7 minute read
Business-friendly Community
Recommendation 1
North Canton has a strong and well-established brand. Businesses want to locate in the city, although they sometimes end up in the surrounding townships where land is more readily available for development and regulations may be less stringent. North Canton has a lot to offer prospective businesses: well-maintained infrastructure, excellent municipal services, and reliable safety forces--all things that entrepreneurs look for when determining where to locate their businesses. In addition, North Canton has a well-regarded school system and many parks and recreational opportunities. Business owners realize that in order for their company to be successful, they need to be located in a community where current and future workers will want to work, live, and raise their families. North Canton fits the bill on all counts.
North Canton’s Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) is established under Ohio Revised Code for the purpose of advancing, encouraging, and promoting the industrial, economic, commercial, and civic development of North Canton. The CIC has pursued these goals through low interest loans, equipment leases, land acquisition and assemblage, and land banking. North Canton is landlocked and does not have many sites big enough for commercial development. However, the city has an effective land banking process that identifies and assembles land for future development. To date, the city has purchased $10 million in land and buildings along Main Street, including the 31-acre site at 1447 North Main Street, the former Kmart location. A citywide approach to land bank planning can be integrated with the recommendations from this master plan to advance the city’s longterm strategic vision. Two specific priorities for land banking in North Canton include: 1. Acquiring vacant commercial properties for business development. 2. Acquiring and assembling vacant and underutilized residential properties to create opportunities for new housing development in the city that responds to the needs and preferences of contemporary home buyers. The land bank enables the city to acquire vacant land and market it to individuals, developers, and non-profit organizations for redevelopment. The redevelopment of properties in the land bank will contribute to the economic, social, and environmental betterment of the city. Through the land bank, vacant property is transferred to parties committed to restoring property to productive use.
Funding Sources Financing of land bank property acquisition is done primarily through general fund monies and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The strategic sale of some parcels in the land bank to private sector partners could generate revenue for additional real estate purchases.
Since the closure of the Hoover Factory in 2007, North Canton has attracted other large employers to its commercial districts, including Diebold Nixdorf which is moving its research and development, engineering, manufacturing, logistics and supply chain teams to the Hoover District. Large companies provide tax revenue and employment opportunities in North Canton. Small businesses are also critical to economic development efforts in the city, and multiple smaller enterprises can have impacts that are comparable to one or two large businesses. Small businesses often need support in their early years. Although North Canton has made progress in streamlining its zoning and review processes, a perception remains that the city is a difficult place to open a business. By demonstrating a willingness to cut through red tape and assist on things like the pre-permitting of development sites, the city can change this perception. The city could create a small task force to review existing regulations from the perspective of business owners and identify ways to make the approval process more flexible and streamlined. The goal would be to keep the city safe and orderly without inhibiting business growth. The city could also expand its public relations efforts to spread the word on behalf of new businesses coming to town. In the most recent citywide survey, many respondents noted that the city’s communications efforts could be improved. This shows that residents are highly engaged and eager to know about what’s going on in the community. A focus on outreach efforts, through print and social media, would help new businesses succeed while also addressing the needs of residents to know more about what’s happening locally. North Canton’s economic development strategy can build on what’s already working, including the popular and successful 720 Market and North Canton Farmers Market. • 720 Market is a curated, special event openair market held at various venues in and around North Canton. 720 Market offers a fun and fresh opportunity for residents to shop local, and for small businesses to gain visibility and sell their products. • North Canton Farmers Market offers year-round access to a wide range of locally created farm products, baked & preserved goods, crafts, and pet/home/ personal care items. It was launched in 2020. Despite the challenges of operating during the pandemic, the Farmers Market was embraced by the community and attracts over 500 shoppers each week. Home-based businesses offer another opportunity for economic development in the city. A survey of home-based entrepreneurs would give the city some insights into the range of small start-ups operating out of people’s homes and garages. The survey could also identify any challenges that home-based businesses are facing that limit their ability to grow. And it could create a database of local entrepreneurs that could be used for outreach and to connect business owners with each other, building a sense of community.
Eventually, some home-based businesses could grow into the need for a storefront space or a freestanding commercial building in the Main Street corridor. The city could support home-based businesses in their growth by offering support along the following path: • Incubate new businesses in 720 Market and the North Canton Farmers Market. • Create pop up spaces for growing businesses in vacant storefronts on Main Street and in the Hoover District. • Once a business is successful in a pop up space, expand into freestanding permanent businesses. • Ensure that building and zoning codes allow businesses to combine storefront presence with internet sales, and onsite small-scale manufacturing. To cultivate a business-friendly community, the city can devote resources to helping companies find the best land or building available, or to work with them to ensure a new facility can be built to meet their needs. An online inventory of every commercial property in the Main Street Corridor of Opportunity would be a useful tool for businesses looking to locate in the city. The inventory could include: • Address of every commercial property • Property owner name and contact information • Whether the property is vacant, partially vacant, or fully occupied • Square footage, configuration and floor plan of the building, and a site plan, if available • Key attributes such as grease traps, hoods, and patios for restaurants and cafes • List of tenant-ready space, identifying locations where someone could open a business in the next 90 days • List of large vacant spaces that could be marketable to multiple tenants or small manufacturers with retail components
Funding Sources Consider allocating annual funding ($50,000 per year) for Community Improvement Corporation initiatives and activities, which could include signage and facade improvement programs and strategic land assembly. Pursue funding from US Economic Development Agency’s American Rescue Plan Economic Adjustment Assistance program for entrepreneurship programs and public works projects that help to create jobs. EDA funding provides flexible support for community-led economic development. EDA proposals are accepted on a rolling basis, though the agency recommends submitting a proposal no later than March of 2022. Grants between $100,000 to $10 million will be awarded with a 20% local match.
LAND BANKING WITH A PURPOSE • Target land banking efforts toward vacant properties adjacent to the city, including eight or nine acres on the western edge along Whipple and Wise Avenues. If acquired, these properties could be annexed into the city for future development. SMALL BUSINESS SUPPORT • Create a guide for new businesses that highlights fees and deadlines. • Develop a mentor network to help new business owners connect with owners of longstanding businesses. • Maintain a cumulative list of potential prospects. It can take up to five years from developing a concept to opening a business. Periodic messages to prospects will make them feel welcome while keeping North Canton top of mind. • Conduct workshops for small businesses where business owners and city officials can discuss zoning and building code regulations, and the city can learn about and address any problems or frustrations business owners are experiencing. • Assist North Canton Farmers’ Market in finding a permanent home, preferably in the Hoover District where the energy of the weekly market can draw people from throughout the city and beyond. • Create signage and facade improvement grants or low-interest loans to increase the curb appeal of Main Street businesses; and also offer design guidance for sprucing up back entries, since many people enter these businesses from rear parking lots. • Conduct a survey of home-based businesses to better understand their needs and as the basis for on-going engagement with these entrepreneurs. • Develop and maintain a Commercial Property Inventory.