K Street Property Management is dedicated to providing homeowners, investors, and multiple unit communities superior service for their most valuable asset. Ron Walton, CEO
Welcome. Welcome to K Street Property Management. We want to thank you for trusting us with the care and management of your property. Our number one goal is quality service and we are committed to that goal with every client. Our team of professionals are here to take the day-to-day tasks of rental property management and make them more enjoyable and stress-free for both homeowners and residents. Our expertise combined with continuous communication gives you the peace of mind you deserve and expect. We look forward to working with you!
About us.
K Street Property Management is a full service firm that provides a personal touch to single and multi-unit residential properties in the Washington D.C. metro area. Obtaining quality tenants and maintaining good communication is essential in serving our clients’ needs. From tenant search, market analysis, lease management, contract negotiation to property inspection and reporting; K Street Property Management insures clients have peace of mind and a solid return on their investment. We utilize efficient tools and today’s technologies to offer a variety of easy to use services that create a stress-free environment for property owners and residents.
Our mission is simple: Superior Service For Your Most Valuable Asset with Real Support, Real Solutions For Your Property Management Needs
In addition, our expert background in real estate allows us to offer a wide variety of resources for investors looking to expand their property portfolio. K Street Property Management complies with all federal and state laws and the Fair Housing Act. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, age, sex, familial status, disability, national origin or any other protected status.K Street Property Management is an Equal Housing provider.
Benefits. Experienced
Friendly, Exper t Staff
Free Rental Analysis
Ser vice Personnel
Our employees are always
We will assist you with
All vendors are licensed
available to answer your
preparing your property
and insured for your
questions. Our managers
for rent, evaluating current
protection. Because of our
are honest and dependable.
market conditions, and
large inventory, we are
A staff member is always
providing rental rates of
able to generate excellent
on-call seven days a week,
comparable properties.
prices and service for
twenty-four hours a day,
maintenance and repairs.
in the event of an emergency.
Reasonabl e Rates
Technology Focused
There are no hidden costs or
Tenant Qualification
We feature fully automated
transaction fees. Because of
We perform a thorough
capabilities and are
our success throughout the
background check on all
continuously upgrading to
years, we are able to keep
prospective tenants eighteen
make our process easier
our fees low.
years of age
for clients and tenants. This
and older.
includes online ability to view statements and invoices, submit maintenance requests, and pay rent.
Regular Inspections
We perform monthly
Management Agreement
curbside inspections and an
No restrictive clauses,
annual interior inspection.
hidden fees or costly
During vacancies we execute
termination clauses.
weekly inspections.
Marketing We will place a “For Rent� sign on your property (if permitted), once it is vacant or once we know it will be. A description of your property will be distributed to our nationwide vacancy list, which is available at no cost to potential renters. K Street PM will also place your property with a full description and photos on the main K Street PM website, along with industry leading rental sites. In addition, we place your property on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), making it available to all realtors. Lease and Lease Execution Upon acceptance of the tenant we require a reservation fee to take the property off the market. This will be credited to the first months rent upon lease execution. In addition a security deposit will also be collected at lease signing. Security deposits will be held in a non-interest bearing escrow account. Our leases are annual leases and have been reviewed by an attorney who specializes in landlord/tenant law. Leases are continuously updated to stay current with the changes in local and state laws. Tenant responsibilities are clearly defined, giving us the ability to enforce lease requirements.
Collection & Distribution of Rents
Tenant Relations
Our collection and distribution of rents is a
K Street PM conducts our business
vital part of our service to you. We pride
relationships fairly and equally with all
ourselves on getting rent checks out to our
tenants. We make every reasonable attempt
owners by the 15th of each month.
to collect rent in a timely manner as well as renew the lease with the current tenants at
Maintenance & Inspections
the same or higher rent amount. K Street PM
K Street PM is on call 24 hours a day,
expects all tenants to comply with all terms
7 days a week. All maintenance emergencies
and conditions of the rental agreement.
are handled quickly and in a cost efficient
Tenants have the ability to pay their rent
manner. Non-emergency maintenance
online through the K Street PM website.
requests must be made in writing to prevent
There, they can also submit maintenance
frivolous requests. K Street PM uses only
requests, which are tracked daily. In the
licensed and insured independent contractors
unfortunate possibility of a tenant default,
for the owners protection. Due to the high
K Street PM is responsible for serving any
volume of properties we handle, we can
applicable legal notices necessary to ensure
secure excellent rates from these vendors,
compliance with the rental agreement.
which are passed directly to our owners.
In addition, we can deliver late notices and
We do inspections of the properties on a
direct attorneys to begin eviction action after
regular basis to ensure tenants are complying
the late notice expires, unless you instruct
with the rental agreement.
K Street PM in writing to delay a circumstance for any reason. A tenant’s rent is due on the
Proper ty Inspections
date indicated on the rental agreement. If
K Street PM conducts a “move out” inspection
needed, late notices will be sent out, which
to document the condition of the property
requires tenants to pay their rent within a
as soon as it becomes vacant, followed by
specific number of days after the date it
property inspections at least once a week.
was delivered (excluding weekends and
Once rented, K Street PM will conduct
holidays). In the event rent is not received
monthly curbside inspections and interior
by the expiration of the late notice, K Street
inspections annually, or when we determine
PM will have an attorney file eviction against
it necessary. For an additional fee, K Street
the tenant. This normally takes between two
PM can conduct a comprehensive interior/
to four weeks and typically costs the owner
exterior inspection in a written report with
$300-$600 in legal fees.
photos and recommendations to the owner upon request.
Repor ting to Owners
Management Fees
We know efficiency and time management
We are a full service management
are important to property owners. K Street
company. Due to our success over the years,
PM makes it easy through our Owner Web
we have been able to keep our fees low.
Access Portal. Once logged in, owners can
We handle the lease preparation, execution
view and print their monthly statements,
and renewals.
invoice and 1099 Income Form, as well as make any payments to their account. If preferred, documents can also be mailed, along with the owner’s distribution check. In addition, we can also electronically deposit your distribution check directly into your bank account. Repairs and Upgrades K Street PM will consult with you if any expense regarding the property is more than $500, unless it is an emergency affecting the safety of the tenant or the integrity of the property. We will handle all that is required to keep your property attractive and appealing, including utilities, maintenance, painting, and carpet cleaning, among other services. K Street PM only utilizes insured, licensed and qualified vendors for all repairs and maintenance. We can also draw from any forfeited security deposit funds to handle expenses previous tenants were responsible for. Government Regulations K Street PM complies with all local, state and federal laws regarding fair housing, real estate and any other applicable laws or ordinances. This includes statutes governing real estate, landlord, tenant, agency disclosure, security deposits and radon gas disclosure as well as U.S. EPA requirements regarding lead-based paint disclosure.
Obtaining quality tenants and maintaining good communication is essential to serving our clients’ interest.
Marketing & placement. Marketing of Your Proper ty
Placing the Right Tenant
K Street Property Management has
Finding the right tenant for your property
a strong marketing program to attract
is an important step in our management
prospective tenants. We implement all
process. This is accomplished by a
current available resources to secure
thorough background check. This includes,
qualified tenants for our owners as
but is not limited to the following:
quickly as possible. Below are some of the ollowing resources we utilize:
— National Terrorist Action List — Civil search for evictions or litigation
— Yellow Pages
— Criminal search for any felonies
— Yard Signs
— Sexual predators search
— Online Advertising
— Credit check
— Broker Referral Program
— Employment verification
— Tenant Referral Program
— Rental history
— Multiple Listing Service
— Social security number verification
K Street Property Management provides a personal touch by insuring open communication and utilizing efficient tools & technologies.
Leasing Your Proper ty K Street PM will conduct a comprehensive applicant qualification screening process to ensure that we obtain the best pos- sible tenant. This is accomplished by a thorough background check. This includes, but is not limited to: — Civil search for any evictions or litigation — Criminal search for any felonies — Sexual predator search — Terrorist Alert List — Social Security number verification — Credit check to determine how individual
handles their obligations — Employment verification — Rental check for previous 5 years — Cross reference addresses from application against credit report.
Frequently asked questions. What do you char ge?
How long will it take to get
K Street PM’s fee structure varies by level
a tenant?
of service and location. Through the years
The rental market is affected by supply and
however, we have been able to keep our fees
demand, in addition to price, location and
low, because of our continued success.
condition. Our average marketing time is
Our goal is always to keep a tenant in your
about three weeks to secure a qualified tenant
property. When it is vacant and costing you,
and accept a deposit. Typically afterwards,
it’s costing us too.
a tenant will move in within 14-30 days after signing a lease.
What areas do you ser vice? Washington, DC Metro Areas.
What repairs are the tenants responsible for?
How is the management
Tenants are responsible for keeping their unit
agreement establish?
in good repair. AC filters are to be changed
The agreement is established by a written
on a monthly basis. They must check their
contract called the “Property Management
smoke detectors and change batteries regularly.
Agreement” between the owner of the property
Any clogged toilets, drains, jammed garbage
and K Street PM. Services, procedures,
disposals, abuse, misuse or neglect of the
terms and conditions are established through
property are the tenant’s responsibility.
this document. Owners are responsible if plumbing issues are What are your office hours?
a result of a crushed pipe or roots in the line.
We are open Monday through Friday from
Pest control is a tenant’s responsibility, except
9:00 am to 5:00 pm. We are also available
in multi-family units of more than four units.
on Saturday and Sunday for rental calls.
Lawn and pool care are negotiated on a case-by-case basis when applicable.
Can you deposit my checks di rectly? We can electronically deposit your payments directly to a designated account and email the monthly statement to you.
We will be happy to provide you with a management agreement and start marketing your property today. P: 240. 686.6842 E: adminoffice@kstreetpm.com KSTREETPM.COM Follow us @kstreetpm