WANT TO EAT/DRINK LOCAL DURING & BEYOND LOCALICIOUS WEEK? Here’s a listing of locally-made food & drink, locally-owned restaurants & breweries, local markets and more! (Listing features members of Keep Saint Petersburg Local) Artisanal/Specialty Food & Drink Products Bread Winners Bakery (breadwinnersstpete.com) (727) 238-5292 (Saturday Morning Market vendor) Brooklyn South (brooklynsouthcheese.com) 1437 Central Avenue | (727) 914-4967 Dancing Cats Cafe (dancingcatscafe.com) (727) 420-3597 Desired Wines (desired-wines.com) (920) 470-1685 Everything Dolce (everythingdolce.com) 937 Central Avenue | (727) 894-4495 Granny Smith Kitchens (findgrannysmith.com) (727) 637-5852 Great American Natural Products (greatamerican.biz) 4121 16th Street North | (727) 521-4372 Gush Juice (gushfactor.com) Coming Soon to 1100 4th Street North | (727) 575-7898 HumaniTEA Co. (humaniteaco.com) (888) 878-1439 (stocked at Craftsman House Gallery, Green Bench Brewing Co., Rollin’ Oats Market & Cafe and Tropiccool)