be offered as a salary credit opportunity for you and teachers in your building. All the information can be found at this link ( As a presenter, you have the ability to earn salary credit as well (see Option 2 at the bottom of the linked page).

MOREnet to Continue OFfering Heritage Quest MOREnet announced that HeritageQuest will be renewed for FY16 for all eligible members! In addition to continuing access to Heritage Quest for FY16, please recall they are also renewing access for EBSCO and LearningExpress Library. All are available to eligible members as part of the FY16 Membership Service Packages, Full or Basic.

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What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Librarians List 14-15 Who To Call Ordering procedures Follett ordering w/screenshots Follett Acct #'s Follett req Instructions building budget Sample budget Substitute librarian list Sub Training Videos Standing orders Ordering/renewing databases HS only Destiny FAQ Page of Answers

Resource Roundup Technology, Research & Learning Resources

Last Minute Earth Day Resources Edutopia has put together a plethora of resources to celebrate Earth Day next week. The suggestion include lesson plans, reading lists, and classroom ideas for all grade levels.

Global Trek This site is a way for students to travel the world without having to leave their classroom. The travel itinerary provides links to background information and a chance to read about a country's people and culture. There is even the opportunity to correspond and talk with people in their native language with the help of instant translation.

More Poetry Resources for This Month ●

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ReadWorks has a new selection of famous poems available on their website. The selection is organized by grade level. As with every passage on ReadWorks, each poem is accompanied by a set of guided reading questions. BoomWriter has put together new vocabulary sheets for Poetry Month. The poetry vocabulary is part of a larger poetry lesson plan for elementary and middle school students. You can download the vocabulary words and lesson plans as PDFs. Scholastic has assembled a big list of lesson resources for teaching poetry this month. One of the resources recommended by Richard Byrne is the Poetry Idea Engine. The Poetry Idea Engine is a simple, interactive tool that helps students create four types of poems; haiku, limerick, cinquain, and free verse. Poetry Audiobook suggestions from School Library Journal - April 2014 Tips for Librarians shares some suggestions for educators and librarians on ways to incorporate poetry in the classroom and libraries. Listen to the Experts Real-life poets talk about the best ways to share poetry.

Teen Library Programming Guidelines YALSA recently released The guidelines to assist library staff with providing relevant, outcomes-based programs to better the lives of all teens in their community. Accompanying the guidelines is a glossary and a list of selected resources to provide library staff with a path to further exploration of teen programming best practices. YALSA President Chris Shoemaker remarked “we hope this new resource will provide library staff with a baseline of what constitutes quality programming for and with teens.”

Crash Course Kids & SciShow Kids Crash Course Kids and SciShow Kids are massively popular YouTube channels offering interesting and educational content for upper elementary & middle school students. They provide a broad overview of various topics through the use of green screen visuals and fast-paced talking. There is also an adult and teen SciShow and Crash Course channel for both of these channels.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

About Books Outstanding International Books Mark Your Calendar - Google Education On Air - Free Online Conference: May 8th & 9th Do you wish for the chance to work more closely with other teachers? Now introducing Education On Air, a free online conference. http: // You have the best seat in the house (your own!) All you need is a web browser and an Internet connection to learn with other educators.

Check It Out is a great little Google Forms Add-on that allows you to create a simple check-out/ check-in system. With CheckItOut enabled in Google Forms you simply title the set of items that people will be checking out (iPads for example) then choose if you want people to choose from check boxes, a list, or multiple choice question. After making those selections CheckItOut will create the form formatting for you. Once created you can edit the list of items that being checked-out. When someone uses your form to check-out an item, that item is automatically moved from the check-out field to the check-in field of your form which makes it easy for everyone to see which items are available and which are not. Applications for Education CheckItOut will not replace the need for a full-fledged inventory system in a school library. That said, CheckItOut could be a great option for teachers who lend items from their classroom libraries. It's also a good Add-on for people who are in charge of keeping track of iPad or laptop carts.

The United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY) marks a distinctive era with the announcement of this 10th Outstanding International Books list. For a decade, USBBY has been recommending international books, or books published in countries other than the United States prior to publication or distribution in the U.S., from an expansive and flourishing world of authors, illustrators, and ideas. The 2015 list heralds 42 books, from pre-K to grade 12. Read more at School Library Journal and check out the Google Map , bookmarks, and lists at

Create a Lab / Room Scheduler in Google Sheets This may be what we have been looking for to schedule our library spaces and a way to track and use the data we collect! Lab Scheduler is a neat Google Sheets Add-on that enables you to easily create and maintain a lab or room reservation system for your school. It is designed for schools that use a labeled block schedule (for example, the high school in my district uses "period 1" through "period 8" even though there are only four periods in a given day). Once you have added Lab Scheduler to your Google Spreadsheet it will walk you through the process of creating blocks of time and lab/room space in your spreadsheet. You can set your Lab Scheduler to maintain a preview of as many dates as you like. The preview is what people will see when they want to make a reservation. Share the spreadsheet with your staff and they can reserve a block of time in it. (Taken from Applications for Education Lab Scheduler could provide your school with a good way to keep track of who is using which rooms when. If you have multiple rooms to schedule, you could create a few spreadsheets with Lab Scheduler then put all of those sheets into one shared Google Drive folder. What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

1000 Books Before Kindergarten Early literacy research shows that students will need to know close to 100,000 words in order be critical thinkers and strong. Through “1,000 Books before� program libraries across the country are embracing a way to help parents and pre-school teachers reach the goal of reading at least three stories a day to get to 1,000 books. Read the whole article at School library Journal - January 2014

@your Library Get Caught Reading @your Library This is Get Caught Reading Month, so use photos (selfies) taken throughout the year of students, teachers, and families reading and post them on an electronic bulletin board/regular bulletin board. Add more photos as the month goes on. Invite teachers, students, and families to share their photos for posting. Sponsored by the Association of American Publishers and

Reading is Fun Week @your Library There are books for many age levels that will make reading fun. Check out, from The Berenson Schemes series, Jack the Castaway (2014), Jack and the Wild Life (2014), and Jack at the Helm (2015) by Lisa Doan (Illus. by Ivica Stevanovic. Darby Creek. Grades 3-5) and the teaching guide One Witch at a Time by Stacy DeKeyser (Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2015. Grades 3-7) also has a teaching guide

National Pet Week @your Library May 3-9 A new book about a pet that will enthrall readers is Spirit’s Key by Edith Cohn (Farrar Strauss Giroux, 2014). This is a charmed story about a young girl named Spirit, her dog Sky, her father, and an island community of unique individuals. It involves superstitions, dangerous spirits, readings for the future, and fears that drive people to do things with devastating consequences. Gr. 4-7

Celebrate Star Wars @your Library Star Wars became a pop culture phenomenon with the release of the movie. It’s popularity continues today. Have students rate movies they have seen and put them into genres. A book that might be helpful is Movies and TV Top Tens by Sandy Donovan (Lerner, 2014). Grades 5-8.

Need More Ideas? School Library Monthly Almanac of Events for May.

Personalized Learning One option for earning Parkway credits is to participate in webinars. In order to earn participation credits watch the webinar and then go to to record your participation. Remember that district credit is based on the number of clock hours that you participate. Credit is issued as follows: six clock hours will get you .5 credit and 12 clock hours will get you 1 credit. Global Community Engagement for K-12 Students: Lessons from Greenleaf Wednesday, Apr. 22 at 3 p.m. REGISTER HERE Digital Games & Learning: Theory & Research Wednesday, May 6 at 3 p.m. REGISTER HERE Recorded Webinars If you would like to see some the previous webinars but were unable to make it, try an archived webinar on EdWeb View Using Google Drive to Streamline the Teaching and Learning Process View Writing a Winning Grant Application View Big G Game-Based Learning View Makerspaces: The Now Revolution in School Libraries ConnectED Learning Events 4/28 and 4/29 Future Ready In support of the Future Ready Schools initiative, ConnectED Learning, in a partnership with the United States Department of Education, is hosting an event for district leaders. For us, Future Ready means having a comprehensive approach to the technology integration. Learn more here and pass this on for your district leaders to get involved! They can register here. Follow the hashtag #FutureReady 5/16 EdcampSTL Express Like EdcampSTL? Like learning? Imagine if you didn’t have to wait until next year! EdcampSTL express is all the awesome of EdcampSTL without all the extra stuff. No sponsors, no prizes, no t-shirt cannon, just passionate educators sharing their best ideas with one another in an UNconference format. Learn more and register here!

Follett Destiny

By the Numbers

Destiny FAQ Page of Answers

Mobile Access Shifts Social Media Used and Other Online Activities Teens ages 13 to 17 are going online frequently. Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile phones, 92% of teens report going online daily — with 24% using the internet “almost constantly,” 56% going online several times a day, and 12% reporting once-a-day use. Just 6% of teens report going online weekly, and 2% go online less often. This is taken from a new PEW research study. Continue reading and see the stats at

Here's What You’re Getting With the Update to Destiny 12.5 Destiny Library Manager – More features in interlibrary loan including ways to make it easier for library staff and schools to make the book loan process worry free. ● Universal Search ■ Support your research efforts by selecting any type of material to add to your own Favorites list ■ Save time and effort with our new integration with EasyBib, a web-based service, to simplify the process of making citations and bibliographies ■ Easy search functionality for accessing audiobooks and sound recordings, including searching limited to Follett audiobooks only ● Finally, to stay aware of current news and announcements, all Destiny products will now have a new messaging feature ● What's New in Destiny 12.5 Download PDF ● Overview: Citing Sources with Universal Search and EasyBib Watch Now ●

Timely Topics for Digital Age Libraries Digital Resources, eBooks, Learning Commons, Scheduling, Leadership, Programing, Makerspaces

Lately there has been a lot of interest in Makerspaces. At library Services we are working on how to best support this movement. We are looking at the possibility of carts for elementary and rotating kits for secondary. The important thing to remember about Makerspaces is that it fits the culture of the school and offers something that students may not be able to find anywhere else. In this week’s eNews there is an article on the five steps for creating a customized makerspace. Makerspaces look different from school to school and that is perfectly fine. Those steps include: understanding the learners, access offering already in your school, consider trends and best practices, develop themes, and organize and obtain supplies. Read the article

~ Unlimited Possibilities are available @ your library every day!

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Student Opportunities St Louis Summer Computer Camps @ Washington University iD Tech offers high-energy summer computer programs for kids and teens. Co-ed options include iD Tech Camps for ages 7-17, iD Tech Academies for teens ages 13-18, and iD Tech Mini for ages 6-9. They also offer Alexa CafĂŠ, an all-girls program for ages 10-15.Visit

Special: Time (magazine) For kids Talks to Jane Goodall! Presented by renowned chimpanzee researcher and conservationist Jane Goodall, with Jaime Joyce, Assistant Managing Editor, Education, TIME For Kids, and Laura Blackburn, Associate Editor, TIME For Kids

Library Lessons Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks & Focused Attention Practices Edutopia put together 16 brain breaks and focused-attention practices to positively impact our emotional states and learning. The idea is that students refocus their neural circuitry with either stimulating or quieting practices that generate increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, where problem solving and emotional regulation occur.

Monday, Apr. 20 at Noon - REGISTER HERE

Parkway Summer School Registration is Now Open Registration for Parkway summer school begins April 2. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, unless otherwise noted in an individual program summary. Some classes have limited enrollment. Sign up early! Summer school for elementary/middle school students takes place June 1-19. High school summer school is June 1-July 2. Read More-

April Book Events for Kids and Teens Sponsored by Left Bank Books and St Louis County Library several book events are in place for April. Get more Info.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Well Said...

Snap Shots ● ● ●

Book Buffet Celebrating Library Week at West Middle Battle of the Books at North High where all high schools participated Selfies in the library to celebrate Library month posting on Twitter at #pnhlibraryselfie Makerspace at Northeast Middle Cardboard challenge

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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