2 minute read
Weatherize Your Windows Without Breaking the Bank
Staff Writer
Replacing outdated windows to reduce the cost of heating and cooling your home can cost a fortune. But according Carly Zeller co-owner at Spokane Blinds: Quality Window Coverings in Spokane Valley, there is another way. Install weatherizing window treatments.
Experts suggest the right window treatments can reduce heat loss by as much as 64%. That will save substantial money on your energy bills. And the options are plentiful.
“We sell the Hunter Douglas brand that is specifically made to insulate window,” Zeller says. And when it comes to quality draperies, “The thicker the better is a good rule of thumb for weatherizing windows.” She also recommends Hunter Douglas cellular honeycomb blinds. They are made with a honeycomb structure that captures a layer of air to insulate from extreme heat and the cold.
John Weinstock, executive vice presi- dent of marketing at Graber recommends solar shades. “They block the rays of the sun to keep home temperatures reasonable and allow for a view of the property outside of the window,” he says.
Zeller considers Roman fabric shades another good choice when it comes to weatherizing windows. Once again, the thicker the fabric shade, the greater the insulation provided.

Quality window coverings don’t come cheap. “Hunter Douglas Roman shades are between $800 and $1000 per window, depending on the size,” Zeller says. “Honeycombs are about $600 to $800 per window.” But top-notch window treatments will last for years.
“Hunter Douglas has a lifetime warranty,” Zeller says, “and I’ve seen them last up to 30 years.”
The thought of a thirty-year duration prompts another practical question. How do you clean expensive window coverings? According to Zeller, a vacuum clearer is your best option. “A vacuum cleaner hose is recommended by Hunter Douglas.” A monthly sweep will control the accumulation of daily dust.
For spot cleaning, “Use dish soap, warm water and a damp cloth—not super wet, just damp,” Zeller says. And while she admits there are companies that will launder draperies, blinds and shades, the expense can be avoided with regular maintenance.
Both experts agree an investment in high quality window coverings adds value to your home. To be sure you select the right treatments, ask yourself this questions—do I want my window coverings to be a focal point, or a quiet statement that does not draw attention away from the other elements of my room? Shop with the answer in mind.

Graber offers a helpful service to help homeowners picture the change window coverings could represent. The Graber Visualizer (https://www.graberblinds. com/visualization/) allows potential customers to use a laptop or tablet to upload a photo of their windows, then superimpose possible window treatments the company has to offer.
Once a window covering is selected, a computer print-out can be downloaded for use while shopping for that ideal option—at Graber or Spokane Blinds or at any other quality seller. Proof you can often weatherize your home without buying new windows.

Visit Spokane Blinds: Quality Window Coverings at 6818 East Sprague Ave. in Spokane Valley. Visit Graber online at www.graberblinds.com.