How to Learn Web Design - 8 Must-Have Steps
You want to get started with web design. Perhaps to create your own site or create web sites for other people. The questions are: What is the best way to learn web design? How do you decide what is vital to learn, and possibly what you don't need to know at all? This article will dwell in-depth on the vital elements you need to learn in web design, and focus on some of the ways you can employ to find out more. To make a web site that will work you need very valuable we design skills. They include:
• Marketing Simply put, web design is marketing; a process of matching markets to propositions. The more successfully you do that, the more effective your web design will be. Your web site cannot be successful if people who visit your web site cannot get what they are looking for. Search marketing, advertising, and email marketing are all interwoven with your web site, and should be viewed as fraction of the marketing mix. Learning and applying the fundamental principals of marketing is crucial for effective web design. • Branding and positioning Branding is the discipline of choosing what you want your communication to say about you or your product(s), or your client web site. A strong brand creates a strong impression that communicates vividly what is unique about your site and helps people to differentiate your offering from all other thousands of options out there. It is pointless to create another web site that resembles other sites in your target market. If you want to create a powerful web site, it should be built around a clear identity. It should display a personality that your visitors can connect to. And that is the work of a web designer. • Traffic generation For a web site to prosper it must attract the right number of the right visitors, and at the same time convert those visitors into customers or friends. If your site does not appear on the first page of search results for a range of terms, it won't be getting a lot of attention. Build your site from ground up and focus it at the right market sector. Ensure your site is search engine friendly. Any web designer who does this will be far more valuable and successful. • Information architecture A competent web designer should be able to build sites that are easy to navigate. Helping your visitors find their way around is vital to that experience. In addition, the way you build your site will have impacts on its ability to convert prospects to customers, and even more significant its ability to compete for your target search terms. • Graphic design Graphic design is very vital as it covers use of imagery, styling, typography, page layout, ease of navigation and iconography. Learn how to use features that are easy to understand, and should look appropriate for its message and its audience. • Production Web page production is the process of converting your graphical design into a working web site. A well produced web site is quicker and easier to build than a trashy one. It is also easier and cheaper to edit the web site when the need arises. Furthermore, a good produced site will transfer well to other user agents, especially mobile browsers which mean more people can interact with your site. • Accessibility and usability Web accessibility is the process of making your site usable by every one-disability not withstanding. On the other hand, web usability is the process of testing how easy it is to accomplish what you want on a site. To create a successful web site, you have to be familiar with the principles of accessibility and usability. In addition, creating a web site that is
readable to somebody using a text-to-speech reader is a bonus because your content will accessible to search engine spiders. • Copy-writing Copy-writing is the ultimate skill in making effective web pages; it impacts on everything that matters. A web page should have the ability to grab visitors' attention and encourage them to keep moving forward confident that they will attain what they want. The language you use should be simple and easy to understand. All these fall under the remit of copy-writing. Any web designer who can't yet write a good copy is a half baked designer. In conclusion, the best way to go about this is to practice. You can further enhance your knowledge and skills from other resources such as tutorials, blogs, on-line courses, local courses, seminars, private groups and pro-web design courses. Discover the web site design person in you. You can find more information and tips for how to learn web design at
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