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The Master Planning process took place in three phases. In the first phase, the CUDC worked with the city to collect and analyze data on existing conditions, and to understand recent planning and development efforts. This phase included interviewing 16 community stakeholders, meeting with the master plan steering committee, and facilitating a community conversation to understand local priorities and concerns. The CUDC also explored ideas and best practices from other communities that could be translated to conditions in North Canton. In the second phase, the Steering Committee and the CUDC developed initial ideas and alternatives in response to community input in the first phase. These alternatives were discussed and revised in a community workshop, with initial conversations about priorities for implementation. In the third phase, these community priorities were summarized in a draft master plan document, which was reviewed and refined by the Steering Committee and city officials. The master plan will then be presented to the community during an open house where strategies and priorities for implementation will be discussed. Next, the city will adopt the master plan and begin work on implementation. One year after adoption, the CUDC will return to North Canton to discuss implementation efforts, any new developments that have impacted the planning recommendations, and any course corrections that are needed in response to emerging circumstances.
2021/2022 TIMELINE for the planning process