The Preston Outdoor Education Station at Camp Wood YMCA

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The Preston Outdoor Education Station at

A Comprehensive Site Analysis Design+Make Studio

“In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.� - Baba Dioum, 1968

The Preston Education Station at Camp Wood YMCA: A Comprehensive Site Analysis Design Make Studio Limited first edition published in 2016 Design by Jake Rose All texts and images copyright 2015, authors and artists as listed. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronic, or mechanical, without prior permission. Cover photo image credit Mike Sinclair.

Table of Contents Project Description/COTE Framework............................................................................................................06 01: Design Innovation Design Through Making...................................................................................................................................12 02: Regional/Community Design Understanding People in Place.......................................................................................................................26 03: Land Use & Site Ecology Experiencing the Prairie...................................................................................................................................48 04: Bioclimatic Design Putting the Prairie to Work...............................................................................................................................76 05: Light & Air Passive Embrace.............................................................................................................................................92 06: Water Cycle Do No Harm..................................................................................................................................................106 07: Energy Flows & Energy Futures Doing Our Part..............................................................................................................................................116 08: Materials & Construction Building with the Prairie..................................................................................................................................122 09: Long Life, Loose Fit Lasting Value.................................................................................................................................................136 10: Collective Wisdom & Feedback Sharing Knowledge.......................................................................................................................................148

Applying COTE Measures............................................................................................................................194


Tamra Collins

Schedule Director/Revit Manager

Contractor Liaison

Luke Custer

AJ Henry

Daniel Johnson

Phil Macaluso

Alex Martinez

Kelsey Middlecamp Briana Reece Budget Director

Marketing Director

Jake Rose

Sevrin Scarcelli

Blake Toews

David Dowell


Materials/Grass Station Manager

Contractor Liaison/Visualization

Client Liaison/Publication Editor


Brent Higgins

Torrence Campbell

Site Manager

Marketing Director/Backfill Queen

Prototyping/Visualization/Stone Mason

Prototyping/Platform Project Manager

Gathering Station Project Manager

Fearless Leader

Shop Manager/Welding Specialist

Studio Pup

Design+Make Studio Design+Make Studio is an academic partnership between Kansas State University’s College of Architecture, Planning, and Design and el dorado inc. In its fifth consecutive year, this capstone graduate studio explores conceptually driven, expertly crafted architecture with a strong emphasis on simple hands-on methods of construction. The following four phases serve as a framework for the trajectory of Design+Make throughout the 2015-2016 school year. Understanding Every design project must begin with a programming phase where designers listen closely to needs and wants of clients. This phase is all about asking questions. For a group of students to conceive a project type which they’ve never before built, in a landscape they’re not familiar with, discovery is of utmost importance. A designer is responsible for transforming chaotic forces present at the beginning of a project’s life into a coherent solution. This book is a key component of the understanding phase and will serve to inform subsequent phases. Envisioning Progressing from the understanding phase, designers begin to translate what was learned into an architectural proposition. Crafting a clear and concise method of communication helps to ensure clients, peers, and even the designer understand the project as it develops. Many forms of drawing and modeling must be utilized during this phase. Additionally, it is important to examine prototypes that aid in the physical understanding of design elements. Documenting This phase provides an opportunity to clearly articulate design intent within a concise set of documents. The challenge to understanding the complex realities of a construction site and the relationship between quality, time, and cost are a main component of this hands-on studio. The goal is to develop a clear understanding of both the construction and fabrication processes so that all involved in construction have a clear sense of what is expected. Making The hallmark of this studio is involvement in the execution of the built work. Components of the project serve as an opportunity to explore hands on fabrication and expand knowledge of construction materials and methods. This year, construction efforts will focus primarily on the Preston Outdoor Education Station (the subject of this publication) with small material-based fabrication exercises taking place in the Fall Semester to aid in skill acquisition. 7

Project Description Cover 01 Autumn tallgrass at Camp Wood Previous Page 02 Design+Make students Above 03 YMCA logo, registered trademark Opposite Page 04 Aerial photo of project site at Camp Wood


Since 1916, Camp Wood YMCA has provided high-quality camping programs in a caring family environment tucked within the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas. Gaining new skills, increasing self-respect, and developing a sense of independence are trademarks of the Camp Wood program. Sitting atop the Cottonwood River Valley with the Flint Hills as its backdrop, Camp Wood features 864 acres of Kansas Tallgrass Prairie and is the only YMCA camp in the United States located in this unique ecosystem.

In celebration of their centennial anniversary, Camp Wood YMCA seeks to add a new structure just outside of the main campground located on a recently acquired piece of land. The goal is that this project will help to orient campers to the often overlooked tallgrass prairie which exists in the Flint Hills. The camp’s director, Ken Wold, had only one requirement – “That the building disappear into the landscape.” The project will be named the Preston Outdoor Education Station, after a supportive donor whose generosity has made the vision for this structure attainable.


COTE Measures of Sustainability 01: Design Innovation 02: Regional/Community Design 03: Land Use & Site Ecology 04: Bioclimatic Design 05: Light & Air 06: Water Cycle 07: Energy Flows & Energy Futures 08: Materials & Construction 09: Long Life, Loose Fit 10: Collective Wisdom & Feedback Left 05 Logo for the AIA Committee on the Environment


AIA / Committee on the Environment The American Institute of Architects’ Committee on the Environment (COTE) works to advance design practices that enhance both the design quality and environmental performance of the built environment. COTE serves as the community and voice on behalf of The American Institute of Architects regarding sustainable design. The COTE Top Ten Green Projects program celebrates structures that use a thoroughly integrated approach to architecture, natural systems, and technology to provide architectural solutions which protect and enhance the environment. Projects come from many different types of work, and include both professional and educational efforts. Entries are examined in regard to their design and innovation, integration with their community, land use and effect on site ecology, bioclimatic design, energy and water use, approach to light and air, materials and construction, long-life considerations, and feedback loops. The Design+Make Studio considers the ten measures of sustainability from the Committee on the Environment as the perfect framework with which to analyze site conditions at YMCA Camp Wood. A thorough understanding of the project site in relation to these ten categories can increase the likelihood of a successful outcome. As design strategies are selected, each chapter will be filled out with more information applying to the site conditions and how they are addressed by the chosen scheme. The ten criterion of sustainability have been used to organize this book into chapters and will provide the reader with a comprehensive look at all conditions which must be considered when evaluating a design proposal for this site. Only through an integrated approach to architecture, natural systems, and technology, can a structure be designed and built for Camp Wood which will serve as a sustainable way to orient visitors to the wonderful place that is the tallgrass prairie. Conservation of the tallgrass prairie cannot be merely preached to our young people, but should be demonstrated in every possible instance in regards to the design and construction of the Preston Outdoor Education Station.


Measure 01

01 DESIGN THROUGH MAKING Right 06 Design+Make students learn to work with steel and limestone


Measure 01 13

Measure 01

COTE Measure 1: Design Innovation

Sustainability is essential to design excellence, and vice versa. Projects should demonstrate the integration of sustainable performance and design excellence by highlighting how the design was shaped around the project’s goals and performance criteria. Focus on innovative solutions to the project’s program, site, climate, and other challenges and opportunities. Exemplary cost-effective strategies are encouraged. Understand humans as an integral part of nature and responsible for stewardship of natural systems. Begin with a connection to personal values and embraces the ecological, economic, and social circumstances of a project. Architectural expression itself comes from this intent, responding to the species region, watershed, community, neighborhood, and site. Opposite Page, Left to Right 07 Dry stack stone wall 08 KU Dirtworks Studio rammed earth project 09 TIG welding 10 Gabion cage wall


Measure 01

Innovating by Making Innovation (the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods) in design is unattainable without meaningful knowledge. Students of architecture have very little deep knowledge when it comes to the act of physically constructing a piece of architecture. Thus, in order to innovate, Design+Make Studio is committed to gaining the knowledge about materials and methods of construction that will facilitate the advancement of design thinking. Additionally, this unconventional relationship between design and construction can often lead to a decrease in cost and an increase in the quality of the built work.


Measure 01

Stack & Suspend The main idea in this design is to have the dry stack stone wall lead you into the prairie. The wall’s edge catches your eye from below and draws you up the hill, deeper into the prairie. The bathroom, storage, seating, and shading canopy is all supported by the wall. Once at the pavilion, the wall pulls you alongside it, up to the prairie above. On this side of the wall, the wall appears to be a stone fence that can be found throughout the Flint Hills. The wall orients people to the prairie by separating them from Camp Wood and leading them into the prairie. Opposite Page 11 Stack & Suspend


Measure 01

Camp Wood





Measure 01

Cut & Lift Our goal is for visitors to leave Camp Wood with a new understanding and appreciation of the Tallgrass Prairie. Our design strategy begins by creating a linear “cut�, a pathway enclosed by a narrowing pair of rammed earth retaining walls. These walls, with the four main prairie grasses embossed in them, lead visitors into a limestone amphitheater. The amphitheater, with exposed fossils, isolates visitors from the prairie. This space encourages visitors to contemplate what they learned on their journey in a calm setting. The cut then transfers from the ground to the roof plane, where it directs visitors up and out of the amphitheater into the pristine prairie above.

Opposite Page 12 Cut & Lift


Measure 01 19

Measure 01

Cut & Fill With the goal of imparting a greater understanding of the more overlooked details of the tallgrass prairie, the cut and fill approach takes advantage of the opportunity to immerse the visitor within the site, using the earth that is extracted. The earth then becomes the architecture, being used a central gabion wall for a vertical cut scheme and as a green roof plane above rammed earth benches and columns in a vertically cut scheme. We feel that a cut and fill approach is an excellent opportunity to create a pavilion that disappears from view in the pristine tallgrass prairie at Camp Wood, and allows materials extracted from the site to become structural elements in the realized design. Opposite Page 13 Cut & Fill


Measure 01 21

Measure 01

Sticks & Shadows The overall design intention is to create a structure that is light on the land and follows the precedent study of the Native American tipi. This precedent gave way to a minimal kit of parts including sticks and lashing. The result of the combination of these parts is a simple and adaptable pole field. The steel poles remain at the same height above the horizon while their bases highlight the topography of the Flint Hills landscape. The poles field is a permanent installation in which camp councilors, campers, visitors and artists can manipulate and adapt the pavilion by using lashings and netting to create an overhead planes and infill for program areas and seating. Throughout the seasons, the pole field and the infill will cast shadows that stretch across the ever changing color and texture of the landscape. Opposite Page 14 Sticks & Shadows


Measure 01 23


Measure 01

Walk & Water The goal is to create a string of spaces that at 100% of the place. Most people look at the rolling hills of the prairie and see nothing exciting; they are disinterested. The project create an active condition, through responsive architecture, where visitors to the tallgrass prairie become acutely aware of where that are. Interest is created through a heightening of the senses in the prairie. Between the amazing ecosystem centered on the grasses, and the never ceasing winds, the prairie lends itself to numerous opportunities to teach people. This design will enhance the effect the different prairie elements have on those who move through the experience. Opposite Page 15 Walk & Water


Measure 01

Sun Sun&+Stars Stars

Clouds Clouds

Birds Birds

Grasses Grasses

Bugs Bugs& +Animals Animals

Roots& +Soil Soil Roots

Limestone Limestone


Measure 02

02 UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE IN PLACE Right 16 Archery Range at Camp Wood


Measure 02 27

Measure 02

COTE Measure 2:

Regional/Community Design Sustainability is integrally tied to the social, political, cultural and economic health of our communities. Describe how these issues have informed the sustainable elements of this project and how this project has contributed to the richness and resilience of its community. Recognize the unique cultural and natural character of place. Promote regional and community identity. Contribute to public space and community interaction. Seek to reduce auto travel and parking requirements and promote alternative transit strategies. Opposite Page 17 Ritchie Lodge at Camp Wood


Measure 02

Studying Community For a designer, it is impossible to approach a design proposition without spending time considering how a completed project will impact those who use it, how it will relate to its environment, and how it will in turn be affected by those who occupy it. Design effort calls for the acknowledgment that the public will be impacted by every design decision made. This requires a deep understanding of the cultural and societal baggage that comes along with any particular location. Contributions and advice from involved individuals can shape a design into a desired space and create a more efficient, relational atmosphere which makes a profoundly positive impact. 29

Measure 02 Original Tallgrass Prairie

Camp Wood YMCA Remaining Tallgrass Prairie

History of the Flint Hills Region The Flint Hills is a region in eastern Kansas and north-central Oklahoma. It gets its name because of the abundance of residual flint that has been eroded from the bedrock near the surface. The area is made up of bands of hills and it is one of the last places that intact tallgrass prairie can be found in North America. The rocks that are exposed in this area were formed around 250 million years ago. During this time, most of this area was covered with shallow seas, which is the reason fossils of sea creatures are plentiful in the Flint Hills. The Flint Hills ecoregion is shown in orange above. Surrounding regions include the Central Tallgrass Prairie of Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa, which are high in similarity. 30

Measure 02

Native People Long before European settlers came, The Flint Hills region was home to many native tribes such as the Kansa, the Wichita, the Osage, and the Pawnee, all of whom were master hunters and gatherers during their time on the land. The people of these tribes lived in semi-permanent housing shelters and made use of the local materials, including flint which they used to make a wide array of weapons and tools.

Opposite Page 18 Remaining Prairie Ecoregions Above 19 Buffalo Grazing in the Hills

Lessons can be learned from these native peoples in regard to building in a respectful way. They lived on this land for thousands of years and had a very minimal impact on it. 31

Measure 02

Kansa Tribe The people of the Kansa tribe, or the “People of the South Wind�, lived in the upper north portion of present-day Kansas, in the mid-Missouri Valley area, near the juncture of the Missouri and Kansas rivers. The name Kansas was derived from the Kansa tribe. These people were hunters and gatherers. Men would hunt and women would gather plants and farm small portions of land. Housing for the Kansa people was a wooden frame lodge that was covered with packed earth. One of these structures could house several families. Hunters would also use small buffalo-hide tipis that were easily put up and taken down. The use of earthen construction by the Kansa people is revealing, and proves that it may be appropriate for use in the Flint Hills.


Measure 02

Opposite Page 20 Dance within a Kansa lodge Above, Left to Right 21 Lodge Housing 22 Chief Towohkonie

Wichita Tribe The Wichita tribe was located in the eastern Great Plains from the Red River to northern Nebraska. The Wichita people eventually adopted agriculture, producing crops such as corn, beans, squash, marsh elder, and tobacco. They would hunt animals such as deer, rabbits, turkey, and bison. They would also catch fish and mussels in rivers. This tribe lived in dome-shape structures of grass thatch laid over a framework of poles, with earth banked up around the base. Near the top, but at the side instead of in the center was a smoke-hole. Doorways were left at opposite sides to allow the breeze a free sweep, and detached doors were made of grass over a framework of rods. Around the inside were high bed platforms, and in the center was a fire-hole with a support from which to hang a pot. Though rarely used today, prairie grass has a capacity for construction, as demonstrated by the Wichita. 33

Measure 02

Osage Tribe The people of the Osage Tribe were originally located near the Missouri and Osage rivers. Around 1825, the tribe was forced onto a reservation in Southern Kansas. The Osage are best known for gardening, foraging, and hunting animals such as elk, deer, bears, and bison. The Osage were a semi-nomadic tribe and the men could be seen sporting a very distinctive hairstyle. Osage houses were rectangular and sheltered several families. Measuring up to 100 feet long, they were constructed of saplings driven into the ground and bent over and tied at the top. Horizontal saplings were interwoven among the uprights, and the framework was covered with hides, bark sheets, or woven mats, with smoke holes left open at the top. Most houses had an entrance at the eastern end. The Osage Tribe made use of a basic structural framework of wood that could be covered with the most appropriate available material, an intelligent way to build on the prairie. 34

Measure 02

Opposite Page, Left to Right 23 Osage Summer Arbor 24 Osage Mane Left 25 Pawnee Home

Pawnee Tribe The Pawnee rarely migrated, unlike most of the other tribes in the area. They had many festivals and rituals, including harvest festivals, cosmic festivals, and spirit rituals. The medicine man, or Shaman, was a religious leader and would conduct ceremonies. Pawnee also lived in earth lodges, which they formed by erecting several stout posts in a circle, forked at the top, into which cross beams were laid. Long poles were laid against the cross poles and inclined from the outside toward the center. The structure all was then covered with brush and reeds then finally with earth. A hole was left at the apex for the escape of smoke, and there was a long tunnel-like entrance at the base. The Pawnee’s use of earthen construction for their more permanent dwellings seems to enforce the idea that building with dirt on the prairie was common for much of history. 35

Measure 02

Chase County, Kansas Chase County was organized by white settlers on February 11, 1859. Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court and namesake of JP Morgan Chase, was a good friend of Samuel N. Wood, who helped to establish Cottonwood Falls. The first school was founded that same year and the first public school district was formed in Elmdale in the latter part of 1861. The first fair in Cottonwood Falls was held in October 1881 and is still being held on the same site. As of the 2010 census, the county population was 2,790. Cities within the boundaries of Chase County include Cedar Point, Elmdale, Matfield Green, Strong City, and its county seat and most populous city, Cottonwood Falls. 36

Measure 02

Opposite Page 26 Map of Kansas Above, Left to Right 27 Chase County Courthouse 28 The Lower Fox Creek School

Cottonwood Falls is home to the picturesque French Revival county courthouse (shown above). The county has been the subject of the book PrairyErth (A Deep Map) by William Least Heat-Moon. In 1996, the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve was established in the county. Interesting sites in the county include the Chase County Courthouse, the Spring Hill Ranch House on the Z-Bar ranch, the Samuel N. Wood House, the Lower Fox Creek School, the Clements Stone Arch Bridge, the Chase County National Bank Building the Carter Building, the Clover Cliff Ranch House, the Crocker Ranch Buildings and the Cottonwood River Bridge, at the north edge of Cottonwood Falls. 37

Measure 02 Right 29 Aerial photo of Camp Wood Opposite Page, Clockwise 30 Camp Wood Horse Pavilion 31 Camp Wood Calhoon Health Center 32 Camp Wood Jones Village Cabins


Measure 02

YMCA Camp Wood Camp Wood YMCA was established in 1915 in Elmdale, KS when it became the first YMCA residence camp in the state of Kansas. The first 40 acres of the camp were donated by the Wood family and their first campers were welcomed on May 30th, 1916. Today the camp sits on 864 acres of tallgrass prairie. Camp Wood has seen much growth over the years. The Great Kids, Great Futures capital campaign, from 20022009 helped to build a horse pavilion, the Calhoon Health center, renovate the Derby health center, provide a new sewer system, build the director’s home, the Jones village cabins, and purchase the alpine climbing tower. 39

Measure 02 Above 33 Camp Wood Construction Camp at Trustler art center Opposite Page, Clockwise 34 Camp Wood Alpine Tower 35 Camp Wood Archery Range 36 Camp Wood Tennis Courts

Even more recent additions to the camp include the Trustler arts center, new tennis courts, a renovated chapel, Strickland’s family cabin, a new water system, an archery range, a swim shed, quad cabins and soon will come the Preston Outdoor Education Station. Camp Wood is an amazing facility with a wealth of resources to offer its campers. Camp Wood is primarily a summer camp but also provides opportunities for events, family camps, and outdoor education where children from over 15 schools come to see bright stars, learn about grasses and the rocks and fossils left behind. These children also learn about themselves during their visit.


Measure 02 41

Measure 02

Pedestrian Access Nearly all buildings on the Camp Wood Campus are less than a 15 minute walk from the Preston Outdoor Education Station proposed site.

15 min.

Though this site is somewhat removed from the main campus of Camp Wood, it provides campers the opportunity to venture into parts of the camp that would normally not be experienced during their stay.

10 min.

5 min.

1 min. Preston Outdoor Education Station 0 50 100



500 ft

Measure 02

Horse Corrals

Alpine Climbing Tower

Many areas of interest are in close proximity to the Preston Outdoor Education Station proposed site.

Tall Big Bluestem Limestone bench

Creek bed


Opposite Page 37 Camp Wood Distance/Walking time

Preston Outdoor Education Station 0 50 100


500 ft

Above, Clockwise 38 Camp Wood Points of Interest 39 Camp Wood Equestrians


Measure 02 Ritchie Lodge

Koger Horse Pavilion

By Car

Preston Outdoor Education Station 0 50 100



500 ft

Visitors driving a car must travel about five minutes down a dirt road. On the way, they pass the Koger Horse Pavilion, the donor cabin, and the camp director’s house.

Measure 02

Ritchie Lodge

Bottom of the hill

By Foot Visitors walk about fifteen minutes on a path, which terminates at the base of a hill.

Potential trail expansion

Preston Outdoor Education Station 0 50 100


500 ft

Opposite Page, Clockwise 41 Camp Wood Vehicular Access 42 Ritchie Lodge 43 Horse Barn Above, Left to Right 44 Camp Wood Pedestrian Access 45 At the bottom of the hill


Measure 02

250 Million BC - During the Permian Period the Flint Hills were covered by an inland sea that laid deposited fossils and created the rock layers visible today.

11000 BC - Paleo Indians were living along the streams that flow through the Hills.


1889 - Hi-Y was started in Chapman, KS to promote Christian character by fostering speech, sportsmanship and scholastic achievement.

1916- Camp Wood held its dedication on June 4.



1926- A light-bulb replaced candles in the cabins.


1.8 Million BC - The last ice age ended. Its glaciers eroded the rock layers, creating the hills present today.


1927- Girls were allowed to attend camp. 1915- The Woods donated the first 40 acres to be used as a YMCA camp for the youth of Kansas.


Summer 1921- The red cabins were used for the first time.

1936Hutcherson Chapel was built.



2002-2009 -The Great Kids, Great futures campaign funded many amenities.

1980- The steering committee successfully changed Hi-Y to Camp Wood YMCA.

1945- Right after WWII, four brick buildings were built.


Measure 02

1979- The Wichita YMCA sought to develop Camp Wood into an independent YMCA.


1990 2010 1980 2000 Today- Camp Wood is over 898 acres of tallgrass prairie and has a capacity for around 300 people.

1951- A wooden cross was erected on Hi-Y Hill. 1976- Camp Wood was shuttered for the summer due to low enrollment.

46 Time-line information provided by Anne Clark


Measure 03

03 EXPERIENCING THE PRAIRIE Right 47 A line of fire turns brown grass into black earth, Dan Charles/NPR


Measure 03 49

Measure 03

COTE Measure 3: Land Use & Site Ecology

Sustainable design protects and benefits ecosystems, watersheds, and wildlife habitat in the presence of human development Reveals how natural systems can thrive in the presence of human development. Relates to ecosystems at different scales. Creates, re-creates or preserves open space, permeable ground-scape, and/or on-site ecosystems. Opposite Page 48 Design+Make students explore Camp Wood


Measure 03

Experiencing the Prairie The wildlife of the tallgrass prairie exist in a precious balance in an ecosystem that is threatened and rapidly shrinking. Consideration of the rarity of the tallgrass prairie reveals how precious its climate, grasses, earth formations, and wildlife truly are. Any effort to build in this remarkable but widely overlooked landscape must be one that strives for integration and accommodation of wildlife with the perspective that the ecosystems in place do not deserve to be disturbed.


Measure 03

Prairie Grass Above 49 Tallgrass Prairie Opposite Page 50 Prairie Land in Chase County


Tallgrass prairie once covered 170 million acres of North America. Within a generation the vast majority was developed and plowed under. Today less than 4% remains, mostly here in the Flint Hills (where the prairie cannot be plowed). The Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, a few miles from Camp Wood, protects a nationally significant remnant of the once vast tallgrass prairie and its cultural resources. Chase County is truly the last stronghold of tallgrass prairie in North America.

Measure 03

Chase County contains one of the most concentrated expanses of remaining tallgrass prairie, 90% of the county exists as intact prairie landscape, as seen in the map to the right.

Miles 90% + intact prairie landscape








Measure 03

Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardi) Right 51 Field of Big Bluestem Opposite Page, Left to Right 52 Big Bluestem during Fall 53 Big Bluestem illustration

Big Bluestem is a grass that is native to the Tallgrass Prairie region. It is a native warm-season, perennial bunchgrass with short scaly underground stems with a strong, deep root system that can penetrate the ground up to 14 feet. The growing season for Big Bluestem begins in late April and grasses anywhere from 4 to 6 feet tall appear from late August to October. Big Bluestem’s stem is round and has a reddish tint. The seed head forms three finger-like branches, which explains why it has been given the nickname “turkey foot.” Big Bluestem has a variety of looks throughout the changing seasons. During the


Measure 03

spring, when the growing season is beginning, the grass is upright and very green. In the summer, the bottom of the grasses are still very green but the tops, where the seeds are forming, are beginning to turn a bit dull and slightly brown. In the fall, the grass is a very vibrant golden color. In the winter, the tops of the grasses are pushed over and may even die due to snow and cold weather. Root systems are still intact and will come back in full force once the weather warms up. 55

Measure 03

Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutans) Right 54 Single Blade of Indian Grass Opposite Page, Left to Right 55 Field of Indian Grass 56 Indian Grass illustration


Indian Grass is a perennial bunchgrass that is prominent in the Tallgrass Prairie region. The blooming season for Indian Grass is the late spring. This grass can grow anywhere from 3 to 7 feet in height and the root systems can penetrate the ground up to 8 feet. Indian Grass is easily distinguished from other grasses because of its “riflesight,� which is formed by the leaf blade being attached to the leaf sheath. Because Indian Grass grows in clumps, it creates an ideal environment for small wildlife to create their habitats.

Measure 03

Indian Grass is dynamic throughout the seasons. In the spring, as the new grass is growing, it is a vibrant yellow color. In the summer, the grass is beginning to turn from that bright yellow to a more subtle golden color. In the fall, Indian Grass is a very golden brown, and during the winter, it is pushed over due to snow and wind.


Measure 03

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Right 57 Switchgrass Seed Opposite Page, Left to Right 58 Field of Switchgrass 59 Switchgrass illustration

Switchgrass is a perennial warm season bunchgrass that is native to North America. Switchgrass is a hardy, deep-rooted grass that begins to grow in late spring. This grass can grow up to 8 feet and the root system can penetrate the ground up to 10 feet. Switchgrass is great for soil conservation, forage production, game cover, or even in landscaping applications as an ornamental grass. In the spring, Switchgrass is a very green color. During the summer, the seeds on the grass turn a pink or purple tint and the grass is still very green. In the fall, the grass


Measure 03

turns a golden, almost orange color and the flowers change to a dull golden color. In the winter, the grasses and flowers die off and the root systems lies dormant until the next spring, waiting to regrow.


Measure 03

Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Right 60 Little Bluestem in winter Opposite Page, Left to Right 61 Little Bluestem seeds 62 Little Bluestem illustration

Little Bluestem is a warm-season perennial bunchgrass that is native to North American and is most prominent in the Tallgrass Prairie. This grass grows to be an upright, roundish mound of soft, bluish-green grass that is about 2 to 3 feet in height with a root system that can penetrate the ground up to 5 feet. This is another common ornamental grass that is used in landscaping throughout the country. Little Bluestem is ever-changing throughout the seasons. In the spring, the grass is a bluish-green or even a grayish-green color. In the summer, the grass is a vibrant


Measure 03

green and flowers are beginning to appear. During the fall, the grass is a deep golden or even an orange color with tints of red or purple as flowers begin to die off. In the winter, the grass is very orange or bronze, but unlike other grasses, Little Bluestem continues to grow during this season.


7’ 6’ 5’ 4’

Measure 03

3’ 2’ 1’ 0’ 1’ 2’ 3’ 4’ 5’ 6’ 7’ 8’ 9’ 10’ 11’ 12’ 13’ 14’ 15’


Root Systems of Prairie Plants Most prairie grasses have massive root systems that serve to improve soil’s ability to withstand wet or erosive conditions. Native plant species, like those to the left, often have greater biomass below the surface than they do above ground. Extensive root systems make prairie grasses resilient to drought, fire and grazing, and are exactly why they are so incredibly hardy.

Above 63 Root Systems of Prairie Plants

7’ 6’ 5’ 4’

2’ 1’ 0’

Measure 03


1’ 2’ 3’ 4’ 5’ 6’ 7’ 8’ 9’ 10’ 11’ 12’ 13’ 14’ 15’


Measure 03

Eurasian Pigmy Shrew

Prairie Dog

Eastern Mole

Burrowing Animals Of all the animals living in the plains, those which most impact the land are the burrowers. Prairie Dogs and Armadillos can be destructive to man-made structures with their 3-19 feet deep tunnels. Armadillos often look for materials such as limestone and concrete to dig under. These prairie diggers, and others, are often preyed upon by owls, snakes, hawks, coyotes, foxes and ferrets. Eastern moles, pygmy shrews, armadillos, prairie dogs, and field mice all primarily eat insects such as larvae, earthworms, and slugs. These critters help greatly to manage the insect population in the prairie. The pygmy shrew alone eats three times its body weight daily. 64




Measure 03

Jack Rabbit

Sheltering Animals Sheltering animals inhabit abandoned burrows constructed by other animals or humans. They often have a similar diet to the burrowers, one of insects and seeds. Predators of these sheltering animals are often coyotes and foxes, but they are also hunted by owls and red tailed hawks. These animals are likely to be scavengers. Raccoons and possums are omnivores and typically will search for dead rodents, trash, and other things they can pick up to eat with minimal effort. These lazy animals are very likely to find a man made structure to live in.

Opposite Page, Clockwise 64 Prairie Dog 65 Eurasian Pigmy Shrew 66 Eastern Mole Above, Clockwise 67 Jack Rabbit 68 Opossum 69 Raccoon 70 Skunk


Measure 03

Great Horned Owl


American Badger

Grey Fox

Predators Coyotes, foxes, great horned owls, and badgers are well at home in the prairie. Their shallow burrows shelter them from harsh winds and snow. Although these predators aren’t particularly large animals, they easily hunt prairie dogs, rodents, squirrels, small reptiles and snakes. Coyotes are pack animals that typically keep their distance from humans. Besides badgers, most prairie predators are intimidated by humans and man-made structures. They are most likely to keep distance between themselves and human activity.


Measure 03

Red Tailed Hawk

Snowy Owl

Turkey Vulture

Birds of the prairie are carnivores. Although red tailed hawks and owls live in trees, they prefer to perch in the plains where they find small ground animals to feed on. Snowy Owls create ground nests using prairie grasses. This puts their eggs at risk if not closely guarded. Red tailed hawks prefer lonely trees in large open spaces which makes the prairie an ideal habitat. Turkey vultures are scavengers similar to raccoons and possums, and also create ground nests in rocky areas and hollowed trees. Vultures often assist with road cleanup, as they prefer prey that has already been killed.

Opposite Page, Clockwise 71 Coyote 72 Great Horned Owl 73 American Badger 74 Grey fox Above, Clockwise 75 Snowy Owl 76 Red Tailed Hawk 77 Turkey Vulture


Measure 03

Snapping Turtle

Eastern Racer

Red Spotted Newt

Earth Crawlers The earth crawlers of the prairie are both predator and prey. Snakes, reptiles, turtles, and their food - grasshoppers, mud dabbers, and spiders. Gardner snakes, the Great Plains toad, and smaller skinks live in rocky areas of the plains with limestone in the grasses for shelter. The primary diet of skinks and other lizards tends to be insects, while snakes and snapping turtles can eat smaller amphibians and rodents. Wolf spiders and brown spiders often feed on mud dabbers and grasshoppers. They help to regulate the population of these pests. Mud dabbers can build their mud 68

Mud Dauber

Wolf Spider


homes in less than 20 minutes on planks of wood or any other flat material. Snapping turtles are known to be solo animals with an appetite for small meaty animals. These extraordinary amphibians are similar to alligators and have spiny points. They should be handled with caution as they are capable of biting off human fingers and toes.

Measure 03


Opposite Page, Clockwise 78 Eastern Racer 79 Snapping turtle 80 Red Spotted Newt Above, Clockwise 81 Grasshopper 82 Mud Dauber 83 Toad 84 Wolf Spider


Measure 03

Man, Fire and the Prairie Prairie burning plays an important role in removing the biomass that accumulates on the prairie. This biomass buildup can make it difficult for new shoots to break through. Without burning, this litter would cause the tallgrasses to grow weaker and eventually allow trees to begin invading. The burned ground has many other benefits as well. The ashes provide additional nutrients to the new plants and the blackened earth is able to warm up more quickly. Man acts as a major component to the fires. Whether accidental or intentional, man’s influence on the prairie has shaped it to the state which it is in currently. The Plains Indians used fires to force migration of wild game. Today, 70

Measure 03

ranchers use fires to improve cattle forage. The Konza Prairie Biological Center researches the effects of different burning rotations on the prairie. Typically a prairie is burned every 3 to 5 years. If it is burned too often, there is not enough biomass build up to produce hot flames. The tallgrasses have deep roots which allow them to grow back after a burning. Trees and other invasive plants do not and are killed off when the prairie burns. Without regular burnings to remove tree growth, the tallgrass prairie would look much different from how it is today.

Opposite page 85 Untitled, Kathy Larson and Joe Coffey Above, Right to Left 86 Flames in The Flint Hills, Doug Stremel 87 The Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve in Strong City, Kansas, Julie Denesh


Measure 03 0



Flint Hills Geology Formation of the Flint Hills began 250 million years ago during the Permian Period, when the area was covered by a shallow inland sea. This inland sea, called the Permian Sea, raised and lowered over time, resulting in the formation of geological layers of ocean sediment. The layers that were created now exist as limestone and shale. The image above shows the layers of limestone and the benches. Notice how layers of limestone stay at the same elevation across the entire area.


Gentle Slope

Prairie Grass


Measure 03





A close look at the rock reveals many fossils. Most of these marine fossils are invertebrates such as corals, clams, snails, bryozoans (colonies of animals resembling sea fans), sea urchins, crinoids (a stalked animal distantly related to starfish and sea urchins), and clam-like animals called brachiopods. Particularly abundant in some limestones are fusilinids, small, one-celled animals shaped like wheat grains. They are quite small, as seen in the photo above, to the left. These fossils can be found in many of the limestone blocks used to construct buildings all over the Flint Hills region and beyond.

Opposite Page, Left to Right 88 Aerial view of Camp Wood and the surrounding area 89 Fusilinid fossils in limestone Above 90 Flint Hills geological layers


Measure 03

Erosion Erosion, which is the gradual wear away of soil, rock, or land, has been a major player in shaping the Flint Hills into the rolling hills that they are today. Creeks, rivers, and runoff from precipitation have carved through the softer layers of shale and have exposed limestone benches that can be seen in abundance. Erosion is also caused by wind. Land use such as farming and grazing and land factors such as soils, terrain, and vegetation can help to speed up the process of erosion. At Camp Wood, erosion can cause great damage to


Measure 03

landscape and structures if they’re placed in or near drainage draws or steep slopes. After the prairie is burned and heavy rain follows, top soils can become displaced at an alarming rate. Erosion, a major force at play in the prairie, is not to be taken lightly. Erosion has slowly washed away valleys to define the flint hills and it can easily remove a structure that has not been designed to accommodate it.

Above 91 How erosion formed the Flint Hills


Measure 04

04 PUTTING THE PRAIRIE TO WORK Right 92 Prairie grasses in spring 93 Prairie grasses in summer 94 Prairie grasses in fall 95 Prairie grasses in winter


Measure 04 77

COTE Measure 4: Bioclimatic Design Measure 04

Sustainable design conserves resources and maximizes comfort through design adaptations to site specific and regional climate conditions. Conserve resources and optimizes human comfort through connections with the lows of bioclimatic region. Using place-based design to benefit from free energies—sun, wind, and water. In footprint, section, orientation, and massing, sustainable design responds to site, sun path, breezes, and seasonal and daily cycles. Opposite Page 96 Camp Wood Art Building


Measure 04

Putting the Prairie to Work Natural elements play a major role in human comfort. The sun can warm up a space when it is cool out, while shade can make space more tolerable during hot summer days. Blocking cold winds in the winter can help keep a space from getting too cold, while summer cross winds can draw out warm stale air. Water can be used to humidify a space that is dry, though during warm humid Kansas summers, the challenge is to dehumidify a space to make it more comfortable. By understanding climate, seasons, the psychrometric chart, and bioclimatic design strategies, smart design can create spaces that would otherwise not be habitable. 79

Measure 04 80

Camp Wood


Since the climate changes through the seasons, different building design strategies need to be explored to accommodate a comfort zone. Analyzing each seasons by using the psychrometric chart allows designers to determine the best way to make a person comfortable with the help of the sun, wind, or rain. Af Af

BWh Af








Am Af

BWk Af








Aw Af

BSh Af









BSk Af Main Climates A: Equatorial B: Arid C: Warm Temperature D: Snow E: Polar

Precipitation W: Desert S: Steppe f: Fully humid s: Summer dry w: Winter dry m: Monsoonal

Temperature h: Hot arid k: Cold arid a: Hot summer b: Warm summer c: Cool summer

Measure 04

According to the Kรถppen climate classification map, the Flint Hills region is a humid continental climate. This climate zone has four distinct seasons. The summers are warm and the winters can be below freezing. Precipitation is seen throughout the year, with more rain during the summer months and temperatures dropping low enough for ice and snow in the winter. The precipitation allows a wide variety of vegetation, however, due to the Rocky Mountain rain shadow over Kansas, the area is covered by grass.

d: Extremely continental F: Polar frost T: Polar tundra

Opposite Page 97 Kรถppen Climate Classification Map



% %






80 40


, °F







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Measure 04






t oin wp De 40

m Te

ra pe



°F 50

.008 10%

30 10 10 10














Dry-Bulb Temperature, °F

Psychrometric Chart Above 98 ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart for Elmdale, Ks. Opposite Page 99 ASHRAE Standard Design Strategies for Elmdale, Ks.


The Psychrometric Chart graphs the parameters of water moisture in the air. These parameters include dry bulb and wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity, and humidity ratio. This graph is useful in determining the comfort zone and calculating the amount of heating or cooling required to make a space more comfortable. The comfort zone is the temperature range within which people feel satisfied with the thermal conditions. When designing buildings and structures to accommodate the human comfort zone, architects refer to the chart to broaden this comfort zone through design strategies. The addition or removal of heat, cooling, humidification and dehumidification can expand human comfort.

Measure 04

Natural Natural Comfort Natural Comfort Zone Natural Comfort Zone Comfort Zone High ZoneThermal High Thermal High Mass Thermal High Mass Thermal Mass Mass Internal Internal Heat Internal Gain Heat Internal Gain Heat Gain Heat Dehumidification Gain Dehumidification Dehumidification Dehumidification Only Only Only Only 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 18.3% 18.3% 18.3% 18.3% 15.3% 15.3% 15.3% 15.3% (425 hrs) (425 hrs)(425 hrs) (425 hrs) (98 hrs)(98 hrs)(98 hrs)(98 hrs) (1606 hrs) (1606 hrs) (1606 hrs) (1606 hrs) (1336 hrs) (1336 hrs) (1336 hrs) (1336 hrs) Natural Comfort Zone High Thermal Mass Internal Heat Gain Dehumidification Natural Natural Comfort Comfort Zone Zone High High Thermal High Thermal Mass Mass Mass Internal Internal Heat Gain Heat Gain Dehumidification Only OnlyOnly Natural Comfort Zone Natural Comfort ZoneThermal Mass High Thermal Internal Heat Gain Internal Heat Dehumidification Gain Dehumidification Dehumidification Only Only 4.9% 1.1% 18.3% 15.3% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 18.3% 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 1.1% (98 18.3% 18.3% (1606 18.3% 15.3% 15.3% 15.3%(1336 15.3% (425 hrs) hrs) hrs) hrs) (425 hrs)(425 hrs) (1606 hrs) (1606 hrs) (1336 hrs) (1336 hrs) (425 hrs) (425 hrs) (98 hrs)(98 hrs)(98 hrs)(98 hrs) (1606 hrs) (1606 hrs) (1336 hrs) (1336 hrs)

Mechanical Heating Wind Protection of of Sun Shading Passive Solar Direct Gain Passive Passive Solar Passive Solar Direct Passive Direct Solar Gain Solar Direct Gain Direct Gain Wind Gain Protection Wind Protection Wind of Protection Wind Protection ofSun Shading ofSun Shading Sun of Windows Shading Sun of Windows Shading of Windows of Windows Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Heating Mechanical Heating Heating Heating Low Mass Outdoor Spaces of Windows and Cooling Low8.0% Mass Low Mass Low Mass Low Mass Outdoor Outdoor Spaces Outdoor Spaces Outdoor Spaces Spaces 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% and Cooling and Cooling and Cooling and Cooling 56.9% 12.0% 3.6% (314 hrs)hrs) (1052 hrs) (4980 hrs) hrs) (697 hrs)hrs) 8.0% (697 8.0% (697 8.0% hrs)(697 8.0% hrs) (697 hrs) 3.6% (314 3.6% hrs) (314 3.6% (314 3.6% hrs) (314 hrs) (1052 hrs) (1052 hrs) (1052 hrs) (1052 hrs) 56.9% (4980 56.9%hrs) (4980 56.9%hrs) (4980 56.9% hrs) (4980 Passive Passive Solar Direct Solar Direct Gain Direct Gain Wind Protection Windof Protection of of Sun Shading of Windows of Windows Mechanical Mechanical Heating Heating Passive Solar Direct Passive Gain Solar Wind Gain Protection Wind Protection Sun Shading ofSun Shading of Windows Sun Shading of Windows Mechanical Heating Mechanical Heating Low Mass Low Mass Outdoor Outdoor Spaces Spaces and Cooling and Cooling Low Mass Low Mass Outdoor Spaces Outdoor Spaces 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% and Cooling and Cooling 8.0% (697 8.0% hrs)(697 hrs) 3.6% (314 3.6% hrs)(314 hrs) (1052 hrs) (1052 hrs) 56.9%hrs) (4980 56.9%hrs) (4980 8.0% (697 hrs) 8.0% (697 hrs) 3.6% (314 hrs) 3.6% (314 hrs) (1052 hrs) (1052 hrs) 56.9% (4980 56.9%hrs) (4980 hrs)

Design Strategies

Analysis using Climate Consultant 6.0 (a computer software), revealed the strategies shown above as the best ways to expand the comfort zone through the year in Elmdale, KS. For this location, the natural comfort zone is only experienced for 5% of the year. During the cooler months (late to early spring), wind protection and heat gain are needed. From late spring to early fall, the area heats up and becomes humid. To combat this, designers should provide shading of areas of activity and incorporate dehumidification devices. If the structure is intended to be enclosed, mechanical heating and cooling may need to be included to ensure comfort in extreme conditions.


Measure 04 Passive Heat Gain

Winter Right 100 Psychrometric chart, winter Opposite Page 101 Winter colors in the landscape

In the winter months, temperatures can range from 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime to well below freezing at night. Snowstorms come and go, yet only occasionally leave accumulations. Prairie weather has a desert-like personality of opposing extremes. Wildlife and prairie flora have become accustomed to these harsh changes. As temperatures drop, the prairie moves into a resting period. The brisk winter again calls for the passive system of direct heat gain through the utilization of low sun angles and also the blocking of strong, cold northern winds.


Measure 04

a barren ground left leaves the senses in silence driven out by light - A.L. Martinez


Measure 04 Passive Heat Gain

Passive Heat Gain

Spring Right 102 Psychrometric chart, spring Opposite Page 103 Spring colors in the landscape

Passive Cooling

In early spring you see shooting stars and violets, and the spring grasses begin to grow. The prairie is very wet since winter snows melt and leave pools of water on the ground. Some prairie grasses grow a lot in spring, while others grow a lot during the summer. Grasses are generally burned in early spring. As springs brings warmer weather, passive systems of cooling begin to become necessary. Cool northern winds become welcomed, allowing warm air to be pushed out of the pavilion and be replaced with recycled, cool air.


Measure 04

shadows of the past bring a new feeling of life through the burnt ashes - A.L. Martinez


Measure 04 Passive Heat Gain Passive Cooling

Right 104 Psychrometric chart, summer Opposite Page 105 Summer colors in the landscape

Passive Cooling

Summer In summer, the grasses are so tall that you can no longer see low-growing flowers. Summer is the prairie’s most productive season. There is so much tall grass that people often call it a sea of grass. The hot months of summer require the full use of passive cooling. Exploiting the cool northern winds while blocking out the hot, summer sun provides a space ideal for hot days.


Measure 04

outbursts of color show ever presence of life given now to us - A.L. Martinez


Measure 04 Passive Heat Gain

Passive Cooling

Fall Right 106 Psychrometric chart, fall Opposite page 107 Fall colors in the landscape

In autumn, more flowers bloom - the asters brighten the prairie. Many prairie plants turn gold in autumn as the grasses dry. The entire landscape transforms as these colors change. Though humans today usually burn the prairie in the spring, historically it would likely burn in the fall, when the grasses are most dry. Designing for the fall requires the passive system of direct heat gain and the blocking of the cool northern winds.


Measure 04

slow changing color through the brisk action of life brought by a cool breeze - A.L. Martinez


Measure 05

05 PASSIVE EMBRACE Right 108 Expansive prairie sky


Measure 05 93

COTE Measure 5: Light & Air

Sustainable design creates comfortable interior environments that provide daylight, views, and fresh air. Creates a comfortable and healthy interior environment. Measure 05

Providing abundant daylight and fresh air, enhance the human link to nature through daylight, lighting design, natural ventilation, improved indoor air quality, and views. Opposite Page 109 YMCA Camp Wood aerial photo


Measure 05

Passive Embrace The Preston Outdoor Education Station must rely entirely on non-mechanical systems for heating and cooling. Light and air are both useful ways to ensure human comfort. Natural lighting and ventilation is incredibly important. Additionally, it is essential to the success of any design to have a deep connection with views to nature and its surroundings. Humans crave reference points to give themselves orientation and connect them to the landscape. It is healthy to relate visitors with nature at every opportunity and it has been proven that work and living environments are healthier with natural daylight and connections to nature.


Measure 05

Effects of Wind Above, Left to Right 110 Grass Seed 111 Prairie Fire Opposite Page 112 Flint Hills Wind Diagram

As a constant presence on the prairie, wind, much like the sun, has the power to shape the prairie. It passes over the unobstructed landscape and is able to reach high speeds that drive in temperatures and weather fronts from distant areas. Winds from the south are known for bringing in warmer air along with storm systems from the Gulf of Mexico. Winds from the northwest bring cold air coming off the plains of Canada. For centuries, the prairie remained largely treeless and the wind played a major role in keeping it that way. With winds regularly blowing at great speeds across the land


Partially Obstructed


Measure 05


it created a harsh environment for trees to grow in. Also, whether started by human intervention or natural causes, wind was the driving force behind the spread of wild fires that quickly consumed all the surface vegetation. After fires, only the grasses with their deep roots came back. The wind also blew seeds from wild flowers in surrounding areas which promoted bio-diversity in the prairie. The Flint Hills differ slightly from the open tallgrass prairie. With hills that rise three hundred feet, winds are not quite as free to blow unhindered across the landscape. On top of the hills, winds blow with their usual strength while in the low valleys winds are kept in check, which, along with the presence of water, allows for trees to grow in ravines. 97

Measure 05 Spring


Seasonal Winds The charts above reflect the duration, speed, and relative temperature of winds at Camp Wood YMCA in all four seasons. By simply blocking or allowing it to pass through, wind has the ability to both heat and cool space depending on the season. In the winter, prevailing winds come from the northwest and southeast. To create a space that is comfortable for its occupants, these winds need to be blocked, preventing air flow that would remove the heat generated by an occupant’s body.


Cold Winds

Warm Winds

40 30

Max. Wind Speed (MPH)




In the spring and autumn, the winds shift to a more north and south direction, with the southern winds bringing warm air and northern winds blowing in cool air. For these reasons, winds from the south need to be allowed to enter the space while those from the north need to be directed away from the space.


Max. Wind Speed (MPH)


Wind Duration

Measure 05


5% 10%

Opposite page, Left to Right 113 Spring Winds Diagram 114 Summer Winds Diagram Above, Left to Right 115 Fall Winds Diagram 116 Winter Winds Diagram

In the summer months, the majority of winds come from the south. This brings warm air. While the warm air is not desired in these months, the breezes create air flow that helps cool the space. 99

Measure 05

Sunlight in the Tallgrass Prairie Opposite Page 117 Sunset in the Flint Hills

Prairie grasses are sun-loving plants. They gather the sunlight and convert it into usable energy. In many ways they are some of the most efficient photosynthesizers that exist. Most prairie grasses require six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day during their growth period. Luckily, big open Kansas skies have plenty of light to give them. All of that sunlight is great for prairie grasses, but most times of the year humans don’t need or want that much exposure to the sunlight. It’s extremely important to consider sun angles in regards to shading devices and comfort when designing a structure for the prairie.


Measure 05 101

er mm Su







Measure 05

r nte






3:00 PM

er Su

9:00 AM is the beginning period of usable light. The sun rises in the east as it slowly starts to move across the sky. It is at this time that the grass can begin gathering sunlight to convert into energy. The low angle of the sunlight casts long and dynamic shadows across the landscape. Because it is usually quite cool in the mornings, particularly in the winter time, designing a structure that allows morning light to penetrate and warm an occupied space would be very beneficial for comfort.

Measure 05

At noon, the sun is at its highest point in the sky and is at its most intense. It is at this time, especially in the summer, that prairie grass thrives. Where other grasses can die from heat and lack of rain, prairie grass excels in these conditions. The direct sunlight results in the best growth for the prairie grass. Shadows at this time are at their shortest, and aren’t cast across the landscape. Shading is particularly important, even during the winter time, at this time of the day. Human comfort will not be achieved without some shading when the intense sun is high in the sky.

3:00 PM is generally the end of the most intense sun period. It is also the last chance for the grass to gather optimal sunlight. After 3:00 PM, the amount of sunlight quickly begins to decrease. Strangely, this may feel as though it’s the hottest part of the day to humans because the ground has been gathering heat from the sun throughout the day. Because it is still warm at this time, particularly in the summer time, designing a structure that provides shading in the summer at 3:00 PM, but starts to let in some light during the winter would be most beneficial for comfort.

Opposite Page, Top to Bottom 118 Sun Angles at 9:00 AM 119 Sun angles at Noon 120 Sun angles at 3:00 PM


Measure 05

Views Expansive views in all directions grace the site at Camp Wood YMCA. 104

Measure 05 Above, Top to Bottom 121 Panoramic view at top of hill, fall 122 Panoramic view from road drop-off


Measure 06

06 DO NO HARM Right 123 Flint Hills Storm, Kansas, USA Jim Richardson


Measure 06 107

COTE Measure 6: Water Cycle

Sustainable design conserves water and protects and improves water quality. Recognize water as an essential resource. Conserve water supplies, manage site water and drainage. Measure 06

Capitalize on renewable site sources using waterconserving strategies, fixtures, appliances, and equipment. Opposite Page 124 A creek bed at Camp Wood


Measure 06

Do No Harm When considering human comfort, the water cycle can play a key role. Shelters are designed to provide protection from not only shade, but also from precipitation. Precipitation caught or diverted by a roof structure is a valuable resource, and should be treated as such. Water runoff patterns, if not properly considered, can cause damage to a structure and are best left undisturbed.


Camp Wood

Measure 06

Average Annual Precipitation in Kansas (1981 - 2010)

Annual Precipitation (Inches)

33.84 - 37.2

13.72 - 18.36

25.56 - 28.53

37.2 - 41.14

18.36 - 22.3

28.53 - 30.97

41.14 - 15.77

22.3 - 25.56

30.97 - 33.84

45.77 - 51.2

Precipitation The map above shows the average annual precipitation for Kansas. Camp Wood generally gets around 32-36 inches annually. The large variations between east and west are typical of the Great Plains region in central North America. The amounts vary based on the geography of the Midwest and the location of the Rockies to the west. The mountains squeeze the moisture out of the air and create a shadow area as the clouds regain moisture moving east. However, in the southeast part of Kansas, summer northwestern winds drive up humidity and moisture from the Gulf of Mexico. In the chart above, it is noticeable that the majority of this rain comes in the growing seasons, mid-spring to early fall. 110

Camp Wood

Measure 06

Average Annual Snowfall in Kansas (1981 - 2010)

Annual Snowfall (Inches) 8.5 - 11.3

14.8 - 16.8

11.3 - 13.3

16.8 - 19.5

23.0 - 27.7

13.3 - 14.8

19.5 - 23.0

27.7 - 42.0

Snow In the winter months, the weather is often formed when warm and cold air masses create a front. These fronts move slowly and while the amount of precipitation is low, these systems can last for days. In Chase County, the average temperature in the winter is around 29-31 degrees Fahrenheit, so much of the precipitation will come in the form of snow, sleet, and a mix of rain and snow.

Opposite Page 125 Normal Annual Precipitation in Kansas Above 126 Normal Annual Snowfall in Kansas








Measure 06














Monthly Precipitation Averages Elmdale, KS (2014)

Storm Patterns Above 127 Monthly Precipitation Averages in Elmdale, Kansas Opposite Page 128 The Water Cycle in the prairie


Kansas’ storm systems often vary greatly by season. Spring and summer months experience most storm systems when the path of air masses shifts northward, and high-pressure systems carry large quantities of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico into Kansas. As the summer comes, the atmosphere becomes more unstable, the result usually forming convective thunderstorms. These storms appear quickly and are short in duration, but can produce 1-5 inches of rain in just a few hours. The formation of tornadoes and hail are not uncommon with these storms.

The Water Cycle

Measure 06 113

Cottonwood River

Cottonwood Falls

Camp Wood Lake

Neva Marsh and Natural Spring

Camp Wood Watershed

Measure 06

Chase State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area



Watershed A watershed is an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing into different rivers, basins or seas. Camp Wood is located in the Neosho watershed which spans from the southeast corner of Kansas to central Kansas. The Neosho watershed is composed of many smaller micro-watersheds. Camp Wood has a watershed of its own which drains into the Cottonwood River. It is further fed by other watersheds such as the one created by the Chase State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area and the Neva Marsh and Natural Spring.


6000 ft


Measure 06


2000 ft

The majority of the land inhabited by Camp Wood lies within the one watershed shown above. Within this watershed, water drains off of the surrounding hills into a creek. The water level in the creek fluctuates depending upon the season and moves into a man-made lake. From here, the water sits until the water either evaporates or overflows and drains into the larger watershed that encompasses the one at Camp Wood.

Opposite Page 129 Bodies of water and watershed near Cottonwood Falls, Kansas Above 130 Watershed around Camp Wood


Measure 07 116

07 DOING OUR PART Right 131 Smoky Hills Wind Farm

Measure 07 117

COTE Measure 7: Energy Flows and Energy Futures Sustainable design conserves energy and resources and reduces the carbon footprint while improving building performance and comfort. Sustainable design anticipates future energy sources and needs. Contribute to energy conservation by reducing or eliminating the need for lighting and mechanical heating and cooling.

Measure 07

Smaller and more efficient building systems reduce pollution and improve building performance and comfort. Controls and technologies, lighting strategies, and onsite renewable energy should be employed with longterm impacts in mind. Opposite Page 132 Giving back to the grid using solar panels


Measure 07

Doing Our Part Thanks to recent technological advancements, designers have been presented with new and exciting ways to give back to the electrical grid and improve energy use and flows for the general public. Investments in things such as solar or wind power or water recycling is a viable option to provide energy needs for the Preston Outdoor Education Station or to contribute to the needs of the camp or even to the larger community. Solar panels, wind turbines, and water reuse are just a few ways to harness nature’s given elements in order to take advantage of such an opportunity. Passive heating and cooling alone eliminates any carbon footprint that would have otherwise resulted from conventional heating and cooling methods. This provides opportunities to use what nature provides as an active element of the structure and to provide human comfort simultaneously.


PASSIVE COOLING/Chimney stack affect


Measure 07

Passive Cooling Prairie winds play a large role in shaping the prairie and also provide an opportunity for passive cooling in the humid summer. The chimney (or stack) effect is a strategy which uses a series of openings to draw warm air up and out of the building. This strategy uses lower openings to intake cool air, while larger openings which are higher up channel warm air out of the space. Cross ventilation can also help to cool a space. This can be done using any opposing openings which receive wind, but it is most effective when the intake is low, and the output is high. This strategy is especially useful in humid climates. Another passive cooling system includes the use of thoughtfully placed shading systems. A system that can be adjusted to block the more intense summer sun while allowing lower winter sun to enter the building can go a long way in providing comfort.






Measure 07

Passive Heating Strategies forSOLAR passive heating in the prairie CONTAINMENT - TROMBE WALL can easily be utilized considering the lack of tree cover and options for sun application. One strategy is the use of a thermal mass. This practice makes use of a high density material, such as a limestone wall, which is in direct contact with sunlight. During the day, the mass absorbs heat, and in the cooler evenings the heat is distributed from the mass into the space. A small gap above and below the wall helps to create a circular air flow and to distribute the warmer air. Another way to use passive heating is with direct solar gain. This can be regulated by using overhangs which block the more intense summer sun while allowing lower winter sun to enter the building.

Opposite Page, Left to Right 133 Chimney effect 134 Cross ventilation Above, Left to Right 135 Thermal mass wall PASSIVE 136 Large overhang



Measure 08 122


Right 137 Dry Stack Stone in Chase County, KS

Measure 08 123

COTE Measure 8: Materials & Construction

Sustainable design includes the informed selection of materials and products to reduce product cycle environmental impacts, improve performance, and optimize occupant health and comfort. Using a life cycle lens, selection of materials and products can conserve resources. Reduce the impacts of harvest/manufacture/transport. Improve building performance. Secure human health and comfort. Measure 08 124

High-performance building envelopes improve comfort and reduce energy use and pollution. Opposite Page 138 Design+Make students with Luke Koch building a stone wall

When a designer puts in the manual labor to construct something that they’ve conceived, there is a new level of ownership and care in regard to waste and sustainability of materials. Additionally, hands-on experience with materials can help a designer gain a much greater understanding of their qualities - structural, tactile, scent, etc.

Measure 08

Building with the Prairie

When considering materials to be used for a project, it is important that locally sourced materials are used primarily for increased sustainability and greater connection to place. Materials in this section are a few of the many that Design+Make students consider to be appropriate for this project. 125

Dry Stacked Limestone Dry stacking stone has long been a method of construction for fences and retaining walls. Dry stacked walls will last longer than mortar walls because they are able percolate moisture and are able to move as they expand and contract from season to season. Dry stacking takes a lot of time and effort, and can be very expensive due to high labor costs. Dry stacking is an art form that was once wide spread but is now used much more rarely.

Measure 08 126

Because the Flint Hills region is known for its abundant amounts of limestone, building with limestone is a very appropriate strategy at Camp Wood. Many buildings have been built from limestone extracted from quarries in the area. Limestone is a durable material and can last for hundreds of years depending on the application. Opposite Page 139 Dry stacked limestone wall

Measure 08 127

Gabion A gabion is a cage, cylinder, or box filled with rocks, concrete, or sometimes sand and soil for use in architecture, civil engineering, road building, military applications and landscaping. Gabion cages can be filled with just about any type of rock. Considering the amount of limestone, including ice limestone which is usually worthless for construction, in the Flint Hills, the use of gabion could have an application at the Preston Outdoor Education Station. Opposite Page 140 Gabion wall

Measure 08 128

Measure 08 129

Rammed Earth Rammed earth is a technique for building walls, foundations, and floors using natural raw materials such as earth, chalk, lime or gravel. The technique originated in Yangshao and Longshan cultures along the Yellow River in China, and was quickly adapted by many due to its durability and wide availability of necessary materials. One of the significant benefits of rammed earth is its high thermal mass; it can absorb heat during the day and release it at night. This moderates daily temperature variations and reduces the need for air conditioning and heating. Many types of soils are suitable for rammed earth, including some found in Kansas. Opposite Page 141 KU dirtworks studio rammed earth wall

Measure 08 130

Measure 08 131

Sticks Wood is a readily available material that can be bound together to create space. Lashing, joints, or steel connections are all ways that wood can be constructed into a structure. Sticks can be round, square or rectangular depending on what is needed and desired. The warm tone of the wood is aesthetically pleasing and can vary based on the wood type. In the tallgrass prairie, trees are considered weeds that would normally be burned in annual prairie fires. There are many trees in the area that could be removed and used to construct sticks which could be very useful in building. Opposite Page 142 Traditional Native American tipi

Measure 08 132

Measure 08 133

Charred Wood Using fire as a tool for construction seems counterintuitive. But burning lumber (just a little bit) can enhance it structurally as well as aesthetically. This method of burning the surface of wood building materials began in Japan during the 1700s. Since Japanese builders traditionally used cedar, as well as cypress, the process is called shou sugi ban, or “burnt cedar.� Considering the tallgrass prairie’s relationship to fire and burning, construction with charred wood seems like it would be a rather poetic gesture at Camp Wood. Opposite Page 143 Charring wood

Measure 08 134

Measure 08 135

Steel/Welding Steel is an alloy of iron and other elements, primarily carbon, widely used in construction and other applications because of its high tensile strengths and low costs. To make steel, iron ore is first mined from the ground. It is then smelted in blast furnaces where the impurities are removed and carbon is added. Steel, though not the most sustainably produced or local resource, is one of the world’s most-recycled materials, with a recycling rate of over 60% globally. Steel is incredibly durable and will last for a long time. It is an aesthetically pleasing material that can be configured in seemingly limitless ways.

Measure 08 136

Design+Make students have been gaining skills working with steel throughout the semester, and have gained a respect for steelwork. There may be opportunities for steel to be used at Camp Wood. Opposite Page 144 Brent Higgins TIG welding steel

Measure 08 137


Right 145 Path to the Orientation Station

Measure 09 138

Measure 09 139

COTE Measure 9: Long Life, Loose Fit

Sustainable design seeks to enhance and increase ecological, social, and economic values over time. Optimize ecological, social, and economic value over time. Materials, systems, and design solutions enhance versatility, durability, and adaptive reuse potential. Begins with right-sizing and foresees future adaptations. Opposite Page 146 Ceiling at Camp Wood

Measure 09 140

Lasting Value Measure 09

Most buildings cannot last forever, but a flexible design that keeps the future in mind is a good way to make sure that a building has a long productive life. It is important to think of how the built environment can adjust as times goes on and become more efficient with new needs and technologies. Many buildings, for example, are conceived with one very specific purpose in mind but are still able to accommodate secondary activities that may take place. Any structure that is to last must promote flexibility, allow partial disassembly, and provide versatility of use.


Considerations Measure 09 140

Above 147 Path at Camp Wood Opposite Page, Left to Right 148 Age range of Camp Wood visitors 149 Family at Camp Wood 150 Hikers at Camp Wood

The climate and weather of the prairie offer distinct challenges while creating design opportunities. During cold months, shelter from the wind must be provided, while in the warm seasons allowing breezes to cool is important. Likewise, solar radiation must be controlled during the summer and allowed in to heat the space during the winter. Precipitation too must be taken into account, understanding how the building will shed rainfall and how the flow will affect the space. The most defining characteristic of the prairie is the annual burning. The structure must take into account this element and be able to survive exposure to fire.

Family Family Camps Camps

Traditional Traditional Camps Camps

School School Groups Groups

Events Events & & Conferences Conferences 00


10 10

15 15


25 25

30 30

35 35 40 40 45 45

50 50



65 70+ 70+ 65

Users Measure 09

Camp Wood serves a diverse range of visitors, from elementary school children to their grandparents, everyone is welcome at Camp Wood. The most common, and numerous, visitors to Camp Wood are elementary and middle school children ages 7-12. These school groups tend to make only brief visits to the camp, giving counselors only a short amount of time to attempt to explain the prairie ecosystem. During the traditional camps counselors are given much more time in which they can try to convey the complexities of the prairie to children ages 7-17. Additionally, Camp Wood plays host to many events and retreats for adult guests as well, broadening the age range.


Primary Elements Amongst the many elements that comprise the program for the Preston Education Station, three elements are the primary drivers of the program. These three elements: the presentation area, seating for 25-50, and the prairie display area must work together to orient guests to the surrounding tallgrass prairie landscape. The presentation area consists of 50-100 square feet of space in which camp counselors can present to visitors. This are can work in collaboration with the seating area of 400-500 square feet in order to make presentations easier. The display area, consisting of 150 square feet is intended to orient visitors to the site even if a counselor is not present. These displays will focus on the tallgrasses, fossils, and the annual burning of the prairie.

5. Storage space 4. Restroom

1. Seating for 25-50

Measure 09 142

Right 151 Orientation Station Program Opposite Page, Left to Right 152 Fire pit at Camp Wood 153 Grass roots at Camp Wood

2. Presentation area

3. Grassland displays

Assisting Elements Next Pages, Left to Right 154 Children enjoying spring flowers 155 Swimming at Camp Wood 156 Horseback riding in the fall 157 Winter hiking in the snow

Measure 09

To assist in the goals of the program, these elements serve to enhance the experience of the prairie: a lockable storage room, in which props for lessons could be stored, lightens the load on camp counselors. A hearth or sheltered fire pit would expand the operating season of the pavilion into the late fall. Keeping the pavilion off the grid allows for both environmental awareness and creates a learning experience for visitors. An organized, designed path through the site will add a sensory experience which can enhance the comprehension of the prairie landscape. Finally, a restroom utilizing a composting toilet would allow for longer trips and lessons out into the prairie.


Measure 09 144



Spring is an exciting time. As prairie flowers begin to bloom, they hint at warmer weather and plans for summer. After being cooped up inside all winter, children are eager to get outside and explore the new plant growth. Sunshine and warm weather are celebrated during this season.

Summer is obviously Camp Wood’s most active season. Many campers visit and camp is busy all summer long. A wide range of activities take place during the summer. Anything from hikes to swimming, horse-back riding and bon fires. This is a time when friendships are made, bonds are formed, and lessons are learned.


In the fall as the weather is beginning to cool down, activity at Camp Wood slows down. Many school groups come out for day trips and there are weekend camps as well, but week-long camps grind to a hault as children return to school. The weather is still suitable for hiking and horseback riding, however, and the golden grasses are simply gorgeous in the autumn.

Though Camp Wood slows down considerably during the winter, there are still opportunities for activity to take place. Many will visit to wander around the beautiful still landscape. Campfires can make this weather much more enjoyable for visitors.

Measure 09



10 SHARING KNOWLEDGE Right 158 View from the Road, Matt Regier

Measure 10 146

Measure 10 147

COTE Measure 10: Collective Wisdom & Feedback Loops Sustainable design strategies and best practices evolve over time through documented performance and shared knowledge of lessons learned. Recognizes that the most intelligent design strategies evolve over time through shared knowledge within a large community. Lessons learned from the integrated design process and from the site and building themselves over time should contribute to building performance, occupant satisfaction, and design of future projects. Opposite Page 159 Staff and campers at Camp Wood

Measure 10 148

Sharing Knowledge

In the end, the more that is known about how this structure will be used, what the environment it will exist in is like, and how we can build it, the higher quality it will be.

Measure 10

Design+Make studio members are not experts. Because there is so much to be known about Camp Wood YMCA, the Flint Hills, the Tallgrass Prairie, and more, gaining knowledge from a wide range of people whose collective wisdom will help improve the quality of the project is so important. Knowledge is available from many sources, including the staff at Camp Wood, experts in various building methods, and many who share wisdom about the prairie - including scientists, artists, musicians, and the authors of a few amazing books.


Measure 10 150

Ken Wold

Anne Clark

“The Camp Wood YMCA outdoor experience is essential to living in a world that’s grown small. It allows youth the experience of being a part of a whole and learning where they fit. They become comfortable with themselves, their environment, and with others that come from a variety of settings. I love the smiles and noise that comes from a dining hall filled with 200 campers and staff … and the setting of the tallgrass prairie is breathtaking.”

Anne worked at Camp Wood YMCA for nine years and oversaw the retreats, conferences, and Outdoor School program, which she developed from 5 to 15 schools participating. She also grew the retreats/conferences from 25 groups annually to over 125 groups annually. During her time at Camp Wood YMCA, Anne compiled information about Camp Wood’s history, which has served well to educate the public about how Camp wood has developed into what it is today.

Kelly Kindscher

One of the few dry stack limestone masons left in the Flint Hills region, Luke Koch is a true expert of the craft. He allowed Design+Make students onto one of his jobsites to assist in constructing a small limestone retaining wall for a client. Thanks to his help, they now have an understanding of dry stack stone laying and can attest to the physical demands of this dying skill!

Kelly is a passionate advocate for native plants, native landscapes and wild places. He is a conservationist, teacher, mentor and environmental problem solver, the author of books on edible and medicinal plants, and a plant ecologist for the Kansas Biological Survey at the University of Kansas. Design+Make students were lucky to get a tour of the KU field station from Kelly and to have an in-depth conversation about the ecology and biodiversity of the tallgrass prairie.

Measure 10

Luke Koch


Measure 10 152

Nick Kratz

Chad Kraus

A designer and fabricator at el dorado, an “eldo� as they’re known, Nick is a Design+Make alum. He graduated from Kansas State University in 2014. He is heavily involved in the steelwork that is produced in the shop at el dorado, and has spent a lot of time assisting Design+Make students as we acquire skills fabricating steel.

Chad Kraus teaches a design build Dirt Works Studio at KU. His scholarship concentrates on design build teaching and material research that strives to push the boundaries of and expand knowledge on earthen architecture as a highly sustainable and aesthetically compelling approach to architecture. He was gracious enough to give us a quick and dirty orientation on the art of rammed earth construction and has promised to be a resource if we decide to utilize earthen construction.

Previous Pages, Left to Right 160 Ken Wold 161 Anne Clark 162 Luke Koch 163 Kelly Kinscher

Measure 10

Opposite Page, Left to Right 164 Nick Kratz 165 Chad Kraus


Art in the Flint Hills Above 166 South Fork I, Bill McBride Opposite Page 167 Pioneer Bluffs, Dave Leiker

Measure 10 154

Not everyone is fortunate enough to appreciate the beauty of Kansas and the Flint Hills, many simply speed through the region on the interstate. However, the Flint Hills have long served as inspiration for artists and lovers of nature who take the time to appreciate its beauty. For example, this piece by Bill McBride, an architect-turnedartist who moved from Chicago to Chase County to pursue his passion, offers an artistic interpretation of the geology of the region. This chapter represents merely a taste of a remarkable amount of artistic expression that can be found in this special landscape.

Measure 10

The Gallery at Pioneer Bluffs is located in the main house of the former Rogler Ranch, now designated a National Register Historic District, just north of Matfield Green in the Flint Hills of Kansas. The gallery represents national and international contemporary artists; each year, six to eight solo exhibitions are organized as well as a series of art workshops. Foreign artists are invited to participate in the artist in residence program. The gallery was founded in 2010 by Ton Haak and Ans Zoutenbier. Many of the works in this chapter are a product of the artist in residence program at the gallery.


Measure 10


Bill McBride Opposite Page, Left to Right 168 Flint Hills - grass, airports, state highways, Bill McBride 169 Flint Hills - grass, ridges, watersheds, Bill McBride 170 Flint Hills - grass, railroads, Bill McBride Above, Left 171 Matrix, Bill McBride

Measure 10

“My work is primal in spirit - guided by desire to understand and celebrate our place in the world. My inspiration comes from the prairie, love of nature, and conviction that our humanness is an integral part of it. As I walk about the prairie and tend to our forty acres of grassland I gather sticks, stones, bones, wire and remnants of human habitation. Like the native pack rat, I then return to the studio to store, array, and get to know these findings - their inherent beauty, evocative power, and potential for interesting and structural relationships with other materials. I fit these finds together with the ultimate goals of visual delight and power to awaken distant memories, stories, and feelings.�


Right 172 Hedge Fire Circle, Bill McBride Opposite Page, Left to Right 173 Furrow, Lee Shiney 174 Chase County, Lee Shiney

Measure 10 158

Lee Shiney

Measure 10

“I grew up in rural Kansas. I drove tractors and combines and gazed at the horizon that was everywhere. There was time to think under that big sky. Going around and around and around, is all part of that history. My works are that four-way intersection of looking ahead and looking back, balancing the tangible and intangible. It’s a grounding process.” In many of Lee’s paintings the land, the prairie, shows up in unmistakable forms – waving grasses, crop circles, the Kansas skyline—“so dominating and rarely hidden.” Lee in his ongoing project ‘105 Horizons’ is revisiting his roots by exploring the landscapes of each county in the state. “It is a process of traveling, observing, documenting and interpreting through art making; and of listening quietly to what the land is saying. These fresh experiences are interwoven with my own Kansas background. It is appropriate that the search for visual inspiration brings me back to basics and back to my own history. Back to where I belong.”


Terry Evans

Measure 10 160

“I never intended to photograph the prairie. For years, I had photographed people and assumed that anything I needed to learn could come from being in and observing human relationships. When some friends asked me to photograph some survey work they were doing on a nearby prairie, I agreed out of friendship, not interest in the prairie. One day on the prairie, while my friends worked, I wandered around looking, and suddenly I began to see the ground. The realization came that I could stand in one spot and look at the ground for at least an hour and still not see everything happening at my feet. I started to photograph the prairie ground. Then I began to learn the flowers and the grasses, with names like poems... I felt embarrassed when I came across one whose name I’d forgotten or hadn’t yet learned; it was like slighting a friend. Earlier on the prairie, the plains Indians had respectfully learned as much as possible about a plant in order to deserve to call it by name and to use it for food, medicinal,

Above 175 Selected images from Prairie Images of Ground and Sky, Terry Evans

Measure 10

or ritualistic purposes... As I looked at the forbs and grasses, continually searching for information about pattern and form, I believe that I had accidentally entered into the relationship expressed by the plains Indians long before me in their daily life and in their rock art... they were living daily in two orders of reality - one appearances and one beyond appearances. Their petroglyphs, in their structure and form, were maps of their spiritual universe revealing dimensions beyond the physical, arrive at the through focus on the physical. Barney Mitchell, Navaho, says, ‘The greatest sacred thing is knowing the order and structure of things.’�


Lisa Grossman

Measure 10 162

“If you happen to be a native Kansan, you may take a wary interest in the opinions of your home state that you hear in the media or from travelers who have passed through on their way somewhere else. We have all heard the term, ‘flyover state’ or endured comments about the unrelieved flatness or ‘nowhere-ness’ of vast stretches of the high prairie. But to natives, the land is handsome, productive and inspiring even if its attributes are subtle and cannot be fully appreciated at seventy miles per hour on the interstate or from thirty thousand feet through an airliner porthole.”

Above 177 Weird Weather 3 Panels, Lisa Grossman

Measure 10

Opposite Page 176 Nightfalling Web, Lisa Grossman


Symphony in the Flint Hills Above 178 2015 Symphony in the Flint Hills Opposite Page 179 2014 Symphony in the Flint Hills

Measure 10 164

The Symphony in the Flint Hills is an annual event that increases awareness among the general public about the ecological and cultural significance of the Flint Hills by producing an ongoing series of symphonic concerts in the Flint Hills, combining the human, environmental and financial resources of rural grasslands people, and uplifting their spirits to celebrate with grateful hearts the “home on the range.� Lyle Lovett, a prominent country singer-songwriter and actor regularly performs with the symphony and has been outspoken in his support for the conservation of the tallgrass prairie, calling it the most endangered ecosystem on our planet.

Measure 10 165

Prairyerth That Chase County, Kansas is not merely a blur to be registered as one passes through at seventy miles per hour is a proposition that William Least Heat-Moon is well-prepared to defend, having spent six years researching and writing this book: talking to “countians,” reading in the courthouse archives, “dreamwalking” on the land, sitting in cafes, pondering maps, consulting local academics, and, all the while, composing the graceful sentences that will keep readers turning the pages. Heat-Moon Talks about Chase County section by section. Each section of chapters might contain political history, description of the terrain, an interview with a farmer, an introspective meditation on reality, and a collection of old newspaper articles. As its subtitle suggests, Heat-Moon’s book is contains both natural and human history, a study of parallel realities, and a mapping of mapping, or the inspection of the white man’s penchant for branding places with grids.

Measure 10 166

Above all, PrairyErth contains meditations upon physical Chase County. The Flint Hills there once contained only 4 percent of the total acreage of long grass prairie in the United States. Today they bear nearly 100 percent. Settlement has forever altered what was for pioneers in the early 1800’s a spectacle of primordial prairie with grasses growing six to eight feet tall. The prairie grass of Chase Country catalyzes Heat- Moon’s vision of America before railroads, electric lights in farmyards, and automobiles.180

Grassland In Grassland, journalist and nature writer Richard Manning takes a critical look at the largest and most misunderstood biome in our country, the grasslands of the American West and Midwest, which encompass a full 40 percent of the land. Manning traces the expansion of America and explains how, through farming and industry, we have habitually imposed our romantic ideals onto the land with little interest in understanding and learning from that land. The repercussions of our abuses of the grassland systems run far and deep. The grass provides not only our last connection to the natural world, but a vital link to our prehistoric roots, and to our history and culture, from roads, railroads, and agriculture to the literature of the plains.

Measure 10

Over the course of the book, which is framed by the story of a remarkable elk whose mysterious wanderings seem to reclaim his ancestral plains, Manning looks back 12,000 years to this continent’s earliest settlers, and farther, to know more about our native - and long extinct - mammals and why they perished and the invaders survived. He considers our attempts over the last 200 years to control unpredictable land through plowing, grazing, and landscaping. He introduces botanists and biologists who are restoring native grasses, literally follows the first herd of buffalo restored to wild prairie, and even visits Ted Turner’s progressive and controversial - Montana ranch.183


A Natural History of the Senses Diane Ackerman is a woman intoxicated with the marvels of sensory experience. She keeps a wide plank by the tub so that she can write while luxuriating in a long bubble bath; she spends an hour each morning cutting and arranging a bowl of flowers from her own garden (though she does not say what she substitutes during the long winter months—her home is in Upstate New York); she drops casual references throughout her book to her many exotic adventures (“On a cruise to Antarctica ... “; “When I worked on a cattle ranch in New Mexico ... “; “When I was scuba- diving in the Bahamas ... .” This is a breathless book. A NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SENSES is bursting with quirky facts and statistics about the way humans and other animals use their senses to interact with the environment. For example: Animal musk is so similar in chemical composition to human testosterone that a person can sniff out as tiny an amount as 0.000000000032 ounce. Among the Pygmies of Zaire, a mother keeps direct physical contact with her infant at least 50 percent of the time. The colors red and green are not visible to prairie dogs.

Measure 10 168

Such tidbits are interwoven with personal reflections, memories, descriptions of landscapes and the night sky, and—only once—a rather petulant outburst against “sensory misers.” There is much here to entertain, to surprise, to delight. Ackerman’s images are often dazzling.184

Opposite Page 184 A Natural History of the Senses summary, 185 A Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman, cover

Measure 10

Previous Pages, Left to Right 180 Prairyerth summary, 181 Prairyerth, William Least Heat-Moon, cover 182 Grassland, Richard Manning, cover 183 Grassland summary,


APPLYING C.O.T.E. MEASURES Right 186 Preston Outdoor Education Station rendering, approach.



Envisioning a Solution Because visitors to Camp Wood have a relatively short amount of time to spend in the tallgrass prairie, it seemed obvious that the Preston Outdoor Education Station could become a tool to quickly impart a higher level of understanding of this ecosystem than they would otherwise receive. Early design iterations explored a wide array of tools that could somehow connect visitors to the landscape, but in the end, the idea evolved that this project would make use of a series of educational stations along a path to teach about the prairie. This allows visitors the opportunity to stop at each station dedicated to an essential feature: insects, wind, grass, rocks and sky, progressively beckoning visitors deeper into the grassland. Another concept driving the project was the idea that people are naturally compelled to walk along a stone wall or 172

fence when they come across one in this landscape. Limestone is a native material in the Flint Hills, and the way that it has been constructed by humans into walls and fences is iconic to this area. A path in the prairie and programming is needed to compel visitors into the grasses to explore the land. Otherwise the landscape can be intimidating. Though the tallgrass prairie seems homogeneous at first glance, different areas of the hillside have specific characteristics. Discovering the important characteristics helped us locate and position the educational stations on the site.

Opposite Page, Left to Right 187 Insect Station rendering 188 Gathering Station rendering 189 Wind Station rendering Above, Left to Right 190 Grass Station rendering 191 Rock Station rendering 192 Sky Station rendering


Measure 01

Design Through Making The Preston Outdoor Education Station is an innovative work not only for the thinking behind its design, but also as a result of the process that brought it about as a real project. The students of Design+Make Studio are the designers, the fabricators of the parts, and the assemblers who put everything together on site. Hands on involvement extends the opportunity to consider both the overall design solution as well as important details into construction, elevating the potential for design excellence. Student management of the schedule, budget and involvement of select subcontractors further increases control, thus the potential for arriving at a unique design solution. This way of working not only allows the designer greater control with the final product but also imparts a greater appreciation and understanding of the role of those who build in more conventional ways of working. In the words of noted Canadian architect and educator Bryan-McKay Lyons, “The reason to have had (design 174

Measure 01

build education) is for architects to learn humility, so that they don’t become the asshole architects on the site telling the builders what to do and not respecting them, (instead) realizing that builders are really smart in a different kind of way than us and that we would do well to listen.�

Above, Left to Right 193-222 Photos of Design+Make Students over the course of the studio

In the design build way of working, the project is in a constant state of design. Details are drawn, mocked up, modified, built, and constantly changing in response to the discovery that comes with making. 175

Measure 01 Dry Stacked Limestone Exsiting Limestone Bench Limestone Boulders

Dry Stacked Limestone Crushed Limestone Exsiting Limestone Bench Limestone Boulders

1' - 9"

1' - 9"

9' - 3"

7' - 6"

7' - 6"

Dry Stacked Limestone Exsiting Limestone Bench Limestone Boulders


Dry Stacked Limestone Crushed Limestone Exsiting Limestone Bench Limestone Boulders

Dry Stacked Limestone Crushed Limestone

Dry Stacked Limestone Crushed Limestone

Exsiting Limestone Bench

2' - 6"

3' - 6"

6' - 9"

5' - 9"

4' - 11"

Exsiting Limestone Bench


Dry Stacked Limestone Crushed Limestone

Exsiting Limestone Bench

Exsiting Limestone Bench

4' - 0"

Dry Stack Limestone Wall Sections

Drawings Become Real


2' - 4"

Dry Stacked Limestone Crushed Limestone

Exsiting Limestone Bench

3' - 1"

Dry Stacked Limestone Crushed Limestone






Measure 01

1' - 4"








1 1/2"



1/2" Steel Plate 9/16" Dia. Drilled Hole

1 1/2"


2 1/2"

HSS 10X4 (GALV.)

1' - 1"

1 1/2"

2 1/2" HSS 10x4x3/8 (GALV) ASTM A500, Grade B



3/8" Foam(Ceramar)

3/8" Weep Hole Welded 4"

B . Pl 16"x10"x3/4" (GALV)-A36 (15/16 Dia. Holes for Post Installed Anchors) 1/4" Leveling Plate (Template) (GALV.) 3/4" Leveling Nut (4 EA B PI) (GALV.)

1 1/2"

Nut and Lock Nut With Double Washer 1/4

1/2" Steel Plate

HIT-Z 3/4x9.75 (5" Min. Embedment)


HILTI HIT-HY 200 30" Dia. Drilled Pier


2x6 Charred Cedar

1' - 4" 5"

3/8" Dia. Carriage w/ Nut & Washer 6"

Top of D.P. the Same at All Four Locations (Flush With High Point Of Rock)

1 1/2"

0' -




Non-Shrink Grout (1" Min.) Complete Penetration

Limestone Slab

1' - 0"

3/8" Bevel All Four Sides

9 1/2"


#3 @ 12" O.C. 8 #6


1/2" Steel Plate 1/2" Steel Plate 13/16" Drilled Hole 1 1/2"



Splice Location

3/8" 2"

Shale Layers







0' - 4"

3/4" Galvanized Bolt (A325)

Bed Rock


1/2" Steel Plate

0' - 2"

1/2" Steel Plate

4" CLEAR End of Knee Section HSS 10X4

Pavilion Steel Structure Details

2' - 6"





Opposite Page, Left to Right 223 Stone Wall Sections 224 Photo of stone wall at the job-site Above, Left to Right 225 Gathering Station Prototype 226 Gathering Station Steel Structure Details


Measure 02

Understanding People in Place The history and community of Camp Wood YMCA has shaped the Preston Outdoor Education Station into a structure that is truly of the place. The history of this area, of the native people, the settlers, and even current stewards, is closely tied to the tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Native Americans depended on grazers of the prairie for their livelihoods. Settlers found in the prairie rich soils that allowed them to farm the land. Contemporary camp counselors use the prairie to inspire wonder and appreciation for the environment in their students. In response to this relationship, the program is derived from the prairie in an effort to expose future generations to the unique value of this place. The pavilion and its educational stations are an opportunity to connect campers to a landscape defined by tallgrass prairie, an ecosystem that extends north into Nebraska and south into Texas. A path extended from the south of 178

Opposite Page 227 Dry stack stone wall at the job site Below 228 Map of Camp Wood YMCA

Jones Lodge True Blue Village

Measure 02

Ritchie Lodge

Lake Hall Alpine Tower Koger Horse Pavilion

Tallgrass Prairie Orientation Station

Camp Wood YMCA


100’ 200’



100’ 200’


the camp toward the site encourages the user to walk to the pavilion. They are rewarded with the first of several platforms where they will learn about the insects of the land. The pavilion is placed at the edge of the prairie to intercept campers traveling by foot and classes arriving on a bus. While this is a fitting gathering area, it was necessary to pull visitors into the prairie. Designing with the assumption that people will not explore their surroundings unless encouraged to, the education stations were placed on a path that extends into the prairie. By placing the final platform at the top of the hill, the station overlooks the region, revealing the grasslands beyond and the Flint hills that have formed from local watersheds. This cultivates a sense of wonder and connection to the region. 179

1: Insect Station

Measure 03

2: Gathering Station

3: Wind Station

4: Grass Station 5: Rock Station 6: Sky Station 0'





Experiencing the Prairie The project works to define a way of interacting with the prairie that honors ecologically beneficial land use. The tallgrass prairie has a beauty and a complexity to offer to those who take the time to discover its value. Walt Whitman calls it a “massive, subtle place, with a long history of contradiction and misunderstanding. But it is worth the effort at comprehension.” He goes on to call it the “center of national identity.” Sadly, few people today share Whitman’s view. Most see Kansas as a state to drive through as quickly as possible, and few venture off the highway when passing through. The Preston Outdoor Education Station embraces the value of this landscape by creating a place which is designed 180

Measure 03

1: Insect Station

2: Gathering Station

3: Wind Station

4: Grass Station

to encourage visitors to take note of the various layers which help to make the prairie beautiful and ecologically vibrant. A series of stations guide visitors on a journey through the grasses. Along the way, platforms are dedicated to allowing them to stop to listen for insects, experience the wind, gain a closer view of native grasses, discover limestone of the region, and stop to meditate and observe the sky. At each station sign-age is posted to provide a few facts about the prairie to the reader. Only by discovering how the various strata of the prairie interact to create a thriving ecosystem will new visitors be able to gain the appreciation that this place is worthy

5: Rock Station

6: Sky Station

Opposite Page 229 Project site plan Above 230 Axonometric drawings of each station


Measure 04

Putting the Prairie to Work The Preston Outdoor Education Station is designed in a way that makes experiencing the tallgrass prairie more accessible and more comfortable. Many people are discouraged from walking out into the prairie grasses because of the seasonal climate- it may be hot or cold, windy or humid. The facilities of this project offer just enough comfort to provide a place of refuge, making it possible to hold classes and meetings out in the remarkable prairie landscape. This refuge is provided using entirely passive means. Based on a series of shade studies, a strategically positioned shading structure with angled boards provides protection from the strong summer sun, while the stone wall at the pavilion seating provides protection and blocks cold winter winds from entering the space. A storage room and composting toilet tucked into the hill make the space more usable, while still requiring zero energy. 182

SPRING @ 12:00PM



SUMMER @ 12:00PM


FALL @ 9:00AM

FALL @ 12:00PM

FALL @ 3:00PM

Measure 04



WINTER @ 12:00PM


Opposite Page 231 Summer/Winter Wind Diagram Left 232 Sun Shading Study


Measure 05

Passive Embrace The Preston Outdoor Education Station is completely open (other than the storage room and composting toilet) to sweeping views of the prairie landscape. Even the composting toilet makes use of an open-air vent to provide air circulation and lighting into the space. The pristine prairie provides clean refreshing air to visitors who come to Camp Wood YMCA from nearby urban areas. In fact, prairie grasses are incredibly effective carbon sinks and do more than nearly any other species to remove CO2 from our atmosphere. Opposite Page 233 Bathroom Ventilation Diagram


Measure 05 185

Measure 06

Do No Harm The typical education station is a platform mounted on brackets which rest on limestone block footings. By lifting these platforms up onto limestone blocks, storm-water patterns are left uninterrupted. At the pavilion, the large limestone wall allows water to seep through. The nature of the dry stack stone wall made wholly of limestone allows water to freeze within gaps and the stone moves as a unit expanding and contracting at the same rate. Any rainwater runoff from watershed and from the pavilion is directed downhill through the grasses. Prairie grass roots play a large part in preventing erosion of topsoil with their extensive root systems. The preservation and restoration of native prairie lands has a positive effect. Natural cycles are left undisturbed. 186

Measure 06

No water line is run to the site, but a line close by was offered as a means provide water if needed. In order to prevent unnecessary excavation and preserve precise potable water, a composting toilet was incorporated into the design. The use of a composting toilet means that no water is consumed in this facility for human purposes.

Opposite Page 234 Platform rainwater runoff diagram Above 235 Bathroom rainwater runoff diagram


Measure 07

Doing Our Part This project is constructed and operated in a way that requires dramatically less energy than conventional methods. No electricity is used to operate the structure and embodied energy is reduced by 80% using limestone taken from the site and charred local cedar in place of conventional materials. The only energy needed on site is to operate a small fan for ventilation of the compost toilet. However, all electricity for this is provided by a simple solar panel. In order to stay in accordance with the 2030 plan of creating a carbon neutral project, along with self sufficient power and locally sourced material, members of the team who were accommodated with sleeping arrangements reduced transportation consumption by spending multiple nights in a row working at the camp.


The Embodied Carbon of Building Materials All figures in kg CO2/kg of building material Aluminum





4.5 3.2

Lead Zinc











1.9 10



Measure 07



Ceramics 0.4

Plasterboard Timber










Above 236 The Embodied Carbon of Building Materials


Measure 08 190

Opposite Page, Left to Right 237-247 Photos of Design+Make students working with limestone, cedar, and steel

Building with the Prairie Limestone harvested from the site and charred cedar taken from the region (where cedar trees are weeds) provide a low maintenance material palette that are not only sourced nearby, but are also able to withstand the phenomenon of prairie burns. Piles of limestone taken directly from the site during excavation supplied enough stone to build the 380 linear feet of dry stack stone wall. Members of the team have spent the better part of six weeks on site hammering away at stone. Each person takes a bay and works the stones so they can lay flat on each other, battering the tiers back as they progress in height. To create the shaded pavilion seating area, large limestone blocks are installed to create benches that push back into the land until they reach the top grade. Two steel U-Frames are fabricated in the shop, galvanized and installed on-site. Charred cedar is attached to tabs upon installation, creating a shaded area. The stone wall that defines the north and south walls of this area are stacked on the seating stones and around the U-Frames. Next to this area is the under grade enclosed spaces which are made of concrete in order to withstand the weight of the backfilled soil. Annual prairie burning is accounted for, as is necessary when building in the prairie. Cedar lumber is charred to protect it from fire, resist weathering, and repel insects. A forge borrowed from Modus Studio allowed us to char each 2x6 board evenly and completely. After being cut to size, the boards are fed into the forge where fire wraps around the boards. To keep the edges crisp and to prevent continued burn, water is sprayed onto the boards immediately upon departing the fire. Boards used for platforms are then drilled to allow structural pipes through. Because the blackened boards are likely to rub off on clothes and skin, they will be varnished. Measure 08

The platform boards are supported internally with structural pipes and are separated by plasma cut steel spacers to keep rainwater from accumulating between the boards. At the ends, a spacer welded to the internal pipe is attached to the wood. Pipes are threaded and screwed into a coupler on two sides. When the coupler is tightened, the two end boards are pulled together forcing the platform spacers and boards to come together. This structure is then placed on u-brackets that are anchor bolted into large limestone footings. The grass station is designed to be of weathered steel. The station walls are divided into sizable panels that are readily available to order. Flat bar is welded to the back to stabilize and reinforce these large panels before installation where the force of soil will be pressing against them. The metal thickness is sized properly in order to be left ungalvanized and allowed to weather naturally. All aluminum sign-age for the project is attached to plasma cut weathered steel panels that are attached post installation at each station, except the grass station where sign-age is attached between the larges panels during installation.


Adapting and Enduring Measure 09 192

Above, Clockwise 248 Weathered steel 249 Dry stack limestone 250 Galvanized steel 251 Charred cedar Opposite Page, Clockwise 252 View near the job site in late summer 253 View near the job site in fall 254 View near the job site during the spring burn 255 View near the job site in the spring Next Spread 256 Limestone wall at the job site

Weathering of material had to be carefully considered for this project. Conditions in the prairie can be harsh. Luckily, a dry stack stone wall will not need maintenance for 150 years. The char on cedar will wear off in the middle showing the path of visitors, but will keep a protective charred edge due to the annual fires and lack of traffic. Platforms are designed so that boards that can loosen over time and be tightened by rotating a coupler. Steel will weather into a orange rust shortly after installation. However, after 10 years of weathering, the steel will take on an dark eggplant purple/ brown color that will mimic the color of the surrounding soil. Galvanized steel will resist damage from even the most extreme conditions.

Sharing Knowledge

As the collective wisdom of the value of the tallgrass prairie is passed on to the young people who visit Camp Wood YMCA, a reverence for this endangered ecosystem will be instilled in the minds of many. Hopefully one day this will lead to increased conservation and restoration of prairie lands across the country.

Measure 10

Ultimately, this project is about translating the collective wisdom from an array of contributors into a series of structures that become part of the collective wisdom about the prairie. When an ethnobotanist explained why burning the prairie, which has been happening for thousands of years, is one of the reasons the prairie exists, a design decision emerged and charred wood seemed a logical material choice. This decision is one of many that serves to open up a conversation related to the subtlety and complexity of this ecosystem.



Design+Make studio is innovative in the way that the design process extends into construction, giving designers more time to evolve ideas. By engaging constructive processes material selection, joinery and detailing become opportunities. There is greater control of the final product. Every decision is on us, the designers. Every connection must be resolved, every material must be selected, every piece of hardware must be identified, everything must be paid for, and every task must be completed.

The opportunity to design and build the Preston Outdoor Education Station has allowed us sustained engagement in the design process,from concept through to construction. The knowledge gained from firsthand experience in this landscape has resulted in a built project that will accelerate the appreciation of young people for the tallgrass prairie and instill in them a desire to conserve and care for one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. 194


work with steel and limestone. November 2, 2015. October 16, 2015. 7. Macaluso, Phil. Dry stack stone wall. November 2, 2015. 8. KU Dirtworks Studio rammed earth project. October 2, 2015. 9. MrAdamsky77. TIG Welding. February 7, 2013. vi/eWTHAgvj4bg/maxresdefault.jpg 10. Tonytextures, graphics for achitects. Gabione cage wall. February, 2012. 11. Design Team: Andrew Henry. Stack & Suspend. 12. Design Team: Blake Toews, Kelsey Middlekamp, Brent Higgins. Cut & Lift. 13. Design Team: Torrence Campbell, Jake Rose, Sevrin Scarcelli. Cut & Fill. 14. Design Team: Tamra Collins, Luke Custer, Alex Martinez. Sticks & Shadows. 15. Design Team: Daniel Johnson, Phillip Macaluso, Briana Reece. Walk & Water. 16. Camp Wood YMCA. Archery range at Camp Wood. 1920. http://


1. Sinclair, Mike. Spring Prairie Grass. May 3, 2016, Elmdale Kansas 2. Johnson, Dan. Design+Make Students. September 2015, Elmdale Kansas 3. YMCA. YMCA Logo, registered trademark. Accessed November 12, 2015. 4. Wold, Ken. Aerial photos of project site at Camp Wood. Oct 26, 2015 5. AIA. Logo for the AIA Committee on the Environment. Accessed Oct 29, 2015. cote_05_2.jpg 6. Macaluso, Phil. Dowell, David. Design+Make students learning to


17. Camp Wood YMCA. Ritchie Lodge. facilities 18.Natural Resources Defense Council. Great Plains Prairie. October 2015. 19. Friesen, Jon. Buffalo Grazing in the Hills. December 11, 2011. 20. American-Tribes. Wah-shun-gah-Kaw. 1902. http://amertribes. 21. Curtis, Edward. Lodge Housing. 1868-1952. pictures/item/97507144/ 22. Omaha Public Library. Chief Towohkonie. Accessed October, 2015. html 23. Family Search. Osage Tribal Headquarters. May 17, 2010. http://

24. American-Tribes. Young Osage Man. 1894. http://amertribes.

41. Rose, Jake. Googlemaps. Camp Wood Vehicular Access. October 2015

25. Family Search. As-Sau-Taw-Ka. January 13, 2010. http://

42. Camp Wood YMCA. Ritchie Lodge. facilities

26. Rose, Jake. Map of Kansas. October 2015.

43. Camp Wood YMCA. Horse Barn. facilities

27. Chase County Courthouse. Accessed October 2015. http:// Courthouse-small.JPG

44. Rose, Jake. Googlemaps. Camp Wood Pedestrian Access. October 2015.

28. Conrad, Mark, The Lower Fox Creek School. February 2014.

46. Clark, Anne. Timeline.

45. Rose, Jake. At the Bottom of the Hill. October 2015. Elmdale, KS.

30. Clark, Anne. Camp Wood Horse Pavilion. September 2015, Elmdale, Kansas.

47. Charles, Dan. “A Line of Fire Turns Brown Grass Into Black Earth.” April 28, 2014. KS. thesalt/2014/04/28/306227655/fire-setting-ranchers-have-burningdesire-to-save-tallgrass-prairie

31. Clark, Anne Camp Wood Jones Village Cabins. September 2015, Elmdale, Kansas.

48. Toews, Blake. Design+Make students explore Camp Wood. October 2015. Elmdale, KS.

32. Clark, Anne. Camp Wood Calhoon Health Center. September 2015, Elmdale Kansas.

49. Helzer, Chris/Nature Conservancy. “Prairie Dog”. December 3, 2012.

29. Clark, Anne. Aerial photos of Camp Wood. Oct 26, 2015.

33. Clark, Anne. Camp Wood Construction Camp at Trustler Art Center. 34. Clark, Anne. Camp Wood Alpine Tower. https:// 35. Clark, Anne. Camp Wood Archery Range. http://www.campwood. org/ 36.Camp Wood Tennis Courts. 37. Rose, Jake. Googlemaps. Camp Wood Distance/Walking time. October 2015. 38. Rose, Jake. Googlemaps. Camp Wood Points of interest. October 2015. 39. Camp Wood Equestrians. Accessed October 2015. http://www. 40. Camp Wood Climbing Tower.

50.”Chase County.” Map. Kansas Energy Information Network. January 17, 2007. Accessed November 05, 2015. http://www. 51.”Field of Big Bluestem.” August 17, 2011. https://seasonsflow. 52. Helzer, Chris. Big Bluestem during the fall. March 15, 2011. 53. USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Hitchcock, A.S. (rev. A. Chase). 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. Washington, DC. 54. Williams, Chip. Single Blade of Indian Grass. Accessed October 24, 2015. http://www.chipwilliams .com/green-themes/Indian_Grass_ CHW0017 55. Field of Indian Grass. Accessed October 24, 2015. http://

197 jpg?a=1112684568223

70. Marchel, Bill. Skunk. October 10, 2013. http://www.startribune. com/how-to-clean-up-after-your-dog-encounters-a-skunk/227270501/

56. USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Hitchcock, A.S. (rev. A. Chase). 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. Washington, DC.

71. RD Wildlife Management. Coyote. Accessed October 24, 2015. Coyote/Yellowstone/yellowstone.html

57. The Tree Farm. Switchgrass Seed. Accessed October 24, 2015.

72. Bowers, Rick and Nora. Great Horned Owl. Accessed October 24, 2015.

58. Chhe. Field of Switchgrass. Accessed October 24, 2015. https://

73. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. American Badger. Accessed October 24, 2015. Habitat/Badger.html

59. USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Hitchcock, A.S. (rev. A. Chase). 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. Washington, DC. 60. Chicagoland Grows. Little Bluestem in winter. October 23, 2015. 61. Unknown. Little Bluestem seeds. October 24, 2015. https://www. 62. USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Hitchcock, A.S. (rev. A. Chase). 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. Washington, DC. 63. Unkown. Root Systems of Prairie Plants. Accessed October 24, 2015. 64. Prairie Dog. November 6, 2010. etruscan-shrews-will-blow-your-mind/ 65. Red Orbit. Eurasian Pigmy Shrew. November 6, 2010. https:// 66. Unknown. Eastern Mole. Accessed October 2015. http:// 67. Admin. Jack Rabbit. October 7, 2015. http://theanimalsimage. com/the-real-wild-rabbit/ 68. Unknown. Opossum. Accessed October 24, 2015. http://www. 69. Kelley, Andrew. Raccoon. March 30, 2011. http://www.


74. Forsberg, Michael. Grey Fox. September 26, 2014. http://proof. 75. Martin, Christopher. Snowy Owl. March 27, 2015. http:// 76. Pearce, Jim. Red Tailed Hawk. March 2, 2005. http:// topic&forum=161&topic_id=171054&mode=full 77. Schulenburg, Frank. Turkey Vulture. November 25, 2014. https:// 78. Helzer, Chris. Eastern Racer. October 6, 2015. http:// 79. Denny, Dallas. Snapping Turtle. June 3, 2011. http:// 80. Unknown. Red Spotted Newt. September 22, 2013. https:// 81. Peterson, Bob. Grasshopper. July 28, 2012. https://commons. 82. Nessecar, Cathy. Mud Dauber. August 31, 2014. http://www. 83. Unknown. Spadefoot Toad. May 18, 2012. tag/spadefoot/ 84. MASON4300. Wolf Spider. September 15, 2007. https://

85. Larson, Kathy. Coffey, Joe. Untitled. Accessed October 24, 2015. 86. Stremel, Doug. Flames in the Flint Hills. November 14, 2014. 87. Denesha, Julia. Tallgrass Prarie National Preserve in Strong City, Kansas. March 30, 2012. 88. Googlemaps. Aerial view of Camp Wood and the surrounding area. Accessed October 24, 2015. 89. Kansas Geological Survey KGS Website. Fusilinid fossils in limestone. October 24, 2015. student/turner1/geology.htm 90. Rose, Jake. Geologr\y Layers. October 24, 2015. 91. Guerra, Julia. Flint Hills Erosion. October 14, 2015.

104. Collins, Tamra. Psychometric chart, Summer. October 15, 2015. 105. Googlemaps. Summer Colors in the landscape. October 15, 2015. 106. Collins, Tamra. Psychometric chart, Fall. October 15, 2015. 107. Googlemaps. Fall Colors in the landscape. October 15, 2015. 108. Macaluso, Phil. Expansive Prairie Sky. October 24, 2015. Elmdale, KS. 109. Wold, Ken. YMCA Camp Wood aerial photo. Oct 26, 2015. Elmdale, KS. 110. Vaartha, Metro. Grass Seed. March 24, 2015. http://

92. Prairie Spring. October 24, 2015. Elmdale, KS.

111. Nedresky, James. Prairie Fire. Accessed October 2015. http://

93. Macaluso, Phil. Summer Prairie. August 24, 2015. Elmdale, KS.

112. Cambell, Torrence. Flint Hills Wind Diagram. October 2015.

94. Macaluso, Phil. Fall Prairie. October 24, 2015. Elmdale, KS.

113. Cambell, Torrence. Googlemaps. Winter Winds Diagram. October 2015.

95. Macaluso, Phil. Winter Prairie. January 25, 2015. Elmdale, KS. 96. Macaluso, Phil. Camp Wood Art Building. October 24, 2015. Elmdale, KS. 97. Vatmeduni Vienna. Kรถppen Climate Classification Map. October 12, 2015. 98. ASHRAE. Psychometric Chart for Elmdale, KS. Accessed October 15, 2015. bookstore/psychrometrics 99. ASHRAE. ASHRAE Standard Design Strategies for Elmdale, Ks. Accessed October 15, 2015. 100. Collins, Tamra. Psychometric chart, Winter. October 15, 2015. 101. Googlemaps. Winter Colors in the landscape. October 15, 2015. 102. Collins, Tamra. Psychometric chart, Spring. October 15, 2015. 103. Googlemaps. Spring Colors in the landscape. October 15, 2015.

114. Cambell, Torrence. Googlemaps. Spring Winds Diagram. October 2015. 115. Cambell, Torrence. Googlemaps. Sumer Winds Diagram. October 2015. 116. Cambell, Torrence. Googlemaps. Autumn Winds Diagram. October 2015. 117. Heidel, Jeffrey. Sunset in the Flint Hills. October 2015. http:// 118. Custer, Luke. Sun Angles at 9:00 AM. October 24, 2015. 119. Custer, Luke. Sun Angles at Noon. October 24, 2015. 120. Custer, Luke. Sun Angles at 3:00 PM. October 24, 2015. 121. Reece, Brianna. Panoramic view at top of hill, Fall. October 24, 2015. 122. Rose, Jake. Panoramic view from road drop-off. October 24, 2015. 123. Richardson, Jim. Flint Hills Storm, Kansas USA. Accessed


September 15, 2015. 124. Macaluso, Phil. Creek bed at Camp Wood. Elmdale, KS. October 24, 2015. 125. Unknown. Normal Annual Precipitation in Kansas. Accessed October 10, 2015. 126. Unknown. Precipitation Averages in Elmdale, Kansas. Accessed October 10, 2015. 127. Unknown. Normal Annual Snowfall in Kansas. Accessed October 10, 2015.

142. Meadowatdusk. Traditional Native American Tipi. September 30 2012. 143. Groceff, Matthew. Charring Wood. January 20, 2015. http:// 144. Rose, Jake. Brent Higgins TIG Welding Steel. October 24. 2015.

128. Unknown. The Water Cycle in the prairie. Accessed October 10, 2015.

145. Macaluso, Phil. Path to the Orientation Station. October 13, 2015.

129. Higgins, Brent. Bodies of water and watershed near Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. September 12, 2015.

146. Macaluso, Phil. Ceiling at Camp Wood. October 13, 2015. 147. Macaluso, Phil. Path at Camp Wood. October 13, 2015.

130. Higgins, Brent. Watershed around Camp Wood, Kansas. September 12, 2015.

148. Toews, Blake. Age range of camp wood visitors. October 15, 2015.

131. Liggett, Brit. Smoky Hills wind farm. January 28, 2012. http://

149. Camp Wood YMCA. Children at Camp. http://www.campwood. org/

132. Guerra, Julia. Giving back to the grid using solar panels. November 10, 2015. 133. Guerra, Julia. Chimney affect. November 10, 2015. 134. Guerra, Julia. Cross Ventilation. November 10, 2015. 135. Guerra, Julia. Trombe Wall. November 10, 2015. 136. Guerra, Julia. Large Overhang. November 10, 2015. 137. Macaluso, Phil. Dry Stack stone in Chase County, KS. November 2, 2015. 138. Macaluso, Phil. Design+Make students with Luke Koch building a stone wall. November 2, 2015. 139. Macaluso, Phil. Dry stacked limestone wall. November 2, 2015. 140. Gabion Wall. Accessed October 24, 2015. gabion-wall-texture.asp 141. Dirt Works Studio, The University of Kansas. Rammed Earth. March 25 2015. https://www.facebook.



150. Camp Wood YMCA. Hiking at Camp. 1920. http://www. 151. Henry, AJ. Orientation station program. October 13, 2015. 152. Macaluso, Phil. Fire pit at Camp Wood. October 24, 2015. 153. Macaluso, Phil. Grass Roots at Camp Wood. October 24, 2015. 154. Michael Miriam’s Magical Moments. April 24, 2015 http:// 155. YMCA, Camp Wood. Family Camping in the Flint Hills. Taken Oct 26, 2012. Accessed October 24, 2015. KC-Sierra-Club-Outings/events/67221362/ 156. JCC Ranch Camp. Summer Camp 2012. Accessed October 24, 2015. 157. Sinden, Bill. The Marion Star. Taken March 02, 2009. Accessed October 24, 2015. local/2015/02/07/23047309/

158. Regier, Matt. View from the road. Accessed October 15, 2015. 159. Unknown. Staff and campers at Camp Wood. October 10, 2015. 160. Unknown. Ken Wold October 10, 2015. 161. Unknown. Anne Calrk. October 10, 2015. 162. Macaluso, Phil. Luke Koch. November 6, 2015. 163. Unknown. Kelly Kindscher. Western New Mexico University Department of Natural Sciences. November 6, 2015. http://wnmu. edu/academic/nspages/gilaflora/faces.html 164. Emke, Barrett. Nick Kratz. November 6, 2015. https://

174. Shiney, Lee. Chase county. Accessed October 12, 2015.http:// 175. Evans, Terry. Prairie Images of Ground and Sky. Accessed October 17, 2015. 176. Grossman, Lisa. Nighfalling Web. Accessed October 10, 2015. 177. Grossman, Lisa. Weird Weather 3 panels. Accessed October 10, 2015. 178. Symphony in the flint hills. http://www.symphonyintheflinthills. org/ 179. Symphony in the flint hills. http://www.symphonyintheflinthills. org/

165. Hill, Steven. Chad Kraus. At KU’s field research station, student architects’ structures are built to bring people in. November 6, 2015.

180. “Prairyerth Summary -”

166. Mcbride, Bill. South Fork I. October 24, 2015. http://

181. Heat-Moon, William Least. PrairyErth.

167. Leiker, Dave. Pioneer Bluffs. Accessed October 24, 2015. http:// 168. McBride, Bill. Flint hills - grass, airports, state highways. Accessed October 12, 2015. artwork/3809927-Flint-Hills-grass-airports-state-highways.html 169. McBride, Bill. Flint hills - grass, airports, state highways. Accessed October 12, 2015. artwork/3809927-Flint-Hills-grass-airports-state-highways.html 170. McBride, Bill. Flint hills - grass, airports, state highways. Accessed October 12, 2015. artwork/3809927-Flint-Hills-grass-airports-state-highways.html 171. McBride, Bill. Matrix. Accessed October 12, 2015. http://

Accessed November 16, 2015. topics/prairyerth. 182. Manning, Richard. Grassland. 183. “Grassland : the history, biology, politics, and promise of the American prairie.” Accessed November 16, 2015. vufind/Record/857426/Reviews. 184. “A Natural History of the Senses Summary” Accessed November 16, 2015. 185. Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of the Senses. 186. Martinez, Al and Johnson, Dan. Project Rendering 187. Martinez, Al and Johnson, Dan. Project Rendering

172. McBride, Bill. Hedge fire circle. Accessed October 12, 2015.

188. Martinez, Al and Johnson, Dan. Project Rendering

173. Shiney, Lee. Furrow. Accessed October 12, 2015. http://

190. Martinez, Al and Johnson, Dan. Project Rendering

189. Martinez, Al and Johnson, Dan. Project Rendering 191. Martinez, Al and Johnson, Dan. Project Rendering


192. Martinez, Al and Johnson, Dan. Project Rendering

221. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016

193. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016

222. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016

194. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016

223. Various, Preston Outdoor Education Station Construction Documents. Spring 2016

195. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 196. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 197. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 198. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 199. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 200. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 201. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 202. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 203. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 204. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 205. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 206. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 207. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 208. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 209. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 210. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 211. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 212. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 213. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 214. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 215. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 216. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 217. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 218. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 219. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 220. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016


224. Sinclair, Mike, Preston Outdoor Education Station Construction. May 3, 2016 225. Reece, Briana, Preston Outdoor Education Station Prototype. Spring 2016 226. Various, Preston Outdoor Education Station Construction Documents. Spring 2016 227. Sinclair, Mike, Preston Outdoor Education Station Construction. May 3, 2016 228. Campbell, Torrence, Map of Camp Wood YMCA. Spring 2016. 229. Various, Preston Outdoor Education Station Construction Documents. Spring 2016 230. Various, Preston Outdoor Education Station Construction Documents. Spring 2016 231. Collins, Tamra, Preston Outdoor Education Station Diagram. Spring 2016 232. Various, Preston Outdoor Education Station Construction Documents. Spring 2016 233. Collins, Tamra, Preston Outdoor Education Station Diagram. Spring 2016 234. Collins, Tamra, Preston Outdoor Education Station Diagram. Spring 2016 235. Collins, Tamra, Preston Outdoor Education Station Diagram. Spring 2016 236. Inventory of Carben and Energy Database. Unknown. Accessed May 1, 2016. 237. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 238. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 239. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 240. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016

241. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 242. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 243. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 244. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 245. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 246. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 247. Various, Design+Make Studio Activity. Fall 2015/Spring 2016 248. Rose, Jake. Weathered Steel. Spring 2016. 249. Sinclair, Mike. Stone Wall. May 3, 2016. 250. Rose, Jake. Galvanized Steel. Spring 2016. 251. Rose, Jake. Charred Cedar. Spring 2016. 252. Macaluso, Phil. Near the Job Site. Fall 2016. 253. Macaluso, Phil. Near the Job Site. Fall 2016. 254. Macaluso, Phil. Near the Job Site. Spring 2016. 255. Sinclair, Mike. Near the Job Site. May 3, 2016. 256. Sinclair, Mike. Stone Wall. May 3, 2016.


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