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how to market and sell your property

Marketing your property is straightforward if you target the type of real estate market that exists the day you put your property up for sale.

good marketing “good marketing might not sell your property outright, but it will generate immediate buyer interest”

When real estate markets transition from seller's to buyers markets, additional time and marketing resources are required to sell. However, I believe that employing strong marketing techniques is just smart business, regardless. In sellers markets good marketing can bring higher prices and, in buyer's markets, it could mean the difference between sold or “still waiting”. Good marketing might not sell your property outright, but it will generate immediate interest, “The more people exposed to your property, the greater the chance you have of selling and achieving a higher price”.

On your behalf we have negotiated the most cost effective and results driven marketing packages currently available. Call for a free presentation.

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Some of my favourite techniques utilise both classic and modern methods of marketing to allow your property to be seen by the highest number of people possible.

“Marketing is not an exact science, but rather a fluid art that changes with each strategy”

good marketing “you are welcome to call and discuss in detail before finally agreeing to a marketing campaign and budget”.


Your individual marketing campaign will be designed to achieve a specific goal. It will generate focused awareness in the target market, and will attract inquiries about your property. It will be targeted to our extensive database of likely clients, and other potential buyers both in and outside the area. It will use productive tools focusing on the Internet, signboards, email campaigns, letterbox drops, property promotional brochures, direct mail, and local/national publication advertising as required. We know the local market statistics, which tell us where the majority of buyers come from, either from outside the area, or moving within it. Your campaign is tailored accordingly, and is based on your individual time frame, budget, and other requirements.

At Kevin Annetts Property we have complete confidence in our handpicked and experienced staff to offer you the most effective marketing tools to sell your property in the shortest possible timeframe.

“The more people exposed to your property, the greater the chance you have of selling and achieving a higher price”

Marketing property via the Internet is the number one medium for buying and selling property and continues to develop and deliver more each day. ken hills 0414 599 276

methods of sale

When it comes to selling your property, emotion rules! Establishing exactly what you want, and why, from the very beginning will assist you to endorse the best method of sale. So what do you really want? There are three things that remain consistent when it comes to deciding to sell. They are: v PRICE - best/premium price v URGENCY - a quick sale v PRIVACY - as little inconvenience as possible Ranking these three things in order of importance will help establish the best marketing campaign, and method of sale for your situation. Read on and compare the success of each method. There is likely to be a trend for one of them, which may help you achieve greater success. Also, look at the types of buyers in your area. In my experience and without question, the two most successful, and popular, methods of sale are private treaty

“in my experience and without question, the two most successful, and popular, methods of sale are private treaty (for sale) and auction�

(for sale) and auction. In fact, both can, and do, yield excellent results when accompanied by the right marketing campaign and my skilful negotiation.



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Understanding Private Treaty

For Sale Your property goes onto the market with a pre-determined asking price agreed between you and your agent, based on market analysis. In most cases and markets, this price, or a guide to it, is publicly stated. In some others it is not.

“The pre-determined price will generally turn out to be the maximum paid, or the basis of near offers”

“if your property is on the market for a long time and has several price reductions, it may give buyers the idea there is something about it that makes it hard to sell, which is why a good promotional campaign is important”


There is no official sale date. Your marketing strategy may vary in the use of some, or all of the tools at your disposal, depending on your individual situation, budget and time frame. In some cases you may wish to utilise the agent's buyer database only, and rely on the negotiation skills of the agent. In more competitive markets, you may require a more targeted promotional strategy. Your agent may still recommend inspections through regular ‘open homes’, and will discuss the options for your marketing strategy to spotlight your property in the market place.

calm atmosphere, and make any adjustments to your campaign and sale price that seem appropriate. It is attractive to those buyers who feel they are more likely to succeed in getting the property at a better price rather than bidding in the competitive atmosphere of an auction, where they could also risk spending more than they’d intended. Some considerations of this method include: The predetermined price will generally turn out to be the maximum paid, or the basis of near offers. The open-ended time frame can result in the property being on the market for a longer time, increasing advertising costs.

Potential buyers will either accept the predetermined price or, more likely, start by making a lower offer. Your agent will handle the negotiations, which will be aimed at raising the offered amount to your predetermined price, or possibly higher if more than one buyer is interested. This method of sale is effective in the long term, and targets buyers who want to visit properties in a specific price range. It allows you, the seller, to assess market interest in a

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Auction Auctions are highly focused marketing campaigns designed to expose your property to the maximum number of buyers, maximise your sale price, and minimise the number of days your property is on the market.

“Auction attracts serious buyers, as they know the owners are serious about selling”

“by marketing without a price, buyers can judge the property on its merits, rather than on how the price compares to other properties on the market!”


Your property is put up for sale on a specified date, and this is preceded by a high impact marketing campaign and selected ‘open days’, all of which indicate your commitment to selling. The contract of sale is on your terms, and the conditions of the sale are predetermined to suit your situation. The nature of the marketing campaign means that the agent will be able to give you regular feedback from buyers in the market, which will assist you in setting the reserve price. The impending auction date can create a sense of urgency and ‘call to action’ amongst buyers. You are not obliged to accept an offer that does not reach your reserve price. You can, however, decide to negotiate with the highest bidder(s).

and at the same time execute the contract. This method of sale puts a clear time frame on your campaign, and creates a competitive atmosphere on auction day that is aimed at letting the market determine the highest price for your property.

Some considerations of this method include: The chance that some potential buyers will be excluded, in particular those who don’t want to risk losing money on the cost of building, pest and other inspections if they are outbid. Some buyers may not feel comfortable with the competitive bidding involved in auction. Auction attracts serious buyers, as they know the owners are serious about selling.

Auctions offer extra opportunities for the sale of your property because an offer can be made before, at, or after the auction. Once a sale is made, either by accepting an offer in writing before auction day, or at the fall of the hammer on the day itself, the buyer must pay a 10% deposit then-and-there,

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pricing strategy

Getting the best possible price for your property, and selling it sooner rather than later, is no doubt the result you want. No matter which selling strategy you use, you will need to consider both your pricing strategy (marketing with a price, price range, or no price) and your price expectations. These decisions will be dependent upon your individual circumstances, including your property type and location, and your time frame for the sale. It is very important to have a realistic price expectation for your property – a price based on the market rather than your needs. Don’t confuse how much money you need with how much the market will pay. Discuss your price

“search on look in the local papers and property magazines, attend auctions and ask your sales and marketing agent”

expectations in detail then step outside yourself for a moment and see your property through the eyes of potential buyers. How does it compare with other properties in your area that have sold recently, or are currently for sale? Here are some thoughts that will help you to be realistic and objective when determining your price.



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Pricing Strategy (continued)

Recent sale prices of like properties in your area Search on, look in the local papers and property magazines, attend auctions and ask your sales and marketing agent. Similar properties currently for sale in your area If yours is the only four-bedroom home or twobedroom unit for sale in the area at the time, you can expect competitive offers and a premium. If there are other properties like yours, you may need to consider how to make yours more appealing.

The impact of these issues

The strength of your marketing campaign

should be discussed in detail.

The more buyers you can attract to your property, the more chance there is of creating competition, and achieving a higher price. We have ideas for a comprehensive marketing campaign for your property, including Internet, signboards, direct mail, and local advertising. And as your agent we also have a comprehensive buyer database, are highly active, and have a good reputation in the area. Your individual marketing campaign will be designed to promote your property to the market, and will be based on your individual requirements.

It’s important that you remain

Type of buyer/reason for purchase First homebuyers or young married couples may not be able to afford as much as well established second homebuyers. Investors will be looking for a certain price point from which they can make good returns, and are less likely to be emotionally involved in the purchase. Again, developers may have deeper pockets than those seeking a property to live in, but will also be wary of the purchase price, as they will have a focus on redevelopment costs and resale values.

It is important to note: “that each individual buyer’s personal desire to own your particular property will impact on the price they are prepared to pay for it”.


“at Kevin Annetts Property we aim to market and sell your property at a premium price within the current market scope!”

in control, so do your own research and begin to form your own opinion of market demand, and the value of your property. At Kevin Annetts Property, we have the experience in the needs of different buyers, plus an in-depth understanding of today’s marketplace, and can provide you a list of recent comparable sales.

“Using our experience and research tools we know how your property compares in terms of location, style, condition and age, size, living features and inclusions, with others in your area”.

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Form 6 Property occupations

Appointment and reappointment of a property agent, Resident letting agent or property auctioneer Property Occupations Act 2014

listing authority

Agent listing checklist How to proceed with the sale of your property

You can only appoint a real estate agent by signing an appointment form (Form6) as described above. This form sets out: v how much the agent will charge as commission for their services due at settlement v what other costs they may incur on your behalf (such as advertising) v when your payments are due to the agent v what services the agent will provide, and how they will provide them.

Call or email today to arrange the sale of your property.


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The whole Coast’s talking about the new real estate office in Mooloolaba … the one with the unmistakable colourful and attractive signage that you can’t miss … and I’m delighted to be part of it!

your selling agent

Hi, this is Ken Hills and my association working alongside and with Kevin Annetts (himself) and the Kevin Annetts Property team members in several other high profile agencies plus the wider Sunshine Coast property market spans more than 35 years, in fact from 1980 onwards. Throughout this time I affiliated closely and in various roles with the industry giants including publishers, real estate agents, major developers, land estates, builders and associated industries along with small and major retailers, selling, planning and developing successful marketing plans and creative advertising campaigns that sell ... and of course full time real estate sales now spanning more than a decade. High achievement and No.1 awards don’t come easy and I am proud of mine … the most memorable - No. 1 for 10 straight years in media advertising sales followed by several including No.1 awards from the Ray White Group including induction into the prestigious Alan White Club. I attribute these awards to my ability to develop close client partnerships based on trust, communication, excellent service and a big handful of repeat and referred business. On a personal note I have resided in Mooloolaba since the early 1980’s, living and raising a family with my wife Linda in the sought after Mountain Creek Precinct for most of this time, we love the convenience and facilities the Central Sunshine Coast offers and I enjoy my professional full time focus on marketing and selling real estate.

My personal commitment and guarantee is “to market and sell your

property at a premium price within the current market scope!” v I believe in an upfront no-nonsense approach to selling real estate v

I will act diligently when pricing your property v I will deliver all feedback from inquiries v I will present all offers for your consideration and/or acceptance v I will negotiate sale contracts with the utmost confidentiality v I have the marketing skills v

I have the technology skills


Most importantly -

I have the sales success and local knowledge!

Trust my experience and qualified sales success - come partner with me to professionally market and sell your property. - We’re Selling! I’m Selling! Are you?

real estate sales and property marketing

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ken hills 0414 599 276

USEFUL LINKS: BUILDING & PEST INSPECTIONS Sunshine Coast Building & Pest Reports PROPERTY LAWYERS Tim Williams Property Lawyers Cameron Rogers & Co QLD GOV OFFICE OF STATE REVENUE Transfer Duty & FIrst Home Buyer Grants Estimator AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN INVESTMENT REVIEW BOARD

Scheduled fee 3.3 % inclusive of GST payable at settlement and calculated on contract sale price Exclusive & Auction Agency 90 day appointment Mantra Mooloolaba Beach Resort Suites 12 & 13 121 Mooloolaba Esplanade Mooloolaba, QLD 4557


PO Box 10 Mooloolaba, QLD 4557 Phone: (07) 5444 8244 Fax: (07) 5444 0084

Kevin Annetts Property is a family run boutique agency located in the heart of Mooloolaba. Kevin and Toni Annetts have been residing and operating in the Real

good marketing

Estate Industry in and around the Mooloolaba area for the past 35 years. Our most recent venture has come about with the ability to run our business without franchise restrictions, and to be able to provide our customers with a personal service. We have complete confidence in our handpicked and experienced staff to provide the best level of customer service.

“good marketing might not sell your property outright, but it will generate immediate buyer interest”

We pride ourselves on our client satisfaction, both within the Sales and Property Management divisions. Our aim is to provide personal, attentive, and professional service.

Kevin Annetts Property

Since 1979

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