
Page 1 AN EDITION OF THE Kitsap Sun

FEBRUARY 6, 2015 | Vol. 2, Issue 19

Inside Fire district merger Page 2

Financial education Fair to be held Feb. 7 at the Shelton Timberland Library Page 4

Music boosters Page 6 Symphony director Page 7

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2 | FEBRUARY 6, 2015


Fire districts explore forming one regional operation By ARLA SHEPHARD MASON COUNTY LIFE


egend has it that many, many decades ago, the fire chiefs from Belfair and Allyn sat down to a card game and the game did not go well at all. Whether or not the folklore is true, the animosity between the two districts — the former Mason County Fire District No. 2 in Belfair and the former Mason County Fire District No. 5 in Shelton and Allyn — has persisted for many generations. Until recently, with news that the two agencies — now North Mason Regional Fire Authority, encompassing Belfair and Tahuya, and Central Mason Fire & EMS — are looking at joining forces in a new regional fire authority that would serve the majority of Mason County. “Whether the story is true or not, it really goes to show how petty the differences have been between the two districts,” said NMRFA Chief Beau Bakken. “It also kind of shows how the mythology and the lack of truth have built up over the years have been allowed to undermine the relationship between the two districts.” Bakken and Central Mason Fire & EMS Chief Tim McKern have entered into an exploratory process to look at whether combining the two district might make fiscal


The North Mason Regional Fire Authority, pictured here, and Central Mason Fire & EMS have entered into talks to combine the two districts into one regional fire authority. A joint board meeting will be held at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, at the North Mason School District administrative board room to answer the public’s questions. sense for both the districts and the residents living in them. A joint board meeting will be held at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, at the North Mason School District administrative board room to answer the public’s questions. “We’re just at a conceptual level and we’re getting direction from our boards on the 10th as to what are the next exploration steps,” Bakken

said. “There’s a lot we don’t know right now.” The idea came up in a discussion between NMRFA board chair Kelley McIntosh and Central Mason board chair Tommy Taylor at a joint commissioners meeting last

December, where McIntosh spoke about the success North Mason had in implementing a regional fire authority. Some of the benefits to forming a larger regional fire authority would be consolidating duplicate

resources and improving the chances for the region to obtain more federal grants, McKern said. “Many of our grants, whether they’re Homeland Security grants or FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

grants, the bottom line is they prioritize regionalization,” McKern said. “If you’re giving them a regionalized approach, the more likely you are to get scored higher.” Bakken used a recent example with North Mason’s SAFER (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response) grant from FEMA — while the district has applied for the grant several times, the grant request was only approved once the district came up with a regional approach. Fire districts, especially small rural districts with limited funds, waste resources by doing the same tasks, Bakken added. “You look at all of the fire districts in Mason County and we are all doing the same thing,” he said. “What that means is that there are 14 separate fire districts that are turning in separate state financial reports done by 14 different people.” That level of duplication is “ridiculous” and can lead to mistakes or late filing because small districts might not have the experienced staff to send reports in a timely manner, Bakken added. “When Tim and I came together, I think we laughed about how much we have in common, and


FEBRUARY 6, 2015 | 3 $1,000 of assessed value of a home for fire and .25 per $1,000 for EMS) are slightly lower than North Mason’s $1.50 for fire and .50 for EMS, meaning residents could see a rise or fall in their taxes were the districts to combine. The NMRFA has six commissioners on its board, with the goal to reduce it to five by the end of the year, while Central Mason has three commissioners on its board. Residents who might worry about a lack of representation from their fire district should speak with NMRFA commissioners, who have been through the process, Bakken said.

“I would challenge anyone with that concern to talk to the district commissioners and ask if they feel like they got run over,” he said. “I would hope that they would find that was not correct. A new board will take a look at what type of governing structure and representation would be possible.” Looking ahead, both districts are struggling to recruit and retain volunteers and maintain decades-old fire stations and vehicles, Bakken said. The need for joint training and an improved joint maintenance facility is also key, McKern added, so working to-

gether would help both districts strategize better for their futures. Other fire districts have informally broached the topic of joining a new regional fire authority with North Mason and Central Mason. “I think we started the ball with (merging with) District 8,” Bakken said. “We are committed to making this the best possible project. I think the other districts will see the benefits for their district and may want to participate. That is the decision of those citizens.” Any decision to form a new regional fire authority would go before a vote of the public, after a

joint committee creates a plan. “Through this exploration process, there are three words we’re repeating: trust, commitment and integrity,” McKern said. “We’re going to stay the course.” Whether or not the authority is formed, the fact that the two districts are working together is momentous, Bakken said. “I think anyone who has lived in Allyn or Belfair and knows the relationship between the two districts knows we have not always seen eye to eye,” he said. “It is no longer about the politics or the board, it is truly about helping people out. It’s historic. It really is.”

Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics elects board officers

Mason County seeks citizen volunteers

SHELTON — Public Hospital District No.1, the governing body of Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics, recently announced its officers on the board of commissioners for 2015. Nancy Trucksess of Shelton was elected president of the three-person board. Scott Hilburn of Shelton is secretary, and Don Wilson of Potlatch is a trustee. The board of commissioners meets at 8 a.m. every second and fourth Tuesday of the month (except holidays) in the Ellinor Room at Mason General Hospital.

MASON COUNTY — Mason County is re-advertising for citizen volunteers to serve on the Transportation Improvement Program-Citizens Advisory Panel (TIPCAP). The mission of TIPCAP is to represent citizen transportation interests drop Mason County for all modes of travel during the development of the six-year TIP. The TIP-CAP will review and analyze Mason County transportation needs and present the recommendations to the board of Mason County

Commissioners. Members serve a two-year term with the first meeting in January 2015. Mason County is seeking interested individuals from Commissioner District No. 2, the Belfair-Allyn and Hoodsport-Union

urban growth areas, and truck/freight industry to apply who represent transportation interests as spelled out in the current resolution establishing the advisory panel. Interested persons may apply by obtaining an ap-

plication from the Mason County’s Commissioners Office, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton or by calling 427-9670, ext. 419 or from the county website www.

yet we just split our resources,” he said. “This would streamline the effectiveness of the services we put out for a good portion of Mason County.” The districts train volunteers and staff the same way and perform many of the same functions, Bakken continued. “We are the two biggest fire districts in Mason County, but as fire districts go in Washington state, we are probably below the middle as far as size,” he said. “If we get a full-fledged structure fire, it is difficult to get the minimum number of firefighters we need on scene, so we’re already calling Central Mason.”

Mason County Fire District No. 2 formed in 1946, while the AllynVictor Fire District No. 5 formed in 1953. District 5 joined with the Shelton Fire Department in 2008. North Mason Regional Fire Authority’s annual budget is about $4.1 million, with more than $2.2 million allocated toward fire and $785,990 toward emergency medical services. Central Mason Fire & EMS’ annual budget is more than $5 million, with around $2.9 million budgeted for fire service and about $514,000 for emergency medical services. Central Mason’s fire and EMS levies ($1.48 per


Nancy Trucksess was elected president of the MGH & FC Board of Commissioners.


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FEBRUARY 6, 2015 | 5

Chamber honors bank manager By ARLA SHEPHARD

Lisa Woodard, branch manager and vice president of Columbia Bank in Shelton, was awarded the Chairman’s Award at the SheltonMason County Chamber of Commerce’s annual gala in January. Woodard serves on the board of the Mason General Hospital Foundation, Mason Matters and Habitat for Humanity.



hen you live or work in a community, it’s important to become an active member of that community. That’s a belief held by Lisa Woodard, branch manager and vice president of Columbia Bank in Shelton, who was recently recognized with the Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce’s Chairman’s Award for her commitment and service to the community. Woodard is a board member of the Mason General Hospital Foundation, Mason Matters and most recently Habitat for Humanity of Mason County, all while remaining involved in the Shelton chamber and United Way of Mason County. Becoming involved in the community is a good way to network as a business person, but there are other reasons to engage yourself, Woodard said. “When you get a little deeper involved, you become more passionate about the community,” she said. “My kid goes to school here, I live here, I work here, so I’m passionate about making it a better place.” Woodard grew up in Santa Cruz, Calif., and moved to Shelton about 25 years ago, shortly after she graduated high school. She had met her future husband in California, who persuaded her to move to his small hometown back in Washington. While Woodard liked the outdoors and being near the water, she struggled to find


work in Shelton. “It was hard to find a job,” Woodard recalled. “I had taken some college courses and I worked as a wildlife photographer in Santa Cruz. I applied to jobs everywhere. There weren’t that many kinds of jobs.” Woodard landed her first job as a part-time teller at what was then Great American Bank in Shelton’s Mariano Plaza. The bank went through a series of mergers, becoming Interstate Bank, Wells Fargo and then Centennial Bank. Each time that happened,

Woodard found new opportunities. “I also worked at a couple different banks in the meantime and worked my way up,” she said. “Every merger left room for advancement and allowed me to learn something new.” Centennial Bank had a second location on Olympic Highway North and eventually closed its branch in downtown Shelton. The bank went through another series of mergers to become West Coast Bank and in 2013 its latest iteration, Columbia Bank, where Woodard works now.

Throughout all of that, Woodard has remained committed to the community, participating gradually in more and more community events, such as the March of Dimes Walk that used to take place in Shelton, and events at her son’s school, Bordeaux Elementary. “I steadily became more involved,” she said. “No matter what community I lived in, I always participated wherever I could.” For a brief time, Woodard lived in North Mason and became a charter member of the North Mason Rotary; she is also past president of the United Way of Mason County board and past president and vice president of the Shelton-Mason County Chamber Board of Trustees. “I want to make a differ-

ence,” she said. “There are some root causes for some of the issues in our community and I’ve joined many of these boards so that I can help improve the health and basic needs of the community.” Columbia Bank participates in Bank On Mason, a coalition of financial institutions that works with low-income individuals who have no or little banking history to offer low-cost or no-cost banking products. Woodard is deeply involved in Bank On Mason and also serves on a committee that puts together an annual financial information fair. “That’s a core group of people that are serving some basic needs,” she said. “Groups like Habitat for Humanity are about more than having a house. Having a stable home affects other as-

pects of the community.” Woodard’s son plays basketball and baseball, and many of his activities and experiences at school motivates her to work to make Shelton a better place. “I think I’m involved in more of these things because I hear about the issues from my son and his school,” she said. “I hear about hungry kids and kids raising themselves, basically. I can’t imagine it. There’s not a lot of youth organizations in Mason County, and groups like Mason Matters are taking a pulse on all of those things.” Being committed to the community ultimately benefits future generations, Woodard said. “I can’t protect my son from everything, but I can work to make the world a better place,” she said. “Even if it is just our little world.”

6 | FEBRUARY 6, 2015


Music boosters raising funds to add scholarships By ARLA SHEPHARD MASON COUNTY LIFE


or the past nine years, the North Mason Music Boosters Club has provided badly needed resources in the form of musical equipment, uniforms, contest entrance fees and much more to music teachers and students in the North Mason School District. This school year, the booster club wants to take their support one step further by providing at least three scholarships to graduating North Mason High School students who have demonstrated a commitment to playing music. The booster club is hosting a smoked brisket dinner fundraiser at 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Mary E. Theler Community Center, with comedian Alex Zerbe to raise funds for the scholarships. “College costs so much now,” said Gene Johnson, president of the North Mason Music Boosters. “We just want to help kids. There are so many kids who don’t even apply for school because they don’t know how

to pay for it.” Johnson joined the booster club as president in 2007, one year after the organization formed. His daughters have attended North Mason schools their entire education, and the family enjoys playing music — his daughters have participated in band since sixth grade and both take piano lessons, while Johnson plays with local bands Swing Fever and the Backwoods Windjammers. A friend of Johnson’s from the Windjammers first persuaded him to join the newly formed club. “One of the other musicians said, ‘You should come to a meeting, we need help,’” Johnson recalled. “I was looking for more ways to get involved in the schools. The more involved you are in your kids’ education, the better the schools will be.” During Johnson’s tenure, the group has gone from an annual budget of about $10,000 a year to now around $60,000 a year. The club, with about eight active members, raises money through fundraisers and selling concessions at basketball and football games.


The North Mason Music Booster Club supports music programs at all four North Mason schools, including the Hawkins Middle School Marching Band, pictured here. The club is hosting a fundraiser Saturday, Feb. 7, to raise money for new scholarships for North Mason High graduating seniors. The funds are divided to support all four schools, Belfair and Sand Hill Elementary schools, Hawkins Middle School and North Mason High. About five years ago, the district cut music funding

from all the schools, opting to save money by keeping the music teachers, but nixing each music teacher’s budget. Without money for instrument repairs, new equipment, uniforms and entrance fees, the schools

relied even more on the music booster club for support. “Our mission is to generate interest and money and involvement in all four schools,” Johnson said. “Each has their own unique challenges and needs. But

money is universal for all of them.” More than 300 North Mason students participate in a music program of some kind, whether it’s the high school marching band, choir, jazz and other bands,


FEBRUARY 6, 2015 | 7

Symphony director touts community benefits of the arts By ARLA SHEPHARD MASON COUNTY LIFE


hen Matthew Blegen moved to Mason County around 15 years ago, he fell in love immediately with the vistas, the recreational activities and the allaround sheer beauty of the community. And yet, he regularly encountered a persistent stigma about his new home — the idea that Mason County is a backwards community in the hicks, with little to offer its residents or visitors. “Being a newcomer and seeing the community with fresh eyes, I didn’t understand why this was a narrative we told,” Blegen shared with members of the North Mason Chamber of Commerce, at the chamber’s Jan. 28 luncheon. “What are the stories we tell ourselves?” Blegen is the new executive director of the Bremerton Symphony and is working on a doctoral degree from the University of Washington, where his research focuses on how arts participation can build community economically and educationally. He encouraged North Mason business owners to think about how working with arts programs might positively impact their business and the economy of the greater community. While many studies show the positive impact participating in arts can have on an individual’s stress levels, depression and even immune system, not many think of the arts the middle school band or grade school bands and music classes. The booster club has purchased new marching band uniforms for the high school marching band, a new equipment trailer that the band can take with them on the road to house bulky instruments and equipment, and new T-shirts for the elementary Mallet Masters percussion group. The club continues to pay for contest entrance fees for the high school jazz and


Matthew Blegen, executive director of the Bremerton Symphony, explains how music and the arts can improve the economic health of a community, at a North Mason Chamber of Commerce luncheon, Jan. 28, at the Mary E. Theler Community Center in Belfair. Blegen’s doctoral research at the University of Washington focuses on how arts can help redefine a community’s narrative and build stronger relationships among businesses. as critical during tough economic times. “We tend to think of arts as a ‘get to have’ and not a ‘need to have,’ it’s more the sprinkle on top,” Blegen said. “More and more research shows that communities with a higher degree of arts participation are more resilient during tough times.” One such body of research comes from the nonprofit Americans for the Arts’ “Arts & Economics Prosperity IV” nationwide study,

marching bands. “Not everyone is an athlete and I think the band kids get so close,” Johnson said. “Quality equipment and quality uniforms are important, it helps them care more. The kids really come together in band, and that’s partly due to (band teacher) Chris (Drewry).” Superintendent Dana Rosenbach reinstated the music teachers’ budgets this school year, but the booster club still wants to continue to support the schools.

For the past three years, the club has consistently talked about setting up a music scholarship, and this year, the budget finally seemed to be healthy enough to support that, Johnson said. “As my oldest daughter got closer to graduating, we started looking around for scholarships,” he said. “We realized there really aren’t any music scholarships. Our group has always said we should do it. It’s time. We’ve gotten to

which found that in 2010, a year in which unemployment hit 9.7 percent, the arts industry generated $135.2 billion in economic activity. Of that $135.2 billion, $61.1 billion came from nonprofit arts and culture organizations directly, while $74.1 billion, or nearly 55 percent, came from revenue generated by audience members spending their money elsewhere, like on hotels, restaurants and travel. This type of research fascinated Blegen and correlated with what he himself experienced on the local level in Mason County. As the former director of the Anna’s Bay Chorale in Union, Blegen motivated people with a wide range of musical abilities to work together and challenge themselves, in the process forming strong relationships with one another that strengthened the community. In 2012, the chorale was invited to perform Handel’s “Messiah” at the Lincoln Center in New York City, an eye-opening trip for many of the members, some of whom were high school students who never dreamed that being from Shelton they’d get to be part of something like that. “Arts participation is one of the most effective ways to break up that (negative) narrative,” Blegen said. Small business owners can take this knowledge and use it to their advantage, continued Blegen, who has a background in marketing. Some businesses “soft sell” items, meaning they sell the type of product that an indithe point where we’re solid now.” The club’s comedy night fundraiser is the first time the club has held an event outside of the high school and it’s also the first time the club will be able to serve beer and wine. “We’ve tried many different fundraisers, like a hamburger feed and pasta night,” Johnson said. “We’ve got high hopes for this one. Theler has more visibility and they’re pro-school.” Tickets for the event cost

vidual might buy at any given time, such as household products or dinner out at a restaurant, while other businesses have “hard sell” items, such as cars or legal services, that an individual doesn’t need until they’re in the market for a new car or lawyer. Businesses selling soft sell items need only to be at the right place at the right time and business owners can offer incentives and deals to entice new customers, Blegen said. Meanwhile businesses with hard sell items might rely on more long-term branding, so that when someone is in need of a new car, they think immediately of that particular business, he added. When it comes to the arts, a business selling a soft sell item might think about partnering with an arts organization, for instance a restaurant might offer a dinner and a show deal with a local performing arts group. “When a visitor tries out a local establishment while they’re in town for an event, it increases the likelihood by 22 percent that they’ll come back within the next 12 months,” Blegen said. A business with hard sell items could think about sponsoring or supporting an arts event to get their name associated with a positive community contribution. “I would just encourage you all to think about how you partner with schools and music programs,” Blegen said. “The point is to make our community healthier and to have more community pride.”

$20 per person and include smoked brisket, homemade scalloped potatoes and Caesar salad. Canal Heating and Cooling, Manke Lumber and John L. Scott of Belfair have been ongoing sponsors for the booster club. Next year, the booster club will likely focus on raising money for new uniforms for the middle school marching band. “New uniforms and equipment, it does make a difference,” Johnson said.

“The kids feel better about themselves and when they see their parents put in the extra effort to support them, they put in the extra effort to succeed.” To purchase tickets for the comedy night brisket dinner fundraiser, which also includes a dessert and silent auctions, visit or call Gene Johnson at 275-8276. For more information on the North Mason Music Booster Club, visit the club’s Facebook page.

8 | FEBRUARY 6, 2015


FEBRUARY 6, 2015 | 9


Code 911

What’s Happening Do you have a community announcement? Please email it at least two weeks in advance to Include a brief description, date, time, location and phone number and/or email contact for information.

Friday, Feb. 6 Practical Nursing Information Session Practical Nursing Program is a one-year program designed to prepare graduates for the licensure exam to become Licensed Practical Nurses. This is a mandatory session. Where: Olympic College Shelton When: 8:30-9:30 a.m. Info: Love INC Soup & Song Fundraiser Local musicians will be featured, along with soups donated by Mason County restaurants, stories from families and individuals helped by Love INC, and a dessert auction. Where: Shelton Presbyterian Church, 1430 Shelton Springs Road, Shelton When: 6-9 p.m. Cost: $10 donation Info: 360-462-5683

Saturday, Feb. 7 “Through the Garden Gate” Year Round Vegetable Gardening Brought by the WSU Master Gardeners of Mason County. Covers raised beds, container gardening and more. Where: Memorial Hall, 210 W Franklin St., Shelton When: 9 a.m.-noon Cost: $10 Info: 360-427-9670 ext. 688 Mason County Polar Plunge Take the plunge at the sixth annual Mason County Polar Bear Plunge. Enjoy food and activities. Warn changing facilities for participants. All proceeds benefit local law enforcement, search and rescue, and fire services. Where: Alderbrook Resort and Spa, Union When: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Cost: $25 participation, free spectating Info: 360-898-4444 North Mason Chamber Red & White Gala With auction, full meal and live music from Wilson & Kerr. Where: Alderbrook Resort and Spa, Union When: 5 p.m.-midnight Cost: $72.50 Info: Captain Joe Family Festival Prime rib dinner with dancing featuring music by the 8-Second Ride band. Kids dinner includes carnival and a movie. There will be auctions, raffles and more. All proceeds go to the Captain Joseph House in Port Angeles. Where: Shelton Elks Lodge, 741 SE Craig Road, Shelton When: 6-10 p.m.

Cost: $15-$10 Info: My Funny Valentine Dinner will include smoked brisket, scalloped potatoes, salad and a glass of beer or wine. There will be a dessert auction and a comedy show. Where: Mary E Theler Community Center, 22871 NE State Route 3, Belfair When: 6-9 p.m. Cost: $25-$20 Info:

Monday, Feb. 9 Worker Retraining Information Session Explains the opportunity for financial assistance to attend college to those who are currently on WA State unemployment, have exhausted their benefits within the last 24 months, a displaced homemaker or self-employed in a declining field. Please register. Where: Olympic College, Shelton When: 1:30-3 p.m. Info: 360-432-5400

business? A representative from the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) of the Small Business Administration will offer free counseling and mentoring for small business owners. Where: Olympic College, Shelton When: By appointment Info: 360-432-5400 Relay for Life of Shelton 2015 Kickoff Come help us "Drop the Anchor on Cancer" and learn about our 2015 American Cancer Society Relay For Life in Shelton. Where: Shelton Yacht Club, 701 E Pine St., Shelton When: 6-8 p.m. Info: 360-426-1601 x3142 or

Friday, Feb. 13

Tuesday, Feb. 10

Ongoing Food Drive During this tax season help others out by donating unopened, nonperishable food, laundry detergent or diapers. Where: Olympic Tax & Business Consulting, 10 NE Creelman Lane, Suite C, Belfair When: Open hours through April 15 Info: 360-275-0998

GED Orientation Free orientation sessions are required prior to registering for classes. Participants will take pre-tests to help determine skill level and the need for refresher classes. Students must attend the Feb. 10 and Feb. 12 sessions. Where: Olympic College Shelton When: 5-8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday Info:, 360-432-5400

Valentine Dessert & Gift Auction Lunch with auction items donated from local businesses and community members. Celebrate the completion of the 2014-2015 Live United campaign. Where: Shelton Civic Center, 525 W Cota St., Shelton When: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost: $15 Info:

Wednesday, Feb. 11 Ongoing Mother Goose Play and Story Time For children birth-6. Arrival and departure times flexible. Join in songs, rhymes, stories, group games and free play. Chat with other caregivers as children explore books, toys and blocks. Where: North Mason Timberland Library, Belfair When: 10 to 11:30 a.m., Jan. 21-April 29 Info: Family Story Time For children age 6 and younger and their families; all ages are welcome. Join in a program of stories, rhymes, songs and movement games. Where: Shelton Timberland Library When: 10:30 to 11 a.m., Jan. 21-April 29 Info: Business After Hours — Shelton Chamber Where: Alpine Way Continuing Care Community, 900 W Alpine Way, Shelton When: 5:30-7 p.m. Info:

Thursday, Feb. 12 Free Counseling for Small Business Owners Want to learn how to grow your small

40 ET 8 Veterans Club: Meets for breakfast every Sunday from 9 to 11 a.m. at 113 W Cota St., Shelton. All proceeds help to support our nurses training program. For information, call 360-426-5060. Al-Anon: Meets at 7:30 p.m. Mondays and 1:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Belfair Group Hall, 42 N. Old Belfair Hwy. For details, call 360-275-3833. Allyn Community Association: Meets at 7:30 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month at Lennard K’s Boat House Restaurant.

Parade page on Facebook or call 360-8016806.

visit hoodcanaldetectoristsclub/home.

Belfair Post 200 American Legion: Regular meeting each month on the third Thursday of each month at the Airport Diner. Anyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in dinner, arrive at 6 p.m., with the meeting beginning at 7 p.m. We try to keep our meetings to 60-90 minutes and welcome all veterans, their families and friends.

Hood Canal Kiwanis: Meets at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Hoodsport Timberland Library.

Bulldog Boosters: Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Room 201 at North Mason High School. Bulldog Boosters supports the athletic programs and student athletes at North Mason High School. Central and South Kitsap Women and Cancer Support Group: Meets from 10:30 a.m. to noon on the second and fourth Thursday. Radiation Oncology Library, Harrison Medical Center, 2520 Cherry Ave., Bremerton. For information, call 360-744-4990 or visit harrisonmedical. org. Christmastown Quilters: Meet twice a month to sew quilts, crochet or knit blankets for newborns at Mason General Hospital. Meetings take place at PUD 3 on the second and fourth Tuesdays. Donations of fabric, batting or yarn appreciated. For details, visit Country Dance Lesson, Elks Lodge: 7:30 p.m. every Friday, followed by an open dance. 741 SE Craig Road. Open to the public. Dual Recovery Anonymous Meetings: Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Theler Community Center. For information, call 360-275-3622. Elks Lodge Pinochle: 1 p.m. on Mondays, 741 SE Craig Road. Open to all. Evergreen Garden Club: Meets at North Mason Bible Church, 82 E Campus Drive, Belfair, September through June, on the third Thursday of the month. Meeting begins at 10 a.m., program at 11:15 a.m., and luncheon at 12:15 p.m. For more information call at 360-277-4295 or

American Hero Quilt Sew Day: Occurs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the second Monday of the month at PUD No. 3, 2621 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. For information call 360-462-0219.

Harrison Medical Center & Kitsap Cancer Services Women and Cancer Support Group-Bremerton: Meets at 10:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays. Harrison Radiation Oncology Library, 2520 Cherry Ave. For information call 360-744-4990.

Ballroom Dance Lessons, Elks Lodge: 7 p.m. second and fourth Saturday, followed by a live band, 741 SE Craig Road. Open to the public.

Hood Canal Good Sam Chapter: Monthly meeting is the first Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. Call Nancy at 206604-5871 for location information.

Belfair Christmas Parade Committee: Meets the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the QFC coffee shop. For information, like the Belfair Christmas

Hood Canal Detectorists Club (HCDC): Meets at 2 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month at the lower level of the Masonic Hall, Belfair. For information,

Hoodsport Lions Club: Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. at St. Germain Church, 600 N. Lake Cushman Road, Hoodsport. For more information, call 360-877-2511. Humane Society of Mason County Member Meetings: Occur on the first Saturday of the month, 10 a.m., at the Belfair Remax Office in the Pope Center. For information, call 360-7108537, email or visit Joonbug Yoga at Spring Yin Yoga workshop: From 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., $20 per person. Please pre-register by March 24 at Kristmas Town Kiwanis: Meets at 7 a.m. Wednesdays at the Pine Tree Restaurant, 102 South First St., Shelton. League of Women Voters Mason County: Meets the third Tuesday of each month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (except in July and August) in the Johnson Library at Olympic College in Shelton. We are a nonpartisan political group; both women and men over the age of 18 are welcome as members. Meetings are open to the public. For more information, call 360-2750877 or visit Ladies of the Lake Quilt Group: Meets from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays at the Hoodsport Fire Hall on Finch Creek Road. For information, write: Ladies of the Lake, PO Box 81, Hoodsport. Ladies of the Lodge: Meets 5 p.m. second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 741 SE Craig Road. Open to the public. The Lee Franklin Express Music Jams: This blues and rock band will host Sunday music jams beginning May 26 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Overtime Spirits Bar & Grill, 114 Cota St., Shelton. The jam is open to all musicians, singers and performers. Live Music at the Alderbrook Resort: Friday nights at 9 p.m., drop in to the lounge at Alderbrook Resort & Spa, 7101 State Route 106, Union, and enjoy live music. Visit to see who is playing each week. No cover charge. Low Carb Support Group: If you want to feel great while you lose weight low carb may be your answer. Meetings are Sunday mornings near Spencer Lake. Call 360-4269692 for more info and dates, times. Mason County American Legion (Fred B. Wivell Memorial Post 31): Meets at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month, except July and August, at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall, 206 West Franklin St. For

details, call 360-426-4546.

the new PUD building on Johns Prairie Road.

Mason County Foster Parent Support Group: Open to anyone interested in becoming a foster parent and existing foster parents. Meets the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at Roosters Restaurant. For details call 360-426-1544 or email

North Mason Lions Club: Meets at 7 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Airport Diner, Bremerton National Airport, 8830 State Hwy 3.

Shelton Community Toastmasters: Meets at noon on the first and third Thursdays of the month at Timberland Regional Library, 710 W Alder St. For information, call 360-462-0205.

Mason County Transit Advisory Board (MCTAB): Meets at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the MTA Business Office, 790 E. Johns Prairie Road. Mason County Public Hospital District 2 Regular Public Meetings: Occur at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Belfair Harrison Medical Center, 21 NE Romance Hill Road, Belfair. For information, call 360-275-2517 or visit Mason County Genealogical Society: Meets monthly on the first Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m., September through June, at the LDS Church, 1200 Connection St., Shelton. Contact masoncountygenealogy@hotmail. com. Mason Transit Authority Board (MTA): Meets at 4 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month at the MTA Business Office, 790 E. Johns Prairie Road. Mason County VFW Post 1694: Meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at Memorial Hall, Second and Franklin Street. Supper is served at 6 p.m. Post members and veterans of foreign wars are encouraged to attend. For details, call 360-427-8667. MGHF&FC Auxiliary: Meets at 11:30 a.m. on the second Monday of the month at the Mason General Hospital. North Mason Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheons: Occur on the fourth Wednesday of the month at The Theler Center in Belfair; Business After Hours events occur on the second Thursday at various locations. For information, visit North Mason Community Voice: Meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month at the Belfair Masonic Lodge, 23341 NE State Route 3. For information, visit North Mason Friends of the Library: Meets at 10 a.m. on the second Tuesday of the month at the Belfair Timberland Library, 23081 NE Highway 3. For information, call 360-275-3232 or email Guyla Vann at North Mason Kiwanis Club: First Tuesday--5:30 p.m. dinner, 6 p.m. business meeting at Belfair Community Baptist Church (BCBC); second Tuesday, noon-various restaurants in greater North Mason area, third Tuesday, noon--BCBC, bring your own lunch (BYOL) ; fourth Tuesday, noon--PNW Salmon Center, BYOL. For information call 360-275-8441 or visit

North Mason Rotary Club: Meets at noon Thursdays. North Mason Eagles, 80 NE Alder Creek Lane, Belfair.

Shelton Elks Bingo: 6 p.m. on Thursdays, 741 SE Craig Road. Open to all.

North Mason Seniors and Singles: Seniors and singles 55 years and older meet at 10 a.m. every Monday for live music and dancing. Bingo is Fridays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Belfair Community Baptist Church, 2330 NE State Highway 3, Belfair. Lunch is available for $3. For information, call 360-613-4071.

Shelton Kiwanis Club: Meets at 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday at Xinh’s Clam & Oyster House, 221 W. Railroad Ave., Shelton.

North Mason Music Booster Club: Meets on the second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. in the North Mason High School Band Room. NMMBC supports music and art programs in North Mason schools. For more information, call 360-2758276 or email

Shelton Moose Lodge Bingo: 1 p.m. every Sunday, 930 W Golden Pheasant Road; open to all.

Old Time Fiddlers: Members of the Washington Old Time Fiddlers' Association perform the first Friday of every month at the Mason County PUD No. 3 auditorium, at 2621 E Johns Prairie Road, from 6 to 9 p.m. The public is invited. Admission is free, donations gratefully accepted. Call Bill Crabtree at 360-868-2176 for more info. Overeaters Anonymous: Meets from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. every Thursday at Mason General Hospital in the Washington Room, and from 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturdays at Saint David’s Church in Shelton. No dues, fees or weigh-ins. For information, call Lori H. at 360-970-8249. Parkinson's Support Group: Meets on the second Tuesday of each month at Alpine Way Retirement Apartment located at 900 Alpine Way in Shelton at 12:30 p.m. The meetings are open to the public and free of charge. For more information please call Rebecca McGavick at 360-4266194. Peninsula Stitchers: Meets at 6 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month at the Belfair Timberland Library. For information, call 360-277-4113. Prostate Cancer Education and Support Group: Meets monthly at 10 a.m. on the second Tuesday. Olympic Bakery in Shelton’s Pickering District, and at 7 p.m. on the last Monday of the month at Mason General Hospital. For details, call 360-4262486 or visit Rotary Club: Meets noon Thursdays at St. David’s Episcopal Church, 324 W. Cedar Street, Shelton; $13. Sanderson Field RC Flyers Remote Control Flying Club: We fly at Sanderson Field and also on a grass field at Hunter’s Farm. Our monthly club meeting is on the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at

Shelton Lions Club: Meets at 6 p.m. every first and third Tuesday at The Alpine Retirement Center, 900 Alpine Way, Shelton.

Shelton Neuropathy Support Group: Meets at 10 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month at the Shelton Library. For information, contact Mary Ann at 360-4809480. Skookum Shelton Rotary Club: Meets at 7 a.m. on Wednesdays at St. Edward’s Catholic Church, 601 C St., Shelton. South Sound Quilters (SSQ): Meets from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Monday at the new PUD building on Johns Prairie Road. For details, call 360-432-7936. Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS): TOPS is a non-profit support group that provides sensible and encouraging weight loss. w 1188 meets Thursdays from 9 to 11 a.m., with weigh-in. Meetings are at Shelton Christian Church, 105 Arcadia Ave. For information, call Ruth at 360-432-0870 or TOPS Club, Inc. at 1-800-932-8677. w 1402 meets every Monday at 9 a.m. at the Harstine Island Community Hall, 3371 E. Harstine Island Road N. For information, call Brenda at 360-432-9635. w 0313 meets Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the new PUD community room at 2621 E Johns Prairie Road. w 1321 meets from 9 to 11 a.m. every Wednesday in the lower level of North Bay Lutheran Church. For details, call 360-275-2179. w 1225 meets at 10 a.m. Fridays at the Hood Canal Community Church at 81 N Finch Creek Road in Hoodsport. w 1197 meets Mondays from 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. at Belfair Community Baptist Church at 23300 NE State Route 3 in Belfair. w 1032 meets at 9:30 a.m. Thursdays at the Belfair Community Baptist Church at 23300 NE State Route 3 in Belfair. Twanoh Grange: Meets at noon on the second Monday for lunch (followed by a 1 p.m. meeting) at Grapeview Fire Hall. For details, call 360-277-9377. Weight Watchers: Meets twice on Tuesdays at the Pavilion at Sentry Park, with weigh-ins at 11:45, meeting at 12:15 p.m. For details, call Pat at 360-229-9439. ^

The following represents emergency calls to Mason County Emergency Communications, a countywide 9-1-1 Answering Point and Dispatch Center for all police, fire, medical and public service departments serving Mason County. MACECOM operates 24/7, including holidays, answering all 9-1-1- emergency and business lines. All addresses are in Shelton, unless otherwise noted.

block of East Shetland Avenue. w A vehicle theft was reported on the 5800 block of East State Route 3. w A theft from a vehicle was reported on the 600 block of West Franklin Street. w A vehicle theft was reported on the 600 block of East Passage View Road. w A theft was reported on the 3700 block of Shelton Springs Road.

Thursday, Jan. 22 Monday, Jan. 19

w A theft was reported on the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. w A theft was reported on the 90 block of West State Route 108. w A theft from a vehicle was reported on the 600 block of North 10th Street. w Two shoplifting thefts were reported on the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. w A building theft was reported on the 2000 block of Hay Street. w A burglary was reported on the 12400 block of East State Route 106 in Union. w A vehicle theft was reported on the 15000 block of Southeast Cole Road. w A building theft was reported on the 300 block of South Fifth Street. w A theft was reported on the 300 block of South First Street.

w A theft was reported on the 1800 block of Northeast Old Belfair Highway. w A shoplifting theft was reported on the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. w A theft was reported at an undisclosed location on East Pinedirosa Road in Union. w A building theft was reported on the 2400 block of East Johns Prairie Road. w A burglary was reported on the 500 block of Southeast Arcadia Shores Road. w A burglary was reported on the 2300 block of Washington Street. w An assault was reported on the 400 block of North Fourth Street. w A burglary was reported on the 100 block of Northeast Santa Maria Lane in Belfair.

Tuesday, Jan. 20

Friday, Jan. 23

w A burglary was reported on the 100 block of Southeast Ashley Road. w A theft from a vehicle was reported on the 1100 block of East Lake Trask Road in Grapeview. w A sex offense was reported on the 14600 block of US Highway 101. w A theft was reported on the 900 block of Alpine Way. w Two shoplifting thefts were reported on the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. w A vehicle theft was reported on the 200 block of East Arellem Road in Union. w A building theft was reported on the 700 block of Southeast Tottem Shores Drive. w A theft was reported on the 2400 block of North 13th Street.

w A firearm assault was reported at an undisclosed location on North Reservation Road. w An assault was reported on the 100 block of East Blevins Road North. w A vehicle theft was reported on the 200 block of West Storeybrook Lane. w A theft was reported on the 1700 block of North 13th Loop Road.

Saturday, Jan. 24

w A theft was reported on the 3800 block of Southeast Arcadia Road. w A vehicle theft was reported on the 1100 block of North 13th Street. w A theft was reported at an undisclosed location on East Harstine Island Road South. w A theft was reported at an undisclosed location on Northeast Belfair Tahuya Road.

Wednesday, Jan. 21

w A vehicle theft was reported at an undisclosed location in Shelton. w An assault was reported on the 3700 block of Shelton Springs Road. w A domestic assault was reported on the 60 block of West State Route 108. w A vehicle theft was reported on the 90 block of West State Route 108. w A theft was reported on the 1200

Sunday, Jan. 25

w A theft from a vehicle was reported on the 90 block of West State Route 108. w An assault was reported on the 20 block of Twana Court. w A shoplifting theft was reported on the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. ^


10 | FEBRUARY 6, 2015



Last year’s Soup and Song event raised money for Love INC.

George Mick to perform at Love INC Soup and Song event L

ocal musician George Mick will perform at 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Shelton Presbyterian Church during the third annual Love INC’s Soup & Song Benefit Concert. The Church is located at 1430 Shelton Springs Road in Shelton, and entry is by donation, with a suggested amount of $10. George Mick will play a few gospel songs and then lead a sing-a-long. Soups will be donated by Mason County restaurants. There will be stories from families and individuals helped by Love INC and a dessert auction. All proceeds benefit Love INC. Soup & Song is one of two major fundraisers for Love INC, a network of Christian churches that rely on inkind, financial, and volunteer support to provide services. The second is the fifth annual Golf Tournament and Ball Drop, which will be held July 20 at Alderbrook Golf Course. Donations will be accepted during the event to help support the ongoing work of Love INC’s Gap Ministries, which help to transform and improve the lives of impoverished residents of Mason County. Some services provided include job search mentoring, furniture, medical equip-

ment, firewood, supplying household goods and bedding to people who are getting back on their feet after a job loss, divorce or other unfortunate circumstance. “Without this kind of community support, Love INC would not be able to serve people in need,” said Love INC Clearinghouse director Leanna Shipp. All proceeds from this event go to Love INC of Ma-

son County, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit that mobilizes local churches in Mason County to assist people in need. Twenty church affiliates in Mason County helped nearly 2,000 people last year. Love INC Clearinghouse hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. For more information call 462-LOVE (5683) or email:


FEBRUARY 6, 2015 | 11


Please read carefully the first day of publication. Call Kitsap Sun to report any errors in your ad. Mason County Life will only be responsible for one incorrect insertion. Does not apply to employment advertising. We reserve the right to edit, revise, reclassify or reject any advertisement not meeting the standards of the Publisher.


JEWELRY Turquoise Jewelry; Beautiful Squash Necklace, Bolos String Ties, Belt Buckle, Necklaces, Petite 2 Jewel Women’s Rolex Watch, Coral Bracelet (360)801-1834


FARM & GARDEN Seeking rental on acreage licensed landscaper, native plant nursery. (360) 779-5002, Have your Garage Sale today!

Please have credit card ready when placing your ad. We accept all major credit cards



CASH FOR CARS Some Restrictions Apply

A-Cord Dry/ Seasoned Firewood $195 per cord cut/split/delivered (360)552-2939


DRY FIREWOOD Cut/Split/Delivered $250 - Fast Delivery! (360)265-4710 Seasoned Firewood Full cord guaranteed Cut/split/delivered 2 cord load $500 1 cord $275 (360)674-2422 Seasoned Firewood Logs 10 yard dump truck approx. 5 cords $600 (360)674-2422

WE BUY Gold, Silver, Coins, Diamonds, Estates, Houses, Gift Cards, Foreign Currency, Electronics & Anything of Value! Can’t come to us, we will meet you. Top prices paid!

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in Gig Harbor! 3616 Grandview St 253-858-7001


Elderly Bremerton man seeking pleasant, mature woman for companion/ helper. Salary negotiable. Send resume to PO Box 2704, Bremerton, WA 98310

Pets & Livestock

Have your Garage Sale today! Call 360-792-3333

FEED/SUPPLIES FIREARMS/HUNTING FIREARMS/HUNTING Eastern Hay Of All Kinds. Timothy, Alfalfa Orchard Grass Mix, Alfalfa. For more information: (253) 255-3360 or (253) 255-2076. We Deliver to Port Orchard, Gig Harbor and Shelton.


Olympic ESD 114 is hiring for: *Behavior Intervention Teacher Certificated *Orientation & Mobility Specialist *Assistant Superintendent To apply: 360.479.0993 EOE & ADA GOVERNMENT JOBS



Add Art To Your Classified Ad! Call 360-792-3333

Lateral Firefighter- Paramedic $5,188 - $6,670/Monthly DOQ Recruitment Closes 02/17/15 Jobline: (360) 473-5241 City Application and Resume Required Email: Web:



CATS KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County Cats & kittens available to indoor only homes, adoption fee. 360-584-0594 360-426-2455

BIRDS UMB COCKATOO, cage, tree, toys for $1000. Call 360-779-5881

Please have credit card ready when placing your ad. We accept all major credit cards




Feb 7th & 8th Sat 9-5; Sun 9-3 Centralia Fairgrounds, I-5 exit 79 Admission $6 503-363-9564

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$4,611 - $5,599/Monthly DOQ Recruitment Closes 02/17/15

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Lateral FirefighterEMT





With or Without Title


Alder or Fir Firewood Cut/split/delivered Full cord $200 Madrona $325 360-731-5149


SPECTRUM HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC., a contractor for the Washington State Department of Corrections, has an opening for a chemical dependency professional to be located at the WASHINGTON CORRECTION CENTER in SHELTON. Your expertise and active WA State CDP Certification (required) will be valued by professionals whose mission is to make a difference in the lives of others. Prior experience in the chemical dependency field preferred. Prior experience working in a correctional setting is a plus. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, as well as the opportunity to work with a great team of dedicated professionals assisting clients in substance abuse treatment. To apply please complete an online application at our website:

Questions? Please call the hiring manager Paul French at 253.680.2751 AA/EOE “Building Better Lives One Step At A Time.”

LEGALS against both the decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of Filing Notice to Creditors with Clerk of Court: DECEMBER 22, 2014 Date of First Publication: JANUARY 2, 2014 Personal Representative: KAREN MARIE CHRISTENSEN Address: c/o P.O. Box 1865, Belfair, WA 98528


Attorney for Estate: David B. Gates, GOODELL LAW, INC., P.S. Address: P.O. Box 1865, Belfair, WA 98528 T e l e p h o n e : (360) 275-9505

DATED this 22nd day of DECEMBER, 2014. Probate No. 14-4-00239-5 GOODELL LAW, INC., P.S. /S/ DAVID B. GATES D AV I D B . G AT E S PROBATE NOTICE TO WSBA #28952 CREDITORS Attorneys for Estate of (RCW 11.40.030) Kristin Ann Bilodeau The Personal Repre- JAN. 2, 9, 16, 2015 sentative named below AD#20144855 has been appointed and has qualified as Personal RepresentaReal Estate tive of this estate. Any person having a claim For Sale against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the mann e r a s p rov i d e d i n RCW 11.40.070, by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s SOUTH KITSAP attorney at the address stated below, a copy of 71/2+ Wooded Acr., min’s the claim and filing the original of the claim from S. Worth Ferry &2 with the Court in which Port Orchard, 1649ft manufactured hm, 3 the probate proceedings were commenced. Br, 2.5 Ba, 2 Rm Garg. w/ 1/2 Bath and Ht. The claim must be preFor Sale By Owner. sented within the later of: (1) thirty days (30) after the Personal Representative served or Please have credit mailed the notice to card ready when the creditor as providplacing your ad. ed under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication Please have of the notice. If the credit card claim is not presented ready within this time frame, when placing the claim is forever your ad. barred, except as othWe accept e r w i s e p rov i d e d i n all major RCW 11.40.051 and credit cards 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims Deceased.

Real Estate For Rent


360-792-3333 BRMERTON CONDOS/TWNHM WATER & MTN. VIEW! 3Bd 2Ba. WD, new carpet, no pets, credit check $1100 (253)691-0256 Please have credit card ready when placing your ad. We accept all major credit cards

N. MASON CONDOS/TWNHM Great 2Br Townhouse Shelton. 1st/dep/ref’s $695. No smkg. 360-981-5389 or 5382


3Br $900. Attractive, Quiet. New carpet/ paint. Handicap access. No pets. Section 8 OK. (360)871-1906

12 | FEBRUARY 6, 2015 S. KITSAP DUPLEXES 2Br 1Ba. Fncd yard, W/D hookup, water/ sewer/garbage paid, on bus line. No smkg. $875 + $875 dep. 1735 California Ave #A Port Orchard 360-536-3498




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Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton


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AFFORDABLE USED CARS 3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614



Now Only $2,999!

AFFORDABLE USED CARS 3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614

CHEVROLET/GEO Call 360-792-3333

2006 Chevrolet Trailblazer LS 85k Miles.

‘06 Chevrolet Express 12-Pass Van 3500

2007 BMW 328xi ‘97 Fleetwood Motor Home Forest River 35 ft, 39k Miles.





ALADDIN MOTORS 360-627-8692

‘04 Buick LeSabre Tax write down special! Popular V-6 engine, nice car, all the options priced to sell! Was $5,995



Now Only $3,995!

2010 BMW 328i X Drive, Premium Pkg, Cold Weather Pkg, 87k Miles, Leather, Full Power, Moonroof


Dick Vlist Motors

PARTS/ACCESSORIES NEED CASH? Scrap all vehicles & sheet metal. Paying $80 & up! 360-509-2554

OTHER MAKES 1996 Range Rover HSE / Black w Leather Int / very clean / all good glass tires. 360- 830- 4803 / 360- 509- 0074 Mob.

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard Please have credit card ready when placing your ad. We accept all major credit cards



Tax write down special rate for any church retirement or large family. New pay over $40k, loaded with options Was $9,995


For Junk & Unwanted Cars & Trucks! All metal recycling. Junk cars/trucks towed

FREE TOWING Call Today (360)340-6789 Associated Steel Recycling LLC.


Hudson Auto Center of Poulsbo



AFFORDABLE USED CARS 3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614

Hudson Auto Center of Poulsbo


Please have credit card ready when placing your ad. We accept all major credit cards


‘06 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx LT-Z This car is loaded, dual sunroof, leather interior low miles

Only $6,977!

AFFORDABLE USED CARS 3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614

‘08 Cadillac Escalade Sport Utility AWD, Luxury, Nav., Lthr., Moonroof, Multi CD, BOSE, 20” Wheels Stk #P14037


Dick Vlist Motors

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard

‘99 Chevrolet Extra Cab 3/4 Ton Pickup Vortech 350, V8, automatic, Silverado package, full power equipment, Priced to sell

Only $4,995

AFFORDABLE USED CARS 3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614



GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘04 Chevrolet Silverado 107k miles, shortbox, LS, power seat, loaded 2GCEK13T941362124


We accept all major credit cards

GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘04 Dodge Intrepid V6, auto, PLW, PDL 2B3HD46R64H612176


Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton

360-377-4575 GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘06 Chrysler Sebring LX 4cyl, auto, A/C, loaded 1C3EL46X66N145682


Please have credit card ready when placing your ad.


Hudson Auto Center of Poulsbo

GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘04 Chrysler Sebring LX 108k miles, nice, clean, affordable 1C3EL46X54N210082


3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614

3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614

We accept all major credit cards

Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton

Now Only $7,944

JUNKERS GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘03 BMW 325i Wgn 95k miles, as close to perfect as you can get, fully loaded WBAEN33453PC11522


Only $2,477


Please have credit card ready when placing your ad.

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Power Windows, Door Locks, Tilt, Cruise, A/C 160k Miles, In Excellent Condition

Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton



GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘07 Dodge Ram Crew cab, 4x4, 83k low miles, hemi, bright red, black rock star wheels, super nice truck 1D7HU18207J546553


‘04 Ford Mustang Anniversary Edition Tax write down special! Only 60k miles, fully equipped, in showroom condition inside and out Was $8,995

Now Only $6,500

AFFORDABLE USED CARS 3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614

Please have credit card ready when placing your ad. We accept all major credit cards


Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton


‘07 Ford FiveHundred AWD, 59k Miles.

Please have credit card ready when placing your ad.


$8,995 360-627-8692

Updated 24/7. Log on now to see what’s new.

GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘08 Chevrolet Cobalt 4dr, LT, 66k miles, auto, A/C 1G1AK58F987315203


Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton

‘12 Dodge Ram 2500 Crew Cab, Diesel 6.7, 27k Miles, PW, PDL, Cruise, CD Stk #P14069


Dick Vlist Motors

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard


Have your Garage Sale today! Call 360-792-3333

Please have credit card ready when placing your ad.


‘11 Ford Fiesta SES Hatchback Lthr, Moonroof, CD, Sync, PW, Pdl, AC, Cruise, Alloys Stk # P13966


Dick Vlist Motors

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard

FEBRUARY 6, 2015 | 13







GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘10 Ford F-250 XLT Supercab, 4x4, lifted, 76,492 low miles, everything done right, must see 1FTSX2B59AEA30398

2012 Jeep Patriot

‘00 Mitsubishi Eclipse $2,500

‘03 Pontiac Vibe



2010 Toyota Camry LE 4cy, 6spd AT, 57.4k mi. 1-owner, for sale by owner. $12,995. (360)373-5125

GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘03 Volkswagen Beetle Turbo S, 5spd, very nice car 3VWFE21C33M419197

4x4, 29K Miles, 5 Spd, CD, MP3.

Only $15,995

Dick Vlist Motors


1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard

Have your Garage Sale today!

Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton

Pretty Car.




Have your Garage Sale today!

Ready for your Garage Sale? Call Classifieds 360-792-3333






Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton


2010 Toyota Prius Level “5”, 48k Miles, Tech Pkg, Leather, Nav., Multi CD, Moonroof Stk #P14062


Dick Vlist Motors

‘12 Nissan 370Z 2013 Ford Escape SE, 8k miles, 2.0 Eco Boost, Sync, Panorama Moonroof, Tow Pkg, 4WD, PW, PDL, Cruise, Alloys Stk #T14073


Dick Vlist Motors

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard

GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘95 Ford E-350 Powerstroke Diesel, 12pass van, 160k miles 3FAFP08Z86R222194


Hudson Auto Center of Poulsbo



GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘05 Ford F-150 XLT Supercrew, 5.4, PLW, PDL, A/C, bedliner, alloy wheels 1FTPW14585KE34574


Hudson Auto Center of Poulsbo


GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘06 Ford F-150 XLT Supercrew, 4x4, 6inch lift, 20in wheels and tires 1FTPW14V36FA98973

360-377-4575 Have your Garage Sale today!

130k Miles.


ALADDIN MOTORS 360-627-8692

Please have credit card ready when placing your ad. We accept all major credit cards



Dick Vlist Motors

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard

Please have credit card ready when placing your ad.

Only $15,995

AFFORDABLE USED CARS 3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614

Fully Loaded, 120k Miles


ALADDIN MOTORS 360-627-8692

GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘05 Nissan Xterra 4x4, 111k miles, super clean 5N1AN08W65C608895


Hudson Auto Center of Poulsbo





GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘00 Toyota Camry SE Super clean, V6, auto, sunroof, alloys 2T1CF22P1YC376063


Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton

Only $11,995

Dick Vlist Motors

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard

41k mi., XLE, moonroof, leather, heated seats, multi-CD, JBL, full power Stk #P13971.


Now Only $2,999!


2007 Toyota Camry

Tax write down special! Low miles, total luxury and comfort, all the extras and look at the price Was $3,995


Quick, Easy & Professional


AUTO CENTER Poulsbo 877-249-5923


Please have credit card ready when placing your ad. We accept all major credit cards


Delivered Daily. Call 1.800.325.9985 to subscribe.


‘98 Lincoln Towncar



Limited Edition, 4WD


Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton

Convertible, 31k Actual Miles, 4cyl, 5spd, A/C, CD, PW, PDL, Cruise, Factory Mags Stk #P14057

‘03 Lincoln Aviator

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard


‘02 Toyota MR2 Spyder

Please have credit card ready when placing your ad.

2003 Jeep Liberty

GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘03 Suzuki Grand Vitara JX, 4x4, 121k miles, auto, A/C, loaded JS3TD62V634106786

We accept all major credit cards

‘12 Honda Accord LX Only 6787 Miles On This Almost New Honda, Has a Clean Carfax, It’s a One Owner, The Miles Is Not a Typo, Auto Trans, Loaded


Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton

2006 Kia Sedona

Touring, Sport Pkg, 11k miles, leather, mutli CD, BOSE, pearl white, 19” wheels Stk # P14064


AFFORDABLE USED CARS 3890 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360-373-3333 or 206-696-3614

‘01 Oldsmobile Aurora 122k Miles.


ALADDIN MOTORS 360-627-8692

Dick Vlist Motors

1-888-600-4428 514 Bay Street Port Orchard

16PagesofGames,Puzzles,Brain Teasers, MindBendersandMore.

GUARANTEED FINANCING! ‘00 Volkswagen Jetta GLS 5spd, 114k miles, moon roof, alloy wheels, nice car 3VWSA29M2YM135980


Updated 24/7.

Hudson Auto Center of Bremerton


Log on now to see what’s new.

Available byseparatesubscription. Forweekly deliverytoyourhomeoroffice, call 360-792-9222


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