Spokane CDA Living Magazine December 2022

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#204| DECEMBER 2022 (Display Until JAN. 15, 2022) SPOKANECDA.COM $4.95 DECember 2022/issue 204 Holiday Gift Guide Kids take a Fantasy Flight VISIT CAMPBELL HOUSE FOR CHRISTMAS

Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine is published twelve times a year. If you have any questions or comments regarding the magazine, please call us at (509) 533-5350; we want to hear from you. Visit our Web site for an expanded listing of services: bozzimedia. com.

Letters to the Editor: We are always looking for comments about our recent articles. Your opinions and ideas are important to us; however, we reserve the right to edit your comments for style and grammar. Please send your letters to the editor to the address at the bottom of the page or to editor@spokanecda. com.

Why-We-Live-Here photos: We publish photos that depict the Inland Northwest and why we live here. We invite photographers to submit a favorite to editor@spokanecda.com

Story Submissions: We’re always looking for new stories. If you have an idea for one, please let us know by submitting your idea to the editor: editor@spokanecda.com

Datebook: Please submit information to editor@spokanecda.com at least three months prior to the event. Fundraisers, gallery shows, plays, concerts, where to go and what to do and see are welcome.

Dining Guide: This guide is an overview of fine and casual restaurants for residents and visitors to the region. For more information about the Dining Guide, editor@spokanecda. com

BUZZ: If you have tips on what’s abuzz in the region, contact the editor at editor@ spokanecda.com

Advertising: Reach out to the consumer in the Inland Northwest and get the word out about your business or products. Take advantage of our vast readership of educated, upper income homeowners and advertise with Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine For more information, call (509) 533-5350.

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Paulette R. Burgess | editor@spokanecda.com

Associate Editor

Laurel Hogue | editor@spokanecda.com

ART director

Stephen Templeton | stempleton@spokanecda.com


Marketing Editor | Darin Burt

Editorial Assistant | Shannon Abbs


Jessica Blackwell, Anthony Gill, Rich Leon

Paul Lindholdt, Tonya Madden, Annie Matlow, Ari Nordhagen, Marshall Peterson, Tonya Sherman


Darin Burt, Laurel Hogue, Rich Leon, Ari Nordhagen, Allie Raye


Heide Tyvan


Jordan Bozzi | jordan@bozzimedia.com

Account executives

Deena Budano |deena@bozzimedia.com Kerri Jensen | kerri@bozzimedia.com Kellie Rae | kellie@bozzimedia.com Linda Wiyrick |linda@bozzimedia.com


LaRae’s on Second

The Historic Flight Foundation The Hidden Ballroom kellie@bozzimedia.com

In Memoriam


Vincent Bozzi

Emily Guevarra Bozzi



Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine is published twelve times per year by Northwest Best Direct, Inc., dba Bozzi Media, 157 S. Howard, Suite #603, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 533-5350, fax (509) 535-3542. Contents Copyrighted© Northwest Best Direct, Inc., all rights reserved. Subscription $24.95 for one year. For article reprints of 50 or more, call ahead to order. See “Contact Us” for more details.

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10 BOZZIMEDIA.com DECEMBER 2022 12 FROM THE DESK 15 FIRST LOOK Lilacs & Lemons Buzzworthy NW Infuence Spokane Rising 34 THE SCENE Datebook First Friday Family Time The Davenport Fantasy Flight Holiday gift guide 66 Nest Campbell house Build your own home Heating 84 health beat Hormone replacement Outdoor Excersize 94 LOCAL CUISINE Eats, Shoots, & Leaves Holiday Meal Plan Dining Guide 106 Last look Sandpoint Perspectives Aire Libre Why we Live Here CONTENTS BozziMedia.com // @spokanecdaliving stay connected PAGE 40 FIRST FRIDAY SPOTLIGHT: the pursuit of artistry PAGE 58 VISIT CAMPBELL HOUSE FOR CHRISTMAS PAGE 66 Dish Up a Divine Holiday Dessert PAGE 102

FROMThe desk

Looking back, moving forward

Snow now blankets all that was once green as people prepare for the grand nale of the holiday season: New Year’s Eve. e last hurrah.

Physically and emotionally exhausted from all the decorating and planning, the hosting of family dinners, and buying and making of gi s, most of us long for respite from the hustle and bustle of the holidays. And yet, when things do nally settle down, the quiet ending to another year can be unsettling. Before starting the next, one can’t help but re ect on the prior, its positives and negatives revealed in stark contrast. e chiaroscuro illumi nates what went right, what went wrong, and what we should resolve to do di erently—or continue in the same vein.

e most univer sal New Year’s Eve re ection is probably an examination of the past year’s resolutions, along with the inevi table guilt surrounding how they had been abandoned by spring. In moments like these, it is important to remember that merely because a resolu tion is set to begin on the rst of the year, it may not come to fruition immediately. False starts are inevitable. A missed day or a step backward doesn’t require abandon ment of the goal until January. Resolu tions o er us a chance to humbly embrace our humanity and our fallibility. A er

all, a resolution is, by design, intended to encourage and remind us that our dreams and goals matter and deserve acknowledg ment. ink of something that inspires optimism for your future, and then resolve to reach for it.

Amidst all the gi -giving this month, let’s not forget to o er ourselves a few, especially the gi s of patience, gratitude, care, and forgiveness. And then, rather than viewing our New Year’s resolutions

as burdensome or as a sort of punitive payback for being less than perfect the year before, we can frame them as a chance to refocus attention on the needs and desires that were put on the back burner over the last 12 months.

We get so busy with our never-ending e orts and daily duties, but it’s crucial to take time to think about what we can do to improve our quality of life. Resolving to exercise more is a choice one makes not

because we’re slothful and lumpy but be cause we deserve to be healthy and happy. Maybe we aim to spend more time with family or return to a lost hobby. Again, let the impetus be a positive one. Family and pastimes aren’t duties; instead, they ll our days with a sense of belonging and pur pose. Even those more speci c resolutions like ceasing nail biting or paying down a particular debt can be invitations to joy. Ultimately, a resolution doesn’t require an intense shi ; a simple change to one’s daily routine can be meaningful and impactful in the long run. e options are yours. Whatever you choose, let it be because you be lieve you deserve more joy and peace in your life, not more guilt and self-imposed perfectionism. Perhaps we should reframe a resolution as an ‘intention.’ Let’s imagine our resolutions as intentions, as tangible markers that help to remind us that we are the captains of our ships and can sail towards any shore; we are not bound to any island and are worthy of paradise. Have a wonderful holiday sea son and resolve to have a happy New Year!



Winter Storm hits & Gas Prices Dip


e rst, true winter storm of the season hit days before press. Kids rejoiced on the last day of November, liberated from the con nes of classrooms thanks to a winter wonderland appearing overnight. It was several days of build ing snowmen, having snow ghts, and begging for a chance to go sledding in between cups of hot cocoa and Christmas movies. What more could a kid want?

project and the development of a new park in the West Plains), so there will be some excellent places to sleep soon.


Facebook Marketplace is the best spot for Christmas deals these days. Why, yes, I would like a free, well cared for couch to help furnish my daugh ter’s rst apartment!


It’s obvious to even the un trained observer that social media marketplaces are convenient locales for fencing ill-gotten goods. A new pair of Nike Air Zooms for $50? Never worn? Imagine that! Such a bargain. Why someone bought them and decided not to return them for a full refund and instead chose to sell them to a total stranger for one- h their store cost is a mystery. And if you think it’s your lucky day, may I interest you in some Montana oceanfront property?

higher while in Idaho lower. Something magical happens when drivers cross into Idaho—or onto reservations.


In 2020, the average cost of a gallon was $2.24, so we’re still looking at an almost 45 percent increase (or close to a 100 percent increase if we’re standing in the month of October). Bring on that Christmas miracle!



It’s here, the snow. e blasted snow! While some may have been liberated from retail jobs, everyone else now works via Zoom and had to handle phone calls and emails in between digging out driveways or helping stalled motor ists escape the center of streets. Interstate 90 was snarled all the way from Coeur d’Alene to Cheney.


ere’s nothing like an extreme weather event to make our local elected o cials get serious about tackling the “situation” involving the multitudes of unhoused individuals sleeping under bridges. Meanwhile, Spokane County Commissioners approved $11,000,000 for two parks (Plante’s Ferry improvement


Come on, law enforcement. e bad guys engaging in orga nized retail the couldn’t make your jobs any easier. Just go shopping for crooks online! ey take Venmo.


A recent headline heralded the possibility of the average price of gasoline going below $3 per gallon by Christmas. at’s very good news to those of us who must drive for our jobs, especially given that in October the aver age cost per gallon was $4.13. at’s nationally; in Washing ton state it was considerably

Should one really complain? Back in 1978 and adjusted for in ation, the average .78 cents per gallon of gas equates to $3.13 per gallon in today’s dollars. So, by Christmastime, the last 44 years will have been a wash. Your green goes as far now as it did then, pertaining to gasoline at least. But more importantly, a typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, according to the EPA. Here in the Inland Northwest, where the bulk of our electric ity is generated by clean, renewable hydro power, electric vehicles start to look like the more attractive alternative to fossil fuel guzzling autos. en we won’t need to care about the average cost of a gallon at all. (And there are always those electric bikes; they make snow tires for them nowadays.)

good bad good out of bad

Ever felt that urge to try out a new cra or art medium, but felt discouraged by the nancial investment of buying brand-new supplies? Or have you satis ed your thirst for a particular medium and don’t know what to do with your supplies? Look no further, for Art Salvage in Spokane is the place you seek.

Even just walking past the store’s bright ly painted exterior and decorated dumpster, ideas begin to brew about the limitless ways in which any object can be turned into a work of art. Art Salvage’s mission is simple: to create a place where artists and cra ers can come to source a ordable, reused items for their work. is business o ers up all the obvious tools like paint brushes, mark

ers, canvas, fabric, yarn, patterns, buttons, beads, stained glass, and so much more.

ere are also old photographs, piano keys, burlap co ee bags, lampshades, doll limbs, silverware, wood tokens, clock parts, and circuit boards. Every inch of the store is brimming with donated supplies of every kind of material. e list never ends because they continually receive new items.


Interlaced with the supplies are pieces of art born from the shop. ere’s a pencil skirt (made from literal pencils), a birdhouse made from wine corks, a lampshade made from paint stirring sticks, and sun catchers made from colorful glass pebbles. e ambi ance is continually changing because the art is always changing. Most importantly, the supplies are constantly being updated. What once was a bicycle wheel that likely rode long and far now hangs above the register as a frame for a large woven dream catcher.

While visiting Art Salvage, I spoke with Chad Shayotovich, a reuse specialist at the

store. He explained that while they are an art store, the big goal is to foster a way to divert items from ending up in a land ll. Art Salvage seeks to promote a mentality of reuse so that items that still have life in them can have a purpose that gives people joy and ful llment while also helping keep the earth cleaner and more beautiful in the process.

Art Salvage also o ers classes for di er ent cra s, including amigurumi and fabric mending, as well as unique classes like “Painting from Your Pantry,” which is a par ent and child class that teaches how to turn items like co ee, citrus, spices, and more

into paints. Also, every two months, they have a “Makers Challenge” in which par ticipants must use a speci c item and make a reuse project which includes that mate rial—for November/December, the item is wooden coins. e winner receives a $10 gi certi cate (which goes a long way at Art Salvage) toward your next artistic endeavor.

Art Salvage is located at 1925 N Ash St in Spokane. ey are open Tuesday-Saturday from 10 am-5 pm. Material donations are by appointment only. Call (509) 598-8983 or visit ArtSalvageSpokane.com for more information.



Not too big to fail

Washington Trust Bank celebrated its 120-year anniversary last month—quite a successful run considering that back in 1902 banks failed all the time. And in 1929, no bank was ever too big to fail. WA Trust has survived numerous challenges along the way, including the Great Depression, the Great Recession(s), and myriad economic boom and busts.

A recent study by McKinsey found that the average lifespan of large companies was 61 years in 1958. Today, it is less than 18 years. As the oldest and largest privately held commercial bank in the Northwest, with more than 40 financial centers and offices in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon, WA Trust must be just the right size not to fail. Congrats and here’s to the next 120 years!

Where were you when the world stopped turning?

Some of us binged watched Parks and Rec on Netflix while others took up the Bukowski method of day drinking. But a group of local artists informs us there were healthier ways of dealing with the worldwide closure of 2020.

Shantell Jackson, Heather Berndt, and Stefani Rossi open their exhibit, Remote, at Terrain Art Gallery in Spokane this month. The work includes the artists’ explorations of what people experienced during lockdowns during the early days of the Covid pandemic.

“I think one of the interesting aspects of exploring lockdowns is the critical role the arts—both making art and enjoying various forms of art—became a way that many people cared for themselves as they navigated anxiety, grief, and seismic shifts in social ecosystems,” explains Rossi.

All aboard the gravy train

Long, long ago, in a now forgotten time, people knew how to cook. This knowledge was usually acquired from parents or some other family member. (And barring that, it could be learned in school in a class called “Home Economics.”)

Nowadays, there’s The Kitchen Engine. This Spokane storefront offers all things culinary. From its café to gourmet quality accoutrements, it’s a one-stop shop for pros and novices alike. Beyond that, it also offers cooking classes! Make eating real, made-fromscratch food your New Year’s resolution by booking a class in Sweet & Savory Crepes or Artisan Pizza. With the holidays coming up, we recommend the course titled, “Anytime Party Appetizers.” Visit TheKitchenEngine.com to get cooking without a microwave.


It’s that time of year again

Allie Raye, one of our region’s best photographers (in addition to Rich Leon, whose lichen photos appear in this month’s issue), has put together her yearly calendar featuring images of the Inland Northwest’s natural treasures. Be inspired by the bald eagles, great horned owls, and the beautiful landscape that makes living here worth our six-month winters. Visit AllieRaye.com for purchase options.

Happy 25th Anniversary, Jennifer!

Double Gold winner of our 2022 Best of the City awards (Best Used Car Dealership, Best Domestic Auto Repair), Jennifer’s Auto Sales has been helping Spokanites “save their green” since 1998. While Jennifer’s AAA approved Service Department is a perennial favorite for reliable car repair, don’t overlook the fact that the ultimate Christmas gift is always a car in the driveway! Seriously, what better way to welcome in the New Year for your family with a new-to-you, reliable, affordable vehicle? Santa and Jennifer’s finance department can probably make your Christmas wish come true. Visit JennifersCars. com for stocking stuffers and driveway options.

Igloo Chic

This wintery season, book your private dining experience at The Grand—in an igloo. These selfcontained outdoor enclosures made an appearance at the height of the lockdowns, when people thought they’d go insane if they couldn’t go out to eat after months and months of homemade bread fails. For a magical evening under the stars, reserve one of their six outdoor Grand Terrace Igloos located at the Davenport Grand Hotel. Enjoy signature cocktails and appetizers while taking in impressive views of Spokane’s iconic skyline. Five igloos seat up to six people and their Polar Party Igloo seats up to ten people!


Inland Northwe Lichen s

The ubiquitous lichen is literally every where. While it can be found on trees, sidewalks, rocks, and all places in between, most people have probably never given lichens a second thought. ey wouldn’t even realize they were looking at one – unless of course they are like me.

I became interested in lichens many years ago, when our dry summers stopped producing an abun dance of mushrooms. Unlike wild owers or mush rooms, lichens can be found any time of the year, from the coldest part of the Arctic to the hottest and driest places on Earth. Is it any wonder there are some 18,000 species of lichens worldwide?

Brown-Eyed Sunshine
FIRST LOOK nw influencer
Photos and essay by nature photographer RICH Cladonia Cladonia Freckle Pelt Frog Pelt

In the Far East, lichens are considered a delicacy and used in soups and salads, while people in the Middle East put lichens into bread and stew. Some Native American tribes used horsehair lichen as a staple and as an emergency food. ey would wash and then pit cook the lichen with wild onions, roots, and bulbs before drying it into cakes for storage. en, before eating them, they would boil these

cakes with berries and meat. Because hu mans, unlike ungulates, lack the enzymes necessary to readily digest lichen without a proper soaking, boiling, and recooking, it’s unlikely that many people in the States today include lichens in their diet.

Presumably named for its uncanny re semblance to a horse’s mane, the horsehair lichen (along with other hair lichens) is an important winter food for deer, elk, and

moose here in the Paci c Northwest and for caribou in Alaska and Canada. For the adventurous eater, lichen is edible if gathered from the stomachs of caribou. Its acidic taste turns sweet a er having been through a round of digestion. While I am not one of the lucky persons to have tried this delicacy, more power to those up for this rare form of food preparation and consumption.

LOOK nw influencer
Horsehair Lattice Pipe Powered Shield Crust Lichen Monk's Hood Powedered Rosette variety of Freckle Pelt

You might be surprised to know that many people have consumed lichen even if they have never found it on their plates. For more than 2,000 years, doctors have used drugs made from lichen to treat certain lung and skin diseases. Lichen drugs are still used in parts of Finland, Germany, and Russia (in other countries, antibiotics made from fungi have since replaced lichen drugs).

With all we know about lichens, there

are likely countless varieties that remain undiscovered. I wish you all happy lichen hunting but must add this disclaimer: on my hundreds of hikes, I have gathered and eaten many di erent owers, roots, bulbs, and berries from various plants over the years but have never been tempted to snack on lichen. While some wild owers and mushrooms are poisonous, most li chen can safely be eaten by humans when prepared correctly. For now, I will satiate

my love of lichens through photographing them and leave the eating of lichen to our hoofed friends.

Rich Leon is a nature photographer, hiker, and author of the book Nature Ex ploring in Eastern Washington and North Idaho and co-author of the local Sierra Club Trail Guides (Spokane Trail Guide no 1, Spokane Trail Guide no 2, and North Idaho Trail Guide).

Variety of Lattice Pipe Wolf Lichen

FIRST LOOK nw influencer
Top Horn Witches' hair Wolf Lichen
DECEMBER 2022 BOZZIMEDIA.com 25 Stunning Home? We would love to feature it! email: editor@bozzimedia.com

New Cookbook serves up a taste of spokane

28 BOZZIMEDIA.com DECEMBER 2022 FIRST LOOK nw influencer

he Spokane Cookbook, scheduled for re lease this winter, brings some of Spokane’s favorite dishes into your home. It is a deli cious tribute to Spokane’s culinary history and the stories that shape the food scene today. Author and photographer Air Nordhagen shares more about the project in an interview with fellow food-lover and writer Ariana Lake.

What is your food background?

TThe Spokane Cook book, scheduled for release this winter, brings some of Spo kane’s favorite dishes into your home. It is a delicious tribute to Spokane’s culinary history and the stories that shape the food scene today. Author and photographer Ari Nordhagen shares more about the project in an interview with fellow foodlover and writer Ariana Lake.

I want to dispel the myth that Spokane is about to be a Portland or a Seattle. It’s its own city and culture, with unique people. Tell ing their stories, from the farmers to the food educators, will show what makes Spokane special.

How did you decide who to include in this book?

I’m a diehard foodie. I love eating and cooking food, and meeting people who make food. I’m a portrait photographer by trade, but when I moved to Spokane about seven years ago, I was taking photos of food at various restaurants when someone approached me about photographing their menu. I said absolutely. at was the beginning of my food photography journey.

What is your food background?

I started with relationships I already had, then it snowballed from there. My goal was to in clude 40 recipes. I think 65 is the nal number.

So, your cookbook isn’t just about the recipe. Is it about the story behind the food and capturing this moment in time for Spo kane’s culinary scene? at’s right, and speci cally this moment in time where we are two years into a pandemic that drastically impacted the hospitality industry. at ties into the charitable part of this book. I’m donating part of the proceeds of the book sales to Big Table, which is a nonpro t that supports restau rant and hospitality workers.

e story behind Old Eu ropean’s recipe is about Tami Sevier’s grandmother who came from Denmark to the United States with just the clothes on her back and recipes from home. Aebleskiver is a popular thing they serve, and the recipe for it in the cookbook is the original from their grandmother.

at’s just one story. ere are so many things like that in the book.

What’s been your favorite part of writing e Spokane Cookbook?

What is a core memory you have that’s tied to a meal or speci c recipe?

Besides eating, the best part is getting to know the people and what inspires them.

I grew up in the Philippines around people who made food all the time. My grandmother was always in front of the stove or harvesting vegetables in the gar den. I learned how to count by gathering eggs from our chickens. All the memories of making and eating those traditional Filipino meals are so heartwarming.

I’m a diehard foodie. I love eating and cooking food, and meeting people who make food. I’m a por trait photographer by trade, but when I moved to Spokane about seven years ago, I was taking pho tos of food at various restaurants when someone approached me about photographing their menu. I said absolutely. at was the beginning of my food photography journey.

What do you hope this cookbook represents for and about Spokane?

What is a core memory you have that’s tied to a meal or speci c recipe?

I want to dispel the myth that Spokane is about to be a Portland or a Seattle. It’s its own city and culture, with unique people. Telling their stories, from the farmers to the food educators, will show what makes Spokane special.

What are some of the recipes or stories that you’re especially excited about? e story behind Old European’s recipe is about Tami Sevier’s grandmother who came from Denmark to the United States with just the clothes on her back and recipes from home. Aebleskiver is a popular thing they serve, and the recipe for it in the cookbook is the original from their grandmother. at’s just one story. ere are so many things like that in the book.

So, your cookbook isn’t just about the recipe. Is it about the story behind the food and capturing this moment in time for Spokane’s culinary scene?

What’s your inspiration for the book?

ere’s a line in “Hamilton” about wanting to leave a legacy. I want to leave a legacy that’s the fruits of my talent, so I combined photography and storytelling into something meaningful.

is is partially grant-funded by Spokane Arts. ey’d been wanting a culinary project for ever, so it was a great t.

What’s your inspiration for the book? ere’s a line in “Hamilton” about wanting to leave a legacy. I want to leave a legacy that’s the fruits of my talent, so I combined photography and storytelling into something meaningful. is is partially grant-funded by Spokane Arts. ey’d been wanting a culinary project forever, so it was a great t.

When do you expect to have this published?

at’s right, and speci cally this moment in time where we are two years into a pandemic that drastically impacted the hospitality industry. at ties into the charitable part of this book.

How did you decide who to include in this book?

I started with relationships I already had, then it snowballed from there. My goal was to include 40 recipes. I think 65 is the nal number.

I grew up in the Philippines around people who made food all the time. My grandmother was always in front of the stove or harvesting vegetables in the garden. I learned how to count by gathering eggs from our chickens. All the memories of making and eating those traditional Filipino meals are so heartwarming.

I’m donating part of the proceeds of the book sales to Big Table, which is a nonpro t that supports restaurant and hospital ity workers.

When do you expect to have this published? It’s always been my goal for it to be given as pres ents to people for Christmas. I’m still on target to get it in people’s hands by this Christmas. It’ll be available at local bookstores.

It’s always been my goal for it to be given as presents to people for Christmas. I’m still on target to get it in people’s hands by this Christmas. It’ll be available at lo cal bookstores.

Ariana Lake is a nationally recognized communica tion professional who specializes in multimedia storytell ing and strategy. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @ariana_lake.

What’s been your favorite part of writing e Spokane


Besides eating, the best part is getting to know the people and what inspires them.

What do you hope this cookbook represents for and about Spokane?

What are some of the recipes or stories that you’re especially excited about?

Ariana Lake is a nationally recognized communication profes sional who specializes in multime dia storytelling and strategy. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @ ariana_lake.

DECEMBER 2022 BOZZIMEDIA.com 29 FIRST LOOK nw influencer
Preorder The Spokane Cookbook at spokanecookbook.com

e Art of Christmas

Back in the late 1500s, a German by the name of Hans Greiner began making garlands of glass beads and tin gurines for hanging on trees. It was a humble start to what would become a world wide phenomenon: Christmas tree ornaments.

Traditionally, skilled artisans heated a glass tube over a ame, inserted the tube into a clay mold, and blew the heated glass to expand it into the shape of that mold. ese expensive baubles became popular ized for the masses a er Queen Vic toria’s richly decorated tree appeared in a London newspaper in the 1840s. Soon therea er, a tree adorned with lights and glass ornaments was a must for every household. Around this same time, a silvering tech nique was developed to make these ornaments re ective and iridescent. But a er World War II, the German factories primarily responsible for this cra work shuttered, making way for the push toward more easily (and cheaply) produced plastic ornaments whose lack of iridescence could be easily overcome with the use of tinsel.

is is where Tim and Beth Merck step in.

e Mercks shared a special love for Christmas, and in 1979 they revitalized the art of mouth-blown ne glass ornaments when they opened Old World Christmas. Over the years, Old World Christmas has grown to be the premier producer of glass ornaments, o ering the most extensive and best-loved collection with over 1,400 proprietary designs in styles ranging from traditional to whimsical.

Each gurative glass ornament produced by Old World Christmas is hand cra ed in the age-old tradition.

e molten glass is mouth-blown into nely carved molds; then, a hot solution of liquid silver nitrate is poured inside. e ornaments are then hand-painted and glittered in a series of labor-intensive steps to achieve the beautiful creations Old World Christmas is now famous for.

FIRST LOOK business closeup

Old World Christmas’ primary customers are retailers around the world, who purchase wholesale from them in bulk. But their Spokane showroom is open seasonally, and until December 23 visitors can wander through and be mesmerized by the thousands of nely cra ed orna ments in bins and on display. So many choices to t one’s personality or style, from traditional Santa Clause gurines to avocado toast and pickle jars, each orna ment is iridescent and precisely detailed.

Old World Christmas has managed to ride out recessions, cheap knock o s, and the competition for nearly 45 years because they operate under one simple goal: to o er the best in cra smanship, design, and value. ey promise to pro vide high-quality, traditionally designed, hand-cra ed ornaments that are created with even more attention to detail than those produced 100 years ago. And they’re surprisingly a ordable.

Old World Christmas doesn’t sell to big box and discount retailers, instead opting to nurture exclusive partnerships with shop owners like Joanne Hershberger at Tis the Season Christmas Shoppe in Berlin, Ohio.

“It’s a very easy company to work with. I cannot imagine my store without these ornaments,” said Hershberger. eir personalized approach goes one step further with their custom Christmas ornament design option. e buyer has complete control, starting with the con cept and design, allowing for the creation of an ornament that is truly unique.

Old World Christmas also makes wooden, hand-assembled ornaments that center around traditional Christmas memories. Be sure to check out Old World Christmas’ blog (OldWorldChristmas. com) for great ideas on other ways to display their heirloom quality ornaments, along with tips to decorate your tree. eir webpage also provides a portal for enter ing ideas for ornaments. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one to invent the next ‘avocado toast’ Christmas tree decoration.

Browse for yourself

e Old World Christmas Factory Outlet Store is open until December 23, of this year at 4005 E Main Avenue in Spokane.

Hours and days, which are subject to change, are Monday through Friday, 11am-3pm; Saturdays, 10am-4pm; and Sundays, 11am-3pm.

This product has intoxication effects and may be habit-forming. Cannabis can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with the consumption of this product. For use only by adults twenty-one and older. Keep out of reach of children. *All discounts are subject to change. Discounts are for regular-priced items only. No additional or stacking of discounts. Some restrictions / exclusions may apply. All discounts are applied in-store at the time of purchase. Please contact our store for further details.


year, the longawaited City Line will stitch together central Spokane neighborhoods like Browne’s Addition, downtown, the University District, and Logan with a new fast, frequent, and reli able transit line. e process to get to this point—from planning to construction— has been long and circuitous, but very soon, the buses will start rolling.

With the bus line in place, Spokane and planners are turning their attention to how communities may grow as a result of the new service.

And it’s a real opportunity! Across the country, we’ve seen that when a new transit line opens—particularly one like a bus rapid transit or light rail line—new development and opportunities o en fol is is an opportunity to reimagine a neighborhood with more housing, jobs, small businesses, parks and public space, and other community bene ts. We’ve had redevelopment in Spokane before, but none motivated by the promise of highquality transit.

In South Logan, for example, the city has launched a planning project which will reimagine the area around three stations—McCarthy Athletic Center, Desmet, and Columbus Stations—near Gonzaga University and North Hamilton. e area is currently occupied by a mix of

ware house, retail, resi dential, and institutional uses, along with a signi cant amount of surface parking. But in the future, the hope is that the City Line (as well as the addition of the North Spokane Corridor, which will draw some tra c o of Hamilton) could spur redevelopment.

As this process continues, the city should explore ways to achieve key com munity objectives like additional a ord able housing, public space, and improved pedestrian example. For example, it could:

Increase the amount of development capacity given to housing developers (for example, an additional story of height), in exchange for a requirement that they include a certain percentage of a ordable units in their projects.

Eliminate parking requirements; because it is located adjacent to both a university and a transit line, developers shouldn’t be required to provide expensive structured parking. Of course, they’d still be free to build parking if they wish.

Require redevelopment projects to fund pedestrian and bicyclist improve

ments, such as raised or improved cross walks, additional curb bulb-outs, and im provements to side streets that prioritize pedestrians and bicyclists and deprioritize vehicles. is makes our places safer and friendlier for children and adults alike.

Require developers to include addi tional public space, such as programmable plazas at key locations, set-back outdoor dining areas, or public restrooms.

rough this process, it is important that planners make redevelopment more palatable, not less; as such, the addition of new requirements should be carefully balanced with additional development capacity. With that said, these ideas o er a glimpse of the transformative possibili ties that can come from transit-oriented development, particularly in the Logan neighborhood.

If you’re interested in the future of South Logan and want to see the Spokane City meet some of its community objec tives in this area, you can learn more and get involved at my.spokanecity.org.


A New

Year’s Eve Tradition: Beethoven’s 9th on the 31st

ASpokane New Year’s tradition since 2008, conductor James Lowe celebrates Beethoven’s monumental work at the Martin Woldson eater at e Fox. With more than 150 performers on stage, including the Spokane Sym phony Chorale, this is the perfect way to see out the old year and bring in the new! is Spokane Symphony event starts at 7:30. All ages are welcome. Tickets range from $35 - $75, depend ing on seat preference. Head on over to SpokaneSymphony.org or call (509) 624-1200 for more information and ticket purchase.


A Little History

Beethoven’s 9th symphony, composed between 1822 and 1824, was the most impressive, grandiose, and epic of them all, both in scale (the sheer number of performers on a single stage) and scope (lasting around 65 minutes long, without breaks). To fully appreciate the depths of this beautiful piece of work, one must lis ten to all four movements: the allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso (A and E), Molto vivace (D minor), adagio molto e cantabile (B minor), and the nale, which is what most people readily recognize. is was the rst symphony to include vocal soloists and a chorus. Before then, symphonies had been purely an instru mental genre. e nal words sung in the fourth movement were taken from Friedrich von Schiller’s 1785 poem, “Ode to Joy.” Indeed, the message to mankind of living in peace and harmony together is perfect for the start of the New Year. In fact, this symphony was adopted by the European Union as its national anthem in 1985 because it traditionally represents freedom, joy, and unity among mankind.

Joy, bright spark of divinity, Daughter of Elysium, Fire-inspired we tread Within thy sanctuary. y magic power re-unites All that custom has divided, All men become brothers, Under the sway of thy gentle wings.

On the EU’s o cial website, it reads: “In the universal language of music, this anthem expresses the European ideals of freedom, peace, and solidarity.”

Legend has it that during its inaugural debut in Vienna, Beethoven, who by then was deaf, had been a few measures behind and continued to conduct at the end of the second movement. While tradition calls for marked silence before and during a symphony, the crowd in Vienna had never heard anything quite like it and burst into applause. Caroline Unger (Con tralto) had to walk over to the composer and turn him around so he could accept his audience’s appreciative outburst of enthusiasm. Unlike Beethoven, Spokane Symphony composer James Lowe will be keenly aware of his audience’s jubilation. Be part of the experience.




Jan 11: Neighborhood Meet-Up: Altitude Trampoline Park

Are you a mama looking for new friends and a place to get the kiddos to expend energy? Altitude Trampoline Park is the perfect place and is holding this casual event to help moms meet other nearby moms in a fun play space for their kids. You can socialize as little or as much as you’d like. Join along, get the kids energy out and have a fun time. It is from 11am1pm. General Admission at Altitude is required but there is no extra cost to join the meet-up or RSVP needed. To sign a waiver online and view the park go to AltitudeSpokane.com or (509) 890-1029 for details.

1441 N Argonne Rd, Spokane Valley

yours or mine. He can turn his troubles, family, faults, pop culture, and the world’s problems and quarrels into jokes on a dime. His humor is the kind you might not see it coming, with many “Wait… oh that’s funny!” moments. Getting his start in Detroit, Dave has risen to the top and is one of the most in demand headliners of today. He was a nalist on Season 8 of Last Comic Standing on NBC as well as many other televised programs and radio shows. Shows starting before 9pm are available to people 18+ and shows a er 9pm are 21+ only. Tickets a $25 for general admission and $35 for premium. Doors open one hour before the show. Show times are 7pm, 7:30pm, 9:45pm and 10:15pm. Call (509) 318-9998 or visit Spo kaneComedyClub.com for more details and to purchase tickets. 315 W Sprague, Spokane

be sure to nd what you’re looking for and more. Tickets are sold at the door for $12 (cash only). Kids under 12 are free with an adult. e urs is show is12-8pm, FriSun from 10am-4pm. Tickets are good for the whole weekend. For more information visit SpokaneRVShow.com

404 N Havana St. #1, Spokane Valley

Jan 28-29:

e Bridal Festival

Bring your entire bridal party to the Spokane Convention Center and have fun planning your dream wedding with a weekend lled with meeting experts in the industry. You can visit the nearly 200 booths to get ideas on décor, catering, and venues. ere will be planners, photogra phers, videographers, and venues to meet and plan with. Also, every hour there are more than $30,000 worth of sweepstakes and giveaways. Sound like an exciting time? Check out BridalFest.com for more details and ticket information.

334 W Spokane Falls Blvd, Spokane


Jan 2-4:

Jersey Boys Auditions

Jan 11: Leanne Morgan

In 2001 Leanne began performing her hilarious storytelling and Southern roots humor. She uses her everyday life as a mother, wife, and comedian to curate an exciting and relatable experience for guests of her shows. Her clean comedic style has garnered Leanne over 50 million views on YouTube with her stand-up special “So Yummy” and over 1.5 million followers across social media sites. Tickets are $59, $69, and $89 depending on your preferred seating. e show starts at 7:30pm in the Pend Oreille Pavilion. Visit NorthernQuest.com for details or call (509) 481-2800.

100 N Hayford Road, Airway Heights

Jan 13: Dave


Dave nds jokes in the darkest of places, making his mind a little di erent than

Jan 19-22: 35th Annual Inland Northwest

RV Show & Sale

ey are the largest and only multi-dealer RV show in the northwest. You can view and compare makes and models all in one place. e show will be using all the buildings at the Spokane County Fair & Expo Center. Factory Reps will be there on the 175,000 sq. . of grounds with RVs ranging from $15,000 to $450,000+. You’ll

e 2006 Tony ® Awards winner for Best Musical, Jersey Boys, is a story of 4 boys’ journey from the streets of Newark to the top of the pop music charts. If you are great at dancing, have amazing vocals, and are an incredible actor, you too can audition to be a part of the cast. ere are several roles open to be lled. Auditions will be held at 6:30pm and 8pm on both evenings. Go to SpokaneCivic eatre. com/audition for role details and more information.

1020 N Howard St, Spokane

Jan 13: Colin Mochrie




wood: Scared Scriptless Whose Line is it Anyway? fans are in for


a hilarious and special show. Whatever the fans suggest is how this live improv comedy performance will go. e stars, Colin & Brad from Whose Line will make up everything from scenes, songs, and guest appearances as the night goes on. What makes this full act so hilarious and mind blowing is wondering whether they will succeed or will they end up Scared Scriptless. Tickets are $28, $38, $48, $58 depending on seating. Doors open at 6:30pm and the show starts at 7:30pm. For more details and tickets go to Fox eater Spokane.org or call (509) 624-1200 1001 W Sprague Ave, Spokane

Jan 13-Feb 5: Photograph 51

In the 1950s, as researchers in the age of scienti c discovery are discovering DNA, one of Rosalind Franklin’s photographs is discovered. Her Photograph 51 shows for the rst time the outline of structural DNA. is performance is a humorous and moving portrait of Franklin, one of the great female scientists of the twen tieth century, and her fervid drive to map the contours of the DNA molecule. A chorus of physicists relives the chase, revealing the unsung achievements of this trail-blazing, ercely independent woman. is show is rated PG-13. urs-Sat shows are at 7:30pm and Sun shows are at 2pm. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for students. For more information visit SpokaneCivic eatre.com or call (509) 325-2507

1020 N Howard St, Spokane

Jan 15: Dan Cummins, Burn it all Down Tour Dan will be playing in 40+ cities in 2023 and luckily Spokane is one of them! With 850,000 artist stations created and over

650 million plays on Pandora, and more on Sirius XM, he’s only becoming more popular. With more than 9 stand-up releases from 2008 to 2022 he has more experience than most in making people laugh with his real-life, true crime, and morbid humor. e show is from 7-9pm. You can nd tickets at BingCrosby eater. com or call (509) 227-7638.

901 W Sprague, Spokane

Jan 17-22: Ain’t Too Proud: e Life and Times of e Temptations is exciting Broadway Musical follows a group’s life in the streets of Detroit. Ain’t Too Proud tells a story of loyalty, betrayal, heartache, and family as political and per sonal con icts arise and attempt to break them up during a decade of civil unrest in America. eir resilience, personalized dance moves, and gorgeous harmonies take them to the top of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, proving that nothing can tear them down. Nominated for 12 Tony ® Awards and the 2019 winner for Best Choreography, this show is sure to get you excited and inspired. Recommended for ages 12+. Doors open one hour prior to curtain for all performances (the show is 2 hours and 30 minutes, including one 15-minute intermission). Tickets range from $47-95. You can purchase tickets at FirstInterstateCenter.com or call (509) 279-7000 for more information.

334 W Spokane Falls Blvd, Spokane

e show is rated PG-13. On urs-Sat the show is at 7:30 pm and on Sun at 2 pm. Tickets for adults are $35, seniors and military are $30, and students are $10. Check out SpokaneCivic eatre.com or call (509) 325-2507 for more details.

1020 N Howard St, Spokane

Jan 29: Belfast, Sandpoint

Based in the 1960’s. Growing up and surrounded in the middle of violence be tween Protestants and Catholics nine-year old Buddy tries his best to understand and make sense of it all. People are being forced to ee away from his once peaceful, working-class, calm neighborhood. His family must make the important decision to stay and ght or start packing as well. With that said this PG-13 Drama de nitely has well received many nominations and awards. Most recently nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Actor in a Supporting Role (Ciarán Hinds), Ac tress in a Supporting Role(Judi Dench) at 94th Academy Awards in 2022. And of course People’s Choice Award at 2021 Toronto International Film Festival. Show times are at 2:30pm and 6:30pm (doors open 30 minutes prior). Tickets can be purchased in advance (adults $8; youth and seniors $7) or at the door (adults $10; youth and seniors $9). Visit Panida.org for tickets or call (208) 263-9191 for addi tional information.

300 N 1st Ave, Sandpoint

Jan 21-Feb 12: e 39 Steps is thrilling performance follows the tale of a man with a mundane life who meets a woman who claims to be a spy. A er tak ing her home, the man nds the woman murdered. Soon a er, a mysterious orga nization called “ e 39 Steps” is hot on the man’s trail in a nationwide manhunt that climaxes in a death-defying nale.



19: Mitchell Tenpenny

is ACM and CMT Music Award nomi nee has gained 550+ million on-demand streams with his double platinum song “Drunk Me.” Mitchell’s love of county, pop, R&B and his Nashville roots make his music style totally unique to him. If you’re a fan of country-pop and in need of


a great evening of music, come out to the Pend Oreille Pavilion and enjoy one of the greats. Tickets are $39 or $49 depending on seating preference. e show starts at 7:30pm. You can purchase tickets online at NorthernQuest.com.

100 N Hayford Rd, Airway Heights

Jan 19: Josh Collins plays “Joe Pass,” Post Falls

Californian Guitarist, composer, producer, and educator, Josh Collins, is performing again at the JACC’s newest event: “Gallery Sessions.” is time around he’s playing in the style of Joe Pass, a renowned jazz guitarist who changed the world of jazz with his 1973 release of “Virtuoso.” e concert will be in a low-lit intimate setting with table seating in an upstairs gallery. Doors open at 6:30pm and the show runs from 7-8:30pm. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at eJacklinCenter.com

405 N William St, Post Falls

a gorgeous view of the Northern Idaho sunset o Lake Coeur d’Alene. It’s a calm ing view with just the right amount of vibrancy. Registration is required online and starts at $42 per guest. ere are also three surface options to choose from with di erent price points. You’ll receive all the materials needed to create your painting. 21+ as alcohol is served. Visit PinotsPal ette.com or call (509) 290-5098 for event details and registration.

319 W Sprague Ave, Spokane

video footage from 1963-1965 Newport Folk Festivals. e lm also includes other popular music in uences such as Johnny Cash, Pete Seeger, and many more.

Tickets are only $7. e event is from 1-3:30pm. To purchase tickets and nd more details visit NorthwestMuseum.org or call (509) 456-3931.

2316 W First Ave, Spokane


21: Vintage Postcard Tunnel Book

Learn how to make a vintage “three di

Jan 21-22: Masterworks 5: Slatkin

e Spokane Symphony is thrilled to welcome Leonard Slatkin to Spokane. He’s said to be one of America’s greatest conductors and became famous for his charming stage presence, musical insight, and inspiration; his love of music is infec tious. e Sat show is at 7:30pm and Sun show is at 3pm. Ticket prices vary based on seating preference and can be pur chased at SpokaneSymphony.com.

1001 W Sprague Ave, Spokane


Jan 7: Sunset at Higgens Point

Come create a beautiful painting to hang in your home or give to a loved one. With this class at Pinot’s Palette, you’ll replicate a breath-taking photo captured by none other than Eric Kensbock. e scene is

Now-Jan 8: American Impressionism: Treasures From the Daywood Collection

e Daywood Collection has been show ing since Oct 9, it’s still up and there’s still time to see it. e collection of 41 paint ings captures the late 19th and early 20th centuries. ese paintings are signi cant because they mark the time period in which artists began shi ing from tra dition and started exercising more of their creative freedoms. e collection is named a er both Arthur Dayton and Ruth Woods who were the original own ers (their surnames combine to become “Daywood”). You’ll nd images of natural elements, comfortable homes, gures in more natural and elegant poses, and serene landscapes featuring more vibrant colors than those used before this time.

is exhibition is sure to please the eye. Museum admission tickets are required.

Tickets for adults are $12, college stu dents and seniors are $10, children 6-17 are $7, children 5 and under are free. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit NorthwestMuseum.com or call (509) 456-3931.

2316 W First Ave, Spokane

Jan 19: ird ursday Matinee

Classics: American Folk Music!


Shaun Higgins is hosting his ursday af ternoon classic movie viewings. is event displays four lms to appreciate Ameri can Folk Music. e lm being shown is

e Other Side of the Mirror (2007), an impressive, raw music documentary with Bob Dylan center stage, featuring actual

mensional” vintage postcard in this class using an antiquarian technique. With in structor Mel Hewitt, you’ll create a threedimensional book created with many copies of the same postcard by cutting out the scenes and assembling them all in an accordion manner. When the book is at on the table it looks like one postcard. Standing the book up and expanding it displays the three-dimensional image. It’s truly beautiful and an immensely person alized item to have or gi is event is held from 10am-2pm. Tickets are $40. To register, visit ArtSalvageSpokane.com 1925 N Ash St, Spokane


28: Batik Art Workshop

Nicholas Sironka, Spokane artist and Kenya native, leads this fun workshop to create a beautiful piece of art. Batik is the art of alternating the application of hot wax and cold-water dyes on fabric. Nicho las teaches the origins of the practice, so you’ll be able to go home with some his tory and something beautiful and unique to hang in your home or o ce. Materials are provided and people of all ages are welcome. e class is from 10:30am-


2:00pm and tickets are $50. To purchase tickets, go to NorthwestMuseum.org or call (509) 456-3931 for registration and details.

2316 W First Ave, Spokane

Sports Jan 14: Professional Bull Riders: Pend leton Whiskey Velocity Tour, Spokane Classic

Some of the best bull riders in the world are coming to the Spokane Arena again for the third time in league history. All 40 competing riders will attempt one bull each in Round 1. Following the open ing round, the Top 10 will then advance to the championship round where they will attempt one nal bull, all in an e ort to be crowned the event champion. e event starts at 7pm. Tickets range from $17- $202 depending on seat or pack age preference. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit SpokaneArena. com or call PBR customer service at (800) 745-3000 720 W Mallon Ave, Spokane

5 REASONS to give the

of experience

THE SCENE datebook DECEMBER 2022 BOZZIMEDIA.com 39 Gift certificates available through The Fox Box Office at 509-624-1200 SpokaneSymphony.org | FoxTheaterSpokane.org
1. Perfect for the hard to shop for 2. Try something new with someone you love 3. Have something to look forward to 4. You don’t have to dust experiences 5. Memories are priceless

the pursuit of artistry

Americans love a winner. We love it even more when that winner is an underdog. e classic Horatio Alger rags-toriches stories where characters rise from humble beginnings to become successful adults through dint of hard work and perseverance inspire us. Painter and sculptor Juan AlonsoRodríguez’s story is of that cloth.

Alonso-Rodríguez has earned some of the most prestigious awards avail able to creators. is includes Seattle Weekly’s Best Artist, Seattle Mayor’s

THE SCENE first friday

Arts Award, and the coveted Governor’s Arts Award for Individual Artist. His work is also featured in prominent regional museums such as the Tacoma Art Museum, Portland Art Museum, e Cheech (in Riverside, CA), as well as the prestigious Henry Art Gallery (UW).

And like the fabled hero, he only reached the summit a er passing through myriad challenges, the most inspiring of which was that of his childhood. Born

in Cuba in 1956, barely three years a er Castro’s revolution, he was nine years old when his father decided their country was not a place to build a life. Alonso-Ro dríguez’s father did the unimaginable; he placed his son on a ight to Miami, say ing, “I think you would have a better life if you went.” And so, at that tender age, the boy le everything he knew behind. He’d already lost his mother, and now he was losing his father, who, along with his older

sisters, stayed behind.

In 1966, with only one item from home, a gold ring he still wears on his right hand, he arrived in Florida. Hard though it was in the years that followed, he adjusted to life in America, learning how to navigate a new language and a new culture.

Alonso-Rodríguez sang in Miami clubs all during his 20s before deciding to leave and go exploring. He visited New

THE SCENE first friday
Chief Sealth Internation High School Sculptures Juan Alonso Rodriguez in front of his work

York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco (which reminded him of Cuba with its hills, urban nature, and overall aesthetic) until nally, he settled in Seattle in 1982. It was then that he switched his creative passion from music to the visual arts.

e owner of a local frame shop where he worked allowed the self-taught Alonso-Rodríguez to hang some of his paintings, which people quickly bought. A nearby gallery expressed interest in his work and o ered to show it. And so, the rest is history? Not really. It went this way for the next several decades, working to support his artmaking. Eventually—a long o eventually— Alonso-Rodríguez’s work began receiving those awards. All artists dream of someday becom

ing full-time professionals. Rarely does it happen due to simple mathematics and psychology: lots of people love art, but convincing someone to actually purchase art is extremely challenging. Many will be drawn to the artist’s story, appreciate the work, and fall in love with a piece but still be unwilling to pull the trigger at the end. It’s hard for an artist to believe in himself when his art doesn’t sell. Even during the good times, sales aren’t constant or guaranteed. Despite this common reality for artists, Alonso-Rodríguez persisted. Even with his skill set, he knew he had to maintain his work ethic and be willing to sacri ce; he kept up this intense stamina level for years without the promise of reward.

To get through the extreme challenges of being a professional artist, AlonsoRodríguez branched out into creating commissioned sculptures for an array of organizations. Now his sculptures can be found both indoors and outside. Some of his work is enormous. Together, the Seattle Public Schools and Washington State Arts Commission commissioned three eight-foot statues for Chief Sealth International High School. ese gor geous pieces brighten the campus and help Alonso-Rodríguez not just to inspire others but also fund his ability to continue being a full-time painter.

Alonso-Rodríguez describes his paintings and sculptures as “an ongoing exploration of abstraction based on forms

The artist in front of Hoody, Rentin Technical College

found in nature and those conceived by human ingenuity.” From the earth’s horizon lines to his father’s wrought iron railing designs, memories of sights and sounds of his Caribbean origins always play an integral part in his creativity. Alonso-Rodríguez is in uenced by the organized balance, pattern, and symmetry found in nature and in the architecture that lives in harmony with the natural world. “ e act of creating, particularly painting, is a necessary form of medita tion and the serenity I seek,” says AlonsoRodríguez.

eir minimalist and elegant design is the hallmark of an Alonso-Rodríguez piece.

One of Alonso-Rodríguez’s most unique pieces is the twelve-foot “Hoody” sculpture permanently placed on the campus of Renton Technical College, commissioned by the Washington State Arts Commission. “I have imagined my version of a hood ornament for the Automotive Complex Renovation. With a

nod to aerodynamic design, it is a tribute to both faculty and students who together and determinately move forward and upward to achieve their highest potentials and to create a better community,” reads the plaque permanently placed next to the massive sculpture.

While his pieces are expensive to cre ate, they are well worth the lasting and glorious beauty they bring to a space. Alonso-Rodríguez also designed an entire sixty-by-twenty-foot plaza for Epiphany School, including benches on which one can relax and enjoy the view.

Next time you’re at the Columbia City Light Rail Station, be sure to look for Alonso-Rodríguez’s “Garden Windows.” And a visit to Sea-Tac would not be com plete without seeing Alonso-Rodríguez’s piece entitled “Paradise.” e piece’s size and permanency guarantee they’ll be there long a er we’re gone.

“In recent years, I have had the op portunity to create both studio work and public art projects,” says Alonso-Rodrí

guez. “ is has enabled me to challenge preconceived notions about the accep tance of art by the general public and the capability of the solitary studio artist engaging in collaborative ventures. As a believer that art has the ability and artists the responsibility to inspire social wellbeing, I welcome the balance between the introspection necessary to formulate ideas in the solitude of the studio and the gi of sharing some of the bene ts with society.” ere currently aren’t any permanent ly placed pieces of Alonso-Rodríguez’s here in Spokane, so if you know of any visionaries interested in commissioning one, please send them our way. And in the meantime, several of our hero’s paintings and a few of his smaller sculptures will be on display at the Marmot Art Space in Kendall Yards.

Marshall Peterson owns and operates Marmot Art Space, which was voted Best of the City 2022 for art galleries by the read ers of this magazine.

Ephiphany School Plaza Puddle Jump Reds


Anyone for the theatre?

Ican still remember my rst time seeing a live dra matic performance. I grew up watching VHS tapes of Gilbert and Sullivan operas, and the night I saw an on stage production of e Mikado with my mom and grandma is a memory I consider incredibly in uential towards my love of listening to music, playing instru ments, and enjoying live theatre. I was eight years old, and since then, I have always been able to rely on music as both a source of elation and peace.

During the pandemic, when all the theaters were closed, our

family relied on the internet as a source for theatrical perfor mances. We found recordings of some of the best plays, musicals, and operas, and while we enjoyed them all, watching what is meant to be live music huddled around a laptop in a studio apartment is not the same as seeing and hear ing the same performances live in a theatre.

Luckily enough, and just in time for the cold to inspire us to seek out more indoor activities, we came across the Spokane Chil dren’s eatre. Founded in 1946, the Spokane Children’s eatre is the oldest theatre organization

THE SCENE family time
Laurel Hogue is working toward a master’s degree in Education while raising two children in South Spokane. If you know of any unique places and events for young families around the region, connect with her on Facebook or send her story ideas care of editor@spokanecda.com.

in the Spokane area and celebrated its 76th anniversary this year. eir season began with one of my daughter’s all-time favorite musicals: Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. In many ways, these performances are better for little kids like my daughter because the show is always tailored for kids her age to enjoy. Past shows include Alice in Wonderland, Matilda, and e Little Mermaid, as well as older kid favorites like Footloose and Freaky Friday. Another added bonus is that because the audience is made up of children and their families, the atmosphere is more forgiv ing of the occasionally restless or vocal kid.

Taking your child to the theatre is one of the best ways to introduce them to the many ways in which people can be creative. Di erent people do costumes, makeup, hairstyling, set building, writing, and acting. Some do more than one. It’s also a place to so cialize with others and build friendships born of similar interests. So many who found their way on the stage or backstage started as members of an audience looking up at the players. is is why they have theatre camps throughout the year and encourage anyone to audition. eir casts o en feature players of a variety of ages; anyone ages 6-99+ is encouraged to audition. It’s called the Spokane Children’s eatre, but their hope is that everyone can enjoy live theatre, both as a member of the audience and as an actor on the stage.

46 BOZZIMEDIA.com DECEMBER 2022 THE SCENE family time

For additional information on perfor mances, tickets, theatre camps, auditions, and donations for the Spo kane Children’s eatre, visit SpokaneChildren s eatre.org. Upcoming performances include:

10-March 26

*Spokane Chil dren’s eatre also has discounted pricing for school day eld trips.

DECEMBER 2022 BOZZIMEDIA.com 47 THE SCENE family time
The Sound of Music Runs Nov 25-Dec 18 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Tickets on sale Jan 6 Runs Jan 20-Feb 5 Seussical
Musical Tickets on sale Feb 24 Runs March
SPECIALTY PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDIC CARE 888-895-5951 ShrinersSpokane.org Easy access to the region’s orthopedic specialists for kids and teens!

40 Years of Elegant Trees Beneft Spokane Symphony

In the 40 years since Judy Putnam suggested the members of Spo kane Symphony Associates ra e some decorated trees enhanced by gi s to raise funds for the Spokane Symphony, the event known as “Christmas Tree Elegance” has raised more than $5.6 million.

Christmas Tree Elegance 2022 will celebrate its 40th anniversary from Nov. 29 to Dec. 11. Fi een decorated trees and gi s, eight at the Historic Dav enport Hotel and seven at River Park Square. A custom-made camper play house and a motorcycle are examples of two “over-the-top” gi s on trees.

Christmas Tree Elegance is pro duced by Spokane Symphony Associ ates, a non-pro t volunteer organization


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whose mission is to raise funds to support the Spokane Symphony. e $1 ra e tickets o er a chance to win a theme-decorated tree and prizes, which include gi certi cates, items, and cash value up to $4,999 or a Fa ther Christmas sculpture.

e Spokane Symphony owes more than a debt of gratitude to the Spokane Symphony Associates. It may owe its very existence to this hard-working army of volunteers. at’s because the Associates created the most successful recurring fundraising event in Spokane arts history,” said Jim Kershner in e Sound of Spokane – A History of the Spokane Symphony.

at rst event was one day, December 2, 1983, and featured six decorated trees and gi s. One of the trees included a trip to Se attle and San Francisco. at rst Christmas Tree Elegance at Inn at the Park hotel raised almost $10,000.

e Spokesman-Review noted that this “guaranteed a repeat performance” the fol lowing year. In fact, it guaranteed 39 repeat performances. Christmas Tree Elegance

THE SCENE davenport

grew from one day to the current 13day event.

e renovation of the Historic Davenport coincided with the 20th an niversary of Christmas Tree Elegance in 2002. In 2011, the event expanded down Post Street to River Park Square, where six trees were featured on the second oor of the mall

In 2002 they sold 75,000 tickets, which was a sell-out, and by 2019 a record-breaking 436,675 tickets were sold to the thousands who lled the Historic Davenport Hotel and River Park Square.

“Planning this event, a traditional kick-o for the holidays takes the better part of a year and the participa tion of well over 100 volunteers. ere are many opportunities to join us in supporting the symphony, so please consider taking part,” appealed Event Co-Chair Elizabeth Raol.

Annie Matlow is an award-winning Marketing and Public Relations pro fessional with more than 30 years of experience in communications; she can be reached at Matlow.org.


Take Of to the North Pole

Though we may be stu ed from anksgiving dinner, the holiday planning contin ues. Christmas, Hannukah, and other holidays mean families, gi s, and a plethora of delicious dinners and desserts. In spite of this, hundreds of underprivileged children in the Inland Northwest go through the season without experiencing the magic that so many others take for granted.

is is why for the last 26 years Spo kane Fantasy Flight’s mission has been to bring “a little transforming magic to the underprivileged and at-risk children

of this region.” ey do so by partner ing with Alaska Airlines to y dozens of needful children to the North Pole for a once-in-a-lifetime night of magic. eir generosity allows these kids to visit Santa, be doted upon by their own personal elf, and feel special and unique through a fantastic experience. is non-pro t organization is one of the region’s best-kept secrets, and its impact is immeasurable. Fantasy Flight embod ies all that the season is about: a time for celebration, love, and generosity.

e Fantasy Flight experience begins when a child is nominated by a social

agency in the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene region. Each child is presented with a personalized invitation around anks giving and asked what gi they would like from Santa when they meet him in person. While many of the children doubt that their wish will come true, for the next month, their anticipation and excitement build until the day comes when a bus picks them up and whisks them o to the Spokane airport.

“Many are very quiet. is is a rsttime experience, and some are trying to be brave while others are full of bravado and leaping with excitement,” says Steve

DECEMBER 2022 BOZZIMEDIA.com 53 THE SCENE fantasy flight

On this day, each child is given VIP treatment. ey check in their coats, receive their special North Pole pass port pictures, shop for their Spokane Fantasy Flight sweatshirts, and receive a backpack full of colored pens, papers, an umbrella, socks, and a stocking hat. Amongst all this excitement, they are also provided with a healthy lunch snack.

Before boarding the plane bound for the North Pole, the elves demonstrate how to have fun by dancing, playing games with the children, and truly reigniting the joy of childhood. For these kids, who have the weight of the world on their minds, Spokane Fantasy Flight gives them a day when they can truly just be a kid. For one day, they cease to

stress about things a child should never be burdened with. From the moment they walk in and are greeted by their elf mentors of the day, their change is vis ible. Eyes lacking sparkle begin to shine, and once bowed heads raise with hope. Life is breathed back into them again with a distant dream made real.

As one might expect, children from traumatic backgrounds are skeptical of the entire experience. ey do not be lieve in the magical journey into which they are about to venture. eir expe riences have hardened them; they no longer entertain the eager anticipation of joy without the fear of disappointment.

“We aren’t actually ying” is a com mon doubt among the kids. However, according to CEO Paul, their tunes change when the ight departs, the plane reaches altitude, and the pilot informs

everyone they are approaching the North Pole airspace. at’s when the kids are instructed to recite a magical chant with the aid of a magic wand, which unlocks the portal protecting the North Pole.

“ e plane rockets upward and Air Tra c Control comes on over the intercom directing the pilots to follow the reindeer in front of them for direct routing to the North Pole.” details Paul.

Even though the day is lled with magic and wonder, not all the kids will remember it. While Spokane Fantasy Flight is meant to help these children escape their reality for just one day, be cause children tend to block out memo ries surrounding the dark times of their life, they may block out happy memories as well. is does not mean the impact is eeting. e magic of the day is still

54 BOZZIMEDIA.com DECEMBER 2022 THE SCENE fantasy flight
Paul, President and CEO of Spokane Fantasy Flight.

there; the kindness and warmth they experience lives within each of them and reinspires each child’s hope for better things to come even if they don’t realize where that hope comes from.

To continue changing these kids’ lives, Spokane Fantasy Flight relies on the community’s support and sponsors to provide this incredible opportunity.

An annual auction is organized to gather funds, and donations are always wel come. ey also rely on the hundreds of volunteers who help brighten the holi days for these children. To be a volun teer, you must be 16 (with a supervised adult) or older to help prep the North Pole for visitors. To become an elf, you must be 21 or older. For more informa

tion about how and where to donate, sign up to volunteer, or learn more about the program overall, visit NWNorthpole. org.

Heide Tyvan is a Technical Communi cation major at Eastern Washington Uni versity. She graduates this spring with her bachelor’s degree and hopes to continue writing as part of her career.

DECEMBER 2022 BOZZIMEDIA.com 55 THE SCENE fantasy flight


Inland Imaging is not a li ated with Beyond Pink and does not o er thermograms. ermo grams are not a replacement for mammography. Mammograms are the only imaging study shown to reduce the risk of death from breast cancer. We inadvertently stated otherwise.

Jennifer’s Auto Sales won two Gold Place awards for our Best of the City awards, Best Used Car Dealership and Best Domestic

Auto Repair. located at 15020 E Sprague Ave in Spokane Valley.

In our Paranormal Investiga tion story, psychic Jane Steward gave a remote study of the build ing for paranormal activity, not Jennifer Von Behren, as was incorrectly reported. Please refer to our online October/November 2022 issue for the full story

Pardon our errors.

Wheatland Bank Free Horse & Carriage Rides Weekends through December 24 The Crescent Windows at The Grand Daily through January 1 Santa’s Pub Hop & Holiday Wine Walk Through December 31 STCU Kids Holiday Hunt & Coloring Contest Through December 18 Holiday Window Display Contest Presented by STCU Vote through December 18 Spokane’s most wonderful time of the year, featuring… We’ll see you here for holiday cheer. Visit downtownspokane.org Sponsored by

We polled our sta about what they most hoped for this holiday season by way of gi s. e wish list varied widely, from facials and tness to golf and gold. While our pub lisher hoped for a custom wrapped vehicle to help promote business, one writer wanted co ee and

Ice Skating

Start a family holiday tradition with a trip to the Numerica Skate Ribbon in Riverfront Park. Experience slight inclines and declines around a 650 feet path of ice. And when you’re ready to warm up, there are cozy re pits to sit around and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa. An Unlimited Ice Pass and Win ter Value Pass provide discounts all season. e Winter Value pass has discounts for the entire park, includ ing the Skate Ribbon, SkyRide, and carousel. Numerica Skate Ribbon, tinyurl.com/numericaskateribbon

another a new car. In no particular order, here’s our handpicked selection of awesome gi ideas.

One giving idea we all agreed upon was the gi of respite. Respite from worry, respite from vio lence, respite from what ails our planet. We wish you goodwill and peace to all.

Best Cookies Ever

Treat yourself (or someone you love) to the Best Cookies Ever!

Established in 2021, Best Cookies Ever is a Spokane cookie company special izing in small batch, chewy, gooey, deca dent, delicious cook ies. Each cookie is made to order, with love and care, and then heat-sealed in a compostable package for opti mal freshness. e Best Cookies Ever are made with real butter, pasture raised eggs, and sustainable our. Choose from 50-plus rotating avors! Send an E-gi card or customize your own Gourmet Cookie Box this holiday season!

BestCookiesEverSpokane.com, 509-418-8853

Round of Golf

Have the golfer on your list dreaming of spring with a tee time at Circling Raven. Spanning 620 acres of scenic wetlands, woodlands, and Palouse grass es, Circling Raven Golf Club at Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort o ers 18-holes of enthralling play. Give a Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Gi Card (tucked into a package of balls) that can be redeemed for gear in the pro shop and a round of golf. CdACasino.com/golf, 800-523-2464


The Gift of Fitness

Orangetheory Fit ness is like no other — you get science-backed, technology-tracked, coach-inspired group workouts designed to produce results from the inside out. Oran getheory workouts incorporate endurance, strength, and power to generate the ‘Orange E ect’ whereby par ticipants keep burning calories for up to 36 hours a er a 60-min ute workout. Is there a better gi than one that helps a loved one live a healthier, more vibrant life?! Orangetheory. com; South Hill, 509774-0636; Northside, 509-904-1440

Joyful Gatherings Gift Basket

ese gorgeous white wooden trays arrive dressed to impress! Designed with an elegant assortment of Simply Northwest’s nest gourmet products, this deluxe collection features ne avors such as smoked salmon, savory crackers, velvety Brie cheese, grilled asparagus spears, chocolate honey pecans, an asparagus and Italian cheese pesto, pepper garlic salmon spread, a supreme nut mix, milk and dark chocolate-covered Bing cherries, an array of gourmet chocolate tru es, a bottle of premium Washington red wine and so much more. Available in two sizes - $179.99 or $279.99 and can be delivered locally and shipped nationwide! SimplyNorthwest.com, 509-9287-8206

Vintage NW Gear

Artist Chris Bovey, known for his iconic Spokane images in retro style, just opened Vin tage Print+Neon in the Garland District to give holiday shoppers a place to nd unique shirts, post ers, and gi items that are all about Inland Northwest landmarks. You'll discover treasures like a huge yel low co ee mug with the old Zips mascot bunny, T-Shirts, hoodies, and prints with Bovey’s original art featuring the Garbage Goat, Cruising Riverside, Glow in the Dark Hanford, Eat a Bag of Dicks Burgers, and Spo kane Marmots. More than 500 designs! 914 W Garland Ave, or online at etsy.com/ shop/vintageprintnw, 509-443-5257


Head-to-Toe Holiday Gifts

Check o everything on their wish list at Northern Quest Re sort & Casino this season! Find top brands like UGG at Windfall and the La Rive Spa boutique, treat them to a day of pampering, or purchase a Northern Quest gi card to use almost anywhere on property. With something for every fashionista, foodie, and outdoor adventurer, you can wrap up all your holiday shop ping in one visit. NorthernQuest. com, 877-871-6772

Davenport Hotel

Luxury Robe

For a truly special gi , the Davenport Collection bath robe is perfect for recreating a relaxing and luxurious hotel experience at home. Made of 100 percent cotton, this plush robe features spacious pockets, a hanger loop for easy stor age, and the famous Gold Davenport Crest embroidered on the le chest. Don’t forget to pick up some scrumptious Davenport signature so peanut brittle to complete the pack age! e holidays are a season of giving, but this is one gi you might want to keep for yourself! Daven portHome.myshopify. com, 509-789-7222

Yuletide Blend Coffee

Create a buzz of holiday cheer with a gi from Cravens Co ee Company. Lo cally owned, operated, and roasted right here in Spokane, Craven's co ees are not only avorsome and aromatic, but also Fair Trade Certi ed –- good for farm ers, their families, the economy, and the planet. e Yuletide Blend captures the essence of the season with a bright, full, rich nish. Don't forget a Craven's Travel Mug to go with it so they can enjoy their hot beverage on the go. Cravensco ee. com, 509-747-6424


Women’s Keepsake Journal

ere isn’t anything quite like journaling to help us better tether ourselves to the mo ments in our lives and answer the age-old question: “Where did the time go?" Cre ated by former Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living ed itor-in-chief Stephanie Regalado, Finding Me in 2023 is a beauti fully designed, inspi rational daily journal for women of all ages to capture and memo rialize the highs and lows of everyday life. Separated into monthly themes to encourage more profound explo rations of oneself, and with 52 quotes about life, love, building healthy boundaries, harnessing personal power, strengthening con dence, pursu ing dreams, nding silver linings, letting go, and so much more, this personal "Book of You” makes the per fect gi  for yourself and all the women in your life. tinyurl.com/keep sakejournal

Dynamic Wall Art

Wall art makes a dynamic impact on any room and is also a gi that keeps on giving the whole year through. From stunning wildlife and breathtaking landscapes to color ful orals and classic aviation, Complete Suite Furniture o ers hundreds of designs to match any style. Each high quality print is hand stretched using 100 percent locally sourced wood and range in size from 22”x28” to 38”x60”. CompleteSuiteFurni ture.com, 509-822-7049

FastTrack Storage System

Do you know someone with an over owing pantry or an out of control closet? Give them the gi of organiza tion with a custom storage system from Closets Northwest Let their organiza tion experts help you get it together with Rubbermaid’s FastTrack system featuring adjustable rails, shelves, rods, sliding wire bas kets, and drawers. Closets-nw.com, 509-891-2818


Maryhill Wine

Toast the New Year with a glass of wine from Maryhill Winery. Showcasing the rich and diverse avors of Washington State wine with passion, patience, and balance, Maryhill puts the focus on regionally inspired food along with approachable, award-winning wines at destination tasting rooms in Spokane, Gol dendale, Vancouver, and Woodinville. Re cently awarded the 2022 Seattle Wine Awards’ MVP-Most Valuable Producer, Maryhill Winery is recognized as the best in PNW wine. Maryhill Winery.com/Visit/Spokane, 509-443-3832

Swarovski Snowflake Ornament

A new addition to the many designer brands and one-of-a-kind pieces that Jewelry Design Center o ers, the Swarovski Crystal Collection is truly the best option for luxury and a ordability. eir annual snow ake ornament is a beautiful and unique design year a er year and a highly collectible gi e 2022 edition shown here is nely cra ed with 170 facets and o ers a new in terpretation of a classic festive motif. Exclusively available in 2022, its metal tag is engraved with the year and embellished with a small crystal. JewelryDesignCenter.com, 509-487-5905

Mikimoto Pearls

Timeless, classic, and irrefutably the most beau tiful pearls available, Mi kimoto is constantly striv ing to update the tradition of beauty to ensure their products are always new and exciting. Shown here is the crisscross diamond and pearl fashion ring, a classic pearl bracelet and the stunning double strand pearl necklace. A staple for any jewelry col lection, Mikimoto pearls are an instant family heirloom and bound to set a standard of beauty for many years to come. JewelryDesignCenter. com, 509-487-5905

Instant Hot Water Dispenser

With the amount of time we spend indoors as the temperatures drop, it’s no wonder that so many of us feel compelled to make our homes as cozy as possible around the holidays. With an InSin kErator hot water dispenser installed by Gold Seal Plumb ing, you’ll have the conve nience of near-boiling water right at your kitchen sink. Instantly have perfect temper ature hot water for blanching vegetables, lling a pasta pot, or making a cup of co ee, tea, or cocoa. GoldSealPlumbing. com, 509-535-5946

Custom Vinyl Vehicle Wrap

For the ultimate in “wrapping” this Christmas, give the vehicle enthusiast a gi certi cate for a custom vinyl vehicle wrap! Company logo, dynamic color graphics, or or spot graphics can spruce up any car or truck, motorcycle, snowmobile, or motorhome. Ve hicle wraps also help protect a vehicle’s body from scratches and small dents from road debris yet can be easily removed without damaging the original paint. e design and installation experts at


Skinbetter Science A-Team Duo Kit

Whether you’re looking to help someone solve common winter skin issues or spoil a loved one this season, Spokane Center for Facial Plastic Surgery’s skincare gi s are pampering and practical. Skinbetter’s A-Team Duo Kit is a dynamic, award-winning sk incare pair that will help defend against free radicals and rejuvenate the look of skin. e Allure Best of Beauty Breakthrough duo is designed to support healthy skin, improve the appearance of lines, wrinkles, uneven texture, and discoloration. All Skinbetter science products are dermatologist tested, paraben-free, fragrance-free, dye-free, and crueltyfree. SandPlasticSurgery.com, 509-324-2980

2022 Nissan Frontier

If Santa’s sleigh had wheels, it would cer tainly be the all new Nissan Frontier available at Wendle Motors. Stocked with features to make life easier, the Frontier is built to do it all. Go anywhere! Whether camping for the weekend, a run to the gro cery store, or delivering a load of presents, the Frontier is all truck, all fun, in a compact size –- a rugged workhorse with modern features at an a ordable price. WindleNissan.com, 509-252-0634

Minuteman Press - Spokane Valley can create a one-of-a-kind wrap to t any vehi cle that will last for years and make a vehicle standout from the tra c. SpokaneValley-wa. MinutemanPress.com, 509-344-4600

Vehicle Window Tinting

Window tinting makes anyone’s ride more comfortable since it reduces glare and harmful UV rays, keeps interiors cool in the summer and warm in the winter, and adds a layer of security—not to mention giving any vehicle a custom look. Even if they aren’t looking for style, recipients can enjoy a safer and comfortable commute with a awless high quality tint installation from Elysian Tinting & Graphics. Elysian Tinting.com, 509-218-7849

BY Santa Photos Presented by STCU: Santa Express: Christmas Tree Elegance: Vintage Prints Pop Up: Terrain’s BrrrZAAR: Now - December 24 November 25 - December 22 November 29 - December 11 December 9 - December 23 December 17 EXPERIENCE THE OF THE SEASON SHARE THE GIFT OF FUN, FOOD AND SHOPPING WITH THE RIVER PARK SQUARE GIFT CARD. River Park Square Gift Card is issued by Metabank®, N.A., Member FDIC. Funds do not expire, Non-reloadable and no cash access. DOWNTOWN SPOKANE AT MAIN & POST RIVERPARKSQUARE.COM

The Inland Northwest is burgeoning with new construction projects as people continue to migrate here from across the country. e housing shortage is well documented, and the talk of the town has been the need for new apartments, new condominiums, and new homes. With all the talk of the new, let’s not overlook the old. People have been coming to this far-northwestern corner of the country to build new lives for the past 150 years. And we are fortunate to have had citizens now long ago passed who had the foresight to preserve many of our region’s landmark houses. ese man sions stand sentinel, their presence telling stories of the people who came here so long ago and who built this region into what it is today.


One of the most beautiful of these historic homes, the Campbell House, has been turned into a living museum, and it’s open for the holidays. e Campbell House o ers guests an opportunity to go back in time and enjoy the stunning architecture and interior design elements of a bygone era, as well as imagine a di erent, more intentional way of living from the hyper-paced, disposable culture of today.

Like many who subsequently have moved to the Inland Northwest from other parts of the country, Amasa B. Campbell found his way to Coeur d’Alene from Youngstown, Ohio. He and his business partner, John A. Finch, eventu ally made a substantial amount of money from their mining investments. But due to labor and management con icts and a signi cant decline in silver prices, the two moved their business to Spokane, where they determined to construct homes in a place better suited to support a balance between a fruitful career and happy home life.

Both Campbell and Finch enlisted the famed Spokane architect Kirtland K. Cut ter to design nearby homes in Browne’s addition. While Finch opted for a bright white mansion fashioned in the Geor gian, Federal, and Greek Revival styles that featured two-story high, three-foot diameter columns at its entrance, Camp bell preferred the English Tudor Revival style. (Cutter’s genius was his ability to design to his clients’ varying tastes while maintaining his strict standard of excel lence.)

e Campbell House, which has been carefully preserved for contemporary visitors, is a perfect example of English Tudor Revival: steeply pitched gable roofs, elaborate masonry chimneys, em bellished doorways, and decorative halftimbering (exposed wood framework with the spaces between the timbers lled with masonry or stucco). In today’s par lance, it has ‘all the bells and whistles.’ e 13,000-square-foot home cost $30,000 to build in 1898, approximately $1,000,000 in today’s dollars.

e interior of the rst oor features dramatic woodwork, wallpaper, re places, and views that serve as idealis tic backdrops for events ranging from formal dinner parties to cozy nights at home. A er passing through the entry hall, which features Tudor-style wood paneling and décor that harkens to the

Campbell House living history characters and Campbell House dining room

medieval halls of England, on the right-hand side lies the reception room. is is where Grace Campbell, the lady of the house, would receive social visitors for short meet ings. Receiving social guests was an important job for any prominent housewife; by welcoming women of similar social standing, she helped to secure her husband’s status in the community. All that glitters is gilded in this room.

Hues of rose pink in the wallpaper; deep coral colored, velvet drapes framing the windows on either side of a marbled replace and its ornately carved, gilded mantel, over which hangs a mirror framed in golden orals and vines; this is a nod to a French baroque salon in a home that is otherwise all English Tudor. One can imagine that even in the dead of winter, springtime prevails in this


room with its warm tones and oral-inspired accents.

On the le -hand side of the entry hall is the library.

e dark wooden box beams of the ceiling and the goth ic-style inglenook replace manage to convey a grandeur while also providing a sense of warmth and respite to the space. During the holidays, poinsettias grace the stone mantel. A tall Christmas tree sparkles with string lights and re ective ornaments that glitter like starlight against

the dark woodwork. It makes for the perfect place to enjoy reading by the reside on a snowy evening or listening as someone plays music on the nearby piano. e entry hallway continues up four steps into another hallway, wallpapered in a pattern of inter twined, red oriental poppies, a perennial ower that grows around Spokane gardens, sometimes planted and other times uninvited. An ornate grandfather clock in


this hallway mans the entrance to the formal dining room. While the woodwork in the dining room keeps with the style of the rest of the house, it di ers in that it is painted white, which suits the blue and white Dutch tiles of the replace. Perhaps the best feature of this room is its wall of tall windows facing the home’s spa cious veranda that wraps around the back of the house and overlooks the Spokane River below. A windowed door in the dining room makes for an easy transition from dinner inside to tea or co ee a erward, besides the sounds and views of the river during warmer seasons.

Campbell House also features a downstairs game room which func tioned as a kind of “man cave” for Mr. Campbell. An octagonal poker table sits beneath a large stained glass, lantern-style chandelier. e red walls and low lighting hint at the purpose of the room: a hideaway and

the only place in the home where Mr. Campbell was allowed to drink and gamble. Mrs. Campbell was involved in the Temperance movement, so her husband’s den needed to be tucked away and out of sight from polite society.

Such a large home required regular upkeep and cleaning. e lay out of the home allowed for private pathways for servants to use so they could move unseen throughout the house as they completed their tasks. One example is the passage to the guest bathroom, which provides access for cleaning the space with out traversing through the main hallways. While rooms used by the family members were decadent and lled with expensive décor and fur nishings that re ected their travels across Europe, the servants’ quarters were far more modest and prioritized functionality before form. Modern sensibilities may cringe at the Down


ton Abbey-like setup, yet the Campbells were regarded as being quite kind and generous to their servants. For instance, a modern bathroom was built in the basement where most of the servants’ daily chores were performed so that they needn’t walk up the three ights of stairs to the servants’ quarters throughout the day to answer nature’s call. Also, Mrs. Campbell would occasionally act as a chaperone when one of the maids was invited on a date.

More than a grand home designed for a successful mining investor, Camp bell House was a place for his wife Grace and daughter Helen to enjoy time as a family and with friends. Beyond that, this massive dwelling was home for all those who worked at Campbell house: the cook, maids, groundskeepers, and the driver of their horse-drawn carriages (which were eventually replaced by an automobile) all resided under the same roof. Life during their time may seem unrecognizable to ours, but there is a familiarity and comfort in the myriad de tails throughout its wood-paneled rooms that we see in homes today—wallpaper, rich colors, favored knickknacks, framed


Campbell House is included with regular admission to the Museum of Arts and Culture and is available for self-guided tours Tues-Sun from 12-4pm. Additional information on Campbell House, including its history, tickets, as well as cur rent and upcoming exhibitions can be found at NorthwestMu seum.org.

Patsy Clark Mansion

Glover House Corbin House Nuzum House omas House Corbet-Aspray House Davenport Hotel


*Some of these buildings are private residences and not open to the public, so please check before visiting.

generations have a common need for a place to call home.

Helen Campbell was some thing of a visionary in that she understood the signi cance of her home when she donated Campbell House to a local his torical society in 1924. In the 1980s, the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture (MAC) be gan refurbishing the home with the aid of historical photos and records to recreate the life and times in which the family lived. Because of the work done by the MAC, one can walk through the house exactly as it would have been 120 years ago and draw joy and inspiration from the home’s architecture, location, layout, in terior design, décor, and history.

ey invite visitors to come see this fabulous mansion decked out for the holidays as it would have been for the Campbell family and their guests in 1900. (And hopefully our readers will be inspired to gussy up their own abodes into something beautiful for the season.)

Other notable homes, buildings, and structures* designed by Kirtland K. Cutter in Spokane include: Monroe Street Bridge Club Central Steam Heat Plant Manito Methodist Episco pal Church
GREATFLOORS.COM *Great Floors is Registered Trademark of Great Floors LLC. Washington Contractors License Number GREATF*955D4. Idaho Contractors License Number RCE-4037. COEUR D’ALENE 3800 N. Government Way 208.765.6014 SPOKANE VALLEY 13708 Indiana Ave. 509.535.4603 SPOKANE 231 E. Francis Ave. 509.482.0839 Visit a Showroom EXPLORE KARASTAN FLOORS See Store for Details inspired designs PROVIDES LIVABLE LUXURY WITH STYLES INSPIRED BY THE SIMPLICITY OF NATURE.

Building your dream home, anywhere

Five tips to create a comfortable forever home

Like Ed and Naomi in our October ’22 issue, the couple who built a custom home along the river, most homebuyers are un likely to nd their dream homes with all the wish list items checked o already on the market. With a unique vision of your ideal home’s look, location, and features, building a custom home is generally the easiest way to make that dream a reality.

To keep things moving as smoothly as possible amid what can be a complicated process, consider these tips as you embark on the journey.

Set a Realistic Budget

You’ll need to start by determining how much you can spend on your house. Typically, the cost of building a home

is around $100-$200 per square foot, according to research from HomeAdvi sor. You’ll also need to account for the lot price as well as design fees, taxes, permits, materials, and labor. Materials and labor should make up about 75 percent of the total amount spent, but it’s wise to build in a bu er for price changes and overages. While building your budget, consider what items and features are “must-haves” and things that should only be included if your budget allows.

Identify the Perfect Location ink about where you’d like to live and research comparable lots and proper ties in those areas, which can give you a better idea of costs. Because the features

of many dream homes require a wider footprint, you may need to build outside of city limits, which can make natural gas more di cult to access. Consider propane instead, which can do everything natural gas can and go where natural gas can not or where it is cost prohibitive to run a natural gas line. Propane also reduces dependence on the electrical grid, and a propane standby generator can safeguard your family if there is a power outage.

“As a real estate agent and builder, I have the pleasure of helping families select their dream homes,” said Matt Blashaw, residential contractor, licensed real estate agent, and host of HGTV’s “Build it For ward.” “ e homes we design and build are frequently in propane country, or o


the natural gas grid. Propane makes it possible to build an a ordable and com fortable, high-performing indoor living spaces and dynamic outdoor entertaining areas.”

Keep Universal Design Principles in Mind

Many homebuyers want to ensure their space is accessible to family mem bers and guests both now and for decades to come. As the housing market slows and mortgage rates rise, buy ers may look to incorporate features that allow them to age in place. Incorporating principles of universal design – the ability of a space to be understood, accessed and used by people regardless of their age or ability – can make it possible to still enjoy your home even if mobility, vision or other challenges arise as you age.

For example, the entryway could have a ramp or sloped concrete walkway leading to a front door wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair with a barrier-free threshold. Inside, wider hallways and doorways, strategic lighting and appliances installed at lower heights are mainstays of universal design. Counters of varying heights, drop-down cabinet racks and roll-under sinks in kitchens and zeroentry showers, slip-resistant ooring and grab bars in bathrooms o er enhanced accessibility.

Consider Alternative Energy Sources

With today’s electric grid, more than two-thirds of the energy is wasted; it never reaches homes. Unlike electricity, propane is stored in a large tank either above or below ground on the property. A 500-gallon tank can hold enough propane to meet the annual energy needs of an average single-family home – enough to power major systems in a home.

Propane pairs well with other energy sources, including grid electricity and on-site solar, which makes it a viable op tion for dual-energy homes. Like natural gas, propane can power major appliances such as your furnace, water heater, clothes dryer, replace, range and standby genera tor. O en, propane works more e ciently with fewer greenhouse gas emissions than electricity, meaning your home is cleaner for the environment.

generator automatically senses the disrup tion of service and starts the generator’s engine, which then delivers power to the home. From the warm, comfortable heat of a propane furnace to the peace of mind o ered by a propane standby generator, many homeowners trust propane to pro vide a safe, e cient, whole-home energy solution. (Visit Propane.com for more ideas.)

Build a Team of Experts

Propane can even power a wholehome standby generator, which is o en a big selling point. When a homeowner purchases a standby generator, a licensed electrician installs the unit outside the home and wires it to the home’s circuit breaker. When a power outage occurs, the

Hiring the right people can make the process of turning your dream into real ity go much smoother. Start by researching reputable builders, paying special at tention to the types of homes they build to nd a style that matches what you’re looking for as well as price ranges for past homes they’ve built. Consider how long the builders have been in business and if they’re licensed and insured. Depending on your builder’s ca pabilities, you may also need to hire an architect or designer. In addition to your real estate agent to assist with purchas ing the lot and selling your previous home, you may need as sistance from other professionals, such as a real estate attorney, landscape architect and propane supplier. A local propane sup plier can work with the builder to install a properly sized propane storage tank either above or below ground and connect appliances.

Photos courtesy of Laurey Glenn and Paragon Building Group (house exterior and kitchen)

NEST building from memory


You may be surprised to learn propane can power major appliances, which can increase the value of a home because of their high performance, e ciency, and reduced dependence on the electrical grid.


A propane-powered furnace has a 50 percent longer lifespan than an electric heat pump, reducing its overall lifetime costs. Propane-powered residential furnaces also emit up to 50 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than electric furnaces and 12 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than furnaces running on oil-based fuels.


Propane boilers have an expected lifespan of up to 30 years, but many can last longer if serviced and maintained properly. High-e ciency propane boilers o er performance, space savings and versatility as well as a signi cant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to those fueled by heating oil.

Standby Generator

Propane standby generators supply supplemental electricity in as little as 10 seconds a er an outage. Plus, propane doesn’t degrade over time, unlike diesel or gasoline, making it an ideal standby power fuel.

Clothes Dryer

Propane-powered clothes dryers gen erate up to 42 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to electric dryers. ey also dry clothes faster, which can reduce energy use and cost.


With up to 15 percent fewer green house gas emissions compared to electric ranges, propane-powered ranges also al low for greater control of heat levels. Plus, their instant ame turno capabilities help them cool faster.

Tankless Water Heater

Propane tankless water heaters have the lowest annual cost of ownership in mixed and cold United States climates when compared with electric water heaters, heat pump water heaters, and oilfueled water heaters. ey also only heat water when it is needed, reducing standby losses that come with storage tank water heaters.

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Going o -grid with propane-powered

Warm up your home with the perfect freplace

On a cold winter night, there’s nothing like curl ing up in a chair beside a blazing re. e warmth from a replace on a chilly day and the scent of burning wood add a cozy ambiance to any size home. Fire places make great gathering spots, and many families enjoy lounging around the replace in the evenings to talk or watch television together.

Almost all new house plans have at least one replace incorporated into their

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design to accommodate homeowners’ desire for the warmth and glow of a re. is is especially true in the great room, but you’ll also nd replaces in dining rooms, open kitchen spaces, master suites, and outdoor living areas.

Fireplaces o er a comfortable gather ing place for family and friends while also providing heat and light to make a room look and feel warm and beautiful. us, choosing the best replace for your home is key to adding a positive feature rather than an underutilized element. Fireplace designs vary widely, but no matter your style there is one for you.

When picking out your replace, there are many considerations that will narrow your choices. You need to make decisions about both the functionality and heating e ciency of your replace and the overall aesthetic that it brings to the room. Will the unit be a primary source of heat, or

will it be mainly for decorative purposes? Is ease of use and maintenance a priority? What kind of fuel do you prefer? ese questions should help you determine whether you’d be better with an electric, gas, or wood burning replace. ere has been a strong trend toward gas replaces because they are much more a ordable to build than wood-burning replaces, which require a chimney constructed of masonry bricks. One of the biggest draws towards gas replaces is that they provide radiant heat and a hearth ame without the inconvenience of wood. You’ll nd a wide variety of sizes and aesthetic choices in gas models and considerably more leeway in terms of venting (inserts, direct-vent, and ventfree models) than that o ered by woodburning replaces. Prefabricated metal units have taken over the marketplace for cost alone. Some leading prefabricated

replace manufacturers are Heatilator, Heat & Glo, Lennox Hearth Products, and Quadra-Fire.

Producing up to 32,000 British thermal units (BTU’s), ventless replaces are more energy e cient than vented replaces because no heat escapes up the ue, so you’ll save money on gas utility bills. A large, open space such as a great room should handle a ventless gas re place with a 25,000 BTU or higher output, while smaller rooms such as a bedroom or bathroom can be comfortable at 5,000 BTUs. For optimum control over the heat output, these units can be regulated by a wall thermostat or remote control.

Nothing beats the sound, smell, and sight of a crackling wood burning re in a traditional replace, transform ing your home into the rustic retreat of your dreams. If you’re planning to have a wood-burning replace, then construc

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tion materials are of particular importance. Brick replace designs are the most com mon choice because brick does not show smoke stains. Another common material for replace design is natural stone such as limestone, marble, or slate. Because of cost, most homeowners are using stone veneer from companies like Eldorado Stone and Cultured Stone.

e payo of a wood-burning replace does come at a price. You’ll need to do reg ular maintenance to keep it functional and free of excessive ash, and wood and re starters can add up a bit in price –- unless you enjoy cutting, splitting, and stacking your own logs. e hearths tend to take up a good bit of room, so it is recommended to take your space into account when con sidering the wood-burning option.

For homeowners who like the warm and cozy aesthetic of a replace but can’t or won’t go to the hassle of installing a chim ney for a wood-burning or gas replace, an electric replace provides an excellent alternative. e biggest advantage of go ing electric is that electric replaces are typically free-standing (some can even be wall mounted) and placed anywhere there is an electrical outlet. e ames are only simulated, and even with a blower fan, the moderate amount of heat produced by an electric replace is an e ective solution for smaller rooms without drastically increas ing your electric bill.

Ultimately, your replace should be everything you want and need in terms of function and design. You will get much more enjoyment from your replace – and many more compliments – if you explore your options and then choose the ones that make you feel most at home.

82 BOZZIMEDIA.com DECEMBER 2022 NEST heating
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To treat or not to treat at is the question of hormone replacement therapy

Three a.m. bathroom calls, hot ashes, night sweats, mood shi s, sleepless nights, weight gain: all signs of what was once referred to in polite company as ‘ e Change.’ Discussing menopause is no longer taboo. Code words have been discarded, and women no longer have to su er in silence. But many questions surrounding this time in a woman’s life remain—the biggest question for many: whether to use hormones.

As with any medication, menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), previously referred to as hormone replacement therapy, includes both risks and bene ts. MHT is a general term used to refer to estrogen as well as combined estrogen and progesterone replacement for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. It is important for each woman to know if she is a good candidate for hormone therapy; for those who are, it can be used safely and improve their quality of life. It is also es sential to be knowledgeable about the various options pertaining to MHT.

Pros and cons

Reasons for using MHT are readily obvious. Poten tially life-altering symptoms of hot ashes and night sweats are two of the most common reasons women take MHT. For others, combination estrogen and pro gesterone therapy is used to prevent and treat osteo porosis. Furthermore, many women develop vaginal symptoms related to menopause; although intravaginal estrogen can be used for women with these isolated vaginal symptoms.

MHT increases the risk of certain serious health conditions in those with certain risk factors, including a history of any of the following: heart disease, stroke, blood clots or blood clotting disorder, and/or breast cancer. In addition, if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, migraines with aura, a seizure disorder, unexplained vaginal bleeding, liver disease, a high risk for breast cancer, or use nicotine, the risks of therapy will potentially outweigh the bene ts. Other factors to consider when determining the risks of MHT include your age and whether you require combination therapy or estrogen alone.

Age matters

A study done by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) gave hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal women a bad rap. It is important to under stand, however, that the average age of the participants in this study was 63 years and the maximum age of women enrolled was 79. Data from younger women under age 60 and within ten years of menopause found

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that the risks of MHT were low, and the bene ts were the great est. is is typically when hot ashes and night sweats cause the most discomfort for women. erefore, if a woman less than 60 years old and within ten years of menopause has unwanted menopause symptoms, she can feel comfortable seeking treat ment with hormones if her provider determines her to be an appropriate candidate.

It is also important to understand that the hormones studied in the WHI trial included oral conjugated equine estrogens (estrogen derived from the urine of pregnant horses) and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), a synthetic progestin. Many women are now using natural plant-based estrogen and progesterone. Additional large-scale trials studying women tak ing this form of MHT are needed to fully understand the risks and bene ts of the types of hormones that women are typically taking today.

Combination therapy versus estrogen only matters

e WHI trial found that combination estrogen and pro gesterone therapy were associated with a greater risk for heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, and blood clots in the lungs when all ages of women were grouped together. Combination estro gen and progesterone therapy also lowered the risk of colon

and rectal cancer, hip fractures, and death from all causes. Only those who have had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) can be a candidate for estrogen without progesterone. Contradic tory to combination therapy, estrogen therapy alone without progesterone appeared safer than combination estrogen and progesterone therapy. Estrogen raised the risk of strokes, blood clots in the lungs, and hip fractures but lowered the risk of heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, and death from all causes.

e task of deciding what kind of estrogen to take can be daunting. I recommend Estradiol as the preferred estrogen because it is derived from plants and is a bioidentical hormone. Furthermore, I recommend the estradiol patch as the preferred method of replacement therapy due to a lower risk of stroke and blood clots than if taken in pill form. e patch also has a less negative impact on cholesterol compared to estrogen taken as a pill. Estradiol patches are sold under many brand names, including Vivelle-Dot, Alora, and Climara, to name a few.

Estradiol comes in pill form as well, marketed as Estrace. Just like the estradiol patch, it is a bioidentical, plant-based estrogen. Estradiol gels, such as Estro-Gel, can be applied to the arms and are absorbed in high enough doses to treat hot ashes.

HEALTH BEAT hormone replacement therapy
Not all estrogens are created equally

HEALTH BEAT hormone replacement therapy

Women being treated only for “genitourinary syndrome of menopause” should be treated with low-dose vaginal estrogen. Symptoms include vaginal dryness and irritation, urinary symptoms, incontinence, and discomfort with inter course. Estrace is an estradiol vaginal cream, while Imvexy consists of estradiol containing intravaginal pellets. Estring is a ring that you replace every three months. All of these are natural, bioidentical options for intravaginal estrogen therapy. With any intravaginal estrogen, systemic absorption is minimal.


Women who still have their uterus must use progesterone with estrogen to protect them from the risk of developing a thickened uterine lining and uterine cancer. I recommend Progesterone sold under the name Prometrium. It is naturally derived from plants.

In the past, medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), a synthetic progestin, was most commonly used. Unlike MPA, which has been associated with an increased risk for heart attacks and breast cancer, progesterone does not appear to increase the risk of either breast cancer or heart disease (data is limited, so this determination could change with further study). e previously mentioned WHI study researched women taking MPA, not progesterone. e combination estrogen and norethindrone patch, sold under the brand name Combipatch, has estradiol and

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norethindrone. Norethindrone is a synthetic progesterone. Many women prefer this since there is not a combination estradiol and natural progesterone patch available. In addition, women with a peanut allergy cannot take progesterone since it contains peanut oil, but they can use the Combipatch. Another option would be the Estradiol patch, combined with progesterone pills, taken either once a month with a monthly withdrawal bleed or daily without any bleeding.

Transitioning to menopause

Perimenopause refers to the time when women transition to menopause and are no longer able to reproduce. Uncomfortable symptoms can also begin during this phase. In perimenopausal women, combination oral contraceptives (COCs), known as “birth control pills,” may be used not only for their contraceptive e ect but also for the improvement of various symptoms that commonly appear during perimeno pause, including menstrual irregularity, heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual pain, hot ashes, and night sweats. Additionally, COCs can also aid in reducing the risk of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, colon and rectal cancer, as well as maintaining bone density. Although COCs increase the risk of breast cancer, blood clot-related events, and heart attacks, these events are rare for women who are good candidates for hormone therapy.

e decision of whether to take menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) or not has to be individualized based on your menopausal symptoms and the associated risk factors. It is important to weigh the bene ts and risks carefully based on your health. While your healthcare provider can help you navigate your options for MHT, know that there are FDA-approved natural and bioidentical options available to you. Keep an eye out for my next article, in which I will discuss natural and bioidentical hormones.

Meet Jessica Blackwell

Jessica Blackwell owns eVil lageHealth, a local primary care practice serving patients from Washington and Idaho. She received her undergraduate training through Washington State University, where she graduated Summa Cum Laude and received the Undergraduate of the Year Award. Jessica earned her graduate degree from Gonzaga University, again graduating Summa Cum Laude.

Blackwell’s healthcare career has spanned over 25 years. She started her career as an ICU nurse. During that time, she developed a patent to prevent ventilator tubes from dis connecting. Jessica has since served as a nurse practitioner in the areas of urgent care, medical oncology, and internal medicine/primary care.

Blackwell blends her experience with compassion. She o ers a per sonalized approach to primary care. Services include primary care for cancer survivors, cancer prevention programs, one-on-one health coach ing, and weight loss programs. She also specializes in reversing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. She does her best to see patients the day of or the next business day for urgent care, as she wants to be there for her patients when they need her most. She takes most insurances. Visit eVillageHealth.com or call (509)9606527 with questions or for new patient information.

HEALTH BEAT hormone replacement therapy
Photo by Allie Raye, allieraye.com

Baby, it’s cold outside

bene ts of outdoor winter exercise

If you’re one of the millions a ected by seasonal a ective disorder (SAD), it’s common to feel tired, unmotivated, and crave carbs and sweets beyond the usual holiday treats. But a er going for a run or other outdoor exercise session, you won’t need to be reminded that no matter how much you feel like hibernating until spring, exercise can really help shake o those winter blues.

Moreover, exercising outdoors pro vides a double-whammy mood boost. e physical and mental payo s of moving your body are well known, and there are proven psychological bene ts to being in the beautiful outdoors.

Eco-psychologists believe that we hu mans have an innate a nity with the nat ural world and experience positive mood states when we are in green places, by water, or pretty much anywhere outside. In one study, hospital patients whose beds

looked out upon a view of trees and grass healed faster than those who looked out to a brick wall, and research from Johns Hopkins University found that just the sound of a stream improved pain control in patients. Is it any wonder that when we hole up for winter, rarely see daylight, and trade walks for binge-watching the newest Net ix series, we end up feeling down in the dumps?

One needn’t do anything as energetic as a run to bene t from exercising out doors; a brisk walk, cross-country skiing, or simply performing a chore like shovel ing the driveway are all great options. And because the body uses extra energy in maintaining its core temperature, more calories are burned by exercising outdoors during winter. In one study, subjects burned 12 percent more energy during cold weather workouts.

ere’s a great sense of accomplish

ment to be gained from winter workouts — perhaps because motivating oneself to get outside when the weather is harsh and daylight sparse is in itself an accomplish ment.

e Mayo Clinic o ers some simple tips to make exercise safe and easy in the winter.

Head into the wind to start. When running, you’ll be less likely to get chilled on the way back if you end your workout, when you may be sweaty, with the wind at your back.

Layer it on. One of the biggest mistakes cold-weather exercisers make is dressing too warmly. Exercise generates a considerable amount of heat, enough to make you feel like it’s 30 degrees warmer than it really is. At the same time, once you start to tire and the sweat dries, the body chills. So, dress in layers. First, put on a thin base layer made of synthetic fab

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rics to wick moisture from the skin. If it’s very cold outside, wear a middle layer such as polar eece. Finally, add an outer layer (or shell) to protect you from the elements.

Choose appropriate gear. Black may be slim ming, but forgo fashion and wear bright, re ective clothing that increases your visibility in the dark as well as rain, snow, or fog. To keep extremities from freezing, wear a hat or headband and gloves or mit tens. You can always take them o and tuck them in a pocket if you become too warm. All these add-ons should be wool or synthetic, rather than cotton, to help keep sweat o your skin.

Drink plenty of uids. e body becomes just as dehydrated in the cold as in the heat from sweat ing and breathing hard, so drink water or sports drinks before, during, and a er a workout—even if you’re not thirsty. But sip slowly. Drinking too much water can lead to a dangerous (and in severe cases, potentially fatal) electrolyte disturbance called hyponatremia, which causes a low concentration of sodium in the blood.

If in doubt, check it out. In cold weather conditions, temperatures can sometimes take a toll on people with certain medical conditions. Anyone with heart or lung problems or asthma should make a quick call to their physician to get the okay for outdoor exercise.

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eats, shoots and leaves

Plated and Paired

Athol’s biggest little foodie havenCandle in the Woods

When David Adlard started entertaining friends and fam ily for multi-course wine-paired dinners at his house almost a decade ago, he never expected his cooking hobby to grow into the most unique restaurant concept in the Inland Northwest. In May 2019, at the sug gestion of his friends, David and his wife Lisa bought the building vacated by the

now defunct Saddle Up Grill Steakhouse, overhauled it in eight weeks (despite their lack of renovating experience) and opened Candle In e Woods the rst week of August. e name was inspired by a friend, who described their A-frame log cabin home’s glowing light as they drove towards it for dinner as “like a candle in the woods.”

“My wife and I looked at each other, and we decided that was gonna be the name of our place,” Adlard says.

feature and photos by ARI NORDHAGEN

Candle In e Woods sets itself apart from many restaurants in the area not just because of its location in the small town of Athol (with a population of about 700) just north of Hayden, but other things as well: the communal table, the outdoor sitting area with the re pits, the game room, the quiet deck, a limousine service, and each menu item and each wine introduced by Adlard with the stories of where they came from. His signature dry hu mor makes people feel right at home, and the dinner group of 6-16 people develops a camaraderie and a sense of family by the end of the evening, with Adlard christening them as “cousins” with a warm invite from the chef to come back again soon.

David Adlard came into the culi nary world unconventionally. Prior to opening Candle, he was a gymnastics

Photos and musings of a local shu erbug foodie Ari Nordhagen is an award-winning portrait, wedding, and food photographer who is passionate about supporting locally owned businesses. Follow her on Instagram at @joyful.meandering. LOCAL CUISINE candle in the woods

“I have zero formal culinary training, which is good, because I have no precon ceptions about food, and I don’t feel the need to follow any rules,” he says.

He’s a lifelong foodie, who nds in spiration from chefs like Joel Robuchon, Alain Ducasse, Horst Gallow, Heston Blumenthal, Paul Bocuse, omas Keller, and Eric Rippert.

“You hear about some musicians who don’t have formal music training, but they

just have this knack for music and have perfect pitch,” he explains. “ at’s kind of what I have with food. I taste something, and if it tastes good and I like it, most of the time my patrons like it as well.”

Adlard’s mantra during his dinners is “Trust the chef.” And despite o ering some unusual dishes and combinations of ingredients, hardly anyone complains about what they are served. As well, no two menus are ever the same.

“We have about four or ve customer

96 BOZZIMEDIA.com DECEMBER 2022 LOCAL CUISINE candle in the woods
coach in Coeur d’Alene for decades. Candle prides itself with creative presen tations of their dishes, like this smoked duck on phyllo, served inside a glass dome with smoke added in. Candle’s famous “Lobster Cappuccino” Candle’s unique selection of wines are also available for purchase, and signed by the chef for people to take home.

favorites that appear on pretty much every menu, but for the most part, our dishes change based on fresh ingredients as well as some crazy ideas we just come up with on the y.”

His love for wines was developed during his travels (he has been to over 70 countries around the world) as well as from friends he has met along the way.

Candle In e Woods boasts a wine list that is curated by Adlard himself and features wines that are hard to nd (or “unicorns” as he calls them).

Candle In e Woods is open Wednesday through Saturday every week, with just one dinner service a night. Reservations are booked up to seven months in advance, with their big dinner events (“Dinner of a Lifetime,” in December and Valentine’s Week dinners) booking up even sooner.

candle in the woods

Breaking Bread

While the gi giving is a lot of fun, reuniting with family and friends is what makes this season so special. is cold, dark time of year is bright and full of possibil ity when we gather around a shared meal. Don’t let the prospect of food preparation overwhelm you.

e key to a successful feast is focus ing on dishes that can please loved ones of all ages and palates, such as a festive salad before the turkey or ham main dish, which can be accompanied by complementary sides like au gratin potatoes. Finally, top o the celebration with a divine dessert featur ing classic cranberry avor.

Start Holiday Celebrations with a Salad

With a bed of tender, leafy green spin ach and pops of red cranberries, a salad lends itself perfectly to the colors and a vors of the holiday season. Plus, as a lighter bite ahead of the big meal, it makes for a

delicious introduction to festive dinner par ties, family gatherings, and get-togethers. is Spinach Christmas Tree Salad o ers a fresh, festive option that adds a seasonal presentation to the table while inviting guests to take a bite. Harvested at the peak of avor, tender Fresh Express Baby Spinach has a mild and delicate taste that makes it an ideal addition to recipes throughout the holidays.

Spinach Christmas Tree Salad

Servings: 6

2 packages (5 ounces each) Fresh Express Baby Spinach

1/2 cup dried cranberries, divided

1/3 cup pistachios, divided

1/2 cup feta cheese, divided

1 red pepper, cored, cut into thin strips

1 large apple, thinly sliced, cut into star shapes


1 cup whole berry cranberry sauce

3 tablespoons cranberry juice

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoons honey

1/4 cup olive oil

1 tablespoon light brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt

In large bowl, toss baby spinach with 1/4 cup dried cranberries, 1/6 cup pista chios and 1/4 cup feta cheese. Transfer to Christmas tree cake mold. Neatly arrange spinach leaves to create smooth surface.

Arrange red pepper strips, trimming as needed, to create garland. Arrange remain ing dried cranberries, remaining pistachios and remaining feta cheese as “ornaments” on top of spinach. Create tree topper with one apple star; place remaining apple stars around “tree.”

To make dressing: In blender, process cranberry sauce, cranberry juice, balsamic

vinegar, honey, olive oil, brown sugar and salt until smooth. Find more ways to freshen up your holiday menu at FreshEx press.com.

A Hearty Holiday Side Dish

From appetizers and snacks to the main course, sides and sweets, almost everyone has a favorite holi day dish. However, it’s the pairings and complementary dishes that make festive get-togethers special.

is Creamy Au Gratin Pota toes with Kale and Gruyere is an ideal example of a savory side that goes well with a variety of holiday meals, making it a perfect option for families seeking a versatile recipe to serve with dinner. Rosyskinned and white- eshed, Wis consin Round Red potatoes have a rm, smooth and moist texture, making them well-suited for roast ing in this hearty dish.

Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes with Kale and Gruyere

1 1/2 cups heavy cream

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

2 cloves garlic, smashed

3 sprigs fresh thyme

2 tablespoons butter

3 cloves shallots, diced

4 large kale leaves, nely chopped (discard stems)

2 pounds red potatoes, sliced 1/8 inch

2 ounces gruyere cheese, grated

1 ounce Parmesan cheese, grated

Heat oven to 325 F.

In small saucepan over me dium heat, combine cream, salt, black pepper, garlic and thyme; stir constantly, until cream starts to bubble, 4-6 minutes. When bub bling, remove from heat and stir until slightly cooled. Let cream sit.

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Heat large (12-inch) oven-safe skillet over medium-high heat. Add butter. When butter melts, add shallots and kale leaves. Saute until kale is tender and bright green, about 4 minutes. Turn o burner.

Add sliced potatoes to skillet, fanning over top of kale.

Use slotted spoon to remove garlic and thyme from heavy cream. Pour heavy cream over potatoes.

Cover skillet tightly with foil and bake until potatoes are tender, 75-85 minutes. Remove skillet from oven and turn on broiler. Discard foil.

Sprinkle gruyere and Parmesan cheeses over potatoes, tucking some cheese between potato slices.

Return skillet to oven and broil until top is golden brown, 5-6 minutes.

Recipe courtesy of Wisconsin Potatoes, visit eatwisconsinpotatoes.com to discover more recipes t for serving your loved ones.

Dish Up a Divine Holiday Dessert

Give your holiday gatherings a new twist this year with a creamy cranberry delight that’s a cause for celebration all on its own. Smooth, divine taste at the dessert

table can be the memorable moment your family craves year a er year. is rich, festive Cranberry Cheesecake combines classic avor with a homemade cranberry compote-infused layer above a crust sweetly made using C&H Light Brown Sugar and graham crackers. Top it all o with fresh and sugared cranberries, rosemary springs and whipped cream for a tempting treat that tastes as good as it looks.

Cranberry Cheesecake

Prep time: 45 minutes Cook time: 1 hour, 15 minutes

Cranberry Compote:

2 cups fresh cranberries 1 cup C&H Light Brown Sugar 1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice 1 teaspoon freshly grated orange zest

Crust: 2 cups graham cracker crumbs 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

3 tablespoons C&H Light Brown Sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt


3 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, at room temperature 2 cups C&H Organic Raw Cane Sugar

3 tablespoons all-purpose our 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt 4 large eggs, at room temperature

1/2 cup sour cream, at room tempera ture

1/2 cup cranberry compote

fresh cranberries sugared cranberries rosemary sprigs whipped cream

To make cranberry compote: In me dium saucepan, bring cranberries, brown sugar, orange juice and orange zest to boil. Lower heat and simmer 10-15 minutes, or until most cranberries burst. Remove from heat. Cool completely at room temperature then transfer to bowl; refrigerate.

LOCAL CUISINE breaking bread

To make crust: Preheat oven to 350 F. Butter 8-inch springform pan and line bottom with parchment paper. Set aside.

In medium bowl, mix cracker crumbs, butter, brown sugar and salt. Press crumb mixture into bottom of prepared pan. Bake 15 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside. Reduce oven temperature to 325 F.

To make cheesecake: In bowl of electric mixer tted with paddle attachment, beat cream cheese at medium speed until smooth. Add cane sugar and beat 2-3 minutes. Scrape sides of bowl as needed. Add our, vanilla and salt. Beat 1 minute until incorporated.

Add one egg at a time, mixing until incorporated. Add sour cream and mix 1 minute. Scrape sides of bowl as needed. In medium bowl, mix half of cheesecake batter with 1/2 cup cranberry compote.

Wrap springform pan with aluminum foil and place in large roasting pan. Pour cream cheese and cranberry mixture into prepared pan. Top with remaining cream cheese batter. Place roasting pan in oven and add hot water to 1-inch of springform pan. Bake 1 hour, 15 minutes, or until cake looks set in center. Remove from oven and rest 1 hour. Refrigerate in pan overnight.

Decorate cake with fresh and sugared cranberries, rosemary springs and whipped cream.

To nd more sweet eats to celebrate the holidays, visit chsugar.com.

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dining guide

1898 Public House. With a nod of respect to the year Kalispel Golf and Country Club was established, 1898 Public House combines a storied history with modern flair. The culinary team takes pride in preparing classic foods with a fresh twist, while using the finest ingredients. From hand-pressed gourmet burgers and house-cured bacon, to house-made rolls and charcuterie, dining at 1898 will be an exciting culinary tour for your palate. 2010 W Waikiki Rd., (509) 466-2121, Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm, Friday 11am-10pm, Saturday 9am-10pm, Sunday 9am-9pm, 1898publichouse.com.

Chinook crafted by Chef Adam Hegsted. Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel’s signature “upper casual” restaurant had its grand reopening on November 11, with a reimagining of its menu and cocktail offerings thanks to Chef Adam Hegsted. The restaurant still features items diners have grown to love—such as a delicious steak dinner—but has added new items at a lower price point. There is something for everyone to love at Chinook. 37914 S Nukwalqw St, Worley, ID, (800) 523-2464, Monday-Sunday 7am-3am, CdACasino. com.

Clinkerdagger. A downtown institution, this is the place for taking out of town guests when showing off Spokane. Located in the historic Flour Mill, overlooking the river, its English Gothic décor creates the perfect ambiance for enjoying their signature, slow-cooked choice prime rib meal. 621 W Mallon Avenue Spokane, (509) 328-5965, Sunday 3-9pm, MondayThursday, 11:30am-9pm, Friday-Saturday 11:30-10pm, and Happy Hour MondayThursday 3-5pm, Clinkerdagger.com.

Crafted Tap House. Excellent outdoor dining with firepits on a large patio make for an ideal setting to enjoy their 62 rotating taps from breweries near and far. The house-made, giant pretzels with fivecheese, beer dipping sauce made with red pepper syrup and sea salt is a must. Burger lovers will die for the #42 as well as the other gastropub fair. 523 Sherman Ave, CdA, Id, (208) 292-4813, Bar is MondaySunday, 11am-close, kitchen is SundayThursday, 11am-9pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-10pm, CraftedTapHouse.com.

EPIC Sports Bar. From the nachos and buffalo wings to prime rib dip and epic burgers, EPIC is serving up a full menu of upscale pub fare, craft beers, and cocktails inside Northern Quest. With its thirty-foot LED HDTV, you can enjoy sports for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. 100 N Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, (509) 481-2122, Sunday-Thursday 7am-12am, Friday-Saturday 7am-2am, NorthernQuest.com.

Gander and Ryegrass. An Italian-inspired restaurant in downtown Spokane with a menu featuring coursed meals based around whole animal butchery and homemade pasta. Their robust beverage program includes a full bar and wine cellar delivering a variety of pairings for each course. They would love to welcome you for your birthday and other celebrations, as well as offer you the best service for a great night out on the town. À la carte options available, too. 404 W Main Ave, (509) 315-4613, daily 12pm–9pm, GanderAndRyegrass.com.

Hay J’s Bistro. Gourmet cuisine in a casual atmosphere sums up this familyowned restaurant. Starters include clams and blackened bleu tender tips. They offer separate lunch and dinner menus. Their Chicken Puttanesca Linguine and Bistro Medallions are worth the visit. Hay J’s is open from 11am-9pm but closed from 3pm-4pm for dinner setup. Can’t wait?

Piccolo Kitchen and Bar is right next door, alongside Butcher Block, which are owned by the same family. Located in Liberty Lake at 21706 E Mission Ave. Reservations are accepted, (509) 926-2310, HayJsBistro. com.

Hill’s Resort Restaurant and Lounge. On Priest Lake, the view is a perfect accompaniment to a filet mignon and glass of wine. Whether you’re in the mood for locally picked huckleberries or craving comfort food, Hill’s has something that will delight all tastes. Breakfast and lunch are casual menu and a dinner menu seven days a week from Mid-May through Early DECEMBER. Restaurant open Friday evenings through Sunday evenings Mid DECEMBER–February. Restaurant and Lounge closed March and April. Dinner reservations are always recommended and can be made by calling the front desk at. 4777 W Lakeshore Rd, Priest Lake, ID, (208) 443-2551, HillsResort.com.

Maryhill Winery. The winery draws more than 75,000 guests annually, while the region offers warm summer days, yearround appeal and excellent winemaking and continues to gain recognition as an emerging wine destination. Each location offers beautiful scenery, frequent live music and special events, food menus featuring small plates and charcuterie, and an expansive selection of award-winning wines. 9774 Highway 14, Goldendale, (509) 773-1976, Sunday-Friday 11am-6pm, Saturday 11am-8pm, 1303 W Summit Pkwy., Ste. 100, (509) 443-3832, MondayThursday 12pm-8pm, Friday 12pm-9pm, Saturday 11am-9pm, Sunday 11am-7pm, 801 Waterfront Way, Ste. 105, Vancouver , (360) 450-6211, Monday-Thursday 12pm-9pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-10pm, Sunday 11am-8pm, 14810 NE 145th

dining guide

St #A, Woodinville, (425) 481-7925, Monday-Thursday 12pm-8pm, FridaySaturday 12pm-9pm, Sunday 12pm-7pm, MaryhillWinery.com.

Masselow’s Steakhouse. With nine prime-grade steaks and the best seafood oceans and rivers have to offer, Masselow’s Steakhouse continually provides the “wow” factor. With an outstanding array of mouth-watering cuisine, an extensive wine selection, and true Kalispel hospitality, Chef Tanya Broesder and her team create a special experience you won’t soon forget. 100 N Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, (509) 481-6020, Wednesday-Sunday 5pm-10pm, Masselows.com.

Park Lodge. A fine dining restaurant featuring a relaxing atmosphere and locally inspired comfort meals from its award-winning chef, uniquely prepared on a wood-fired grill. 411 N Nettleton St, Spokane, (509) 340-9347, Tuesday-Saturday 5pm-9pm, ParkLodgeRestaurant.com.

Piccolo Kitchen Bar. Brick oven pizza, craft cocktails, beer, and wine are available in this casual atmosphere that is connected to Hay J’s Bistro and Butcher Block in Liberty Lake at 21718 E Mission Ave, (509) 926-5900. Open every day of the week, 3pm-9pm, with happy hours, MondayFriday, 3pm-5pm. Visit PiccoloPizza.net for a full menu.

Shogun Restaurant. This iconic hibachi steak, seafood, and sushi house is part entertainment, all gourmet meal. Bring family and friends to enjoy watching master chefs prepare food with style and flair as you sit around the grill. This is an ideal spot for celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, and other special events. Reservations may be required for groups, and private party room is available. 20 N Raymond Rd, Spokane Valley, (509) 5347777. Open seven days a week, 4pm-close, SpokaneShogun.com

The Fat Pig. Enjoy their outdoor dining and seasonally rotating menus made with local ingredients and a perpetually rotating craft beer and wine list. 301 Cedar St, Suite 102, Sandpoint, ID, (208) 265-PORK (7675), Tuesday-Saturday 4-10pm, closed Sunday-Monday, SandpointFatPig.com.

Three Peaks Kitchen + Bar. Named after the three prominent peaks outlining the Spokane Tribe’s homeland, Three Peaks is the Spokane Tribe Casino’s premier dining destination. This upscale casual eatery features weekend brunch, as well as lunch and dinner specials all week long. Discover your new favorite Happy Hour from 3-7pm every day with amazing patio seating, local and regional wines, as well as $2 drafts with 20 taps to choose from. Visit SpokaneTribeCasino.com for menus, details and to make a reservation. 14300

W SR-2 Hwy., Airway Heights, (509) 8181547, Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm, Friday 11am-10pm, Saturday 9am-10pm, Sunday 9am-9pm, SpokaneTribeCasino.com/ dining.

Townshend Cellar. This is an ideal place to bring a date. They offer a wonderful, immersive, hands-on experience of wine tasting right amidst the wine-making process. Wine available on tap for Wowler fills too! Fri-Sun 12-6pm, 1222 N Regal St, Spokane, (509) 238-1400, TownshendCellar. com

TT’s Brewery & Barbecue. TT’s Brewery & Barbecue is proud to offer the highest quality barbecue and beers brewed onsite. From their family to yours, they put lots of love and careful attention in each item. 4110 S Bowdish Rd., Spokane Valley, (509) 919-4798, Tuesday-Saturnday 12pm-9pm, TTsBreweryBBQ.com.

Zona Blanca. Zona Blanca brings the flavors of coastal Mexico to Spokane. Flavor comes first, and ceviche, entrees, tacos, tostadas, and more await you. 157 S Howard St, (509) 241-3385, TuesdayThursday 4pm-9pm, Friday-Saturday 4pm-10pm, LimeFishSalt.com.

Let us know of any new restaurants by email at editor@spokanecda.com.



when now becomes a memory

Last night was the rst frost of the season; the air was suddenly so cold the forest re smoke froze and became a layer of ne dust on my front porch. Sandpoint, like nature, has many built-in guideposts to remind us of the season. While most of my friends are excited for skiing, snowboarding, sledding, fat tire biking, and snowshoeing, I go into winter like an unwilling prisoner to their cell: dragged while kicking and screaming.

My husband always feels there are two times of the year that are emotion

ally challenging to endure: the end of summer and the end of ski season. Both are recurring events that remind us our daughter will be another year older, and so will we. With the seasonal changes, we recognize the changes in ourselves: with another year, we become di erent people. Because of this, we value time, our memo ries, and our community.

We especially value the Kaniksu Land Trust, which is working hard to “Save the

Sled Hill.” is sled hill, found along Pine Street Loop, is one of my favorite places in Sandpoint and the source of many wonderful memories. I remember the rst time we parked in the driveway and wondered if it could possibly still be true that a local family would allow anyone to careen down a hill in their backyard. ey would allow this without fear of pos sible litigation and no concern for adults


Tonya Sherman and her husband, Sco , have been chasing their dream of living ski-townlifestyles. In 2006 they built a house on acreage outside Priest River before moving in 2019 to downtown Sandpoint. ey have a love of “Place” and the wild outdoors. You can nd Sco on Strava at strava.com/athletes/90224223 and Tonya wherever the possibility takes her.

and children screaming at full volume as they launched into the air and possibly slammed into the tree in the center of the hill. Sometimes you would see people one on top of another since no one was ever patient enough to safely wait for the bot tom to clear. Kaniksu Land Trust dreams of reopening the sledding hill, establishing a home on this property for trails and programs, and preserving the rural qualities and open space of this scenic homestead property. KLT has already received $1.2 mil lion in contributions toward the purchase of this historic property.

e combined cost of the property and establishment costs are $2.1 million, meaning we still must raise $900,000 by November of 2023. I hope that a year from now, the hill will be saved so that future generations will be able to experi ence the beauty and chaos that this magical spot has provided for so many, brightening the icy moun tainside with smiles and laughter.

Another great North Idaho resource is the Bonner County Historical Society & Museum, which celebrated its 50th an niversary this year and asked the community for artifacts to be placed in a time capsule to be opened in another 50 years. ey gratefully accept donated artifacts and documents that re ect the history of Bonner County as well as the families that have lived here over the years. When thinking of how the museum opened in 1972, I feel comforted that I wasn’t alive yet; it helps brie y deceive me into forgetting that time is ying by.

Unfortunately, technology has a way of ensuring that I am well aware of my own aging. While hosting our Sunday family dinner, I typed into Spotify “music old people like.” My reality check occurred when it played top hits from the 80s and 90s, for which I was present, unlike the opening of the Bonner County Museum. It’s not that I regard time as my enemy. In fact, one of my favorite parts of our family

dinners is my parents joining us so we can reminisce about the past and relish in the moment. My dad is the best short story teller since Homer, and he always leaves you wondering if he is serious or joking. Observing him napping while I am franti cally trying to set the table, chase the dog out of the dishwasher, remove the burning

oil di user, peppermint foot cream, sleepinducing tea, melatonin, magnesium, and spritzing lavender on my pillow—I lay in bed listening to the sounds of Sandpoint. at particular sound of passing trains in the darkness connects me to my dad’s childhood through a story he told at din ner about train tracks in his small town growing up. “Living next to a rail road,” he reminisced, “can provide lots of independence for thrillseeking kids or something to do on just another boring day. I don’t remember what was on the agenda that day, but I do remember Jim Harrington and I were walking across the trestle a mile West of Steilacoom when a train came up behind us. Cousin Jimmy was able to get o the tracks, but I started running with the engineer franti cally blowing the whistle behind me. It was a long, almost impos sible jump to the tracks coming the other way, but somehow my unknown athletic ability took over, and I lived for another day. I guess we are all fortunate to be here.”

rolls from the oven (and scrape o the burned bottoms so that no one notices), and ll the water glasses consistently has me grousing to my cousin, “At what age does the ability to fall asleep, anytime, on any La-Z-Boy begin?”

A er our last family dinner—and a er my nightly bedtime ritual of no screens an hour before bed and reading, followed by a weighted eye cover, essential

I lay in bed, realizing at that moment it was gratitude I needed to put my mind to rest. I named my loved ones, my pets, the nutri tious food we had eaten (each individual ingredient and thanks to those who had grown it), and all the healthy parts of my body that enable me to enjoy each day. I fell asleep while counting my bless ings, thankful for another day and another (winter, yikes) season of enjoying friends, family, and this place called Sandpoint.

For more information on Kaniksu Land Trust, or to donate to “Save the Sled Hill” and other preservation e orts, visit Kaniksu.org. Additional information for the Bonner County Historical Society & Museum can be found at BonnerCounty History.org.



Ranch raised

Hoo-ha: an uproarious commotion

e wild west is still kind of wild at the Selkirk Ranch north of Sand point, Idaho. Cattle no longer roam open range, and cowboys no longer hurl lassos to round up the cows, but cougars and coyotes still prowl nearby, and the calves still have to be branded, banded, and inoculated.

ey call it a hoo-ha, and they host it each year. For helpers, the hoo-ha ends in a feed. Helpers come from miles around to pitch in. It’s like an old-timey barn raising, but the barns were raised long ago. e calves become the main event. ey get treated to a squeeze chute.

e younger the calves are when they undergo their treatments, the less stress they feel. When I say calves, I mean bulls and cows that are six to nine months old. Fully weaned, strong and hearty, hard to handle. To untrained eyes like mine, they are indistinguishable from adults.

Why does a pescatarian like me pitch in at a beef ranch? e owners are friends of mine, see. And though it might seem like hypocrisy or fraud, I sample their beef when I pitch in. What turned me away from meat thirty years ago are the chemically intensive ways of raising esh for markets, the public-lands grazing, feedlots, and mass-slaughter operations. e industry, in short.

Even carnivores have a gag re ex. We WASPs like our esh shrouded in Styrofoam and cellophane and never be traying a face. We Americans no longer accept our pork presented to us as piglets roasted whole with ears and snouts and clouded eyes. Disgusting, most of us would say. Same with whole-head poultry plucked and hung like it’s done in open-air Asian marts.

Chip and Lynn Lawrence have owned Selkirk Ranch for some twenty-three years. ey do not run it for the money. eirs is boutique ranch. Before their beef is butchered, halved, or wrapped at a plant in Troy, Montana, all of it is claimed. Friends and neighbors buy it up.

Photos by Amy Stone

ey are passionate about sustainable agriculture and organic food. ey are mindful of their diets. Like my family, they always strive to buy local. ey are always peering at labels. When I handed Chip a bottle of catchup at our home, he quickly turned it to see if it was organic. Locavores wish catchup and mustard were available locally like veggies, fruits, and meats are.

On October 2 this year, I gathered with seven others at Selkirk Ranch. It was a sunny day in that balmy second summer. Wearing my hiking boots for the occasion proved to be a bad idea. e cowpies and patties that dotted the pasture lodged on the soles of my wa e stompers.

A veterinarian was in attendance, Rob Pierce, a friend of Chip and Lynn. Rob oversaw and did most of the injecting of vitamins and Bangs vaccines for brucel losis, a disease borne by wild hooved animals. North Idaho has no brucellosis so far, unlike the east side of the state near Yellowstone. Inoculating for it is a preven

tive measure to keep the saliva-borne illness at bay.

Brucellosis can cause abortions and stillbirths among domestic cattle. So can ingesting ponderosa pine needles, which some cattle choose over hay. Chip and Lynn lost ve calves to needles this spring. A erward, they cut down some pine trees. Ranching is o en a costly hobby.

Other ranch hands in attendance were Dan Morrow, his son Caleb, and Caleb’s girlfriend Emily. Dan has a white beard that wags down to his navel. He told us about working in Colorado – the glamor of roundup, branding, and castration. Ev eryone would gather a erward, he said, to enjoy what he called a “nut fry.” e pesca tarian soul recoils from such a notion.

I grew up on acreage where we had a hobby farm in a burb of Seattle. We raised sheep and beef. Dad named our Hereford steers T-Bone, Rib Steak, and Sirloin to make sure we never forgot they were food. Some of our animals were castrated, but

never would we have fried nuts. A raucous third runway of the SeaTac International airport shadows our family pastures today.

Ranching has gotten cleaner since Dan Morrow helped in Colorado. Now the animals are banded – the bull calves made into steers – by tightening a band on the scrotum just so. at was Caleb’s task. Groping beneath the bull in the squeeze chute, he applied and tightened the band. e squeeze chute calms the calves. At any rate, they can’t move. Temple Gran din, the animal behaviorist and writer, developed a hug machine – a squeeze box or squeeze machine – to calm her autistic self. Later she adapted a version of that box to calm cattle receiving vaccines.

My job was to hold the lever on the squeeze chute tight so the animal could not push out. Dan shaved one ank of the calf using electric clippers. Flecks of red angus hair ew. en he splashed alcohol on the freshly shaven ank to cleanse it before he applied the branding iron.

LAST LOOK aire libre

e iron is rst immersed in a pail of icy liquid nitrogen. e shaven ank of the animal turned white when Dan applied the iron. Its application using nitrogen seemed more humane than the red-hot branding iron of the old days. e Selkirk’s brand is the shape of a pine tree. Ranch life is not for the squeamish. Chip told a story about a horse named Joe that got so old his tongue hung out. A friend with a ri e had to put Joe down. Rob told a story about a horse gone blind in one eye. Now it can’t traverse a hillside where a false step might result in a fall.

Chip and Lynn retired early from jobs in Silicon Valley and bought Selkirk Ranch. She had ambitions to be a veterinarian. Both love animals. ey pack horses in the mountains. ey have three or four dogs – hard to keep track. One pup, Inka, stole

my shoe and slobbered on it.

To visit the Selle Valley of Bonner County in North Idaho is to be thrown back in time. Moose still plow through the elds and atten fences. Various predators still prowl. If some of the neighbors sight a wolf, my guess is their practice would be to shoot, shovel, and shut up.

A er the branded cattle all were treated, we kicked o our boots and convened in the ranch house. To the east, the snowcapped Selkirks rose. A white tail buck nibbling in the yard seemed to be taunting the small pack of dogs. ey rose up and had a race to chase him away.

Paul Lindholdt’s most recent book, Interrogating Travel, is due out in 2023. He can be found online at Inside.ewu.edu/plind holdt/.

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