Oct. 28, 2014 KSU Sentinel

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The sentinel

Vol. 48 Issue 10 | Since 1966

Kennesaw State University | The Sentinel

Oct. 28 2014

k a e sn eek p midterm

ammendments Story Starts On Page 5

Sage Gerard, president of KSUM, and Brian Clyne, president of Atheists United debate on the topic: Did feminism get it wrong?

Did Feminism get it wrong? Kaitlyn Lewis News Editor and James Sears Staff Writer Two students debated feminism on Oct. 24 in the Social Sciences auditorium in light of the controversies and conversations that have been taking place on campus regarding the men’s rights

group, KSU Men (KSUM). Brian Clyne, president of Atheists United, challenged Sage Gerard, president of KSUM, earlier this semester and asked Dr. Michael Sanseviro, the Dean of Student Success, to moderate

the debate. Gerard argued that feminism “got it wrong”, while Clyne defended the current state of feminism. The debate allowed both students time to present their arguments, rebuttal and answer the

audience’s questions. “[Feminism] has a normative and actionable element that has been causing damage Feminism debate continued on page 2

2nd Annual Owl-0-ween

Story Starts On Page 7


Bound Story Starts On Page 16

Matt Boggs | The Sentinel

The story takes flight on Pg. 8 Matt Boggs | The Sentinel

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